Variety (Jul 1926)

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Wednesday, July 21, 1926 CABARETS VARIETY 47 RAM AGAIN A.CCRYING Everything OflF — Cafes Dead or Dying Atlantic City, July 20. For the steenth Sunday this sea- son It poured. Concessioniares are literally panic stricken. This past Sabbath an electrical Btorm broke up one of the greatest crowds ever at this resort. Those -whose investments are at stake really ^ept. At least one conces- sionaire cried, and unashamedly. Sven the class A hotels are away off. Night life is deader than King Tut. Texas Guinan, recruited again to give the Silver Slipper a break over the week-end, had the terrific storm to contend with, and the cowgirl from 56th street played to one-third a house, the loss, of course, being taken by "Enoch" Johnson, owner of the place, Texas taking away one grand. A concrete example of how tough the night club racket is here is best exemplified by the failure to get over of Francis Renault's cabaret on Pacific avenue. The cabaret since its inception a month ago hasn't attracted a half a house. Last night the sherifC- carted away the wall decorations, which consisted of several costly appear- ing rugs. Renault will tell you he has pawned his Jewels to pay off the girls, one of whom was let out last night to shave expense. The Glorias, dancers and second feature, quit after a fistic encounter with Edgar Dudley. The latter took the short end of the argument and had his blackjack taken from him by Gloria, who, although anemic ap- pearing, is * wiry youth. Dudley is best known about Broadway for his theatrical ventures and his en- listment in the prohibition depart- ment. He may* return to badge- wearing, they say. Other Piaoes. Paradise Is getting a fair play, but not what it is accustomed to. Gateway, new cafe at Somers point, 10 miles from here, features Leroy Smith's Hot Syncopators. The place is attracting business and is the best-looking cabaret thiti side of 42d street. Rosebud Morse, formerly at the B5th Street Club, New York, is out of the Gus Edwards' "Ritz-Carlton Nights' Revue," as will be a few lluters in the band, to clip ex- penses. The revue doesn't give a Monday eve performance. Friedland's * Biz. Best Perhaps the best busintrfs is be Roadhoose Check Gyp An old racket but not tried for quite a while is being re- newed at the roadhousea. It's the "careless" aadition of checks. The waiter Is responsible for the overaddition, but he al- ways pusses the buck to the checker in the kitchen, mak- ing it look like a "frame" be- tween the waiter and the checker or waiter Jind captain, as most often happens. The captain is supposed to add the totals, but as a rule initials his O. K. in the stress of the moment without bothering to corroborate the mathematics. A $19.80 check at a read- house the past week-end was submitted at $28.40, the host for the first time adding the total on a "hunch." The party sensed an advan- tage prospect, hence the ad- dition and the discovery of the overcharge, which ordinarily would be paid with but a glance at the total. cialty the other clicks are by Ruby Stevens and May Clarke (the lat- ter a dead ringer for Marilyn Mil- ler, whom she adroitly Imper.son- ates). Talk here last nl^ht about "Nucky" Johnson wishing to dis- pose of his Silver Slipper. James Lapenna, producer of "Sweetheart