Variety (April 1926)

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Wednesday, April T, V A R I B T t 15 (WV> 14 half (t-ll) mam Bo Orer - (Otk*r> to fill) ^ U ail) (OM to lU) PSTBOrr. MICH. (FO) Ut half (11-11) f tro*' PMi Bor** y4gA 80i*'n'>o FlMlor Broo * R £arilattiaoB'BaB« td hilf (14-1T> p«Soto Dtto Croala * Hart IfalrlB FrankUa Oft Ball A Deitar tls BfToaa (U) KlBff ft Beattr Bvko * Durkla MaJoi*l« A» « td half (I«>1> WMbur A Olrlla ■ddio Bartor RAD Doaa ^ Tha Toot <Ono to flit) EUB. CaloalAl (K) td half CS^ll) Johnson * Bah^v Louia* Maaaart- Ca AI Ion Jk canXlolA >fonarcha Malady. ETANST'lJC, Ilh>. Owmmd (WV> lat half (11-14) Tob7 Wllaon (Othera to fill) 2d half (li-lT) C ft O Keating Koano ft WllUama Alabama Land (Two to nil) FAIBM'NT. W.TA. IklriBOBt <K) 2d lialf 'Cl-n> Q. A L Oardnex Rasera A DorkJbi Shlelda Orch Vaughn A ComCdrt S Alex ARTHUR SPIZZI Booking the Bottar Picturo ThoatrM NBW YORK OFFICE 1560 BROADWAY Oowa Shop CTwo to fill) (I^W) lat half (ll-lO •raoa A Dural Frank Stafford Co 'Varatea A Manley f Hannanlaca lOno to mi) 2d half (IS-IT) Thalaro A Oanr Bradr A Mahoner Carrol Rllof A C Zoek A Randolph Kafka Staalajr A M <Fo> (8) Charlotto Moyora Tarlor A Hawks lftr7 Tndor ■ria Karg Samuel Beaavlo Bd "Behind Front" MUoa (F) (U) BMba A Haaaaa . JAB Para ^ Fanl Klrlat W Allmaa A May Arpor'aad (P) (It) Rallfltoaa Ifitil A Dancara Aall A Wilbor t Whlrlwlnda fOna to 'flll) •tala (Fc> <■> Frad Strut Harlo White Braalt A Baglar Farlo Fraaka *Naw Klondike** Toapla (K> (S) ^aal Oordon iffeT9on ADateir J Ooldkett'B B4 Jaek Clifford Alice Llojd karaTleff Harrr Hlna^ I Acea (12) Nlok Lucaa Roy Cummlnfa (Othera to fill) b'BCirST'B. MASS. Franfclla Park (K) 2d half (S-11) Oalnca Broa Waiah A Taye Dancera Clownland Maaoa A Crew (One to fill) «. UTEbrooi^ o. strand (K) half (8-11) ▼lolet A Partner Tulaa Sia FTCHB'BO. MAilS. I^o (K) td half (i-li) Franklin Broa Arthur DeVoy Oo B A L. Olllotte te'C'rm'k A Wallaca Frost A MorrlaoB F'D DU LAO, WIS. BHImw (L) (It) Vlooer Trio Frank Whltmaa Peaao A Nelaoa Tony Oray Co Groat LiOOB Co FT. DODO^ lA. Blalt* (Fe) (4) Mary Jayao CJiarlua Bennett "Behind Front** FT. SMITH, ARK. MaJoaUe (U) (It) Malla A Bart Morgan A Lako Raymond A KlelafB BragdOB A- Mor'aay FT. WATNK, TND. Palaca (KW) lat half (11-11) Moore A MItckall . Dralle A Palla Bar (Two to ml) td half (IB'ltl fyocal Act L.tttle Cottage Burns A AHea (One to fill) FT. WOBTH, TKZ. MAjeotle (It) (U> Oaudamlths Freda A Palaea Oull?oyle A Tho Meyakoa FBBtB«oa (It) Melnotte t Howard A RooB Joe Freed Co Little Toahl Co (One to mi) OI.KK8 F'Ui, N.T. BlBltO (K) 2d half (8-11) 4 Virginia Olria O A M Moore Harry Rappl Raym'd Barrett Co OL'V'RSVLR, N.T. Globo (K) 2d half (8-11) A A J CoreMl Charlotte Worth Milton Pollock Co Woods A Franks Gladys Delmar Bd Warren A