Variety (May 1926)

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VARIETY CABARETS vttaW^.^'sl^ CABARET REVIEWS (Continued from page 50) have nice voices, and willingly oblige with any song requested. They do quite a bit of handshaking as they make their round trip. An- other likable team la the Reed Sla- ters, toe dancing. Also double as chorus girls. The regular chorus la composed of six girls—Ferdie Venn, Viola Le Masters, Peggy White, Marie Lor- raine. May Hradecky and Betty Kray. Their most attractive num- ber is an April shower affair, where- in the girls appear in bathing suits and rubber-silk raincoats and um- brellas. Took very well. For an eye pleaser the number wherein they display various gowns Is also good. An international Charleston gives the girls a chance to display some good specialties in native cos- tumes. This number was an effec- tive closer. Prices are reasonable at the Hol- lywood Barn. After tho first visit you are allowed to escape cover charge during weekdays with a pass furnished. A special midnight sup- per is featured for $1, but this not as yet become as popularized as it probably wilL The location of the place (on the northwest side) doesn't make for the best of crowds—one man was actually dancing in his shirt sleeves—still, those who are there don't mind each other's pres- ence. Nell Murley, John Ho ran and Thomas McCarthy are -the manag- ers. It looks as If they'll cash in. through to the end of October there will be almost continuous racing at the Latonla and Coney Island trncks, near by. "Toots" Marshall started as a dance hall promoter a few years ago. He la now one of the most promising showmen hereabouts. The elaborate place he built in a woods near Bond Hill cost a pretty penny and Is being enlarged to care for growing trade. Marshall was the first to bring a name band to Clnc> for dancing and is now Introducing genuine cabaret. Rolling. CASTLE FARM (CINCINNATI) Cincinnati, May 22. A. J. "Toots" Marshall has In- stalled a floor show at his suburban dancing and dining emporium. Ernie Young is furnishing the added enter- tainment, and the Initial program indicates that he is going to make a real Job of it There are eight capable principals and a chorus of 24 girls who lack neither looks nor pep. The costuming is rich and racy. Accompaniment is provided by Henry Thies' Orchestra, a favor- ite band at Castle Farm. The revue opened indoors Wednes- day night. Last night the entire works were moved outside in Dream Garden for the summer. Young's show is booked for 12 weeks. Changes of program and wardrobe will be made every three week* The open-air arrangoment has a 20-foot stage and a cement space for further cabaret work and dano lng. with table accommodations for over 1,000. Spot lights are played from trees, and varl-colored elec- tric bulbs are above the chairs of patrons. Shrubbery and flowers en hance the attractive setting. Five revue numbers are staged In as many hours, the cabaret start- ing at 8 p. m. Margaret Merle Is prima donna. Wells and Winthrop. nifty steppers; Mlgnon and Roberts, clever team, In diversified dancing; Hathaway and Baker, a dellghtfu dancing pair, and Eddie Matthews, featured whirlwind dancer, are the underlines. Attendance thus far has been near capacity. Judging from the ap plause of last night's audience Cin cinnati's first high-class floor show should be a winner. In addition to local patronage, the management is making a strong bid for the business of motoring parties for miles around. From etrly June FRIAR'S INN, CHI Chicago, May 16. Nice floor show here. Not as many persons