Variety (March 1926)

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VARIETY CABARETS TWIN OAKS' $12 CAUSES ARREST OF MERCHANT Leonard Storz Alleges Not Informed—Cabaret Prosecuted Cabaret owners and supper clubs are expectantly awaiting the ruling of Magistrate Louis Brodsky In Night Court next Monday in the case of Leonard Storz. 29. buyer, connected with the firm of Kirby. Block * Fischer. 128 West 31st street, arrested in the Twin Oaks restaurant, 16r West 46th street early Sunday morning. Stori ac- companied by his wife, Leona, and her mother and father had dined at the restaurant Storz lives at 115 East Mosholu parkway, Bronx. Ths Storz party had been In the restaurant several hours when a bill was submitted to him for $29, in- clusive of $12 for the cover charges. Mr. Stors protested the cover charges and sought to leave, after he offered the head waiter the money for the supper. He stated that he was unable to leave and that employees refused to give him his hat or coat. Stors said that he was arguing for more than an hour. Finally his wife went to the street and got Patrolman Martin allien of the West 47th street station. Storz' hat and coat were given to him but on the complaint of the assistant manager, James W. Smith, Stors was arrested on the charge of dis- orderly conduct. Stors was taken to the West 47th stroet station followed by his wife and her mother and father. His auto was outside the restaurant. When at the police station Smith lodged a complaint against him on violation of the Hotel Act Storz had $400 in cash with him. Bail was fixed at $500. His father-in- law offered deeds for a large piece of property In the Bronx and Stors was given his liberty. Charge Changed When the case was heard in West Side Court the charge of falling to pay a cover charge was entered against Stora and not violation of the Hotel Act. The latter act deals with one who stops at a hotel and refuses to pay for lodging and services. During the testimony Stors quot- ed figures for his eats and water that made the audience gasp. He frankly told the Court he refused 1 to pay the cover charge. "Not only , that. Your Honor," he said, "but they gypped me out of $4.60/* The Court later directed that $3.00 was forthcoming to Storz when the bills were compared. Storz stated that at no time was he informed of the cover charge- He said it was not on the menu oird nor had any one told him. His wife corroborated his testimony. Waiter Testifies A waiter testified that at IS:30 he Informed Storz that presently the midnight show was about to appear and that if otorz wanted to see it he would have to pay the cover charge. Generally, the waiter stated, slips of papors are given to the patrons notifying them of the cover charge for the show. Stors,almost at tho completion of the case asked for an adjournment. He said he wanted to secure wit- nesses. Just before the adjourn- ment was asked, the Court had tentatively stated that he believed the restaurant was entitled to the cover charge from the evidence adduced. PADLOCK RAMPAGE IN CHI Chicago, March 30. The Silver Slipper cafe, 183 West Randolph street, was the object of a permanent Injunction issued by Judge Cliffe at the request of As- sistant District Attorney Mary Bailey for alleged violation of the prohibition laws. Judge Cliffe at tho same time is- sued injunctions permanently clos- ing the Bronx Inn at Nlles Center, and Frank Grossman's place at 955 West Madison