Variety (May 1926)

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U*Wrte*tty<«fcy'3», < !W««' O- U* T- D- O'O R S VARIETY 55' CIRCUS FANS FORM BODY TO REMOVE LOCAL SNAGS National Association Meets at Capital—200 Members —Elects Officers <ft Washington, May 25. • r The Circus Fans' Association of j^j^nerlca was officially organized i h*re last week and now has close to 200 members scattered through- out the United States. Karl Kar Knecht (Courier-Jour- i nal) EvansvllJe, Ind., Is continuing ' a* Secretary while Marshall L. King, of this city, was elected president and Robert P. Johnston. Concord, N. H., vice president. Each of these officials had his office made "offi- cial" aftor the executive organiza- tion meeting here. The association is composed of those interested in circuses as lay*- < men and aim to correct conditions in their respective localities that —Ifatfl—prove.*—fca; dtjvwmw.e--4e- tented attractions. (For current week (May 24) when not otherwise indicated) Alabama Amua. Co., Eminence, Ky. Alamo Expo., Raton, N. M. *i . „ r ^ , _,_ O. J. Bach, Troy, N. Y. ^^L^^VMnA^^WaSr. Th.el_ Uv**--^ Stow*, F« phow Is repprtei as bavin* cfeaned clayt Mor . Desioge, Mo., 31. ' Rotary International At Denver June 14 Denver, May 26. When the Rotary International is held bera June 14.and between. 1Q.- 000 and 12,000 visitors will be here. A spectacular pageant and wild west will be among the features. The pageant will be held In the Denver University Stadium while the rough riding show will be staged in Overland park. In the International some 85 nations will be represented. Circus Acts at Luna The current circus act at Luna Park, Coney Island, are Dan Darragh and elephants, Mme. Bedinl and high scnool horse, "Jake" (un- ridable mule), Sid Victor and foot- ball playing ponies, Carlson Sisters (aerialists), Randow Trio, Elizabeth (. Roderick (vocalist, with band) and Eugene Randow, clown. Luna Park is managed by Eugene Jarvls, with Wells Hawks again Dandling general publicity. 5- Fressley Fiesta's Mgr. Santa Barbara, May 26. Charles E. Pressley has been ap- pointed manager of the Santa Bar- bara Old Spanish Days Fiesta to be given here Aug. 26-28. According to officials, this city will be fully reconstructed after the earthquake last year by that time. Full moon dates were selected for the celebration. CLOSED PARK SUNDAY Washington, May 26. Arlington Beach, an amusement park just across the Highway bridge in Virginia from the Capital, was forced to stop all riding devices, such as the whip, roller coaster, etc., on Sunday last on orders from Com- monwealth Attorney Gloth. The park manager, Lloyd Schaef- fer, was ordered to appear in court today for violating the Virginia Sunday closing laws. The case was postponed, du- to the friability of Officer Burke, who made the ar- rest, to appear against blm on the blue law charge. Bathing is the Only feature that la to be permitted under the blue law. ROY BATES JUST A HARRYING MAN Wonders' Tip Top Shows Philadelphia, May 21. This 20-car outfit is operated by William Wunders and Tom Hassan. Second year under the present amalgamation, although still op- Hornell's Celebration Harry Miller Co., New York, will stage an - outdoor pageant in Hor- nell, N. Y., June 28-July 6. It will be a county affair. In ad- dition "Old Home Week" will be celebrated. Charles Gaa is business manager, Edward K. Russell, pageant direc- tor; Perrin Q. Somers, concert mas- ter, and Curtis Vance, ballet master. •c * ■ HTOPHY SHOWS IN JERSEY Dumont, N. J., May 25. • The Frank J. Murphy Greater Shows played here last week under auspices, of the Veteran Firemen. The show drew good attendance, considering weather breaks and ^ rl y_8eason. "~ * Tho show is in excellent condltioh, bavlng been thoroughly repainted. It carries 12 rides and 15 shows, most of which played to splendid business, since this spot gets but few carnivals annually and is not near an amusement park. No Rodeos East As far an Information goes there bas been little activity so far as to the givinp of any rodeo or wild *w»t exhibitions in the east other than those offered by the traveling circuses. X'Hual big western rodeos will be given as usual. GRAND VIEW'S 2D SEASON Single, N. J., May 25. Grand View Tark ushers in its •ccond season Saturday. The park is located on the outskirts of Pater- son. The park has added several new r 'des and fun-making devices, also a new dance pavilion.. up in Florida last winter. A walk around will convince why it should. Everything is spic and span. Equip- ment and rides have been freshly painted since the Florida trip, and