Variety (Sep 1928)

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Wednesday, September 5, 1928 PICTURE GROSSES VARIETY -8 "Patriot: $44,300,2d Wk.; Par, $71, Roxy Has Totaled $868,000 in 7 Weeks "BETSY," $12,000, PROV. Bow $10,200 at Strand—Stock Troup; $10,000—Chaney $6,000 Gilbert's Hold Over, $62,500—"Submarine's" $6,200 Smart—"4 Devils" at Giaiety September 10 Considering that last week in- cluded two broiling hot days gfoases in the Broadway movie parlors were eminently okay; The Paramount with the sounded ''Sawdust Para- dise" at $71,800 and the Strand with "Oh, Kay" at $29,3.0.0 were the weak (Bisters. There wore nine sound pictures between 53d and 42d streets: "The Terror," "Four Sons," "The Tem- pest," "Lilac mme." "White Shiad- bws," "Sawdust Paradise." "Air Circus," "Red Dance" and "The Pa- triot." The latest entry, "Air Cur- cus," is the first. Fox film to hold dialog. It will occupy the Gaiety only this week, moving to. the Globe to replace "The Red Dance." - At the Globe "Circus" can stay only until Oct. 8 when ho'u.<3e reverts to Charles Dillingham, "Four Devils" conies into the Gaiety Sept. 10. "Four Sons" grossed ^114,200 on ita third and final at the Roxy. In seven wc6ks, since the present cycle of Fox specials started, the house has . tilled approximately $868,000. Take for the three weeks of "Four Sons" was $389,000. "Th© Patriot" continues to do smash business at the Rialto, $44,- 300. Columbia's second successive picture at 'the Embassy, "Sub- Inarine," opened Thursday night and. gathered a smart $6,200, inclusive of Sunday. Picture looks good, "Dawn" held over at the Cameo when accomplishing $8,100 and a third week Is. probable. House has following for foreign films. "The Terror,'' at Warnefs, hovered around $20,500. No doubt about the public being ipretty well sharpened up. on sound pictures. That .they are picking their sound is indicated by the pass- ing up of "Sawdust Paradise," at the I'arnmount, Estimates for Last Week Astor—"Whit© Shadows" and fcound (M-G-Cojamo) (1,129; $l-$2) (6th.week). Grooved for run; again around $20,000. ^. Cameo—"Dawn" (Selwyn) (549; 50-75) (2d week). English-made films have done well at.this house; started here at $8,100; holding over and maybe third week. Capitol—"Four Walls" (M^G) (4,- 620; 35^0-75-$l-$1.60). John Gil- bert ana Chaney two weekers reg- ularly aLt this house; if Gilbert slip- ping with flaps holdover 'week's $62,500 no corrohoration. Central—"Lilac Time' and. sound (F.N.) (922; $l-$2) (5th week). Heat knocked down gross a few hundred from previous week but still potent at $15,600. Criterion—"Wings" (Par.) (836; $l-$2) ^(56th wfeek). Aviation Is noy^ the theme of three films play- ing on Broadway to reserved scats; strong; $13,200 last week. Embassy — "Submarine" (Col.) (696; $l-$2) (2d week). Drew good notices and started off smartly; Columbia has new rental arrange- ment with M-G-M permitting in- definite continuance; first tliree days $6,200. Gaiety—"Air Circus" and Movie- tone (Fox) (808; $l-$2) (Ist week). No love interest and kid hero will handicap; has 15 minutes of inter- polated dialog;" opened Saturday matinee; week-end Including Mon- day, $5,600; moves to Globe Sept. .10; "Four Devils" (Fox) here. Globe—"Red Dance" and Movie- teiieTtFoxTi' 11,416 r"*!^^^ week). Out this week with ^'Air Circus" moving over for balance of. Fox lease to Oct. 8; "Dance" quoted at $12,300. Paramount—"Sawdust Paradise" and sound (Par.) (3,666; 40-65-75 $1). Sound not the expected magic with so-^so picture; got $71,800; Paul Ash returning to Chicago gives house Clara Bow's "The Fleet's In," originally slated for Rivoli, Sept. 29.. Rialto — ''Patriot" and sound (Par.) (1,960; 35-50-75-$l) (3d week). Emil Jannlngs' . picture wowing; $44,300 following previous week's record $61,400. Rivoli—^"Tempest" and sound (UA) (2,200; 35-50-76-$l) .