Variety (Sep 1928)

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VARIETY PICTURE GROSSES Wednesday, September 5, 1928 Los Angeles Easing Off Talkers? I Opening at Warners Grosses Are Good but Off From Preceding Dialog Films—'Godless Girl/ $13,600—*Oh Kay/ $23,500 I" L,us Angeles, Sept. 4. (Drawing Pojsulatipn, 1,450,000) Weather: Very Warip Any time they open a new picture et Wai'ners now tlie house leads the town. That • happened again last week with "The Terror." However, it hit about $6,000 behind the Initial week of J^Lights of New York" at $29,000, which isn't overly heavy. Next money went to the Metro- politan, where another Vita, "Mid- night Taxi," Was oh the screen. Gross here was about $l,ft0O below the Hollywood house, and compara,- tively is.a. rather poor showing for a talker at this time. • Grauman's Chinese and "White Shadows" managed to keep over $25,000, arid for its seventh week "Lilac Time," at the Carthay Circle, was - beyond $10,000.. This one has about four weeks more, "Mother Knows Best,", anothet Fox opus, be- ing carded for Oct. 1. Colleen Moore's "Oh Kay" was at Loew's State" with , F. & M.'s "Ar- tists and Models" Idea/ Stagre show, one of best house has had in a long time. Bill got off to a fair start, and Avith afternooii weather against it held, up In good shape, though more than $4,000 behind the Met. "Godless Girl," at the Biltmdre, picked up bit over its first week. Egyptian ti-ade seems to be pledged to Benny Rubin with "Wheel of Chance" really mea.hing nothing at the box office. Trade jumped about if440 at the Boulevard, where War- ners' "Brass Knuckles'? was on the screen and Red Corcoran,, a. new F. & M. m. c, on the. stage. ':Man Who La,ughs" wound up its stay at United Artist^ by just skimming over the red mark; and for the second week of "Street An- gel," at the Criterion, a slip of about $2,000 was registered. Estimates for Last Week Biltmore (Erlanger) — "Godless Girl" (Pa,the) (1,550; 50-$1.60), Viery nice for second week; $13,600. Boulevard (W. C.)—"Brass Knuckless" T (WB) (2,164; 25-50). Sort of liked this one here as well as F. & M. stage show, total $5,900. Carthay Circle (W. C.-Miller)— "Lilac Time" and sound (FN). (1,- (500; 50-$1.50). With Sunday before holiday helping, around $11,500, okay. Criterion (W. C.)—"Street Angel" and Movietone (Fox) (1,600; 25-75). Second week here with other Movie- tone help; $7,600. Egyptian (U. A-.-W.C.)—"Wheel oC Chance" (FN) (l.SOO; 25-75). Honors here will go to Benny Rubin for draw; Barthelmesa picture didn't moan much: around $9,000. Graunnan's Chinese (U. A.)— "White Shadows" and sound (M-G) ^1,958; 50-$1.50). For fourth week niglits were sell outs; around $25,- 500. Loew's State (W. G.-Loew)—"Oh Kay" (FN), Movietone and F. M. stage show (2,242; 25-$l). Colleen Moore still great downtown bet; near $23,500, Metropolitan (W. C.-rub)—"Mid- night Taxi" and Vita (WB) (3,595; 25-75), Another ta.lker, -with Publix stage .show nothing to brag about; fair for talker; $27,500. United Artists (U. A.)—"Man Who Laughs" and sound (U) (2,- 100; 25-$l). Fairly good final week; $12.000.. Warner Bros.—"The Terror" and Vit{\ (WB) (2,750; 25-75). For first week 100 per cent talker did nicely, though hot coming lip to mnflr Ketr hy preceding talker; around $29,000 Fox's Dog Problem ■ Lbs Angeles. Sept. .4. P^ox is confronted with a problem of feeding a kennel of,Alaskan mal- aniute dogs. The studio started oiit with 12 full-grown hu.skics a» year ago for "Frozen Justice," which has. not yet been completed. The dogs were, sent to Arrow- head Lake, where tlie climate is cold,. and have increased in num- bers. The dogs cannot be disposed of until the picture Is completed. Thompson's Comedy for "Bread" Lb.s Angeles, Sept. 4. Harlan Thompson, Fox scenarist who arrived here last week, wiis dispatched within 24 hours to =Ja^j:^tJfleld.. Ore■,. wh er e 1 ye. Is to j^n - ject , comedy into "Our Dfiify Bread." W. Murnau is directing. From Gadsden to Daly Los Angeles, Sept. 4. Claiming a general disadvantage "With the public In pronouncing her rame. .Tacquellne Gadsden ha.s changed it to Jane Daly, Miss Duly i.s a contract pljiycr With M-G-M. SOUND IS MAKING IT a)ODEORYABDE,,K.C. $20,000 for "Night Watch"— Pan, $14,000—Town Likes = Its Stage Shows Kansas City, Sept. 4. (Drawing Population, 700,000) Weather: Cool and Fair Surprise was the lncrea;sed busi- ness done by Tantages with ' Pori of Missing Girls." Several weeks advance publicity with a niitty radio announcement daily the preceding week, and other special stunts, cre- mated interest. Billie Dove in "The Night Watch" was the Mainstreefs' puller and they came. Miss Dove is a draw here. At the Midland "Four Walls" failed to drag 'em in: as expected. Following the house has built up misses the stage shows. and the sound pictures do not satisfy. . Newman closed Friday night until Sept, 14 when it will reopen with new seats 'n everything, including talkers, ' It is more than likely a stage show of some kind will be carried. Globe, which held "Street, Angel" for a second week, did not fare so well and opened yesterday with "Uncle Tom's Cabin'' and sound. With. the advent of fhe talkers those houses offering vaude report business builrMng and that they are securing better talent, Estimates for Last Week Mainstreet (Orph) (3,200; 25-50) "The Night. Watch" (FN), Plenty of action and Billie Dove's followers happy; stage show one of the best for weeks; Manager Lawrence Leh- man reports many acts booked for early dates In the Orpheum, which has not opened, will -oome to the Mainstreet; $20,000, Loew's Midland "Four Walls" (M- G) (4,000; 25-35-50). . Third week of sound and talker policy, although feature picture' was neither; busi- ness hardly normal; nights off throughput week, but the .25 and 35 cent mats dreW the femmes;. $19,000. Pantages "Port, of Missing Girls" (Col.) (2,200; 25-50). If thei-e were any fans in this drawing territory who did not know of the attraction It was not the fault of the man- agement; reams of written, printed, verbal and radio publicity; stage show indicates grade of vaude get- ting.better; $14,000. Newman "The First Kiss" (Par) (1,890;. 25-35-50). Last picture for the house under old policy; theatre .goes dark for a couple of weeks; nothing to brag about; $4.- 500. . THE SOCIAL SEASON New Tork has "taken to", Meyer Davis—practiciilly monopoilizing his metropolitan orchestras. Joe Moss, in charge of New York territory for Meyer Davis, who directs Meyer Davis Orchestras at many debutante an& other private parties, has already obtained SOLID BOOKINGS for the sociar season— every night and many „ afternoohs from October , to the Lenten period. State Fair Didn't Help Milwaukee; Wis,, $20,000 Milwaukee, Sept. 4, (Drawing Population, 650,000) Weather: Fair and Cool With grosses growing better as coole^weather axTives, the open seas^bS" is" ofi/^vlth the managers -and owners at each other's throats. Last week saw the business just fair. The state fair detracted rather than attracted. Possibly the leaders were the Wisonain, with .."Four Walls," iind "State Streof Sadie" at the Garden. The Merrill and Strand were Just on the street, while'the vaude-picture combos mopped up better than any ; film house, . Friday saw the Majestic (Brlh) open witli "Cardboard Lover" and the.Alham.bra with "Ladies of the Mob." Saturday the Strand followed with "Street Angel" and Movietone, giving the rialto two wired houses. Both the Davies film and "Street Angel" opened big, with Bow just so-so. Estimates for Last Week Garden (Brin)—"State Street Sadie" and Vita (WB) (1,200; 25- 50-75). Did niiglity well for one week; state lair hurt a little and gross was down to $8,000, but plenty oC profit. Merrill (Fox)—"ricllship Bronson" JCel)_ a-2P0x_ J0-J!5-^)^_ Another flop;" liardly KiVbiigH fo niuRe'~it' worth Wliiie to stiiy open; under $3,500. Palace CKcilh) ~ "Man Made Women" (Putho) (3.400; 25-50-75). (Jreat, with stage respon- .sll)le for biggest ))ortion of draw; over $21,000. Riverside (Keith) — "Fleetwing" (FBO) (3,000; 10-25-40-50), One hou.