Variety (April 1926)

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Wednesday, April 7, 1926 CABARETS VARIETY 47 BOia AQ AS ^HAKE" FORCAFECOVERCHARGE Another Arrest for Restaurant Gitest Disputing Extra $2 Per Tax FLOOR SHOW OF 50 Chicago. April •. The Frollci cafp la itaglng four complete ahowa nightly for the 16th edition of Roy Mack'a Prlvolous iProUca, produced In circua atyle. Included In the cast of 60 are Joe Svery Sunday morning West 01do Court aeema to have a party of four or more patrona arrested lor 'alllniT to pay dinner ohecka. j^aln thla Sunday morning five peraona. Including two women were •bagged" for not paying couvert ebargea in a night club. In thla caae the trouble occurred In the Russian Swan. 161 West 67th ptreet The manager, Rubin Arva- rlan. charged the five diners with disorderly conduct, contending that thay refused to pay for their eats amounting to $24. All but one girl spent the night in the West ZOtS^ fltreet Jail. They gave their names as Ruth Kelly, 20, stenographer, 1420 Pa- elrtc street, Brooklyn; Catherine Sweeney, 19, stenographer, 12 Em- *inett street, Brooklyn; George Col- lins, 26, salesman, 410 Newkirk avenue, Brooklyn; I^o Finn, 26, aalesman, 616 West 122nd street, and Charles Graff, 28, salesman, 121 Lafayette avenue, Brooklyn. They were charged with disorderly con- duct In the police station. Last week the prisoners were charged with violating a hotel act. Falling to pay for "grub and sleep." This is an excellent weapun for the cabarets and supper clubs to "shake" those who protest the •couvert" charge. Most of the police lieutenants Win not entertain such charge. However, some will. Finn, spokesman for the defend- ants, stated that they had con- sumed about $15 worth of food and "soft stuff." Never, he declared, yrsiB he shown a menu with the "couvert" eharga of |2. When the 'bill waa submitted the amount came to $24. Finn and his party pro- tested the "couvert" charge atat- Ing they had •not been told of it nor did they aee it. Without much ado the employes hurried to the •treet and returned with a blue- coat The establishment always as- jmmes the resT>onslbIllty of causing the arrest. Mr. Bluecoat is too amart. He Is afraid of a boomerang and the gatnlsheelng of his salary for false arrest. The party so- journed to the police station where the guests are Jailed imtil court arraignment. In court the next morning Arva- rlan atated his case and displayed a menii 6ard showing it plainly read 12 "cQuyert" charge. Finn said It iwaa t^e Orst time he saw it. The magistrate suspended sen- tence on the quintet when they promised to make good the entire bill. Finn tendered his white gold Watch to Arvarian until he could get the necessary cash. Arvarian accepted it. LewLa, Julia Gerlty, Howard and Fablea, Cele Davla, Victor Chaplin, Bobby Pearoe, Mildred Manley and Eddie Cox aa maater of ceremonies. A atandard TaudeviUe acrobatic company, the Six Arabian Tip Topa, la alao In the production. CONNOLLY BUSY STAGING Bob Connolly has opened