Variety (May 1926)

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36 VARIETY W«do»«day. If «y j, i m PRESENTATIONS-BILLS THIS WEEK (May 3) NEXT WEEK (May 10) Shows carrying numerals such as (10) or (11) indicate opening this week, on Sunday or Monday, as date may be. For next week (17) or (18), with split weeks also Indicated by dates. An asterisk (•) before name signifies act is new to city, do!ng>a new turn, reappearing after absence or appearing for first time. Initials listed aftor bouses for booking affiliation are: Pictures (Pc) Pantagss (P) Orpheum (O) Independent (In) Interstate (It) Bert Levey (BL) Keith's Western (KW) Loew's (L) Keith's (K) Association (WV) theatre, denotes house is Where no initials are used with name of without regular booking affiliation. Pictures include in classification picture policy with vaudeville or presentation as adjunct. Independent Includes those pop vaudeville (vaudeville and pictures) theatres affiliated with no general booking office. + >EW YOKK CITY American (L) 1st half (10-12) Three Woosters Amorot A Jeanette Tell Tales Cooper A Rorman Valentine Vox Co Bobby Randall (Two to till) 2d half (13-1G) Rinchiirt & Good Billy Elliott Harmonla Jerome A Ryan Bison City 4 4 Phillips (Two to fill) Avenue B (L) lat half (10-12) Ethel Marine Co Fenwlck Sis Billy Hall Co Wm Edmunds Co (One to fill) 2d half (13-16) t McKennus Russe'.l A Hayes Smith A Hart Co Cooper a Bermaa Allyn Mann Co Boulevard (L) 1st half (10-12) Van liorn & Ines Flanders & Butler Thornton A Squires M A A Clark Girlie Revels Se} half (13-11) Gaines Bros 3 Keenc 81s Bence A Bewley Mnson * Gwynne Primrose S'mon Co Broadway (K) (t) Joe Marks Funnan A Evans Irmanctte Del Ortes • Kerr A Weston R Sevan A Flint The Teat Capitol (Pe) (t) Marjorie Harcum Doris Nlles Tralnor Bros "Brown of Harv'd" Coliseum (K) 2d half (6-9) Dillon ft Parker Wells Va ft West (Others to fill) Demacey St. (L) 1st half (10-12) Rinehart ft Good Matty Norman Clifton ft Kramer Bell ft Naplea Maria Sabbott Co (One to All) 2d half (13-11) S Woostera Farrell A Chadwlck Great Maurice Matthews A Ayres Danceland 81st St. (K) (3) Meehan'a Dogs Led ova Joe Boganny Fleea'n A Gr'nw'y Johnny Murphy 6th Ave., (K) M half (C-9) Wil y Sharpies Co 2d half (13-10) Fcnner & Charland 4 Shakers Arthur Ashley Co Win Eba Rl-Shavee (One to nil) Hippodrome (K) (3) Oxford 3 Delro LJobby McLean Benjamin & Rose fiknn & Jenkins Hi | lialligan lthea A Santoro Robinsons' Eleph'ts Dare A Wnhl Jack Dclaney (Jaston Palmer A Rasch Girls (10) Paul Kirk and Bezasian A White Robinson's Eleph'ts Craig Campbell Seed A Austin (Othrrs to All) Jefferson (K) td half (6-t) Jim Thornton Spencer A WTrai Bozo Snyder Co (Others