Variety (Aug 1928)

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Wednesday, August 29. 1928 PICTURE GROSSES VARIETY 9 B'way s Gross Increases as August Ends-Patriots Rialto s Best, $51,400 Broadway has only had flocting Sllmpscs oC the sun since la«l Wed- nesday (AufT, 22). What that.meant to the piGture houses was every- body's business. House records went hy the boards at the lUiilto . and Central, Capitol held, over "Four Walls," and "Four Sons" pushed its fortnight total to $274,800, or approximately $28,000 "Street Angers" first better than; two weeks. Janninffs and "The Patriot" pulled more trii do than the Rialto has ever played to before in drawing $5Xi400, while "Lilac Tinie" tore off $16,200 and put in three shows last Sun- day for over . $3,400. Paramount eased itself up to just $100 shy of $76,000; and the Capitol was ahead of that by $500. "White ahadows" got above.$20,- 000 in it.s fourth week at the Astor and liarthelmes!?' silent "Out of the Ruin.s" didn't do. the Strand any harm wllli $37,200. Another high figure is at Warner'.s where $21,100 is claimed for "The Terror." "Wings" was also in on the general advaTice, hitting $14,000 for its sec- ond- successive week after seeing 54 week end.s. ■ Exceptions to the rule were the . Rivoli on which site "The Perfect Crime" took a, bad drop in its third week to $18,900, and where "Tem-" was good at almost $20,000 on its opening two days; the Cameo, where "Two Ci'others" meant, noth- ing more than normal at $5,150, and the Kmbas.^y, which could only get $5,550 on "The Scarlet Lady's" first and only full week. Picture goes out tonight (WednesdOLy) to let "Sub- marine" come In. "Lost in the Arctic" and "Red Dance" class among the low figure contingent; hast'week with the for- mer departing Friday to" let "The Air Circus" (Fox) arrive Saturday matinee to get the benefit of a Labor Day aendoff. "Red Dance" at $7,150 was fair and it looks as if Fox has decided to let the picture run out the lease on the house which expires Oct. 8. Estimates for Last Week) Astor — "White Shadows" and sound (x\r-G-Cosmo). (1,129; $l-$2) (5th week). Still being pushed bv heavy publicity campaign With exceptional and excellent weather break. Eased past $20,000 in fourth week. Cameo^"T\vo Brothers' (UFA) (549; 50-75), Despite general ad- vance along Street this . foreign niade couldn't better normal rating; $5,150. Capitol—"Four Walls • (M-G) (4,- 620: 35-50-75-$l-$1.5Q) (2d week). Gilbert's name drew although f emmes waxed indignant over John's departed mustache; Manhattan .flaps evidently now torn between Gilbert and Charlie FarrelJk this one strong enough to do $76,400 and hold over. Central-^"Lilac Time" and soiinu (FN) (922; $1-2) (4th week). House record at short of $16,200; ^o- ing along smoothly and well with Colleen Moore also at the Strand this week; put in extra show Sun- day and did over $3,400 on day. Criterion—"Wings" (Par) (836; $l-$2) (55th week). Broadway's film \ct again $14,000, plenty of strength. Embassy—"Scarlet Lady" (Col) (596; $l-?2) 3d week). Pretty light 'Week, $5,550, and will be pulled to- night (Wednesday) for "Submarine" (Col) opening Thursday night (Aug. 30). Gaiety—"Lost in Arctic" and Movietone (Fox) . (808; $l-$2) (5th _ week).^H.aR had^troublos from start; leaving Friday for "Air Cu'cus" . (Fox) premier Saturday matinee;- "Godles.s Girl" (Pathe) now indefi- nitely postponed as likely Fox will brihg in "Four Devils" here after "Circus." "Girl" having dialog In- serted. May open at Gaiety about Nov, 1. Globe—'Red Dance" a.nd Movie- tone (Fox) (1,410; . $l-$2) (10th week). J list about getting by now; last week $7,150; evidentally going to run out Fox lease on house whicii exjjires Oct. 8; theatre reverts to musical comedy getting either the how Stone or ErroU show. Paramount—"Just Married" (Par) (3.6()G; 40-65-75-$!). Has found, that it can't got much above $75,000 by doing four shows daily; may go to five every day; last week $75,900, about $2,000 above recent pace. Rialto—"The Patriot" and sound (Par) (1,960; 35-50-75-$l) (2d week). (Jenuine smash; wont to house record of $51,400 after $20,000 opening week end. - -: R i VP I i--^"Perf ec t C rim o' i a nd .'