Variety (Jun 1928)

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68 VARIETY NIGHT CLUBS Freeman Bankrupt Over Altempted Comeback After cleaning up in the nite. club ralcket as kitchen concessionaire, Joe Freeman has gone broke trying to do a come-back with a pop priced Times iSquare eatery in the Hotel President oh West 48th street. Free- mih has filed two yoluntairy bank- ruptcy petitions, one In the name of the Manfree Restaurant, Iiic. (.his surnarhe syllables inverted), • -with total liabiHtiea of $24,097 and no assets. The ipetltlon Is personal In the naine of Joseph Friedmann (name in private life), of 3667 Broadway, -with debts totaling $32,653 and assets of $11,250 cohslsting of insurance policies. The claimants are re^itaUrant sup- ply cdncerns,; and for wages due. his reststurant staff. Freeman formerly controlled the popular Freeman's restaurant at 711 7th avenue which he sold out to Qertner's Ave years ago. With the flve-year restrictive clausb off, BVeeman's cherished ambition; to re-: establish himself In the Square re- sulted In the opening Of his restaur irant In the Hotel President. It failed to click, the dope being that the location over toward 8th ave- nue' on West .48th street was too much off the beaten path; Freeman had concerned himself chiefly during the restrictive period In operating nIte club kitchens as a concessionaire, his cash adyahce to the class places virtually underwrit- ing operating expenses, besides 'Which the cafes received a percent- age: cut on Freeman's kitchen gross. Freeman wsis stuck plenty In the Paul Whlteihfin's (later the New Torker restaurant) but jnopped. up In spots like the Club RIchman. STEEL PIER (ATLANTIC CITY) Atlantic City, June 9. The Steel Pier, Atlantic City, has inducted its summer season ofll- cially with Creatorc and his Band and Jack Crawford and his orches- tra as the premier attractions, the former In the concert auditorium and Crawford in the niarine ball- room at the outormogt end cf the pier. In a drivioig rain, some 15,000 ad- missions were clocked at 50c' a head on the opening, the pier like the other resort amusement piers giving a bargain buy for four bits. Besides the concert and dance bands, continuous pictures, .minstrel troupe of 30, General Motors exhi- bition, Ross's Midgets and- other acts come under the head of the general admission. Crawford is in for a limited en- r--em.nt with Ted Weems, the Goodrich Sllvertown Cord Qrchestra and others underlined, and in the concert field, Sousa's, Goldman's and other bands follow Greatore. . The Crawford, aggregation were w^ell re- ceived and the older folks went for Creatore like a nite club hostess for a whoopee chump. -^^^^v BARRON C5LUB SUITS Acquittal of the president and treasurer of Barron's Exclusive Club, Inc., the Harlem, black-rand-, tan at. 198 W. i34th street. Is no excuse for the dismissal of a pad- lock proceeding against, the cafe. So rules Judge Thomas D. Thacher, who ordered the Governnlent suit against Barron's to proceed.- Along with the corporation, Jo- seph Bagley, Its president; Sandy Thompson, treasurer; Edward Brown, Daniel Henry, George Sad- ler, Norman Wilson, Sam Calvin and/the Barron estate are Jointly sued. ' Bagley and Thompson, In a crimi- nal action, were acquitted, but the Government's supplementary action to abate a public nuisance must go to trial. Yon Hear It Everywliere ''Jnst a little Bit of Driftwood" By ABE LYMAN and BENNY DAVIS Bigger Than "Rain" Watch It Grow IHpbbins Music CoRiPoiuno) HAYBE VINCE BABNETT Frank Lilbuse, clown waiter at Ifopez's Woodmahsten Inn, Neinr York, was forced to cut his en- gagement