Variety (April 1926)

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16 V A K I B T y Wednesday, Aprfl 21, 1926 PRESENTATIONS-BILLS THIS WEEK (April 19) NEXT WEEK (April 26) Shows carrying numerals much aa CIO) ar <11) indicate opanlnr this week, on Sunday or Monday, aa data may t>a. For next week (17) or (18), with split weeka also Indicated by dates. An asterisk (*) before name eigrnlflea act la new to city, doing a new turn, reappearing after absence or appearing for first time. Initials liste<l after bouses for booking affiliation are: Pictures (Pc) Independent (In) Keith's Wsttam (KW) Pantages (P) Interstata (It) ^-^rT',* <"-> Orpheum (O) Bert Levy (BL) isTciltion (WV) Where no Inltlala are used with name of theatre, denotea bouse Is without regular booking ainiiation. Picturaa SncHide in claaslflcatlon picture policy wltb yaudevllla or presentation as adjunct Independent includes those pop ▼audeville (vaudeville and pictures) theatres affiliated with no general booking office. FOanON BILLS Month of April GEBMANT 8e«la WataM-Orlewe Daunton Sbaw CIroy Eltsoff Tr Qcschwifltar BltUr Willy WUI Capt Wiiiatoa Co Lord Ain Ryu WlBtprsmrtra Andy tc Irvias Uoby Rone a P Halt HanMU Claire Feldcrn Torino Oharly RInela ResM Godfrey Codonaa Griffith Droa (Ona to fill) BRBUN Hannanaa Rable RItter & Knappa Laccjr a Aennl Dancan Lec Loma I|Ola Mcnsell ni'lpulaner Rer Jenny adder Aasi^rda Tr MEW TOBK CITY AmarUM (L) lat aalf (K-M) Ford a Price 4 Peppar Bhakars Marco Bath Ca Pegsy Drooka Cbuin Jk Bronaoa Paul JacohauB (Two to HIT) Id half (19-1) Min a Krlenda Three Kenoa 81a Bobby Vao Horn Let'e Dance Benca A Bewley Trahaa A Wallaoa Kodak a Slater (One to fill) Avaaao B (L) lat half Ci-St) Boyd a Wa Iln Hastard A 8pel]m*a RuaJlan Lova Dolly Kramer Oo (One to nil) 2d half (S»-i) Three Blanka Ctaua Fnrrylhe Co Nisht Clab (Tiro to ail) Boolavard (I.) 1st half (2C-2I) Depford Trio Del Klwood Jack Conway Co Trahan A Wallaao Cafe Madrid Id half I2»-1) Prevo«t a Goalat Bwor a L^o Loulae Glaum Co LeMeau A Young Caraon A Kane Rev Bbadfrajr (K) (It) Stanton A Dolorea HucKt<y Calv't A 8 Mullteu A Fraucea Denno Roctiell H A B Clark Rev <ODa to fU!) (K) td half (22-26) Herb Faye Healy A Croea Marion A Ford Roaa A Mooo (Three to fill) Fraaklla (K) td half (22-3fi) Ltioyd Nevada Rule A Tensy Foil lea Da Luxa Tyler Maaon Keller Liewla Co vOoa to mi) Oradoy 9q. OA lat half (Sl-lt) Bramlnoa T^wiB St Smith Swor A L«a McRaa A Mott Jack Donnelly Rot (One to All) Id half (29-1) Depford Trio Renard A Weat Dor FranriBco Co Lander Broa Co Harry Amea Co (One to All) HamUtoB (K)* 2d half (22-21) Del Or tea Will J Ward Raelnl A Ray Flaher A GUinore Kins A Queena (One to mi) Hippodrome (K) (19) Chaa Oiaao Odiva Toto Cantor Roatsnblatt W A K Howard Danceland Kaufman A LdlUan Norton A Melnotto Ansol A Fuller Movie Maaqua Sd half (29-S) Lohne A Sterlina P A a Roaa Tell Talea Lana A Barry Marso Beth Co (■) (IS) Ansel Broa Raymond A Balrd Joa Stanley Crawf'd A B'derlck Naaimova Newell A Moat Trevor A Harrla SylTla C'ark Betaso'urt A Olrlle (1«) Daro AppoloB B^oaaoBi Saaley Co NaasbtoB A Oold Healy A Croaa Wella Virginia A W Veraatlla Trio (Two to flll) Wm Bba Cafe Madrid GONET ISLAND TUjoa (M) Wm Kba Jack Powall Ma (OBa to Sll) Id halt (tt-t| Dlas MoBkaya 4 Pepper Bhakora Droadvaj Whirl ChalB A BroBSOB Paul JsoobaoB (■) Sd halt (tt-ll) Bdwarda School , Btuta A Blnsham (WV) (10) UttJo Plplfaz Om Aroaad Olobo Billy Oala Co OrooB A Da^al Taylor A Marekley Aerial Smiths Ib Wrons Wolford A BUvaas Zuhn A Drcia Talaaak A Daaa RlTa A Orr Chlahoim A Bi Adamleaa BdoB Maud EWTOB MabaMt AddroM Cure VARIETY. NEW YORK Tmf ■■•"<*m HE |ll£WTOB I wnrs Melville StetaoB Jr Arllne A Saala Chaa Rosera Co (One to flll) MetrapoUtaa (L) (le) Oalnea Broa EInle Clark Co One Sumitrer Day LeVan A Dollea Uuiran A Mara Rav (Oaa to flll) Tyson A Adama Howa A Coraell Wayburn A WatooB Gordon A Day Karle A Rovela <Two to flll) MldwAot (Pe) td half (12-24) Lans Drua Lock hart A Laddie W A B Ryan Conley A Francis (K) Sd kalf (M-MI TaauUU S Jaakle A Blllla Arckar A Balford Combo A Norlna Oska DaLour Rav AIXBNTOWIf. PA. Caloirial (■) td half (tl-21) I Saltoa Chaae A Collina Wealey Barry Co Walter Browar Sandy Lang Co ALTOONA, PA. Mlahler (K) td half (12-21) Harrla A VaoshB Dettia Maria A J Barto A Maok Joa Mandl (Oaa to flll) ASBl'BT P'K, N. J. Mahl SC. (K) Id half (12-26) Fredericka A Co Cook Sis Callahan A Mans Babb DeRoaa A Co (One to mi) TOV WILL NEVER HAVE ANT DIPFICVf.TY OBTAINING AN INTEE- VIEW WITH ANT MEMBER OF THIS AGENCT WHEN TOV CALK THAT IB WHT THIS OFFICE IS KNOWN AS THE FBIENDUEST AGENCT IN NEW TORE. THE FALLY MARKUS VAUDEVILLE AGH<CY 1579 BpMdway Lackawanna 7876 NEW YORK CITY M half (22-2t) Homar Romaiao McLalloB A Sarah Seymour A Jaaaatta (Throe to flll) FAR BOCKAWAT CaloiMa (K) OFFICIAL DBNTIST TO THB K. T. A. DR. JUUAN SIEGEL laca Broadway. Now Tork B«l. 4ath and 47tli Bta. Thla Heekt Marsoerlto Rlwaer^—Jarnea Cowaa PAUL KODAK and SISTER FEATURING ""The Broken Wing" Loew's American AprU 29» 30, May 1, 2 BOOKED BT WILLIAM MACK Maaacar VaBderlllo DopMrtmant LARRT PCCK ASSOCIATE ALF T. WILTON INCOnPORATED 1560 B'way, at 46 th Sl Orpbeom (K> td half <22-IS) Ellen Harray Wlllle'a Reception Carney A Earlo (Thrco to Sll) FbIboo (L) lat half (2«>2I) Smllatta Broa Gary A Baldl Prlmroao Pour Mack Dairnova Oo (One to