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Wednesday, September 5, 1928 VAUDEVILLE VARIETY 37 LABOR PROBLEMS No agreement liad Ijeen reached the New York Stagehands <Nb. 1) with the International The- Utrlcal Association on contracts for the new season. Meanwhile nego- tiations continue with some definite decision anticipated before the end of the current week. First the union submitted its new contractual form which the man- Hgers turned down. Then the man- agers counteracted with a proposal which was also rejected. And there the matter hangs until something definite.Is mutually accepted by both fides. Meanwhile the stageliands will work for the theatres under a retro- active understanding. The old union contract expired at midnight Aug. 31. Newark, Sept. 4. Argument with the unions this year has ended in a compromise. The managers have secured a three year agreement and have defeated the demand for 18 shows with pay TINSEL METAL CLOTH FOR DROPS 36 in. wide at 75c a yd. and np A full lln« of gold and Bllver bro- cades, metal cloths,' gold and sliver trlmmlnga, rhlnestonea, s p a' n g I-e s, tlgbts, opera hose, etc., etc., for stage costumes. Samples upon request. J. J. Wylie & Bros., Inc. (Sncoessors to Siegman & Well) 18-20 East 27th Street NEW YD RK HARKT HART Anger and Fair "DIZZY 1928" TOURING LNT£RSTATE CIHCCIT JIMMY MYRTLE Conlin and Glass with HANK MILO Tivoli Theatre SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA for 19. Instoad of the JlL' a rhrui inorea.se aslunl the men gc-t ^2 a year increase tliig- year and next, with $1 increase In the third year. This gives a head of department in a vaudeville house working four shows $92 this year. An extra elec- trician is granted the men. At the Icglt houses and the Empire (bur- lesque) a compromise has given th'.' men small Increases. So far no settlement with the booth operators has been made but it , is-agreed that whatever settle- ment is reached shall be retroactive as of Sept. 1, A previous contract still has time to run but it is said that the men are . chiefly preparing for the introduction of sbund. From a demand for $125 they have cut to a demand for $95 with four men in each house. ' The. cwners are offer- ing four men in pictui-e houses with three in vaudeville hou.ses. 'Th«? mu-sicians also are riot entirely in agreement. . Conditions are to re- main'thq same with an increase of one to seven in the summer mini- mum—nine in winter as now. The Mosque apparently will carry 10 nien with sound. Fox insists that the Terminal will have no orchestra. The men demand 25 at the Bran- ford. Several red hot naeetings were held in New YOrk during which A. A. Adams, of Adams Brothers, own- ers of the Newark, walked out However, he later settled on: the same terms as the others. Great secrecy has been . maintained. Orph Head Spurns 3 Walter Kelly, Julius Tannen and Texas Guinan. .offered to the Keith-Orpheum circuit, ai-e reported to have been turnvd down by an Orpheum ofhcial Mho couldn't see any of the three as attractions. The Orpheum exec is said to have balked on all throe names after Murdook, Ken- ned/ and Casey left for Eu- rope. Milwaukee's 1st Agency ^ : • Milwaukee, Sept.' A vaudeville booking agency, first this town has ever had, been opened under the name of "Wisconsin Vaudeville Booking I'hange. Margery Shea is mana C. Richmond, booking man; and P. Mosier, secretary and tr iiror. .Seven weeks of one nighters pplits have been arranged, in .state; 4v the has the lOx- i^or; iger, eas- and the Stock Supplants Vaude Chicago, Sept. 4, South Bend, Ind., gets two dra- matic stock companies this season. Al Jackson has taken over the Blackstone, fornier vaude stand, for stock, The Oliver also will have a resident company. Syracuse, N; T., Sept. 4. . But one theatrical labor dispute unsettled here, Keith's failing to come to terms' with either- the pic- ture operators or stage hand."?. Negotiations are continuing, with the understanding that whatever settlement Is effected will be re- tro'active. Two houses effected last minute settlements. The Strand, pictures, signed with both the projectionists and stage hands, and the Eckel, pictures, which has no stage, came to an agreement with the operators. Both theatres accepted the four- man requirement for the booth, adding about $60 weekly to the Overhead. Strand's agi-eement calls foi" one man permanently back stage. JUDGMENTS James W. Elliott; Trauts Realty Corp.; $1,120. Dodey Dean; Marcus Loew Realty Corp.; costs, $82. The Frogs, Lester A. Walton, et al,; W. Westhome, $2,999. Irving M. Lesser; N. Y. Tel. Co.; $365. COMPLAINT OVEE SKETCH Walter Lie Roy (Le Roy arid Ly ton) has filed complaint with the N. V. A. ^(gainst Chase and Brewer for title Infringement on "Neigh- bors." Le Roy's act was authored by the late Junie McCree and according to Le Roy he has been doing it for 14 years. Chia.se and Brewer's act was authored by Paul Gerard Smith. B-K Units at Tower Cnicago, Sept. 4. Keiiir.