«ie the fair Iiol])od; played WLS (radio) sliow hojit troupe and got arotind $12,000. Strand tl''y,\; -"Wright Idea" and Open Shop Topeka Opening 2 Honses Despite Unions Topeka, Sept; 4: (Drawing Population, 85,00Q) Weather: Fair and Cool Weath'er had more effect on To-r peka theatres this week thian a walkout by union ttiuslclaris, opieria- tors and stage hands. The weather boosted biislness, and th(£ closed shop order by the managers seemed to have nb effect at all. Topeka is fast becoming an dpen shop town, the Santa Fe railway, the town's biggest employer, having established open shop flie years iago with printers and other trades following. A new phase on the Topeka union labor situation was introduced by the announcement of National The- atres that its negro .house, the Pial- ace, would open Thursday with a complete crew^ of negro musicians, operators and negro manager. It's the first time in any local theatrical labor trouble that a new has been opened. To make it more ef- fective the same company announces the reopening of. th© Isls theatre for second runs Septi 17. Personal, appearances helped in making business at the Jayhawk this week, Virginia Lee Corbin hold- ing the stage the first half, and Cameo, the Mack Sertnett dog, the last half. The dog put on the best show but Virginia, frot the bulk of the business on the strength of lobby displays of the screen bud in her undies. . Another surprise of the week was the a,bsolute flop of the "Circus;" The kids liked it, but kids at a dime a throw don't pile up box office to- tals. Estimates for Last Week Jayhawk (1,600; 40) (Jayhawk)— "Bare Knees" first tliree days with Virginia Lee Corbin in person a hit; Cameo, Mack "Sennett comedy dbg, with "The Vanishing Pioneer"; Vir- ginia piled up the biggest amount of the'week's draw; $3,400. Orpheum (1,200; 40) (National)— "The Circus" (U. A.). Started light and continued that way; wcelc's to- tal poorest in two months, barely over $1,200. Novelty (1,100; 40) (Crawford); Snappy vaude bills and mediocre pictures didn't hold: enough for the second week of new combo policy slipped $200; "Three Ring Marriage,'' first half, and "So This Is Love," lasst half; total $2,300. Cozy (400; 25) (Lawrence)—"The News Parade" (Fox). Took a lick- ing first half ,of week; here too soon after "Hot News"; three days with "Road House" (Fox), fair but nothing to cheei* about; $800. Best (550; 20) (Lawrence). Roy "Bozo" Davis and hla Sunkist Step- pers idipped the last week of tlieir month's return engagementtr'turning in a total, of barely |800; "Jiggs" Downard, with another tab, returns for his second round. Boston Grosses Boston, Sept. A. Business in the picture houses here was not affected by weather conditions. Metropolitan did $42,n0d with "3^e,^.J?irat_KlJi$;j_ ^Pnr)_ and the State did about |'l^;^00 Taf nfTie week with ,Tohn B?irrymore in "The Tempest" (U.A.). "Heart Trouble" (FN) fl,200; 25-50). Double feature failed to click; prob- ably will go better, now that house is wired; not $3.oao, Wisconsin (Fox) — "Four Wiills" fM-G) (2,800; 25-35-nO-GO). Class of street for movie gro.sses; al^'ovo $20,000. Warfield Gets $36,000 With'Dance'and Wolf San I'YancIsco, Sept. 4. (Drawing Population, 756,000) Another Wairfleld week among the downtown palaces. They thought -they had hung up a record several weeks ago by topping $35,000, but the last seven days with "The Red Dance" and . chiefly Rube Wolf's homecoming, even topped that a little. Up the street the Granad(i fared better than it has for some months with "The. River Pirate." The Embassy brought in a new talker, "Women They Talk About," but didri'Jt fare a^ well In the initial