Time," may buy. The Embassy, on the Boardwalk, a few steps from the Rltz, is not complaining. George Hale holds the show. Martin's, featuring Evelyn Xesbit and Thelma Carleton, is not knock- ing them dead either. The Folles Bergere, with Jimmy Carr's band, has sliced wages to keep open. No squawks. One may appreciate another rea- son why Mr. and Mrs. General Public are not spending. The Rltz Cafe Terla, underneath the Board- walk, retails hot dogs at 25 cents a throw and a half of honeydew melon for 90 cents. One place is retailing a Lily cup of water for a nickel. Head Waiter Accused of Theft of Pin on Roof Accused of the theft of a diamond bar pin valued at $300 from Violet Currie, 50a Locust avenue, Tonkers, N. Y.,. while a guest on the roof garden of the Hotel Ala- mac, Frank Jordans, 36, head wait- er, 200 West 88th street, was held on a grand larceny charge. After^ Mrs. Currie missed her pin she notified the hotel management. An Investigation was started. All of the waiters were Interrogated. S^usplclon centered on Jordans. De- tective Tom Horan, West 68th in don b Anatole Friedland atl^^****^^^ station, was notified. With „ A * TT * *w,rTthe house detective he searched the Beaux Arts. He presents the nudest of the local attractions, all of the girls displaying plenty of un- draped cuticle, particularly Mary Higglns (formerly Mrs. Dave Seed), who does the nudes. Besides Anatole's sure-fire spe- A CHOP HOUSE OF EXCEPTIONAL MERIT 156-8 WEST 48TH STREET —— East of Broadway —— Jordans' locker and said they found the Jewel. After Jordans' arrest he told the police he had found the pin on the floor and put it in his locker for safe keeping. Intending to re- turn it to the hotel clerk. When arraigned before Magistrate Flood in West Side court, Jordans waived examination and was held In $1,000 bail for the Grand Jury. StilU in Baltimore Baltimore, July 20. It is understood that a clause In rental leases for homes In this city provided that if a still is located or discovered upon the premises after possession passes the lease becomes null Immediately. Ain)£LMAN'S ROAD HOUSE Joseph Andelman, orchestra lead- er of Hartford, Conn., has opened a road house in East Hartford, Conn., known as Andclman's Pulm Gardens. The roadliouae Is on the main road between Hartford and Spring- field, Ma.s.s. Johnnis Powell ha.s rcopfru'd his Capital Palace, New York. Enter- tainment Includes Johnny Ridge- ley's band. Lcola Jarkio Brown and Alfreda Thomas. F»IROL.L.E'S 145 WEST 45TH ST., NEW YORK RRNOWNKI) TOR ITS FRENCH CI ISINF ASn PA.MTRY PIKOI.I.K'S SPKCIAL TAHT.R D'HOTE 1>I>r?<KR ^| SI NDAY FROM 12 M. TO 9 P. M. M7NCI1KONS r>ATLT SPEriAT. DISIlKS Sunrise Soirees Oklahoma C'ty, July 20. It r-'malned for the management of the dancing pavilion at Belle Isle to pull the latest wrinkle In attractions In the Sunrise Dance. The sessions are from 6 to 9 a. m. DANCERS AS OPPOSITION Atlantic City, July 20. Leon and Bebe, dance team, with a Meyer Davis orchestra, are slated to open at the Ambas.«*ador Hotel, Atlantic City, succ^'edins Bernie Cummins, with a Johnny Hamp band unit. The Ambassador pave the Hamp band its notice, deciding to combat the Gus Edwards show at the Ritz- Carlton with the dancers. COAST'S MIXED FLOOR SHOW Los Angele.<<, July 20. Charles C. AVill'ams opened tj.o Entertainers' Cabaret at l'nivcr.