Variety (May 1928)

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8 VARIETY P I CTU'R E S Wednesday, May 2, 1928 STATE OVER MET, L AfAaRESS; $18 JO MISS SHEARER'S LOW MARK B; d/s Generally Of IF—"Ramona^" $17,200, Good— •^Speedy" Slips, $15,000—"Angel," $15,600 Los AiiKt'l^f'- Miiy 1. r {Drayying Pop., 1,500,000) Weather:. Fair, and Warm T^iXue WiiJr Wiiy ol£ in ROrteral last •^locu; TJu'ii-'-i'^-'S had weather to contend with at, and then the new City ]lall had (o be dedicated, Tliai ofUhd. for. a formal day of fostivitii^s starting with parades,and epnfludin-^ wiih lireworks and si)V<?c'ho,s. It kiioi'ked the tar out of Thursday matinee ivado and did thf- niyiit iinfurnianoes no . fefood f'ithei-.v. Thon Will jiL'i- IJi t.thers opened its new house, -seatini; 2,G57, in lloUy- wt)od, and of .eo'urse everyone want- ed to see AS ho paid $.5 a ducat and tht? streets u.-fo ilironged. Loew's Stato lod the downtown l)urieh wiiii ."Ladies >!i6-ht" and a Sally liuiul unit produced by I<'an- chon ajid ■ .\Iaroo. Metropolitan, ran abo.ift $1^,000 bi'l.ihd the- State at $lS.r)00 with :->oi t)ia Shearer's "The Actress." 'J'ho ^ross for Miss iBIioarer'.'i picture is. lowest that any of her oi'iVrln.u-.K have played to in the downtown UlstriOt. "The Cireiis" oiiucd its .ID weeks at Graunian's Chinese with two exr tra shows tlirown in Saturday and Sunday.' Tho take here was over $20,00.0, Louse darl; this v.'eek with "Trail of 'i)5i" openinj? .May 7. Second week of 'Street Angel," at Carthay (^irole, was very good by . almost hitling $].6,000... "With elimination of stage shows here,, house is rolling up nice weekly profit. l-!iltiiuii"o had very good week with ".Wings" In its 3 5th staijza, trade picking up over week before. ' This one has one more week beside the . current one to go. ''Ramoha" bowed out of the United Artists to the most success- ful engagement of any picture to play, the house. Total for four weeks' here was $88,700. Third week'for "Speedy" at the Million Dollar was a bit. off with trjide dropping aboiif $6,000. Criterion opened middle of the week with -a, grind policy using ^lovietono: to accompany downtown premiere of "Sunrise." With me- ehanics a bit out of gear on open- ing day, trade was less than $1,000. . C5ene Morgan, on his initial week, helped trade bit at the Egyptian. Screen feature was "The. Divine Woman"; with gros.s about $1,000 ahead of . preyiou.g week, Lynn ; Cowan replaced Morgan at the Boulevard and had "The Thirteenth Hour" as screen support. W'ith poor picture he managed to. pull trade beyond $7,000.. Estimates for Last Week Grauman's Chinese (U.A.)—"The Circus" (U.A.) (1,958; B0-$1.50).. .Final rush to see Chaplin picture required an extra show each of final days; brought gross to better than $20i000; ran 14 and a half weeks. Carthay Circle (Miller-W.C.)— "Street Angel" (Fox) (1,500.; 50- $1.50), Second week for Borzage picture very good; $ti),600. Biltmore (Erlanger) — "Wings" (Par) (],6C1: 50-$2.20) (15th week) Trade excellent with picture close to end of four months' stay; around ..$16,300, with matinees unusually good. Loew's . State (W.C.-Loew) — "Ladies Night" (F.N.) (2,200; 25 99). Crackerjaok unit, headed by .Sally Rand a nd aide d b y Benny Rubin, helped put tliTa^ one over. $21,000. Metropolitan (W.C.-Pub) — "The Actro.<5.s" . (.M-G) (3.595; 25-75) Trade none to good for this Norma Shoaier lilm; star's followln seemed to shy away from house; $l.S,.o00. .