«; Towor iheatre, which rc- sxuncd >V. "N', M. A. vaudo three weeks ago after trying musical comedy stook. will be used as south .«5ide stand for B. & K. units orig- inating at Oriental. This starts Sept. 22. Loi-'ally producoil units will then have a route of live weeks all with- in Chicago, Mae Murray for K-O Mae Murray is diojtering with the Keith-Orpheum Circuit for a 10- weeks route. Charles Moi'»''^0" is ■ subinitting the former picture star. TOM HOWARD'S ACTS Tom Howard will write, produce and stage vaude acts for the Ike Weber oflire, Howard is cxn-rent.ly co-featurod in "Rain or Shine. ' The ^Veber vaudo production dep.'U'tment has been, placed in charge of IMiil Ro.^eriberg.. Aliout 15 act-; ..rc contemplated by the now conibiiiaiidn, the fii'St being •a comedy act built around George .shelton, formerly of Shelton and I'illard. LOEW BOOKING U HOUSE Loew takes over the Universal, Brooklyn, Sept. 10 with the hou.se to be ' rechristened Loew's 46th Street. It will play vaudfilm, five acts on a split booked by Marvin Schenck. ; Deal between Universal and Loew calls for Universal operating with Loew booking shows and in on percentage. KBAMEB-BOYLE FOB LOEW Dave Kramer and Jack Boyle are exiting from Keith's for a repeat tour of the Loew Circuit Opening at the State, Norfolk, Va., Sept. 24. Team will head "a L«ocw southern unit and continue to clown with the S.S. L/eviathan Band In an after- piece. After the southern assign^ ment the team will repeat in the eastern Loew houses. BILL DUFFY'S NEW TWO Bill Duffy, fight manager and cabaret proprietor who produced the McCarthy Sisters and Leonard band .acts, will continue in the vaudeville producing field. Duffy has two more turns in preparation. HENSHAW'S PUBLIX UNIT Bobby (Uke) Henshaw has been signed by Publix to head a forth- coming Publix unit. Henshaw's contract Is for 20 weeks with an additional 10 weeks option. KABTL NOBMAN aUITS K-0 Chicago, Sept. 4. Karyl Norman will not continue for Keith's after Sept. 24. He re- turns to the picture houses. It is understood Norman and the Keith bfllce fell out over salary dif- ferences. Hutchinson Joins Dawson Bob Hutchinson, former Keith booker and recently agenting on his own, has joined Eli Dawson, Loew and Pantages agent. Hutchinson replaces Al Friend, who left Dawson to enter the field on his own. Patents Souiul t-iTordinK nrnl rcpriMlni'i i.n. K, . . SiiOiiU, So. OiMiitJo. N. J , ;issii-'iii.r li> Wosl iiiKliou.se lOloc. Flli il Si-i-i. 22, ' 022. Uor. Mo. 6S;i.S13. 15 cjiilins. ,fiil,370, A piiar.'xtu.s for produrliip si-r.cns for color phutour.Tplvy. J. ll. 1'o\m-io, .Now York Vily. OriRinal uiiiilica lion lVle<i Mnr. 10, 1020. !Sor, No. .irit;,l!),>;. Dlvulpd -11(1 this '.ipplirfttlnn lllod Got. 30, J026. \'r. No. 146.12C. 10 clalm.s LCJ^.-IIS. Film wliidlnp ni«'Chani.<Jin. .11. H. Mark, rroowntor, Ore. X''IUmI Autr; 30, 920. Ser. No, 132,390. E:Ik1U claims. .G.S2,6&3. Fire stop or trap for jnolion picture tnaoliliio."'. T)on A. navnioiul, Montl- ■ollo, Inil, Filed Oct. 13, 1027.' .Sor. No, !2r),9,T0. Two claims. I,6fi2,fi2-. , (not.nilod Information may bo socufod hy ppooifyint; name ar\d nuihlior and en- "losiiiK 10 cenia In each In.stance to the 'ojiimi.ssionor of I'atenls, Wa.«;hlngton, D.. ,0.) ROSCOE AILS Spend your vacation at Indian Lake with Roscoe Ails. 11,000 acres, placid waters, beautiful 7-room log bungalows, absolutely modern, lavatories, baths in> eluded, swimming, boating, fish* ing, 18-hoie golf course fifty feet distance. AH bungalows situated on exclusive island approached by dreamy rustic bridge. The summer resort millennium. One hour from Columbus, Ohio. Address ROSGOE AILS Artist Isles Russell Point. Ohio !!!BROADWAY HAS ACCLAIMED!!! Don Lee \ Mile. Louise IN "VODVILS SMARTEST REVUE' NOW AT KEITH-ALBEE PALACE, NEW YORK ''Such Popularity Must Be Deserved*' Direction JACK CURTIS JENIE JACOBS presents TRIXIE FRIGANZA in "A BAG O* TRIX" By NEVILLE FLEESON »n a big farewell engagement at the PALACE THEATRE, NEW YORK, beginning September 3, before sailing to open September 24 at the Victoria Palace, London