<<al City, ojiposito the I'nivcrsal Studios. June 3. Specializing in a southern dinner, the place will have a Wack and tan floor show, headed by Caro- line Williams, with a male dance chorus, Cliff Kiohie, sinKcr, and Princess and her PepiH^r Pods dance orchestra. Evstyn Nesbitt in Chicago in Fall Evelyn Xesbitt goes to Chicago to open at the Moulin Houge cife In September. Miss Nesbitt is In Atlantic City for the sunnner. Chicago Road Hoases Hi (^hiiMKo. July 20. It isn't so rosy this season for the road hou.sea which dot the sur* rounding countryside outside Chi- cago. Business has been dull and lots of the places supposed to have political connections havi> had th« oops walk right in to ruin the fes- tivities. Moat of the road houses have de- pended on "wheels" for percentuge. Dancers at Vichy Paris, July 10. Sebastian and Miss Nord, after appearing at the Perroquet (caba- ret) are dancing at the Carlton Hotel, Vichy. CABARET BILLS Current Progrsms in Csbarsts and Cities sa Bslow Listsd NEW YORK BeMx Arts Mons Dario Xfileii Irene A Nad'e Alice Widnor J C D'AllessandroBd Cafo de Pavla 3< O HofTman Qals J«y C. Fllppen Guy Sia Ben Selvln Bd CMtinian Oardcna Helen Leslie Margie Rom Jean Qarpenter Lea Stevens Orch CmCUUsb Boyal Roger Kahn Bd Charm Clab Laffa of 192« Re^ Oypsr Byrne Virginia Ifagee Peggy Tlmmona Mary O'Rourk* Ann Wood Jackie Jackaon Grace LaRue Christine Moray Frank Bannister Win Oakland Chataaa Band Chammy Clab Fr A Lew Wallace Irving Bloom Bd Otak Alaba» Abble Mitchell Jean Starr Geo McClennan Eddie Green John Vlgal "Boney" Chadwlck Adele Wniiama Mamie Savoy Leonard Al Moore Ethel Moses Lorraine Walker Freddie Wash'gton Ruth Walker Bllda Webb Alma Smith Ethel Sbeppard Clob DcMvlUe Malody tlx 4 Aces Clob Uld* Chick Endor Billy Mann George Walsh Tommy Puree] I Davls-Akst Orcb CoaBls's Jnu Maude Russell Margaret 81ms Clinton Taylor Kay Henry Taylor 3 Alto Oates AlUe Ross Bd ColtoB aok Brown Skin Vamps May Alex Mildred Heldiclns Albertina Pickens Mary Slafrord Eddie liurke Prarl & Caroline Jazz Syncopators 0*«nty Fair Eddie Worth Bd Entertainers ■▼crglades B Lindsay Rev Onvo McClure O'Brien 81s Kelly Sk UWrn Joe Candulo Bd 6Ath 8« aab Jack Walker Bd FrivolUr Dilly Arnold Rev Dud Kt>nn«.'<ly Helen Kane Bert Byron Nellie Nelson Princess Waneyo TedAKath Andrews Jack Denny Bd Hofbniv Billy Adams Edwards A Dunn Clifton Crane Marlon Wllklns Artie Eller Blue Blowers Peterson A Ch'lott< Hilda Allison Al Lentz Dd McAlpIn Hotel Vaude Acts Brnle Golden Bd Montmartre Miller A Farrell Larry Slry Bd MovllB BoBfe Vaude Acts L Rothschild Bd Felkam Heath Ibb Tvctte Rugel Al B White Lo« Raderman Bd ■Uver Slipper Dan Healy Carlos A Norma Dolores Farrls Dolly Sterling Leon A Droderlck Cliff O'Rourke Eddie Edwards Bd Strand Vaughn Godf'y Rev Estelle Penning Jack Strouse Gladys Sloano Billie Fowler Bd Tommy Cioinan's Fiaygroaad Evelyn Martin Dorothy Decder Vivian Glenn Peggy O'Nell Estelle LaVelle Dorothy Ramey Betty Wright Bessie Kadcmova Ruth Sato (Miss) Dob'e Dc'ker Ann I'age Ethel Maye Berth Lewis Van Lowe Mort Downey Gcorgle Roft Vivian Glrnn Texas Ooi: T Oainan Rey Rubye Keeler Williams 81s Kitty Rellly Al Roth Diana Hunt Dooley 81s Ritchie Craig, Jr Cliff O'Rourke Hope Minor Viola Cunningham Billy Ulake Vanity Clab Allen Walker Rev Waldorf-Astoria H Leonard Bd White Poodle Club Flame Moore Hazel Hickey Joan Dare Flo Briiitnl Helen King France La Mont Bert I>aRmar Billy O'Connell Bd Woodroaosten Inn Benny Davis Dorothy (Jompert Tot Quaitcrs Jesse Uro<?r Mary JJunkley A/argarct Davi<s The Hf'ddlcV.H Charlotte Af'tr-rnon Lou Gold lid BROOKLYN, N. Y. Rockwell Terrmce Chas Cornell Rev Buck A Thprln Eth»'i Wolfo Artie Williamson Mae Runnell Barry Lanau Bd Clob Brighton ^adflyn KilH^n EOna S«<ll»y J^ita I.Dp' /. Kobt KoMUr lid Hhelbornc Hotel (nrijfhf'.n !»