CorbBtt Swift olbsoB ttm Expos JubUe^i 4^ Max Fisher OraA HARTFORD, OT. Capital (K) 2d half (l-ll> Turner Broa Wlncheater A. Rooa Mme DuBarry Co Joe Darcey Mabel Walsor Oo H'V'RHILL, HAIIS. Colonial (K) 2d half (l-ll> Luch lirush Oene Tlarnea Oa Manning A Claaa C R Four Macy A Carroll HAZELTON. FA. Feeley'B (K) 2d half (1-11) Avon Oliver A Crangla Chase A Collins Bd Schofl«>ld CNrls (Two to fill) HODOREN, M. 9, Loew's 1st half (12-14) Murray A Ma«key TAD Dennett C A MoraU Harry Amea Co Sd half (1S-1I> r^estcr A Irving J J Ilarton Co. Mardo ft Wyna (Two to fill) HOTXAND, MICH. nolland (Pc) 2d half (8-lt) Paul Ash Jr Tanglefoot Stoppers HOI.TOKE, MAM. Vlctorj (K) 2d half (8-11) Copeland A Smith Jonea A OrannoB Artlsta Model Cortelll A Atkina Fisher A Oraham* HORNELU N. T. Shattnck O. H. (K) td half (8-11) t McKennas Hunter A Balloy Clifford A MarlOB Dance Revela (One to fill) MACY and SCOTT THE RADIO ACES Aiwftm Working Shafer ft n, rnlce Jlimll Sin Co (One to fill) »A8TON. PA. SUte (K> half (8-11) Bee Jong Emory Rig Final R«>hear(ial Ji^na Sk Whalen "•H ft 0(>nevleve CLAIRE, WIS. Stau (Pe> (4) Huston HtLT ■UZABETH. N. J. *laj*»etlc (K> ^ 2il half (8-11) \^]o<.k A Dunlap It'Jby Rollly frfcncls Anna (Two to fill) Kl.KlIAiiT. IND. ^^w I^rner (Pc) M h.Mf («,.,o> i*-iV.>7,T Ur,.n pv-rholt ft y„ung f-'lire A W.iniot Co J^- P.IIoy rirrh " to n;i) GRAND RAPIDS Romona Park (K) 2d half (8-11) Aerial De Oroffs Tl(>y<l Renter Modley A' Dupree Pntrlcola Schlctl'a M.inlklns Temple (Pc) 2d half (8-11) Mildred Grey Mack ft Corlell Main Radio Orch GREENF'D, MASS. VIetorta (K) 2d half (8-11) P'lum A Sia Carroll A Remont Marjon DMiicora l^ane A Golden Dare * Tatea ORRKNSn'RG, PA. Strand (K) 2d half (8-11) Ruby 3 O McOlvenoy Sh'w (Three to mi) HAMILTON, CAN. Pantagrs (It) Paul Pros HOUSTON, Tl MaJcaUe (It) (It) Hanson A B Sia FentoB A Fields Harry Kahno Colo A Snyder Oretta Ardloa HUN^GTON, DfD. HontlngtMi (KW) td half (IS-IT) Melva Talma MInetU A Jnaa (Three to fill) HUNrorif, w.Ya. OrpheBBi (K) 2d half Kara Sheltoa Beatlay Dave FergusoB Oa O'Nell A Plunkett Helea HlgglBa Oa INDIANAPOLIi Kelth'a (5) CTyclIng BmnettoB Brooks A Ross ^r A Mra J Barry Pattl Moore Bd DeagoB A Maok ~VeB4ta Qould Wheeler A Whoelor LyHo (F) (ISI Flo Seeley Co O'DonneliA MeK Russian Clngera Sidney Styne Oa Nellie Jay OrcJi Falaea (KW> 1st half (11-141 Sealo Evans Protegea Marino A MartiB Little Cottage (One to fill) td half (IB-m Munroo Bros Paul Sydelt See America First Harry Colemaa CO* (One to fill) ITHACA, M. T. Strand (S) 2d half (8-tl) Ray Robblns Mack A I^e Gonzeles W). to*» ■ Murray GIrIa Osaka Doys JACKSON, MICH. Capitol (Pc) 8d half C8-10) Jack V«n Camp Freckles Dancing Manneq'na Ist half (11-14) 8mlth & Ilynee Paul Ash Jr Cleram A Dell JTKS'NVLE, FLA. Palaca (K) 2d half (8-11) Alice Morley