■ Million Dollar (W„c:-Pub)-- . ."Siieedy" (P:>rV .(ii.2n0;, 25-99) (3rd wcM-k.). . I'Nir . Ihis st;inz,'i of. Lloyd . ocunedy; noni>' too good ;it $15,000; looks us tlKUU'.li is- reaching pnssr- .'Jtag<\ . United Artists (r.,\.V--"U;nnona". .••■^nvA.y (L',.i(vo; .;tr..-$i.ioi .(-ithwM^k). I-'iii;il,v.ns fcirUiii;r will); inLnk<' $17.-. C.-iterion ( W-CI - "Suni'isi'" (Fox) n 'lii); ;)ri-(;ii). Xcw policy of scrcoi )■'-.-• i))''> '."ind .Mtivi(M(i)H' (lid lint g<'i (.IT to iri'i'iit '^(;ii i: !iu cvtMi $'.'()(■) on (iji- iiinir (lii.w Egyptian (W.C.-V.A ) "The Di- vii:'.< \\'oi)),in" ( .M C ) (],."<()(); :'.')-7r)). Cl'^c Nlo)';;;))) lU'w tn. .<- here ));is }<]!' I''illyu <i(>i| following; . Iriidi' ^jii.iihl:Liul=.lij^.'jaiu.uiijJ^.$i)».l Boulevard ■ . "T.hii-ti'i-Dlli 11.nil'" (M-(i) (2.KM: ^fi-.M)). .\'o dill.' Wl-Dt nill."^ iililUlt ))i(llll-<'. Iui( I,,V'iti . ("!ow;ii) Ix'lpcd tradi-; licil.i'r III: 11 JV.'Kin. "SORREIL," $21,000 IN K. C; NEWMAN, $3,300 1ADIES' NIGHT" DOES $26,000 FOR WARnELD ^'Jazz Singer" Leaves Frisco After 11 Wks.—Granada Still Low, $17,000 Tenderloin" Splits Honors— Arbuckle Helps Pan to $7,200 —"Big Noise," $12,000 Kansas (>.'ity, May 1. (Drawing Population, 700,000) Weather: Fair . Air downtown amuse ment places offered either nanie pictures or name stars last week, and business showed a slightly healthier condition. • "Sorrell and Son" was the out- standing scri^en offering, but the .Globe, with its Vitaphoned "Tender^ Ibiii," grabbed a big share of the re- views, and on the strength of busi- ness held the attraction over, Ros- coe Arbuckle, at tho Pantages, was Also given, extenf^ive publicity; From a weather standpoint the mahagoriS have no alibi. It was cool and clear, made-to-order show weather, with no cooling systems working. . Estimates for Last Week Loew's Midland — ".Sorreil and Son" (U. A.) (4,000; 25-35-50). Best picture on the street, arid critics unanimous in. revievvs; stage show, 'Steps and Steppers,'.' featured Glenn and Jenkins, first negro ar- tists to play the house; $21,000, Mainstreet (Orph) — "The' 'Big Noise" ' (F. N.) (3,200; 25-50). Coupled with stage show was a bar- gain; Peter Riggins continues as guest m. c.'and pleases; $12,000. Newman (Loew) (1,980; 25-35)— Across to Singaiiore" (M-G), first half; "Under the Black Fagle,". sec- ond-half. Both pictures contained names, that have soihe box-olfice value; busini.'ss increased a little, Fans seem to be learning they can siee a first-run piclure for a srnall admission at this house and are trying It out; hidden treasure adver- tising tie-up, with miny thousand tickets being distrilHite'd by mer chants, is helping the next two weeks; $3,300. Pantages—"The Pl.ny C.iri" (Fox) (2,200; 25-50). Madge Bellamy a f.avorite of Pan regulars; while pic- ture nothing te rave about, they liked star and.were .sjVti.^fiod; per-, sonal appearance of Jloscoe Arbuckle helped tilt the gross, although not as heavy as expected; $7,200. Liberty (Ind) —"Keeper of the Bees" (FBO) (1,000; 25-35), Con- tinuing his new policy of presenting revivals of tried successes, Sam Car- ver offered this one to fair success; when shown here, film grabbed Pantages house record, which It stlU holds; $1,400. SEWING UP TOPEKA? Report Town Will Be Under One Management in Fall Is i rll CJi'- CHARLEY HYNES HURT harli'V I1)'M<'.'^. of "Kilni D.iily," aid lip VJlll a ('Oiijile of l)ll;-.t<'d ; "-'I i.