to nil) Llaroln Sq. (L) 1st half (10-13) Depford I Rosa A Edwards Force A Williams Wm Eba Shoe Box Rev 2d half M3-16) Fenwlck Sis Vox A Talbot Mardo A Wynn Sylvester Fara (One to nil) National (L> lat half (10-12) JVi Arleys Elsie White Calvin A O'Connor Bob Larry's Ent (One to nil) 2d half (11-14) Dopford 3 Peggy Brooks Stanley A Qulnette Bell A Naplea Marie Sabbott Co 125th St. (K) 2d half (6-t) Mitchell A Dar log Nlblo Spencer Co Senna A Dean Lee Mattlson Co Pcscl A Martini Johnson ft Mclnt'h Orpheass (!•) 1st half (10-12) Bramlnos Mason ft Gwynne Trahan & Wallace Sylvester Fam (One to fill) 2d half (13-10) Ambler Bros Dor Francesco Co Jack Conway Co Uobby Randall Kimball ft O Co ralace (K) (S) Willie Mauss The Lo Grohs ('has Kins; Co Mr nnd Mrs J Barry Blossom Secley Lady Oden Pearse Evelyn Phillips (10) LeVan A Doris Senna A Dean Joe Drowning Charlotte Greenw'd Leo Dell MIgnon (Two to mi) Rlvoll (Pc) (S) Earl A Bell Lillian Glynn Robert Roberts Vivkn Holt TAJ Bell "Skinner's D Suit" Royal (K) 2d half (6-9) Dotaon Claudo A Marlon M Montgomery Co (Three to nil) State (L) (10) Lohso A Sterling Gordon A Rlcca Kerr A Weston Rev Lubln A Lowrle Let's Danco (One to nil) 2d half (13-18) Johnny Clark Co Flanders A Butler Thornton A Squires Thornton A C'lcton Margo A Beth Co FAB ROCKAWAY Colamhta (■) Id hair (6-t) T J Ryan Deno RocheU Bd Lloyd Nevada Seed A Austin .(Two to (111) CHICAGO. ILL. Academy (WV) 2d half (6-9) Mitchell A Nips Balabanow 6 Mills A Dolly (Two to mi) America* (O) 2d half (•-•) Old Army Game Morgan A Lake (Three to nil) Chicago (Pc) (») Kids in Kanuyland "The Barrier" Diverse? (O) 2d half (6-9) Trlni ft Ensemble Lytlia Harris Oordon A Day Faber A Walea Broken Toys Knglrwood (O) 2d half (6-9) 1 The Lumars "Irene" Tower* (O) (t) Ray Huling Bobby McOood McKay ft Ardlne P Dobson Qirls Whirl 8yncopatlon Burns ft Burchill 2d half (6-9) Dobson A Girls McKay A Ardlne Whirl of Sync Bobby McOood Co Burns A Burchill Uptown (Pc) (3) Fountain of Gold ' Let s Get Mar d" AKRON, O. Keith's (S) Sheldon ft Daly Final Rehearsal Jean Rodlnl Co Venlta Gould Chae WilRon (10) Chas Wl son Pattl Moon- Co Frank Sinclair Dixie Hamilton Willie Hale A Bro (One to nil) ALBANY. N. T. Proctor's (K) 2d half (6-9) Billy Carmen Bobby Heath Rev A Dare Henry Regal Co Morley ft Angel Maryland (K) (t) Rrford's Olrla Larry otoutenberg Caatleton ft Mack Hayes Marsh ft H Jimmy 8avo John ft B'dwln 81a Harr'gt'n ft Oreen Naughton ft Oold Caupollcan (10) Hackett ft Delmar Weaver Broa Louise Wright Walter Brower The Duponta Murdock ft Mayo F>orence Arnold Jerry A Grands New (Pc) (3) Dartram A Baxton •'For lleavon Sake" Rlvoll (Pc) (•) Warlng's Penns "Itrckleaa Lady" B'AVEB F*LS. PA. Regent (K) 2d half (6-9) Paramount 6 (Others to fill) DO YOU SUPPOSE THAT ANY VAUDEVILLE AGENCY COULD MAINTAIN A REPUTATION AS ENVIABLE AS OURS, YEAR AFTER YEAR, WERE IT NOT THE RESULT OF REAL MERIT? THE FAtLY MARKUS VAUDEVILLE AGENCY 1579 Broadway LACKAWANNA 7876 NEW YORK CITY Gate* (L) 1st half (10-12) Gaines Bros Dor Francesco Co .lack Conway Co Winehlll A Briscoe Harmonia 2d half (13-16) Braminoa Kauffman A Lillian Elsie White PERSONNEL OF ALF T. PTON INCORPORATED JACK E. HORN Banda and Orchestras FRED B. MACK Booking Department H. 8. JOHN KRAFT and BARRINGT0N Picture Theatres THOft. EL DOROTHY JACKSON and DAHL Productions Dept. WILLIAM LARRY MACK and PUCK Vaudeville Dept. 15*0 B'way. Phooe Bryaat 3017-3 Brady R ft M'rray Sea America Pint Kgan ft Red Heads Harding (Pc) (t) Sparkles of '26 Moore ft Freed Arthur Corey Elsie Wachta Frank Hamilton Wallle Jackson Ruth De Quincy Ben Paley Orch "Untamed Lady" Kedsle (WT) 2d half (6-9) Keyo Namba Shapiro A O'Maltey Stanley ft Walters Hickey Broa Huling ft Seal Walman ft Deba Lincoln Hipp (WV) td half (6-t) Kerr ft Ensign Hart Rev Al K Hall Co Kennedy A Nelson <One to OH) MARK J. LEDDY WALKS OUT of the L0EW OrFICS Saturday. May 1st. 1920. with (4) ROUTES (4) WHO'S NEXT? 226 Wost 47th St., Suite 01 Harry Rose (Others to nil) CKth St. (K) 2d half (C-9) Tojja Clifton A Bent Dooley & S.»lcs John Barton Gilbert A May (One to Mil) ' Fordham (K) 2d ha'f (6-9) Clark Moroll 4 Aces A Queen Will Mahoney Frank A Townea (Two to All) Frasdclln (K) 2d half (6-9) R Ciasper Boys Great Nicola Eddie Nelson Harmon ft Sana (Two to All) Greeley Sq. (L) 1st half (10-12) Johnny Clark Co Farrell ft Chadwlck Stanley ft QoinetU Great Maurice Mardo ft Wynn Carson ft Kane Rev Kitty Potior Charlotte Greenw'd Jack N'orworth Lottlo At horton (10) llayon .Marsh A H I,a Krcmolina Bros Horry !I'>]mea \VIII!.imn * Keane (Others to All) Regent (K) 2d half (6-9) Benson A Green Senator Murphy Holland Barry Co Zcmater A Devon (Two to fill) Rlalto (Po> <t) Del Castillo Drena Beach Karl Carpenter Paul Conlan Melody 6 "For Heaven Sake" Riverside (■) <«) Homer Romalne Joe Darcy Larh ft Mercedes General Pisa no Kemper ft Bayard Jeannle Seabury A Irving Belle Baker Strand (Pe) (S) Geo Lyons Kendall Cappa Pauline Mi ler John Qutnlan Mile Klemova M Daks "Greater Glory" Victoria <L) 1st half (10-12) Fcnnor A Charland Kauffman A I,lllian Thorton & Carleton Ouarin ft Murg Rev (One to nil) 2d half (19-16) V>\n Horn A Tn»»a Ross A Edwards Olrlip Hovels Truhun & Wallace (One to till) BROOKLYN. N. Y. AI bee (K) (3) Rt mo's Midgets F orence Stern Stanley A Sawyer Foklno Ballet The Ivrmonds Mary Haynes Clifford A Marion I.oo Hill P Kirkland Co (10) Mr A Mrs J Barry