Donald Sis Hanley A W 81s Coghlan A Holmes Wllford A Newton JAHnC8T*Wl€, N. T. Opera nonsa (K) 2d half (8-11) Powers 2 Jean A CTare T<ew linsa Co Wells Va A West Beatrice Morrel 1 JEBS'T CITY. If.J. State (K) 5d half r8-ll) Peoston ft Ysobel Wells A; Heck Keck A Klot.som Hurrls A Volte Pale A Njrth Past A T^olaa McWaters A T y s a a ^OHNSTOWV, FA. M^Jootto (K) td half <t-ll) Evelyn A Dalay Rhoda A BrosheUo Cunn'gh'm A Ben't Brems Fits A M B U Catalano Co K'L'MAZOO. MICH. Foller (Pe) 2d half (8-l») Hart Roberts A O'M Overholt A Toung Flaglers A Ruth KANS'S CITY. MO. Main Street (WT) (11) Samaroff A Soala Bungle Liove Allen Normaa (Two to All) Orpheaas (S) Frank Sinclair Oa Harrington Sis Ethel Barrymore Co Hughle Clark Bd Snily A Thoma« (Three to fill) Pantagoo (IS) Ethel Marine Ca Lambertl Bernardl Radioship L. A M WllsoB lleT de Ltuze KOKOMO. IND. Slpa (Pc) 2d half (8-1*) Mole Bros Delmore A Moora Morton Harvey Claire Wilmot Rot LANCASTER, PA. Colonial (K) 2d half (8-11) Mary Zocller Co Denno Sia A T'b'lt VAC Avery Tom Swift Co Chas Ahearn Ca LAWR'NCE, MASS. Kmplra (K) 2d half (8-11) Adams A T Sis Cavan'gh A Cooper Frankle Kelcey Co Chas Wilson C^a (Fa) Tad Henkel OraA Ina M Butler "Stella Dallas HUl SiffMi <S) Royal North Bd TAB Healy Mascagno BaUat Six Haaaens (Two to llil> (Obo to flU) ,t4 kalf (l»-IT> Z^laya Walah A Nartaa Orr A Ramaja Oa (Thraa to nil) M*NCH*8TKR. K.H. Palaoa (K) td half (8-11) MAX WEINSTEIN althoagh head 6f the Broadway Clothes .Shop for many years, has NO connection with the concern now operating under that narae^ So guide youraelf accordingly. I AM NOW AT 166 WEST 46th STREET (Just East of Broadway) State (Fo) (t) Rube Wolf Bd Rose Valyda Fanchon A M Idea Cat's Meow "Mike" MetrapoUtwa (Pa) (2) Verne Buck Bdlth Orlfflth Drury LenlngtoB Tern OSS A Bucker "Skinner's D Suit" Mlllloa Dollar (Pc) (Indef) Thanks Bus Rido Browa A La Van Powell Six Sidney Orant Roy Rogers Oa (One to flU) McKKBSPORT, FA. Harris (K) td half (S-ll) Olntjuv Wright A MarloB Anita Pans Ce Just Walto 4 Joha Howe Ca MEMPHIS. TENN. Faatagoo (It) Eileen A Marjorla FOB VAI;DEVIIXR MATJUilAl* AND STAGE DIRECTION FR£D HEIDER JACK JORDAN OFFICE (Strand Themtry BMg.), K. T. a Oeorge Olvot Mason DIzon 1 Chin Toy Sis Baba A Honey Boy "For H'ven's Sake" Orphevaa (S) Three Orantos Ted Lewis Band Oeorgie Price Lemaire A Phillips Coran F A O Walton (Twa to All) Tcrrano Sia Raymond Wllbert City of Yesterday (One ta All) (U (W) Bea Starr Ooets A Daflly Bllda Ballet Young A Gray rip Tip Taphaak'rs MKRIDKN, CONN. raH (K) Worden Broa Joe Ortffla MOLINE. ILL. La Claira (Pc) lat half (4-7) Hircnorn Hongblrds BAM l>ale Hllljr DeArmo "Blackbird ' 2d half (8-U) Corlnne A Stars "Beautiful Cheat" MONTREAU CAN. Imperial (K) (5) Cardiff A Wales Olga Mliha rook A Oatmaa Krugle A Robles Dftwtty