Variety (Sep 1928)

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Wednesday, September 5, 1928 PICT U R E S VARIETY 27 COAST NOTES Gary Cooper an(J Fay Wray ore to be teamed in a talking picture known as "Rodeo Romance," Par. Norma Talmadge will remake "Slffn on the Door" for U. A. ^. , Mitchell Lewis added to "One Stolen Night" WJB. Complete cast for "Stool Pigeon,". Columbia, includes Olive Borden, Charles Belaney, Xucy Boaumpnt, liouia Natheaux, Ernest Adams, Al Hill, Robert Wilbur and Clarence Burton. Renaud Hoffnian directing. Frank Capra to direct "Power of the Press" (Col); doing before "The Younger Generation" (Col). ■'■ Dan Vcnturini, former indepen- dent producer and director, signed by Par. to write original.*?. George Chandler. First Is "Saps and Saddles," Gino Doyle ua femi- nine lead. George Stone, added to "Ritzy Rosie," F. N. Mervyn LeRoy di- recting. In "Smiling Terror," western starring Ted Wells, U, are Derelys Perdue, Bud Osborne, Al Ferguson, Pee Wee Holmes, Clark Comstock and Ben Corbett. James Gleasoh wrote an original for Viima BanKy's next for U. A. Following that he will direct "Shan- nons of Broadway" as a talker for that company. Montagu Love, added to "Mys- terious Island," M-'G. , Liuclen Littlefield, signed by T-S for "Man in Hobbles.V George Archainbaud directing. Noah Beery added to Feathers," Par. 'Four George Barraud, added to "Tropi- cal Madness," PBO. Paiamount .signed J. Roy Hunt, camei-aman, to a term contract. Company now has eight contract cameramen. Melville Brown substituted. Pathe to direct "Geraldine." by Walter Lang signed by T-S to direct "Spirit of Youth." Tale is based on Booth Tarkington's "Ram- say Milholland." U's new sound projection room, temporarliy installed in the club- house, is in operation. Matt Taylor and Dan Tomlinson collaborating for Fox on a story | for Sammy Cohen and Ivun Linow. David Torernce added to "Our Daily Bread" (Fox). In "Queen of Night Clubs." star- ring Texas Guinan. for W. B., .Jack Norworth, John David.son and JDddie Foy, Jr. In "Stark Mad," W. B., are Loulao Fazehda, H. B. Warner, Jacqueline Logan, H. B. Walthall, John Miljan, Claude Gilllngwater, Andree Beran- ger, Lionel Belmore, Warner Rich- mond and Floyd Shackelford. Plc^ ture will be all-talker. Lucien Hubbard to direct "Mys:- terlous Island," M-G-M. It is a sub- sea story begun off the. Bahamas in 1927. James Murray, Jane Daly, Lionel Barrymore and Montagu Love in the cast. Albert Conti added to "Queen Kelly," F. B. O- Louis Wolheim added to "Vic- tory," Par. a group of 32 glrla to play opposite Rex Bell In Fox's next western. Charles Logue and Paul Gangelin added to Pathe's scenario dei>art- mcnt under lon^-term contracts. Title of Tom Mix's next for FBO will be "Outlawed." Tree," and production postponed as many times, story Is believed to have the flnal o. k. of John bt.ahi. It goes into produet'ion Oct. 10, li.l- mor Clifton directing. his name to Itomoro. and got a Job with Columbia. He is making a screen treatment for "The Bachelor Girl." Roland Drew opposite Sally O'Neil in "Applause," T-S. Vera CJordon and 'Alexander Carr fuUled to "Ni'/,e Baby," M-G. Sept. 24 ti puts its serial. "The Diamond Master,", into production. Walter McGrall and Maude George, added to "The Veiled Wom- an," Fox. Emmett Flynn directing. John Lbder, signed In England this summer by Jesse Lasky, will be in "Four