Chevalier Bros J rip Marks (ilrnn t<i .Knklns Hf.'inoy & i;<>nt Sylvia Clark (Two to till) Behhwl.k (K) (S) Tji.It-iy A Rogers Merlin Solly Beers Bill Robinson I) Apollon Co Hock A Blossom Sylvia Clark Odlva (19) Chas Chase Joan La Crosse CiiBtleton ft (Others to fill) Flatbueh (K) (I) Kellers ft Lyneh M Fuller Co M Livingston Co Wordon Bros Fulton (L) 1st half (10-11) Ambler Bros Peggy Brooks Al'man ft May Matthews A Ayres (One to fill) Outran ft Marg Rev (One to All) Greeapolnt <K) 2d half (6-t) Ahearn A Lawrence T Linton Follies (Others to All) Metropolitan (L) (10) B A L Gllette Healy A Granella Primrose 4 Seminary Scandals McGrath A Deeds Magley Rev Orphentn (K) 2d half (6-9) P Inching Co Cold Diggers Alexander Girls R Lander Bros Northlanr A Ward (One to All) Pnlnce (L) 1st half (10-11) La Fantasy Calm tt Cale YnU'H X- <':irson Chuin A Dronsqu Paul Jaeobgon 2d half (13-16) Ku.luck S!s Snyder & McC Bll y Hall Co Mrltne A Mott Broadway Whirl Troapecfi (K) 2d half (6-9) Healy A Cross <re) (t) Covaa ft Raffln Jason ft Harrington Haaei Oreen Geo Olvot H Gendron Orch North Center (P) The Ralstons Hall A Wilbur Mitzl ft Dancera Lane ft Harper X Whirlwinds Palaee (O) (t) Anna Fltzue Juggling Nelsons Mile A Codee Ernest Ball Roger Williams Bud 8nyder Co Shore ft Squlro Berkes ft Terry Rlalto (L) (It) McDonald t Zelda Santley Rich ft Cherle Bobby O'Neill Co Frank D'Amore Co Oualano ft Marg Jerome Merrick Co Bivlera (O) (S) TAB Healy Mascagno Ballet Biliou s Bd The Hassana Afterpiece (Others to fill) Senate (Pc) (3) Play Ball Delano Dell Dexter Sis Hoy Delthrlch Art Kahn Orch Untamed Lady** Mate Lake (O) (t) Powers Elephants Conlin A Glasa Jean Boydell Doc Baker Rev Murray A Alan V de Valde Tr Allen A Norman Harry Broen Maxwell Fle.ds Co (9) Went on ft Kline Bnnign AI Moore Billy House Singer's Midgets BAM Ernie East A Dumke (One to All) ALLENTOWN, PA. Colonial (K) 2d half (6-9) Frank Reckless Co L Maaaart Boys Ray A Ackera Bison City 4 Paul Rahn ALTOONA. PA. Mtshler (K) Id half (6-9) Jean ft Claire Tyler Maaon Kandy Krooks D'GH MTON, N. T. Blnghomton (K) 2d half (6-9) Raymond Pike D Bush Band Woods ft Lawrence BAB Wheeler A mac B'RM'(iHAH, ALA. Bijou (L) (10) Kath Sinclair Co Taylor A Lake Jas C Morton Browning A Br*ken Higgle ft Girls Lyric (K) (10) Masked Athlete Noweot 8pring Styles in 8UIT8 and TOP COATS Now on Display BEN ROCK 1 1632 B'way, at 60th St- N. Y. City Th# Zleglem Wallace ft Hay O. ASHTABULA. PaJaoe <K) Id hair (6-9) Kenny ft Tate Murphy Broa Kara Brcme ft Frits (One to All) ASHEV1LLE. N. C. Flaw (K) Id half (6-9) A Lee Co Hayzne Gehrue Co J Morton Co Mel Craig Stuart 81a ATLANTA, OA. Forsyth* <K) 2d half (6-9) Will Morris Bmplre Comedy 4 O