Variety (Mar 1927)

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Wednesday, If arch 2, 1087 VARIETY Beany * Danny Morphy Co Mick Hufford jew.ll'. Manikins (Other* te an Fax Id half < ~- Purcell Co A Oordon * Oatchett Bl. MIGTON. IIX. let hair <•-•) Fitch Mlastrala 2d half (10-11) Great State* Taka a Chance 81 1st half <«-•> The Nagfye Hilton * Cheelelgh Coacla A Verdi Heraa * Wallace (One la Sit) 3d half (10 1!) Roode * franela Myra Lee Trlar * St CUlr George Mack Id half (10-11) Fauntelroy A Van (Two to Sll) KAN. CITY, MAN. Elertrte lat half (0-0) Bobby * Kins (Two to Sll) Id half (10 11) Ctaelm Hi Orr (Two to Sll) LINCOLN, NEB. lat half (<-»> Mu.lcal Geralds Black * O'Donnall Guy Voyer Co France* Kennedy Angel Broa Id half do 12) Groh A Adonla Wright * Dietrich Marie Stoddard (Two to Sll) MILWACKEB (S) JOHN J. KEMP Theatrical Insurance 33 Waat 42nd Street, New York Thoe J Ryan Co Bawla at ■ Vow K lat half (•-»> Harry Keaaler Co (Two to Sll) 2d half (10-11) Johnny Murphy J ana JohnaoB Co (On. to 811) DAVENPORT. LA. Capitol lat half <•■») Th* Brlmonoa Cronln Si Hart Any Family Boxna St Kisssa Blstle A Olrla 2d half (10-11) Heraa A Wallace Hilton St Che.leigh lorn B Stanler Co (Two to Sll) DEC ATt'B. ILL. Orphrnm lat half (0-») Take Chance Show 2d half (10-12) •Itch Mlnatrela lat half («-») Baffin'. Monks Hewitt A Hall Joe B Stanler Co (Two to Sll) 2d half (10-12) The Bramlnoa Seymour A Cuaard Any Family Burn. A Klaaea Higgle A Olrla DUBXQUK, LA. lat half («-•> Joe Melvln Oordon A Oroff Muein.nd 2d half (10-12) Brgottl A Herman Coacla A Verdi Sam TBI Tr IVUVII.I.K. IND. lat half (1-0) TJlla At Clark Johnny Murphy Balkan Bar (Two to Sll) 2d halt (10-11) •mall St Maya Adrift (Throe to Sll) fremont, neb. ■bb bEtwm i (11-11) l<arlmer A Hadaon Larry VlBCOBt Oulnn Binder A R •tALESD'EG, ILL. let half ,« ») Bartram A Bailor, Corner Drug Store I Jack. Maatere A Or eo Co (Other, to Sll) lat half (0-0) Seymour A Cunard Talent A Merit (Other, ta Sll) Id half (10-11) Knox St Stetson (Other, to Sll PEORIA. ILL. lat half (0-1) Monroe At Grant Eddie Shubert Co Holly Chlneae Syncoe (One to SU) 2d half (10-11) White Broa Lady Odlo Pearae Pat TbompaoB Co Baby Peggy (One to Sll) qriNcr, ill. Washington lat halt («-») Trovato Toby Wilson Co (One to Sll) Id half (10-11) Bartram A 8sxton Corner Drue Store (One to Sll) BOCK FORD, ill. lat half. (0-0) Happy Harrlaoa Co Looe Broa Pox 1 Co Belle Montroaa ▼a Ravena Co Id half (10-11) Norello Bro. Cronln A Hart Haynea A Beck Deerlnr A Noel (One to Sll) IV. JOE. MO. Doctrte let half («-»> Chelm storr Wright A Dietrich Cany A Smith Wlgglnavllle Id half (10-11) Tyler A St Clair Rusoell A Hayaa Black A O'Donnell Metzl Co ST. LOUIS Brand O. H. at) Wonder A Bl. Catnip. Darle A McCoy Bobby Jackeon Co Jatnea A Sinclair. The Lamya (Two to Sll) ST. PAUL lat half («-») Knox A StataoB Myr. Laa Jimmy Altard Oa WILLIAM F. ADER Attorney Bad C. tl 8. L.Sall. 8t. (One ta