short last week to. rush to the bedside of his fatber, who Is critically 111 in Chicago. If Lilbuse does not return, Gene Geiger may sign Luke Bamett's son, Vincent, flor the comedy fea ture of the road houae. Any Kind of Alcohol Detroit, June 19. .George Adair was fined $100 In Windsor as the first violator of the new Ontario law which prohibits drinking rubbing alcohol. LEADING ORCHESTRAS DIREaORY IRVING ARONSON and HIS COMMANDERS Featured in "PARIS" WrLBUR THEATRE, BOSTON PHIL FABELLO ORCHESTRA LOEWS 7th AVENUE THEATRE New York City . MAL HALLETT AND HIS ORCHESTRA New England Dance Tour Permanent Address: OHABLES SHBIBMAN, Hanacer. SAIiEM, MASS. GEORGE OLSEN AND HIS MUSIC FEATCBED IN "GOOD NEWS'* ' <DHANIN'S 46TH STREET THEATRE NEW lOBK CITS Nlrhtlr •* CtUB RICHMAN ^ I B. A. ROLFE I AMD HIS PALAIS O'OR ORCHESTRA WEAF ARTISTS Edison Records ^ ROLFE ORCHESTRAS, inc. SOO W. 48th St., New York City Pb FROM DETROIT JEAN GOLDKETTE Orchestras VICTOR RECORDS Office: Woodward and Eliot DETROIT VINCENT LOPEZ I and His ORCHESTRA Exclusive Brunswick Artist WOODMANSTEN INN Pelharn Parkway, N. Y. PARISIAN RED HEADS America's Greatest Girl Baiid Permanent Address 28 -West Nortli St., Indianapolis, Ind. PAUL WHITEMAN And HIS GREATER ORCHESTRA 1560 BROADWAY^ N. Y^^ DlreoUon WIXXIAM MORRIS IF YOU DONT ADVERTISE IN VARIETY DONT ADVERTISE Broken Nose Charge Is Thrown Out by Jury A jury before J\idg6 Cornelius P. ■Collins in General Sessions acquitted Arthur Glantaslo, former owner of the Crystal Club, West 32d street, of a charge of felonious assault brought against him by Lenore Casanova, former "Follies" girl. The jury was out only a few minutes. ; The indictment against Glantaslo was more thaii two yjears Old. Pro- secution was delayed, as Miss Casa- nova had been on the coast. The actress claimed that on the 1 night of Oct 11, ld26, Glantaslo struck her on the hose, .brea.king a bone, while; she was In his night club with a girl friend. Miss Casanoya testified that she and her friend, after taking two drinks, decided to go home. . Glan- taslo, who had seated himself at their table and had purchased the drinks, objected to her leaylng the place, the witness testified, , and when she Insisted he punched her. Glantaslo denied he had ...struck the actress, but admitted another man in the place had hit her after she had thrown an ash tray at hlrh. He declared she had been drinking heavily and was in a "scrappy mood." His testimony was^ borne out by Eileen Hiowley of 346 West 58th street, employed as a hostess at tho club when the fight occurred. In his charge to tihe'Jury Judge Collins favored the prosecution, Charging that the fact that Miss Casanova went to the club seeking "good beer" was not to be considered as against her character or reputa- tion. "In these days," the Judge aaid, "many of us would be glad to get an occasional glass of real heer." After the Jury came in with its verdict Miss Casanova remarked blandly: "What could anyone ex pect from a bunch of old men who prol-ably have neyer ylslted a cabaret!" 2 Class Clubs Shut The weather got the Club Rich man, which folded up Saturday night. George Olsen as the attrac tlon had put tl^is spot over .1>ig all seiason. The Club Lido's renewed Interest with Barbara Bennett and Charles Sabin as the dance attraction, was short-lived. BALTO'$ dVIG EEF Baltimore, June 19. A movement is definitely under way here towards the establishment of a clvlo repertory theatre along the lines of the Guild and the Lie Galienrie ventures in New York. A committee has been formed and the resolutions adopted were read from the stage of the Auditorium Monday night. The