Alexander Co Stacey ft Jamea Nonette lat half (19-12) (Montgomery split) Albert Lea Mel Craig Stuart Sla Jack Norton (One to All) 2d half (11-16) B Cak*r Co Art Impressions Pauline Saxon Toxns Com 4 (One to fill) Howard (Pe) (8) Bughouse Cabaret ••Tlfljl's My Baby" Metropolitan (Pe) (S) Brltt Wood Strand (L) (10) 2 Blanks Jack Houfich Co Ben Marks Co Wills A Bobbins Little Jim Suburban Nights Leo Beers Pantheon Romalne A Castle B'L'GH'M, WASH. (Americas (P) 1st half (10-12) (Everett apllt) Cliff Jordan Maroell Sis Finely Hill t Dancing Some Bert Gordon 4 Caatlng Stars BLUIPIJ), W.VA. t^oloalal <K) Id half (6-9) Bill ft Oenevtere Variety 6 Cooper ft Kennedy Iris Greene Donovan ft BL'MINGT'N, 1ND. Harris Grand (KW) 2d half (11-16) Chrissle ft Daley Hall ft O'Brien Mark ft LaRue I Australian Boys Danny Dugan Co Nasimova Bva Clark MUler ft Marlla Chas Chase Brown ft Whlt'ker (10) Frances ft Frank Block ft Dunlop Marie Dreaaler Jack Norworth Viola Sylvia Burns ft Foraa Edwin Oeorge (One to All) Orpheum (L) (10) Bits Kennedy Co Briscoe A Rauh Sandy Shaw Walter Fehl Co (On? to All) St. James (K) (3) Cam 11 A Rtmont Jeans Dolls Foley Fam Ashley A Sharps State (Pc) Bridal Veil ' Sou Beast" (3) BRADFORD, PA. Bradford (K) 2d halt (6-9) Aus Wultee G Darling Rot Dolly Duraplin Kenny ft Hollla (One to All) BRANDON. CAN. Pantagee (10-It) (Same bill plays Moosejaw 12-14. Rcgina 16-16) Aussie A Czech Melva Sis Just Type Co Ben Smith Mazettc Lewis Co BRIDGEPORT. CT. Palaee (K) 2d half (6-9) Stroud 2 Rhyme A Reason C Schonck A Bon Wilton Sla Fisher A Hurst Poll (K) 2d half (6-9) 9 Rcddlngtons Texas Chicka \Va ter Fenner Co 3 Cheors Cotter ft Bolden BROCKT'N, MASS. Brocktoa (K) 2d half (6-9) C ft L Gcrad Dandy ft Marie J C Mack Co Harv'd Wlnlf'd ft B (One to All) BUFFALO. N. T. Buffalo (Pc) (t) Van ft 8chenck Bird Fantasy "Infatuation" (10) "Let's Get M'rrled" Lafayette Sq. (Pc) (2) Jack Kneeland LeRoy Tetania ft-B Dora Early Roberts ft DeMont "Heart of Siren" Shea's Hipp (Pe) (2) Minstrel Boys "Beautiful City" (9) Art Landry "Sally of Sawdust" State (L) (10) Wheeler t Ergot tl ft Herman Courting Days Sparling ft Ross Kinney ft Girls BCTLKR, FA. Majestic (K) 2d half (6-9) N Nestor Co (Others to All) TIT M « ud If! HE ItlEWTON I WINS J^Mabollo J| Address Cars VARIETY, NEW YORK Juvenile Follies Btti Look He* Qm, Buddy Walker (One to fill) CINCINNATI. O. Keith's (t) Tuck A Clnna Clifford ft Qray H Clifton Bordman ft Roland Hurst ft Vogt Morton ft Olaas Karavioff Co Palace (■) (S) 2 Aces Henry Darrell Co Murdock ft Mayo Hughes Uhoaatl MOINES. Li. <P«) (3) Bernard ft Garry "Old Loves A New** Dos Moinoe <P C ) (1) Smith ft Durrell "Mile Modiste ' Orpheum (O) 2d half (6-9) Mas Bloom