Variety (Mar 1927)

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Wednesday. March 16, 1927 VARIETY 53 THE BIGGEST REQUEST TUNE "SCHOOL DAY SWEETHEARTS" WALTZ BALLAD "IDOLIZING" ANOTHER "WHISPERING" "THE WINDING TRAIL" ADAPTED FROM "THE OLD REFRAIN," BY FRITZ KREISLER WRITE OR CALL SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. KEARNY AND SUTTER STREETS, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. BERNARD POLLACK, 746 Seventh Avenue, New York City RONALD JONSON, Pantagee Building, San Francisco, Cel. HAROLD LEE, Sherman Hotel, Chicago, III. LEONARD VANBERQ, Tate Building, Loa Angelea, Cal. ALSO DETROIT, PHILADELPHIA, B03TON AND ALL WEST COAST CITIES BALTIMORE By BRAWBROOK Auditorium—'Great Temptations.' Maryland—Vaudeville. Guild—"Tweedles" (3d week). Vagabond—"Anne Peddersdotter.' The mall order sale of season tick- ets for the approaching Baltimore season of the Metropolitan Opera concluded last week was the largest mail advance in the history of opera In Baltimore. The guarantee of $65,000 for the .Metropolitan was underwritten in four days and the entire box capacity of the Lyric has been reserved for the approaching season. John Van Druten. the Englishman who wrote "Young Woodley," made his American debut as an actor hero last week. He appeared at the Homewood Playshop on the Johns- Hopkins campus In the first Amer- ican production of his own play. "The Round Trip." This is an ear- lier work than "Woodley." "The Student Prince" at the Au- ditorium was the only legit in town last week. The return week was better than any but the opening week of the first engagement "Prince" grossing over $T3.000. THEATRICAL OUTFITTEES New York City PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTIONS f 10.00 rKit 1M; M/K 8 I 10 ONE POSE STERN PHOTO CO. Inc. 130 Wert 50th Street, NEW YORK CITY Ph.n. CIRCLE 9622 QUICK. EFFICIENT SERVICE VARIETY BUREAU WASHINGTON, D. C. •IS The Argonn. (1829 Columbia Road) Telephone Columbia 4SM By HARDIE MEAKIN Belasco < Shubert) — "Legend of Leonora" (Grace George and Bruce McRae); next, repeat of "The Awakening," sponsored by K. K. K. National (W. H. Rapley) — Le Maire's "Affairs" in for return this time, with Charlotte Greenwood re- placing Sophie Tucker, and sharing billing with Ted Lewis; next, "Lost" (new) March 28, "Trelawny of the Wells." Poli'a (Shubert)—Dark; next, "Rose-Marie" ("Castles in the Air" out); March 27, Wlnthrop Ames' "Iolanthe" and "Pirates of Pen- zance." Earle (Stanley Co.)—Vaude-pict. Keith'a (K-A)—Vaude. Gayety (Columbia)—"Bozo" Sny- der. Mutual (Mutual)—Burlesque. Strand (Linkins)—Pcts-mim. tab. Wardman Park (Machat)—Picts. Pictures Columbia—"Kid Brother" (run). Metropolitan—Vitaphone and "Don Juan," third week; next, "Affair of Follies" and Vitaphone. Palace—"Red Mill" and Russian Art Choir; next. "New York." Rialto —"Butterflies in Rain"; next, "Resurrection." Symon Gould, of the Film Arts Guild; Joe Fliesler, publicity for UFA, and Mike Mindltn, of Mindlln & Goldreyer, producers of "The Last Warning," are reported as planning to build little theatres for the showing of film here in the resi- dential district. Meanwhile Machat, already on the ground, is fast re- modeling the Virginia, on down- town Ninth street, for Just the same idea. The idea behind it all seems to be the desire to get first showings in the national capital for foreign productions, as Machat has been doing, with Ambassadors and such handy to help in the selling else- where. Robert of "The Better 'Ole," has taken over Valencia, night club opened by the Borras brothers. Robert is continuing his uptown night gathering place also. Dick Leibert, featured at the or- gan of the Palace, is to bring his Lido orchestra into that house as a stage attraction weeks of April 3 and 10. Emory Daugherty is asso- ciated with Leibert in the orchestra, the two of them having built up quite a rep for themselves on the outside, white Leibert was doing likewise for himself on the inside at the Palace (Loew), pictures, is out to pull the usual dead weeks out of the dumps. March 20 will be Hap- piness Week; 27, Carnival Week with Jack Sidney in as master of ceremonies; April S, Jazz Week, with Leibert doing a Paul Ash; April 10, Minstrel Week. SEATTLE By DAVE TREPP Metropolitan—"The Noose." President—"What Price Glory" (stock). Orpheum—Vaude. Pa ntagea — "Nervous Wreck," vaude. Coliseum—"The Show." Fifth Hvenu*— "Orchids and Er- mine." United Artists—"The Fire Alarm." Blue Mouse—"Jim the Conqueror." Winter Garden—"Prisoners of the Storm." Embassy—"College Days." Columbia—"Let It Rain." Will J. Conner is managing the Lincoln and Olympian, Port An- geles, for E. A. Halberg and asso- ciates, also owners of the new Mount Vernon theatre. Mr. Conner was formerly at Auburn. George A. Billings, who played role of Abraham Lincoln in the fea- ture of that name, is now touring the state in person, with the picture, booking it Independently for runs in various towns. NEW 1927 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY M ■ ■"III STRICTLY UNION MADE LT Hartmann, Ojhko»h A Mendel Tninki ALL MODELS—ALL SIZES ON HAND AT GREATLY BBOCCBP PRICES AL80 1,000 USED TRUNK8 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WE