the general cleanliness which ob- tains throughout reflects credit upon the show's operators. For a carnival of its size it lacks nothing in the way of diversified entertainment, such as la generally demanded of a carnival midway and *haa consequently been getting the money here playing under an auspices tie-up with the Christ Greek Catholic Church and spotted at 24th street and Snyder avenue. The outfit carries five rides, IS shows and 40 concessions, the lat- ter mostly star wheels worked legit- imately on merchandise with money play taboo. Stands ail reported do- ing well on legitimate play. Wun- ders and Hassan alternate in tours of the grounds to curtail anything off-side. The rides include a $20,000 por- table scooter, dangler, ferrls wheel and carrousel. On the first week here the rides were given heavy play with the scooter getting the most. On the Up and Up The shows also are getting •> break mainly because they are on the up and up and show exactly everything promised by the barker in his bally spiel. The list includes moterdome races, Slim Kelly's side show 10 in 1 freak: Charley Rai- der's 1 Garden of Allah; Oriental dancers; Buster Gordon's 3-in-l freak; Parker and Boyd's alligator farm; Lazara, illusionist; Walter Beckwith's wild animals; Dave Ar- cher's deep sea, featuring the flsh scaled man; George Leitzel; Hippo Man and Ivan Erlckson, largest baby In the world, two years old, weighing 105 pounds, and Planta- tion Revue, tabloid minstrel. Freak attractions are handled aa pit shows. All the subjects are human in contrast to the usual prop freaks generally palmed oa on the yokels in some carnival outfits. The run for their money angle In these sends the spectators out on the lot talking, the best advertising after all and sends the other curious ones in at 10 or 15c. a copy, according to scale. Enough on the lot with this troupe to eon*UTre from--two. to three hours and additional time if you remain to play the concessions. The latter stands offer all the staple carnival goods and the latest in stand merchandise. The assortment is varied, but In most Instances worth the Investment. The per- centage is there, also the willingness to pass the stuff out. No fixing or flat joints operating and no grift either. Keeping Clean The grounds are carefully pa- trolled by six specials carried with the show who on the first week is said-to have- cleared it of grift with the "we boys" shifting to the smaller outfits on the outskirts whero they are not so particular about operating methods. Wunders and Hassan have maintained a reputation for the past two years of operating a clean outfit. They claim they want to notified grlfters when spotted that it is unhealthy to hang around. The staff with the show follows: William F. Wunders, general man- ager; Tom Hassan, general repre- sentative; Frank Lcif, secretary; William Jennings O'Brien, pro- moter; Ernest Norton, lot superin- tendent: Charles Warner, press rep- resentative; Marie Sheilno, treas- urer, and Dick Goldman, electri- cian. The show stays here for another week and may stick around the state longer, lighting in other spots if present negotiations are con- summated. A neat outfit capably handled and giving value for the money. Should Kot money all alonir the line and If it doesn't no fault of either the show or its operators, for it's there. Edba. San Francisco, May 25. Roy Bates, wild animal trainer for Kingling-Barnum Circus, was made the defendant in a suit for divorce filed here last week by Mrs. Margaret A. Bates, who charged that her husband made training wild animals a business and col- lecting wives a hobby. She charged specifically that when she married -him he already had a wife and that since she left him he acquired a third without bothering to get rid of his second. Mrs. Bates is a trained nurse and says she met the citcus man when he was a patient in a Utlca, N. Y„ hospital. KEYSTONE EXPO. SHOWS CARNIVALS Bernard I Expo., Trinidad, Col. Bon Ton Shows, Philadelphia. 