Variety (Jul 1926)

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48 VARIETY t'kikkits-' POLITICS UNCOVER ROAD HOUSE 'SELECT' DANCERS Under Sheriff Got Air Besides —Naked and Semi-Mude Dancers Milwaukee, July 27. Pri< es prevalent in Milwaukee rounty rondhousea of the cheaper i»rder, Hccordintr to an investi;?ution nad.> by sheriff's deputies follow- ing coinplaintB from the frequenters •)( the Silver Dale roadhouBea, are t6 for nude and |3 for »eml-nude ilancera. The district attorney learned pa- trons of the places paid |& each o watch a girl dance in the nude. She was on only a few minutes, the complaint said. For |3 a girl n'ith only a girdle danced for about :en minutes. SherifTs deputies raided thr place ."nd arrested Helen liayes, 22, the nude dancer, and Marie Fischer, •"""argo, N. D., who did the semi- • ude steps. Peter Paola, proprietor, id others in the place, were thrown ' Jail. When taken the Hayes ;man had $300 in one of her stock- era, the earnings of two weeks of : iked dancing, she said. Arrest of the roadhouse gang ;>mes close upon revelation by .hurch women here that sherlfTs ('leputles and others of the county lervice recently gave a party in a Milwaukee summer home In which the feature attraction was a naked .'ancer. The party coat each man 'here |5. The naked dance party, ii which a Chicago girl is said to ave been the dancer, was followed ■»y the dismissal of Undcrsherift lerman Kroenlng. candidate for sheriff, who was caught In a hotel ioom with the wife of his backer, u prominent Milwaukee florist. Kroenlng was given the "gate" r fter the hotel room episode and '\e district attorney la now Inves- T'^ting the naked dance party as :'II as charges that sheriff's dep- I?s were acting as "fixers" for rtain Milwaukee county road- » in obtaining llcensea. All of the Investigation coming .' ISt prior to the election of a new . heriff here. Parties' Following Dance Sessions Scored Officially Des Moines. July 27. H. L. Booton," city dance super- ^ Isor, recommends that all public 'ance halls In the city limits be -llminated In favor of one large :>avillon, owned and operated by the Ity. He said It was almost Impos- Ible to keep check on the age of the nungsters who patronise the public ance halls which he said were .u inging up like mushrooms. The Hooton report claims that dance halls themselves are well ducted un' er strict supervision, t he points out that the menace from the "parties" which follow •\l he argues thHt a city-operated '.vilion would centralize social ;^c'iicies of the city and tend toward I iirb of those evils. ''The Oakt,** Madison's (Wis.) newest recreation center, is open. The Oaks" is the roadhouse and lancing pavilion, formerly known as he "Green Circle," location on ilghway 13, the Oregon road, three miles from Madison. It Ih under the direction of Shorty" Levenlck and "ilyng" 'Jrapser, new proprietor. A CHOP HOUSE EXCEPTIONAL MERIT ' S6-8 WEST 48TH STREET Catt of Bro«dw»y Cabaret Girls in Shooting: Affray with Men in Apt Tenants In the elevator apart- ment 343 West 55th street, where man^ theatrical folk are living were awakened by the report of a pistol .