Variety (April 1926)

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VARIETY VAUDEVILLE Wednesday, April 7, 19S§ INSIDE STUFF OH ▼ATJDEVnU According to reports, the letter of resisrnatlon Arthur Klein, the agent. Bent to the Keith-Albce agency In which he relinquished bis "franchise" as. an apcnt with that oince. Informed the Keith-Albec people that Klein had concluded he must leave vaudeville for the better and wider field afforded by the remainder of the show business. Klein is reported to alKo have written he had found a deplorable lack of co-operation by the K.-A. af?ency with th*» agontfl booklner throujfh it. An agent booking through the Kelth-Albee agency Is not permitted to hook elsewhere. Very few of the K.-A. H^i-ntn aie therj who have not violated that rule. Some find It necessary, lo exist. There are so many K.«-A. agents and so few bookings for all of them that unless an agent 1p particularly if not peculiarly favored, his income Is meagre. That same agency Income Is made more scant through the K.-A. office with- holding one-half of the agent's commission or two and one-half per cent of the salai-y of the actor booked, In addition to the S per cent direct charged by the K.-A. office for every booking it records. It's own 5 per cent the K.-A. office divides with no one, that being the Keitb- Albee Vaudeville Exchange's own account The profit goes to the stock- holders of the Exchange. None of the stockholders ia an agent The two and one-half per cent, deduction from the agent's commission Is collected for the ostensible benefit of the Vaudeville Cdllectlon Agency, a subsidiary corporation of the Keith-Albec circuit. A reason for the charge of two and one-half per cent is because the Collection Agency collected the other two and one-half per cent for the agent. That leaves it a matter of the Collection Agency charging 100 per cent for lt« ser- vices It's services consists of receiving the commission sent to It by the bouse manager who withholds it from the act's salary when paying the act. Another service is for the Collection Agency weekly to make up the accounts of the agents, giving each a statement of the moni^ received from the agent's ^commission and sending ths statement to each agent with a check for hU one-half share. Max Gordon's appointment as general booking manager of the Orpheum circuit is reported to have spread over the executive staffs ot the circuit much dissatisfaction. With Gordon's inexperience as a booking man (never having bought acts, selling them only In the past, nor ever hav- ing laid out a vaudevllls bill) k>ng term service in the Orpheum's employ goes for naught, according to their reported comments. This feeling extends It Is said frrm the New York to Chicago to the Los Angeles offices of the Orpheum circuit That Goriion "sold" himself and plenty to Marcus Helman. president ol the Orpheum, isn't deniable, vaudevllllans say. Helman Is reported to have said that Gordon would save the Orpheum circuit one million dollars In salaries of acts and actors during his first year. That was ihe statement, rebeated, that proved how well Gordon must ^^ave "sold" Helman. With salaries going up as they have been doing, the Orpheum will be fortunate If Its actors' salary payroll for •26-'27 Isn't a mUUon more than It has been for this season, unless thii Orpheum abandons Its straight vaudeville policy meanwhile. Karyl Norman. "The Creole Fashion Plate," Is playing the picture houses and at a larger salary than vaudeville has ever paid him. ^Before accepting the film engagements, Mr. Norman rejected ivn offer from straight vaudeville for a three-year contract at a sliding scale with promises of much billing, prominence, etc. He