8. W. Brundage, East Mollne, 111. Buck's Enipire, Newark, N. J. Campbell, Muskegon, Mich. Capital Am us. Co., Stanley, Wis. Coleman Bros. Shows, New Bri- tain, Conn. Conklln ft Garrett, Kamlooks, B. G., C&aada; - - Copper State Shows, Winslaw, Ariz. Corey Greater Shows, Portage, Pa.; Soutnfork. Pa., SI. Dehnbert Expo., Cincinnati, 29. De Kreko, Harvey, I1L; Blue Is- land, UU *1. Diamond Jubilee, Ban Leandre, CaL Dixieland Shows, Lincoln, Dl. Dodsoa's World's Fair, Evans- ville. Ind. Expo. Shows, Cottage City, Md. Mad Cody Fleming, Seymour, Ind. Galler's Mxpo., Point Pleasant, W. Va, General Am us. Co., Cleveland. Gerard's Greater Shows, Rens- selaer, N. T. Greater Bheesley Shows, Hamil- ton, O. Heller's Acme Shows, Perth Am- boy, N. J.; South River, N. J„ 11. Henke Attractions, Milwaukee. Wm. Hoffner Am us. Co., Canton, I1L Isler Greater Shows, Hamburg, la.; Red Oak, la-, IX John Francis Shows, Cnttfaninr; Ok la. Johnny J. Jones, New Brighton, Pa. Kau's United, Berwick, Pa. Ketrow Bros., Greenville, O., 28. Keystone Expo., Philadelphia (3d and Ansbury eta.). Abner K. Kline, Eugen, Ore. Lachman-Carson Shows, Leaven- worth, Kan. Lee Bros> Shows, South River, N. J. C R. Leggette, Larned, Kan. 7_*vltt- Brown -r Huggtna, Ballard, Wash. , Liberty Am us. Co., Newark, N.J. Lippa Araus. Co., Midland, Mich. Max's Expo.. Battle Creek, Mich. McClellan Shows, La Plata, Mo. Metropolitan Shows, Cincinnati. Michael Bros., Louisville X May dale Garden), Ky. Miller Bros., Sparrows Point, Md. Ralph R. Miller's Shows. Paris, Tenn. - Monarch Expo. Shows, North Tar- rytown, N. T. Murphy Bros., Pittsburgh. D. D. Murphy, Jollet, 111. Morris ft Castle, St. Joseph, Mo. Page ft Wilson, Hazard, Ky. C. E. Pearson, Auburn, HI. Peerless Expo., Delbarton, W. Va. Nat Relss Shows. Pittsburgh (Penn A Braddock sts.). Rice. Bros. Shows, Harlan, Ky. Rice ft Dorman, Bentonville, Ark. Royal American Expo., Kansas CJtor,..Mo. Cherry, Port Huron, North Philadelphia, May 22. This outfit looks as though It has had a tough winter. The equipment Is in bad -shape, with the ride plat- forms, especially The Whip, sorely In need of carpenter attention, and the rides in general sorely needing repainting. According to those on the lot here when reviewed the show is getting other tough breaks. This is its third week around Quakertown and its second locution. Concessionaires c1<i!m th<y .lumf-cd from bad to worse, although admit- ting that the former suot was noth- ing to write home about. Th« Kiy.stone Shows is a 10-car gilly outfit operated by Sam Me- chanic and Max Gruberg, whom their employees never miss a chance in referring to as "promising young men," with the accent on tho prom- ise. Some of the hired help tell stories that better Mclntyre and Heath's yarn about the trouper who weaned them away from their job in a livery stable. These boys clulm they are seeing the world but little else. With this outfit one can hardly blame them for their point of view. Double Bad Breaks "-Bart -sniir to <*rjr.a'..'.<r mar innr wa* tougher breaks in the past two years but still optimistic In pursuit of Lady Luck and a comeback. Two 'years ago Sam operated a 20-car show and dropped a fortune be- tween bad breaks and bad locations. All he has In the way of mementoes Is the present outfit of four rides and 36 concession stands. The lat- ter equipment Is as weatherbeaten as- the rides. Tke latter -are a- W-i^p. Dangler, Carrousel and Ferris Wheel. No shows are carried on the outfit. The concessions run the usual gamut, from darts to wheels, with all brands of merchandise passed out for prizes. At its present location at Fifth and Wyoming streets it has any- thing but a likely spot to get any .paosSy. Even the taxi drivers can't "miir the !ot, and people as close at hand as three blocks didn't know the show was there. No billing pf any description out, not even a tack card or handbill. indignation Meetma When the Variety reporter walked on the lot Saturday afternoon the concessionaires were holding an In- dignation meeting. They had things to themselves. They were also squawking about the carnival not opening up in the afternoon to grab the half holiday crowds. A wise gent who kngws his stuff put a quietus on the wrangling by volun- teering that when they don't come out at night, how yer going to get them out in the afternoon? And when .toejr. d» coraa out thsy ftaa'V spend. That was the pay off, and every- thing was serene and tranquil from then on until this reviewer left the lot " Edba. Charlie Martin's Mother Sent to Relief Home San Francisco. May 25. Mrs. Sophie Martin, 70, has gone to the Relief Home to spend the remainder of her duys. hoping some word will be received from her son, Charles, believed to be with a circus. i " Mrs. Martin's last letter from the boy was written June 19, 1922. He then said he was quitting the 'show business. The name of the show was not given in the letter. Illness and Jack of^unds r»oiil**d in Mrs. Martin being brought to the San Francisco Hospital where she was persuaded the Home was the beet p!nee for her. WILLS, CLOWN, INSANE? Deemed Twico Sane, WilJ Be Again Tried Greater Shows, Elk Rubin Mich. Schwable City, Okla. Snapp Bros., El Dorado, Ark. Sam