SB) Id half (10-11) Trovato To bey Wllaon Co (On. ta Sll) (ll-lt) tTflfford A Part.ll ♦On. ta Sll) JOI.IKT. ILL. Bla Ho lat half il-i) Walter Walter. Oo Baby Peggy (Three to 111) Id half do-it) Monraa A Oram Bddle Shubert Co Holly Chtneea Syaoea (One to ail) JOPIJN. MO. lat half (4-0) Roae A Thome (One to ail) Id half (10-11) Talent A Merit JOB Freed Co (Three ta ail) SIOUX CITY lat half (0-0) • A Adonla Angel A Puller Joe Freed Co (Two to ail) Id half (10-11) Rafnn'B Monk. Hewitt A Hall One Voyer Co France. Kennedy (Owe ta Sll) •O. BENT), DTD. lat half (»-») Daddy Brooke A Power. Dare A polios Oa (Two to all) M half (le >*) Pox 1 Ca Mahoa A Chalet nolle Moatreee Local Style Shew VS'Cimi), ILL. lat half (0-0) Pat Thompaoa Co Lady Odin Pearae Jane Johnson Co Haynee A Baeh Adrift (One to nil) Id half do II) RadlologT Balkaa Bar (Othere to SB) MO. He lat half (0-0) Pauntelroy A Vaa (Two to am Id half (10-11) George Mack B Do Oravee Oa tone to ail) TOPEKA, BANS. Horeltjr Id half (10-11) Prank Ledent Ca WlgginsvlU* Louie. Wright An,.i Broa WATER IOO. 1A Plana lat half («-() Hoffman A Laxnb't Wilton 81a Id half 110 It) lat half (1-0) Arohl Onrl Loulee Wright Carl Armstrong Oo Lomaa Co (Two to Sll) Id half (11-11) Oordon'a Dona Herbert Paya Oa Lee aheaxle (Three to Sll) Interstate ST. LOUIS, MO. Ida May Cbadwtok Billy Hooae Margaret St.wart Walter Brower Jonee A Rea St. Lewie it) W A J MaadeU Owen Mcfllv.s.y Deere Girl. Snow A Colnzahaa (One te Sll) RAN FRANCISCO Ooldea Gat. (•) Cannon A Lea Hlckey Broa Dr Rockwell The Meredlthe Maya A Lyaa (S) Laa Poliea Rougoa Handera A Mllllae Envy Raymond Wllbart Pern A Maree Walta 1 (One to au> V A N( () \ EK, B. C. Orpheaxa (•) Robt Warwick Mr A Mr. J Barry Haley A McPadden Trovato Sandy Unf Co 1 Daveye Cbappelle A Calton ATLANTA, OA. Bark A Saun Delro Frances Arm. Benny Rubla Afterpiece BATON Rt.E LA. Columbia (8-7) (Same bill playa AlexaBdar. I; Shreveport. 0; Taxarkaaa. 10-11) Perry Krafta A LaMoat B A J Pearson Roger Williams Lob Parla ANT BIKM'UH'M. ALA. Majeetle (S> Hayee Mareh A B Murray Olrla Norwood A Hall Jerome Mann Tramp Tramp T St) Bentel A Qou d Runaway 4 Coyne A Preach 4 Poye Chaa Poy Dick Pay PT. SMITH, ABB. aaU (S) Nelson A Pariah Senna A Dean Forest Festivals Green Wagner Ca Klku A Toahl FT WORTH, TEX. Majeetle (0) Sensational Toga Ernest Hlatt Ptereoa N'wp't A F Parker Babb Co Maaoa Xaeler Co GAI.VESTN. TEX (Aaatln pllt lat n The Brtaate White A Tlerney DeWolfe Klndler McLallen A Sarah Adams A Hash HOUSTON. TEA. Majeetle (8) Meehan'a Doga Johnny Berkee Country Club Olrla Joe Marks ' Son Pong Lla Ca (One ta Sll) L'l.P BOCK. ABK. Majeetle lat half (< I) Senna A Dean Green Wagner A D Jay C Fllppen Poreat Festlvale (One ta Sll) Id half (0-11) Malroy MeN A B Daley A Nana Jay C Flippen Elizabeth Brloe Bd I One to Sll) M. ORLEANS. LA. Orphean. (•) Genaro Olrla Raclna A Bay Orace Bdler Olrla N A W St Clair Ingenuee (One to ail) OKLAHOMA