Variety (Sep 1928)

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40 VARIETY NEW ACTS Wednesday, September 5, 1928 JAMES J, JEFFRIES (3) Pugilism ^nd Talk 6 Mirts.; One and Full Academy (V-P) Jeffries is b;uTl; on his own hook without the aiil, more or losa, of ' Jaeic Sliai'Ucy, . Act opens ii> one by Timh O'Priijii'.s introiliirtiou. Jeffries looks neat.and in iwi-feet-condition under a red and while .striiiiMi bnthrohe for a iiiinUte and a lialf of tallc. Short • und snappy, also sensl.bU>, advice for the . pareiiis to instru<a tlvcir boys in the ■ m.'iiily avi. . "Xot as a profession, .t),ut fur i)li>-sioa]. advantages grained," or \v(inls to, tliat effect.; . Next into one, uiiere ..Teff, with his brother, Jacli. a'sM an ex-pu£?, illustrates the ^ pum.liesjie.iised to k. o. yarious op- ponents, followed by three short rounds of sparring. O'Brien ac- conij)a.nics with side ispiel. A much neater turn thAn the Jef- fries-.^liarkey try,, but with about the same comnlercial value; all de- pends on Jeffries' remaining popu- . larily and the which he . Is played. Here, on 14th street,.tl'icy MARIA VALENtE. Music and Dancing 14 Mins.; FgH Stag© Palace (St. V) Miss Vnlente i.^ an imported tiji-n. Slie works in boy attire and is a raccful dan proficient nuisiclan .on the con- ertlna, one-stringed violin, xylo- phone and the spinning of musical )lates, . . A male as.sistant plays an accom- Blake is now heading an all-colored.] false whiskers, outfit, which carries the byline of •Shuffle Along, Jr.," after the pro duCtlQii tha,t brought SisSle and animeirt oil U^^^ , her Spanish dance, in which she . Eubie Blake here h^s the grqurid aridles a tamborine like a wizard. I work for a tab with which any time He accompanies for her miisi- list ^"SliSaiStFoirie Ja.,:s.e^ r>.h^Into Itt, An oM *^ icroHS 'Mnfr while, cxccutlns *e.;MaJi«lc.!i*«lc.|>-li»^ oc'k steps. She .is a . good show- oman and sells everything .she atr tempts. A good novelty act for an early spot on the best bills. Con, GIRL VVANTED" (6). Sketch with Music. 24 Mins.; Full (Special).; Ehglewood, Chicago (V-P) ate.out of his hand. liitje- GEO. FREDERICKS and Co. (3) Sk;t'; with Songs 17:Mins.; Full (iSpecia!) Gi^eelcy Sq. (V-Pj . ;. Production skit, depending In large measure upon its scenic back- ground representing the. Broadway Limited streaklrig through the night to Chicago.. Obsei-vatlon platform face.s the audience. .The. sign reads . "Fredrieks Broadway Llmiled." Thi.s With an incidental; reference tQ the Penn.sylyariia Railroad indicates thieve may be a hook-up on the scenery... Action takes place in the re- stricted space of the observation platform. When four pieople occupy that apace the den.<»ity of population tends . to makes dramatics difficult and .wkward. J." Boy. 20# and girl, 17, are eloping. Train conductor sympathetic, father irate. The mbon above, songs of love, etc.,. ■ I" Its present shape It drags and while obtaiining, laughs, act needs tightening up and deletion. The man playing the father Is Tom Tempest.^ Boy and girl .unpro gramed. The girl e-ssays considerable heavy vocalizing. Particularly when singing a ballad with interpolated sobs an impression: ff straining was .projected. Lighter numbers, or less arduous style of delivery might re lleye the voice tension. ' Production with moving cldud effects, et<5;. Is good vaudeville flash and .apt to draw applause.. Con dehsed and accelerated In tempo act should be okay. Obviously very new at the Greeley. Square but In dividual performances competent, J,and. EUBIE BLAKE and CO. (10). ^'Shuffle Along, Jr." (Revue) 132 Mins.; On* and Full Stag*. Jefferson (V-P) Assisted by Broadway Jones with LATHROP BROS, Dane** 12 Min*.; On* PaUc* (St. V) Two unusually good dancers who I JAY 0. FUPPEN FROLICS, (unit), Songs, Comedy, Dancing, 70 Mint.; Full (Special) Hippoldronn* (V-rP) J. C. Fltppen has abanonded cork .c^u^z^xr^^: :o^^o^ Su^ei^r^'^HSsri^^'is;: cer in addition to being after hfe and Noble^Sissie came to enfolded .'