<ihot In an apartment on the second floor. Immediately follow- ing the angry voices of men and women came from the sp^rtment. Word was telephoned to Detectives Charles f>ugan and Ifenry McCad- din of the West 47th street bureau, who sped to the scene. They demanded admittance to the apartment by rapping on the door. Everything was silent Inside. The message the sleuths received was some one had been murdered. Fear- ing some one had been slain, the detectives ordered the superinten- dent of the building to open the dour. He did with a pass key. Inside the apartment (2-G) thc- detectlves found the living room covered with plaster. In the ceiling was a bullet hole. Dugan and Mc- Caddin searched the apajilment. flnding two women in one bed and. three men in another. They were all ordered dressed and taken to the police station, where they gave their names as Peggy English (who told the sleuths she was not the original Teggy English) and Florence Wil- son. l*eggy is 25 and Flo 22. Both stated that they were entertainers at the Silver Slipper cabaret. Miss Kngliiih said she worked at the Par- ody Club and also at the Kentucky. The men gave their names as Harry Burnbaum. 29, 142 East 24th street, salesman; Max Brocher, 88. salesman, 33 Clara street. Borough Park, Brooklyn, and Jack Rogers, 29, window cleaner, 102 West 74th street. Miss Wilson and the three men were charged with disorderly conduct. Miss English was charged with violation of the Sullivan law. Peggy English Held In West Side Court before Magis- trate George Simpson Miss Wilson and the three men were discharged for lack of evidence. Miss English was held for Special Sessions. She stated her home was in Rhode Island and told the detectives at the time of her arrest she got the gun in North Carolina. When the detectives entered the apartment many of the tenants gathered about the door of the apartment. According to Dugan and McCaddln, Miss English admit- ted* the STun was hers when arrested. In court she denied ownership. Dugui told reporters that Miss English had tidmltted flrlng the shot Into the ceiling. Miss English stated that the apartment was loaned to her. Kaln Uaviog Road Hoise Roger Wolfe Kahn and Al Gold- man, proprietor of the CastlUlan Royal on Pelham Parkway, N. Y., have adjusted their contract, with young Kahn's crack band terminat- ing at the roadhouse within three weeks. The original contract ran into September, calling for $1,750 for the band, a concession for the combination because of Kahn's minimum appearances of twice weekly In person with his orchestra. The band is slated for two weeks at Keith's Palace, New York, in August, with the other metropolitan houses to follow, after which an elaborate booking arrangement is set for the fall. Goldman was anxious to pay more for the band if the ''million- aire maestro" would make four or five nightly appearances, but Kahn's interest in other fields, Including the composition of a new musical comedy score for fall production prevented. George D. Lottman sails Sept 15 for Paris to open an orchestra booking exchange on behalf of Rog- er Wolfe Kahn. Green Milf» Cleveland, Burned Cleveland, July 27. A mysterious tire comple<eIy de- .stroyed llie (Ireen Mill, exclusive Euclid Village supper club, aban- doned since November when a .score or more men and women were taken into cu.'^tody in a spectacular raid. l>nmape to the building wa.s esti- mated by Fire Chief Charles D. llAllou at l><^tW(M'n |7r»,000 and $85,000. The rlub was to have been re- opened In 10 days by George liardosdy, It was .said. Cecil Cunningham has removed to the Caatilllan Gardens on the Merrick road with her "Club Clro Sweeties." Fawn Gray's Ammlment Baltimore, Juljr 27. Fawn Gray, alleged friend of Harry K. Thaw, Is no longer Mrs. Theodore MacFarland. According to an order signed by Judge O'Dunne In Circuit Court she never really was. The order annuls the marriage, contracted last winter following a night club party in