flll) 2d half (29-2) Del BIwood Rosa A Edwarda Prlmroae 8'mon Co (Two to flll) Jimmy Have Jtodtno & Malay (Two to nil) Capitol (Pc) (It) Celia Tnnlll Dor s Nlira Olaflyn Kicft Wm Robyn A'brr:ina Vltak "Ornustark" Colla^BBi (■) td ha'f <22-2i> Kcmator A Devcra IlntTtfl A Shaw Jack NorwiMih Myron Pearl (One to nil) I>elaBcoy St. (L) lat half (2S-28) Johnny Clark Co Carl A Inea Dor Franceaoo Co Calvin A O'Connor Girlie Rereta (One to nil) 2d half (2f-t) Brunilnua Lewis A Smith Hyams A Kvana Pujtvy UrooUa MrHno A Mott Movie Masque Slat St. <K) (IS) Tuodlea A Tod Smith A Strong .Toe Mnrkn Mart HofTidua Torka A Klnr Tom Brown Bd W H to J 0th Ave. (K) 2d half (22-2fi) Gallarlnl Sia Eamond A Grant Senator Murphy (Othera to flll) SSth M. (R) td half (22-tf) Louis Hart Nat Chick Halaoa tJ'audo A MartoB Igrlo Loapino 0» Shields A Delaney Unsch (J rls IloAcincjuL Troub're Helen Jia'h S Stan Cavan.iugh Dare A Wahl Aiii'ka Ci'.no Foklnt) HRllot Tom Davles 4 (Othora to flll) JaEaraoB <K) 2d half (23-21) GAM Moore n^.t Levy li Jbhy A Mayo rprher C'ofit«llo Dd Hob Hall (Tlireu to flU) IJncoIn Sq. (I>) 1st hair (26-28) Uurku A Itotty T>nre A Bowley Thnrnton A r"rl*l'B IJroadway Whirl (One to fill) 2d hnlf (?«-t) Carle A Inrr, Calvin A O'Connor (Three to flll) Nailonal <L) Ist half (2S-2S) DAL aik'lte P A K Ro:.« Uenard A Wost Landor Uros Co Ifariuonia 2d half (29-2) Johnny Clark Co Flanders A Dutlar Chaa M' rati Co Thorrton A C'rl«t'a Jark Powrll Six 125th Ht. (K) 2d half (22-26) Harry Downlnir M'-Corm rk A W Taa Frank A Tuwna (Three to flll) Oipheani (L) lat half (2«-2l) Pravoat A Ooalat Rernit (K) td half (22-2t) DahelBf McDonalds ICaat A Dumka Will Mahoney (Three to flU) RlToraldo (K) (If) Groh A Adonis Carroll A Gorman Marshall Montt'm'y Alice Lloyd Chaa WIthcra Alma NfllaoB (:orb»:tt A Barry ZolUa Bis (2«) O'Dlva Foala Wr.ivcr Tiros nitric A T>un1op (: .A 1 ;i r i II i S i (Others to fill) R^nlto (P«) <lf) n;«.na Fli arli Kar! <'arpcntcr Taul Conlan Molody < "Heaven's Sake" BiToU (Pc) (It) Cl;irlon Trump't'rs II n Murtasn Renee riayne Josephine I'aple »y\b\ a Facran Vivian Uunchar nurnofr A Jos'ph'e Spcncor A Rrarh "Social Celebrity" Royal (K) td half (22-21) Rock A Blossom Huches A Pam Mary on VadI Co (Three to flU) Stato (L) (t«) France A I^aPell Three Orettos F.iMie While Keyholft Kameos Mourath A Deeds Arnuut A Bros 8trHud (Pe) (It) John Quintan Klemova A Klddon Pauline MiIK>r Uernardo DePace Dehaven A Nice •Old Lovea for New* Victoria (L) lat half (26-211) Threo Blanks Flanders A Butler Hyama A Bvaoa Sandy Shaw Lot'a Daneo 2d half (2t-t) Ford A Price Sheppard A Ktug FntBclaa Boaa A 2> Thoratoa A ■q«lra« td half (21-2i) CAB Oraaa Soliy