Variety (Sep 1928)

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56 VARIETY NIGHT CLUBS—MUSIC Wednesday, September 5/19^8 Inside Stuff-Music 1^50,000 "Ramonas" Mabel Wayne, the only; successful popular "'^"f T/''S''h JK^J-If -Ramona." '•Chiquita," "In a Little Spanish Tou'n," ' '^^^^fj/: •Bee" and "Don't Wake Me Up Let Me Dream" '^'"""^T °th^,^^;;r^.4i^^^^ to her credit, Is being flirted with for a few week? in the bigpcr Keath '"^hf lS;'^i^<S'co;SS for a talker, Miss Wayne having done a vaude ^nfrfe a couple^^^ seasons back when she retired in-favor of matrfmonv Her doLlre to write, songs and her quick click brought her rack profossionally. Phil Kornhelser. of Feist, her publishers, is groom- Ine the composeress for production wotk. M ss Wayne's "Ramona" will earn $100,000 in gross royalties-for her- se^ and collaborator, L. Wolfe Gilbert. The latter, li^icidentally. Is todaj one of the most prolific film theme, song lyrists Concerning "Ramona," Feist established a record by issuing a royalty statement for almost 1.000,000 copies on. the song, this . being the biggest single royalty-statement ever Issued. The. number broke so tl^^.t ^ts sales jere concentrated. Since then the copies have gone over l,2o0.0O0 with rne and a half millions predicted by Foist. Inc. Whiteman-Gillespie Rings Paul Whiteman is distributing 500 specially designed onyx-and-silver good-luck rings to his. friends as a courtesy gesture. .It is a good luck-vring. designed by Jlmmie Gillespie. Whlteman's mentor, Including thereon every symbol of good 1^^^^ f^<=^^ /^.^'^^'^1^^. swastika, four-leaf clover and horse-shoe nails, the heads of which carry miniature reproductions of the Whlteman ^^cial trade-mark._ _ Gillespie had them made in Chi and may harken to the local jeweler s suggestion they market the "Paul Whlteman Good Luck Ring, /.f or the time being, however, the 500 ordered are being distributed gratis by. Whlteman to his and Gillespie's friends, Bobby, Crawford's Cleared Car Gn his way back from' Canada, Bobby Crawford's car was held up twice after ho had passed.the border.- State troopers were not concerned in Crawford's speeding, which he: figured at first was the cause of the Btopp?ige, the mllltla demanding to look under the auto's upholstery for any contraband, not found. This procedure, said to be not unusual, is explained by possibly another car of same make having been under suspicion even after getting by the border customs' inspectors, with the alarm phoned ahead for the troopers to be oil thei lookout. Evien Into a Hospital Current laugh of the Alley is the alleged. over-zealousness of a song plugger in landing an orchestra leader, Berhie Cummins of the Hotel Blltmcire, while he was. confined In St. Vincent's hospital, following a minor.operation. ». ./ , * With all of the music men visiting Cummins at the hospital, one o£ them accidentally left behind an orchestra.tlon of a new tune. The other music men coming In happened to see it and the gag of the plugger pursuing the leader even in a hospital has been quickly taken up and circulated. Incidentally, Cummins will be out and about within a f o'rtnlght. Friendly Gesture , Seymour Simona, who has .returned to the Hollywood, Detroit, as m, c., was greeted with an extraordinaryily friendly gesture on the part ol Bob Clark, the featured organist at the same theatre, to" disprove the generally existing jealousy between m. c.'s and organists. Clark devoted his entire , specialty to' slides, introducing Simons and including a medley of the orchestra leader's past song hits which ho composed. Furthermore, he. lowered his organ -without applause cue so as to lead hito Simons' stuff and give him the benefit of eiverything. Sonora'a Talker The Sonora talking machine cphipany is readying a $3,500 talker equipment for the market. It is on the Vitaphohe (disks) principle and plays interchangeable s.ubjects. Pat Ballard Made Talkers In 1920 At the height of the talker vogue, it is worthy of , record that Pat Ballard, songwriter and author of a number of University of Pennsyl (Continued on page 58) Cabaret Bills NEW YOBK CHATEAU MADRID (2d Review) New York, Aug. 30, One of the liveliest rooiiis In mld- town, the Chateau Madrid atop tlie 54th St, Club, has been lUling the void for the disciples, of Clayton, Jackson and Durante, due in no small measure to Jack White, a sort of Jlmmie Durante singing com- edian. As m. c„ this original minif features a similar style of broad coinedy which, like Durante's. is so well adapted to a cafe floor. On analysis, providing one anal? yzes such things, the al fresco at- mosphere of a nlte club is not par- ticularly conducive to subdued en- tertainment. . The aura of the sur- roundings perforce compels a broader yet defter and the more punchy conception of entertainment values. That is why the sympa- thetic songiaters vi'hb, in prima donna manner, insist so much , for quietude can enjoy tlut a brief reign at best and are suitable chiefly for ihe class rooms along with the teri) I'xhibltionlsts.. A performer like White must bo bold, and broad and unsubtle. and he is all of that, disclosing at the same time a style of comedy and a sense of showmanship that should carry him far in the Cafe field and out of it: So much itor White who.<ie already developing following should make him quite a personal card. The show Is new with Alice Boulden a welcome mainstay at an old haunt, Olive Brady, acro-dancer out of "Honeymoon; Lane" and Alice Ridnour—still a 54th street insti- tution (this. In all compliment, Alice!)