CITY THIS WEEK TOBY WELLS TRIO Amerirna and Lincoln BILLY MILI.EB and CO. Greeley and Victoria NELLIE JAY aad GIBLH New York CHAS. J. 1SS FITZPATRICK New York let half (C I) Gordon'e Doga Bexaxlan A White Herbert Paya Oordon A Healy Talaak A Daaa Id half (0-11) Ducallon Bee Hoe Grey Karavaeff Co The Newmaaa (One to 0 1) S. ANTONIA, TEX Majestic (•> Paul Remoa Marglt Hegedna D. KamdlB Ca Fisher A Gilmore Weeton A Lnckle (One ta 811) TULSA. OKLA. lat half (0-1) Da Gallon 3 CLEVELAND, O. Baad'a Mlpp 1st half (t»»l 4 Cloverly Olrls Coulter A Roae Robt Fulgora Stanelll A Douglaa McKea A Motl Lopes Orch (Oae to ail) Id half 110-11) 0 Bradnaa Wright A D'fl'aCo Ann Gold Calm A Gala Re, Mack A Earl V Lopes Orch (One to 111) DETROIT, MICH. Grand Rlverta (1) Nathano Broa F Dobaoa Co Sampael A I-en hart (Others la 811) LA HALLE G'lPNS lat half (10) 1 Silvers B Brilliant Oa (Oae ta Sll) Spencer A- Wllame Joe Bennett Bd (Three to 811) LEXINGTON. BY. Beat AU 1st half 11-11 Eddie Roee Joe Bennett Bd (One to 811) Id half (10-11) Karotl Broe Griffith A Toung MAD Dancers LIMA. O. Faerot O. H let half tt-M Booth A Nina Patrick A Otto Merit A Oliver Co Wright A Oliver Co Id half (10-11) B A J Moore Fela Q Tennyaen Keaaler A Morgan LOVBB Putnam A B MI NT'IK. IND. Wysar Grand 1st half (T-0) Dolly Dumpling Count Bernevlol Billy Olaeon Great Shuberta Whitney Roe (T) Radlana Busslngtoa t Other, to SB) JeSTereea Id half ll-l) Pablo De Sarto Duatta Paraum Long Tack Sent Tom Smith (Two to 811) 115th S«. Id halt (1-0) Chaa Hill Mary Harlow Bennett A Fletcher Lyone A Wakefield 1 Ryana Mary Zoeller Win Brack Palace (IS) Lt Gits Rice Mae Wlrtb Co Power. A Wallace Ben Bernle Orch Florence Moore Nicola (Three (e Sll) (T) B A J Rooaey Oecar Lorraine Denno A Rochelle Jena La Coaee (Othere to 811 ) Regent Id halt (!-•> Sammy Kramer Billy Champ Co Fleeenn A Terrace The Ploneera (One to 811) Riverside (IS) The Harlequins Jack Ryan Herbert Warren Summer A Hunt Olga Miebka Co Davis A Darnell Jim McWIlllame Harry Carroll Co (Ooa to 811) (T) Valty's Horace Dodge 2 Carl M'Cullough Bag of Tricks Brims A Murphy Harry Thurston Helen McKeller • Vagrants (Oae to 811) Royal Id half (1-0) Vernon Wanda Hawley Co Hrema Fits A M Vaudeville ReT (One to 811) When Playing Chicago. America's Fastest Growing City Dont Fnll to Get la Touch With CARME ROMANO Hare 10 Baal Rotator to the Ft aft salsa 80. LA SALLE ST, CHICAGO Sold WOO 000.00 To Your Friends There'a a Reason Bee Hoe Orey Karavaeff Co The Newmaaa (One to Sll) Id halt (0-11) l.omaaTr Hobo. A King Olrtoa Olrls Oretta ArdlBO (Oae to 811) WICHITA, KANS. 1st half (0-1) Lomaa Tr Loulee Wright Carl Armstrong Archie Onrl (Oae to BID Id half cull) Oordon's Dogs Telaak A Deaa A White Herbert Faye Co I Ohestlee WICHITA PALLS Columbia (S-S) (Same bill plays Asaarlllo 1st half) The Plckforda Oallartal Bla M.ehan A Newman Dooley A Sale. Plleer A Douglas CHICAGO. ILL. Passes (•) Balls Baker Braille