indorsement of the governor, mayor, prominent church- men, laymen and local artists has been obtained. Chi at Low Ebb (Continued from page 54) Claims to have the original New York cast without Miller and Lyle. "Goods News" reached Its peak two weeks back, at $28,000. The play had been running at this fig- ure for 15 weeks. A slight decrease in business on Mondays has been felt, with the decline starting this week when the gross touched $27,- 000. After 15 weeks tb such good money the play can still run for plenty , of mazuma, tapering off gradually to a remarkable record, similla,r to that established by "Desert Song." "Excess Baggage'* Is still one of the consistent attractions. climbing above $13,000. "Sunny Days" Is still in the $24,000 groove, and good for some time. "The 19th Hole," with no kick coming- at a $2;60 top, is running complacently for around $12,000. "A Man with Red: Hair," rather disappointing, taking only $6,000 In Its opening week. "Com- panionate Marriage" lost last week's gain; Estimates for Last Week "Good News" (Selwyn, 18th week). Now islipping gradually from its reg'ular $28,000 gross, registering $27,000 for the week. Still very much of a draw, still leading 'em all, still considered eligible for a long run record. "Baby Cyclone" (Blackstone, 10th and final week). As predicted, a nice ten week run, to satisfying though not flattering business. Fol- lowed by "Elmer the Great," based on the "You Know Me, Al" yarns. "Excess Baggjlge" (Garrlck, 17th weelc). Another consistent money- getter, plugging along to depend- able business around $13,000. "Sunny Days" (Four Cohans, 6th week). Still getting Its $24,000 a week, and good for very fair run, excellent light musical. "The 19th Hole" (Erlanger, 7th week). Sticking to last week's sur- prise gross of $12,000. "A man with Red Hair" (Adelr phi, 2nd week). Opening gross of $6,000. "Companionate Marriage" (Cort, 6th week).. Took a slump from an already disappointing gross; $6,000. Wednesday, June 20, 1928 Constitution Upheld, G. O. P. Paid for Booze .'^Kansas City, June 13. . Republicans in their spiritless convention last week upheld the Qonstltution In a special plank, but the Republicans also had to plank down for booze. Phone hootleggers recommended by bellhops charged $15 for a one- fifth quart of bum scotch, with pre- tended rye, $14. . Bathtub gin got $6 and Baccardl was a faVor for $12. Bottled beer In the town Went for $1 a bottle, and In. the red light joints $1 per person. Needled guar- anteed. Whilie In the convention hall the band, played "Onward, (jhristian, ■Soldiers." BANJO ACES Featuring Bacon and Day "SILVER BELL*' SAM CARR Fex Theatre, Washington, D. C. Week of June 16 lUns. Catal og of Artlats gBEK The BACON BANJO CO., Incorporated GROTON, CONN., U> S. A. EXPAiroiNG LYBIC Baltimore, June 19. Work has been started on the expansion of tho.'Ltyrie, local opera house and concert halt At a .cost of $60,000 an addition of 714 seats will be provided. These will all be balcony locations, and will enable the management to offer-more low priced seats. » Colored Hour Colored professionals will apfpear July 6 on ^ABC for an hour's pro- gram. Among those taking part w&l be "Fats" WaUer, WIU Toderx and Josephine HaU. New Club Openino \ A new nIte club called ^oeuf sur la Tolt" opens within two weeks on Blst street. George Walsh, of the Tocht Club Boysi^ will be featured*— |2 FOR SUMMER subscription to VARIETY 154 West 46th St., New York City Cabaret Bills NEW TOEK Arrowhead Inn Miayer Davis Orch John D'AloBsandro Oastllllan fiardent Harold Leonard. Or CUS O'Rourke OutlUlah Royal Bddie Klklna Or N T O Rev