Rogera Novelli (It) Rill Serenuders Waller Prower Hamilton ft Hayea Halnea A Beck May Francis Achillea A Newman liOCW'S (It) Dillon A Marguerite J I Fisher Kulton A Parker Dorothy Nellson Co M'AlUstor A IVc'st'r GAP Magie/ Hot MORGAN, MASS. Myatle (&) 2d half (8-11) Throe Cheers Tha RIckarda Five Mounters Leonard A Wiisoa (One to n]l) MT. VERNON, N.T. Proctor's tZ) 2d half (t-11) Belle Baker (Others to fill) MORRISrWN, VJ. Lyoas Park (K) 2d half (8-11) B A J Pearson Burns A Wilson Raym'd A Caverly Santry Norton Rot (One to fill) MUNCIB, 1N1>. Wysor Grand (KW) Ist half (11-14) Edna Bennett REPRODUCTIONS $10 PER 100 MhwMmM- H. TARR im^n ■ s !• photo and aaaooy ardor Cesmor Urd St. BBd Braadway, N. T. C Burley A Fayaa (One to fill) LEWISTON, MoBlo Hair (K) 2d half (1-11) Cook A Shaw Sia. Francla A Rntk Hasard A Mary Demarest A Doll Brock A Browa LOIA, O. * Faorota (KW) 1st half (11-14) Melva Talma Brady A Mahonay Minettl A June (One to nil) 2d half (If-lf) Trennelle 8 Wright A MarloB Joe Mendl (One to fill) UTTLS R'K. ARK. ~ HaJeairo (tl) 1st half (lt-14) Malla A Bart Ling A Long Raymond A NIolson Bragdon A Mor'sey td half (18-18) Qeorge W Moora FMtacoo (U> Claudia Alba McDonald A Oakaa Romeo A Dolla Dana A Nolaoa < Belforda LOUISVILLE KT. Kolth'o NatloMd (KW) td half (f-11) Nelson's Katlaad Bdna Bennett HoIUngsworth A C Battling Buttler Mallen A Case Lorraine A Mlnta 1st half (11-14) Moaroo Broa f%o America First Harry Coleman Ca Jarvia Fisher Oa (One to All) td half (ll-lf) Seala Marina A MdrUm Evans Protegea (Two ta nil) LOWELL, MASS. Kelth'a (f) 4 CameroBo Sargent A Lewia Id half (t-11) May Miller Co Folllea DoLaao DotaoB 4 Jaaaleya (Oaa to Sll> MILW'KKK, WIS. Alhaaknk (Fa) (4) Lydia Harria Variety GIrIa Melba A Jeaa Madcap Moaarehs Skinner's Dresa SuH Majaoyo (WT) (II) Maxlne A Bobby Ada BrowB Ca Herbert A Nealay Hollywood FollloB Kaox Comedy 4 (Twa to All) (O) (S) Joe B Edward Bar FraakU Boath V A B 8»aataa Keller Sia A !• Ferry Oorway (Thraa ta 111) (Fo) (4) Harry Dextar Sia Plllard A HllUard (Two tofflll) 2d half (16-lT) Shapiro A O'Malley (Three to All) MUSKOGEK. OK. Majeatto (It) (It) Baggert A Sheldoa Kerr A Ensign loleen A Stone Somers A Hunt Keo Takl A Tokl NASUV'LE TENN. Keith's 2d half (8-ll> Helen A Folka Edgar Dergea Bluebird Rer Cuby A Smith Earl Hall NEWARK, M. J. Braaford (P«) (S) Rudy Wledoott 14 English Rockets "Dancer f'm ParlO" Moa«Ba (Pc) <«) Ben Berala "The Bat- Frsciar's (K) (•) Ircaa Rlearda NAN ELLIOTT WANTS ACTS Booking Exclutively with PANTAQES CIRCUIT North American Bldg., M So. Stato St., Chlaaca Phoaa Randolph 9145 Anger A Fair Kerr A Ensign McKay A Ardlna LOCK PORT, N. T. Palaca (K) 24 half (t-11) Bell A Eva Carmen A Roae Tom Senna Rer Cooper A Kennedy Tracey A Hay LONDON, CAN. Loew'a 1st half (12-14) aalettls* Monkeys