^^^^^^^^ the parting of vaude ways. Euble I dressing Is carried out with heayy l working chorus of 15. Several " ~ A bU of comedy Is Inserted when ot the girls are capable musicians tht pair announce\hey will sing "InJ ^"i'f^r'.^sUrfl^isS Tot ^,»^'' a Little Spanish Town." Halfway fve'r for a. slam finish. Act Is lav- rL _ ^,.^„v,fte+t.n ishly mounted, well staged and wi 1 through the number the orchestra ^ v^ttu i,«„„ switches to a fast Jazz tune, but the ft Into any of the Keith houses, ^ir >.se the same gestures and | {J^PjjIJ, * ""i^ and picture pohcy Scries of blackouts and bits, wise- worry^ Con. Their next dance offering Is an Blake presides at the piano and I essence followed by solo buck and that is where he is aces for he is wing and another double. They are one colored boy who know^ his prondent at all styles and class Ivories. In. this alct he goes In for | with of the dancing duos, bnie fast key work following an Inr ti-oduction by Jones as to who Blake is and what he wrote. ■ I mii taHj r marled Blake has six gals most oC thetn MJJILTON CHARLES hi • ydller an'd in addition to Jon^s "'^9?'''" who does vocal stuff barring an ex- K/Tl'^'" .p .-y change now and then of dialogue Ph'cago (Pets), Ch.cago With Blake, there are Marion and An idea for, organ presentation ijygj.g ^is songs and gags, Hazel Dade, dancers; Dewey Brown, that potentially has all the «ar gj^^jUgy^ Betty Veronica, Dorotliy comic, and Katie Krippen. ingenue, marks for creating a new and novel charles. Kddie Ross and James ly selected from former Broadway musicals, will Hnd a ready welcome among vaude patrons,. There isn't shot gun finish or a suggestive line in the lot. One, spotted in a bridal suite bedroom, Is done in pantomitiie and Is about the best of Its kind In the act. . Two of the comedy nunibers "Walking Dogs Around" and "Twenty. Years Ago'* were soptted in last year's "Scandals" and should , prove acceptable- novelty bits to the family trade. In addition to Fllppen, who de- Comedy sketch with song and dance . interp'ol.atlons,- produced by Nat Phillips. Looked pood and went over in this tough spot. Story of the old egg who likes hla I lUdke goes from son^s to dances I treatment for console artists In pic- I jjo^nelly acquit themselves cred- stenos willing, and g.ct.s into jams as and back again with a lling for ture houses. The idea was con- n^bly. . Whitney sisters, dancers; a result. Opening is a comedy through Brown doing a celved by Ted Koehler. song writer Rog^ii^ Milan, violinist; and Dor- blackout, with, a sweet and sinrple Johnny-Hudgi^^^^^ panto, and doing and arranger, formerly with Pelst. .othy Wallace also show to advan kid reading: the .egg'.s want ad and the cornet Imitation to big applause. Instead of the usual, pop selec-| tage in a pick-out numbei inging a number about her lucky Marion and Dade :^ step to adr tlons plaiyed by the organist to the day. Change to full stage for a vantage while Miss Krippen has accompaniment of screen islides, futuristic office set with three girls plenty of chances to make good and this idea carries a hew angle of ntorviewed in turn by the s.a. de-I she does.! ■ ! | songs and themes from current .or otee. One is a Y. W. C. A. gal, another is willing the prop- osition but lacks looks, and the sweet and simple gets the job. While the boss Is out of