^ou n d (KP.O) (2.200; 35-50-75-$l). Took sliarp drop in third week .after building for two; finished to $18,- 900; "Tempest" (T'A), with sound, slarf.oil sn.'ipplly Saturday for close V) $20,000 on week end. Roxy-i-"Four Soh.s" and Movie- tone (Fo.x) (6,205: 50-75-$l-$1.50) (3d weekK Iloldlng terrific pace for with $130,900 second week; has done $271.ROO on fort- night, approximately $'.iS,000 better than Fon'.-v "tJUeot Angi'l" over .same FOX AND PALACE EACH NEAR $23,500 IN WASH. Keith's Opening for 2-Week Grind of IKingS'—Earie Close to $14,500—Met, $7,500 Pan., $7,200, Tacoma Tucoma, Aug, iS. (Drawing Pop., 125,000) Weather: Cool Panlages continues to load the town. With the Broadway si ill dark bi7, is better for all the olhor houses. Estimates for Last Week Pahtages (1,500; 25-50)—"Foreign Legion" (U). Drew $7,200., Rialto (W-C) (1,250: 25-50) — "Four Sons" and .sound (Fox). Good at $5,200. Blue Mouse (Hamrick) (630; . 50- 75)—"Glorious Betsy" and Vila (W.B.). Nice opening week at $4,750. Colonial (W-C) (850; 25)—"For- bidden Hours" (M-G). Better pic- tures draw better gate; $l,C0O. • Washington, Aug. 28. (Estimated White Pop., 450,000) Weather: Perfect Fox and the Palace came back with a rush last week. Former heavily stressed Lionel Barrymore in the silent "Road," thereby proving the publicity .given ;him_ in the talkers was worth something. Palace Irad "Forbidden Hours" and both houses were so close on intake as to make the estimates click at the same figure.. Most surprising event hopped to the surface on Saturday night when hurried announcements broke that the former twice-a-day Keith's was going grind for 14 days at 60 and 75 cents with "King of Kings." Regu- lar six-act feature schedule will get: under way Sept. 17 as reported. This will be twice daily at $1 top. "Garden of Eden" caused no great excitement at the Colurhbia, though it did hold to previous week's figure! Met didn't do much with "U. S. Smith," while the Earle went up a couple of hundred with 'The Cop" and a great publicity, tie-up on Baby john.son,'a ybting- ster In the stage sho^. Rialto (TT) has the town guessing. Three or four scheduled reopehing dates have not materialized and now no date is set. Estimates for Last Week Columbia (Loew) —"Garden of Eden" (UA) (1,232; 35-50). Just a little above usual for summer; $7,500. Earle (Stanley - Crandall) —."The Cop" (Pathe) and George Cihoos stage show (2,244; 33r50). Up a little over previous week; clinging to new high figures for. house at about $14,500. Fox (Fox)—"Road House" (Fox) and stage show (3,433; 35-50-75) Went up considerably, with Lionel Barrj'more getting credit; consider- ably above recent takings; $2,3.500 Met. (Stanley - Crandall) — "U S Smith* (All Star) (1.518; 35-50). Though backed with Vita shorts, silent films; don't seem to pull here any more; maybe $7,500. Palace (L o e w) :— "Foj-bidden Hours" (M-G) and Publix imit (2,365; 35-50). Almost hit recnrd of house; liberal estimate $23,500. STANLEY, $42,000, WITH UGHTS"; "ANGEli36,000 Clean Up PhiUjr—'Walls' and 'Americans' Also Hold Over Balto Police Take Stand to Censor Talk in Dialog Fflms If Called Upon Pan's $17,000 Leads; Portland Did $16,000 Portland, Ore.. Aug. 28. (Drawing Pop., 400,000) Gi'eater Movie Season started off great last week.. All local houses participated. Major announcement coiicerns the Intention of John Hamrick, owner of the Blue Mouse theatres here and in Senttle, to open the Liberty next month. Hamrick has leased the 2,000 seat house from West Coast. It has been dark since spring. Hamrick will wire and show Warner talkers there ^ Estimates f5r LasTW^ek^ ^ Portland. (Publix-W.C) (3,500; 35-60)—'lOxoess Baggage" (M-G), F. & M."Doggone Idea," Did $16,- 000. Broadway (W-C) (2,000; 35-60) — "The Red Dance" and Movietone (Fox). Gcorgie StoU . and stage band in concert. Got $14,000. Pantages (Pan) (2,000; 35-50) — "Strange Case of Ca;ptain Rampor" F,N.) and vaude. Huge