involved in the enter- tainment aa previously but those that are rate higher. The talent is leaded by that feverish team from vaudeville, Florence Brady and Git Wells. The tail gentleman and the cute trick sing a wide variety of 'blues," using no other accompani- ment, except for the final choruses, than the well-disciplined ukelele of Wells. Friar's Inn plugs them heavily with the pair seemingly having a considerable popularity both in and out of the profession. With this cabaret catering to show foiks, and getting a big early morning play from entertainers from other cafes stepping out themselves before go- ing home to bed, an act that Is known and liked In the profession is an important aaset. It is expected that all of the cafes In Chicago will stay open over the summer, with warm weather trade looked to be fairly brisk because of the great number of conventions, including several big ones (.the Elks, etc.), that are chalked up. The Friar's ought to cep a good Share of this trade. The show la run in 20-mlnute sections, with table singing and pa- tron dancing alternating. Mcrritt Brunles' 9-orece orchestra \n in the shell, the boys wearing eye shades, something new. Brunles has a first rate band which haa been with Mike Fritzel for a long while and Is the only thing that haa not changed. The ensemble consists of six young gals taken from the Jolsun show, "Big Boy." by Billy Rankin, when it closed here at the Apollo. They are very presentable misses, each doing something on her own as well aa forming a chorus. Billy Gerard, Thelma Roberta, Peggy Rogers, sing; the Debrow Sisters sing and dance, and Evelyn DeGage doea a wicked hula an- nounced aa a "Dance of All Na- tions.** All these specialties were very creditable, the chicks winning on youth and looks, Doris Robblns leads several of the numbers, also appearing alone. Reed and Du there, two boys, hoofed In the galloping breakneck manner of cafe hoofers. Thoy dress neatly. Conaiderable versatility, too. They do not repeat one routine over and over on each successive appear- ance, aa frequently observed In similar cabaret acta. One of the aweeteat looking aou- breta In town la Betty Moore. Betty Is not so small, either, but she Is well set up, carries herself like a million dollars, and la materially helped ay the gorgeoua costumes she wears. Each outfit Is a gem and each number a pleasure. She has vivacity, freshness and looks plus, and pleasingly absent is the blase manner acquired at so early an age by many of the regular cabaret per- formers. Betty is not new. She haa been around Chi for quite a spell. Her singing la okay without being so much. It's herself that is the clnsa. She exudes charm. Business haa been fair only at Friar's, according to Mike Fritzel. This coincides with general reports from aroand. Trade, In general, has been listless the last few weeks. reason the status qos Is okay with t*re Drake people they have only to retain indefinitely the services of the present seven-piece orchestra. That will keep the establishment free of congestion. But If It would be pleasant to see the grill filled with customers, a sensible and for- ward-looking policy would be to look over the market and grab off a Irst-class band. The Drake Hotel Is the* claaa of Chicago. On the aurface Its nightly dance sessions would appear sure draws for important trade and that this trade Is missing must be blamed on. the -orchestra^- lor. there la. jid >ther apparent factor that could be blamed. _ The orchestra is credited to Tommy Thatcher, evident ay new to Cl.lcagu. Thatcher la*ar Saxophon- ist; one of two. The