streot. Temporary Injunctions w( re issued against 11 "•oft drink" parlors. CABARET BILLS Currant Program* in CabaraU and CHtoa aa Balaw Ll*te4 NEW YORK Ambassador Grill Perot A Taylor Larry 8>ry Bd Avalon Clab May A Morrln Prankle Morris Dobra Tucona Cameron Bd Gallagher, Jr. Btttkatafe Clab Johnny Marvin Will Hollander Teddy Kins Andy Hamlltoa Harry Nadell Bddle Thomas Beauts Arts Jean Oaynor Bd Michaels B Olaeer Bd Carnvaa Clab Arthur Oordoni Pcg-gy O'Neill Jane Gray Eatelle Le Vettle Virginia Roache Marjorie Leet Betty May Mary Gleason Flossie Cryon Jerry Friedman Or Cass. Lopsa V Lopes Orch Fowler A Tamara Mitchell Bros Masked Countess Jeanette Ollmore Burns A Furan CnstUUen Gardes* Bob Nelson Gladys Sloans Beth Pitt Sleepy Hall Bd Chantan ▲Jice Lawler Arthur Browa Bddle Joyce Pegjy Dougherty Geo Olssa Bd Chai««»« Shnnley Will Oakland Chateau Band Cbre/s Clro's Follies Dot Rhodes L Smith Bd CU» Alabasa Johnny Hudglns Fowler's Orea Jean Starr Abble Mitchell Clarence Robinson Al Moors Roscoe Simmons Johnny VIgal Ruth Walker Freddie Waeh'gton Lillian Fowali Bllda Wobb Ethel Mosss Vivian Harris Madeline Odium Oladys Bryson Renee Harris Owendolyn Graham Hyacinth Sears Club Anatol Grace Fisher Roalta A Ramon Muriel DeForrest Norma Gallo Helen Henderson Rubjr Steevcns Jerry Dryden Dorothy Shepperd Dorothy Charles Claire Davis May Clark H Reser Bd Club Baraoy Hale Bycrs Bd Kth«. Craig MArgarct Hellwlg Dor In Dickinson Brad Mitchell R Jordan's Orch Everglades ■ Lindsay Rev Al B White Olive McClurs O'Brieu Sla Ji»e ConduJo Bd •4th St. Clab Mary Mulhern Dorothy Ramey Harriet Townss Mildred Kelly Dolores OrlfBa P«ggy Hart "Ripples" Covert Bern Ice Petkers Frances Mallery Ruth Sato Nat Miller Ana Page Van Lows Dolly Sterling Blaine Palmer M Speclale Bd Sth Ave. Clab Frances Williams Bert Hanlon Bobble Cliff Mlgnon Laird Mabel Olsen Albert Burks Johnny Clare Edith Babsoa Bdnor Frilling Maryland Jarbee Helen Sheperd Dorotby Dcedsr Rlohard Bennett Browa A Sedano Harry Archer Band Frivolity Hal HI son Violet McKee Dantes A Tamea Mildred Bnrlght Mils Nina Kitty Whits Kalaml's Hawallans Edna Hodges Buckley StlllwellAC Jack Denny Bd Betb Caallla Bd Lambert HosT Bra* Billy Adams Marguerite Howard Buater Massola Eatelle Penning Paul Haakon Don Caaa Don Anteno A Mas Frank Cornwall Ous Gudenan Crusader's Bd Katlnka Russian Revus Balalaika Bd KM Est Koraer Sally Fields Art Franklin A M Beck Helen Lavonns Vlclan Glenn Irv Bloom Bd Kalght Clab I Lester Bernard Frit si Brown Minuter Foklae Ballet Moss A Font ana Eton Bo j a J Johnson Bd MonU Carte Bert Lewis Ross Gorman Bd (Raymonds Roberts IEd Hutchinson Rev ar Clab Vera Burt 3ld Clark Belle Stanley Mils Nadja Rlenda Ransom Sail Holtsworth Bd Dan Healy Dolly Sterling B1geh>w A Las Irene Swor Carlo A Norma Ross A CarroU Cliff O'Rourke Violet Cunningham Beauty G'dsn' Cnos Olivette Dolores Farrls Sophie Tucker Bd Blklas Bd I Kitty Ratliy >AI Roth Diana Hunt Williams Sis Dooley Sis Ritchie Craig. CUB O'Rourke Hops Minor Viola Cunnlngk Billy Blake Bob Connolly Est Sinn Soucl Rev Billy Waldroa Jockey Francises Joey Beaton Billy Burton Bd ▼Ola ▼•alee ■mil Coleman Bd TTsHtr* (lslerta B A L Starbuek Oladys Mints ClinX Wright Orch Palmer Haose Ernest Evans Co Gerald Levy Orea O C Edwards OroA Henri Therrlcn Prosper A Marat Olive O'Ncll Davis Oreh Coatary Rao* ■ambourlne Tootsies Tim Crane Tarrarla A Collet ssle Martin (Ii '. WILT .tad) ltih Floor Bryaat I0t7-S| loss BBOADWAT, NsfvT YORK