week, $17,- 000. Oriental (Tcbbetts) (2,700; 25- 35)—"Her Summer Hero" and "Soldier Man;" is'ear $7,000, Columbia (U,) (1,200; 35-50)- "Drums of Love" (U.A.). Rofjis- tered big; $C,500. Heilrg—Henry Duffy Players (2,- 000: 25-$1.25). Secxmd week of "Rejuvehfition of Aunt Mary," M.;iy Ttobson as guest star; fair at $5,000. Philadelphia, Aug, 28. It wasn't like summer in the pic- ture.houses last week and the result was about the best seven days in three months. Two sound pictures cleaned up the town. "Lights of New York" carried the Stanley to $42i000 and "Street Angel." although it had p. nice run at the B'ox-Locust last spring, ran up $36,000 for the Fox. These figures are around $15,- 000 above average for both houses. . "Lights" was so. big that it was transferred to the Aldine where St ought to run a couple of weeks. "Angel": .stays at the Fox another week. Last week biz was only fair here for "Warming Up"' around $8,000. . Stanton had a good week, and probably was helped by, the over- flow from the Fox and Stanley. Still, therie is no question but that "Four Walls" was strong in itself. Its $14,500 Is above summer average. The Karlfon, with "We Americans." was surprisingly strong at $5,000 and the picture holds over, the first tirtie this has happened at, the Karl- ton since last spring. Arcadia got $3,000, okay, with "The Mysterious Lady." - Estimates for Last VVeek Stanley (4i000. 35-50-75) "Lights of Now York," and Vita (WB). Crit- ics divided but picture clicked very strong—^^$42,000 and picture moved to Aldine this week, . Aldine (1,500. 50-75) "Wamiing l:p," (Par) and sound (2d week). Final week, only fair; dcpsite plug- ging,.picture did not live up to ex^ pectations; around $8,000. Stanton (1,700. 35-50-75) "Four Walls" (M-G) (l3t week). Gilbert picture did nicely although not us- ual type for star; about $14,500 and held oVer. Karlton (1,100. 50-75) icans" (U) (1st week) by strength; held over week; around $5,000. Arcadia (800. 50) Lady." (M-G). Moved Stanlc-y and did nicely; little over. Fox (3,000. 99). "Street Angel," and Movietone (Fox) (Jst week). Summer top for house; $36,000; held for another week, .: .. 4 MINN, HOUSES DO $80,000-PAN, $10,000 Mae Murray's Big Draw—"4 Walls," $35,000—"Street Angel/' $23,000, State Minneapolis, Aug. ^S, (Drawing Population, 475,000) Weather: Favorable r.usino.^.s is remarkable. Four loop picture and vaud-ttlm houses did nearly $30,oOO last week, one of the biggest aggregJite grosses for these theatrt-s in their history. Groat attractions all along the line. ; In round figures,, here is, what happened: The Minnesota had its second bigiTest week at $35,000; the Stale also had its second top week with $23,000; Pantages at around $10,000 broke house records, and the l^cnnepin-Orpheum got about $14,- 000, its second biggest since the Minnesota opened. National den- tists' convention helped attain these figures, but, on the otlier hand, a hot and pleasant Sarftrday sent thousands aw'ay from the theatres. Estimates for Last Week Minnesota (F. & R. - Publix) (4,100;65) "Four Walls" (Ikl-G) and "Swanee Moon," Publix unit. Drew big from, outset; beat liked Gilbert picture in many months and re- ceived much word-of-mouth boost- ing; atage show won favor; Ruth Haga, winner of Publix-Tribune personality contest, also a factor; liLlle over $35 000.: State (F. & R.-Pifblix) (2,500; 60) "Street Angel" and Movietone (Fox) and orchestra presentation. Picture a sensation; house filled by 1 p. m. on Saturday, opening day; length prevented it from equaling record established by "Jazz Singer"; held for second week and third pos- sible; close to $23,000; Movietone's debut at house. Hennepin - Orpheum (Orpheum) (2,890:50) "Powder My Back' (WB). Picture not so much, but vaude counts here: Eugene O'Brien, in person, magnet; theatre has come to life since F. N. Phelps again assumed personal charge; about $14,000. Pantages (Pantages) (1,600; 50) "News Parade" (Fox) , and Mae Murray in person. Mae Murray a tremendous card and bi'oke house record formerly held by Jack Demp- se.v; four shows a day and matinee aind night prices boosted; credit due for fine exploitation and advertis- ing campaign; around $16,000 as compared to $5,000 and $6,000 house has 7)een getting lately. Lyric (F. & R.