Variety (Jun 1928)

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56 VARIETY NIGHT CLUBS—MUSIC Wednesday, June 6, 1928 Night Club Reviews WOODMANSTEN INN (PELHAIVi) (2d Review) . New York, June .2- A^ncH^nt Lopez's pheixorheuai busi- ness . di'iiw fit Woodmansteti Inn, unrtoi- CJoiio. Geicrer's and Lopez's direction;. Is the- most sensational roadhouse trade, iri metropolitan his-, tory in many a season. The crack Lopez dance combina- tion, autrnrjented to 15, seems to be gettiiig m its innhies on the radio draw as ■well; having awitchtid from WEAF fo' WOR,. the ' week end crowds beiny the tipoff on tho ether .fans. The re^Tularis, of course, .make the WoddmanKten on week days re- gardless. . Coupled with Lopez, a sizable feature in himself,, is Frank Libuse,, who has developed his "I'reah waiter" stufC v/ith some riev/ rion- sehse such as life-iize mannikin dance partner' aind .,a corkin.g co"i- edy bui'losque on . a . symphony mae.'^tro. Libuse knows how to handle his audience and milks 'em too for full- est value. Of course, it's the dahco music that's the draw. The way they rtock out on that floor right off the first beat proves that.. .And Geiger and Lopez know their coiivert charges from the manner in which they re- spond with the generous dansapa- tion sessions. The ivory tickler in between dances is another bright idea, elim- .inating and avoiding any and all danger of a lull. Woodhiansten Inn's interior has been fixed up with some new physi- cal wrinkles, including the band- '^SILVER BELUr BANJOARTIST GENEVlVE TIGHE Solo Banjoist and Dancer w ith E. K. NADEL'S HAPPINESS GIRLS fi>r > rrr- 111 ii« i r ,i I ■ ii i .ii.ii. l: THE BACON BANJO CO. INC. GROTON, CONN., U.S A. stand, . lighting system and the broken-tlu'ijugh wall into what will be the hunting room for the fall and winter season. Geiger is calling the swimming pool idea ofC for the present and converting the lawn at the. side of the inn into an open air dance space :<:apable of a; 200 capacity. ; A mag- havox system will can-y Lopez's music wltlioiit.although It can nat- urally can-y at all times. A Hawaiian ensemble will be installed for the outdoors* atmospheric buJsl- ness. \ . Ab(?Z. HARBOR INN (ROCKAWAY) Rockaway, N. Y., June 3. Formerly Edgetfs Harbor Inn, this Rockaway shore, place is under new management with Katz, for-r merly heart waiter at the Little Club, in for a.third of the place. It's a'. {)op priced shore dinner table dihote roadhouse and a natural for heavy trade if the kitchen out- put parred or approached some of the culinary productions of the other Long Island roadhbuses. Katz and his partners have a good chance with their Harbor Inn, Waiters are familiar, having been around in the better places up Pel- ham Road and in midtown and if fortified by expiert cuisine tbey couldn't miss. Milton. Spielman and his orchestra are a corking dance combination. Spielman has been in New York and the resorts including Florida and dishes forth a lively brand of dance music. Katz also has a natural asset in that little private pier with its fish- ing facilities if he played it up as a ballyhoo for a, catch-your-own- flsh-before-dinnier slogan. Abel. Another Chinese Corner Another Chinese restaurant and dancing establishment' is due - to open on Broadwiay around October 1. This is to be the new Canton Palace in the new 'building at the corner of Broadway and 50th street. The former stor-cs there were ra.zed recently and work has just started oh the foundation of the new building.