(2d week). Displaying plenty of mag- netism with Barrymore name; counted $39,700; "Two Lovers" (UA) next. Roxy—"Four Sons" and Movie- tone (Fox) (6,206; 50-75-$l-$i.50) This is the season of plenty at the lioxy; three weeks for "Four Sons," --following = ^our-^Dr-=^"Stree^•^AlrBX^l7 makes $808,000 for seven weeks; week of "Sons," $114,200; "Faxil" current. Strand—"Oh, Kay" (FN) (2,900; 85-50-GG-75). "House of Talkies" not speaking last week; Colleen Moore 'not strong on Broadway; $29,300. Warners—"The Terror" and Vita (WB) (1,360; $l-$2) (4th week) Dialog my.stery melo holding up; quoted $J0,500. WS'$22,000 HOLDS IT OVER IN PORTLAND "Sunrise," $14,000 —Pan, $12,000—Portland, $17,000 With Colleen . Portland. Ore, Sept. . 3. (Dravying Population, 310,000) Impetus of Greater Movie Season continued to hold up box offices. A now factor here is the John Britz opera company which opened at the auditorium this week end showing the Hungarian opera "Sari." Britz season stays four weeks. Henry Duffy Players have closed until Sept. 28. Estimates for Last Week Portland (ji*ublix-W.e;) (3.500; 35 fo 60 "Oh Kay" (FN). Drew well and registei-ed big; F, and M- "Spangles" a lavish production; $17,000. Broadway (W. C.) (2,000; 35 to 60) "Sunrise" and Movietone (Fox). Big success here; Movietone News and Stohl band; $14,000. Pantages (Pan) (2,000; 35-50) "None but the Brave," screen fea- ture; $12,000. Oriental (Tebbetts) (2,700; 50c). Pricesi raised, from usual 25 to 35 for "ilncle Tom's Cabin" (U);. ex- ploitation resulted In great biz; $22,- 000 arid holds over. House denies Orpheum vaudeville coming In here. Columbia (U) "Jazz Mad." OkaJ with $5,000. Heilig (26 to $1.25). Final week of Duffy Players; May. Robson in third .week • pf "Rejuvenation of Auht Mary"; new Duffy' company reopens Sept. 28; $5,500. "Fazil" and "Angel" Do $45,500, Minneapolis Minneapolis, Sept. 4. (Drawing Population, 475,000) Weather: Favorable Fox had his inning here last week for the first time in many a moon. Playing at the Minnesota and State, "Fazil" and ^'Street Angel" held the center of the rialto and both offer- ings did corking business. "Fazil" fell just a trifle short of equaling "Four Walls" the preceding week, but breezed through to $33,000 at the Minnesota. "Sti*eet Angel" was the second picture to run a fortnight at the State, the other having been "Lights of New York." It outdistanced the latter both in total and second week gross, getting around $12,500 for its final seven days. First week was $23,000, big- gest the house ever enjoyed next to "Ja«z Singer." After a $16,000 week with Mac Murray In person, Pantages experi- enced a considerable drop. Eva Tangiiay, however, demonstrated that she still possesses drawing power by giving the theatre a much better than average weelc Gross hit.around $7,500, as compared with the $6,000 and under .usually done here.-— - _v.^ —. — Estimates for Last Week Minnesota (F. & R.-Pubiix) (4,- 100; 65) "Fazii:* (Fox) and Publix unit. Picture and stage show okay; good box office; $33,100. State (F. & R.-PubUx7 (2,300; 60) "Street Angel" and Movietone (Fox) and "Gems from the Opera,'' stage show. Picture ai knockout here; on heels of $23,000 first week, got $12,- 500 for second and final seven days. Hennepin - Orpheum (Orpheum) (2,890; 50) "Beyond London Lights" (FBO) and vaud©.'. Sessue Haya- kawa in person. Screen and stage .star brought in customers; about $12,500, good.