-Publlx) (1,300: 35'> "Sav It With Sables," first half; "Tlic College Widow,'' second half. Business better Uian usual; a.bout $2,200: okay. • ' Grand (F. & R.) (1,200; 25) "Wheel, of Chance." Second loop run; $700 above average. "We Amer- Surprisod for second "Mysterious here from $3,000, or a 4 ST. L HOUSES, $104,^00 $46,900 for and Coogan—State $23,000 Missouri $19,300 period; "Sons" due out llii.s week with "l-'a/.H" (Fox) m\x.t. " Strand—''UiIt of the TruTha" (T''ST (2,000; 35-50-65-75). Silent feature did nicely at $37,200, keeping house at.level it has attained with all- nim (talking shorts) policy, Warners—"The Terror" and Vila (WB) n^3n0; $l-$2) f3d wot'U). On first full week claimed heavy $21,- 100; some talk picturo will be turned loose shortly, regardh-ss of busine.sK, in order to open up house- for other features piling up bi-hind it. St. Loui.s, Aug. 2?, (Drawing Pop., 1,000,000) Weather: Cool, Fair Witii the Municipal Opera closing its sea-son the picture hous'es will now take on a further prosperity. Summer, so far, has been one of the most prosperous in the hi.story of local pictures. Estimates for Last Week Ambassador (Skouras) (3.000; 35- 65) (wired)—"Heart to Heart ' and Kd Lowry stage show with Jackie Coogan. Triple nttniction assured milc.stone week; $46,900. Grand Central (Skouras) (1,700; o0-'75) (wired)—"Lilac Time," sec- ond week, sounded. No talking .•^(•(>ne.i-,: $1,").000. ^^^OeCv'^^^^fW"T3:3Wy^'zn^:T^^'5 (wired)—"Mysterious J/uly" bc.^t film of week, llaquel Meli'-r hcrKl.s Fox talking shorts; $23,000. Missouri (.t^kouras) (3,K00; 35-0:,) —'•Lf)VeH of Actress," ent("rt;ilnlng d<'si)ite Pola Negri, whose n;ime has been withheld from all local copy because of her poor box office dniw. Frank Fay m. c. First Publix unit, ".^unny Skies": $19,.^.00. St. Louis (4.280; 35-65)--"The r.)|)" film. Vaud'». "Betsy''Just Misses 3d Wk, $8,000, Mil, Milwaukee, Aug. 28. (Drawing population, 650,000) Weather: Cool and Rainy You can't fool John Public. The big pictures on the street did the business. J.'opularlty was split be- tw^roh " Thc^ WisCoira Li. K. lJrin:s small Garden. The Garden, playing the second week of "Glori- ous Betsy," ran just to $8,000 and just lost enough control to hold a tliinl week. Announcement th(it the talker was to end packed the house daily. Nat Nazarro, who still has two weck.H to go .'IS in, c. at the Wis- consin, is pulliTig them in fairly. I)av<^ Schooler, the first m. c., is gone but not forgotten. In his fare- well week Schooler did $23,000, which mark has not been touched by any successor thus far. House did about fl^.OOO last week. irox's Strand and Merrill can only be (l.issed 'in the also-ran Estimates for Last Week Garden (P.rin), "Glorious BeL-^y" rind \'ila (Wli) (1,200; 25-50-75), Second week and might have gone a third if m^t for poor opening; clicked in-wilh. $.S,000. Merrill (Fox), "Divino Sinner" fU.'iyurO f1,200; 10-25-50). Picture -=s?of'--rrfatrT>' ny^rt r-D cir IT) ni nRrrn-TJRfiy' f! ird.-n overflow, but mouth-to- nioulh knocldng kept figure below $1.01)0. Riverside (fCeiih), l*I">ead Mati's Curve" (l-'no) ;ind vnude (3,000; 10-20-40--r.O). Jilt $10,000. Palace (Keith), "Crook.H Can't Win" (FBO) and vaude (2,400: 25- 5()-75). J'icture not cveri classed Willi stage .show; $20,000. Strand fFox), "Kit (!arson" (Par) (1,200; 2'i-."0). It has been rcve.'ileil ; r.altimoro. Aug. 2S. The new siiuiition in Suite pictuvt* censorship brought about by the advent of the talkers prompted a • stiUenient yesterday by Police Coni- missioner Galther that the police would suppress any objectionable ."creen ■ talk brought to their, atten- tion by. the Maryland State Board of Motion I'ieture Censors. The police will act only as agents in the matter and will hot do any snooping. So far .the; censor board h;is hot called . upon the police. Baltimore's first-run movie