Variety (Apr 1927)

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V A R I B T T W«daMdar. Apctt $, IMT 1 BILLS NEXT WEEK BtAto M half (T-MI WItti* Bolar Uskar * Mmglm ftuMMll Wjraa M half 0«o D'Ormond Ifnalo Box Girla (Thr*« to Oil) li half (T-lt| SeMrfOlA (TW« to flU) : from pat* St> StanUr A Quinett Qartrud* Barnea Hall Buley (On* to nil) OKRM'N"rN, PA. GermaBtowa t4 half (T-10> Doraa * Sopav SarattOB Jack Joyco Dandy * Ballaa (Om Ui .wm. Quvn rLS. K.T. Rlalta td half (7-lt) Prank X Silk Kodjr * Wllaoa Torcat'a Rooatan Charlaatoa Champa (Ona to fill) a mAVIM, MICH. (4> Mnia * UuBtar ■tvta 4k BintlK Buddy Walker Daro Harria Oo (OM to fill) ,'. . (11) ' •oaaa A Doim Patar Hlf«laa Oor«oa Klbblar B4 Broeka * JIuak W. TA. Valnnoat td half (T-lf) Roth ft Draka Stanley & Birnea Brooka it Ruah Robarta * TM* Patrieola Cart lloalBl lat half (ll-lt) Brown A Whltt'kar Mills & Hunter Henry Catalano Phelson Duncan Joa Fanton 2d half (14-17) HoUlaar 4k Mlehola Rtohartf Kaaaa Taylor's Special Full 8Im ^^^^^^^ Im lltail allawaaee oa yoar aM Writo for Kaw Catalofpa TAYLOR'S WTtfc Ato. IfSW TORX B. Baadalph St. CHICAGO =5/ THEAT&IGAL OWOnTTiuBS City FOR MODERN MN8ATI0NAL 8TAQE OANC!NQ 8tratchln«c aa4l Ltaabarinv Exerelaaa Now at 132-136 W. 43d St. Nmv Y«rk iin TMcNr •r Vartroetl fpaalsfe Osaelaf ^ la 1711 Broadway New York Til.; M. 2iM Dorothea Antel SunshinebMppe M VMt 72n4 Street. NEW YORK Odff Telephone. 8us«ue. 5033 Send • rhwry Enntor Or ctlnf It BEAUTIFUL EASTER CARDS ABdlffMvBt Nk^rlyhoied. Port|«lt _ OMJL DOXI*AB ppwa Laogth m B o elwy. Lovely tpaalrti Bhawli^ aad a 811k Undenraar. Uaa tC VaaMr lBilr rraatlB KMtH OB'MF'IiD. MASS. Victory td half (T-IB) Vara Bablnl Scott Broe A T QAM Muora ( Mountera (One to fill) OBBBNSB'O, FA. Straad 2d half (7-10) WInehlll A BrlfOO Jaaat Kippaa Joa Davla Paator A Cappo (Oaa to BID BraCBNSACK, M.J. Kalth'a 2d half (7-l»> 4 I'alB Masked Athlato Riley A Low (Two to fill) HABBIAB'RO. FA. 8t«U Id half (t-lt> Sargrent A Lowto 4 Camerona Jordon & Oraeo (Two to All) HABTFOBB, CT. CtopMol 2d half (7-10) Prank MuUano Marty Daproo Paul Dawea Vlvlaa A Wattara <OBa ta fill) ■OLTOKi:. MASS. Capitol 2d half (7-10) Stuart A T^ash 5 Honey Boya Keeler Sis Dizla Nortoa Xaaaady A Xf^flMr Shattork td half (7-10) Arthur Davey Ray & Harrisoa (Three to fill) HT'OBON. W. Ya. 2d half (7-t#| Eddie Rosa 4 Wordens Jamea CoufhUa Hazal Croabjr Owens Kelly INDIANAPOUS Kalth'a (4) KttajraiMi ^a«B Deiro Paul D«cker Co Rae Samuels Ballet Caprica Freda A Palaoa ShadowtrashB (in' SylTla Clark Silvertown Oreh Jeck Merlin Wilfred Duboia Co Powers A Wallaca Shaw'a iioanda Ram HbM' %' S inMixA. II. Grand 14 halt (7-U) BlkM* A MeDottSal Nayon's Blrda (Three to fill) J*K8'NT*LB» FLA. MINERS MAKEUP Etta Henry C. Miner. Inc. THEATDICM CUTS THf STANDARD ENGRAVING CO. Ine Btataroom it Revel A Doreaa (Two to fill) liOCKPOBT, M. T. NtW YOPK td half (7-10) Stephens A H'lster Tall Mall Ruby Latham t Joy Broa A CMaom Reed A Liucy JAMEST'N, N. T. Opara Ilooita td half (7-10) Gibaoa A Frico (Othora to All) J*BAT OFTT* If. 9. •tato td half (7-10) Helen Qroody Co Joe Parcy Avon Comedy 4 (Two to AH) JOHNSTOWN, PA. Majestic 