Feathers," Par. Alfred Allen, onie-time piaywi'ight, added to "Gold Braid," M-G. Charles Lane, added to "Canar>' Murder Case," Par. Fay Wray In "Wolf of Wall Street" opposite George Bancroft, Par.. Baclanova, also in cast. Lola Todd, at one time a featured contract player for U, is . staging a comcb.'jck. She was selected out of Paul Lukas added; to. "Shop Worn Angel," Par. Sybil Grove, Alex Melesh, Alex Woloskih and Andre Cheron added to "His Private Life," Par. Complete cast for "Queen of Bur- lesque," T-S, includes Bellei Ben- nett. Joe B. Brown, Alberta Vaughn and CharJes Byer. Al Ray will dl rect. After makinf? : several. screen treatments for the "Devil's Apple James J'^lood to direct "The Girl Wio Came Back," Eve Southern featured, T-S. Mark SandrlcTi writing original, with Perry Nathan, a.s his next lUm for Col. Joseph Jackson, scenarist, .signed by Warners. •'Saps and Saddles/' first of new series of tenderfoot westerns, star- ring George Chandler, completed at U. To be 12 in series. Clarence Burton added to "Stool Pigeon" (Col). Columbia's next special will be ' 'Redemption." Forrest Halsey to adapt "Satur day's Cliildren" for Corinne Griffith, f.'n. W. J. Craft and unit returned to Hollvwood after spending four weeks filming "Cohens and Kellys in Atlantic City." • Harry Fishbeck, cameraman, has signed to Par. contract. Ramon Romeo, scenarist, changed M-G is broadcastin.c: a call for midgets for ' Mysterious island." to be done In Technicolor. tT has started Aiming "The Wood- en Soldier." 10th of 12 Laemmle novelties. Troulie making "Avalanche." Par, has gone to F^j^staft, Ariz, for o-x- terlora. Company numbers 50. and returns to studio Sept. 10. Dawn O'Day added to "Sins of the Fathers," Par, Howard Estabrook. writing con- tinuity of "Shopworn Angel," Par. Sam Mlntz; and Percy Heath, writ- ing continuity of "Three Week Ends," Par. Samuel Ornitz. writing original for "The Tong War," Par.. George M. Waiters writing origi- nal for next Fay Wray-Oary Cooper picture (Par). Paul Perez titling "Floating Coir lege," his sixth consecutive picture for T-S. LoThs Wolheim, signed by Patho to i)lay the heavy in "The Shady Lady." E. H. Grimth directing. ISIeeded Every Day! An exact reproduction of a column of a page from the Theatre Section of the .Current Edition M OTIONDICrURE TRIADS miJLECTOJLir Ralph Ceder directing a recently completed series of H. C. Witwer stories for Larry Darmour. state}* SffBW YOBR CITY 6421 . Don Aivarado, Marcelind Day, Fritzl Brunette, Allen Roscoe, J. W. Johnston, Fred Holmes, Nora Cecil and Joe Mack in "Driftwood," Col, r— ■ I y< I SEATING CAPAOTYK "7^2001 ® 15c & 25c Gary Cooper and Lupe Velez co- featured in "The Wolf Song," Victor Fleming directing. Par. Shooting starts Oct. 7. . Julian. Johnson la. titling. "Inter- ference" and George Marlon, Jr., "Moran of the Marines," both Par. iN6iCArESsnucny ISr RUN HOUSE I. Charles Davis producing two pictures for Eldorado, featuring Bob Custer, for Syndicate release. J. P. McGowan is directing. SOUND EQUIPMENT 15 STATED IN EACH LISTING Walter Fabian directing a series ©f 12 two-reel comedies featuring f i NOW IN SECOND YEAR Bb Bb Bb n NUMBER OF TIMES A WEEK PROGfUVM IS CHANGED Crescent Theatre . 1175 Uoston Rd. ^ . „ Operated By—Joelson it Suchman .of New York City which sec upder CbaUi The* atrcB. ■ ^ Mgr.