Variety (May 1926)

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Wdncsday^ May it , 198« PICTURES VARIETY [E GRANT IS gBALANCEI^—LOCATED Roach Studios' Actress Found ln sanitarium—Has Halluci- nations—Two Auto Accidents L,os Angeles, May 11. Huch commotion has arisen bore P ince the discovery of Katherinc GrtJrt. P 1 c ture * rtross employed at th # Hal Roach studio, ln a private murium at Alhambra suffering jroni nervous and physical break- down. The dlHcovery was made by county health and housing In- spectors who visited the establish- ment operated by Mrs. Donna Bell u a Maternity Home and Sani- tarium, without a county permit itey found Miss Grant there under an assumed name and reported that her mental condition was far from normal. T ior to the discovery of the ac- re's ; ,t the place It was reported she had mysteriously disappeared after an automobile accident last December, and that there were mysterious elements about the al- leged accident which necessitated her being placed ln seclusion. A statement given Variety by State Alienist Dr. Victor Parkin is that Miss Grant last winter found ■he was becoming too stout and decided to go on a self-planned diet. Thie diet was rather rigid and is said to have weakened her physical- ly. Dec. 8, the young woman stopped at a drug store to get some- thing. When she came out to re- turn to her car, a Ford which w. : passing by struck her in a vital spo- of her anatomy and kept goirvr. MIbs Grant got into her car and etaited for home, when she became faint and stopped the car in front of a garage. The garage man who came out to see what was wanted found on 4 from Miss Grant she was 111 and at her request called the Roach studio They directed that Dr. Louis Felder of the Ambassador Hotel be sum- moned. Dr. Felder took her to the Hollywood hospital where X-ray examinations were made. Miss Grant is said to have re- mained at the hospital for several days and was taken home. Shortly afterward with her mother she went to a mountain resort. There she is reported to have had fancied in- juries which preyed on her mind Her condition as alleged was in- quired into by several specialists who reported nothing wrong. Mind Affected Dr. Parkin was called in and ad- vised that Miss Grant be taken to ,the Alhambra Sanitarium. There she was closely guarded and given treatment by Parkin and other doctors. It is said that at times her mind was greatly affected and that she endeavored to do away with herself by trying to Jump out of a second story window. Within the pnpt few weeks her condition is said to have improved and hopes were he'd out that she would be able to return to the Roach studio within * few months and resume her work. The Roach studio have been pay- ing her doctor and sanitarium bills besides giving her mother funds Men week. Miss Grant. 21. h.;s been under contract, to the Roach organization since 1922 when she * fn a beauty contest making her "Miss I.os Angeles." The day following the discovery ef Miss Grant at the Alhambra plnce she was taken from it by her toother to another establishment. Pommir in L. A. Los Angeles. May 11. Erie Pommer, head of UFA, ar- rives here Wednesday to supervise the next two Pola Negri produc- tions for Famous Players, It is understood that because of Pommer's familiarity with Miss Negri's ability, F-P will allow him full rein. "Man Bait" Picture "Man Bait." an original by Nor- man Houston, has been bought for pictures by Cecil De Mille. Houston Is general stage manager for A. H. Woods. He has written a number of plays, several of which have been used tn stock. If you don't advertise in ~* VARIETY don't advertise LILLIAN GISH JOHN GILBERT in KING VIDOR'S LA BOHEME th WEEK B A S S Y NEW YORK REX INGRAM'S MARE NOSTRUM (OUR SKA) By 1BANEZ ALICE TERRY ANTONIO MORENO th MONTH CRITERION IT takes more than JUST good intentions TO produce road-show-size attractions! OTHER companies tell you ABOUT their road-shows PLANNED for next season —very well, but - REMEMBER this fact M ETRO - Goldwyn- Mayer IS the only company THAT is showing four $2 top ATTRACTIONS on Broadwayrighrnow! YOU can't laugh that off- AND remember this: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer THE company that made those Big Shows HAS positively got Bigger Shows IN the line-up your public will demand THE PARADE OF HITS FOR 1926-27 THE SENSATION OF CHICAGO The Organist You Love to Sing With AT BALABAN & KATZ' NEW ORIENTAL THEATRE, CHICAGO