a danc- ing school and has been enprapred to stage the dances for William A. Brady's "Kitty's Kisses." He is also staging revues for rU>Mt5um Heath Inn and Shclburne Hotel, Iiiii;hton Beach. Alabam't Notices Unexpectedly came the "notice" for the let-out of the entire male chorl.ster contingent of the Club Alab^m, New Vork. Some of the principals also received the walking papers. Of the former masculine array of ertertalncra the only onea retained were Johnny Hudgins, Al Moore, Clarence Robinson and Johnny Vidal. A new show will give the incom- ing chorus ita chance. MTH ST. CLJJB CHANGES HANDS Al RajTno has disposed of his in- terest in the 54th Street Club, ^hlch was .taken over last week by the Schwartz Brothers and Bern- Bteirt. This trio also operate Ciro's and Club Richman. Raymo's main reason of dispos- ing of the uptown place Is said to have been prompted by a desire to rtevote his entire time to Kaymo's, Orocuwlch Village. MOSS AND FONTANA BACK Mosfl nnd Fontana returned to the Mlr.idor, KcTv York, April 5. The dancers havo been in Flor- •fla in the interim. Shifts In Colored Floor Show Pfvoral ch.inges have occurred In llie colored revue at Ciro'«. Walter iMchartlFon and Blanche Galloway, Pi lnc'raLs, have been supplanted. CABARETS THE LEAST IN PADLOCKING CASES CABARET BRLS Current Programa In Cabareta and Citias aa Below Listed NEW YORK Grill Perot a Taylor lArry 81 ry Bd Club May a Morrla Prankle Morrla Dobra Tucona Cameron Bd GaUasher. Jr. Club Jotuinjr MarviD Will Hollander Teddy Kina Andjr HamlltoB Harry Nadell Eddie Thomas Beaux Arts Jean Gaynor Bd Michaels B Qlaaer Bd CarnTaii Club Arthur Gordoni Peggy O'Neill Jano Gray Bstelle Le Vettle Virginia Roache Marjorle lieet Betty May Mary Gleaaon Flossie Cryon Jerry Friedman Or Cum Lop«B ▼ LopsE Orch Fowler ft Ta.naru Mltohell Bfos Majiked Countesa Jeanette Gilmora Burns A Furan CuatUllun OurdcM Bob Nelson Gladys Sloan* Beth Pitt Sleepy Hall Bd Alice L,a*Tler Arthur Browu Bddle Joyce Pevgy Dougherty 0«o OIs«B Bd Chut«au flhanl«7 Wm Oakland Chateau Band CIro'a Ciro's FolUea Dot Rhodes I* Smith Bd qub Alabum Johnny Hudgins FowUr's OrcD Jean Starr Abbls Mitchell Clarence Robinson Al Moore Roscoe Simmona Johnny VIgal Ruth Walker Freddla Waah'gton Lillian Powal. Elldu Wibb Ethel Moses Vivian Harris Madeline Odium Gladys Bryson Renee Harris Gwendolyn Graham Hyacinth Sears Club Anatol Grace Fisher Ronlta Sc Ramon Muriel DeForrest Norma Oallo Helen Henderson Ruby Stccvens Jerry Dryden Dorothy Shepperd Dorothy Chnrles Claire Davis May Clark H Reset Bd Club BumtT Hale Dyers Bd Elinor Kenrn Born^h Minnevitch "Bubbles" Drunllla Kendall Capps Edith Shelton . Club DenuTlile Earl Llndnay Rev Joe Roman Dd Club IJdo Chirk Bndor Billy Manti George Walsh Tommy Purcell Davls-Akst Orch Club Sans Genu Terryettes ReT Jerry Dane San Gene I Connie's Ian Colored ReTue Connie's Band Cotton Club W nrooka Rev Eddie Rector Ralph Cooper Eveiyn Shepard Millie Cook Hazel Coles Annie Dates Ixtrricn Ilarr^ Paul'.nn lJff^)n-\:<i Mlnnlo Mrl'onald Jonah Dlcklni'n fid County Fiilr EMi'^ Worth U(l Knt»Tt:iincrs Diirer C'lnh Jimmy Uuranto Eddie J.nckKOQ Low v'Navton Ryan .