overstresalng ;>f this Instrument standa out at all Limes. Perhaps the other sax player Is partly responsible, but In general he numbers sound like a saxophone solo with an Indiscriminate accom- paniment. When the saxophone k not galloping ahead of the rest of the boys It's the banjo. The lad who exercises his digits on this Instru- ment Is out to register personality. Me succeeds, but the orchestra If not enhanced by his Individual suc'- ^ess. While customers do not pick the laws one by one they note the gen tra cannot, or, at least, does not, maintain tho standards' expected from a rita place llks the Drake. They play as boys out to give the minimum requirements for the union scale. The most Interesting thing about them Is how they got into the Drake Grill with Its atmos- phere. Its cuisine and Its potential following with the awella. and. hay- ing got In, how they hold the lob. Hal B0ADH0USE BOMBED Chicago, May 21. The Arnold Gardens, a well known roadnouse in Home^ood. IlL. was bombed early one morning last week. John Vallorltlgara, the owner, refused to discuss the wreck- ing of him place, but officials ac- credit It to bootleg feudists. No one was In the cabaret at the time of the explosion. DOTTY MOORE MOVING Saturday next (May 29), Dint? Moore and his orchestra will open at the Kursaal, 656 City Inland ave- nue at City Island (New York City). Dinty has been- at -IIunter- Island Inn for a couple of years. He Is well known and popular at City No Betting Evidence Jacob Kashdin, 46, proprietor of a newstand at 8*0-6th avenue and re- siding at 100 West 44th street wag Creed in West Bide Court by magis- trate Richard P. McKlnlry. He was 'arrested by Detective Ernest Walsh of the West 47th street station on the charge of accepting bets. Walsh seised the newsdealer at 44th street and 0th avenue. Tho sleuth declared to newspapermen he saw Kashdin ac ce p t beta from two unknown men. The court dis- charged the newsdealer owing to lack of evidence. oral effect. The Thatcher orches- I»"*nd, having been there previously, square feet. New Cedar Rapids Ballroom Cedar Rapids, la., May 26. Prank Brookhlser, proprietor of Dreamland dance • pavilion, who came here three years ago from Burlington, and has developed tho hall into one of tho best paying propositions In this territory, plans a new dance hall on North Third street. A 15-year lease haa been taken. The new place will be known aa Danceland and will have 9,000 TAVERN A CHOP HOUSE OF EXCEPTIONAL MERIT 156-8 WEST 48TH STREE1 EaM of Broadway DRAKE GRILL « Chicago, May 25. Hotela frequently maintain de- partrnonls and features of service for the sake of the prestige and with no hope of making a profit. That mifrtrt evptrrhT<-1lTe-r>i nkv tTrtil," Wfitrr operates nightly from ten to two, with dancing. The place can hardly -;et "off the nut" unless the Intake on Saturday night, when formal Iresa prevails, la prcater than flo- ured. On week nights It starves vvith half a dozen oouples the nom- inal attendance. A "bur.k ten" gate Is assessed. That doesn't mean much with 12 or 14 people inside, i if for some esoteric m»na«&r!nl PIROLLE'S 146 WE*T 46TH 8T„ NEW YORK .RENOWNKB FOR ITS FRKNCI1 CrTMNK AND PAPTRY PIROLLK'S 8PK4IAL TADLK D'HOTB DINNKB fl 1A SUNDAY FROM It M. TO 9 P. M. dla.1V LUNCHEONS DAILY SPECIAL. DISHES POPULAR PRIC CABARET BILLS Current Programe In Cabarets and Cities aa Below Listed NEW YORK John Lark In* Maty Rts*»~M "Boney" Chadwlck Edd»e P«irVe Mildred Hudglhs Albertin* Pickeas Jan Syncopators Gouty Fair Bddls Worth Bd Batsrtalnsrs Dover Club Jimmy Durante Bddla Jackaon Law Clayton Ryan