seven days as did the film that pre- ceded it., Business, hoAvever, was highly satisfactory. "King of Kings," at the St. Fran- cis, first showing at regular feature prices here, was hot so hot. Busi- ness proved profitable but nothing to get excited about. Estimates for Last Week Warfield—"The Red Dance" (Fox) and F. & M. unit (2,672; 35-50-90); Dolores Del Rio and Charles Farrell meant something at the box office but real magTiet Rube Woirs re- turn; business exceeded all past records; close to $36,000. Granada—"The River Pirate" (Fox) and Publix unit. (2,785; 35- 50-65-90). Started off well and maintained good stride; exceeded most grosses for several inonths; about $23;50O. Embassy—"Women They Talk Abour* and Vita (WB) (Igt week) (1,^67; 50-65-90). Away ' to fair start but not as big as preceding talker; $16,000. St. Francis—^"King of Kings" (Pathe) (1st week) (1;375; 35-50- 65-90). First pop price showing not so hot although clicked profitably; about; $13,000. Clara Bow in "The Fleet's; In" broke the hoodo at the Graiiada when shattering the week-end house' record. Gri^uiada has beeii in the red almo&t consistently for the past year. Labor Day week-end grossed $18,06.6, more than many full week grosses at this house. TO" $18,000, SEATTLE; mNGS'GETS $13,000 "Betsy," $8,000 in 4th Wk.— "Red Dance,''$15,000— "Sadie," $8,250 Seattle, Sept. 4. (Drawing Population, 500,000) Weather: Cool A feW warm days but cool nights, so the weather was iii league with the showman. Greater Movie Sea- son is off to a good.'start a.nd is proving more tha.n merely a phrase. Ace houses are getting the crowds. It looks as though the Seattle . is getting into the pay column with its reduced nut. Fifth Avenue also seems to click with the sound pic- tures and Hermle King. ' , Columbia stepped up with the first pop-priced showing here of "King of Kings." ,^aude and dra- matic houses running along at fair- ly even tenor. , , Suburban houses are complaining. Some of the ace neighborhoods are doing well, but most are suffering. Folks seem to prefer to pay a few dimes more and see the pictures sooner and under better conditions downtown. Estimates for Last Week Seattle (WC-Pub-L) (3,100; 25- 60)—-Oh Kay" (FN). Colleen Moore always gets her share in. this town; Gene Morgan sells the F. & M. show, but the "Doggone" idea not so dog gone good; $18,000.- ■- .^-^^ Fifth Ave. (WC) (2,700; 25-60)^ "Red Dance" and .sound (Fox). At- tracted and pleased; Hermie King band augmented with return of Os-i- car Taylor, popular singer here;' $15,500. Coliseum (WC) (1,80.0; 25)—"Road to Romance'.' (M-G). . Not so good and biz off; $4,800. Columbia (U) (1,000; 25-75) — "King.of Kings" (Patlie). Orciit biz and in for run; $.13,000. Blue Mouse (Hamrick) (950; 50- 75)—"State Street Sadie" and Vita (WB). Held but two weeks; biz good but not warranting longer run; ?8.'J50. Music Box (Hamrick) (1,000; 56- 75)—"Gloriou.s Betsy", and Vita (WB). Final and fourth week; everyone liked it; $8,000. Winter Garden (U chain) (650; 25)—"Riding'V for Fame" (U). Clientele likes westerns; fair; $2.500,. Pantages (1,500; 25-60)—"Anyone Here Seen Kelly" (U). Names of /rom^JtfppXe_^aird^3«?sieJ[jq^ in lights ana helped; house Bt'edming^ for personal, appearance next week of M!\e Mm-rny 58.100. Orpheum (2,700; 25-$l) — "Sere- nade" (Par). Adolphe Menjou played up and draw lair; Ix)u Tollc- gen featured on vaude end; better at $!t.