«;MfTS Mme. nri Ethel Craig Margaret Hellwig Doris Dickinson Brad Mitchell R Jordan's Orch Brargladaa Lindsay Rey Al B White Ohve MoClur« O'Brien Sis Jo« Condulo Bd •4th St. Club Mary Mulhern Dorothy Ramey Harriet Townea Mildred Kelly Dolores Grlflln Peggy Hart "Ripples" Covert Bemlce Petkere Frances Mallery Ruth Sato Nat Miller Ann Page Van Lowe Dolly Sterling Elaine Palmer M Spedale Bd Sth ATS. Club Frances Wllllama Bert Hanlon Bobbie Cliff MlgnoQ Laird Mabel Olsen Albert Burke Johnny Ciar^ Edith Babson Ednor Frilling Maryland Jarboa Helen Sheperd Dorothy Decder Richard Bennett Drown it Bedano Harry Archer Band FHvuUty Hal HI son Beth Chains Bddle Lambert C A V D'Atb Violet McKea . Kitty White Jack Danny Band Hoff nrau Billy Adams Marg^erit« Howard Buster Maszola Bstelle Penning Paul Haakon Don Casa Don Anteno A Mae Frank Cornwell Qus Gudenan Crusader's Bd Kutlnka RulMlan Revue Balalaika Bd Kit Kat Korner Sally Fields Art Franklin E ft M Beck Helen Lavonne Vlcian Glenn Irr Bloom Dd Knight CInb Lester Bernard Frltsl Brown Mlrador Foklne Ballet Moss A Fontana Eton Boys J Johnson Bd Mont« Carlo Ted Relly Rev Richie Cralf7 Jr Thelma Edwards Sam piaster Sally Doran Papl Repay Mafie Donia Alva Morgan Muriel Merritt Five T/Ocust Sis Mammy Jinny Ruth Day Trainor Rros Rons Gorman Band Mnntmrrtr* TTulbert's Perlots Klnra T«a Breton Trevis Huhn M Oocrtmnn Bd Moulin Rooge nirhy Craig Jr "WMnon Sis rtthpl Rwnet TiftuVette Adsms Pual Ppecht Orch Th^ Owl Colored Show Owl Orch PaH^lana Odette Vyrtll Yvonre Crorire T^oulou Ilepoburu Nfarin Klova T.rn m\\ Mile. NIftn'Jo r'arlOB Cnnt* N'Ina Oordanl Mlrhr"! DalTintofr n Pelvin T<d T.urvrnne Boyer Pa rod ▼ riiib n\r^*y T!"rnr>§ Tgn.Tr r»rrh Plnnf adon •"lor^nrr V. I'.n r.pv Wi:i Vf.d'-rv TM Renf'»iv«n« Srin''«'V Sawy'r M n.0*^*1 runn Or-h Rlrhman CInb TTarry nti-hman Vv^fte Rupel R roNirinn Or-h Vera Burt Sid Clark Belle Stanley Mile Nadja B!»nda RansoB ^ Bazl Uoltaworth Bd Jr ■UT«g SUppav Dan Healy Doily Sterling Blgelow A Lm Irene Swor Carlo A Norma Rose A Carroll Cliff O'Rourke Violet Cunningham 'Beauty O'den' Cbos Olivette Dolores Farrla 9. Tnckw's Playg'd Sophie Tucker Bd Elklns Bd .Kitty Retlly IaI Roth Diana Hunt Wllllama Sis Doolcy Sis Ritchie Craig, Cliff O'Rourke Hope Minor Viola Cunningham Billy Blake Twin Oaks Jack Waldron Hazel Bowman Amy Revere Shadurskaya A B Dorla Vinton Esther Muir Tony Francesco Bdythe Flynn Vnia Venice Emll Coleman Bd Waldorf-Astoria B A L Starbuck Teerar* Gardens Hank A Lill O C Edwards Orch Henri Therrlea O lve O'Ncil r.Iadys Mint! c'iint Wriglii Orch Palnacr House Ernest Evans Co Gerald Levy Orch BALTIMORE Tent M Davis Band Circus Carnival Knbaaiiy CInb Davis Orch CoBtnry Roef Ttfknbourino Tootsies Tim Crane Tarrarla A Collet Tossle Martin lALt T. WILTON] 12th Floor Brraat C027.K N»T»IU««, ArtUto and Fioar Showal For CA BARETS Anywhere Schaplro A KIrkw'd Dorothy Kadniar Celestial C Kelley's