Variety (May 1926)

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12 VARIETY 1 i '.4 Wednesday, May 12, 1926 ENTIRE SHOW BUSINESS GETS BEHIND UNITED JEWISH DRIVE Willi a characteristic mobilizing of all resources, the leaders of tho amusi mint Industry In New York, have line<l up In the vanguard of the rescue tank undertaken by the United Jewish Campaign, whose $6,000,000 drive, now fairly In sight of the poal after two weeks of un- paralleled concentration of effort, is A pivotal factor in the realization of the national project for a $15,- 000,000 overseas chest for succor of millions of men, women, and children going down to final desti- tution and despair in the economic debacle of Eastern Europe. Under the leadership of a com- mittee representing practically every branch of the amusement in- dustry and composed of E, F. Albee, Ben Bernie, Jjeo Brecher, Wil- liam A. Brady, Eddie Cantor, Syd- LOUIS MAYER AS SALES TALKER Louis B. Mayer (Metro-Goldwyn- Mayer) talked himself into a speech making trip when impressing the M.-G.-M. salesmen's convention at the Hotel Pennsylvania, New York, a couple of weeks ago. At that time Mr. Mayer spoke continuously for over two hours, sending the assem- bled M.-Q.-M. selling cohorts Into high waves of enthusiasm, besides promoting a most powerful spirit of co-operation, according to the llat- eners-in. Through that and unexpectedly Mr. Mayer found himself In quick demand for a conversational tour ney S. Cohen. A. L. Erlan^er, Mor- I back to his Hollywood home. Con- ris Goodman, Sam 11. Harris, Al renting Mr. Mayer found a route Jolson. Carl Laemmlo, Joseph Maid ©ut for him that takes In Buf- Leblantf, Jack G. Leo, Marcus Loew, fa j 0 (May 10 at the Hotel Statler); William Morris, B. S. Moss, Harry Chicago, May 13 (Hotel Drake), and Nelmcs, Charles O'Reilly, Charles San Francisco, May 18 (Hotel St. Rosensweig, Leo Shubcrt, Douglas Francis). At each of the hotels will N. Taussig. Harry Warner, Jacob be fllm conventions of one character Wllk, Al H. Woods and Adolph Qr another> In addition the M.-Q.-M. Zukor, all the forces of the amuse- talker may be lnser ted into conven- ient industry of Greater New York |onB Rt Bo8ton Washington and will swing into action Immediately Pnlladelphlat for exhibitors only, after the general city-wide can- Accompany lng the high speed vass is over and will do their bit we8tW ard will be publicity In topping off the big Jewish fund. | of the M .. G .. M . organi- zation, Howard Diet* (east) and FOX MEN SAILING ▲ trio of Fox foreign representa- tives sailed for Europe last week. They were Julius Aussenberg. Fox representative for Central Europe, who has his headquarters In Berlin; Louis Gruen, the Holland represen- tative, and Frederick Anderson of Stockholm. Sweden. Aussenberg has the reputation of being one of the livest wires among the European exchange representa- | tlvcs as he was the first to adopt American methods of exploitation for the product that be was han- dling. All three were guests at the Fox west coast sales convention. Grange Picture Starting Los Angeles, May 11. Red Grange is expected to arrive here with five friends this week to beKln work on his picture under the terms of a contract made with Dr. W. E. Shallenberger, of Arrow Pic-' tures. The Grange contract, being a per- sonal affair with Shallenberger, was not affected by the recent Arrow bankruptcy petitions. Tom Forman and Stanley Taylor will appear In "Kosher Kitty Kelly," produced by F. B. O. topping off the big Plans are underway for a mam- moth Joint Sunday night benefit en- listing every theatre, every vaude- ville and picture house in all of the five boroughs of Greater New York Among the "headline" features which are being projected for the occasion is a great boxing carnival Pete Smith (west). Beaudine Farmed Out Los Angeles, May 11. William Beaudine. director under with Benny Leonard as the stellar I con tract to Warner Brothers, work- performer, and a group of big out- j n g f or other concerns under the door performances on the same day, farming-out process. Is scheduled to including exhibition baseball games go to New yot\l after completing In the three big ball parks of the nlfl next Douglas McliCan picture cit y- 1 for Famous Players-Lasky to direct Concerts at the Metropolitan and one wltn Richard Dlx as the star Manhattan opera houses ars also I at the F p i H i an d studios, included fn this city-wide array of Tne laat flve pictures Beaudine popular attractions, which are ha8 ma de have been away from the aimed to give every man. woman, War ner lot. It is said the Warners and child in the city an opportunity are ma king a handsome weekly to contribute, through participation proflt In leas ing him out. In any of these events, to the big Fox in St. Louis St Louis, May 11. While nothing more than the pre- life-saving fund which Is to put thousands of families in the stricken communities abroad back on the road to self-support and normal human existence once more. The plan was initiated at a recent I llminary announcement has been conference at the Hotel BUtmorc made by Fox in regard to the con- headquarters of the $6,000,000 New 1 templated picture house at Grand York drive, at which a notable I and Washington boulevards, the group of theatrical leaders who at- I building plan will be gone through tended offered their services as a with. This, in substance, was stated unit to vice-chairman P.ressler and by Abram Frumberg, attorney for national chairman David A. Brown, Fox. who heads the nation-wide $15,000,- Excavation work Is expected to 000 campaign. Those who attended | start in the fall, this conference were Al Woods, Joseph Leblang, William A. Brady, Louis Bernstein, Barney Klawans, Julius Tannen, Louis Mann, Gus Edwards, Douglas N. Taussip, Loney Haskell, John Zanft, Leo Brecher, Harry Hersh field, Beulah Livingstone, Herman Bernie, Martha WllohliiHkl, Alex Kcmpner, Paul Born, Eva Puck, and Sam White. Brady's Appeal Mr. Brady made a stirring per- sonal appeal to the gathering to (Continued on page 68) To N. Y. From L. A. Pauline Garon. Gaston Glass. June Mathis. Sylvana BaYbonl. Billie Dove. Fred W. Beetson. Kay Hammond. John P. Goring. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Roach. Frltxl Ridgway. City Official Is 8tudio Mgr. Los Angeles, May 11. Arthur Shador, formerly city en- gineer of Universal City, has been appointed studio manager for Uni- versal. To L. A* From N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick. Samuel Blythe. Jacqueline Logan. Eatelle Taylor George Nichols Dolores Costello's name on a billboard always sends me into a theatre with eager anticipation. Three times she has ap- peared on Broadway in leading roles. Three times she has been praised. — New York American. The Girl of Your Dreams DOLORES COSTELLO in "The Little Irish Girl" with JOHN HARRON and a strong supporting cast "Just watch Miss Costello. That privilege alone is worth the price of admission." — New York Evening Post. "Dolores is the loveliest youngster on the screen — N. Y. Daily Mirror. today." Directed fcp ROY DEL RUTH Warner Bros- Production Now Playing at the WARNER THEATRE (THE HEART OF BROADWAY. NEW YORK. N. Y.) 'The best harmony trio to ever play Omaha."— "OMAHA BEE" BETTY — EVE — AURELIA ABBEY SISTERS In "MUSICAL MOMENTS" Now Playing a 12-Week Engagement FOR THE A. H. BLANK CIRCUIT WIRE YOUR AVAILABLE DATES PHIL TYRRELL ATTRACTIONS WOODS' THEATRE BLDC, CHICAGO, ILL.