Philadelphia, and an automobile ride. According to Miss Gray she re- members little about that ride. In fact, she was drunk. It was upon this plea that she entered suit for annulment in Maryland, claiming this state as her home. Theodore MacFarland was named in the bill as a Philadelphia news- paper man. Miw Ora7 in private life was and Is Gladys M. Brown. EAKF'S BAND STICKS Atlantic City, July 27. Johnny Uamp's band, under Ber- nle Cummins' direction, remains at the local Ambassador hotel. No dance team Is coming Into the hostelry as reported, the Hamp unit being set for the summer. Callshsn's Casino Ed Callahan, identified with pic- tures as salesman and in other ca- pacities for fifteen years, has turned boniface. He has the Island Park Casino Just north of Long Beach. PROIflBmON AND MALT Washington, July 27. What about prohibition? The Bureau of the Census has this to say: The biennial census of manufac- turers for 1925 discloses that the makers of malt increased their out- put 46.4 per cent. Total value of the malt for 1925 was $24,055,000, as compared with $16,341,000 In 1923, the last preced- ing census year. There were 22,038,000 bushels of malt produced, with the 1925' fig- ures on total value when cost of materials and production are de- ducted giving the 22 manufacturers engaged a net profit of close to $6,000,000 on the year. CABARET BILLS Current Programs in Cabarets and Cities as Below Listed NEW YORK Be»ax Arts Mons Darlo MItea Irene A Nad'* Alice WtdQov Cafe dm Tmttm 36 a Iloffman Qmls Jay C. Fllppen Guy Sis Ben Selvin Bd CasCilUaB Gardens Helen Leslie Ifarfftto Roaa Jean Carpenter Lea Stevens Orch CsstllUaB Royal Roger Kahn Dd Charni Cisk Laffa of lf2t Oypay Byrne Virginia Magee P^KKY Tlmmona Mary O'Rourke Ann Wood Jackie JackaoB Grace LaRu* Christine Moray Frank Banniater Will Oakland Chateaa Band Chammy Clwh Vr a Lew Wallace Irvins Bloom Bd ClHb Aiabana Ahble Mitchell Jeao Starr Geo McClennan Bddle Green John Viral Adele Williams Al Moore Freddie Waah'cton Ruth ^('alker Rlida Webb Aim* Smith Geo Stamper Billy Sheppard Ftlta Walker BSthel Johoson I^lu Willlama Lillian PoweU Hazel Sheppard Clsk DeaavOU Melodr ■!> 4 Acca Club ilobers f*ola Taylor Ru.saliu O Rellly Clsb Ltde Chick Bndor Billy Mann George Walah Tommy Purcell Davla-Akflt Orch Conaie'a Inn Maude Raaaell Margaret Slma Clinton Taylor Kay Henry Taylor 2 Alto Oatea Allle Roaa Bd Cotton Club Brown Skin Vampa May Alex Mildred Heldglna Aibertlna IMckens Mary StafTord Eddie Burke Pearl a Caroline Jacz Syncopaiora County Fair Bddle Worth Bd Entertalnera ^ Brers iadea B Lindsay Rev Olive McClure O'Brien 81a Kelly A Miles Joe Cnnrlulo Bd B5ih St Clnb Rosebud Morne t'a.Hyle Shirley Jack Walkir Dd Frivolity Hilly Arnold Uev Bud Kennedy Helen Kane Bert Byron NcUle Nelson rrlnceaa Waneyo TedAKath AndreWa Jack Denny Bd Hofbrra nilly Adama Edwards A Dunn Clifton Crane &farion Wllkina Artie Bller Blue Blowers Peterson A Ch'Iottc Hilda Allison Al Lents Bd McAIpIn Hotel Radio Franks Brnle Qoldoa Bd Montmnrtro Miller A Farrell Larry Siry Bd MooIIb Rouse Vaude Acta L Rothschild Bd Hcsta iM Tvette Ragel Al B White Los RAderman Bd 0U¥«r BUppm Dan Healy Carloa A Norms Dolorea Farrla Dolljr Sterling Leon A Broderick Cliff O'Rourke ■ddie Edwards Bd Strand Boof Vaughn Oodf'y Rev EsteHe Penning Jack St rouse Oladjra Sloane Billle Fowler Bd Tommy 0«laan'a Playgravad Evelyn Martin Dorothy Deeder Vivian Glenn Peggy O'Nell EstellR LaVelle Dorothy Ramey Betty Wright Bessie Kademova Ruth Sato (Miss) Bob'e Dc'krr Ann Page Ethel Maye Herth Lewis Van I<owe Mort