Orch Polka Dot BeWd're T W Murphy Orch Silver Slipper G Morris' Orch Jungle Cafe Lout;hery A Caul CLEVELAND, O. Club Madrid | Johnny Ryan Adelo Gould I Emerson QlUs Oreo Harry Uloom I CULVER CITY, CAL. Plantation Jack Klcln Woodl)ury Sisters Isabcll Lowes May SoltapcU Laura Martin Roy Ingram Orch DETROIT, MICH. Addison Lee Morse Bddle Cox IL Sillmnn Leilta Wcstman Ray Miller Orch LOS ANGELES Orecn MIU Val Roberts Gladys Cook Addle Moran T*ua Giduaa's T Oulaan Rer Rabye Kceler Mary Lacaa R Z<eonard Bd BMnm WUkcB*a Colored Show Orch CHICAGO VraUca Julia Gerlty Joe LswJa Bddle COX Bobby Pleroa Cele Da^t* Howard A Pablea Mlldried Mahly Victor Coplln Century Serenadero Alamo Florence Shubert Frank Sherman La Mae A Joslne Lester Howson A C Al Handler's Orch fVffim Inn Wells A Brady Doris Robblns Lew Fink f^eymour A George Carolyn Laruea Rosalie Dorn Merritt. Bnrnle Or Collese Ibb Ruth Btting Maurle Sherman Or Kenwood Village Marie White Babe Sherman Mary Col burn Al Reynolds Do Quarto Orch Helen Burke Anita Gray Martha Mortell Shirley Bnford Carolyn La Rues Tina Twecdie South Sea S'r'n'd'rs DIsle Pleads ■ Hoffman Orch ▼aalty Tmtr Adele Walker Irene Faery Dolly Moore Adele Gould Srund'ge A Kraem'r Vanity Fair 4 H Osborne Orch Club AtuIou Bert Onbert Leohette BaU Glayds Kremer Avalon Peaches Sol Wagners Orch iTounn Bouc* Ed Lowry Little Caruso Quart Psulette Lapere McCune Sisters Haiel Green BILL PARENT Booking High Class Supper Cluba aud Cafea Woods Theatre BIdg.. Chloagu Jeffery TaTcm Beautiful Girls Clay's Virginians Fred Farnham Delores Allen Connie Mack Jack McClurg Peggy La Sha Little CInb Marie Alvorex Virginia Cooker Myrtle Gordon Rot>«rt K. Keen B Brown Synco's Dora Maughn D B B Parody Cafe Phil Murray Margie Ryan Mena De Sylvia Gladys Mlntz Clint Wright'a Ore) B^adezvone Maurine Marseilles Dorothy A Anna Jay Mills rial)* Ksne Eddie CllfTord Williams 81s C Stra<gnt's Orch Samovar Mud ?.1urray Rev Flo Lewis r)i)ve O'NeJI Wayne AH* n Mary Mulli-rt f: . a B' imor.l ifnrry Mr.xnold Alma HooUry Gea« Woodward CriPon Tomson TwIds R» vue L;do Orch (B R's'l) Town Clob Josephine Taylor Fo Wh'tman Lew Jenkins Ham Kaho'a Orrh Rubin Areu Jimmy l^Ly Maud Hanlon Murray A Waprtrr JIra Wade's Orch DeAQvIIIe O'Conner 81s Hhir^ey Buford Martha Martell Helen DoyTe Paviil ^Qulxano Marqae A Marq'ttc Chaa Kerr Orch HantaMTtre Edna Llndsey nernicft Petker RoHe Wynn Alfrrdo A Giadye r.iadfa Ftlaly Al Downs Uronzc Mflba Uob O' Link's Orch RaJnbow Gardens Vera Amazar Frank LlFch»'ron V.'halrn A HoHford M"ore A Ttrindolph Edward Arthur Mrrl*.' fimllh (ii}\i\y:i Arnlvs R>anor Tfrry Marie I'ollltr J Chapman Orch Pershing Palnee c: •n'* r.