ORCHESTRAS Newaltlea. Artists sad Fleer Skowi For CABARETS Anywhere T Oalaaa Err Rubys Ksslsr Mary Lucas Colored Bbei Oreh CHICAGO Julia Oseity Jos Lewie Eddls Cos Bobby Plsree Csle Davis Howard A Fables Mildred Manly Victor Coplla Ceatary SerenaAers Florence Shubatt Frank Sherman La Mae A J oal no Lester Howaon A C Al Handler's Oreh Frtara Ism WeUs A Brady Doris Bobbins Lew Fink Seymour A Gteorge Carolyn Lames Roaalle Dora Merrltt Burnls Or Ruth Bttlns Mauris Sherman Or Ksawwati Marts Whits Dabs Sherman Mary Colbura Al Reynolds) De Quarto Oreb Martha Morten ■birlsy Buford Carolyn La Rues Tlaa Twssdls South Sea S'r'a'arrs Dials Fields ■ Hoffman Orea ▼salty Fair Adsle Walker Irene Faery Dolly Moore Adels Oould Bmnd'ge A KrasaVi Vanity Fair 4 B Ooborae Oreb Club Avaleat Bert Gilbert Leonstte Ball Glayds Kremer • Avaloa Peaches Sol Wagners Oreb Moulla Banna Bd Lowry Little Caruso Quart Pauletto La pare MoCuue Sisters Hasel Greea Rubla Area Jimmy Ray Maud Hanloa Murray A Wagaa Jim Wade's Orob BALTIMORE Teat M Davis Band Dorothy Be**gsre N Brink ley Olrt Sohaplro A Klrkw'd Dorothy K a dinar Celestial C Kelley a Orob PelAa Das Belr*d*re T W Murphy Orsh •Brer Sltpsa* Morris* Oreb •lungle Cafe Loughery A Caul CLEVELAND, O. Club Madrid i Johnny Ryan Adele Oould I Bmerson GUIs Orea Harry Bloom I CULVER CITY, CAL. Nlffhtlnsnls Irons McKlnney Harry Cook Blaekman Oreb Harry Vernoa DETROIT, MICH: Add lean I L BiUman Lee Morse iLellta Weatman Bddle Cox I Ray MilKr Oreb LOS ANGELES Will Mitchell Blklns Orch Clab Alabaai O C Snowdeu Martha Ritchie Ivy Aadersoa Marshall A Psitle Lawrsnee Ford Sidney Reeve Susls Hoy "P Howard A Orob Green Mill ▼al Roberts Oladys Cook Addis Moraa Suell Orch Cafe June Puraell H Owens Oreb Cottea Club Frisco Nick MIAMI Arabia* Nights Don Lanlng Girls Washburn Orob Club Denuvflle Durant A Durbla Salt A Pepper latabe Gardens ■rule Toung Rev Half Mooa fink A .Patkterre ■mbaesy Club Moss A Fonlana Hollywood Clab ■Isle Janla A Johnaon'a Orch Bendesvous George 81s Allea Walker Margls Croaby Paggy English James Boys Oreb Coral Gables Club P Whlteman Orch Jaa Garber Orch Blltmore Hotel Stewart A Maisoa Mori's •Ward sis MILWAUKEE Monte Carle Gene Fosdlck Orch Margie Vllant Janet Stone Bee Jackaou Sllrer Hipper Al Wholman Marguerle Edwards Ethel Bryant Janet 81s Minnie Allen D Bernle's Oreb Hedges Follies Frank Llbuee 4 Debutantes Jimmy Hodges Badger Syncop't'rs Sky Boeaa Jsan Hammond Tune Tinkers Billy Wl'Uams Phil Xestln Lucille Williams BILL PARENT MONTREAL, CAN. ▼saetlan Oardens |Msnsles Collegli NEW ORLEANS Little Club £.?». K M e rn r n n .v^tch|«»L b • , ; l, ■ Jf*"" "Bubbler* Druallla Kendall Capps Edith Shclton Club Deauvlllo Earl Lindsay Rev Joe Roman Bd Flora La Breton Trevls Huhn M Goodman Bd Moulin Rouge Rlchy Craig Jr Wilaon Sis Ethel Sweet Leurette Adams Peal Specht Orch The Owl Colored Show Owl Orch Club Lido Chick Bndor Billy Mann George Walsh Tommy Purcell Davls-Akst Orch Club anas Gene Terryettss Rev Jerry Dane San Gene • Connie's Ian Colored Revue Connie's Band Cotton Club W Drooks Rev Eddie Rector Ralph Cooper Evelyn Shepard Millie Cook Hazel Coles Annie Bates Lorrlen Harris Pauline McDonald Minnie McDonald Jonah Dlcklne n Bdlpiorence Mills Rev Odette Myrtll Yvonne George Loulou Hegoburu | Maria Kleva Leo Bill Mile. Nltta'jo Carlos Conte Nina Oordanl | Michel Dalmatoff D Selvln Bd Lucy en ne Boyer Parody Club iVan A Bchenck Qypwy Byrnes I Irwin Sis firoderlck A Leon Ignatx Orch Plantation