told the vaudeville people he did not Intend to tie himself up for three years with vaudeville cir- cuit in these days of opportunities in the show business. An unexplained point concerning the transfer of Frank Vincent, the former booking manager for the Orpheum c.rcult, from the Niaw York to the Los Angeles office, is somewhat puEzling to many who have Inferred from stories In Variety that Marcris Helman, president of the Orpheum clk-cult Is at present under the K F. Albee spell. Variety primed In this department some Weeks ago that Albee would not be displeased If Vincent should becortio president of the Orpheum. -dis- placing Helman. As a matter of fact there appears to be three cliques of Orpheum's stockholders, one east another In Chicago and the other on the eoast Provided those statements were correct, say those who are puzxled, and Helman could be Infiuenced by Albee, why Is Helman sending Vincent to the coast? Helman Is sending Vincent tc the coast because Helman Is president of the Orpheum circuit. At the last general meet- ing of the Orpheum circuit in Chicago, it was the sense of the meeting that while there might not be any real grounds for Variety's statements j'bout Albee and Vincent there usually Is % little bit of fire somewhc.-e I clilnd a lot of smoke, and Vincent on the coas at least would be away from New York. So He man was Instructed to send Vincent the toast Hut Heiman n not send Wi T r. nk's h le* to the rujsi. .ind Walter has been close to Albee, too. Chuck 0>iiiiors, Jr., with Soogs Father Sang "Chuck" Connors, Jr., son of the famous "Chuck" Connors, Is being groomed as a vaude single by Charles Lovenberg. Young Connors has a trained voice and has been appearing In the ehorus of the Metropolitan Opera Company until recently. Lovenberg haq framed a routine of character songs including a re- sume of pld timers with which the boy's father had been identltt€d during his' relf?n on the Bowery. Juvenile Singer Given 10-Year Coast Contract Los Angeles, April I. BTvelyn Manls. Juvenile comedy singer, has been placed under a 10- year contract by Fanchon and Mar- co, producers. Marco also holds an option for another 10 years If he cares to sign the girl at the termina- tion of her present contract Miss Manls uses a German dialect in her current Loew's State* act. Brendel-Burt Act Stops Brendel and Burt are dissolving their vaudeville partnership. Bren- del has been signed by Wmous Players-Lasky for comedy pictures. He and his partner. Flo Burt left for the West Coast last week. Miss Burt (Mrs. Brendel) win not appear in pictures. Brendel will make his initial appearance before the camera with Florence Vldor in a comedy role. Later on he may Introduce his comedy Swede character In a series of two reel era. In Variety last week and In this department, through a freakish :iiemory the name of Doris Duncan instead of Doris Canfleld was carried in a story, in connection with Eddie Allen (Canfleld and Allen). Doris Duncan nev#r has appeared In vaudeville other than as a single turn. At present Miss Duncan Is with "Pair o'Fools" (Kolb and Dill) Stude- l^akor, Chloago. Fell Off Wire Los Angeles, April 6. Mildred Chester, 18-year-old wire walker, fell 16 feet to the stage of the Hippodrome, local Ackerman & Harris house, while performing on a slack wire. The accident occurred when Miss Chester attempted .to come out of a reclining position on the wire. She slipped, dislocating her right shoulder and spraining both wrists. Britt Wood Divorced By Priscilla Thompson Minneapolis, April •. Mrs. Brltt Wood (Priscilla Thompson) on her recent visit to Minneapolis with the Hackett and Delmar revue, obtained a divorce from the vaudevllllan on the