- JACK'S HOUSE EEOPENS Chicago, May 29. Albert Bouche plans to rieropen the House Tha,t Jack Built, road- house, with talent claimed im ported from France. Bouch&'s place is banned by Equity here and the Musicians' .'Union hasn't supplied him with an orchestra.. LEADING ORCHESTRAS DIRECT^^^ IRVING ARONSON and HIS COMMANDERS Featured in "PARIS" WILBUR THEATRE, BOSTON PHILFABELLO and His ORCHESTRA LOEWS 7th AVENUE THEATRE New York City MAL HALLETT AND HIS ORCHESTRA New England Daiice Tour ' ' ' '. rprmnnont Address: CHAlRT^KS SHKinMAN, Manager. SAI.iSM, MASS. GEORGE OLSEN AND HIS MUSIC FEATURED IN "GOOD NEWS" OHANIN'S 40TI1 STKEET THEATRE NEW YORK ciry 187 West DCth Street. Neiv Yo.rk City B. A. ROLFE AND HIS PALAIS D'OR ORCHBSTBA WEAF ARTISTS Edison Records ROLFE ORCHESTRAS, Inc. 200 W. 48th St., New York City . Fhopie lack C518 FROM DETROIT JEAN GOLDKETTE Orchestras VICTOR RECORbS Office: Woodward and Eliot DETROIT VINCENT LOPEZ and His ORCHESTRA Exclusive Brunswick Artist .WOODMANSTEN INN Pelham Parkway, N. Y. PARISIAN RED HEADS America's Greatest Girl Band Permanent AddreM !!8 West North St.. IndlanaiMtlia, Ind. PAUL WHITEMAN And HIS GREATER ORCHESTRA J5fiO_Bj=lpADJWAY,..N.JlC.JC*. Direction WIUJAM MORRIS IF YOU DONT ADVERTISE IN VARIETY DONT ADVERTISE 'Taking-a Stew , In one of the Intimate nite clubs -where the bar makes the club and the patrons make It Intimate It you listen, there Is also an. adjoining room, the "floor" of the club. The other Bight a spender dropped in. They said he came from Heaveii but. didp't ask why. Soused before entering, the iste^ had gone smart; wanted to have the champagne bcittlea placed in a row beside' the wall -where he could see theni. Nobody was going to.- gyp that guy. He forg;ot to ask the price per bottle and no. one told him it would be |30. To accomniodate a good cus- tomer the genial hosts (going four ways) closed the .bay entirely for the; pleasure of the spender. That sent those the wine buyer didn't -want Into the large room. Gradually an accumulation of 24 quart bottles had rolled up alongside the ethereal kid. With odds and ends, meaning bartenders, and others, the check by that time looked $700^ One of this hosts suggested to a partner that $700 would be good enough from that fel-. low for the evening find it might develop whether settle-. nient -would be by cash Or check; also give the regular customers now herded outside a chance to lift a foot on the brass once again. But the partner couldn't see it. Said he: "Don't be a chump. Take him. I'll carry him along. He's all right end the first live one we've had Ih a month." So they took him along to $li200, that costing them about 90 per cent of the business outside for all time thereafter. Nite club men say the first partner was right; $700 was enough, and holding business is better than holding a one- night chump -who'll never come back—sober. Night Club as Exbibit Hall Chicago, June 5. For tho first time in-thl.s vicinity a Federal night club padlock ha.i been lifted to permit the use of the building for other purposes. Fed- eral Judge I^ihdiey: this week grant- ed permission, to operate, tho old Painbo Gardens as an exhibition hall for boxing, fashion and auto- mobile shows. J. Li. Art and John King, the new operators, have agreed that the naihe of Ralnbo Gardens is not to be used and that , dry agents will be permitted to inspect the place with- out first securing search warrants. Bus Boy Didn't Appear Charles Fulmer, 244 West 56th street, manager of Silver's res- taurant at 725 7th avenue, -was I'e- leased When he was arraigned be- fore Magistrate August Dreyer in West Side Court on a. felonious as- sault charge. Carl Calloner, 149 West /117th street, bus boy, said Fulmer struck him oh the head with a, ticket puncher -when he came to demand his salary. He summoned Police- man John D'Hare, West 47th street station, and- caused the mahaefer's arrest. When the case was called in court the bus boy failed to appear. Case dismissed. OLSEN