County Fair K.ldle Worth Bd Bntortalnera Dover Club Jimmy Dumnte Eddie Jackion Lew Cay ton Ryan Sutere Mme. Flfl |Will Vodery Bd Bendrsvous iDuke Croaa |M Goodman Orch Blrhmaa Clnb IHarry Rlchman Yvette Rugel IB Coleman Oreb •Teffery Tavern Beautiful Girls Clay's Virginians Fred Fern nana Dolores Allen Connie Mack Jack McClurg Peggy La She Little Club Maris Alvorea Virginia Cooker Myrtle Oordon Robert K. Heea B Brown Synco'o Parody Cafe Phil Murray Margie Ryan Mena De Sylvia Oladys Mints Clint Wright's Orch Beads s isus Maurlns Marseille Dorothy A Anna Jay Mills Dabs Kans Eddls Clifford Williams 81s C Sjlralgat's Oreb ^AasBerur Bud Murray Rsv Flo Lewis Olive O'Nell Wayne Allen Mary Mulhert Eva Belmont Harry Maxfleld Alma Hookey Gene Woodward CrlUea Tomson Twins Revus Lido Orch (B R's'l) Town Clnb Josephine Taylor Flo Whitman Lew Jenkins Sam Kahn's Oreh Helen Burke Anita Gray DeeuTlIle ^Conner 81s Shirley Buford Martha Mart ell Helen Doyle David Qulxane Marque A Marq'tts Chas Ksrr Oreb .avutainitve Edna Lindsay Bernlce Petker Rose Wyna Alfreds A Gladys Oladys Blair Al Downs Bronse Melba Bob O* Link's Orob Rainbow Om Vera Amasar Frank Llschsrea Whalen A Hosford Moore A Randolph Edward Arthur Merle Smith Oladys Andes Eleanor Terry Marie Pollltt J Chapman Oreb Silver Slipper Mlgnon Rons Robert Fohl Pofgy Burns Pierce Keegan Helen Bldwell Madelon Mackenzie Art Larson's Orch Pershing Pateee Gene Carter Rnante Moors Comb A Atkln Madeline McKenzle Carl Isorralne Orch Parody Cafe Phil Murphy .Stewart Allen Margie Ryan Hobble Marcellus Nena De Sylvia Virginia Sheftell Tes Arlington Wanda Goll Guy aifcCormtok Hasel Vsrgse Al Piper Scranton's Sirens Ringside Geo McQuInn Billy Pierce Bobbls McQulna Harold Flatchsr Willis Jackson Sersnadsrs Victory Ins Buddy McDermott YvfttU Q'iiiui Flokest Willis Jackson Southern Syncop*rs LI be So Berenaders PALM BEACH, FLA. Embassy Club Marguerite Frloe Lee Arnold Mary Salisbury Miller A Farrell Mlrador Oroh Club Mayfntr Frances William* Sleepy Hall A Bd Mentmnrtre James Barton Cliff Edwards Harry Fender Claire Luce Polly Walker Kathleno Martyn Mary Jane Blaney A Farrah Guy A Vanduren A Hickman Orch Muleteer Grill Andre De Prang Monya Nat Bruce Orch Venetian Gardens Bvan B Fontaine H Rosenthal Orch SALT LAKE ¥ _4*UTTe Pat Casey Bobble Green Orchestra SEATTLE Butler Ecrl Gray Orob Madge Rush Club Llde Jackie Bonders Or Grace Hamilton TAMPA, FLA. Club Morocco Joe C Smith Rev Charlotte Ramonde Naomi De Musis Jack Med ford Ivan Meahilkln Balalaika Orch Jack Stern ISuzanne Keller Blue Devlla Bd WASHINGTON Vivian Marlnelll Better 'Ole Bernstein Orch Joe Bomnreet Dorothy Days 1a Java Pete Maclas Orch I.e Pared Is Meyer Davis Orch Nlffht In Bagdad F«lla Solarl Walter Kolk Mayflower Garden S Tupman Orch Martin Richardson Spanish Village CDonnell Orch Margaret Agrlsl Wardmnn Park M-e T!aer Orch Dorothy Daye Wednesday, March 31. 19ftf 67 SPEAKEASIES ON ONE SIDE ST. Between B'way and River —In Times Square A speak-easy tourist and admit- tedly expert on whisper-low Joints, has checked up on 67 known boose dispensaries on one Times Square side street between Broadway and the Hudson River. He opines that between the main stem and 5th avenue there are al- most as many, but thinks that one street the high-mark of the dis- trict. Cata Lopez Robbery Confession Repudiated Harry Kleinberg. 