—Irvln Cohn. Ituoker —Meyer Solomon. Film Buyer—J. Joelson. rurch'a8ln«r Asrent—Herman Starr. Phone—Kilpatrlck 76ie. Criterion Theatre [•2.200] $1. & %2. Broadway & 44th Bt Operated By—IiiUivldual Pictures Corp., Paramount Bldie:... N. Y. MRr.—.T. A. Manning, riiwne—Bryant 7510, Crotona Theatre [2,257] ® 25c & 46c 453 E; Tremont Ave. Run—riciuros, Vitaphone, Movietone ft VaudcvUlc. ^ »T _ OperuteU By—Fox Theatres Corp. of New York City which see under Chain The* atres. Mgr.—.Mr, Heiman. . Booker—Joe. Leo. I'urchaslng ABcnt—I. Krotosky (850 lOtb Ave. I . . Projectlonlstr—J. Caput©. Phone—Tremont 5400. 15c & 30c More Than a »Iast«r of Ceremoulee At COFFEE DAN'Si Los Angeles, Cal. HELENE HUGHES ROY SMOOT FiMituired «vith FANCUON and MARCO STANLEY and 6IRNES t^tilHliliig Our' . Fahchon and Marco Route At Salt Lake City Capitol Theatre, Oct. 1 Direction MORRIS AGENCt Michigan Vaude Mgrs. Ass'n \ Charlie MACK EookluK the moat extensive, circuit, of vnudcvllle and prefientatlon the- atres between New onl Chicago Michigan Theatre BIdg. DETROIT standard Acta, Wrlto or Wire ASK rr.AKi. lUKi <;i> . JOHN and HARRIET GRIFFITH Dancing SpccinlttcH r'lii'. IVrhonuUty Approcirttlon to Fuiiclion and Marco Daly Theatre [1^500] _ !Sf)2 E. Tremont Are. „ « , Beatinif Capacity—1000 plus 1300 for Roof when open. . ^ - », Opomted By—O. S. & V. .Corp pf l)^ew Vorl; City which see under Chain Ine. atres. . . . . Flln» Buyer, Booker * Purchasing Agent —laclc Stillnian. (Congress Theatre, 054 Southern Blvd.. N. Y.) , Purchslnr Agentr-Snmucl Torpgora (Cofa- yv^a- -iiu'oire. 054 Southern Blvd. at 149th . St., N. T.) , House iW«;r.—.Tos. A^ . KUgler. '• I Phone^Fordbam 7163. RUN VAUDEVILLE . . ^ ,.„c..i «^ ^)DtTIONTO PICTURES I ^>«*a^<~ SuffolkJ?^elancy Sta. Opcrut«r By—r.oew's. Inc. of New YorH Ciur^whicli see "tinder ChslD Theatres. ItiTOse Mcr.—A. Guttcrmah. ■ . ilm Buyer-Oavid Loew (1540 Broadway, Filin Bm.licr-Frcd MUcheU (1540 Broad- pSiMinV^ ABcnt - Chas.. Sonla . (1540 Broadway, N. Y.) ,11 i-aa w Vnudeville Booker—Jack Lubln (l4o w. •JOtli St,. K.. Y.I Phone—Orchard 4971. Donelas Theatre 640 Lenox Ave. Phone—Edgqcomb 'SOli Dyckni.m Th-atr-.i 1,700] ® !5u2 W. 207th SL ^ . ,^ ^ „ Op<'n.t:>'l Uy—I'lic Springer Circuit of New York City which Koe-under Chain The- iitres.- IIouHf Mpr-Mr. I.tinlz. Film Buvcr & Hooker — J. W. Springer (Symphony Thraire, 2&31 Broadway. N ' V I I'ur'ohii'slnc ARcnt—.M H;iml>urgf>r (Adel- l.liih TlifMirc. 'J-l()« Uroadway, N. Y.) riionf—I.orrninp 4122. A directory of the Industry presented in the most conven- ient form for ready reference by every Producer, Distributor, Theatre Owner or Equipment Manufacturer. 1,000 pages of Trade Facts that every progres- sive person in the Motion Pic- ture Industry will want at his elbow. (VUN PRESENTATIONS OR DE LOKE PROGRAM . IN ADDITION TO PICTURES HERBERT D. SEIBERT & CO. Incorporated 126 Front St. (near Wall) New York City Telephotiett—,Iolin 4857-8-9 Gentlemen: We attach our $10 check for a subscription to the Motion Picture Trade Directory. Please send us a copy of the first 1928 edition by return mail, ADULT ADMISSION APTtRNeON&EVENlNGr ■©^150 "&^25c Eagle Theatre [• 1,200] 1H.7J- -.'!rcl .Vvc. _ -^OiTPrTiff U "^By-- I;3^1<r^^ Inf. Offi<er8 -Wm Salkiii, Tros Ifouoe Mk-r.. rurcliHsInK Asent & Vaudo- ville Book*r—J. H. r'hllllPS- ,„, l-ilm Buyer A Booker—J. 11. rhllUps. Phone—Atwb(or 0171. Name • • • • .^-Address :^nd-^^^ By • • •• <«**«•* Date