2d half (7-10) Old Hom'^atoad (Others to fill) KINGSTON, N. T. I Kftiiralon 2d half (7-10) RobblBa A Jewatt (Othara t# flU) LAXCASTBB, FA. Colonial Jd half (7-10) AiuoroH ft Janet Hons Kong Tr (Throo i6 mt L'WR'M'B, MASS. Kmpira 2d half (7-10) (Jrecn A Austin 2d half (7-lt> Fred liewls Nolly Tata Ervcl & Dell 3 Senators Armand DeVora LOriSVLLR. KT. Matloaal td half (T-IO) Piddlara va Jaia Disia Hamlltoa A Aylosworth BAB Newell Lockett A Paca (One to fill) LOWKIX, MASS. Kolths (4) Glenn A Hart Allan A Canflald Bart Hanlon Bohn A Boha H Wayman Co Draoa A Dagmar (11) Shaw A Lea Martalle A West Billy Oilbart Co 7 Buaahiaa St'pp'ra Damaraat A DoU Cardial McK'SPORT, FA. J. P. Harria 2d half (7-10) Dashington's Dogrs Murdocks A Mayo Dance Revela Nalda Norralao (Oao to fill) MKBIDBlf. or. PoU'a td half (7-14) Vernon o Dnnce Toura Prince Wong^ Raynor & May Rekoma &. Loretta MOBILE. ALA. Lyrlo 2d half (MB) Veia Post Elsie Oelli Co Monarcha of M'ld'y D'WIlTd — B'wmn RAfaoB A ATory MONTREAL. CAN. Moblio td half (7-10) DeMar A Lester Col Jack Oeorge Beehee A Ruffy'tta LAM Wilaon Malinda A Dado Keno A Oreen MOBRIST'N, N. J. Garrick td half (T-IB) RAE LaRua Anthony A Rogera Bernard A Keller Lloyd Navada MT TBBMON.V.T. Prortor'a 2d half (7-10) Gen Ed Lavlna Edith Clifford Krusal A Roblaa (Three to fill) • N'SHV'LE, TENN. Frlnoeaa 2d half (7-10) Jean Miller Boya Pert Fllzglbbon Hlrch & Edge Fred Huthea (3a (Oaa to rni) MMWABK, J. Proctor'a td half (7-14) Roao A Mooa Ktramura Japs Barry A Whltledge Mays Burt A P Whitey A B Ford Lane & Harper Lou Telloffon NEWBtBO. N. T. Baldwia A Donia DualovF D Darllat Co Corlaaa Tiltoa MIAOAmA FALLS td half (7-14) S KIrklllos LaTetlte Jeania Davis Schooler Sandy McDoaaUl Calvta O'Cra'r A T Norra td half 17-141 London A J C Fllppaa (Thraa to flU) M'H*ll*FTir, t« half (T.14> Crier A MoW'U'bm GAL Gardner Harry Boldea (Two to flll) OTtAWA. OAK. Keltha 2d half (7-14> Bill Roblnsoa Lawlor 81a Boobaeka Jeanaa Lahr A Meroedaa F'KBBSB*0, W. F. Tom Rallly (Three ta flU) FOBTLAND, KaltA (4) Princeaa Wahletka Pallet Daneera Paokard A Dodge Demaroot A DalU Blook A Bully Httt A Margie (11) Col Jack Georga Harry Walman Co Alosaador A Foggy Draoa A Dagmar B'hoo A Rubyette FOBT8MOI7TH, O. 2d half (7-10) Coonan & Casey 2 Southern Girls Nervous Wreck Final Rehenraal (One to fill) NEW H.WEN, CT. tiAm ' " 2d hall (744) Jue Fonj? Corlnne Tilfon Wilaon,A Dobapa Shirley DAIiil Elsie A Tl'rman N. LONDON, CT. Cairftol 2d half (7-10) Swain's Birda Lester Earl Ann Clifton - (Two to flit) M. ORLEANS. LA Palace 2d half (7-10) T^ainont 4 2d half (7-10) Mason A Dlxoa (Three to llll) — FATBBSON. N. J. Begeat 2d half (7-10) Lottie Athertoa Prank Mollao Theo Roberto (Two to fill) FENS'COLA. FLA. Saeager td half (7-14) Maxlae Stlno Oa Julea Puerst Naon\i Glass UeLeon A Darlaa Jac^k StraaM Ga F. AMBOT, N. «. Majeatle 2d half (7-10) Clifford A Gray (Othera to fill) PHILADELPHIA Allegheny td half (7-14) JAB Page Kenalngton String (Throa to flU) Broadway (4> Marino A Martia Billy Fart Jean Acker Keller A Cooaar (Oaa ta All) Croaa Keya td half (7-lt> Dalton A OhUt Joe Rich AaroaaoB (Dmaad'a (Othora ta All) nirie (4> Arnaut Broa Roblaooa A Flaraa Mario Vero Theodore Roberta Sillee Regay Patrick A OU Princess Jlajah Consolidated Oroh Oraad O. HL td half (7-lt> Wood A White Radio Fanclea Cievel'd A Dowaoy Bud Sayder (Oao to All) KaUha («| Raymond Pike Carleton A Ballew Beverly Bayne Lean A Mayfield Seym'ur A Howard Healy A Croao The Harrlngt Adole Verne (11) Eva Clark Theo Roberta A C Aator Kelao A De Monde Nlxoa 2d half (7-10) Hvde & Burrell Ftunrlla A C'lino nits of nway Petty Reat (One to fill) V STRICTLY UNiON MADE LT EartmABm, Otlikosli ft MtuM tmHn AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ALSO 1,000 USED TRUNKS OF eVeRY DESCRIPTION WB DO REPAIRING. WRITE FOB CATALOG. SAMUEL NATHANS, Inc M ttvsBlli Avtfmsi bBtwBBii 40lli sntf 4lBt t t it t B« Ntw VbtIc 0IIv AOBR^ FOB HAM TRrNKS IN THB loaest liongarre 6107-00<t4 td half (7-14) Nawahl Sheika Paradise Burke A Durkla Ernie A Ernie (One to fill) FOTT8VILLE. PA. Hippodrome td half (7-14) Kolao Broa (Othfra to All) FHIHKTBIB. N. T. Am td half (7-10) Senator Murphy I^aTorcella Co Rood A Duther Daa Q Rot Bobby Barker FBOTID'CE. B. L Albee (4) Hadnut Sla Shaw A Leo Ray HuUng A Seal Burns A Allen Lew Kelly Co (11) Hayaoa A Leymaa Marloa A Ford Holoa C*rlBoa BALEIOH, N. O. State td half (7-10) Sydney Grant Morgaa A Lake Rath Sla A M Milton A Hamilton Torelii A Clark BBADINO, FA. Morrta la Chlaa (Oaa to KeUha td half (7-l*> Bardalaaga Kramer A FlolAi I^ydla Barry Hadjt All Hickey Maseart 1st half (11-11) Holllner A Nichols RIckard A Keane VaudavUla Doctor Fraakfo Heath 2d half (14-17) Brown A Wittaker Mills A Hunter Henry Catalano PhelaoB DuBoaa Joe Fantoo TORONTO, ONT. Hippodrome (4) Let'a Daaeo Pat Henning Haynes A Beck Al K Hall Cole A Snyder Babe Bgan Co Will Mahonoy t Oolfora (11) Dare A Wahl Harry Holmaa Qi Ethel Davis Mus Hunters Diamond A Brea'n Roth CUftoa TBBMTOIft H. Prortor'e td half (7-10) Dinah Prank Stafford Elliott A LaTour Dance of Melody Bob Bob A Bobby TBOT, N. Y. td half (7-10) Manny King Pearson A Ander'n Chaa Prink Burnett A Dllloa Nevina A Gordon [.FA. Davla (4) Reck A Rector Bttaaey A OMa Coram Ann Suter A A P Gypsloa llaughton A Gold (1) W A J MandeU Dave Harris Jaa K Wataoa Ora Ilazol Crosby Oo Mitchill A DOTO 2d half (7-10) Wallace A Qalvia Dave Helen A S Jolly Juniors (^arnvye A Pierce I^vigne A Marie Ben Hamid Liberty td half (7-lf) Mack A Roaaitar Joyce A Landa She Him A I Peter Hlggina (Oa* to All) PITTSITL D. MASS. Palace 2d half (7-10) Jerome A Brolya Pietrle • P Rial Florence t (Oao to fill) PLAINF'LD, M. J. BANK. N. J. Palace half (7-10) Josephine Lenh'rdt (Othera to fill) BIOKMOND, VA. Lyrlo td half (f-IB) S Sailors Bag of Tricks Harrington Sla MVy McN'co A R Dyer A Lee (Oaa to All) BOCH*STEB. N. Y. Taanpla M half (7-lf) Tha Andressena Fhtlson A Duncan Peggy McKetchnle Rock A Blossom Herbert Clifton Oardoa of Melody SABATOOA. N. T. Congreaa td half (7-lt) Staoarda Oliver A Craaglo WUUo Hale (TWa ta All) ■ATANNAH. OA. Bgoa td half (7-10) Romalne 2 tris Green Brooka A Ross Lilllaa Morton Joo Cody Bro SOHTf'T'DY, N. T. Proctor's 2d half (7-10) Emmy's Mad Waga Roma A Gaut Sanda A Doone Jr«annctte <t Syaco (One to