- Pantages (Pantages) (1,600; 25- 50) "High. School Hero" (Fox) and vaude. Eva Tanguay helped busi- ness; $7,500. Lyric (Publlx-F. & R.) (1.300; 3.">) "Doom.sday," first half; "Half a Bride," second half. Pictures okay but biz just so-so; around $1,500. Grand (F. & R.) (1.100; 25) "For- bidden Hours" (M-G). Second loop fiih'-fain7""grt1:l?if?trtory:"^$500 . " rrovidcncp, S<^'I>1- 4. (Drawing Population, 300,000) Weather: Hot A yen for good show fare boostoil lii'/ hero to .a high mark despite ho weather. Big ad spreads for holi- day openihgs also helped. ' Labor Day legit openings includcMl the second showing here of "Gooii News" at the Opera House, the pre- mier? of the Modern Stock Com- pany (Fay) for the fall and win toi season and introduction, of -con- densed musicals. lit the Carlton (Fay). For the first itmo. in .2S years the Albee is' holding ovpi .stock for the' month of Septon;iber. Sound pictures at the Majestir (Fay) continue to stand 'em up. Estimates for Last Week Albee (K-A-O) (2,500; 20-$!' "She Couldn't Say No" (stock). I'Yothy enough to pleas©, with ther- mometer clowning; good at $10,000. Majestic (Fay)' (2.200; 15-75.; "(Glorious Betsy' and Vita (WP.). Turned 'em away first of week and .stood 'em last half; strong at $1:^,- 000. Victory (K-A-O) (1,500: 16-50) "Laugh, Clown, Laugh" (M-G). HoL wc-ather hurt but Chaney's pull drew 5G,000. Fay's (Fay) (2,300;. 16-50) "Fly- ing Komeos" (FN) and vaude. Any blll'here seems to draw capacity; around $10,000. Strand (Ind) (2,000; .15-50) "Ladies of the Mob" (Par). Clara good. for. $10,200. Rialto (Fay) (1,400; 15-30) Victor McLaglen a,nd Louise Fazerida high spots on three change bill; fair at $1,700, Dix and Sound, $48,000 at Chicago; laxi" $300 Under "Sadie s' 4th Week Tbink Town Starting to Shop on Talkers—-"Tempest" $34,000, Big—Oriental, $39,000, Barthelmess GARBO HOLDS OVER IN CAPITAL'S OFF WEEK "Mysterious Lady" Over $10r 000—Fox Skids, $17,200— Palace, $18,000, Keaton Washington, Sept. 4. (Estimated White Pop., 450,000) Weather: Rainy and Hot Everything did a brodie last week with the exception of "The Mysteri ous Lady" at the Columbia. This picture did so well as to get a sec ond week. Palace business, with "Steamboat Bill, Jr.," was comfortably high but $5,000 under the reported figure of the previous ."weeki Fox business dropped, too, with "Beware of Married Men." Plunge here was more than $5,000, thus giving the Loew house the top fig- ure for the week. Metropolitan was fair with "Loves of an Actress," sound apparently saving it. Earle held fairly well considering. "Vami>- ing Venus" was the feature but Anatole Friedland's revue got a major portion of the credit, A teirific rain the opening Satur- day night is responsible for the major portion of the drops recorded. In the Fox and Palace It stopped prac- tically all business that night. Estimates for Last Week Columbia (Loew) — "Mysterious Lady" (M-G) (1,232; 35-GO). Jumped summer takings; everybody happy with count above $10,000; held over. > Earle (Stanley-Crandall)—"Vamp- ing Venus" (F.N.) and Friedland's Revue (2,244; 3fr-B0)t- Under pre- vious week; Friedland's revue get- ting plenty of comment as stage attraction; final Count possibly $11,- 000. Fox (Fox)—"Beware of Married Men" (W.B.) and stage show (3,- 433; 35-50-75). A dlsssapointment; $17,200. . . - : Met (Stanley-Crandall) — "Loves of an Actress" and sound (Par) (1.B18; 35-50). If It hadn't been for sounds heavily featured, count would have been 'way down; women seemed to like it; near $9,- 000 and above previous sjlent pic- tured. Palab© (Loew)—"Steamboat Bill, Jr.," (U.A.) and Loew-Publlx sUge unit "Wonderful GW (2i36G; 35- 50). Took a dr6p but still riding high, $18,000. "4 Devils" at Gaiety; — Globe Gels-^Air Circus" TORONTO'S GOOD WEEK; r $12i5O0-$ll,000 TOP Barthelmess' 4th Picture in 8 Wks. 0. K.