Sitters Ethel Craig Margaret Hellwlg Doria DIcktneoB Brad Mitchell R Jordan'a Ore a Ambassador Grill Da Veya A D'Alve Larry Slry B^d Art Studio Cleft) Glorious Rev The Glorlae Helen Morgan Alice Rlduor Ben Olaeer B4 A Talon Clafc Harry Dalaon Myrtle Oordoa Frankle Meadowe Morley ft Leader Flo Shermaa Joe Carroll Tony Shayna Jack Harvey Inter-State i Bert Lewis daft Bert Lew la Peggyann Bait Mary Shaw Jane Carpenter Bert Frohant Hazel Lee Rena Ancella Dlna Roberta Colette Lyon Baft-Harmonists Cafe da Paras Ren Salvia Bd Theo Ulesca Oypstsi Casa Lapse Vincent Lopes Irwin Sis Emll Boreo Arthur Ball Gale ft Record O'Brien Rla Castilllaa Helen Leslie Margie Roes Jean Carpenter Les Stevens o«en Castilllaa Gladys Sloaas Beth Pitt Rig-How ft Sleepy Hall Chateau Will Oakland Chateau Band Ctr**s Cecil Cunningham Minnie Mae Moore Noel Francis Doria Dick I nana Lauretta Adams Dorothea Stanlsy Marie Salisbury Marguerite H*liwlg Crandall Sts Hilda Alllsoi Ruth Came LeRoy Smith Cms Geo McClellaa Juan Starr Abbls Mitchell Freddie Wffse'ston AI Moore Johnny Vlgal Clarence Robll Rllda Webb Alma Smith L Caldwell Bd Clab Paraar Russe Revue Hale Byers Bd Balalaika Bd Elinor Keara Balsas C**b * ir$rfatf^lnMvttchf DaTijrDo'aa ••Bubbles" Druatlla Kendall Cappa Edith Sbeltoa Clab Deauvffis Melody Sis 4 Aces ( lob Lido Chick Endor BlUy Mnnn George Wales Tommy Puroall Davla-Akst Oreh Ooiuale'a laa Maude Russell Margaret Sims Wheatoa a Walker Aids Ward Alto Oatss li Mitchell Connie Bd Cotton Cta* Lew Paton B Lindsay Rev B Waits Ohv* McClura Iresa sis Jos Candulo Bd Men at. Claw Leal Stengel Pearl Baton Arthur Browa Bd Joyce Frank Prey Alios Bolton Gsa Olsen Bd tat Ave. Cftafr Robt Berne Oreh Bobble Cits? Mtaaea Laird Mabel Olssa Albert Barks Johany* Clare Bdlth Baboon Bdaor PrlUlne Maryland Jar bos Hslsa Sheperd Derothy Deader Rlohsrd Bennett Brews A Sedans Constance Carp'ntss Florida Adlsr Well A B Florida Bd Frivolity Billy Arnold Rev Jaok Denny Bead BJ-lIat Club Arthur Swanatroas L A F Wallaos Dorothy Dais Peggy Dolsoa Alms* Ross Marsis Lowry Jackie Heller Cnaancey Grey Bd Hath ran BlUy Adsms Bdwsrds A Dana Clifton Crane Marlon WUklas Arils Filer Blue Blowers Frank CorawsH Crusaders Bd Parody Crab Jos Frisco Gypsy Byrns "Mickey" Ruth JAB Miller CAM P.oss Verona Louise Kaas Athlons Margaret Davles 8 8 Levis t has Bd Felham Heath Inn Loa Rmdermsa Bd Silver Bllppev Dolores Farrls Beryl Halley Broderlck A Leon Dolly Sterling Bd Bd wards Bd 8. Tucker's Plays/d Sophie Tucker Bd Blklns Bd Texas Oa4aaa*s T Outaaa Rsv Rubps Ksslsr Mary Lucas WrlHams 8h» Kitty RelHy Al Roth Diana Hunt Dooley Sis Ritchie Cra rg. Jr Cliff O'Rourke Hope Minor Viola Cunningham Billy Blake Vanity Clab Allen Walker Rev Villa Venice Emll Coleman Bd Waldorf-Astoria B A L Starbuck H Leonard Bd White Poodle Clab Flame Moors Hazel Hlcksy Jean Dare Flo Bristol Helen- King France Le Mont Bert Da * mar Billy O'Connell Bd Dancing Daponts Mabelle Maris Sol Wagner Oreh Doaarillo 0*Conner Sis Shirley Buford Martha Martsll Helen Doyle David Qulzano Marque A Marq'tts Montss Rose Wjfaa Glsdys Blair Al Downs Bronss Melba Bob O' Link s Oreh Hollywood Marlon Kane Johnny Ryan Reed 81s Carlos A Loots* Brundags A Kr'mer Ferdie Voaa Barron Wilkes's J Barnstorms rn Oreh Colorrd Show Oreh Alfredo A Gladys Ben Pollack Oreh Pershing Palace Gene Carter Bessie Moors Comb A Atkla Madeline McKensls Carl Lorraine Oreh Southmnor Flo Lewie AHHdir A aradya B Pollack's Oreh Parody Cafe Phil Murphy Stewart Allen Margie Ryan Bobbls Msrcellns Nena De 8ylv4a Virginia Sheftell Tex Arlington Gladys Mints Clint Wright Oreh Palmer Haass Ernest Bvaas Oo flsxsld _Lsjrr. Qrch. