Variety (Jul 1926)

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10 VARIETY PICTURES Wednesday, July 21, 19M PUBLIXNEW Mm HOUSE 4,S0O-Seater — Opposition All 'Round Fublix Thiatres Corp. is Roin^' to Invade the neiphborhood field In Mew York from indications throuBh ItH closing for a new 4,f) the- atre in Broolilyn. The contracts were closed Mon- day after several months of nego- tiations with the Publix people rep- resented by Sam Katz and Harold B. Franklin, and Albert Lohmann, Brooklyn realty broker acting for the principals. Work Is to be started on the theatre building within 60 days. It Is expected the house will be ready for occupancy by the fall of 1927. At present the plans call for nam- ing the house the Brooklyn. It Is to be located at De Kalb avenue and Flatl)uyh avenue liSxtension, about 200 feet west of Werba'a theatre. The name of the latter theatre is of- ficially Werba'H Brooklyn theatre. Whether this will conflict with the proposed title of the Brooklyn isn't reported. The building Is to be built by the Flatbush-DeKalb Corp. of Which JIarold D. Widdeman is a principal i, '"tor. Itapp & Rapp, the Chicago a:*chitects, responsible for the new paramount theatre and building in imes Square, are working on the plans for the Brooklyn house, to be a sister theatre to the Broadway house. In addition to the theatre will be a 22-story offlco building with a tower approximately about 10 Btories higher. The theatre proper is to cost about $'2,500,000, while the ivhole project will run to about $7,- 000.000. The new house will l# in direct opposition to the E. F. Albee and Loew'a Metropolitan. Both of these houses are within a few blocks of the Publix site. In addition to the Metropolitan, Loew has the Livingston, which he took over fronci Keeney, right in the neighborhood. Of course, these houses are lined up with the Loew Circvrtt in b4Mkin«. The Brooklyn Strand is playing First National and the United Artists product. William Fox has the Cowper- thwalte site on which he is to build a 5,000 seat house, and there Is a report to the effect that the Keith Interests are ready to abandon the pop vaudeville policy that they have at the Orpheum and convert that house Into a lirst-run house, at which the P. D. C. product will be ehown. Local 'Plug W'ks' on Coast Los Angeles, July 20. Through Indifference on the part of local theatre owners here, no j)lans have been made for Greater Movie Season In Southern Callfor nia. Instead, distributing corpora tlons, through their exchanges, are planning individual campaigns. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer week la to take place Sept. 12-18. Universal will hold a week in October during which they will pUig their pictures. Oct. 3-9 has been designated as the local First National week while that month Is First Natlona Month at all of their exchanges. SAMMY GLUCK Ballet Master And FELICIA SOREL PREMIER DANCER PAUL ASH and His Gang ALL THIS SEASON at BALABAN A KATZ ORIENTAL THEATRE CHICAGO / STARRING DorpUiy (COURTESY OF INSPIRATION PICTURES * INC.) $58,000 at the Oriental, Chicago! Standing 'em up this week at N. Y. lUvoli! Check iHi Amazing BusDiBs hoai done amid die EU)IOCKmAUNA"aiMlt]ieOlinAKSWERTDl926-7is-] Idember of Motion Picture Producers and Dletributora of America, Inc. 'Will H. Hays. President. Fay Going Through with Eiilery Purchase Providence, July 20. Edward M. Fay will take posses- sion of the Emery chain of five Providence houses Aug. 22. Although Mr. Fay states the necessary papers have not yet been signed, the transaction will be com- pleted, he said. The Emery people, headed by Alton C. Emory, pave a 60-day option to Fay. It expires Aug. 21. Practically no change in policy or present personnel of the five the- atres Is contemplated. Fay states. CHARLOTTE DAWN Now Appearing Publix Theatr« Presentations THIS WEEK (JULY 19) TIVOLI, CHICAGO "A sweet appeal iri).": pc't sonallty Is Charlotte J^awn; ev«'n in thip danc- ing Hhow Phe stodd (.iit.* Journal. Direction LEW GOLDBERG N. Y. TO L. A. Wanda Wiley. Ab« Carlos. Townsend Martin. Walter Camp, Jr. Betty Bronson. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Torrence. Ian TorrenQfL, Valentine ofknt. Clara Beranger. Morris Safier. Frank Wllstach. Alyce Mills. Renee Adoree. L. A. TO N. Y. Sam Saze. Rudolph Valentino. U BUYS "DEACON" Universal has purchased the pic- ture rights to "Alias the Deacon," the stage play produced by Sam Wallach. The price paid was over $30,000. It is intended as a screen story for Jean Iler.sholt, the char- actor actor. Leroy Johnson With Landy IjOh Anprlrp, July 20. Leroy Johnson^'ned as direc- tor of j)nlilic»ty at Muck Sennett Studios and L< r(>nie>» rxploltntion director at First .Studios under George Landy. What do you ask in a serial star ? cAthletic AbUUu ? Ask the tMrty men he s knocked out! Good looks ? He's the hest looking man who ever stepped into a rin^ ! Drawing Ihwer P Say. you tell em ! GENETUNNEY in a canting ^^Sal^smA