-irf^r J' otuU At k in ' ar. 1,'ir • a ■ < >. < h I I I'lircMly Cafe rhl! Mui ; )iy "-'t' wan An M ;i rt; . e 1\ y i n l'.i,h\i,o M in < :;us Ncn.i Do Fylv.a VIrpinIa F)iffit;i Tex Arlington Snell Orch Cufe LafayetU June Pursell H Owens Orch Cotton CInb Frisco Nick Will Mitchell Elklns Orch Mildred Waahlngo't MIAMI Arabian Nights Don Lanlng Girla Washburn Oreh Club DeauTlIle Durant A Durbln Salt A Pept)er FttfMirood Roof Gone Fosdick Orch Margie Vllanl Janet Stone Bee Jkrkson Bllyer Slipper Al Wheiman Marguerle Edwards Ethel Dryant Janet 61s Minnie Allen D Bernie's Orch Hodges Follies Frank Lrbune 4 Debutantes Jimmy Hodges Jerre Clark Mildred Boyd Edna Cunningham Mona Boyd Clob Alabam C C Snowden Martha Ritchie Ivy Anderson Marshall A Pertle I^wrenee Ford Sidney ReeTo Susie Hoy P Howard A Orea Eslnba Gardens Ernie Young Rev Half Moon Fink A Patklerre Kmba««y Club Moas A Fontana Hollywood Club Elsie Janis A Johnson'a Orch BetideBTona George Sie Allen W{,l)<er Margie Crosby Peg(fy English Jamee Boys Orch Coral Gables CInb P Whlteman Orch Jan Garber Orch niltmore Hotel Stewart A Malson Mori's Ward Sla MILWAUKEE Monte CaHu Boom . Badger Syncop't'rs Skjr.BAam Jean Hammond Tune Tinkers Billy Williams PliM ITestfn Lucille Williams MONTREAL, CAN. Venetian Gardens jMenzics Collegians NEW ORLEANS Utile Club Wanda Goll Guy MrCormIck Ha eel Verges Al Piper Scranton's Sirens Rlpgslde Geo McQufnn nilly Pierce iJobble McQulpn Harold Fletcher Willie JairksoB Sercnaders ▼letory Vna Buddy McDermott Tvetie Qulnn Flokeat Willie Jackson Soutbcfn Byncop'ra LIbo So Bertnaders PALM BEACH, FLA. Embassy CInb Marguerite Price Lee Arnold Mary Ballnbury Miller ik Farrcil Mlrador Orch CInb Mayfalr Frances 'Wrtllame Sleepy Hall A Bd Montmnstiw Jainra Barton . <'\\n Edward/i Harry Fender Claire Luce Polly Walker Kathlene Majprn Mary Jane B1«.ney A Farrah Guy A Vanduren A IIlcl<man Orch Midcteer Crlll Andre D^ Prang Monya Nat Bruce Oreh Venetian Gardene Bvan n Fontaine H Rosenthal Orch SALT LAKE Tiouvre Pat Canpv Bobble (:rr<<n Orchest ra Hhea's DUk Forscutt Bd SEATTLE Rutlt-r K.irl f'.ray Orch Madre Hu<h f'luh LMn Jarhle S'»ii.3i r«» Or • iraf'O Harjiili'in TAMPA, FLA. riub M'frorro foe (J I'.i'V •"harlotfe Ramonde Naf.rril De Muale Ja< k M.-.lf .rd M"^hi'kln Dal.'ilalka Orch Jack Hlern H-izanno Krll»>r liilj'- I M \ , p Kd WASHINGTON 'If^ht In IlUHsla Bflt.-r 'Olo r?< rr.'.: n Of i b .)')< r -r r'Pt I">')r'.tli •• I' i <• tf:i\ a VvXf Mar. m M/i\ flower c;.ir<l^n ' Tuprri in Orrh P:iani«ii VIM ige F>. tr Mar. m or h , , ,| q^, >, l..«> );oii.l(r. Mf V>r»l»tmn I'nrl Ijo I'arHills ■w^1«'* )4i'r O'cli A glance at the latest flock of paillocklnp stilts filed by U. S. At- torney Bucknor'a diligent ttaflf dls- >. loses that the cabarets are the smallest offenders In Volstead vio- lations, although usually the target for the greatest publicity. There arc more spi.ik-easy apart- ments, grocery and olive oil stores, c\fiVir stands, soft drink and candj stores, and even radio repair shops pcddlinp hootch on the side among the offenders than the restauranta and cabarets. BALLROOMS Bait Lake City. April C. Orlof Farr, formerly manager of the White City in Ogden, has taken over management of the Cinderella Gardens and Pleasure Pork thla season. Sioux City, la., April 6. Purcha.