-ii'-i-il ill ,11) automoliile ac- •IM uniay, Topeka, May 1. (Drawing Pop., 80,000) Weather: Cool and unsettled Only one outstanding picture in town last week. . A general apathy toward shows of all kinds resulted, even for the one picture. - -•'The-patenr-Leathei'- Kid,"^at"the Orpheum, drew a good business but nothing to cheer about, Billle Dove's "Love Mart" at the Jnyliawk the first half of. the week got better break those days. The experiment .of tab shows with second-run, pictures in a former third^run Best, has worked but about a.<? the wise guys predict cd. The theatre got tho busineiss^— all the In its .section of the town^—;ind the Cry.^tal and Gerri, near by, owned by the s.Tme firm, are starving. A general shfike-up and change in ()wner.s-hip is b(>ing ruinored, where by i)ra('tic;illy every hou.'^e in the town will lie undfM: one riianagemcnt by fall. This nio;iiis the acciuiremcnt by the Xation.'il Tlii'.'itre. Co. of the .Novelty, vaiidevillo,. .Tnd the ad.dition to that foiniiany of the Lawrence ,\))msciucni liohiiii^rs of soeond-ruri lilai'c,-'. The T,awi'<'ivee Amusement Co. l.-inrrly Nate TUock of St...Tp- .scilh, who, it is declared, is taking over ihe Xational, ... -Mllii s„_.-TJ.iakii-i) p--i.<!.^Jiein !,:.-prcc.ipiT^ t.iii-d by i1i(> )ii'ii))oscd 'change In t)oliey 111 -iliii N'ovKy. which ha.s been ibe -iiiiiy aII-\-aiicb>ville in the t<iwii. and lbi< ;o\vn hiis been tl)i' sni,ille.-t ill ib.e I oimtry to .sup- pott such a )iolie\. 'riu' N'ov( lty i.s now pl.atiiiiiii,' a f'-aliire iiicfure eom- ■l)iii;ition with vaiiib'ville. to . start with IIh^ y\ow season T.,abor T)ay. Estimates for Last Week Jayhnwk (l,.'iii(); .jO) (.layb.awkV— i "T,ov(' .M,-)rl" (ii-si b:iir i:ot good l>lay. ibut onJ.N eoiiij'iD'aiivi'. ".Something 'San Frahcisco, May 1. (Drawing Population, 756,000) .Weather; Fair Several bright spots along .Mar- ket street last week, with two or tihree that did not stack up so well. Businesis as a Vhole was fair, with the A, G, Barnes circus cutting into receipts the last two days of the week. Weather conditions remain ideal, plenty of cool evenings calcu- lated to be driving, them in off the streets. Sensational il-week's engagement of "The Jazz Singer" came to a close April 25 at the Embassy. Healthy business held right to the. finish. Generally figured picture, could have held for an additional two or three. House plans to bring "Jazz Singer" back In probably six to eight weeks. Warfield continued as the town leader, first two days of week being exceptionally strong. On the other hand, Graiiada continued in the doldrums. "Skyscraper" didn't create any undue enthusiasm, while Cambrai's stage show failed to re- veal any new talent, /though far above the average of the local Piib- llx units. California had a five-day week with "Speedy," and made way Wednes- day night for 'TDrums 0(f Love." "WingB" continued to click merrily at . the Columbia, Matinees are somewhat off, but night business Ig near capacity. Engagement has been extended an additional- two weeks, six In all. Advance indi- cates entire (engagement will be prosperous. "Patent Leather Kid" wound up three profitable weeks at the St. Francis, though third week sihowed a considerable drop in intake. The long-awaited "The Circus" opened April 28, and Is figui-ed as good for from four to six weeks. Estimates for Last W«iek . . Warfield.