grounds of desertion. Suit uncontested. Ml3S Thompson Is a Minneapolis glrL She and Wood were married here six years ago. Colored Tab in Harlem A new colored tab is on view at the Lafayette (Harlem) this week called "Tan Town Topics." It Is headed by Rddle Rector and Ralph Cooper, former principals at Con- nie's Inn. Others In the show are Gulf port and Brown, Leondua Simmons, Adelaide Hall. Arthur Gaines, Philip Giles and Maud Mills (sister of Florence Mills). • The recent bookings of tabs at the Lafayette Is taken to Indicate that the former vaudeville policy wasn't so attractive. With the tabs the house Is still running feature films on A split week change. Bros*Sisters at $1,000 Week, Pictures The Brox Sisters Arthur Johnston, their arranger- accompaiilflt, are getting |1,000 a week In the picture houses. Arthur Spizr) has the trio booked up Into July with the likelihood of a foreign engagement for the sum- mer. (8) wltij^""^y rlppe. MidgeU Wed Los Angeles. April 6. ValetU Smith. 34 inches high, and Elmer EI O'Dcll, Sl-lnch groom, were married at the F. B. O. studio httre during the Aiming of '^Bigger Than Barnum." The couple were working on the set at the time and had as guests, county and studio offlrijig, Viola Dana wa.s bridesmaid and KaJph Ince was best man. Mun- icipal Judge W. I. Balrd officiated. WILTON'S BOSTON REP Louis Walters of Boston will rep- resent the Alf T. "W ilton agency of New York throughout Now England. ILL AND INJUBED Renova (Renoff and Renova) dancer, appearing at West Coast's Warflcld theatre, San Francisco, last week, fell during a number, tearing several ligaments in her foot. Tho act canceled the remaind- er of f j^e week. Betty Simpson, of **Tlie Gilded Cage** (vaudeville), is 111 of the flu at the Buhl hospital, Sharon, Pm. Jack Rose, the nut comedian, ex- pected to enter a hospital in New York early this week for an op- peratlon. Rose thinks he has ulcers of the stomach. If the doctors find he hasn't any, the nut will probably renoaln there to take any kind of a cure they have too many of. Julius Tannen went riding the other evening with a galloping taxi-* cab. In a rush to get to the theatre, Mr. Tannen told the driver to hurry. Taking one of the 7th avenue Jumps, the taxi bounced Julius Into a piece of raw Iron In the celling of the taxi. Mr. Tannen Is thanking his thickness for only carrying a patch on his scalp. Dick Iloffman, W. V. M. A. book- er, was Injured In an automobile ac- cident In Chicago last week. Murray and Allan were com- pelled to canosl Sioux City and St. Paul on account of the Illness of Bcrtine Roblson was struck and badly hurt by an auto In Binghara- ton, N.. r., April 8. Her back, head and face were bruised. Miss Koblson was removed to a hospital and later transferred to a friend's home at 905 Avenue P. Brooklyn, N. Y. She was with William J. Kennedy com- pany In a sketch In vaudeville. Sophie Eggert is III In the Cen- tral hospital. Brooklyn. N. Y. Maude Adams know of this. Lillian Lee (Hugh Herbert Co.) (vaude) ill of pleurisy, will be con- fined for another week or more. Write to the III and Injured HARRUGES Leo Chcrnlavsky, violinist, to Qertrude £. £dlng, In Los Angeles, April 4. Stuart Paton (Gcorpe Calrncross), film director, to Ethel Patrick, Eng- lish actress, In Hollywood, March 31. Polly Hampton, daughter of Ben- jamin Hampton, pi.'lure p OiUicrr, to Walter I>. K. (Ilbso-.i. Jr., in Bev- erly Hills, Cal., March 31. INCORPORATIONS NEW VORK Arthur Spizzi Agency, Manhat- tan; theatres, oostumes; capital. $5,000; directors, William N. Hech- heimer and Thelma Bernstein; at- torney, Harry S. Hechheimer. Hollywood Pictures Corp., Man- hattan; capjtal, $40,000; directors, Florence Abramson, Lillian