••;»< ID Bobby r<>nnf)lly R Kdna Sh'lf.y Marion Wllklns P<'fCKy I'ol.m I'^-Kicy I^oukIi* rty Tony Fran'^I'-co Nancy Jayne Belle Davey Gladys Lake Christcne Eckland Alice EIroy Patay Dunn Bcrnice Wakder Betty Brown GIne Joyce Ruth Penary Lillian Thomas Pansy Mancss Joy Ilnrmon Edith Sheldon Virginia Rny Nancy Kaye Harry Pollock Or CHICAGO AImn:9 Larry Vincent Lester Howson A C Dorothy Lane Duval A Dorothy Clah Avnlon Joe Lewis Frankle Morris Billie Gerber Jay Mills Helen Verges Reed A Duthers Sol Wagner's Orch Chea Pierre Karola Don Qulzano Hawaiian 4 Gorman A Thayer B Hoffman Orcb College Inn Jack Fine's Rev Mauris Sherman Oi DoMTlUe Edna Leonard Sylvia Hanley Clara Stewart Vera Walters Geo Sykes Bebe Green Bdd 9 Simons Bd Frlam' laa Harry Hart Roso A Carroll Grady A Carroll Peggy Burt Hazel Romaine DKIy Rankin Merrit Brunies Bd Frolics Williams Sis Lisheron A Girls Morton A Mnyo Babe Kane Jay Mills Rose Wynn Owl's Orch Granadn Cafe Sid Erdman Jimmie Chester Harry Moon Del Estes Yvette Quinn Grace Chester Eddie Van Schaick Ernie Caldwell Or( Hollywood Jess Wise Kay Norman Lolita HUl Gold Dec Jane Jean Dane Cnnr A J)' rinfo Olodyce Harvey Carl Lorraine 0^c^ Jeffery Tavern Fred Farnham Delorrs All^n B A J Gordon Nina Smiley Roy Evans Esther Whltinston Roulette's Orch Kelly's Stables Don Ed Goodbar Jimmy Par It or nar»'nrc Habcock SpecB K<>n<'brew Stal>len IM Kenwood VUIage Anita Gay Dabe Sherman Mary Colburn Al Reynolds De Quarto Orch Ught Honae Cele Davis Edna Warman Jlnamle Stiegcr Buddie Whclan L'thouse Seren'ders Llneoln Tavern .Joyce Hawley (Rick A Snyder Bob Heen Johhnle Black Kate Duffy Crawford Orch Mndrid Cftfe Johnny Ryan Bobby Pierce Bea A I^a Arloa Springs Anette Blackstone Eldrldge A Hunter Frank Albert Orcb Monlln Bovge B B B Elinor Terry Marcella lUrdy Gladys Kramer Roy Evans Lew Fink Duncan Marin Orcb Stanley A Savage Paulette La Pierre PaMdy Cafe Slim Greenlch Flossie Bturgis Virginia Sheftall Pbll Murphy Bdith Greenwood May Blancy Jackie Hamlin Sarah Theaball Tex Arlington Robbie Marsellus Gladys Mints Clint Wright's Orel BendrsTons Shirley Malette Vandesca A Abar Dernard A Henri McCune Sis Dorec I^rIIa Mike Specials Orch BalalKm Gardens Frank Llbuse Bobbie Tremalne Mile Kasmlr Jerry Drrr I>amb Sis .1 Rones ' Pauline Caskin Alyce Mclaughlin Donna Dameral Ralnbo Garden O Sootbaioor Hotel (Venetian llooni) Alfredo A Gladys Ben Pollack Orch Terrare <iardeiis Frances Allls .Mchorr Him I^eatrice Wood Gus Edwards Orcb Tnalty Flair Thelm;i Combes Frank Shfrman The Jennings Mary Isobel Colb'rr Vanity Serenaders r^e Sisters II Osborne Orch Villa Venire Masked (Countess Baroness Erxi Baronr-HB Larionovi Giovanni F'ulcu li'hite City (Terrace r;arden) Kenco Ilayno Mndfinn Mack'-nzh Mabc Hh'-rmaii The Marinos ATLANTIC CITY Beaux Arts Anatolo Fri'dland Norma ''jallo .lune M.-iyo f'hic H.irrymore I*of,lfy 2 • •yrll ijAth Virginia if A th Hul»y .'^tfv* iiij •Vf.ty (.i.irkw Pi-KK'y Olil'tple iMar..