—British^Made Out After Two Weeks CENTRAL WILI GET "BARKER" PMrst National's present inten- tion is to eventually follow "Lilac Time" at the Central, New York, with "The Barker" and "The Divine Lady" in that order, . Company has the house under an option which can b« oonsistently renewed. Toronto, Sept. 4. (Orawinig Population,, 700.000) . Weather: Fair and Warm Tourists saved the town from a had week, biit the Canadian Na- tional ExhibUon was stiff opposi- tion. Loew's, getting a 50 per cent In- crease in afternoon. biz because of the visitors, was out in fiont at $12,- 50O for'"The Mysterious Lady" and the - Hippodrome Avas right behind with "Home James" at better than $11,000, Combined Increase of these two .over last week was $4,000. 'IPatent Leather Kid,'' never re- leased as a program picture here bofore, was passed up by Ameri- cans in town, but the natives gave Pantages better than $10,000 and decided it was a good picture with a bit too much for Canada. ... Fox Canadian News did a smart bit of work bn the women's section of the Third Wrigley Marathon In which Ethel Hertle grabbed $10,000. FOX had prints in all main stem houses Who wanted, them for next day's showing. All the ,big h9U3es are selecting news stuff with greater care than formerly, and are at- tempting to get as many Canadian or British shots tis possible. "Mademoiselle from Armentieres" was a disappointment at the Tivoli, falling to $4,300 on' Its second week and giving way to "Out of the Ruins." English picture was ex- pected to go. a month and had been carefully nursed, along with bally- hoo on patriotic angles and a themo song. • This hoase marking time until talkers ready, maybe in October. "Patriot" opened to a lineup Sat- urday at the Uptown largely on the Jannlngs name. After one day pic- ture W.T.S provoking more talk than any flicker since "Beau Geste." "Michigan Kid" was Uptown's last of the regular season, closing Fri- day at $8,000, average week. Talk- ers also coming to this house, per- haps not before Christmas. When new FP house at Ottawa Is opened early In 1929, Uptown lilcelv to be production house for Publix stage units to play Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. Neighborhoods better. Estimates for Last Week Loew's (2.300; 30-00)—"The Mys- terious Lady" (.M-G). Town leader at $12,500; week in past month, despite opposition from Canadian National Exhibition. Hipp (FP) (2,G00^ 30-00)—"Home James" (U). Laura La Plante well liked here; vaud ahead of anything else locally; better than $11,000. Pantages (FP) (3,300; 30-CO)— "Patent Leather Kid" (FN). Fourth Barthelmess picture here In two months and another slated for next week; satisfactory at $10,500; .star well liked, but picture felt too American for this town. . Uptown (FP) (3,000; 30-60) — "The Michigan Kid" (U). Suited most of regulars; fair at $8,000, Tivoli (FP)—"Mile, from Armen- tieres" (Br). Better things expected from this one; $4,500 finished it off in two weeks; Daley's Short stuff continues best in town and other houses trying to Imitate. "CHANCE," $4,100, TACOMA Pan $6,500—$1,750 for V Kay "— "Betsy" H500 in 2d Week Fox has the Gaiety, Nfew .York, under leaJ5e until the first of the year, extending Its sub-lease from Pathe until then. "Air Circus," cur- rent here, goes to the Globe the end of this week, with "Four Devils" coming into the Gaiety inimedlatclv. "iled Dancer" goes ouL Taooma, Sept. 4. (Drawing Population, 125,000) Weather: Fair and cooler Toby Leltch's Phxyers opened at the Heilig and are doing nicely at pop prices. Pantages contnlues to do real biz. and Blue Mouse litrbng with second week of "Glorlou.i Betsy." T " Eatimates^'or=--Last^Week=^-- Pantages (1,500; 25-50)—"Square C:r<)oks" (Fox). Good fit $G.ri()(). Rialto (WC) (1,250; . 