Ward Cuacla A Vcrdl Walah A Kllia Kola Sylvia Co (One to flll) BROOKLTN Alboo (K) (It) 4 Klewenlnfa Murdock A Mayo D'Appolon Bd Morria A Baidwin Larry Sloatenburs Fink's MulfB (Others to flll) (26) Mme llortnaa Sylvia Clark Hjb TInll WAG Aheara Na;:linova CiiKtkton A Mack (Two to flll) Iloahwlrk (K) (It) Mine Herman Castlcton A Mack Jahn A D 8Is Fuwara A Wallace Harry Homes rierbert Sanderson Hal Skelly Davis A i'elea (16) Homer Uomalne Ixtnr Tack Sam Ryan SIstara (K) 2d half (22-21) Music Roll 4 Emp^rora I.iewla A Amea Farco A Rl chorda (Two to flll) RiToni (K) 2d half (23-26) La S'le Haaaan A M 5 Nelaon Jack MerllB (Three to flll) WllUrd (L) lat half (26-21) Taa ArakI Japa Farrcll A Chadwich Thornton A Squlraa Chaa Moratl Co Saranoff Gal A N 2d half (29-2) B A L Gllette DeWitt A Fletcher Jack Conway Co Tales A CaraoB Olrlle Ravuo CniCAGO. ILL. Americas (WV) 2d half (22-25) Lamonc A Jemery Joa Dalaney Frankla Kalcay Co CcBtral n (WV) 2d half 422-25) Roberta t Frlsch Rector A T C A G Keatknff Allen A Nurman Colored Bd Chl<affo (Pe) (IS) Fountain of Gold "Let a Get Mar d" DUersey <0) (IS) RIvarro A Ramjo Elliot A La Tour I'at Daley Co Haynea L'man A K Bstelle Dudley Co Kentucky Ramblera North Ooirtcr (P) <lt) Auaale A Caeob Melva Bla J net Typo Ben Smith Mazetta Lcwla Co Palaco (O) (If) Ethel Barrymoro Harry Hlnea Weston A Bllno Four DIamnnda Al Moore Bd Amateur in London Dixie Hamilton BliUto <L) (td) VIsser Trio Frank Whitman ASHE^'ILMC. N. C. RoHh** td kalf (tt-tt) MlcheoB Broa Rudell A DoBlvan Gast A B O'Roorke A Reltly Dalton A Craiff ASHTABULA, O. Palaoo (K) td half (22-26) Joseph'e Amoroa Co Jones Morgan A R John Howa Co (Two to flll) ATLANTA, OA. Fosythe (K) lat half <26-2t) NswMt Spring Stylss in 8UIT8 and TOP COATS Now en Display BEN ROCK 1632 B'way, At 60th St^ N. V. City EnfflewoM (WV) 2d half (22-28) iOnisan A Oe« Freeman A Morton Al's Here Johnny Hyman Doll Houae Bardln^^Pe) (18) Peaao A Nelson Tony Gray Co Great Leon Co Uovert A Mitchell BiTlern (O) (It) Al K Hall The Shezzlea Clark A Dersman Snow Columbua Co (Two to flll) Senoto (Pe) Spring Tonic Ed Lowry Tim Marka Frank Judnlek Kins Sla Art Kahn Orcb "The B ackblrd" Stato Uiko (O) (IS) Welch A Norton C'rtney.A Randolph Uscar" Tyorral ne Jean Southern HUB A Olta School Daya Harry Hayd<»a (One to flii) (2<5) Wm Brack Co TrinI Harry Burns Moore A Freed (Others to flll) Terminal <Pe) 2d half (22-24) Snntncc'. Cooper Bis Orvllle Rennia Fulton * Sol Will SI an ton tlvoU (Pc) (IS) Greenwich Vll Fay l^nphler 7 A sea rieston Gicn Bllen (Same bill playa Macon 2d half) Romalne A Caatia Leo Beera Pantheon Slnvera Masked AthlaU (One to flll) 2d half (2t-2) Bohemian Nighta