Co Vogue Rev (Three to nil) v ANNOUNCING Broadway Clothoa Shop Has Moved and U Now Located at 166 WEST 46TH STREET (Just East of Broadway) MAX WEINSTEIN President An*er ft Fair J Howe Co Ella Brlce Bd CL'KSB'GH, W.VA. Robinson Gr'd (&) 2d half (6-9) Ruby 3 Fantlno Tr Chas Boyden Woodland Rev Burke ft Durkln CLEVELAND, O. Circle (P) (10) Mclnotte 2 Busscy A Case Joe Frned Howard A Ross (One to All) 103th St. (K) (3) W Hale A Bro Gown Shop S*»rvany 2 Jack George Patrlca A Sulllv'n (10) Tom Reilly Co O'Brien 6 3 Slvera Wanzer A Palmer (Two to All) Palace (K) (t) 2 Nitos Belle Baker Rath Bros Lang A Haley Gygl A Servern Roy Cuinmings Mlacahua (16) Newell A Most The Brianls ' Ethel Barrymore Johnny Hyman Margaret Young 3 Danubcs (Two to All) Read's Hipp (KW) 1st half (10-12) The Westerners Juliette Dlka Telephone Tangle Zermalne A F Co (One to All) 2d half (13-16) Rovue Comlqoe Monte A Lytfna DETROIT, MICH. Cnp'tol (Pr) (8) Melodies E'ernal K Wernor Orch Poitgy II Joyce "The Skyrocket" Colonial (Pc) (3) Listen to Me "Other Husbands" Fox WaAhTngtoa ) (Pc) (3) Burkhart A Rich Eldredge BAB Bush A Joy Ford ft Packard AUa Axiom "Siberia" Gr'd Riviera (KW) (10) Snow Colomb A M 2 Rozellaa Ed Janls Rev Fortunelln A C Mystic Garare (One to All) La Salle Garden (KW) let half (10-12) Olga Kane Co Final Rehearsal Burt flwor Van De Velde Tr (One to fll ) 2d half (13-16) Marg Morrcll Co The Westerners Cleveland A O'rey 6 Tip Tops (One to All) Miles (P) (It) Gomes A Gomes H'dsw'th A Denials Baker ft Gray SchlchtVe Mar'ettes) Rev de Luxe Regent (P) (It) Armand ft Peres Bert Chadwlck Mercedca Klrby ft Duval Haney Rev SUte (Pc) (3) Mack ft Long Mary Jane OFFICIAL DENTIST TO THB N. V. DR. JULIAN SIEGEL 10tt Broadway. New Bat. 40th and 47th Sta. This Week: McLeUea aad Sarah i Warn . Groh Edwards A Bcasley Kay Hamlin A K (One to All) BOSTON. MASS. Boston (K) (3) Redmond A Wells Winchester A Hoss Manus Rev Willie's Reception Mtns A Kabin Gordon's Olympla (K) (3) (Scollay Sq.) Mahon Scott Co L>en Oelles The Harringtons WHEN PLAYING PHILADELPHI JACK L UPSHUTZ A TAILOR 908 Walnut St. ORDER MONDAY: FINISH SATURDAY Night Club Rev Collins ft Peterson (Three to All) Rivera (K) 2d hair («•!) Pans ft McCoy Coscia ft Verdi Paul Tocan (Three to All) CONEY ISLAND TUyou (K) 2d half (6-t) Zellia 81s Rome ft Gaut Al Tucker Bd Slutz A Bingham Miss Marcelle Jean Boydell (Othera to All) Terminal (Pe) 1st half (3-5) Jadalok ton ft Harvey NoVak ft Benson Oreille Rennle Myrtle Leonard Jean Moebaa 2d half (6-t) Myrtle Leonard Orvllle Rennle Jean Moebua Hamilton ft O Broa Atlantic 4 Tlvoll (Pc) (t) Chinese Plate BALTIMORE MD. Century (Pc) (3) Earl Lindsay Rev "Tower of Ll_." Rasbaowy (Pe) (t) Raaoh Ballet "Lot's Get^M irled" Oardea (Pe) (I) Count Bernlvlcl Co Kleo Lambert Co Orren ft Drew Jerome ft Gray Smith ft Holden "Western 8klee" Hl pps d rs a as (K) (3) Ward ft Mo watt Marlon Glbney Ernest Hlatt Goodwin Com 4 Ger don's Olympla <K) (3) (Washington St.) Nat C Haines Co Audrey Jinks Rev PAL Eta Rody Jordan Garner Sis Howard (K) (3) 4 Janaleys 4 Demons Carney Earle Keith's (K) (3) Krcm ft Darrls B CAMBR'GK. MASS. Central 8«j. (K) 2d hair (6-9) Marion Claire Markel A Gray Walton A Brant Eaatmnn A Moore Yonjr Wong Co. CAMDEN. N. J. To were (K) 2d half (6-») Bur'.py A Fayne Edd.e Miller 3 Jimmy Carr Orch Mary Eaves Sagor Midgley Co C'D'R RAPIDS. 1A. Strand (Pc) (3) Brault A Beglny Sophia Kanmlr CII'KLOTTE, N. C. New Broadway (K) 1st hair (1012) (Asheville split) Gold A Edwards Joe Deller Angel Bros (Two to Ail) CH'RLI-N, W.YA. Kearss (K) 2d half (6-t) Power a 2 Alabama Land Rhode A Rochell Rolley ft Dolaa (One to All) CHESTER. PA. Edgemont (K) 2d hair (6-t) Eddy ft Burt WaAman ft Deba Van De Velde Tr (One to All) State (L) (It) Vlsser 3 Prank Whitman Geo Billings Co Tony Orey Co Great Leon Co DALLAS. TEX. Majestic (It) (10) El C'lcve Lorraine A Mlnto York A Lord Authors & Com'sers (One to All) Mrlba (L) (10) Royal Sidneys Boland A Hopkins Fink*) A T/oyd Alls A Pul'.mar. Roscoc Ails Bd Pontages (10) Barbudine A Dog Statnoom 19 3 Wwlre Kulins Guy Voyer Co Chas Althf>fT A gee's Horses DAVENPORT. IA. Columbia (O) 2d half (6-9) Palermo's Canines Sylvester A Vance Put Daley Co I*! la Campos (One lo fill) DAYTOV, O. Keith's 2d half (6-9) Gordon's Dors Margaret Young DeoKon A. Mack Cahlll A We'.Is A Rasch Builct 1st half (10-12) Lyie A Virginia Canary Opera The Wager (Two to All) td half (11-16) Gown Shop Emily Darrell 3 Aces Victoria Dupree (One to All) DENVER. COL. Orpheam (O) (t) Lockf'ds ft T Orch Sully ft Houghton Tabor ft Green MaHon A Keelcr Aurora Troupe Rinaldo "Monte Carlo" Temple (K) 3d ha'f (6-t) 3 Melvlns J Hymsn The Brlanta Allen ft CanAeld Adele Vorne R Arnold Co Prcssler ft Klalss (10) Powers' Elephants Herbert Clifton Kere.larto Mlacahua Wilson Aubroy 3 (One to All) Waah'gton (Tc) (3) Ford A Packard Bush A Joy Elriridge B A E Burkhart A Rich Ala Axiom D'CH'ST'R. MASS# Sq. (K) 2d half (6-9) Stobol A Merton Hcti'y Reyn'd« A S Jack Tty.'in Co Rnpn Wyse Co (One to All) Fmnklln Park (K) 2d hnlf <6-9) Tarllla A Clurk '3<-n« HarnfR Co (Three to fill) ELIZABETH. N. J< Rita (K) 2d half (6-t) Bob Hall Lcavltt A Dorla T.oon A Dawn LaFantnsy Alma Neilson Co F.LMIRA, N. T. Majestic (K) 2d half (6-9) Yea ft TulTy Those 7 Girls Combe A Ncvlns Harry Downing Harry Garland ERIE, PA. Parry (R) 2d half (6 9) The Pnrkers Sully A Thomas Patrlcola Hamlin A Mack O'Brien 6