ON PEECENTAGE George Murphy and Julane John- son, ballroom dancers at the Club Richman the past seven months, Avili either go to Ross Fenton Farm or the Lildo-Venice, Saratoga, this summer, Olsen's band is now at the Rich- man on a percentage basis. Bad Check Passer Said He Had Spent Plenty Charged with beating Bob Ash- ton, owner of the X Club, 45 West 49th street, out of $CG. John F, Granger, 28, C. P. A., stopping at 141 West 47th. street, was arraigned- in West Side Court before Magis- trate August Dreyer. Granger plead not guilty, waived examination and was held In $500 ball for trial in ■the Court of Special Sessions. Granger was arrested by delec- tiveg Steye. A. Love and Jimmy . Fitzpatrick of the West 47th street, station. "The sleuths told reporters that Ashton said that Granger has laid down several hundred dollars worth of rubber checks. . The speci- fic complaint against Granger Is one check amounting to $66. Granger wa.s indignant when ar- rested. "After the amount ;,of dough I spent in that joint," plalntivoly said Granger. Ashton told the sleuths that Granger blew in froiii Washington. He posed as a big but- ter and egg man, said Ashton. Spent money lavishly. Tipped the chbrus and cigaret girls generously. Then came a fast one, said Ash- ton. "Little short, can you cash a check?" "Sure," said Ashton. He Cashed several, , all coming back from the Franklin National Bank of Washington. . Ashton sought his dough and he was put off. He then nbtified. Love and Fitzpatrick. ROAD HOUSE MINUS COVEE Blossom Heath Inn, on Merrick road, Loiig Island, is now under Billy Barnes' personal direction; A no couvert and chop suey food policy is being 8itt.ria,ct the pop-priced tourist trade.. Sy Loeb and orchestra are . the band attraction. Clvib Gallant Shut Barney Gallant folded liP his Club Barniey in Greenwich Village at the height of good buslniess Saturday, celebrating It with a pre-farewell shindig Friday. Barney invited his newspaper pala for the final whoopee until the fall. Instead of his usual Continental Jaunt, Gallant leaves Saturday for the Orient by Iwat through the Panama Canal to Japan, with the hope of aWo crowding in the Ha- waiian Islands. Quits Pulpit for Radio Shenandoah, la., June 5. The Rev. H. C. Stauffer, pastor ot the First Bkptlst church, la-st week resigned his pastorate to become announcer for KM A, the Field Seed company station here, which has been one of tho biggest direct-sell- ing radio stations In the middle west. PAEODY'S NEW SHOW With Clayton, Jackson and Du- rante's season at the Parody Club concluded, the cafe will-continue as far into thio summer as possible with a . new revue headed-by. Hal Hlxon. : Billy Arnold Staged the Jloor show, which features Danny ' Edwards, Gladys Bergette, AUyn Reese, Frankio Meadows and Patricia Sal- mon. There is a chorus of 11. Jimmy Durante's orchestra re mains. NEW AT EED nON At Red Lion, the oldest roadhouse between Columbus Circle and Por Chester, Freddie Ridgeway Is the active new manager. For music the Diiity Moore or- chestra la there, with Dlnty at the drums and Hughio Atkins leading with hla violin. Las Copeland'a Paris Place Paris, May 17. ^tes .Copeland has _ag al n_ opened .a cafe hero with himself the chlet entertainer. It's called mmano'Vt at 4 rue Ed waird Vn. Mrs. Bva Sperry, 24, cafe enter talner, committed suicide at Eureka, Cal, by Jumping Into Humboldt Bay. The girl and her husband were employed at a Eureka res- taurant and a^e said to have been drinking heavily. ' Cabaret BiUs NEW YOEK Arrowhead' Iiin Ben Glaser Orch John D'AIessahdro Oastilllan Gardens Harold Leonard Or CUrr O'Rourke Costllllan Roynl Eddie Elldns Or N T O Rev Wanda 0611 Estelle La, Velle Lo'e Wiley • Ethel Bryant. Lillian Bond Virginia