fill) SCBANTON, PA. Foil 2d half (7-lt) Bert r^ytell Marx Bros (Three to fill) 8HAMOKIN. FA. Capitol td half (7-lt) Carl Freed Dorothy Brenner John Olma Billy A Ethel (One to All) Si. K0RWAI,K, CT. Palace td half (7-10) Sherwin Kolly Joe Dellor Walsh Sis (Two to fill) SPBI'GF'D, MASS. FBlaco 2d half (7-10) Wllbnr Mack LtvlBgatons Clay Crouch Co Sulllraa A Lewie Oa Tear 2d half (7-14) Kurdon Sis Michael Parteo Wm DeamoBd Qreea A LaFoU (Oao to All) O. BILL. N. #. State td half (7-10) Cavan'gh A Cooper Hlbbltt A Hartman Rooney A Bent (Two to fill) UTICA, N. Y. Gaiety 2d half (7-14) Clara K Young Sharoa J Stepheaa Wilbur Karbe (Two to fill) wabrbn, o. 2d half (7-10) Gertrude Rial O A L CJorard Qaudsmiths 4 Choco Dandlog (One to fill) WHINGT'N, D. C. Barle (S) Nathaao Broa Morgaa A Sheldon c Prancia Co Loomis 2 Skelly A Heit Rot (10) Jackson Tr Reed A La Vero Stafford Pembert'n Shapiro A O'Malley Paul Spoeht Oroh K«>ith*a (S) Hamilton Sla A F RAD Deaa Kltaroa Japa Jerry A Baby O'da Rose A Thorne Moran * Wiser Foster Fegan A C Fantino Sis Co (10) Floreaco Moore Adelo Veraa Carl Freed 0» Dodge t A C Aster Harrington t Ueut OIU RlBB Bert Melrooa WA8nN0T*ir. PA. td half (7-10) Delton A Pinner MIsa Marcell (Othera to fill) WATERBURY, OT. Palaoa td half (T*|4) Hunter A PerolTal Roger Imhoflf Drlscoll A Perry Carr Bros A B Woodland Rot (One to nil) WATERT'N, M. X. Palaoa td half (T*14) Vaggea Snooser Jr Tanner A FalauNr Princeaa Wantara Doitingtona Bd WH'LINO, W. TA. 2d half (7-14) Eddie Carr Co Edna Bennett Claude DeCarr Jay Kay Oirla (Ona to All) W.-BABBE, FA. Palace 2d half (7-lt) Kenny Carvet Rosa A Mayao Weber A Callahaa (Twa ta AH) WILM'GT'N, BBL. Garrick td half (7-10) 4 F^lashes Lehr A Bell Welch'a Minatrala Paganna (One to fill) W'NSOCKET, B. I. 2d half (7 10) Bringing up F'ther (Othera ta All) WOBCT'B, MASS. Palace 2d half (7-10) Warden A LaCosta Lane'tar A L'ming Anger A Fair Juggling Nelaona McKay A Ardlne Fan td half (7-10) Lano'ter A L'miag (Othera to All) TOMKBBS* M. T. Prortor'a td half (7-10) Sully A Thomaa Harris A Holley Weir's Elephanla Alice I^awlor (One to fill) • YORK, FA. Tatk O. H. 2d half (7-10) Cahlll & Wella Larry's Ent O'Hanlon A Z'bottl Jamea Kennedy. Shafer A Bern ice YOUNGSTOWN, O. Kelth-Albeo td half (7-14) Joe PantoB Co Millard A Marlla Small A May Wanda Hawley Co Lord A Wills Phea A Santera aned out ABd tho SkOfT BlshL Mt «| tt ATLANTIC CITY By viNCE Mcknight Apollo—"The Circus I'lincesg." Earia—Pop vaudeville. Stanley—"Afraid to Love.** Virginia—"Oh, Baby." Colonial—"The Potters.** Strand—'Wandering Girls.** Capitol-"A Little Journey." City Square—"Buttertliea in the Ilain." Savoy—'"ShakB Your Feet" "Hoot Mon." the 39th annual pro- duction of the Mask and Wig Club, U. of P., will have its regular lOaster Saturday presentation at the (Jarden Pier April 16. This will mark the 32d straight year that the Mask and Wi*,' Club has performed here. The Apollo theatre was here- tofore the scene of these produc- tions, the switch being in order to permit Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn to play a full week there. 