DO REPAIRING. WRITE FOR CATALOG. SAMUEL NATHANS, Inc. 6M Seventh Avanue, between 40th and 41st Street.. New York Citv FOR HAM TRrNKft IN THE EAST «H7-»0#4 Oeorge Douglas, whose father was the guiding genius of the Metro- politan Building Corp., heavily in- terested In the Fifth Avenue the- atre, will manage the Mount Baker, new 1,600 seater, at Belllngham. The house opens about May 1, with Fanchon & Marco revues and pic- tures. Mitchell S. Sutherland, three years director of publicity for mo- tion pictures on the Seattle Times and lately similarly employed at the Fifth Avenue theatre, has resigned to manage the Society theatre, now operated as the first of a probable string of Harold Home Enterprises. Inc., newly formed company. Rumor has It a modern theatre will soon lie erected at the Society site. Helene Moore, director of public relations for Fifth avenue theatre ;tnd for three years on staff of Wid's l**ilm Itaily. Hollywood, has resigned, the department to be discontinued temporarily at least. During her employment Miss Mooro made about 100 talks before clubs In the -tatc. Dulee Cooper, former leading : idv with Imffv Hlnyers here, wtH be back April 10, while Eddie Wal- ler returns next week. Miss Coopei has been with "The Little .Spitfire" n New fork since leaving Seattle Al Flnkelateln, part owner of the A\alon theatre. Hellingham. bark from a visit to his house, reports l»visiness slightly off. The new ■Iqunt Baker theatre opens there CLEVELAND By CHARLES S. GREGG Ohio—"Love in a Mist." Colonial—"Bride of the Lamb," stock. Palace — Vaude and "Strogoff," film. Loew'a State—Vaude and "A Kiss In a Taxi." Hip—Vaude and "Last Trail." Loew'a Allen—Vaude and "The Demi-Bride." 105th Street—Vaude and "The> Last Trail." Circle—Vita, vaude and "Man of the Forest." Columbia—"Jazz Babies." Empire—"Good Little Devil." Bandbox — 'Action,-" stock bur- lesque. Loew'a Cameo—"McFadden's Flats," fourth week. Broadvue—Vaude and "Hour of Love." Loew's Park and Mall—"What Every Girl Should Know." Metropolitan—"The World War." Loew'a Alhambra, Liberty and Doan—"Sparrows.' Violet Hemlng, guest star with the Colonial Players, past two weeks In "Grounds for Divorce," had a most successful engagement. New guest star is Crane Wilbur. "Cradle Snatchers," with Blanche Ring, at Ohio theatre March 21. Provided recently with their own theatre, students of the College for Women, Western Reserve Univer- sity here are planning a series of one-act plays. Eva Tanguay Is to appear next week at the New Broudvue here, pop vaude. (3d NEW ORLEANS By O. M. 8AMUEL Tulane—"Abie's Irish Rose" week). St. Charlea—"The Little Spitfire" (Saenger Players). Saenger—"Orchids and Ermine." Liberty—"The Canadian." Tudor—"Across the Pacific." "Abie's Irish Rose" did $13,000 in its second week at the Tulane." The show is expected to gross 144,000 for Its three weeks here. Clinton and Rooney have been getting quite Borne publicity over the Ix>ew southern time because of the ball playing ability of their band. The musicians have been walloping all opposing teams with reckless abandon. The boys issue an open challenge in each town they play. With the supreme rourt of Florida sounding taps for all racing. Jaialai and dog tracks, in pronouncing every kind of mutuel betting illegal. New Orleans is looking forward to its greatest winter season next year. for it will hold the southern Held of sport, where gambling la concerned, unopposed. Reports drifting In from Florida all winter have been bad, with Palm Beach the only town to show a splurge of money. Mnny race horse owners shipped into Florida only to ship right " MONTREAL The Harry Dahn Trophy, after and presented by the manager of the Capitol theatre, to be won by the ski Jumper who bettered the record of 132 feet at the local Cote des Neiges Jump, went into abey- ance this year since no skier was able to beat or even approach that .lack Denny'a orchestra han signed a six weeks' engagement at the Mount Royal Hotel here. United Amusements Limited will open its 11th theatre in thla city .March 19, when the Rosemount In the. northeast section of the city will give its Initial performance. The Capitol has taken the lead among picture houses In this city in giving patrons assurance against lire. Prior to every performance the following announcement Is made on the screen: "The Capitol Is of solid fireproof construction and aa safo as It Is humanly possible to make it. Every precaution Is taken to safeguard our patrons. The Cap- itol staff Is schooled dally In the art of Safety First. If occasion arises that requlrea the audience to be dismissed, kindly choose the nearest exits, and walk, do not run. The attaches will assist you. -For your protection. (Signed) "Harry S. Dahn." SCENERY STUDIO REHEARSAL HALLS Drop Curtain* In Silk, v«]v«t and Paint*! Sateen W. H. BUMPUS, INC. 224 Weat 46th St., New York Ckirkeriaa- SKT Theatrical Sheen Street Shoe- Barney's Slipper Salon 233 West 42nd Street CATALOGUE M INERS MAKE UP Est. Henrv C. Miner. Inc. sTTElNsT MAKE-(UP PRODUCT Nineteen Shades from M1IITK to a COPPER color Is one feature of STEIN'S PACE POWDER "THE POWDER THAT STICK8" Sold Everywhere 50c. Half Pound Box