Oirlle Revue (One to All) 2d half (15-18) Gomes A Oomes Frank Dixon Co Capps Family L'O IlEACH, CAL. lloyt (P> (It) ^ Ann Schuler Smith A Sawyer f;uy Voyor Co Saxatette Ann Chandler Bellclair Bros L'G BR'NCH, N. J. Broadway (K) 2d half (8-11) Arnold A Duvall Clark A O Neil (Three to nil) I,. ANGELES. CAL. Boulerard (Pc) 2d half (7-19) f!nne Mor»ran Orch Fanchon A .Vt Idea Wflah fJIfcn-an "lUckleflB I.nflr " FIgnerOA (Pe) (In<lef) I r.ondim: th" Whaler . •S-a U a-•. ' I GlbsoB A Prloa aylTta Clark Davis A MoCoy Prldkln A Rhoda LTNCHB'O. W.TA. Keith's td half (1-11) Welch A Mealy D'Armond A H't'g Pauline Saxon Tnxas Comedy 4 Billy Baker LTNN, MASS. Moale IlaU (K) 2d half (8-11) H LeVatl Co Maion A Owynaa Great Howard W Higgle Qlrla (One to fill) Orange Ororo Trio Will StantoB Shaanon F^oBea M'M'FOLIfl. MtNK. Orpbaoi (8) Demarsat A ColletM Beverly Bayno Maxlne A Bobby Olson A Johnson Webb's Entertaln'rs (three to All) (It) Harry flerantoa Society Scandals Hibbert A Hartman Little Elly (One to All) 7th St. (WV) (II) Equina Broa -ARTHUR SILBER INC. Booking Exclutlvaly WITH PANTAGES CIRCUIT lOM BROADWAY, MKW YORK OITT 1M1 MACON. OA. Keith's 2d half (8-11) Hafter A Paul I'heobe Whiteaide M«<k A Velmar Victoria A Dupree Hal Nulman MAI)I.*<ON, WIS. Orphenai (WV) HI half (11-14) Kobbin MrO'ds A L Arinnt'g & BI.Midoll lijbly A Kln»r CaroUal of Venice Villa A Strtga T Wonder A 81a Kennedy A Davis Dance Capers Rrhpire Comedy 4 Palermo's Dogs Stato (Pe) (4) Barr Twlna - MOBILE. ALA. I.yHc (K) 2d hair (8-11) T^xas Chicks Hirry A Whftl'dgo Vox A TalLut Long Tack Sam Co Tom Smith Wally Sharpies Ilal Skelly Coacia A Verdi Meehan's Doga Newark (P) (U) The Perrya Countess Bonia Tirlncoe A DeLortO Lavor-n A Crosa (One to AH) Stato (L> (19) Three Blanks Hazel Crosby Ca Nielaon A Warden Wm Rbe .SaranofT C A Norrts N. BEDF*D, MASS. Olymple (K) Sd half (8-11) Holt A Roberts O A M (^onroy At 4 P. M. Koyal OaRioyn^ Creedon A DavU N. BRITAIN, CT. Capitol (K) . 2d half (811) Albrrta Lee Co Murphy A Huk! Ciordon A Pierce N. IIB'NHWK. NJ. RlToU (K) 2d hair (8-11) Werping Willow (Others to nil) NKWUL'KCiU, N. T. ProHor's (K) 24 hair (8-11) .Miirt'.ia'H of 13:4 lf -i!.'rt Kiy Douglnn f'barles .1\rk Ilyan tV^o to nu) H. M-AVEN, CT. rala4« (K) 2d half (8-11) Huward'a Ponies Armatr'g A OltboH Dell A ItoniiPlt Rodero A Maley Wright Dancers N. LONDON. CT. Capitol (K) :d half (8-11) Wood St Lawrence W iffgln.