«<o of the Roof Garden, Sioux City dancing pavilion, by R. C. Knapp from Tht«mas Archer ha» been announced. The considera- tion, although not announced, was understood to be in excess of $50,000. Ogden. U., April C. "Moonlight" dances have been placed under ban here. They aro forbidden by a city ordinance. Chief Jonathan Jones saya he haa notified managers of dance halla that the ordinance will be enforced. Complaints were received that the lights were too dim for the sood of the youth, the chief aald. Ogden, U., April 6. . Mr. an^ Mrs. Joseph Giles wera recently awarded the championship in a contest here to determine the best dancers of the Varsovienne. The Giles are a gray-haired couple,, but they danced the old time favor- ite with grace, poise and aasuvance. Old-time dances are belns re- vived here with enthusiasm. A series of auch dances has been held and each has been a decided flnoA- cial success to the promoters, Uie crowds increasing on each occa- sion. CABARET REVIEWS (Continued from page 48) rating the interior with a Spanish motif to flt th Castillian billing. With the atmosphere, the only thing that matters thereafter la a likely dance band and aatlsfactory incidental entertainers. However, for the II couvert the boys are giv* Ing fhe show qulfyn bit ol mttentl u n .- - Bob Nelson as master of ceremonies, Gladys Sloane, songstress, and Beth Pitt, danseuae, are the three stellar attractions, with the smart "Sleepy" Hall /atzlsts dishing out good dance r^usic. Hall (Yale. '24), with bis collegiate musicians, are a claas anset. further noticed under New Acts. . The new Castillian Gardens, look- ing spacious and comfortable, with plenty of ventilation for eummer comfort, seems set for brisk patron- ago thip season. Across the street the Pelhaia Heath Inn, nee Harry J. Susaklnd's Marigold Gardens, Is direct com- petition, and reported doing fairly welt the past few weeks, with Nat Martin's band on the dance end. With *Y.- new Castillian Gardens brightly lighted as It is. the Gold- mans' place makes a greater exter- nal, Hash. As for business, both of them should be able td hold their own. Therfe Is no parallel condition around the New York roads as here. In spots there may be a roadhouse within one mile of another. That's also here with Woodmansten Inn, off the road to the eaflt, but the Pelham lloath and Castillian are on opposite corners of the same intersecting roads. To the northwest, on the flame Peliiam road, these two road- hnuso cut off City Island, Callfor*—• nla Rnmblers* place and Hunter lalnnd Inn. but to what extent the double road drop-Ins will affect the other rcsortn thert^abouts no one vrnfuron to nay. It thu Coxtiilian and the Pelham Heath wrow friendly enough to send tu«in»sa into each otlur when it is lenvipf,' cither place, advising de- parting' gucnts to toe the plice acro«;.s tlie raad thpy jxuiy be ab!e to hoM parties botwcon the two all Pelham road hasn't had much bnslness thla winter. Too naany nf^Tht cluhe for htdsdways. down- town. Thifl road, tthioh ruili into t!»e Foston read .-tt New Rochelle, is heavily traveled* la the wirm liionliiS. AbeL