the of- fice his son meets the new steno and cops on the spot. The old man squawks but is hushed Into -admis-. slon by threats of letting his ball and chain in^^on previous female trouble. Snitz Moore, who could be either or Hebe comic, realizes suf TWO ACES Roller Skaters A.t the Jefferson the act rani over future film productions that serves [4 Wins,; FuH a half hour which could be chopped as one of the best, possible plugs for accordingly. As it Is the n^w Blake |.the" picture In question presentment carries a wallop. It closed the show with a hot finale.V . Mark. American (V-P), Male twosome oh ball 'bearings. On rise of curtain they are In mo- BILLV BATCHELOR and CO. 'Nitscy da Clubsky"; Reviie 117 Mins.; Two and Full (Special) Proctor's 88th Street (V-P) (4) Milton Charles, one of B. & K.'s ace organists, demonstrates theltlon and when, four minutes later, idea while maintaining a class at- the curtain comes down they are mosphere about him. The plugged still In motion. It's zip and go every tune la "Out of the Dawn " theme minute. Much of the stuff is. ap- number from "Warming Up," filni pla.use-winning including snap-and- attractibn at the theatre. Working break-aways and other skating up to this number are a number of gymnastics. Interpolated melodies from other -They dress poorly using funny- Speedy and breezy production act | pictures , with screen, sequences. | Ipok^^^^ a more masculine outfit. " Land. llclent with the boss'parr but the with three femmes and two men. Charles handled the novelty with stockings. _' isketci) is copped by Colleen Mac. as Batchelor does a Russian waiter in Intelligence and dlstlnctiyeness. m favor of Houses Opening the young innocent. This Is her l a vodka night club. No story Is In- | evoking applaudltory comment from first stage work. She promise.^ eluded to bother the actors and slow his audience. plenty. Others stand up in lines and uP the act. It follows the "without Idea Is primarily built up by two specialties. Loqp. | ryme or reason'* Idea. Much of characters In scrlrn eltect on stage, the material Is smart and new. . . representing Miislc on one side and i gchumann-Dolgin interests will , Helen Carroll, .vigorous soubret, Drama on the other. Drama ex- 1 ^ ^^^^^ j^jj^^^^ jjj^rtford. Conn. VISIONS IN FAIRYLAND dances, sings and comics a bit. Bob [plains the -idea and Charles ii^^s-J^^ * Stereoptican-Effects Mazur dances In the acrobatic man- trates by use of organ and screen] t^1,„ ^ r-Prt-ir Rft.nida la 17 Mins.; Full (Special) ner and at the finals skips rope with with rtumbers Including "Char- fit i jS, » 2 200 Proctor's 86th Street (V-P) Ihls back to the floor, Ruth Granger.| maine" from "What Price Glory"; I oPe"^ Puhlix Sept. l as. a Pan «;fnnd nlentv of cutting Lan- and Dot Richmond form a sister ["Diane," from "Seventh Heaven"; , , ^ v. ,, temslldeS^fS effects wihwon^^^ of vo-de^o-do character and "Ramona," from the picture of the Universal theatre. Brooklyn be- tern slides^ tor eriects wun _w^^^ name: "Ane-ela Mia." from comes a link In the Loew chain of seater. nbsine against screen as part of add .some high kicks for good meas- same name; "Angela Mia." from &1n^^^ Act"^ opens ure. "Street Angel'.'; theme number of vaudfllm houses Sept. 10. very slowly, following stage wait I' tenipo and Batchelor's "Lilac. Time"; finally winding up Loew's new Fairmont, while machine is put in position in clowning/combine to make it a good with the featured tune. jvaudfilm and seating,. 3,5i)0, opens Bronx, TOM and RAY ROMAIN (3) "S, S. HpneymoonV (Skit) 20 Mins.; One and Full Stage . 