Spencer Shows, B lairs ville, Pa. St. Louis Amua. Co., Lewis port, David A Wise, Ironton, O. Wolf Am us Co., Newton, la. World-at-Home Shows, Coates- vllle. Pa.; Gallltzln, SI; Johnstown (Conemaugh), Pa., June 7. World of Fun (K. F. Ketch urn's), Glens Falls, N. T. Wright's United, Eh amok In, Pa.; Danville, SI; Towanda, Pa., June 6. Wunder's Tip Top, Philadelphia. Zeldman £ Pollle, Parkersburg. W. Va. C. V. Zelgcr, Granite Falls, Minn. PARKS Blossom Heath (Lakewood Boat Club) opens this month in Cleve- land. It has Guy Lorn bar do and His Royal Canadians. RUSSIAN WILD WEST The Russian Wild West with Its 110 Cossacks is to open at the Madi- son Square Garden Saturday night. The Russian riders, brought to this country to take part In a Metro- GoTdwyn-Mayer picture' which" Is to be entitled "The Cossack," are to remain in New York for three weeks. After that they will go to the Coliseum, Chicago, for a week. They will then tour to the west coast by slow stages playing fairs and other available dates. S-F in J. C. May 29 The nearest New York City date Sells-Floto will play this season is at Jersey City, May 29. There is talk that a rearrangement of its eastern invasion may put the show In Brooklyn. The S.-F. management has leased Boyle's Acres, where the big fights have been staged, for its J. C. date. It will not give a parade. S.-F. also uses the Buffalo Bill Wild" West" billing. Tt Is carrying a wild west section. Cherry's Annual "Quit" Chicago, May 26. Wilbur S. Cherry of the Rubin -And-- 4:hAr?y~~Caro.lval.~ha*- 'VjU'-L again. It's a regular custom with Wilbur. He's been doing it for the past five or six years. Cherry has never actually "owned" any part of the show, but has been very con- spicuous in its operation. Los Angeles, May 25. Harry Wills, who says he is a former Barnum-Bailey circus clown. Is staging a regular world's series with the local lunacy commission and from all appearances he will win as he has copped two games straight and must win the third to be free. Wills was originally ar- rested in Wright act liquor viola- tions, Relatives had him declared Insane to shield him from a jail sentence. Wills turned right around and exclaimed in no uncertain tones that he was not^ nutty^ _ A series of skirmishes'w ith Juries and the lunacy commission fol- lowed. First the commission held a hearing and sent him to Patton, the local asylum. Then Wills ap- pealed and a jury trial was ordered. The clown had no difficulty in con- vincing the 12 Jurors. He was de- clared sane. Sent back to the county Jail it Is said he ran amuck and had to he transferred to the psychopathic ward of the general hospital. An- other trial was ordered to determine his sanity. For two and a halt hours he testified he was perfectly normal and the Jury took fire min- utes to declare him sane. Wills Is now back in the county jail awaiting trial for the third time on the same prohibition violation charge. According to legal author* itles he will not be safe again from Insanity charges until he Is tried' once more and pronounced e. k. As It Is, he has two legs on the sanity cup ricesdju- „. Circuses Flock. Up-State Syracuse, N. Y„ May 25. Four circuses are shortly to clash for patronage In Central New York. Ringllng - Barnum • Bailey's will play Syracuse and Rochester en June 1-6, respectively. The big show will not pay any attention to the smaller cities in the section this year. _ Other circuses will "be Main's; Sparks' and John Robinson's. Main's will be In Canandaigua May St. Sparks' plays Ithaca May 28 and Blnghamton the following day. The Robinson circus hits Seneca Falls June 12 and shows under the auspices of the Seneca Falls Busi- ness Men's AusocfcattoiT, soni^jthtng new In the way of circus booking. WAS. VET STOPS PARADE Stamford, Conn., May 25. There will be no street parade when Sellg-Floto Circus plays here Memorial Day. The war veterans' organizations made a combined squawk that Decoration Day was too solemn an occasion to permit a circus pageant. The police board upheld the pro- tests and the S.-F. outfit will have to show without the parade. TightS Silk Opera Hose and Stockings Are Our Specialties QUALITY the BEST and PRICKS the LOWEST ?old and Silver Brocade*. TfeMtrleei Uwtlry Spangle*. «te. Ool6 and SJ1- *«r Trimming* Wise, Beards end all leoda Theatrical. Sam Dice upon re-> inest. *""fc"J» WYL£"& BR0S«v Inc. ~ ~ <8ucceaaora to Siagmaa A Wall) is~t« Beat tltk ****** Raw T< HEART OF CONEY ISLAND LUNA PARK Tho Ftoygreead of tbo World Froo Danetng—-Clreae—-Coaoerto FIFTY ACRES OF FUN SCENERY and DRAPERIES SCHKLL fJTKMC HTL'DIO. Colombo*, O.