Roach Kay Green Don & Jerry - ClaT> Lfdo Sabin & Bennett Meyer Davta Orch CInb Monterey . Bunny Weldon Rev Carol Boyd Oroh Clob Richman Oeo Olsen Orcb Juliette Jotinson Geo Murphy Williams Sis Obnnle'a Inn Sam Manning Rev Leroy Tibbs Orch Everrladei Earl Lindsay Rev Eddie Davis Ernie Golden Orch S4tb St.'Club : Dan Healy Rev Fuzzy Knight Francos Shelley Alice RIdnour Eddie South Orch FrivoUty N T O Rev Verccll Sis Maryland Jarbeau Mile Sandra Willie May Bernice Varden Mary Bay . Mary Adams Maryon Dale Evelyn Bather Eleanor Gall Jean Murray Pete Woolety Jack White Tom Timothy Bd Harbor Inn Rockaway, N. T. Milton Spielman Or . Heien Morgan'a Helen Morgan Qlrturo Gordon! J Friedman Bd ' liofbrna C P Strickland Or I . Jardbi Boyal [CarroU Dunlap Or Leverlcb Towers Hotel Birooklyn Mel Cratg Orch IMContmartre Emll Coleman Bd HrAlpbi Hotel McAlplneera' Orch Oakland's Terrnce Will Oakland . Landau'a Bd ' Polala P'Or B A R»)K« Bd Rolfe'a Rev Parody Clnb Hal Hlxon Billy Arnold Rev Danny Edwards Gladys Bergette AUyn Reese . ■ Frankle Meadows . Patricia Salmon Durante's Or Hotel Ambassador Frances Mann Fred Carpenter Van der Zanden Or Hotel - Blltmore Madl'ne Northway Geo Chiles B Cummins Or Hotel ftlanger Hal Kemp - Orch Pavilion Ruyal Meyer Davis . Orch Pennsylvania Hotel Johnny Johnson Or Pond Uly Caroline Rose Rose Ford Leo Ford Myrtle Buchanan Salon Koya) . Texas Guinah T.omnny Lyman Silver Sllpp^ N T G Rev . Barbara: Lake MoUle O'Doherty Evelyn Martin Ha,nley Sis La Vergne Lambert iiarrlett Marned Patrlca Oraiides J can Russell G & E Ada|r Le Claire & Mae John Walsh ■ Jimmy O'Brien Tom Gott Orch Small's Paradise L'n'rd Harper's Rv Atta Blake . Jazsbp Hllllard Dewey Brown Shprman Sc. White' Susie Wrotem Alto Gates. Bee Footes. Blondlna Stern - Bronze Chorus Chas Johnson 'Bd Strand Bool Jack Connor's' Rev Ten Bast 60th Margaret Zolnay David Gerry Larry Slry Or ■ 'Wooflmanstcn Inn Vincent Lopez Or Frank Libuse CHICAGO Alabam Dale DyeV Lew King Ralph Bart Ernie Adler Eddie South Bd Alamo Eddie Briice Betty Bane Coster & Rich Julia Lyons Jack'Johnstone iBd ,Chex-rterre Earl Hoffman's ■ Or 'Colleee Inn ■Ted Ledford Simmes & Babetto Ochmen 2 Kate Smith Sherman Bd Orlental-Davls Alfredo & Maxine Ruth Dureli Rick & Snyder Abe Lyman Bd Golden Pumpkin Banks.'Sisters' . Russell St Darkln Gene Gill Jean Gage Austin Hack Bd Kelly'i9 Stables King Jones Charley Alexander' Johnny Dodds' Bd Lantern Caf^ Freddy De Syrette George Taylor Betty Tascott Gladyce Kltday Harriet Smith Al Wagner Bd Samovar Olive O'Nell Carroll & Gorman Joffre Sis Fred Waits Bd Terrace Garden. Lollta Amlet Spike Hamilton Bd Turkish TUIage Harry Harris '. Phil Murphy Freddie Jahls Bd Vanity Fair Larry Vincent Alleen LaMarr. Marlon Kane Frank Sherman Leo Fox Bd . ROAD Dells Eddie Cllftbrd Allan Snyder . IjaMarr & Josine Coon Sanders Bd Garden of Allali Harry Moons Josephine. Taylor Rose Wyiin Hank LIshin Bd Villa Venice Victroft Ahgellta Dooley 2 KIrby De Gage Al Bouche Rev .tames Wado Bd WASHINGTON .Carlton Harry Albert. Meyer Davis Orch Chevy Chase liOke ^AIJCainfiM^v^-lr^ Meyer Davis Orch . Club Madrlllon J O'Donnell Orch Clnb HIrador M Harmon Orch Jardln XJdo B Dougherty Orch Le Paradls Roof Harry Albert Bert Bernath Walter Kollt Meyer Dctvls Orch Z»tns Ross-Cohkling^^ Mayflower . S.ldnoy Sldenman Sidney's Orch Roma Gardens Chas Wright Orch Wlllard Roof JMe yer- Dav is -Qrch^ TVardinrth Park Sidney Harris Meyer Davis Orcb FHELADELFHIA Clnb Lido Broadway FolUefe Otab Madrid Chio Barrymore VeloK Tolnnde Jean Wallln Jocely Lyle Mbrcella Hardie Pauline Zenoa Buddy Truly Joe Qandullo Orch Piccadilly Al Wohlman Murray Sis Jean Gaynor Isabella Dwan Maitle Wynne Al White Aveada Charkoule Abe Balinger's Rev Walton Roof LeRoy Smith Orch Chas Crafts