Meehan A Shannon Cromwell Knox La France A Plarea (One to flll) Keltb'a 2d half (22-2t) Wllhat 3 Mack A Roaaltar 3 Senatora Wlae Cracker Harry Holman Strand (L) («€) Claude DeCar Co Sainmy Duncan Onuk A Shaw Sis FMsano A Landauar Mabol Wa'tcr Co AUBURN. N. T. Jefferaon (K) 2cl half (22-26) Hadji All (Others to flll) nAI.TIMORK. MD. Century (Pc) (IS) AI Lent 2 Orcb Ho-". Horses EmbaMoy (Pc) (IS) Jimmy Carr Orcb Opera vs Jazz N-w Klondike Garden (Pc) (It) Midget Troupe J A J (' ibsoo WHEN PHILADELPHIA TAILOR JACK L LIPSHUTZ 908 Wahnt St. ORDER MONDAY: FINISH SATURDAY Rddle Rosa Hayes A Moaor .(Three to flll) Flatboah (K) (It) Merle's Birds Irmanette Melilinff«r A Wms Clara K Youtif Movan A Flint Paul Yoran FoUon (L) 1st half (2G-2I) Dies Monkeys DeWItt A Fletohar I*me A Barry Harry Ames Co (One to flll) 2d half (tt-2) Rackoa Farrell A Chadwtrk Kaufman A Lillian Sandy Shaw Harmonia Gataa (L) lat half (29-21) Lobaa A Starlins Dan Holt Curry A Osboraa Hicks Bros Ben Pa ley Orch '•Th,» B arkbJrd" Kodtlo (WV) 2d half (2l'.;5) rSordon A Day Wise A Janese Jane Dillon Doris Judy 2 FitBsimmonn A P Alexandria A Olsen Uaeola (WV) 2d half (22-21) Ah San A Jo Green A Gale 0!d Army Game Elliott A TATour LeRoy A Hart Rev Merttktu (Pe) (18) Milt Watson Mildred I^Salla Johnny McDowell "Tkat'a Mj Baby" Max Alexander 'Social Celebrity" VptawB (Pe) (IS) Cdna T.cedom •" vf Slruiipc^r Ida May <Jn ^dwirk Ilanjiilanrt «iua M'l.r «li/ H<iin«' & Piinn Bonny Kru« gcr Or "Sorial Ci'lebrlty" Vic (Wl) (It) Pennylc Don A E Min-m A Cook Rocky Mt. 4 MK'onnell A West Monroe Uroa AKRON. O. EHth'a <td) Three Area Ed Jania Glrla (Otbera to flll) Eddie Rn^era Crehan A Hana'n Co Siberia Hlppodromo (K) (19) Stanley Gallnl Co Harry f^e Miss Dumbell Wnrd A Haymnnd Minstrel Mcmorlus Maryland <K) (IS) Seebackn Pablo De Sarto Senna A Dean Lillian Morton Hhyme A Reason KUty Doner T*ahr A Mercedes The Kemos (Two to nil) (26) Jack Norwnrth Roye A Maye R'al Look Hoy Joo Marks Co Besasian A Wblto Dlob) 81a A M«P ■ydoU A Svotty Chovallar (It) ClOTO R E Bat! A Bro Malodlaa Btamal Uatamad Lady BHoE (Po) (IS) Loomla Twin* Klkl BBAY^ FXS, FA. R*Sont (K) td half (22-ti) Beatrlco Morrall Co (Otbara to flll) BTNOITMTV, N.T. (K) td half <22-tf) Carpoa Broa Emmett CTMaara The Sberwooda (Thraa to All) BX*OH'li, WASH. (SS-tS) (Everett apllt) Wanda A Seala Evana A Perec deymour A Cunard Stepanoff Dancera Marcua A Booth Berlo Glrla BIBM'GH*M, ALA. BlioB (L) (td) The PIckforda Cliff Nasarro Co Saxton A Farrell Howard A L!nd Allyn Tyrell Co Ljrio (E) 2d half (22-25) Mel Klea Haneya A Flna Bernet A Clark Paplto La Dont A Part lat half (2C-2t) Basel Goff A B Bob Piaher Janet of Franco Chapalle