Variety (May 1926)

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10 VARIETY PICTURES Wednesday, May 5, 1928 KHTH-ALBEE DICKERING WITH P. D. C. FOR PICTURE CONNECTION Vaudeville People Reported Adverse to Investing Money—P. D. C. Rumored to Figure Connection Good One—K-A Not in Unison on Scheme J. T. SNEE, HOUSE MGR. PLACED UNDER ARREST Kcith-Albee has been dickering with the Producers' Distributing Corporation for a direct connection between the vaudeville and picture concerns. K-A. from accounts, do not want to invest any money in P. D. C, thereby hinging the ne- golations, variously reported as having been closed but understood to be still on the fire. While the P. D. C. people look upon the Keith-Albee association as desirable, it Is said they do not in- tend to let in K-A gratis. Another barrier to the consum- mation of the deal Is reported as the division of opinion amongst the K-A heads on the subject. One of the leading officials of the K-A or- ganization is for the proposition, claiming it Is vital >to the future of the K-A business. Another and just as important a head waves aside any mention of importance and does not appear over-anxious to oven talk it over. Picture men, as a rule, attach considerable Importance to a K-A connection, with the exception that they agree K-A to be of value to a picture alliance must go whole- heartedly into It, with their influ- ence and money. This latter Is looked upon as unlikely, K-A in the past having turned down all picture propositions that involved an outlay by them of money other than rent- als, with their Ideas on rentals for films not being liberal. That the Kelth-Albee houses are and have been badly pressed for film service la well known In the trades. PEECY HEATH GUILD PEES. Los Angeles, May 4. Percy Heath was elected presi- dent of the Screen Writers' Guild for the coming year, succeeding Rupert Hughes. Maud Fulton is vice-president; Ewart Adamson, secretary, and Edward Montagne, treasurer. Heath is head of the F. B. O. scenario department. FABIANS BUY NEWARK'S BRATTER-POLLACK Spencer, !a^ Votes for "Sunday" Spencer. Ia., May 4. Sunday moving pictures carried in Spencer at a special election by a majority of 150 votes. Bridgeport, May 4. John Thomas Snee, 82, manager of a local theatre, arrested April 29, faces prosecution on a aerious charge of criminal assault. He has been placed under $2,000 bond and his case turned over to tho Bureau of Investigation. Snce la a brother of Andrew Snee, arrested recently while attempting to rob a North End drugstore, and who confessed to other burglaries. WM. FOX LEA VINO COAST Los Angeles, May 4. William Fox and Saul E. Rogers, vice-president and general counsel for Fox Films, are leaving here this week for New York. Portland, Ore, "Tough Portland, Ore, May 4. The State Board of Censors has banned "Sandy," Fox film, from the local Blue Mouse. By the time the censors got through with the film It was well deleted. This makes the second feature In two months to be kept out, "That Koyle Girl." at the Majestic recent- ly, being the other. . James-Blackton Mfcrriage Los Angeles, May 4. Gardner James, screen Juvenile, will marry Marlon Blackton, daugh- ter of Commodore J. Stuart Black- ton, Warner Brothers director. Miss Blackton Is a scenario writer for Warners. OFF F. B. 0. LOT Los Angeles, May 4. All producing units except F. B. O. productions have left the F. 13. O. Studio. Monty Banks took his com- pany to the Hal Roach lot, Harry Garsson Is slated to tako Lefty Flynn to the Nellan studio, while Douglas MacLcan and Larry Se- mon are both hunting new studio locations. DOROTHY FABNUM SIONS Los Angeles, May 4. Dorothy Farnum, writer, has en- tered into a new one year's con- tract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Miss I'arnum Is the wife of Maurice Barber, general manager of the Cinema Finance Corp. PEGGY JOYCE'S PICTURES AND POWERS' CONTRACT Los Angeles'. May 4 Peggy Joyce Is under contrac t to make another picture for Pat Pow- ers, but It is understood tho pro- ducer will release her from the ob- ligation. According to reports Miss Joyc* has an ofTer from a French Mm con- cern to go to France and make a picture based on the life of Gaby Deslys. At the present time another picture with the same title is being mode over there. In case Miss Joyce doesn't want to go abroad and make a picture, it is said that Stanley Comstoek multi-millionaire and financier, to whom Miss Joyce is reported to be engaged to marry, may finance a company for her. Technicol- Educational Los Angeles, May 4. Eugene Roth, producer of TechnU color films, has signed with Educa* tlonal for the distribution of hi* pictures. Arthur Maude is directing. twenty Gems* any 1926-1927 "TIFFANY" IN MOTION PICTURES REPRESENTS WHAT "TIFFANY* STANDS FOR IN PRECIOUS JEWELS, Famous (Authors,fPUafWrights .Directors) and Players oAll tiffany Quality 1st Nat'l Expansion—Neigh- borhood and Suburban Thea- tres—Partnership Deal Newark, N. J., May 4. The Fabians have purchased BO per cent, interest In five theatre? belonging to Bratter & Pollack and their associates. The houses are all new residential and suburban thea- tres and represent the Fabians' first holdings of neighborhood theatres. Tiny are tho Embassy. Orange (2,.iC0), and the Hawthorne (1.000), on Hawthorne avenue, Newark, both recently opened; Harrison, East Orange (2,000), Oritanl, Hack- ensack (2,100), and Roosevelt, Clin- ton avenue, Newark (2,'JOO), all under construction. Several have stores and offices and are in most desirablo locations. Louis Cic'.ding if Interested In several of the houses. lie ami the other interests each sold one-half of their holdings, so that the rela- tion of the original owners to each other remains the same. The Fabi- ans assume all control and man- agement of the theatres. The Golding interests elsewhere are not Involved. Nono of the Stern houses in which Golding and others have a share Is concerned. Fred Falkner had no connection whatever with the deal. It is un- derstood, however, that Falknor is considering selling to tho Fabians his houses in Montclair, Madison and Caldwell. He was formerly general manager for the Fabians, and their relations are cordial. While this deal, whi.-h 1« salt, to have Involved $:1.000.00D, is an- nounced a < purely a Fabian affair, it is really part of the First Na- Urinal poliey of expansion. F. X. has now not only dominance in the ];ir;;iT cities herea I on ts, but also a toe-hold in the residential districts M Newark. Only Joseph Stern viands in the way of '■onip!< te con- trol of the residential and subur- ban districts of Newark. A. M. Fabian has recently been made a member t»f the executive committee of five of F. N., so that a Fabian move of this sort is accepted as a bit of First National strategy. 1 That Model From Paris Flaming Timber Fools of Fashion The Tempest One Hour of Love Wives Sin Cargo Squads Right The Steeplechase The Tiger Lightning The Song of Steel The Enchanted Island Husband Hunters Snowbound The Life of a Woman Raging Seas Top of the World The Squared Ring Tale of a Vanishing People Franqfiised and Distributed Nationally Through Tiffany Exchanges Everywhere tiffany productions,Inc. b,H. HOFFMAN. VictTnstimt 1540 BROADWAY New york,n y. \