Variety (Mar 1927)

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12 VARIETY PICTURES Wednesday, March 16, 1927 FM'S MUGGLEDUFFIES STRUT THEIR STUFF Headquarters Bunch Use Beef- steak as Excuse for Good Time—Now They're in Films Close to 100 men sat down to a beefsteak at Cavanagh's In West 23rd street Saturday night, the first gathering of the Muggleduffles of the Film Booking Offices. Joseph Kennedy, president of F. B. O., waa in Boston and unable to attend. Eld Moore represented him. Also present and spreading good will were Joseph Schnitzer, general nrianager, and Lee Marcus, general sales manager. Of course Hyatt Daab and Harry Osborne, of P. B. O.'s press department, were there giving first aid to everybody seek- ing beefsteak and a good time. The Ford Dabney band of col- ored muslckers served hot syncopa- tion and the band also Introduced some song specialties. On the menu cards were the choruses of topical songs and when played by the band Harry Osborne proved that he missed his calling by not being community song leader. The eating started around seven or so with pictures taken of the beefsteak eaters In carnival cap and apron, with each of the Muggle dufflles given a chance to show his smile, teeth and register, and at the same time. They all did their stuff and It will pass any censorship. Release date not set. Home Office Talent A number of outstanding features. One was a little intimate talk for the good of the order by Mr. Schnitzer; a display of ground tumbling by Otto Madsen of the accounting department, which led some to believe that he might have been with an acrobatic troupe at one time, and some hot banjo play- ing by Joe Wilson of the mailing department. So enjoyable was the affair that it will be made an annual event. The word "muggleduffles" la not taken from any cartoon strip. It means a worker who Is a gloom chaser at all times, a "regular guy." Their motto Is "Boost F. B. O." Winkler's Shorts for F. P. Loe Angeles, March 15. Winkler Picture*, Inc., is the newest company to be added to those who will release through Fa- mous Playera-Laaky'a new short subject department. Charles B. Mintz, president of Winkler, la now on the coast to confer with his production staff re- garding two series of short sub- jects. Hal Sintznian will direct one and Andrew Stone the other. George Winkler and Nat Mintz are supervising, with Joe Traub officiating an production manager. CLUBBED TO DEATH Loe Angeles, March 15. John Egerty, 40, property man at a Hollywood studio, died In the Re- ceiving Hospital here as the result of a brutal clubbing attack by an unknown assailant. He was discovered unconscious in Herbert Brenon III Herbert Brenon la HI with Intes- tinal lnfluenze and confined at home under the care of Dr. H. C. Fleming. 10c AFTERNOON ADMISSIONS IN SEVERAL N.Y. FILM PLACES Old Mellers and Comedy Issues Resuming Former Hold—Picture Serial's New Lease and More Shorts—Avenue and Neighborhoods Favor Ideas Animal Serial Los Angeles, March 16. Webster Cullison Is to produce and direct & 10-eplsode animal serial at the Seelig zoo. It will be released through the Rayart Pic- tures Corp. Currier, Roach's Editor Los Angeles, March 16. Richard Currier has been signed as editor-ln-chlef for the Hal Roach Studios, replacing Benie Walker, now vice-president of that com- pany. irst time _n MOTION PICTURE HISTORY ONE director has FOUR big Special 9 productions chosen for Broadway presentation simultaneously all four personally directed \g The 10c. admission to picture houses has returned to New York. In Home local theatres the dime fee holds good only until < p. m or a half hour later, when It la tilted to 20c. A Variety reporter visited some of the "avenues" In New York, with most all the film houses below 42nd street having 10c. as the afternoon admission. There is also an Inclination among the smaller seating places to dig up some of the old mellers and comedy reissues, which seem to be Just as funny to the newer clientele as In the old days. The picture serial also seems to have taken a new grip on life, judging from the many that now- book In on a day or two presen- tation. One thing Is now noticeable In some of the New York neighbor- hoods: there are more of the small quickies operated by circuits than heretofore. FRANKLIN HAILED (Continued from page 4) speeches following the dinner. Every important branch of show business was represented at the speakers' table, where were seated Mike Shea, Jesse L. Lasky, Adolph Zukor, S. R. Kent, Sam Katz, J. J. Murdock, Robert M. Lelber, Elek Ludvlgh, Charles Hayden, Major L. Thompson, Richard A. Rowland, Harry Reichenbach, Elmer Pearson, Robert T. Kane, Felix Kahn, Mark Helman and A. M. Botsford, who acted as master of ceremonies. Kent, In addition to his speech, read wires from Mayor James J. Walker, George M. Cohan, Sam Harris, Sknuras Bros., V. S. Sen- ator Pat Harrison of Mississippi, Earl Hammons, John C. Fllnn, Em 11 Shauer, Ceci! B. DeMille, John R. Dillon (Hayden Stone Co.), who Is on the coast; Abe and Mike Gore, of the West Coast Circuit; W. R. Frazer, George Weeks, Julian John- son and others. According to the present arrange- ments Franklin Is to depart for the coast on March 28. Herschel Stuart, who Is to be associated with Franklin in Cali- fornia, left for San Francisco on Monday of this week. Louis Cohen, who Is also to be connected with the realty division of the organization. Is to depart next Monday. A farewell "Dutch Treat" is to be staged for both Jack Mansfield, of the Pnbllx organization, who la resigning to Join Franklin, and Louis Cohen, at the Rendezvous Friday night of this week by the members of th* p»h'lx organiza- tion. Mansfield will leave for the coast with the Franklin party on the 28th, a special car being chartered to take the personal staff oT the new head of the West Coast t«> Los Angeles. States in Shorts Los Angeles, March 15. Fox's short subject department la making a series of "Know Your Own State" scenlcs. Elizabeth Pickett will title the entire series. MAYER'S VACATION Los Angeles, March 16. Instead of going to Europe with his family, Louis B. Mayer will take a month off at Hot Springs, Arkansas. With him will go the family phy- sician'and Pete Smith, head of the studio publicity forces. Father and Daughter in Pictures Los Angeles, March 16. Lenore .Bushman will have a small part in "Belgrano." based on the history of Argentina. Francis X. Bu.shman, her father, has the lead. Others in the cast include Jacque- line Logan, Henry Kolker, Paul Ellis, Mathilde Comont, Olive Haa- brouck, Charles French, Lige Con- ley, James Gordon and Charles Mallea. Albert Kelly directing.