Variety (April 1926)

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VARIETY Wednesday, April 28, 1939 it AO 8i^0^0 "ft hi 150 .0^ ^1 •0^ 3 0^^ IS'* 0^ c Women's Shops 408 Madison Avenue at Forly-eigHlh St. Waldorf Astoria 45tH St. and 5tK Ave. Hotel St. Regis Opens June 1st The Smartness of Nat Lewi Accessories Acknowledged By London Even in London, where the man in the street has a reputation for being the best dressed male article in the world, and where the makers of cravats and shirts are said to establish the only truly correct styles, the members of %Paul Whiteman's band were acclaimed for the character and charm of their apparel. Just as Paul Whiteman recog- nized Nat Lewis as the person most capable of outfitting his band, so do men in stage, professional and business life throughout New York, concentrate on the Nat I>ewis Shop when in need of superior, distinctive and elegant haberdashery. Mens Shop 1580 Broadway