81st St. (V-P) . .The routine written by Milton Hocicey is built around the. idea of the boys being twins. Both have Just been married, but, having been separated for some time, neither knows the. other Is wed. Both couples board the same liner for a honej'mooiv trip. The boys are dressed alike and each bride takes the wrong twin for her husband. So both boys find them- selves, nearly flirted with on the first night of their wedding. It's a light little skit a-nd will get by. There Is a ^ong or two by Cha.rles Maxwell Smith, the theme number being "Happy with You." Beatrice Brady and Bee Paige are the brides, with Jack Ball as a ship's, offlccr.. . Ihee. footlight pan for operator to work from orchestra pit Series of hanging pieces, at least eight, rise slowly., one by one. as varied-colored lights play upon them. Only toward the end Is any thing like a real effect obtained, all the preliminary stuff being siiperfiu ous. Introductory speecii very un necessary. As a flash novelty with consider filler for the third spot on any aver- 1 age vaude line up. Lar\d. RESTIVA Accordionist 11 Mins.; One American (V-P) Conventional .accordion act plus clowning and personality stuff. Com- edy is not so warm but smile and manner are Infectious. On the Whole the personality angle Is prob- ably worth developing. Acceptable avera,ge deucer as Is. Land, CARNEY and JEAN uCom edy,^Danc i n g. , , 12 Mins.; One American (V-P) Boy and girl .In bright up-to-date routine compounded of hoofing, harr mony, chatter and general kltbbitz- Ing. Boy Is bona fide stepper when aerloua. Girl dresses like a Jelly^ Ibean's moll and leans to the cutle type. ' It's, a plea.'»er all the tray. Land. KIRK and LAWRENCE Comedy 12 Mins.; One Greeley 8q. (V-P) ; . Man and woman have created a dandy novelty comedy act by em- In all about seven minutes and Sept, 12. * interesting entertainment. ■ With the LoeW has taken the Capitol, At- community singing angle In picture lanta. Ga., an^ started, a viud- houses to be recokened with as a flim policy Sept. 3. The Grand, for- drawing attraction, this new form mer Loew combo therp, playing of ehtertainmenf is a strong fdc- striaght pictures, • tor and one that other theatres may | Bergenfleld theatre, Bergenfield, be expected to' take up. ploying the trick dummy horses fa- able financial investment involved, I miliar to show business. Man does turn can. get by but speeding up Is a series of Impersonations of west- vital. RIMAC and PAOLINO CO. Dance and Instrumental 15 Mins.; Three Broadway (V-P) Land. (4) ern characters. Jesse James, Sitting I Bull, .Buffalo Bill. AH nut stuff, but with a sense of mimicry. In working up the horse, rearing. GEORGE McCLENNON Comedian 16 Mins^; One Broadway (V-P) McClennon is a colored comic un der cork, not new to vaudeville, having discarded his colored jazz j Manager band In favor of a single. The clar Loop. J., seating 1,200, vaudfllm,. opens Sept. 12. Pascack, Westwood, N. J., seating 2,200, opened Aug. 30, vaudfilm. Palace, . hew 2,500 seater at Ber- genfleld. N. J., opens Sept. 8 with a vaudfllm policy.- Palace, Danbury, Conn;, vaudfilm, opens Sept. 6. Joseph W. Walsh Is bucking, neighing and doing the soloing remains. the Instru- other things nags do, the man has L^^^^^^j strength of his routine. The Bert Williams card game panto is an early feature. Palace, Rockvllle. Conn., has bpened. House operated by the Interstate Theatres, with Frank D. Synder manager, , Capitol, Trenton, N. J., playing developed quite an equine technique. Act was probably 'I'he RImacs I The ideas used here can be ex- previously, an Argentinian dance panded and elaborated and might team, featuring the South Amerlcian lead- to more Important-, things, i^a-i l> nhf fnr" flip —" native style of maxixe and other Meanwhile it's a good workable and straight pictures this danceS; Support Is male pianist I laughable routine of vaudeville j j^jjyy j^ pg^^iygg qj, j^jg g^g^^ j^,^^ and vlollniste who runs overlong on | nonsense her solos, The Rimac-Paolino team's Indl vldual style of stepping la the main- stay of the act. the Instrumental trimmings being' cjiiefly for/"stage wait purposes Closed here nicely and la a differ ent type of dance presentation, re lying little on setting and mounting Land, STACEY and FAY. Mixed Comedy. .