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Imperial Walt Windsor Rsv Gladys Burgett* Eussnts Kara Carmenclta Beth Pitt Alice Rector M Splelmaa Bd Rockwell T« Chas Cornell Rsv Buck A Thetia Ethel Wolfe Artie Williamson Mae Russell Harry Lasau Bd Larry Vlnosnt Rick A Snyder Anrlole Cravsa Irene Faer; A dels Walksr AJ Raadlsr Oreh CHICAGO Wslls A Brady The Waltons Betty Moors Doris Robblna Edna Lindsay Valentango Bubbles Shelby HcCune Sla Marvelous Msrlnos Murray A Wagner Paulette La Plerrs Bee Jones Parody Cafs DAG Mason Kid Murphy Slim Qroenieh Flossie Sturgts Pop Hunter Bobble Marsellas Gladys Mints Bddls Cox Freda A Pal Babe Kans Mirth Mask Julia Oerrlty Carolyn as Le Bass Jimmy Ray Owls Oreh Rath Bttlag Mauri* Bhenaaa Or GtaaadaOafs Spec Otrls Sid Brdmaa Brnls Caldw'U Oreh Anita Gay Bab* Sherman Mary Col bora Al Rsyaolds Marlon Oast* Fls R»llly Mir ados Al Sehemheck Bd Moss A Fontana J Johnson Bd McAlpla Hotel Radio Franks Ernie Golden Bd Mont* Carl* Jeanette Gllmoro Bd Kattihiusva Bar Lionel (Mike) A Masksd Countess Jsanstts Ollmor* Shirley Dahl Klrwaa Carl Byal Sir Tahax's Arab'ns Buffalodlans Oreh Moulin Vaude Acts Jim Morgan Bd Fred Farnhasa Dolores Allea B A J Gordoa Nina Smiley Roy Evans Esther Whltlngton Roulette's Oreh Kelly's Itables Stables I Broadway Jimmy Johnson A Fuqas Lincoln Tavern MyrtI* Lanslas Katharine Dairy HI oka Hawallans Jaek Crawf'rd Oreh LltU* Clab B Browa Syaee'a Dora Maugha Lew Jenkins Mealta Rows* Eddie Moran Frank Libi Vera Amaaar J Chapman Oreh Soathmoor Hotel (Venetian noom) Henri Thertiea Keyo Namba Bernadlne de Grave CI us Edward.* Oreh ATLANTIC CITY Silver SMppsr Hilda Ferguson Andras A Rasoh Louise Mack Dorothy Bergor* Hanley Sis Pearl Mack Deon Mack Ruth LeClsir* Kitty Bird Lucille Winnie B McKnight Oreh FolUoa Bergere Evelyn Nesbtt Deae A Rechsll* Dorothy Braua Ormond Sis Nsbs Naxworthy Betty Gil lea Jimmy Carr Oroa Martin's Cafs Thelma Carlton Peuino A Dllwortn Peplno A Dilworth Royce and Lee Bobby Kuhn 10 Rhytbmakers or. Fantoa Ryan Goldra laa Douglas 81s Veoietta Babette Grace Burk Jaok White Golden Inn Oreh Fairmont' laa Peggy Heavens Irene Myers Bert Schaffer "Doc" Butler Helen Grey Camilla J Ketrham Oreh Clint Wright's Oroh|Fraacls Renaalt LOS ANGELES Jay Mills Bddls Clifford Williams 81s Margaret Whit* Bernard A Heart Le Mas A Joelae C Straight's Orsa Flo Lewis Olive 0*Nell Wsyas Allea • Mary Mnlhert Tomsoa Twlas Revo* Lid* Oreh (B B's*l) Eddie Moras B Dawa Martha Dorothy Lans sw- Ka h u ' s O t a h Helen Borh* Anita Gray Grseovrleh Vlhigs Sam Rabla Jack Ooldstsia Bsrgstrora Oreh H Owsas Oroh Prise* Nick S Mitchell Martha Richie Mildred Washlngt'n I Georgia Peaches Elklns Oreh Ctah Carolynns Snoi Sunburn Jim Ivy Anderson Marshall A Psrtls LawTsnc* F*rd Sidney Reovs Susie Hoy P Howard Or*h Mel Callsh George Lloyd Carson A Csi Iran* McK Inner Clair* Leslie Dave Shell Oreh MIAMI Fl Roof (Jaaet Stoas Gene Fosdlck Oreh 1 Mario VIIan! Isabel AJlea Chea Martha Mortal! Shirley Buford Carolya La Rue* Tina Tweedis South Sea 8 r*s d*ra Dlxls Flslds B H off ma a Oreh Vanity Pahr Auriole Craven Frank Sherman The Jennings Mary Isobel Colb'rr Vanity Serenadsrs Virginia Cooper H Osborn* Oreh Otah Joe Lewis nun* Gerbsr Jay Milla tPatrte* Grldlsr ST. LOUIS Marigold Gard Edna Dsal Denny A Jeanette Bonnie Bell Lllllaa Bell WASHINGTON Chaioaa La Meyer Davis Oreh Max Lows Bat Chovy Chas* Lak* Meyer Davis Oreh Pack-Mills Oreh KH-Kai Miss B Jacksca G M Carle Oreh L* ParadU Moycr Davis Oreh Jack Ooldsn Walter Koik 8 Tupmsa Oreh PpsaUk VUlasv 0*Dona«ll Oreh Rosita Fontaneo Swaae* Meyer Davis Oreh