A Palls B Frank Fay Howard'. PoaleO Bans A AIIsb Memories of Opera (Two to Sll) Doe Baker Rev Wills A Holme* Deano Dell Wm Carton Sylvia Clark Laag A Malay All Wrong (Oaa ta all) DENVER. COLO. Orpli.uD. IS) Barke A Durklo Herman Tina berg Sammy Timbers Stewart A Olive A Nlte la Mite O-h Something-Nothing BAN. CTTT, MO. Fay Bolster Rackett A Detraar Sevan A Flint Color Poeme Sybil Vane Lewis A DedT lAsos A a Quoaa ANG1 (ft) Robert Chkthoim Tad Ttemaa Oa (Three ta all) Carr A Parr Ray Co m ml saw Dnaalager Oastoa A Aadras Marian Sunshine (Oaa te ail) MILWAUKEE Palace Orph. ta) Brawn A Whltakar Way burn". Bee 4 Orion. Foley A Later. Virginia Bacon (Oae to Sll) MINNEAPOLIS H'aepla-Orph. («) Oo. Edwards' Bav Dora Maugbaa Walter Fehl < Collegian. (Two tO 811) OAKLAND. CAL. Peter Vaa Lata* Jadsoa Cole TAB Stanton PORTLAND, OS Prakeon Jeaay Joyeon Lorimer A Hadsea A Id halt no il) Van A Belle Norit A Oliver Ca Kltchea Cabaret FT. WAYNE INI). Passe* 1st hslf (T-0) Ernest Sheriff Co Weeping Willows Levsn Potnam AB Banjoland Id halt (10-11) Dolly Dumpling Baltlmorlana (Two to 811) HAMMOND, DTD. Parthenon Id half (10-11) A A O Falla (Throe to 811) INDIANAPOLIS Palace 1st half (?-»> Mayon'o Birds Ann Gold Maaon A D D oer. Mack A Earl Quintet Boo (Three to 811) Id half (10-11) Booth A Nina Me Rea A Matt Back to Hlckevllle Cardiff A Wales A A O Fall. (Oae to 811) Id half 110-11) Ed Blondell Co JAW Hale (Te. te ail) V. HAUTE, DTD. lat hslf (i-S) JAW Hale Griffith A Young Ed Blondell Ca Small A Maya Baltlmortans Id half (10-1*) Nlel A Mark Co WeeplBg willow. Lloyd A (Two ta Sll) WINDSOR. OUT. Capital 1st hsIA (7-0) 4 Bradnaa Easslar A Morgaa Fein A Tsnnysoa T A A Waldmaa Calm A Gale Rev Id halt (10-11) 0 Clovelly Girls Marios Gobn.y May A Kilduff Saul Brilliant Co Guy Bariek Co KefrAfce NEW YORE CITY Broadway (IS) Wright A Dale Smith A Street China Bine Plate Torke A King Lee Galenoe Calif Collegians Hunting A Presets (One te 811) Id halt (1-8) Ralph, rjreealeaf Aatellas Broa Hunter A Perdval Scargoid Bernard A K.ller (Oae to Sll) Id halt (1-0) Btckaell DaltoB A Craig Naslmovs Pat Banning (Three to au) CHARLIE ADAMS yy The Two-Man Quartette Dsreettea LEW COLDER EDDIE RASCH Oeo Haasell Ca M'gaa A Iaiwrenoe Trehan A Wallace Vassal A Dip-mats (Oat St. (SO) Sherman A Bass letlll Ana Codas V.rsea Afterpleee Sth Ave. Id half (•-•) Mays Burt A F Norman PhtMlps I Sailers Palricola Ken Murray S Id half (1-0) Dotson Art Henry Chne Withers Oo Roby Norton Ibseh's Ent (One to Bll) Id half (1-1) Arnaut Broa Lee A Jooee K.ane A Tirol! Mleaee A Klasss (Oae to 811) Hippodrome (28) Knkln A Ga'ettl Dollle A Blllie CONEY ISLAND Ttlyo* id half (1-1) Ferris A Elite Carl McCulloash Rev Boheme (Two to 811) FAB BOCKAWAY Id half (•-*> Art Henry Trial Sea Murphy Adolphur Ca (Oae to Sll) BROOKLYN Aibee (IS) The Thrillers Reynolds A Whits AIISB A Torke Newell A Moat Billy Hallea Wsyburn's Here Wsltsr MeNslly Hsl Bkslly Co Flak A