— "Ladies'' • Nightv (F. N;) (2,672; 35-50-6.5-90). Had been rejected and virtually sold to op- position When recalle(J; proved a winner to the tune of around $26s-. 000; that's healthy business. Granada.— "Skyscraper'/ (Pathe) (2,785; 35 - 60 - 65 - 90). Pleasing enough show, but custom'ers weren't Bufflclehtly Interested; even Lupino Lane comedy, "Fandango," as added feature,, didn't spell b. o.; around $17,000 plenty of cause for worry. Cofumbia. —"Wings" (Par.) . (1,- 700; 60-$2). Got the house scaled for plenty of the cheaper priced seats and bilslness is holding nicely; third week, $13,000; three weeks to go, having added two. St. Francis..— "Patent Leather Kid" (F. N.) (1,375; 35-65-90) Liked this Barthelmess picture and gave It good play; .third and final week held to around $8,000; satis factory. Embassy.—"The Jazz Singer" and Vita (W. B.) (1,367; 60-65-90). Set a mark for length .aC run and high gross that will probably sta,nd for a long time; 11th week just slightly over 10th and finish showed $10, 400; Immense; "Ham and Eggs at the Front" followed.' California.—"Speedy" (Par.) (2,- 200; 36-66-90), House got back to regular opening day (Thursday) with close of this one; last five days brought $7,500. SUMMER AGAIN Every, yeai', right after Chervy Blossom Time, Meyer Davis opens his beautiful Park Intime at Chevy Chase Lake, Washington^ D, C; • Before the advent of Meyer Davis Management Washington never knew the delight bf dancing to sparkling music in natiire's own ballrbom. 'RAMONA' MINN. SMASH; $2,000 FOR DENNY, O K Del Rio Film, $16,000, at State —Menjou Gives Minne- sota $26,000 IIEB IN SOUTH AFRICA Jack Lleb, M-G-M news camera man, .accompanied by. his 'wife. Is en route to South Africa under six months' contract to the Union of South Africa <3oyernment. He will make wild animal hunting pictures for goverrimcntal propa ganda films. "KID" OUT FRONT IN SEATTLE AT $17,0 10 (Drawing Pop., 475,000) Weather; Cool . . Seattle, May 1, While general conditions are not so rosy, good attractions woke up the town and intakes jumped. "Patent Leather Kid," at United Artists, had the biggest and best advex'tising campaign and went ahead of the first week of "Speedy." Scenario contest conducted daily for 11 days in; the Seattle "Star" helped publicize the story. . Local angle was played up strohgiy as the war scenes were shot at Fort Lewis, Wash,. Onb of the' best stage shows yet at the Seattle, "In Havana," went great guns vvUh "Smart Set" as the film. Columbia had what many, con- sidered, about the best picture in town, ""Stark Love." Blue Mouse did well again with "The Jazz Sing- er," while Fifth Avenue had "Laugh, Ciown, Laugh." Jim Clemmer per- sonally advertised this as great over his' signature. Winter Garden, Univer.sal chain house,, used "Sadie Thompson" to its record week at the' scale, accord- ing to Mike Newman, new noi'th- west manager for.this circuit. EsitiiTjates for Last Week Seattle (WC-Pub-Loew) (2.700; 25-60)—"Spiart Set" (MG). Still seems to like the Haines type of cut-up; irrent stage show and big help; $16,000. Fifth Avenue (WG) (2,700; 25- 60)—"Laugh, Olown, Laugh" (M-G). Chanev in impi'essive story with "In Holland" on stage; $14,000. Columbia . (U) (1,000; 25-50)— "Stark Love" (Par). Picture liked and word of mouth combined to' Improve draw; $5,200.