-.^ 13 Mins.; bne« Greeley Sq, (V-P). Thits niay br may not be new. The sinan talk g^^ all summer, 'ere It not for the eccentric flodr' 1 whirling and stage mop-up ("ter-, ^^^j^ ^^j^^^ j^^^^^^ operates. Istomach like a whirling dervish, the I nnen^d 51^1^1?"^ '"McClfnno'n couTmake his darl- g^e. vaude. Three changes wee..^^^^^^ Ineting count for real wow results Ifl^oiise . Is operated by Mau.K. he resbrted to familiar Jazz classics P^r? V . . \xr....Au,^yu ' Purchasing the old Woodlav\n theatre from Andrew KarJiaH, like .any of the Handy "bluea" or It I some of the wicked darky stomps which would Impress the mob more doesn't look It . Man straights for woman's dumb I than his technically Intricate. reed and principally on the dancers' indl- I clowning and panto. She is clever, work vidual style of perfonning. AbeL . but without material. Very fast In the deuce here he went all delivery by both, lots of it missing I right. Abel for that reason. . Fair mixed two-act where comedy is needed atid. reliable for small time. BiOQ. VALE AND STEWART Dances 7 Mins.; One FOX and ROWLAND Talk.and Songs 14 Mins.; One American (V-P) Two men. One afteets a German accent with the usual sputtering and hissing on the words as they =£all.^Both=slng.^^^VoIces-not-badi-l4=Tf^'T-^^ especially the bigger, who seems to ' have given his voice some atten- tion. He went into his range easy and without effort, the voice being musical and plea.«ilnff to the ear. Nothing unusual to the cross-fire nor the routine, patterned along the way of such combos. Did very well here, especially on the vooal routine. Marl:. JOHN QUINLAN Irish Tenor 12'Mins.; One Proctor's 86th St. (V-P) Quinlah carries accompianlost and pre.sents conventional repertoire of tenor selections with the expected "l-ditty^about^Ireland^^-among^Hhom^' Voice is good .though not eensa- HooferS. Both boys juvenile In | tlonal, diction clear and personality, & K. has remodeled the large Chi- cago ho'use and opened It this wc i lc with straight pictures under name of New Maryland. B. & K.'s Tivoli is right around the corner. Riverside. New York, closed over the summer, reopens Sept. 17. Fifth Ave., N. Y., resumes itf» vaudfilm policy, Sept. 17. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Al White, daughter. Aug. 30, nt their-home In Freeport, :.L=-.T An o th cr-^dau gh tccJls.^J'XiiEiL old. appearance arid dressed alike. ROu tines run along hard shoe lines, tap- ping done neatly. Neither is a 8en(dational stopper such as one generally finds in the straight dance combos. Each does a single flash, effective but that's all. Well received here. Mark. poise and appearance all favorable. Was received Indifferently at this house diie to a possible lack of showmanship In staging although such lack was not con.splcuous. Over-long opening number prob- ably hurt. Shorter and possibly •lit>h(f^r ."^ sxiggested. Land Jack Sanson of Manelu^tei- 1".'- comes manager of the Princ^'-ss, Hartford, ,Conn.. succeeding IIi'ih'>' Needles, who goes to the Itet^:''- opening Labor Day. J- A. Cuu'- mings succeeds P. W. Anderson as manager of the Lenox in the srun-j city.