A Carlton (Ona to flll) BLOOM'OT'N. ILL. Harrta Gr'd (KW) 2d half (29-1) Klnzo KcUey A Brown Eddie Carr Co Doreen Sia (One to flll) BLI7EF*LD, W.TA. CaloBlal (K) 2d half (22-11) Raymond Pike Thoao Deere Glrla Hart A Helena Oliver A Olaen June Hovick A Co BOSTON. HASS. BoatoB (K) (It) Cortln A WPaon JAB Farrell Freeman A Lynn Crulalnv Joa Darcy Rosita A Marimba Bowdotn (K) (It) Jimmy Gallafhar Dotaon Cardiff A Walaa Sawyer A Eddy (One to flll) Gordon's Olynapla (K) (19) (Sjcollay So.) Ray Robblns Bennett A Myers Eastman A Moore Howard A Dobson Madam DuDarry Rena Arnold A Co Roaamont Troab'ra OnrdoB'a Ol/napta (K) (19) (Waahlngton St.) Ed Blum A Sla P A B Ross Raymond Bond Co Walton A Brandt Fantasies of 192t Howard (K) (It) Davia A McCoy Clovelly Girls Four Choc Daodlaa (Two to flll) Kelth'a (It) Chattuck A Ward Dunio A Gegna Helen HiRgins Haynea A Beck Huth Chatterton Dare A Wahl Countess Modena Roby A Oould A A B Frabell (26) Marirlt H«f;edua Willie Solar The Dornionda C Greenwood TamakI Duo Keno A Green Cooifan A Casey (One to flll) Orpbenm (L) (tS) The UagytyB Fenwlck Olrla Phil Davis Billy Hon Co Hall A Dexter GAP Magley Rev State (Pr) (It) Spltalny Band L Wolfe Gilbert (Jeornre Bebc Mofflt RoF«» Perfect Brown of Harvard St. Jumea (K) (IS) Co'mripoMtan Rev Walter Gllhirt Clayton A Clayton I^aViilI & sis (One to flll) BRADFORD. PA. Bradford (K) 2d half (t2-;K) Hamil Sis A 8 Ballot Tr Janet Childs Swarta A aiflford Loray ■BANDON. CAM. Wmmttmm (S«^> (Bamo bin plays Moosajaw tt'tt; Reglna 1-2) Ladora Backnlaa Ualroy Sla Joo Bernard Barrett A CunooB Broadway Plaahea BBIDOEPOET. OT. Palaco (K) td half (22-2S) The Harrlngtona IJryaon A Jonea Btal Look Hey ingenues PoU (E) td half (22-ti) Cedla A Van Nolo St Clalra A B curcnnfATi. Koltb'a (!•) Aarlal De Gruffa Oaaton Palmer Bdvar Berai-a U TovBv Roy Cummlnca Vlrf Rucker Glenn A Jenklaa (Ona to flll) (26) Boyd Banter Gordoa'a Don Patrlcola Doo Rockwell The Mereduua (Ona to flll) (K) (19) Halo A Bro Lylo A Vlrglata Col Jack George Tommy Reiiiy rtOUTED THIS WEEK FORD A PRICE FRANCIS ROSS ft DuROSS ALVIN A KENNY Direction MARK J. LEDDY 226 Wstt 47th St.. Suite 901 Candy Box Rot Eddie White A Oo O'BrUn t BEOCKT^. If ASS. BrorktoM (E) 2d half (22-28^) Mme Lhidaay A 8 Roaemary A MarJ Sea Nytnpha Rey McRae A Clefff (Two to flll) BUFFALO. N. T. Boffala (Pc) (It) Kldf la Kandyland Tho iBKenvaa Untamed Lady <2C) J H Anderson Rov Sea Beaat Hlppodromo (Pa) (It) Art Landry For Heaven'a Baka (26) Art Landry Dancing Mothara Lafayctto (Pe) (It) Oh Mary Follies Revue Broadway Four Wheeler A Francis Claire A Atwood Wild Oata T^nd <2«) Joa K Wataon Glided Bntterflles Sbea'a (E) (It) LaKr'mollna A D B