-'vi l".e Rona Arnold Ce Minstrel Monarcha (One to fll<) N. OBIJC\N9. LA. Creereni (L) (It) McDonald Trie Zelda Santley Rich A Cherle Bobby O Neli Co Frank P Amore €• Keith's 2d half (8-11) I^ang A Haley Gordon's Dogs Paula Ayurs Hathaway Co Conlln A Glaas Orphenm (It) (It) Gordon A Rica Adamn A Griffltk Ricb A Adair Herbort WiUiama Frank Dcvue Nathane A Sully NIAGARA FALLS Strand (P) (It) Heraa A Wallace Ut-nway A Kt'rney (Iray Katnily Mack A StantoB (One to nil) NORFOLK. TA. Colonial (K) 2d half (8-11) Mtarhua Welch Minstrels Mack A Roaslteir Wallace Oalvln Hart A Helena NORRIST'WN, FA. Garrlrk (K) 2d half (t-11) Phil Cook Nilea A ManaAeld Brown A Demoat Dave Harris Ca (Two to All) N. ADAMS, MASS. Empire (K) 2d half (8-11) Lottie AthertOB Qoss A Barrows Mlaa Dambell Ernie A Dralo The Hcyns N'H'MPT'N, MASS. CalriB (K) 2d half (8-11) Brush A Thnfitaa Johnaon A* Johnson Qulnn Binder A R 4 Cllftous (One to All) NORWICH, CONN. Palaca (K) td half (8-11) ArchI Onrl Flaherty A Stoalag Jean A Marlea (Two to All) OAKLAND. OAL. Orphaom (S) Siamese Twlna Ward A Doolay Vaa Do Velda Narro _A Knos Jean Joysoa Trade Twins OGDKN, UTAH Faata«os (It) Franklin A Vlne't Dan Downing Ca Aleko Charlea AlthoR Agee Huraos OKLAHOMA CTTT Orpbeana (It) 1st half (12-14> Oautler's Dogs Morgan A Lake Marietta Craig Kramer A Breea Revue Comlqijo 2d hilf (16-lt) Brent Hayes Allen T Huston ' Hall Ermlnle A B Kenney A Hollls Chief CaupoUcaa OMAHA. NEB. Orphevm (S) Trini Amateur In T^ondon Harrinon A Dakin C'rtney A Randolph Versatile Trio DIxnn HIggs Trla (Two to nil) Pontages (It) Torcal'fl HoontArs Petty J.rMT Heat Phil .Se'd Co Stanelil A Douglaa ((jne to nil) Blalto (Pc) (4) .VcUie Sterling Co OTTAWA, CAN. Keith's (S) Hayncs A Bock Walter A Brower Arhtlles A Newmaa O'Dlva Peski A Martin (One to nil) OTTL'MWA, lA. New Fquare (Pc) 2d half (8-10) Mncey A Madeline William Morrow Saxo Six PAHADKNA, CAI* Pant agee (12) r>leut Tlirtinn Macon A IIokuo .Nancy K;tir DcJtlys y.^ Jarvin Sr Ilnrrison it AvHllnns PASSAIC. N. J. New Montaak (K) 2d half (8-11) Cannon A L<ee Rule A O Brlea llanlon Bros KHh<>r A Margie Fanlasies of 1928 PATER.'^ON. N. J. Keith's (B) O'Donneil A Blair I.ytell Ac Knnt Solly Ward Raaha Khythmlo W A H Browa (One to Qi:> PENSACOL.*, FI.A. Sa«ug(T (K) 2d half (l-ll) W & B Kord Noel LesttT Barber A J&ckaoa Duoley A Sales Permalne A Shelly PEORIA, ILU Palaea (KW) td half (1-11) Whirl of Synce PHIL.%DELPIIIA Broadway (K) 2d half (B-II) Ward A Movili PnTSFIJ). MASAi Palace (K) :d hair (8-11) r<aDoux & I.ouiae Crystal A AnderaoB Just a Pal Al Belas) o Uirlle A Dandles PORTLAND. MM. Keith's (5) lA-van A l>ori9 Moran A Wiser ilurris I'lnire ."Senator Murphy Will A I Holmvs PORTLAND. O Pantagoa (12) rantagea Circus PORTHMOl Til. O. Ijrroy (K > 2d halt (S-llI Hori Co Nate I.