~ United Artists (WC-UA) (1,900; 25-60) "Patent Leather Kid" (FN). Mixed opinions but .surely got coin; held for second week; $17,000. Blue Mouse (Hamrick) (950; 25- 75)—"Jazz Singer", and Vita (WB), Natural for another run of probaBly three weeks; $7,200. Pantages (1,500; 25-65)—"The Play Girl" (Fox). Better all around bill than for couple of weeks; Doug- las Kiddies, local children, cute fea ture; $7,20o, Orpheum (2,700; 25-50)—"Mid- night Madness" (Pathe) and vaude. Pathe news, Sennett comedy, Aesop Fable and Topics of Day .shows how much niovie stuff house is using; $7,900. - Preisident i Dirff y)": (1,65 Ot 2 5^ l72 5)" —"Lombardi, Ltd." (Duffy Players) Leo Cariilo as star in his former play; gbdd stage settings and ex- cellent support; biz better .at $5,000 . Winter Giarden (U) (850; 15-25) —"Sadie Thoi^xpson" (UA). Biz at this price looks like ]?ew' record here. .- Minneapolis,May 1.' (Drawing Population, 450,000) (Weather: Cold) Week's. sen.gation was "Ramonii," bringing the State its first normal takings since the Minnesota's ad- vent. The picture hit a faist pax:e from . the outset, and . then built steadily throughout tho entiio week. It was necessary to put up the ; ropes every night at 7 o'clock or earlier. Women, particularly, liked the picture and matinees were far above, average.. Analyi^ls of the local situation in- dicates it is now pos.sible for two houses to do worth while busi- nes.s—the Minnesota and. one other. The.Minnesota has been doing con- sistently well since opening. While the Minn's gross last, week was due no doubt to the \yeakness of the picture, "A Night of Mystery," it' did $^6,000, and therefore couldn't be called bad, even though it was by far the worst the has had. After its sensational spurt with Ted LcAvis, the Hennepin-Orpheum sank back again to the worst week since the chancre of policy. "Becky" was the film, but the public passed it. 'The Devil Dancer" fizzled at the Strand, but Reg Denny's "That'« My Daddy," jumped biz at the Lyric fully 50 per cent; getting the house around $2,000 for the first time in weeks. Pantages . and Seventh Street suffered terribly, the former with a Madge Bellamy picture and the latter with on^ of Buck Jones' westerns along with the usual vaudeville. Estimiates for Last Week Minnesota . (F. & K.-Publix) (4,100; 05)—"A Night of Mystery"' (Par) and Publix unit, "The Fast Mall." House needs stronger at- tractions these 'to hold it to winning level; picture flopped and • stage show sd-sq; $26,000. State (F. & R.-Publix) (2,500; 60) "Ramona" (U, A;). Vitaphone and stage, show. Picture a sn>ash and ropes up. every niglit at 7 o'clock; all-around good show and nearly $T6i000; splendid. Strand (F. & R.-Publix) . (1.600; 50)—"The Devil Dancer" (Par). Picture pleJised, biit did not have much of a box ofiiee pull; around $3,000. . Lyric (F, & R.-l'ublix") (1.350; 35)--"That's My Daddy" (U). Regi- nald Denny a draw and picture a hit; best week in months; around $2,000. Grand (F. & R.) (1,100; 25)—"Red Hair" (Par); Second loop run near- ly $1,000; better than recent aver- age here due to Clara Bow; Hcnnepin-Orpheum (Orpheum) (2,890; 50)—'Becky" (M-G) and vaude. Picture only fair, but show as whole a good buy for the money; worst week yet at around $7,000. - Pantages (Pantages) (1,600; 25- 50)—"The Play Girl" (Fox) and vaude. Picture and show liked, but lacked box ofllce power; poorest week in a long time; about $4,000. Seventh Street (Orpheum) (1,400; 40)—"The Bi-anded Sombrero" (Fox) and vaude. They won't com©;' around $3,000; terrible. Always