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36 VARIETY VAUDEVILLE Wednesday, September 5, 1928 SPIZZrS CASE At thur Spizzi, A. W. O. L. Loew aeront whose franchise was revoked several months a'ero, may be re- Btored to' former booking privileges upon Ivis return from abrond tliis week. Spizzi was dropped two. months ago when, without notification to the circuit bookers, he closed his agency and embarked upon a Euro- pean trip. At the time of leave- taking Spizzi had a numbier of acts booked on the circuit. Since he left no rein-e.scntatiye to look after the actSf his leave-taking was adjudged a violation. Spizzi, informed of the suspen- sion .while abroad, communicated with Loew and requested that the suspen.sion be held In abeyance until his return. It is figured Spizzi's explanation may restore him. Sooner or Later A booker of one of the big- gest lists of one-day vaude bills In Greater Now York, visits the Palace regularly. Asked the idea he laconically replied, "You can't tell, we may get 'em sooner or later." He didn't mention how long It had been since he's seen a K-O agent in any of his houses. Scanlon-Murray Team Walter Scanlpn and Billy. Murray, both recording artists, have formed a vaude alliance. Herbert . Cava- naugh, manager of Scanlon, ar- ranged it and will handle the boys. In addition to vaude, the partner- ship also calls for radio and talking picture assignments. INDIE VAUDE MGRS. IN AIR ON SOUND Wait on Policy Decisions While Trying to Raise Money to Wire General &KecutivG Offices LOEW BUILDING AN N E X leO WBST 46"^ST* BRYi\NT-9850'-'NEW YORK CITV J. H. LUBIN Sound pictures have most of the^ independent house owners winging as to policies for the new season. Most are unable to stand the ex- pense of wiring and holding up re- sumption of vaude, which usually starts Labor Day week. This condition has the independ- ent booking field In Its most un- certain and chaotic state in years. Even the big five of the Independent bookers are practically at a stand- still. Fox's experiment with nameg on talking shorts at the Academy in lieu of acts last week, and being ex- tended to other houses of the circuit this week, Indicates the policy hag every chance of getting over. Of the 200 or more Independent vaude houses booked out of New York less than 50 will play vaude- ville this week. Others are stall- ing wjth pictures only and trying to raise the necessary money to wire. The present watchful waiting also leaves' ma^y available vaude acts on the lot who always had-found an outlet. Another month or so may solve the problem but temporarily things look dubious for the . Independent vaudd field. GBNSRAL HANAOEB MARVIN H. SCpCK BOOKINQ HANAOBR CHICAGO OFFICE 600 WOODS THEATRE B1J)'G JOHNNY JONES IN CHAROB A VAUDEVttl.B AGir*Ct WHICH PRODUCBS MORB THAN IT PROMISES. CONSISTENT, BFFICEENT SBRVICE SINCE 1913 The Tally Markos Vaudeville Agency Aster Theatre Bldg., N. W. Cor. 45th St. and Brtiadway Lackawanna 7876 New York City . ACME BOOKING OFFICES, INC. ?DookliiK All Theatres Controlled by STANLEY COMPANY OF AMERICA A ronte of 16 w«ieks witliln 200 miles of New York Artists invited to book direct House Manager's Idea Learning that Kelth-Or- pheum had acquired TelevoXj the mechanical man, the man- ager of a New York Keith house heaved a sigh of relief when Informed the contrap- tion was for exhibition pur- poses only, •Thought they were going to have the thing replace the house managers," he said. "Peaches" Added Time Proposed show for "Peaches" Browning is oiT until the Christmas holidays. Sutsequent vaudle time has been booked up to November. "Peaches" returns to the New York houses after her present west- em "tour. TOM WARIN& AS SINGLE Tom Waring opens a I^elth tour in New York at the Riverside Sept 17, hooked by T. D. Kemp, jr., who has the tenor under ex- clusive management for tluree years. It's the first time the brothers have been professionally apart in this country. Trahan Wants to Blow New Orleans, Sept. 4, Al Trahan (Trahan and "Wallace) wired the Kelth-Orpheum ofllce, while playing