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60 VARIETY' Wednesday, May 30, 1928 TORONTO Royal AJexandra—"Road to Rome" (Wagnor stock). Empire—"Alice Sit by Pir6" (Kep- pio stock). . T. . Victoria—"They Knew What They Wanted" (I'JnRliah stock). Loew's—"The Biff City"-vaud. Pantages—'aur.renaor"-vaud, Uptown — "Drums of Ijove"-staffe show. Tivoli—' Kamona" (2d week). , Riegent—Dark. Princess—Dark. . Hip—••Love Hungry'V-vaud. ;• Runhymede — "Last Command' - vaud. ■ ' . Palace—"Easy Come, Easy Go"- vaud. , ■ : ,„' Capitol—•Legion ot Condemned' - ■va^id. ■' \ ■ Maurice Schwartz ig in town with his . Yiddish Art Theatre Co. to do . three plays at the; Standard. Chi- ; nese plays are also beloir done in Toronto this season. Horace Sinclair will direct Wag- ner's Toronto stock outfit On his tliree-town wheel. Pete Egan and Jack Hunter, man- ager and assistant of th6 FP ace house in Regina, haye been elected presidents of the senior and junior Regina baseball leagues, respective- ly. Eddiie Laughton, master of cere- monies at the Capitol, ace FP house in Hamilton,,has become an enthu- siast at small power boat racing. Kenwood, Toronto, neighbothood house, has made indpendent ar- rangements to show British two- reelers. Playing a. split-week T?ill, they had a couple of scenic travel shorts this .week. Joe Hay, formerly publicity Chief for ,the Canadian National Exhibi- tion, has been named manager of Sunnyside Beach, succeeding Donald Mackenzie Goudy. Hay has got the beach off to a good start by doubling the advertising investment. John Holden, local lad of some talent, has joined the Ernpire stock comiiany and gets a bit in "Alice Sit by the Fire" and "Her Cardboard LiOyer," to be done next week. Of the three stock companies now working here this is the only one -conslstent-Iy-showing--profit,. Some of the boys will also do pic- ture house work pending the pro- duction of the ninth riunkfftt show. With the break-up of Capt. AT Plunkett's "Dumbclls" after their eighth Canadian tour, the. outfit will again put on.their all-sumrner show "Merrymakers," at Sunnyside Beach Maurice Colbourne, at present In Toronto, has arranj^ed a Canadian tour in Shaw plnys for next season. He will start with "You Never Can Teir* and "Candida." His cast will largely be chosen in England. O, B. Shepherd, .former manager of. the Erlanger Princess here, left $332,860 when he died a few weeks ago at 85^ His widow and immeidi- ate family inherit the whole of the estate. Twp-thlrds of the estate is in good stocks. Two weeks ot fair bu.siness was the best "King of Kings" could get at the Princess. Pictures have never done well when vspotted In this legit house after the season. Philip Earle has com© to join the Eijglish players who are trying sum- mer stcok at Vaughan Glaser's Vic- toria. Their opening week was iy)or. ROCHESTER By E. H. GOODING Lyceum—"Her Cardboard Lover" (stock). Temple—"The Racket" <st6<ik), Rochester—"Rarhona.": Eastman—"A Girl in Every Port." Fay'iB—"The PJay Girl" and "A Moment of "Temptatipn.'! Regent—"We Americans." Piccadilly—"Beautiful Blue Dan- ube." Defective wiring is believed to have caused a fire which swept Fay's t-heatre last week with dam- age of about $10,000 resulting. The galleries suffered, the most. Sea Breezie Park iand Natatorlum, million dollar amusement, place run bjr the New York State. Railways,, opens pfflcially on Wednesday, The 'theatrlx, where. f ree . outdoor. acts are staged, will not begin iintil late in^une. .. One of nine new theatres planned by the Schihe Theatrical Enter- prises, Inc., will be in Corning, It was announced last week. Geneseo Is In the midst of Sunday movie agitation Petitions are be- ing