DIero Roao A Thorne Harr'gton A Green Farlcfllcnnea Irene Franklin Bert Melroaa (One (o flll) (26) Rrugel A Rublas Ann Suter Tho Sherwooda JoH Stanley (Othera to flll) Stato (L) (t«) Setma Braats Co Vale A Crana Billy Taylor Co Polly A Os Lockett A Pago Co BUTLEB, PA. Majoatlo (E) td half (22-2B) Edwin George Gattason Jonea Hilton A Cheslelgh (26) Patrice A Suliivaa Gown Shop Frank Mullane Noel Lester Co Cahlll A Wella (One to fl'.l) CL'EICSB'G. W.TA* Roblnaon Gr'd (E) 2d half (22-2&) Glntaro Antrim A Vala The Weaternera Coopor A Kennedy Varloty C CLBVELANB, O, Clrrlo (P) <tt) Paul Broa Warren A Corbet! Swift CHbson Rev Exposition Jub 4 Rev da Luxe ttfttb St. (K) (It) 4 Ortons Laura Ormsbea Final Rehearsal Tempest A D'kln^S Harlequins (26) Morton Jewell Tita Wager DOfara Sisters (Two to flll) Palaro (K) (It) Paul Gordon Say re & Mack W A J Mandell Karavleff Adele Verne Williams A Eeans Fleeson A Gr'nwajf Pariescnne Art (26) Burke A Durkia Tack A CInna Chaa Wilson Nanon'a Birds (Othera to flll) 'a Hipp (KW) lat half (26-28) Sankus A Silvors Stanley A Walters Satlorboy Small A Maya A Marte Dd 2d half (29-1) Edna Torrcnce Edw'rds A DoasI«# (Thraa to flll) Tho opinion of all la that we aro a HABBT thla cloan Boxt Aart CARDIFF and WALES T*arry Rellly '(Others to flll) CAMBB'GR. MASS. Central Sq. (K) 2d half (22-25) Franklin Bros MuHon A Crt^w At Four P M Alexander A Elm're Marjon Dancera CAMDEN, N. J. Towprs (K) 2d half (22-26) Word A Lawrence Hiirns A Foran Riro & Wrrncr Hasil A Keller Keyhol- Knmeos CANTON. O. Lycenm (K) (19) Jan ton Sla JJera Post chasslno McCoy St Walton Fashion Hints Dolly Dumplln Horl fo C'DAB B'PIDS. lA. Strand (Pc) (18-21) Ross R(>ynulds "RcrkU'.HH L.'uly" Palace Gar<l«>n Or CUKI/T'N, W.VA. Kearao (K) 2d half (22-26) Vlolrt A Tart Idculs Mary Haynea 4 Gregi; His (One to flll) CIIKHTER. PA. Edgrmont (R) 2d half (2a-2&) Alvin A Kenny Francis A Wally Arthur Alex (*o Frank Silk Harp Rnsembla Stato a.) (26) T RInbow Oirla Al Abbott Royal Pekin Tr Butler A Parker Gattlson Jones Oreh CLINTON, IND. Orpbenm (Pe) (It) Dexter Bis Johnny Htiinan Verna Hay .. crth Co COLl'MBrS, o. James (Pc) (19) Fln«;'er I'.ros & R Knccland'a Manlaca "SUInn^r'H Pulf DALL.AS. TEX. Majestic (It) (2t) Bai^gert A Sheidoa Lorncr (ihls Al's Here Somers A Hunt Goldle Beattie ReV Melba (L) (2t> Beo Starr Got'tt A Duffy Bllda Ballet Young A (Iray Tip Yip Yaph"nkers Pantar^H (2«) Rll)lo A I*:icntyne Fjibiono Joyce Lundo Co Clork A WlllanI N«rcl(Ja DAVENPORT. lA. Oapltol (Pc) (1» Jaezniania 2d hHlf i'.Z 2i) Rcnsoii & N'"^'-*^.,, "Woman i f World Colnmbla (O) Sd half (22 =5) Bevrrly Hayrf Alexnn.l'T * Harri.-on * ^^^^^ KImawa F. ur (.Two to flll)