28, 210 East 113th street, ex-convict and carpen- ter, formerly employed at Casa Lopez, was held without ball when arraigned before Magistrate Ma- crery In West Side court on a charge of burglary. Kleinberg is accused of acting in concert with othera not yet arrested in ripping the safe at the Caaa Lopez and stealing $5,200. William Lenz, head porter, testl* fled he observed Kleinberg and an unidentified man In conversation In a room on the third floor Just as ha was preparing to close the place and paid no further attention* Kleinberg formerly had been em- ployed in the place. Shortly after 4 a, m. Charles Mitchell, colored, night watchman, said he was alone In the place when hearing some noises. About to investigate, a man came up to him and pointing a pistol told him to hold up his hands. While guarded by the man with the gun, Mitchell said he heard footsteps and later rounds of the men hammering at the safe in the office. A short time later, he said, someone whistled and the man who had been guarding him left after warning him to stay there. Detective John Walsh, West 47th street station, said he questioned Kleinberg and the latter confessed to him that he had planned the job and was to receive part of the pro* ceeds from a man named Murray, an ex-convict. The detective then produced to the magistrate a con- fession signed by Kleinberg. It was repudiated by Sidney Lash, Klelnberg's counsel. Lash said he believed the confession was ob- tained under duress. Magistrate Macrery asked Klein- berg if he wanfed to take the stand in his own defense. He declined, waived examination ana was then held without ball. Home THAW DIDN'T PAY In the reported accounts of the argument between IYmkv Joyce and Peggy Harris (English) at the Ave- upc Clnb at «l West fi3nl street, everything appears to have been accurately reported, excepting that Harry K. Thaw paid the check. While the two Peggys were ver- bally mauling each other the check ran up. After their language set-to had reached the point where It was safer to move than teat? down the celling everyone departed but Mr. Thaw. With no one else In sight the waiter handed Mr. Thaw the check. "Not me," said the blazer from Pittsburgh. "I may be crazy, but not that crazy, and this was not my party." The check reached about $300. Night Club Offer For $1,000,00 Through an agent an unidentified night club entrepreneur has been making overtures to Samuel Unter- myer to take over his city home on the southeast corner of 64th street and 5th avenue for a class supper club. The property is appraised at $610,000 and worth almost $1,000,000, according to realty experts. The Untermyer home adjoins the build- ing holding Billy Rose's 5th ave club. The Untermyer city home is a nve*-story residence with a 28.5 foot frontage on 6th avenue and 125 feet on 54th street. The attorney is in California and the offer is oe- ing held in abeyance by his repre- sentatives pending his return. NO SLOT MACHINE EVIDENCE Thomas Riga, waiter, of 310 West BSth street, was acquitted in Special Sessions Monday on the charge of maintaining a room f° r gambling. Ollloer William O'Connor of the Second Division testMad that on March 4 he entered a T restaurant at tha 58th street address and found several men operating a " lot machine. The officer arrested Riga as the person in charge of the place but the evidoiieo that he conducted thd gambling device was !n«ufnri. nt to warrant conviction the Justices concluded. Bert Rubin, formerly of the Club Dover, now owns the Club R»hy- It was formerly the Kr.tertainers- Club.