Smith < Sarottoa (T> Nicola A A M Havel Corlaae TUtoa 4 Flashes Will Osklaad Flo Moore Rice Gits (Three to Sll) Id half (1-1) Alices A Marjorla Jean Germain. Leiand A 8t Claire Moss A Fry. T Collegians M half (1-0) Ford A Price Jean Southern Jarvl. A Harrlaoa Healy A Croee Brown Derby Orch (One to BID Greenpoiat Id half lt-1) John F Conroy Harold McTlghes (Three to 111) Orphenm Id hslf (1-0) Psul Nolan Co Helen Morel tl Lew Kelly Co Grace Deagon Co Psrls Paahiona Id half (1-1) Rubev'e Night Club Harry Rreen Arona Broa Eva Taylor (One to BID Id half (1-0) Shapiro A OMalley Claude A Marlun Cenelno'c Orch (Three to Bll) ARSON. O. Id helf (1-1) Petite Leone Tr Bue.ey A Case) Hall Kesloy Hoy D'mond A Brenn.n Heynee L A Ksteer Fiddler, vs Jeanole ALBANY, N. Y. Proctor's Jd halt (l-t) Marie Vero Green A Austin Anderson A Graves Jeen Uphem Ross A Msy ALLEN TOWN. FA. Id hslf il l) McKsy A Ardlns Juggling Neb* Angen A Pair Rule A Tenay (One to BID AI.TOONA. PA. Id half (l-l) Reevea A Welle Mellno A Wllkea Savoy A Mann Rekoma A I .oretta (One to 811) AMST'DAM. N. Y. Binlt* Id halt (1-1) Adam. A Griffith B A O Nelson DeWUfred A B Loulee McCarthy Roy Rogers ASBI7KY PARK St. Jamas Id half (!-•) Jackie A Bi He Ingliss A Breen Drlecotl A Perry Stepping Along (One to 811) ASHE\ II.'E. M. C. Id helf (1-1) Fenlon A Fields Nelson'. Ketlsud Carl Roslnl Co Billy Psrrsll C* Dare A Yatea ASBT \ III I.A, O. Palace Id half (1-1) Lillian Roth Rlcoro Broa Welch's Mlnstrele (Two to 811) ATLANTIC CITY Id half (1-0) Conlln A Glass Helen Clifton Morgan A Blake Roma Brag Royal Art Player. AUBURN, B. Y. Jefferson Id halt (1-0) Allan Shaw Russell A Wynn LAM Wilson (Two to 811) BALTIMORE. MD. The Andreeeons O'Connor Sis Vsl Hsrrls Ca Henry Regal Ca Edith Clifford Bert Errol Pat Rooney (Two to 811) (1) Eddie Leonard Co A RobblBB (Othere to Bll) (IS) Markley Hlppodr Taylor A Cook's Tour Rodero Rev (Two to Sll) B'VER F'LS. PA. Id hslf (t-0) Hurlo (Others to 811) B. Y. Id hslf (1-1) Emma Harvey H Kahne Sawyer A Eddie Oonley A Hall (One to Bll) BI'M'GHAM, ALA. Majeetle . Id half (1-0) Del re Berk A Sawn Benny Rubin Prsncss Arms (Two to Bll) BOSTON, MAM. New D s st sa (IB) Sam Keaaler Fields A JohBsoa Dick Ryan Fantasies of HIT JAB Leeter Reese A Williams (Scollay So.) (SS) Leon A Dawn Beed A Lavler Kramer A Boyle Chas Prank Sanoe A Deene Aerial Valentines Ben Benson Gordon'e Olympus (Waah. St.) (SS) Ward Broa Emery Pis Perry Corwey Hashl A Oeal Danny Dugaa (Two to 811) K-lth (IS) Janoweky Tr Carleton A Bellew Dodge 1 Bobby O'Noll Noberto Ardelll Coram Will Mahonry Local Fueh'n Show (One to 811) BRADFORD. PA. Id half (!