circulated on both sides and the village, board may call for a referendum. . ALBANY, N. Y. By HENRY RETONDA Strand—"The Street of Sin" and Vita. Ritz—"Fools for Luck." Leland—"Paid to Love," Clinton Square—"The Play Girl" and "Hello, Cheyenne." Grand—Vaudefllm. ' " Hall—Vaudefllm. The reigular season at the. Capitol, Albany's only legit house, ended Saturdiay with "Gay Paree." The house will be dark during the sum- mer months except possibility of occasional bookings in June or July. It has been Intimated that a; few new shows may ha,ve tryouts at the Capitol this sumiher, making Al- bany a "dog town." The Hall is conducting a "Per- fect Girl" contest this week. Thelma Williams. "Miss Pittsburgh" of 1926- 27, is judge and model. Joseph Novak and Edwa,rd Bir- mingham, two employees oC the Sells-Floto circus that played in Albany a week ago Friday, are held for the Grand Jury after their plea of guilty to charges of abduction. They are accused of luring Bertha Davis, 14, from her hoitie. VARIETY BUREAU WASHINGTON, D. C 816 Th« Argonn* ;. 1(09 Columbia Road, N. W. Telephone Columbia 4«30 .By,.,.fclAB.RJJ£.„MiAK!N,„; .National (Erlanger-Rapley)— Cochran's stock in ''Poor Nut»" Polie's (Shubert)—DeWolf Hop- per musical stock, "Chocolate Sol- dier.". Pictures Columbia—"Rarhona"; next, "Red Hair." Earle—"Yellow Lily"; next, not announced. Fox —"It I Were Single"; next, "Love Hungry." . Metropolitan—"Showdown"; next, not announced. Palace —"Across to Singapore" next, "Circus Rookies." Rialto—"Count of Ten"; next, J^XnixJtDJiJECiRS.'.' (reissue). Forrest'kuflf is playing his origi- nal role In "The Chocolate Soldier.' Meyer Davis "officially" got his Le Paradis Roof started last TYiday, only he didn't; it was too cold. When it docs open Walter Kolk will be back at the drums and entertain- ing until sailing as a member of Davis' first European orchestras. Maurice Kafka, who owns Kafka's Shop on F street but who has been delving into the night club racket for two yoafs, opens his Jardin Lido, oh top the .Arlington hotel, for Its sec- ond summer this week. Emory Daughcrty's band . will funetion, doubling from the^ Lotus restaurant. Kafka gets BOc. cover. Eddie Fowler, long ln the theatres here but more recently in Baltimore in the film end, died suddenly last week in that city. He was a brother of William Fowler,-also deceased, for years manager of the National (legit), here. John J. Daiy, dramatic editor of th^ "Post,!' Is havl'-- a hard time to make up a semblance of an exclu- sive legit section, with -only the Na- tional and Poll's open and both do- ing stock. MILWAUKEE By HERB ISRAEL Davidson—"The People." Garrick—"What Price Glory" (Worth Player.^). . Palace—Orpheum vaude. Giayety—^Whitman Sisters (col- ored burlesque). Alhambra—"Thanks for Buggy Ride." Garden—"Ranaona." Merrill—"Circus Rookies." Miller:—"Buttons"-vaude. Riverside—"Little Shephdrd of ■Ki«g4om'Gome"-vaudei- ■• • •■■ iStrand-r-"Three Sinners/' Wisconsin—"Harold Teen." Harry . F. . Jones, builder of the FranKlin Grardens at Janesvil le, has filed bankruptcy proceedings; As- sets listed at ^70,0Q(> and liabilities at $120,000. . • •The Chicago Symphony orchestra, forced to play at the Auditorium this season because of repairs to the Pabst, has signed a. lease for the Pabst for next season. A nc«c early hour opening has been started here. Miller has gone into 9 a. m..policy. Formerly opened at 11 a. m. Whltehouse, Butterfly and Princes.s, downtown grinds, have followed suit. OMAHA, NEB. By ARCHIE J. BALEY Weddings and engagements of theatre folk have been engaging at- tention. (]reorge Johnson, organist at the Riviera, engaged to marry Ruth Wing, a non-professional, Brltt Wood