2d half (f-10 Tom Swift L'BENVI.E, O. Capitol fd half <7-10> 2 Twins Frank J Sidney I>umm A White Hoary Regal (Oaa to AH) SVBAOVSB. H. T. Capitol td half (7-lt) M Taylor ■ AM Berk PaMo De Barte A walkout of musicians nearly broke up "Shake Your Feet," this week's attraction at the Savoy. Mana«er Brin Is endeavoring to make his house a tton-unioR one, and the exo*dus of his union men on Monday afternoon resulted In the calling oft of his opening per- formance. Matters were straight- Ab Innovation In looal movie houaea will be the presentation oC or thophonle vaudeville at the Stan* ley the last half of this week. Thi% same orthophonic machine that warn In use at the Seaqui-C^ntennlal will be employed here with a Mo minute musical program. "SEX" CAST CONYiaED (Continued from page 45) Burby, David Hughes. Daniel J, Hamilton, Constance Morgenstern. Ann* • Reader, Warrea Sterlinc, Thomas V. Morrison, Alfred la Regall, John Coleman. In their summation to the Jury both Schloss and Wallace dissecte^l the play from the llrst line to the last one trying to show that It was the type of play the public de- mands nowadays, while the other tried to point out that "there is a limit to everything And this Sheir certainly went fAr beyond thA limit" Betty Baker added to "Say It With Diamonds," Betty OMBpson'a forthcoming vehicle., Al Rogell will start making "The Devil's Saddle," based on novel by Kenneth Perkins. Ken Maynard ia starred for F. N. release. Vandeviile Perfoniiers Dramatic, Musical Comedy ARTISTS, PRESS AGENTSs NEWSPAPERMEN READ iaec?3 Absolutelvf^ New Show Stuff The story of a small-tlmS Vauda* villo Artist — a Beautiful Blonde —who thought she could 'becoma A BROADWAY STAR without making sacrifices, atld' enlisted, the services ol eioyoir press agents and ne^nr^iifieriiiotii TO PUT HER OVER Don't Try to Make Stardom or Ex« ploit Any Artist BefoNr Vsv Itestf "KINKS" the New Hensatlonal Novel of the ADELAIDE AMBROSE, INC. Pahllahars 730 Fifth Aventie. New York Beaumont Scenery Studios cycloramas and drop curtains to order or on rental—for all occaaloas MBW ADDBBiOi 443 WEST 47TH STREET Telophnnen: I^ngnrre 52ff2-R25; NEW YORK CITY Need Comedy Material?. Stephen G. Champlin writes Comedy Asts^ Have written auocessea for Barry Rel* man. Valerie Berffere. Tom P. Jackson* Regal and Mnck, Harry Beresford, MO- Carren and Mantica. the late Nat It Wills and many others. Addreaa OIi££NFOINT TU£4XJ BraoWya, N. T. Phoao Oi PnOTOfiRAPIl REPRODUCTION$ Sie.00 PER 100; SIZB 8x10 ONE P08IC STERN PHOTO CO., he 130 West 50th Street, NEW YORK CITY Phtee CIRCLE M22 QUICK. EFFICIENT SEBVICB SCENERY STUDIO REHEARSAL HALLS Drop Curtains In Stlk, Velvet and Painted Satrcn W. H. BUMPUS, INC. 224 West 46th St., New York Chlekerins 8367 Organ Jazz By EDWARD EIGENSCHENK EVKRY rROGRKKHIVE MOTION PIC- Tl'RK OR(; \MST an<l student should have this valunMe book. Contents Include ex- planations and illu!4tratlons of an unlimited number of etyles And embellhhments em- ployed In oriran Jaez, in use In the School of Motion Picture Organ Playing of the American Conaervatory of Moale. Prioe. S8.8S. paatnca firepiili. Mall ordera ii FVIjCO organ studios. Dept. D. leiS So. Wnbaeh Avenne, CMeaaev ID*