-<) Bernard A M'celle Montana Solblnl A Albert (Three to Oil) I1K1DG EP'BT. OX. Id half (1-1) Herb Wllllama Hyde A Burrell Honeymoon LAS Art Fowler Follies Bergere Scanlon Deno Bros Florence A Arnold Sd halt (t-0) De Winnie A Dolly Mien Marcell Billy Goldle Oeo Broadhurat Drlacoll A Perry BUFFALO. N. Y. Hippodrome (BS) John (Urns Ca Bert Hanlon Allan A CanBeld Pinal Rehearsal Adela Verse (One to 811) Bl Tl EK, PA. Marlon A Ford 4 Dlamooda Bardeea Co COLUMBUS, ax Keith Id half (1-0) A A O Fall. Mary Cook Cowaie) Lytell A Fast Theo Roberto Co Eddie J.ola Girl* DAYTON, o. Keith Bd half (l-S) The Kltayamoa Albright A Hart Lao Kendall Ca Jo* K Watson Edna Torrene (One to ail) 1st half (T-0) Celsy A Jaeon Baddy Walker I Swifts Ramsay s Canaries Plllerd A Hllller Id halt (10-11) HERMINE SHONE INCORPORATED BOOKING FOR KEITH ALBEE AND ORPHEUM CIRCUITS 1110 BROADWAY. NEW TORK suite 100 Bryant IIM Id half (t-0) I Senators (Other, to BID Id hslf (1-8) Gold Medsl 4 Lottie AthertOB Canton, OX Lyceum id half (l-t) W A O Aheara Seebacka Lahr A Meroedee Bond A Leon Jennie ( H'hTON. W. TA. Id half (l-t) DeKoa Bros BAB Gorman Eamond A Great O'Dunne A Day* (Oaa to BID CINCINNATI, OX faith (tt) Lss Ohesals Prank Rlchardeoa Goo V soman A L 4 Dlamooda FAB Roae 10 Pink Tons (Two to 811) Joe Pong Beverly Bayne Co H'rlngton A Ore.a Shaw Carroll Bav Barns A Allen Blossom Seeley OS Laewen A (T) ABB Suter Jaaa A Whalea Welly Sharplea " O Ahern A Kitty Kltavaya Jape (Oaa to 811) DUNK IRK. B. Y. Id half (1-0! Delve SI* Clifford A Orey (Oae to All) EASTON, PA. Id half (!-«> Chancy A Fox Billy Beard McCall A Keller Act. having open Usee la U aaa fill PALM. PIIILA. CRITERION. BUI DO ETON, nj. J. FR t NK FORD. PHI LA. ARCADE TH.. SALISBURY, MB. Wire Frank Wolf, Jr. Sprue. lOtB Phlla., Pa. Fox A Curtl. JAB R.yee Al K Hall Ca (Oaa to Sll) (») Ethel Davie Paul Klrklaad Roberts A Valkt Ora Beverly A Baya* Ricky Calg C* (Two ta Sll) Stanton A Dolores P A 1 Roae Rich A Adair Demar A Lester B Coulter A Roae I* Pink Toes Phllson A Di (Ons to Bll) (T) Jos Wataoa Al Tucker Bd Prlmroee Beamoa Jasoa A Hsrrlgan Cole A Ward (Two te Sll) CL KSB'G. W. TA. Id half 11-0) Btelle 1 (Oae* tfVlD Id helf (t-0) ftev DeRopp Jim Kempner Wilton A Weber Jaa Conghtln Ca Janle A ChaploW K. Y. M halt (2-f) Keleo Broa A D (Other* te BID ERIE, PA. Erie (M) Body A Wilson Millard A Marlla The LoGrohe Manny King O* (Oae to 811) (T) Fronds A Palaaa Loek*tt A Paga O'Connor A Vgha Boyd A Wsllla Bsmel SI* A SAPS F-MONT. W. TA. BABCOCK and DOLLY Naw Playing PA NT AGES CIRCUIT Lemeau A Toung Al'e Her* Torcat's Rooetere Wm Cardigan CI.EVE1.ANI>. O. loetk at. (ts) Prince Takle 4 Choc Dandlea P Dobsoa Girls Dwyer A Orraa Premier Rev (T) Menny King Mills A Hunter Pompadour Bal Leeter Broa Herth A Mlndy (IS) The Kltano Japs Csstleton A Mack Hamilton Sll I r Swor Bros Willie Solar Jerry Baby Grand. Toplca IT) Paen.ii.II Broe Al K Hall Id half (t-l) Keno A Green Carl A Ines Beed A Lacy (One to 811) GERMT'WN. PA. German town Id half (1-0) Florto Lavler Hlcksvllls 4 I Mounters Vsrlety 0 (One to 111) GLENS F'LS, BJ. y. Id hair (1-1) Tom R.llly Ror Geud.mlth Bro* Frank Mullane (Two to 811) 01/V8VLB, B. Y. Glove Id half li t ) Jack D'Albert R ■ '« A Hob (Continued on pace El)