met a waitress while at the Orpheum and married' her two days later. Then Alexander'Lock- wood of the Brandels Players mar- ried Miss Hester Duflleld, a dancing teacher. Lockwood's real- name is« WyrwIcB. John D. Howard is the new man- ager at the Rialto. He came from Mobile, Ala, to replace M. W. Ko- rach, resigned. Lawrence Jones, trombonist in th« Riviera stage band^ was. given a two weeks' trial as t)ers6nality lead- er at the Riviera in Waterloo, I«u during absence of Ciasey Jones. Re- ports are he is m. c. timber. The two Omaha dailies have gone the limit on theatre publicity, with the Orpheum and Riviera leading. Two, three and four-column cuts, not to mention long stories and Sun- day magazine features, from the theatres. have all but crowded the I'un of news. A want-nd bnttle has had much to do with it, The papers are fighting each other by giving theatre tickets with three, and seven-day want ads: The Moon theatre is closing for the summer. The Joe Marlon Play- ers, tab stock, will tour. OKLAHOMA CITY .J-__Stennett, part ownei? of thfli Capltbl tlieatre, Daiiias, "ife^^^ taken over the duties, of managing director In place of his late partner, Simon Charninski. —Construction of a $200,0.00 theatre at Laredo, Texas, has been com- menced by Robb:& Rowley; It Is to be completed by Aug. 15. Two unmasked bandits robbed the Blaine theatre,- Henryetta, Okla, May 4 and got away with oyer $8,000. Two employees Wiere tied up, D. F. Spaulding is to operate a motor truck line-for distribution of films between Oklahoma City and Ppnca City and Enid. B.-M. Cackler. will operate another line between Oklahoma, Cotya and all ihterrhe- diate points. GOLD MEDAL COLUMN BLUE RI B BOX^LI ST ^ V^? WHERF' TO. S H O P ^ N 13 ^ D I rv E ACCESSORIES The UTTIEJOHNS Rhinestones Anything in Rhinestones Also rERFECi) Machine for Setting 1tS4 We«t 4Gth St. Chlckerlng 7720 BEAUTY CULTURE REDUCE SCIENTIFICALLY IX)OK young, FEEL young, BE young : BesuHs Assured—rRateH Reasonable SALLY WOLFE INSTITUTE 685 West End Ave., New York . Schuyler 8801 >>" Cor. 88lh St. CLEANERS mscH Theatrloal Cleaner and Dyer .Woric Done Overnight .Obods Called for and Delivered tW W. 47th St. Lackawnnna SSOli COSTUMES \ EAVES COSTUME CO. Costumes of Every Deserlption For Every Occasipn lM-158 We st 46th St reet— Eaves Bldg. DRAPERIES NOVELTY SCENIC STUDIOS Draperies, Scenery, Stage S«tttngii S40 West 41st St. Lack. 9233 TRIMMINGS Consolidated Trimming Co., Inc. Manufacturers and Designers Upholstery & Drapery Trimmings 27-SS West 23d St. DESIGNERS JOHNWENGER Art Director and Destgniar of N. T. Productions and MOTION PICTDRK PRESBNitATIONd •3» 8th Ave. Colambas 4609 FABRICS MAHARAMriSSi CO., Inc. Unusual Fabrics for Scenery Costumes and Draperies from Our Own Mills Bryant 2511 107 W. 48th St. Opp. rriars' Club FABRICS DiSSPsTSc. THEATRICAL GOODS . ; Bryant 1068-3937-51T7 14e-144 West Forty-Foartb Str«ot MENDELSOHN'S TEXTILE CORP. SCENEKY AWD COSTUME FABRICS Silks—Tinsel Cloth—Plushes ice W. 46th St. Bry. 7372-62S4 FLORISTS The Appropriate'Gift A. WARDENDORFF, INC.V Hotel Astor Lack. .058S MJRS BLUMENFIELD'S Fur Coats cleaned, glazed and rellned, $20 Storage and Remodeling. Catering, to the Profession 204 State-I..nke Bldg., Chicago riione Ilcurborn 1263 COWNS RENTED Q0WN8 and WRAPS of EVERY DESCRIPTION Rented For All. Occatlons . . Widest Sclcclloh, Exclusive Ueiltnt and VERT MODERATE K.AT.ES — Tou WUI Find It Intereatlns and Economlral to Gall at'' MME. NAFTAL 09 WeHt 4!)th Street Bryant O070-41C3 JEWELRY A. S, BORG Buys ninmonds. Old Gold, Silver, PIntI num, Phwn Tickets nhd Gold Bridge Work We also .Sell Antique and Modern Jewelry All Kinds of Rep.ilrlng Done 20»6th Ave., Cor 31et St., 140 W. 23d St, .U4.