Wanda Goll Estelle La Velle . l4eo Wiley Ethel Bryant LillUan Bond ' Virginia Roach Kay Oreen Don & Jerry Clnb Uontorey Bunny Weldon Rev Carol Boyd Orch Clnb Bichmaa Geo Olsen Orch Juliette Johnson. Geo Murpny WlIIIamB SlB Connie's Inn S^m Manning Rev Leroy TibbB Orch Everelade* Earl Lindsay Rev Eddie Davis Alan Lane Or 64th St. Clnb Dan Healy Rev Fuzzy Knight Frances Shelley Alice Ridndur, Eddie Boutta Orch VMToIlty N T G Rev Vercell Sis Maryland Jarbean. Mile Sandra Willie May Bernlce Varden Mary Bay . Mary Adams Maryon Dale . - Evelyn Sat her Eleanor Gall ; . Jean Murray Pete Wootery Jack White Tom Timothy Bd . Harbor Inn Rockaway, N. T. Milton Splelmah Or Helen Morgan'* Helen Morgan' Arturo Oordonl. J Friedman Bd Hofbran C F Strickland Or Hotel Ambassador Frances Mann ' Fred Carpenter Van der Zanden Or Hotel Blltmore Madl'ne Northway Geo Chiles B Cummins Or Hotel Msngex Hal Kemp Orch Jardin Boyal • Carroll Dunlap Or IiAverlch Towera Hotel ' ' Brooklyn Mel Craig Orch BXontmartre. Emll Coleman Bd HcAlpIn Hotel McAlplneera' Orch Oakland's Terrace VnU Oakland . Landau's Bd Palais D'Or B A Rolfe Bd Rblfe's Rey Parody Clnb Hal Hlxon Billy Arnold Rev Bee Jackson Danny Edwards Gladys Bergette Allyn Reese Frankle Meadows Patricia Sa,lmon Durante's Or Pavilion Boyal Meyer Davis. Orch FeansylTanla Hotel Johnny Johnson Or Pond XUj Caroline Robs Rose Ford Leo Ford Myrtle Buchanan St. Begls. Hotel Vincent Lopex Or Salon Boyal Texas Oulnan Tommy Lyman \- Silver SUppev N T G Rev '. Barbara Lake' Mollis O'Doherty Evelyn Martin Hanley SIb La Vergrne Lambert Harriett Marned Patrica Grandes Jean Russell G & E Adair Le Claire & Mas John Walsh Jimmy O'Brien Tom Gott Orch . Small's Paradiss Cbas Johnson Bd Strand Boot Jack Connor's Rev Woodmansten Inn Vincent Lopez Or Frank Libuse'. CHICAGO - Alabam ■.■ Dais Dyer Lew King Ralph tiart Emle Adler Bddis South Bd Alam* Eddie Bruce Betty Bane Coster & Rich Julia Lyons Jack Johnstone Bd Ches-PTerrs Earl Hoffman's Or Coliese Xna - SImmes & Babette Oehmon 2 Kate Smith Sherman Bd ■■ Orlental-Davls - Alfredo &■ Maxlne Ruth Durell' Rick it Snyder Abe Lyman Bd. Ooldea Pdmpkln Banks Sisters Russell & Durkia Gene Gill Jean Gage Austin Mack Bd Kelly's Stables King Jones Charley Alexander Johnny Dodds* Bd Lantern Cafe Freddy De Syrette George Taylor Betty- Tascott Gladyce Kllday Harriet Smith Al Wagner Bd Samovar Olive O'Neli Carroll ft Gorman Joffro Sis . Fred Walts Bd [ Terrace Garden Ted Led ford iSplke Hamilton Bd Torklsh VUlaffe Harry Harris Phil Murphy Margie Ryan Freddie Janis Bd Vanity Fair Lariry Vincent ' ■ Aileen LaMarr Marlon Kane. Frank Sherman Leo Fox Bd BOAD . Delia Eddie Cllirord Allan i^nyder . LaMarr & : Joslne Coon Sanders Bd Garden ot AUinh Harry Moons . Josephine Taylor Rose Wynn Hank Lishin Bd VUIa Venice Vlctrolt Angellta Dooley 2 Kirby De Gags • Al Bouche Rev James Wade Bd WASHINGTON . Carlton Harry Albert Meyer Davis Orch Chevy Chase l4ike Al Kamons_ _ 'Meyer^'DavlB'''OrcH^' Club Madrlllon J O'Donnell Orch Clnb Hlrador U Harmon' Orch Jardin lido B Dougherty Orch Le Paradls Boof Harry Albert Bert Bernath Meyer Davis Orch X4>tns Ross Conicling Orch -^^^ "May Bower-f^^^^ Sidney Sldenman Sidney's Powhatan Boot J Slaughter Orch Boma Gardens Chas Wright Orch Wlllard Boot Meyer., D^. v lo Wardman Park Sidney Harris Meyer Davis Orch PHILADELPHIA Club; Udo Broadway FoIUes Clnb Madrid Chlo Barrymors Velos Tolande Jean Waliln Jocely Lyle Marcclla Hardie Pauline Zenoa Buddy Truly Joe Candullo Otch Piccadilly a1 Wohlman Murray Sis Jean Gaynor Isabella Dwah Mattle Wynne Al White Aveada Charkoule Abe Ballnger's Rev Walton Boof LeRby Smith Orch Chas Crafts