soat- age is greatly augmented by the entry of the legit Auditorium.Satur7 day with "The. Man Who l.iaughs." This is only for two \voeks. after wliich the is expected to go into resiilout draoiatic stock. Meanwhile the former Warner's . Metropolitan, but for the better part of the svininier, will ireopeh with "Lights of New York" sinuiltane- / onsly with the downtWop Rivoli; This is an innovation in first-run picturb exhibition in this town, and an experlnient. The houses are widely separated. The Metropolitan had the original. Warner in this town in the days when the Rivoli was leaning heavily Oh First National product. The bljg news of the week was the phenomenal spurt of business at the Stanley. Xoew took over the. management of the house several weeks ago in a pooling arrangement with Stanley after Stanley-Crandall. operating the theatre since its open- ing last year, had failed to keep it; out of the red. .Last week marked the first of the new policy in.sfalled by Loew's under the supervision of Howax'd P. Klrtgsmore. Whether It was the new policy, the psychologi- cal result' of the Loew name, the first sounder,"Lilac Time." .or a combination of . all three, is a,ny- body's guess. Fact is that the house hettcred by $12,000 its- average dur- ing, the year; ^ ^ Loew's Century continued, to break house records for single day intake with "Four Walla" on the screen and Ted Claire plus a Stan- ley wheel show on the stage. Rivoli was satisfactory but not outstand- ing with "Women They Talk About", and the uptown Parkway had a good summer wfeck with "Mysterloua Lady." Combination houses. Hip- podrome and New Garden, satis- factory; Valencia so-so with "Burn- ing Daylight." . Estimates for Last Week. Stanley (Loew-Stanley-Crahdall) —"Lilac Time" (wired) (3,600: 25- 60). TaJk. of town last week with new all-Seteen policy in effect and talker as feature. All records went by board. Nights were turnaway, and for the first time matinees something to brag abcut. Remark- able week and augurs well for suc- cess of big theatre under Loew re- gime. Gross way ahead of anything previously shown by the theatre, running to $22,000. , „ . Century, (Loew —"Four Walls' (3,200; 25-60). Opened with rush, breaking all Monday records, mati- nee and night, and repeating Tues- day. Feature picture and stage .show. "Vow Wow," Ted ,Claire m._of , c.'ing, went over big. Ideal daytime house and afternoons tremendou.s. ■This ena)?les house, in spite of less seatage than Stanley, to top gross for that theatre by at least $2,000 for total of. $24,000. That's some summertime business. Rivoli (Wilson Amusement Co.)— "Women They Talk About" (wired) (2,100; 25-60) (2d week). Satisfac- tory for holdover but not outstand- ing". Nights continue okay but mat- inees lighti marking time waiting: arrival of big "talker product next month. Manager Price says he Is keeping out of the red, very satisfactory. Valencia (Loew-United Artistfj.)— "Burning Daylight" (wired) (1,500; 25-35). Since Wiring of this up- stairs house, elimination of orches- tra and scaling down of b. o.. thea- tre iallotted . films that in the old days would have been attractions, at Stanley. Business in this limited .seat not hig^, but unusu- nlly con.sistent. witli matinees off and nights holding up V/qW. Result aI)out $.3,500. . „ „ New Garden (Seh.Thbergers)— 13 Washington Square" ajul Keith vaude (3.200; 25-50). Started we.ek very well and held Up in spite of stiff opposition from novelty t.alk- ers. Not up to previous big week l)ut okfiy ;it- al-out $1 1,000. "Fazil," $42,600 JioKton. Aug. 23. BiJ.^in'-ss at lli" State and Hu- Mot was bettor tlian noi-mal last week Metropolitan Imd the inovietonoa "Jiizil" .MiuL a forking stjigo show $12.0i)i). aiiil the State \vTis als.) netif at $17.;'.00 for '■Forliuldeu Hours" hero, time and ;ig:iin, westerns oC !iny sort do not ho in -t -ran house; $3,000. Wisconsin (Fox), "Hot News (far) ■f2,S00; 2r,-:{,-.-.'i0-t;i)-7:i). Bcbf (licj .a lot of busines.M. thanks to th.- .sl:igc .sliow and I'-ildle Woiioldl'a wi/.,irilry; al>out $17;000. \