Downey Georgle Roft Vivian Glenn Texna Gatnaal T Onlnan ReT Rubye Keeler Williams Sis Kitty Rclily A! Roth Diana Hunt Deoley Sis Ritchie Craig. Jr Cliff O'Rourke Hope Minor Viola Cunning'aam Billy Blake WalOoif-aatMla H Leonard Bd White Poodle Club Flam* Moore Haael Hlckey Jean Dare Flo Bristol Helen King France La Mont Bert Dagmar Billy U'Connell Dd Woodmanstcn Inn Benny Davia Dorothy Gompcrt Tot Qualtera Jesse Greer Mary Dunklcy Margar«>t Davlos The Iteddlcks Charlotte APclcraon I^u Cold Ild BROOKLYN, N. Y. Rorkwell Tevraro rhas Cornell ReT lluck A Therlo Ethel Wolfe Artie WIMiamaon Mae Russell Harry Lanau Bd Club Brighton Maxlnr Lewis Madelyn Killren Hdna Sedley lilta T.npei Robt FoMer Md Khelbnmo Hotel (BrlRhton Bearh) Bobby Connolly R Bdna Shelby Marlon Wilkena Peggy Dulan V*KKy Douchrrtjr Tony Francisco Nanry Jayno Belle Davey Gladya Lake Chrlfttene Bckland Alice Klrny Patay Dumi Bernlco Wakder Betty Brown OIne Joyce Ruth Penery Lillian Thomas Panay Maneaa Joy Ilarmon Edith Sheldon Virginia Ray Nancy Kayo Harry Pollock Or CHICAGO Alamo Larry Vincent Leater Howaon A C Dorothy T^ne Duval A Dorothy Clnb AtsImi Joe Lewia Frankle Morria Billle Gerber Jay Mllla Helen Vergea Reed A Duthera Sol Wagner'a Orch Chou Pierre Karola Don Quixano Hawniian 4 Gorman A Thayer E Hoffman Orch College Inn Jack Fine's HeT Maurle Sherman Oi Friars' Ina Harry Hart Rose A Carroll Orndy A Carroll Pessy Burt Haxel Romalno Billy Rankin Merrlt Brunlea Bd FMIco Willlama Sla Llaheroa A Oirla Morton A Mayo Babe Kane Jay Mllla fCoae Wynn Owrs Orch OranaJa Oafe 5)ld Brdman Jimmie Chester Harry Moon Del Rstes Tvette Qulan Grace Cbeater Bddle Van Schalck Ernie Caldwell Or< ■Ioilrwoo4 Bai Jeae Wise Kay Korman Lellta Sid Gold Roe Jane Jean Dune Cone & DoPinto Gladyoe Harvey Carl Tiorraine Orcf •leffery Tavern Fred Farnham Pelores Allen D A J Gordon Nina Smiley Roy Bvana Rnther Whitfngton Roulette's Orch Kelly'a Stable* Don Ed Goodbar Jimmy Parker Clarence Babcock Spccji Knnebrew Stables Bd Kenwood Vlllace Anita Gay Babe Sherman Mary Colburn Al Reynolds De Quarto Orch ' Light Uouse Tele Daria Bdna Warman Jimmie Stieger Buddie Whelan L'thouse Seren'ders Lincoln Tnveni Joyce Hawley Rick A Snyder Bob Heen Johhnle Black Kate Duffy J Crawford Orch Madrid Cafe Johnny R);aa Bobby Pierce Bea A T^ea Arloa Springs Anette Blackstone BIdrldge A Hunter Frank Albert Orct Parody Cafe .*<lim Oreenleh Floaaie Sturgla Virginia Sheftall Phil Murphy Edith Greenwood May Blaney Jackie Hamlin Sarah Theaball Tex Arlington Bobble Marsellus Qtadya Mints Clint Wrlcht'a Orel BendenTona Marlon A Bandall Shirley Malette Vandesca A Abar Bernard A Henri McCnne Bla Doree lieslle Mtke Speclale Orch Balnbo)w Gardens Frank LIbuse Bobbie Tremalne Mile Kaamir Jerry Derr Tiamb Sla a Roses Pauline Gaskin Alyce McLauRhlln Donna Dameral Rainbo Garden O Southmoor Hotel (Venetian Room) Alfredo A Gladys Ben Pollack Orch Terrnre Gardens Frances Allia .Schorr Sla Leatrloe Wood Oua Edwards Orch Vanity Fair Thelma Combes Frank Sherman The Jennings Mary Isobel Colb'rr Vanity Serenaders T,ee Sisters H Osborne Orch Vlllfi Venire Ma.sked Countess Baroness Rr/.i Baroness Tiarionovt Giovanni Fulco Whito City (Terrace Garden) Renee Rayne Madelon MarkenzW Babe Sherman The Mnrlnos ATLANTIC CITY Beaux Arts Anatole Friedland Norma Gallo June Mayo Chic Darrymore Dooley S Cyril D'Ath Virginia D'Ath Ruby StcToiiB May Clarke Peggy Gillespie Diana Hunt Jerry DrydeH June Paiot l^ggy Hoavens Mary HIgglna Alice Raisin Dorothy Sheppard Betty Hauman Silver Rll|ipcr Hi'len Morjjnn T^a Man A Josine Ronre