23-50)- "Whfel T)f Chance" (FN). Fair with $4,100. Blue Mouse (Ilamrlok) . (650; 50 73>—"Glorious BotsV and Vita (WB). Splendid, second week; $4,500. Colonial (WC) SfjO: 25) —"Oh Kay** (FN). Like CoUeert Moore and biz better; $1,750. Ctii(';m:o, .4. Weather:. Fair yiiuiiil pictures' reaohi-'d a ina- joriiy in. the Loop week for the, first- lihio, playing iii I'bur of the seven lirat-run stand;?. All were money lihns, but the downtown di.striot experieneed a letdown from l>revious higli powered activities iluring which three records were i)0|)ped' ofl' .'by special, stage at I factions. "Warming Up." Dix fe:it\ire, bap- tized the Chicago's wiio apparatus ■ week and rated a sood but not startling $<18,000. Staf;o portion of, the bill was a non-draw entertain- ment. The Orpheum, pioneer talk- er house, hit ai'ouud $;i,000 with the first week of "MidnigiU Taxi." It's worth noting tliat this, house has not jerked a picture after ono week since installing Vitaphohe al- though tivis gross is'$3i>0 behind tho fourth week of "State Street Sadie"= here. May indicate town is starting to sliop for its talkers. "Tempest" displayed solid quality in its start at United Artists, knocking off $34,000. It should hold at two moi'c weeks to,a profit. Final week of "Lights of New York." eased to $20,t)00, and "Wings" followed in at McVicker's Friday. "Lights" had four big weeks in . the house, breaking the house record at opening with a gross in the high 4Q'a. "Lilac Time," another synchron- ized film, dropped quite a bit at the lioosevelt in its third week although Still plenty above the normal house figure. Oriental turned in a regu- lar good gross of $39,000 with "Out of the Ruins." V Estimates for Last Week Chicago (Publix)—"Warming Up" and sound (Par) (4,200; 50-75). First sound filnx to play the Loop's largest house, and bettering house average by $6,000 at $48,000; "Sunny Skies" Publix unit. McVicker's (Publix)—"Lights of New York" and Vita (W.B.) (2,- 200; 50-75). Closed four-week run here Thursday with $26,000 final gross; opened above $40,000. Oriental (Publix)—"Out of the Ruins" (F.N.) (3,200; 35-75), feature held to good $39,000; "All Aboard" Publix unit. Orpheum (Warner) — "Midnight Taxi" and Vita (W.B.) (760; 50). Talker opened at around $9,000, warranting holdover but failing to show drawing power of previous sound, films here. Playhouse (MIndlln) — "Taras Vulda" (Arfa) "" (Par) (600; 50-75), Double feature In sure seater showed slight drop; $2,500. Roosevelt (Publix)—"Lilac Time" and .soimd (F.N.) (1,700; 50-75). In third week $24,000, dropping from $31,500. Did $31,000 first week. State-Lake (Kcitli)—"Tho Red Mark" (Pathe) (L',500; 50-70). No assisting draw In vaude lineup; un- der previous satisfactory . week; $19,000. United Artists (U.A.)—"Tempest" (U.A.) (1.702; 35-75). First week of Barrymore feature high at $34.- 000; house average about $25,000. "TEMPEST," $23,600 Cowry , Saves Ambassador, |3B,000-> "Ruins" $21300 St. Louis. Sept. 4. Drawing Pop.^ 900,000 With the.four big picture palaces doing the most prosperous buMiness in their careers and the Bob Mur- phy m. c, regime at the St. Louis in a fair way to shatter records there, it' looks like a big night to- night for many a night. Estimates for Last Week Loew's State (3,300; 2r.-35-05) — "Tempest" (U.A.) and sound. Rated one of the year's host films. Clark and McCuilough hesid Movie- tone shorts. Stage presentation has been abandoned; $2;l,G00. Ambassador (Hltouras) (3,000; 35-65)—"Acros.s the Atl.'tntic," onft of the season's siiliest film play.s; Ed Dowry and show saved the week; $3S,«00. ^rand Central f Skrnii-as) _ a.700; .'')0-75)—"Lflac Tinie" fl'T-S'T) "ahtl sound. Tl\ird week and still prov- ing' injpulaj-. Missouri (Skoura.M) ('3,800: 35-05) —"Out of tlio Riiin.H" fI'\.N'.), A disappointment to some of the critics; $21,800. 8L Louis (4,280; 35-65)—"Home, James" (,U). Featuring Laura La- Plante and an unusually fine stage bill headed by Bob Mur))hy, m, c.,. now in his second week here;