-i Hunt .)< rry IiryiUn Jun» I'aJ't P^gicy H'fnv'-ns Mary HiKKirm All'<- It«i«<.n In Tf' )t\ Hli' piard I5«t'y I3r»'iin:tn Silver Slipper Hilda F«Tgunon La Mar A Josln<* Kf-ncc VaN rlo Ii<nri(l.i Random f'lar.'i Kaur-r Flo Shi rman •MarRle Kdwards Kitty HaR'h .M A M ftuiii|ihr< yf'.no. Ma» k llan:»-y Hm M;i«ic .S'ainm Millie .Stout Joe Venuti Bd Cafe Franrls Rr- Buull Frfinf I" l(» rirttilt Joe Pt-nntr U Glaztr Bd Folles Bergere Julia Oerlty Dorothy Draun Kvelyn Myers Oladyn Reed l^slic Sis Jimmy Carr Bd Martin's Cafe Evelyn Nesbit Thelma Carlton Pepino A Dilworth Duke Rogers Uoyce A Leo 10 Rhythmakers Back Stage Club Connie St Clair Carl Smith Wan Brown Lefty Agnew Phil Longo Back Stage S Lola Pullman Bennle Williams , A Myers' Band Blna Hour aab Ruth Hamilton Constance Almy Louise Gardner Ruth Barbour Tommy Bergen Jimmy Slick Joe Golden Buddy Huntington Murph Gardner B Hart's Band Hollywood Cafe Paul Sullivan Brvin Gllmore Ray Jeff* rson H Marsh a Band laikewoHh Clab ' Barry O'Moore Hilda Leroy Lopes Slaters Doran A Johnston Mayo A Marie Jack Baker Jack Tennet Billy Johnnton C De Hart's Band Kmbaasy Clah Goorgie Hale Caravan Frolics Phyllis Fair Virginia Roach Betty May Esteile LeveMe Flossy Cryon Ruth Madison D Anteno A W Ma> Yukona Cameron Dorotha Deneose Lulu Swan Floyd Carter Red Night Hawks Golden Inn Chubby Drisdale Babette Jack White Patsy Fanan Lynn Faye Theo Wanda "Bert Mulvey Orcb Convention Cnfo Walt Cleary Franip Haley Helen Costello Billy Wright Jimmy Watson Dolly Ryan Jean Brewer Georgle Kelly Magylre Orch. DETROIT Bloasom Henth Inn Rose Taylor Bd Book-Cadlllae Hotel Jean Goldkette Bd Granada Park Ray Miller Bd Romonn Park Husk O'Hare Bd Taller Hotel Seymour Simons Bd Oriole Tri Johnny Ryan Morau A Morau Mike Morlcty Jack Douglas Charleston Chaps Paaadena Orch LOS ANGELES Oreenwlrh VlUasa Sam Rubin Jack Goldstein Bergstrom Orch Cafo Lnfayetta Jane Green H Owens Orch Cottoa Clak Frisco Nick S Mitchell Martha Richie Creole Cutle Ilev Tin Can Henry Or Clab Alnbnai Way Watts Luclnda Beatty Grace Lee llelene Grant Mrrtz Boyd Mildred Owens Marie Mayo Poppy Davis Nightingale Cafe Carulynne Snowdef Bronze Creole V'pi Paul Howard Orch Tom Jn«obo Lodgi Mel Callsh George Lloyd Carson A Carson Irene McKlnney Claire I^slle Dave Shell Orch RED BANK, N. J. Shrewsbury Blver Coontry Clab Sally Fields Evelyn Myers ■Thelma Edwards BAM Root Brennan A Adams 'Nellie Nelson Dover Club Bd MIAMI n««twood Boof I Janet Stone Gene Foadick Orch I Marie VilanI Isabel Allen | Patrice Grldier SEATTLE Batler Eva Nolan Jeanne Tursalle Victoria Andrews Lou Twins Butler Orch Montmarte Ira Darne'.l aar<la Nord Friend A (?OHkey Alton Grfbin Jerr Adnir Aubry KoolT Bd Club IJdo Grace Hamilton Jack Medferd Barbara Boswell Naomi Dorcen Snowden Dorothy Davies Pauline Noll Irene Phillips Naomi de Musle Hetty Itailey Jack Strrn Jarkle Soudcr's Bd VENICE, GAL. Ship Cafe Mel CallMh Irene McKlnnfy r>ave Sneil Orch GcoTKe Lloyd WASHINGTON f liatean TiO Paradit Walter Kolk Max I^we Ent Meyer Davis Orcfc Chevy Chaae Labi K;if<- Smith M'-y»r Davis Orrh I^ Paradls J;<<k Coidcn Meyer Davis Orch Mayflower Garden .S Tupmnn Orch Powhntun Kouf Spanish Village O'Dnnnell Orth P(t«- Honnn Ent Carm'llti 8 wanes Al KamouM Mrypr Duvis Orch Uillard Roof .Ndthan lirusilofl .-'Htn Kornian .VI« y»T Davis Orcb Villa Roma M< .Nc» ly Orch