Cun- ningham, Jatk^ L<4vinj attorney, Louis Phlllip.s, IB60 Broadway. Spuyton Amusement Corp., Man- hattan; theatres, pictures; cajiital, $5,000; directors, M. H. Bergoffen, Max Palmer. Adeline Gordon; at- torneys, Ktlloy & Coi-nelly, 77 Pine street. Garner Ice Amusement and Pro- ducing Corp., Manhattan; theatric cal; capital, $10,000; directors, Fred Gernw, Thomas A. Ennis; attorney. William H. Edwards, 41 East 42d street. Milrsy Amusement Co., Manhat- tan; pictures; 200 shiires common, no par; directors, J. 7. Basseches, A. Perlstein, M. Schwartx; attorney. Mortimer Lanzlt. Q. and B. Dairy Lunch, Manhat- tan: restaurant, theatre; capital, $2,500; directors. Samuel LulolT. Harry Welnroab. William Blau- steln; attorney, William Rosenfeld, 233 Broadway. Movie Lovers Contest, Manhat- tan; pictures; 100 shares common, no par; directors, MolUe Sallt, Bes- sie Brandel, Etta London-; attorney, Nathan Bufkan, 14S1 Broadway. Globus Pictures Corp., Manhat- tan; capital, $10,000; directors, A. R. McDermott, Cclla Plnsker, John J. McAndrew; attorney, Isaac Perl- man. Central Park Thrss Arts Enter- prises, Manhattan; theatres, pic- tures; 76 shares common, no par; directors, L. Hallett, Herman B. Bogdish, Elsie F. Meisler; attorney, Hynrian Dominlts. Qerth Productions, Manhattan; theatrical, picture effects; capital. $20,000; directors, Kellogg Gary. Sigoumey Thayer, Joifeph F. Per- due; attorney, W. H. Adams. Chrisedoe Theatres, Manhattan; 2,700 shares preferred, $100 each; 2,700 common, no par; directors, Harold F. Eldrld&e, Matthew N. and Fanny Chrystmos; attorneys, Levy. Gutman & Goldberg. 277 Broadway. 236 W. 43d St. Corp., Manhattan; ticket agency; capital/ $;26.000; di- rectors, John A. La Bate, Benjamin Lichtenberg, John Dchring; attor- ney, J. A. ^olles, 522 6th avenue. Vtsssis Si Peterhansel, Manhat- tan; floriculturists, theatres; cap- ital, $15,000; directors, Jacob L. Kheingold, J. Levey, Nathan Burg; attorneys, Chalken & Olesker, 276 5th avenue. INCREASE OF SHARES Pathe Exchange. Manhattan, from 280,000 shares, of which 3p,000 are preferred stock. $100 each; 190,000 Class A common, and 10,000 Class B common, both no par, to 330,000 shares, of which 80,000 are preferre*! stock, $100 each; 290,000 Class A common, and 10,000 Class B com- mon, both no par value. DISSOLUTION - ' A certificate of-voluntary dissoltt- tlon was filed this week by the Donwood Theatre Corporation of Manhattan. » NEW ACTS •^Its of This and That- the for- mer flash act by Billy K. Wells Is being revived featuring McWatters and Tyson and Frank Martin, straight man. McWatters and Tyson were the principals In Jhe original *urn which was shelved some timo ago. Billy Wayne and Ruth Warren are returning to vaude after a pro- duction flyer in the musical "Su- zanne." Ledova and Rudolph MalHnofT have dissolved partnership. Ledova Is working with an orchestra while Mallinoff has teamed with Kather- Ine Gray. Joe MIllF (Mills and Duncan) and Dolly Fields (Granville and Fields) 2-act. Dance revue,' 8 people, produced by Mrs. George Flint. Rubens and Maher, 2-act. Frank Le Roy and Co., 4 people. Grace Weyman and Co. "A Night In Harlem," musical flash, mixed cast of 10 and seven- piece band, sponsored by Maurice Abbe. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. ^ Jacob Robards, at the Emergency Studio Hospital, Ix)s Angeles, -April 4, son. The father Is tho screen actor (Warner Bros.). Mr. and Mr^. Monte Blue, April 6, at Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles, dnughter. Mr. and Mrs. Calmon Lubovlskl, March 80, at Monte Sano sanita- rium, Los Angeles, daughter. Father Is a concert violinist. Mr. and- Mrs. Clarence Williams, 244 Wost 13r,th street. New York, son. Mr. Williams Is head of the colored music company bearing his nnni<v Mrs. "Williams Is profession- ally Eva T vim Siiiger Coming East; Vincent Gbihg Abroad Frwik Vincent of ,tht Orphesm Circuit Is leaving New York AprU 14 'for a vacation In Europe. Be will return about Juns 1. About July 1 Mr. Vincent will be- come the Orpheum*8 general coast representative, succeeding Harry Singer fct Los Ang^eh^< Ringer wS then return to the New York head- quarters of the clrcuil. Vincent was suceeded recently as the Orpheum's general booking manager by Max Gordon, never previously employed by the circuit Los Angeles, April 6. When Harry Singer leaves, her* around June 80 for the New Tork oflflces of the Orpheuna Circuit it ia understood he may take chuge ot a production department for tke circuit. Mr. Singer when with the Orpheum In the east made some ot Its best and earliest act-productions. While on the coast Mr. Singer has done much for the good will of ths Orpheum Circuit and gained a wide circle of friends. JUDGMENTS Joseph E. Shea I Arnold Dalrf $8,690.08. Val O'Farrell; Capital City Surety Co.. Inc.- $4,725. ^ Max Miller; Fox Film Corp. $826.69. ■ W^liam Anthony McGuirsi Praa« cek 'A Co.; Dressmakers, Inejj $1,063.60. Hufth Bernard A 8id Lorraine Ino.} Travelers Ins. Co.; $263.64. Imperial Restaurant, Inc.; U Rosen, Inc.; $662 67. . Lew Leslie; H. Stern et aLd $128.15. Moon Record Corp.;' Damor, In&; $675.01. Lee Morse* also known as Les Moskowlta; N. R. Ore^nberger; $35.22. Erwin Ostermeier; Lutheran Film Division, Inc.; costs, $70.50. Satisfied Judgment Murray W. Qarsson; Standard Accident Ins., Co. of I>etroIt; blank amount. Houses Opening The Playhouse, Hudson. N. switches bookings from Fally Mar* kus to Jack Linder next week. It plays four acts on the last half! The Park, Lehlghton,- Pa., reported switching back to Markus. who tor* merly booked it, will remain on Linder's books instead. The Liberty Amusement Co. leased the Liberty tbeatrei a new vaude* viU^ house on 4th street. Hunting* ton. W. Va.. to A^ Q. Farhpod of Montreal and Naif Tweel of thl» city for eight years. The theatre^ now being completed, will open around April 26. . , , . W.. S. JbUerfleldV«dd«d Mothsr theatre tc^ls Michigan ..circuit Mon- day (April 6) whea opening tb# State at Pontlac. The Capital, in the Brooklyn sec- tion of Waterbury, Conn., Is to open soon. The house will play movies with vaudeville one night a week. The house cost $90,000. Tbe Empress. Peetburg, N. J., is adding four acts of vaudeville on Saturdays booked by Harry Taylor. The latter is also booking vaude* vllle into the MIdwood, Brooklyn, tho latter playing five acts Satur- days and Sundays. The Opera House, New Mllford, N. J., will Install three acts Fridays and Saturdays booked by Walter Plimmer. The Atlantic, Brokolyn, and Key- port, Keyport, N. J., are addinf vaudeville next week, playing 0^^ acts on last halves booked by Qeoree Dui ree. Both houses previously operatsd with a straight picture policy. Houses Closing Keith vaudeville will be discon- tinued Sundays at the ColumbU* New Tork, after April 24. Th« house plays eight acts Sundays. IN AND OUT On account of washouts between San Francisco and Fresno, Ths Lark, the theatrical train, did not arrive here until 2 p. m. Mondaf with the result that the Orpheum and Pantages bills were late lA stHrting. In addition, the Orpheum wn« compelled to use Dyer and CompniT and Jerome Mann as emergency acts while waiting for the arrival of baggage for the regular turns. The Monday matinee at the Or- pheum ended at 6 p. m. The PantnKcs show was an hour late In starting with only one act, Claudia Alba nnd Co., ml!«?lnff- Lieut. Thielan replaced them for the matinee.