<l..<4-BRYANT. E. HEMMENDINGER, INC. JEWELERS S3 West 40th Street LOANS On Dlnmonds, Jewelry, Furs, Clothing, MuHiriil InHtrunicnta and All Kinds of Personal PAUL KASKEL & SONS 9 ColuinUHH Av.. hot. r>n(h and OOlh St« OolnmhuA 1112. 1443. 1481 PROPERTIES Theatrical Properties Studio Prspsrty BoM( .Traveler* Meehasltsl Prepi D'^trctng Mats PreduetlOBi Furslihed Complste—Ws AIM Rent 502 West 44th Street ' Pennu 7S77 LIGHTS Display Stage Lighting Co. "A LIGHT FOR EVERY PURPOSE" 334-340 W. 44th St. DUWICO "KVBRTTUINQ BLECTBIQAL FOB THE THEATRE" 315-317 W. 47th Street Fenn. 2460-1690 STAGE HARDWARE STAGE HARDWARE SYRACUSE, N. Y. stage fugging ""petSTHSkTSc^ 534 Wesi 30th Street ', STAGE EQUIPMENT Orchestra, Organ Console and Stage ■ Elevators RESTAURANTS cm-ui 40th St.—Broodway—44th Si. Dining, Danclng-.-No Cov^r Charge THEATRE EQUIPMENT ~SiilPLEi''anr50WERi -PROJECTORS INTFJWATIONAi; PROJECTOR" CORT THEATRE EQUIPMENT Ke^'wesr'iitPitr NEw 'l^ORk HEYWOOD-WAKEFIELD THEATRE SEATING New York. Chicago, Boston and Other rrinclpol Cities MUSIC AND MATERIAL MUSIC WRITING • IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ■^Mwaic Writing |595 B'wr'::S^^^^^jiw»0tt Vaudeville Productions Moving Pictures Carrier Engineering Corporation Manufactured Weather Air Conditioning Refrigeration Automatically Controlled 30 Cortlniidt St. Rector 3941 Allegro Music Printing Co., Inc. Specialists in Every Branch of Moslc Printing 816-317 W. 47th St. Lbngaore S461 RAYNER, DALHEIM & CO. Music'Engraving and Printing ' In AU Its Branches 2054-20GO W. Lake St., Chicago, HL MANUSCRIPTS SAMUEL fUENCH Incorporated 1S9S Oldest Play-Publishers In the World T. n. Edwards, Managing Director 26 West 46th St., NEW YORK. K. T, SCENERY YELLENTI stage Seftings Designed and Esvcnted From the Script to the Curtuln KKW ADDRESS S4S West 40th St, . PBNN 7820 —FOB RENT— — Scenery, Stage Settings,. Decoration PREMIER SCENERY STUDIOS 340 We st 4 1at St. Lack. 0239 SCE^NIC CONSTRUCTION HANO^ffirSc^ BUILDERS or SCENEBT 542 West 56th St. Columbus 2050 IF YOU DON'T ADVERTISE IN VARIETY DON'T ADVERTISE SCHOOLS De REVUELT Dance Studios Professionals taught for Hotola and Clubs AcrnbAtIr, Adnilo, Llmberlni, Btretchlns. Tnnp>. Wnltz, Krcnrh Apiehe. Snanlih Cascaliatoi Routines and HooltinBs 11 WeHt SOrir St. ' Scliuyler 0031 SCHOOLS "stage DANCING Acrobatic, Soft Shoo. Small Classes, W. Guarajitced routines, ?2'6 up. Original material furnished - for acts (Patter, Dances, Songs). Acts coached, managed and placed. WILLIAM UROOKS 023 Bth Avenne At 66th Street John Murray Anderson-Robt. Milton School of the Theatre and Dance A Professional School for Professionals Diction, Acting. Dancing of All Typss • Routlne^Arranged. Acts Staged 128-130 East 68«i St. P^aita 462^688 JACK BLUE - Suprsme Authority on all Charaetsr Song and Dance Impersonations Routlnei Arranged—ProfegglonsU PreTerM All kinds of Tap and Fancy Dancing 231 West 6lBt Street. Colnmbas C918 JACK MANNING STUDIOS SPEC!ALIST IN TEACIIINd TAP DANCING 110 West 47th Street Bryant 4450 FOOTWEAR Spiing Styles Now on DlsplM Toe and Ballet iJIlppera of Every Doscrlpflon 836 7th Avenue, at 54th Street Phone Circle 9B7I SUPPLIES J. J. WYLE & BROS., INC. A full line of Gold and Silver Brocades Metal Cloths, Gold and .Silver Trim- mings, Rhinestones, Spangles. TIgbtK Opera Hose, etc., for stage costumsa 18-20 East 27th St.. New Tork City THEATRICAL TRUNKS TAYLOR'S Theatrical TRUNKS Tlie standard trunk ot the professlo* ^ Full llne of leather Koods T A Y LO R'S 115 Wrst 46th St. MOVIE CAMERAS ^ Tuke IVr.«;onnl Movies willi FHnm Full particulars at Movie Cumora Hcudaui»rt<'rM WILLOUGiEIBY'S .im_>y<.Ht.,ftiii..st,. N. V