here, that he would not continue to work with Vesta Wallace, after playing Atlanta week of Sept. 16. Teani is a standard Kelth-Orpheum comedy act booked into the Palace, New York, follow- ing-Atlanta. K-O oHlce is reported trying to .straighten out the differences be- tween the pair. KEITH HEADS BACK SEPT, 27 Last reports, via ca,ble, from Pat Casey, J. J. Murdock and Joseph J. Kennedy, now. in Switzerland, were that the party would return to New York Sept. 27. R. \i Staff Changes Providence, Sept. 4. Clianges, in personnel of the Keith-Orpheunx Interests In Rhode Island have been announced by Foster Lard ner, g. m. J. S. Powers, former, press man, becomes assistant to Lardrior; Al Jones, manager of the Victory, quits and is replaced by M. J. Reilly, for- merly: assistant manager of the Albee. COEBETT-BAERY SPLIT Bobby Barry and James J. Cor- bett have dissolved their vaude partnership. Barry is to head a new six-peo- ple comedy act written by Billy K. "Wells. He opens for Keith. 156Q Broadway New York City INCORPORATIONS New Tork ' . 'Danger" Frodnclng; Co.. Inc.,. Manhat- tan, produce the play "Danger," $15,000; Ijew Canter, Jlmmle C<)oper, . Betty Coop- er. Filed by Solomon S. Zwerdling, 701 7th avenue, -N.ew York. Bom a Dancliiir Academy', Inc., Manhat tan, maintain amusement regorts or dance halls, tB,000; Liymcin Heaa, 8 Edward GInsfeUrK. Roao Orkin, Piled by Ginnburg and Hesa, 561 6th avenue, New •Torjc. Frolic Dancoland, .Inc., Queena, main tain amusement resorts or dance, halls, $6,000; aame. as above. John AHbley, JAA.; New York, business of theatrical producers, $61,000; Gustav F. Stoehr, Peter Devlin, R, M. Stohl- berg. Filed by Folger and Kockwood, 43 Cedar street, New York. National Talklngr Movies Corp., New York, deal In moving and talking 'pic- tures of all kinds. 600 shares no par value; Leo Guzlk, Irving Saltzman, Louis Zimmerman. Filed by Zelzor and Ber- liner, 44 Beaver street. New York. AsHOclated Theaitre Ticket Scr>-Ice, Inc., Manhattan, theatre tickets, $260,000; Fred L. Ferguson, P. M. Pellaten, A. Rasmussen. Filed by George B. Hodes, 44 Court Btroet. Brooklyn, N. Y. Micro Diso Corp., Manhattan, deal In motion and talking pictures, photoplays, 100 shares, of which 60 class "A,'' 60 class *'B," both no par value; Alice Alexander, Harold M, Brown, BllUe Chelcker. Filed by Sellgsberg; and Lewis, 43 Cedar street. New York. TAYLOR'S 1928-1929 NEW MODEL TRUNKS IN TWO COLOR COMBINATIONS FOR MEN AND WOMEN WITH OPEN TOP Additional Charge) The Rolls-Royce of . Trunks. Built for the proreaslonal ahowfolk as only a concern dealing ^wlth their problems for the last 76 years could design it. Beautiful, Durable, Spacious, Distinctive, Lightweighf AN ACTOR'S TRUNK The NEW MODEL TAYLOR Is equipped with only ono lock which serves aa the lock for the outside of the trunk—a.lso for the drawers when the, trunk Is open. The dust door Is also equipped with a lock ao that when the trunk is open It la possible to lock the entire-wardrobe section as .well as the entire set of drawers. . The better grades are made with solid metal bottoms on alt draweta. There are no nails on the bottoms. . The usual TAYLOR guarantee goea with all trunk*. Our price* are tho same as always. ' The doors of our stores in New York and Chicago are wide open. Drop In and loot' over the TAYLOR 1928-192$ NEW MODEL TRUNICS. If you are unable to visit our salesrooms, send, for our ILLUSTRATED. BOOKLET, which will introduce you to the finest Professional Trunk ever g made. TAYLOR'S 115 West ?5th Street, NEW YORK, N. Y. 28 E. Randolph Street, CHICAGO, ILL. REMOVAL NOTICE On and After Sept* 1 C.B.MADDOCK 151 West 46fh Street (EAVES BUILDING) PHONE BRYANT 4531 FIRST EASTERH APPEARANCE—THIS WEEK (SEPT. 3) Urtliro Bromcf Four Fe€»t with a SinQle ThouftM «. 4' KEITH'S PALACE NEW YORK CITY Direction, MILT LEWIS Bohr VICTOR ARTIST—DUO ART ARTIST Argentina's Moat Popular Actor, Composer and Entertainer JUST FINISHED LOEW TIME THIS WEEK—K-A-O NEW GARDEN, BALTIMORE NEXT WEEK—HAMILTON and PROCTOR'S 86th STREET Direction: CHAS. BIERBAUER, A. FEINGOLD