<>1palg TAD Ward Dallaa Walker Oa (One to nil) POTTSVILLE, PA. Hipp (K> 2d half X8-11) BelaJil Trio Burr A Elaine FRANK WOLF, Jr. Booking Theatras in Philadalphia, P.enngylvania, New Jersey, Dela- ware and Maryland Acta Caa Fill la Their Open noia WIRE WRITE CALL Tal„ Sprara 1095 Colonial Trvsl Co., Fhlladelphla, Pta. Rosemary A M Jean Oranea^ Holiday In Dizle'd (Two to All) Orooo Keys (K) td half (8-11) Leach LaQulnlan t Shapiro A JordoB Five Honey Boya Fera A Marie'e Dance (1^) (D Oraco Ayres Co Joynor A Foster McDevItt K A Q BAB Oorman Keyhole Kameoa Spencer A Willi Daaay Dare C» Far'e (Fe) (•) Francis RenauM Tons Kelly Hlckey A HaK Kam TIa Chlaeso Tr Wm Esmond Ca Palace of Pleaavre Pa« (Pa) (•) AdoI'de Hughee Oe Benny A Westoa Karyl Normaa Hell'a F'r Hundred Grand O. H. (K) td half (t-11) Carpos Bros Kranols A Wally Bz-Wlves Bob Oeorge Key's Bohemii Jack DeSylvIa Co (Three to AH) P^HK'PSIB. V. T. Frootar's (K) td half (8-11) Musical Oeralda Tom Darls Ambrose A May Harry Holmes Jacks A Queeaa FROVIDKNCB, RX Albae <K) (B) Rtrobel A Mertea Harmon A Sands Larry Stoutenburgk Rhyme A Reaaoa Chas Chase (One to All) (L) <1S) Kath Sinclair Ca Bheppard A ^Ing Wedding Bing Raymond A Royee Marge Beth Co Fay-o (Fe) (S> Mildred Crewe Olrls Banqnet Song D Joseph Cr^en Bennett A WIIUb Plese Trla Tough Ouy HHth's (ft) C^l Schenk Hewitt A Hall Welr'^Elephaata Lady rearse Marlon A Ford Alma Nellsea Charlotte Oreeaw'd Beege A Qupee NlaoM (K) td half (l-ll> Powell Troupe Annette Dare Dainty Marie Joy Bros A Otoens 888 Sycamore Opera Hovse (K) td half (8-11) Thre Melvlns Luscano A Baker Karter'a K«mediaas (}ood A Slogel Major Revue Wm. Pens (K) td half (8-11) Frank Silk Princeton A Wata'n Ward A Raymond Sun .Fong r^la Co (Two to nil) READINO. Rajak (K) td half (8-11) Oaffney A WaltoB Old Homestsad Paul K»rkland Oe (Twe to All) RED BANK, H. JL Palace fK) td half (1-11) Ryaa A T^eonard Nevlne A Oordea (Three to All) RICHMONIi,>A. Lyrle (K) td half (1-11) MlchOB Bros Rudoii A Dunlgaa Florence Oast O'Rourks A Kelly Daltoa A Craig ROANOKR, FA. Raaatka (R) td half (1 11) Krafto A Lamoat Homer Llod Rey Bensye CllfTord Billy Beard W B Ritchie ROCHRSTRR, N.T. Toaaple (K) (6) Frank Richardaoa Sager Mldgley Henry Regal Fisher A Ollmore Parlsiennes Hurst A Vogt The opinion of all naaaagers, this wrmmum,, le that we are a great elenn next ta elooing aei HARRT MART CARDIFF and WALES PITTHBCRGH, PA. Aldlaa (Pe) (9) Allen White Band Pittsburgh t "The Dal" Davis (K) (B) Hayea Marsh f IT Stan Kav.ino ,li Frank Dob'ua Rlhel Davis Bob Hall Sherwoods Roy Cummins* Vardell Bros Harris (K) (S) DeWllfrcd A B llurna & Francis ThOD«» i>e<*re Olrlo Karl Hampton Co Larry Il<*llly JAM .Sells Sherldaa Hq. (K) 2d hair (8 11) Raymond I'ike Milton A- ( ]\OH\*:\Kh Cxip'.d'n ' ■ j ■ ■ • iipn Jones r f A R Earl A r. i:" . Angel Bros ROCK FORD, ILL Palaea (WV) 1st half (11-14) Pat Daley Co Oscar Lorraine Orr A Ram Co (Two to nil) 2d hal* (IS-IT) Bobble MrQ'ds A L Ben Merofr Dd (Three to nU) R'K ISL.\ND, iLk Ft. Armetroag (Pe^ (4) Frani M^la^I Co ^"Klkl" S'CR'MENTO. CAL Orpheam 2d half (8-11) Il>nny Rubin Four Valrntinos A«'f H .-iji.njl Hobby yt>\f rn Mason &. Kci irr IlnrriH .V Holiy Hill Dooley on pnpo 50>