Valorle Belinda Ransom Clara Bauer I'^lo Sherman Margie Edwards Kitty Rnnoh MAM Humphrey.' Loulao Mark llaoley Fm Mnile Stanim RilMe .stout Joe Venuti Bd Cafe Franrle Re- lit Francis Renault Joe Penner B Oiazer Bd Folies Bergere Julia Gerity Dorothy Braun Evelyn My era Gladys Reed Vera Reynolds (^oldlo Heaves Arthur S Smith K Dancing Dolls Jimmy Carr Bd Martin's Cafe Evelyn Nesbit Thelma Carlton Pepino A IMIworth Duke Rogers Boyce A Lee 19 Rhythmakera Hack Stage Club Connie St Clair Carl Smith Nan Brown Lefty Agnew Phil Longo Back Stage S I<ola Pullman Bennle WIlNama A Myrr.V Ban.I BIqe Hour Club Huth Hamilton Constance Almy Louise Gardner Ruth Barbour Tommy Bergen Jimmy Slick Joe Golden Buddy Huntington Murph Gardner B Hart'a Band Hollywood Cafe Paul Sullivan Ervln Oilmore Georgle Kelly Ray Jefferson H Marsh's Band •Lakeworth Club Barry O'Moore Hilda I^roy Lopea Sisters Doran A Johnston Mayo A Marie Jack Baker Jack Tennet Billy Johnston C De Hart's Band Embaoay Club Georgle Hale Caravan Frolica Phyllla Fair Virginia Roach Betty May Batelle Levelle Floaay Cryon Ruth Madison D Anteno A W Ma« Tukona Cameron Dorotha Deneese LttlM Swan Floyd Carter Red Night Hawks BltB-Cariton Hotel (Cnaa Vaientia) Gus Edwards' Rev Hosita A Ramon Lane Sis Paul Haakon Helen Lynd Nltia Mario VillamI Hotel Ambaasador I^on A Bebe Meyer Davia Bd Golden Inn Chubby Drladale Babette Jack White Patay Fanan Lynn Faye Theo Wanda Bert Mulvcy Orch Convention Cafe Walt Cleary Frank Haley Helen Costello Billy Wright Jimmy Watson Dolly Ryan Jean Brewer Maguire Orch. DETROIT Bloaaom Heath Inn Roae Taylor Bd Book-Cadillac Hotel Jean Goldkette Bd Oraida Park Ray Miller Bd Rontona Park Husk O'Uare Bd Taller Hotel Seymour Slmona Bd Oriole Terraee Johnny Ryan Morau A Morau Mike Morlety Jack Douglas Charleston Chaps Pasadena Orch LOS ANGELES Greenwich ViUase Sam Rubin Jack Goldstein Bergatrom Orch Onfe Lnlkyette Jane Green H Owens Ofch Gottaa Clnb Frisco Nlek S Mitchell Martha Richie Creole Cutie Rev Tin Con Henry Or Club Alabana Way Watts Luclnda Beatty Grace Lee Helene Grant Mertz Boyd Mildred Owens Mario Mayo Poppy Davia Nlshtingnie Cafe Caroiynne Snowdei Bronae Creole V'pt Paul Howard Orch Tom Jaeobs Ix>dgi Mel Callah George Lloyd Carson A Carson Irene McKinney Claire Leslie Dave Shell Orch RED BANK, N. J. Shrewsbury River Country Club Rally Fields Thelma Edwards E A M Root lironnan A Adams Nellie Nnlson Evelyn Myers Dover Club Bd GALVESTON, TEX. IT wood Dinner Club SavaKe A Stanley Carolyn IjaRuez KfTie Burton Peggy Ann Burt Mabclle Cedars Geo. McQueen Harry Samuela Dd MIAMI Fleetwood Roof Gene Fosdick Orcb Isabel Allen Janet Stone Mario Vilanl Patrice Orldier SEATTLE Butler Eva Nolan • Jeanne Ti^esalle Victoria Andrews Lou Twins Butler Orch Moatmarte Ira Darnell Garda Nord Friend A Coskey Alton Orebin Jerr Adair Aubry Knoff Bd Club Udo Grace Hamilton Jack Medford Barbara Boswell Naomi Doreen Snowden Dorothy Davlea Pauline Noll Irene Phillips Naomi de Muaie Betty Bailor Jnck Stern Jackie Soudor's Bd VENICE, CAL. Ship Cafe Mol Caliah George Lloyd Irene McKinney Dave Sncll Orch WASHINGTON Chateau Le Pamdis Walter Kolk Max Lowe Ent I'hil de Williams Meyer Davis Orck Chevy Chaac Lake Alice Tupman C?olumbus A Becker Meyer Davia Orch Lo ParadU .Tack Golden Bert Btirnuth Tony Morcllu Jock rowers Meyer Davis Orch Mayflower Ganlea .S Tupman Orch Powhatan Roof ■Slaughter Orch Spanish Villase O'Donnell Orch I'ete Horras Ent Swaaco Al Kamous Martin Ruben Meyer Davis Orch WilkM^ Roof Nathan Brusiloff .Sam Korman Meyer Davia Orch Villa Roma McNeely Orch