Happens," last half, drew normally, making total of $3,100^ Orpheum (1,200; 40) (National)— "Patent Leather Kid," drew with Barthelmess' name and on strength of advance publicity. One of those 50-60 hits, being both panned and praised. Got $2,200. Novelty (1,100; 25 (Crawford)— Arthur Hlggins company on second week built up business some rhore, but falling off from previous week, registered first half, $1,R00. Grand (1,400; 75 (National)— Waddell Players with "A Thief in the. Night" sho^ycd further falling off In business, despite tie-up with T. W. C. A. girls on ticket sales. Rece nt cha ng es, .h.') ve^not strengthened it and type of plays not hitting. " $1,400. Cozy (400; 25) CI.>awr<'n(:e) — "Thanks for the Buggy Hide" Arsl half and "The Warning" last h.ilf just features and got caught in the week's slump. Only $700. Best (760; 20) (Lawrence)— "Bozo" Davis continues to hold gross at this former third-run house high, picture features not being mtirh of draw. Got busine.s.«! last two days, totaling $600. Rodemich Jumps Uptown, Providence, to $2,650 Providence, May 1, (Drawing Population, 300,000) Weather: Bad With a week unusual for th cold, rainy days, Providf^nce ,settled back to seven days "of dre.ary b. o dullness. . Hardly anything, in straight movies met success,, ynude ville and the mu-sical .show;?, nlon^^ with stock, getting about- an. even break, . ., At the Opera llotise, Fred and Dorothy .Ktone in "Ci'iss w:i^re_tak(-n niildly. .and . witlvnit ^lhe hectiO ju'nituing other musicars have plaiitf'd this .se.ason. The Modern a Fay, ^ent into .summer idU-ness this week and will be used only for tho occasional showing of special promotions, etc. The.Mod- ern reports a successful sea.'-hn of stock. Uptown steiiped away from rou- tine and pulled a Wow with tli' Sund.Ty honlciiig of (Jene Ttodcjiii, i- .'ind his st;igr> hand from vlic .M-r Boston. Tlii,s is Rodrjuich's outside appearance, and he re- cruited from all the countryside after one year's steady radio hook- up with WKAN. Uptown, although a second-run house out of the city, stepped ahead of at least two downtown _houseji, __ . u At the ,Victory, hoMov'er "pf ^'The Circus" wa.s. a. little disappointing. The opposish furni.shed by Buck Jones, in person, at Fay's was a bit too heavy for the Chaplin, sec- ond week. Carlton carried along as well as could ije expected, and the Majestic grabbed good returns with a well-liked ■ picture, "Dressed to Kill," and Gertrude Lawrence in Movietone. "The Nightstick" was : the . AlbeC stock vehicle and a tie-up with the local law, with an invite to paper the house with policemen and their wives, brought crowds. Estimates for Last Week Majestic (Fay) (2,500; 10-50), "Dressed to Kill" (Fox) and Movie- tone. Big favorite and good week at about $7,000. Strand (Ind) (2,'2a0; in-.'iO), "The Love Mart" . (F.N.) and Johnny Hines in "Cliinatown Oharlio" (I<\N.). Good combo, only normal draw; about .$6,500. Fay's (2,000; l.T-SO). Buck Jones. Jn,.person.- whole .shew.^..'■'I'^achelo.r's, Paradise!" with Sally O'Neill, jiist one of those things; mavbc $.S,000. Carlton (Fay) . (1,474; 10-30), "Across the Atlantic". ' and "Love Hunjrry." Fair wot^k at around $3,200. Uptown (ind) M,l!)7: IS-S".). Second-run pictures with big from CJene Rpdemich and.bfmd op week end; abotit $2,ii,"iO. Opera House (Wendili-chacfcr), "Criss Cross." Frf'd nnd Dorothy ■ Stone, little bctt<'r than $11',000.