«00. President fDuffy) (1,800; 25-$1.25). "The Ruined Lady" (Duffy Players).. Marjorie Ramhoau continues in lead; drawing nicely and star held J over anoiher month; $;i,f)00. TIRST KISS," $26,000; BALTO'S 0. K. SUMMER "Warming Up" Weak at Stan- ley, $14,500—"Valencia," $3,800—Negri, $3,500 Baltimore, .Sept.'4. (Drawing Population, 750,000) Weather: Hot . Local exhibs have just weathered the hottest summer in 27 yeais, and weathered it with excellent grosses. This applies particularly^ lb the Century. The • bigger Sta-nley* on the other hand, failed to make the b. o. grade over the summer months. Of the other houses the uptown Parkway, Loew_-U. A. follow-up spot, made the Best showing with- out a cooling systein. Valencia, moderate capacity site atop tlie Cen- tury, declined steadily. Inability to compete with downstairs big seater the chief reasoil. Fall season definitely opened Sat- urday night when the Metropolita.n reopened showing "Lights of New York'* simultaneously with the downtown Rlvoli. The Auditorium, former Shubert legit, entered the .screen game temporarily with Uhi- versal's "Man Who Laughs." House is to go dramatic stoCk Sept. 17 so will nq.t be a winter film house competitor. Last week added four more days of 90Tin-thc-shd,de and around mid- week business wilted everywhere. "The First Kiss" at the Centui^r at- tracted exceptional Interest because of local significance of story and bia,c^^ound. When the company was on location aerQss the bay last spring the local papers covered it handsCmcly and tliere was advance interest. "Street Angel," in Its fourth ja.nd final week at the New, hung up another local record, get- ting for the run the biggest pic- ture gross in the history of the house. "Warming Up" failed to warm the big: Stanley^ patronage and, coming in on the heels of the remarkably, successful "Lilac Time," was a de- cided flop. "Beau Broadway," at the Valencia, was just fair, while "Loves of an Actress" at th6 Pa,rk- way, failed to live up to the promise of its downtown showing alt the Century, "The combo Garden, with "No Other Woman" on the screen, and. Jay Flippen's unit on the stage, had a good week. Rlvoli, with "If I Wore Single," got a satisfactory live days. Estimates for Last Week Century (Loew) "The First Kiss" (I'ar) (3,200; 25-CO). Started with a rush; mid-week heat slowed ft up but comeback last half was strong; finished out in front for summer record; company was on location near here for story; $26,000. . Stanley (Stanley, Crandall, Loew) "Warming Up" and sound (Par) (3,600; 25-50).. Regarded as sport; film and had little matinee fcmme appeal; mats the problem hei e; not over $14,500. New (Whitehursts) "Street An- gel" and Movietone (Fox) (1,800; 25-50). Fourth and last week broke all house records for single picture's total gross; first of sound in this tlieatre and now committed to runs with Fox product; "Four Sons" followed Monday; last week of "Angel" in spite of cooling .sys- tem; $8,500. ' Riyoli (Wilson Amusement Co.) "If I Were Single" (WB) (2,100; 25-6,0). A five, day run, "Streets of N. Y." opening Saturday night; put in as atop gap waiting arrival of lirst all talker; pleased but lacked b. o. punch. Auditorium (Schanbergeis) "Man Who Laughs" (U) (25-$l). In for two weeks, but found one plenty; TilnV, iir si>ife^ of" faVoTible' C^ by press, failed to develop b. o. power'in face of heat; good opening Saturday and pretty good finish en- abled film to gross around $5,00.0 for seven days; "Uncle Sam" (U) followed Monday. House goe.s stock Sept. 17. . . " Valencia (Loew-U. A.) "Beau Broadway" (M-G) (1,500; . 25-50). Intake pretty consistent but not, oiatstanding; house definitely out of the big show competition and must robtjlid patronage for pop price all- picture program; about $3,500, heat hurting. Nevi/ Garden (Schanberger.s) "No Other Woman" (Fox) and K-A vaude . (3,200; ,26-50). House now getting unit shows a.nd bidding for trade! that likes stage stuff with its pictures; did business; being wired to take on talkers, especially .shorts; about $12,000, up and satis- factory. Parkway (Loew-U. A.) "Loves of an Actress" (Par) and sound (1.000; results were looked"for in viPw^df' good showing at Century; nbout $^.- 500. Michigan's $65,600 Detroit, Sept. 4. Kunsky's Michigan went to a record here last week by doing $G5,C00 with tho "Our Gang" kids on the .'^ Former top was $63,000. iu-ld l-y Paul Wliiteman