—are among other special- ists. There is also Adele Smith, one of those perched - on - the - piano Helenrhorganish songstresses, and ; ; And, of course, that crack Harold Leonard dance orchestra With the engaging Leonard murdering them alone with his violin sblos^ In truth, Leonard with his string wyrk makes that band Whether playmg for dance or concert He is. fast developing an admii-ation draw. Biz is good at the Madrid, being the only live spot of its type oh the Square. Furthermore, with the, Helen Morgan retirement publicity, and Terns Gulnah's six-week de- parture for Hollywood Vitaphone productions, all augura exception^ ally well for the cafe. What's-more, It's fully worth the $3 and $4 couvert. Abel. Log Angeles' Back Room Joints Open Up Again Loa Angeles, Sept. 4. Back room honky-tonks here, banned some months ago In one of the spasmodic clean up movements, have opened again. The chumps pay only a small ad- mission to enter, but are being nicked close to $20 before they get out. The dough is extracted by easy stages as the back; room stuff progresses. Here aiid There Kddie Harkncsis^ . playing at TaU's-at-the-Beach, San Francisco, has fenewed his contract with Vic- tor- Bill Morse, ace Coast trombone player, has rejoined Harkness, after being with Rube Wolf. Banks Kennedy, organist, now iat the new Palace, Marion, O. GREEN MILL REOPENING ■ Chicalgo, Sept. 4. Green Mill, closed for six.months, reopens in October under manage-^ ment of Ralph Burke; former head waiter of the spot. Burke operated the Mill for a while early this year after Danny Cohen, stepped out. . Rosenthal at Lido Harry Rosienthal, with ID men, will be at the Cliib Lido, New Yprk, .when It reopens Sept. 25. Rosita and Ramon will be dance features. ROsehthal's band succeeds a Meyer Davis orchestra. Jack Kelly Becomes M. C.' Chicago, Sept. 4. Jack "Peacock" Kelly, formerly leader of the Np,vy Pier band, will alternate as ni. c. between the Harding and Senate theatres. He replaces Al Belaisco. Cafe Owner Murdered At Wheel of Auto M ilwaukeie, Sept.. 4. Forced against the curb by an- other machine while driving homp with his wife, Tony Kuzmanovlch, wealthy local cafe owner, was shot, to death. Kuismanovich, proprietor of the TE Kay, eating place for the profession, aa' well aa a hang out for race track touts and petty poli- ticians,. recently was freed after serving eight months on a liquor charge. According to police the shooting was the result of a fight for the beer running rights In this district. The killers made a getaway. Whitetnan Concert Oct. 7 Paul Whlteman opens his concert I season at Carnegie Hall« Oct. 7. SUIkret at $100,000, Victor's Synchronizer Nathaniel Shilkret is now under the Victor Talking Machine Co.'s management with an arrangement guaranteeing him $100,000 a year, against which Shilkret draws $1,000 a week fof his exclusive services to Victor. This places the talking ma- chine company in the position of being the bandmah'a manager and supervising all his activities. Shilkret is still active with Vicr tor in the recording laboratory, but ho longer selects songs for record- ing, a duty about which he. has been subjected to criticism from many sources. Qliff Cairns, and a committee now concerns itself with the selection of songs for recording, leaving Shilkret unhampered for picture synchronizations and scor- ing, as well as radio and composi- tion. Coast Club After Tex And Has Max Fisher Los Angeleii, Sept, 4. Cotton Club, Culver City, opor- ater by Frank Sebastian, and until Roscoe Arbuckle came to ' town, a cleanup With colored revues, will change Its policy to fight opposi- tion; . ■ ^ ". ■' ' Sebastian is negotiating for Texas (Suinan to open there, Sept. 12, for'four weclcs at a reported sti- pend of $3,000 weekly. and a cut' on the converts. A white floor show will surround T6X. Max Fisher's Band from "Good News" has already been booked and if the Guinan deal flops Sebastian may get Benny Rubin tp double from the Egyptian, Holly wood. ST. REGIS DANCE STARS Fowler and Tamara open shortly for the winter season at tiie St. Regis as co-stars with Vincent Lo- pess's orchestra. Rosita and Ramon, at the Fifth avenue hostelry all summer, are en tour with "New Moon" (musical) and become the star attraction at the Club Lido, with Harry Rosen- thal's orchestra, opening Sept. 2S. LEADING ORCHESTRAS DIREaORY IRVING AARONSON and HIS COMMANDERS Pavillion Royal on Merrick Road. Lynbrook, L. |. OMtllllan Gardens Harold I.>«onard Or cuff O'Rourke Revue CMtllllan floral Hotsy Tbtar N T'Q ReT ChateAo Madrid Harold Leonard Oir Al B White Keller Sla & liynch Don & Jerry Allc« Rldnour Mary Lee Joey Wasataft Clob Monterey Bunny Weldon Rev Carol Boyd Orch l^onnle'a Inn Sam Manning Rev Leroy Tlbbs Orch FriToUty N T G Rev Tom Timothy Bd Hotel Ambaetador France* Mann Fred Carpenter. Van der Zanden' Or Hotel BUtmore Madl'ne Northway Oeo'Chile* B Cummine': Or Leverlch Towers Brooklyn Mel Craig Orch Oakland's Terrace Will Oakland Landau's Bd Park Central Hotel Charlotte "Ayres Rudolph Mallln>ff Radio Franka Sybley & Steel Wm ScottI Orch Pelham Heath Inn Hal MIxon Roy Mack's Rev St. Bests Hotel Vincent Lopez Or jtoslta ft Ramon SaloD Boyal Texas Ouinan Tommy Lyman BlEelow & Lea Silver Slipper N T O R e*^ " ^ Jimmy Carr Orch Bmall's Paradiss Chas Johnson Bd Woodnaansten Inn Vincent. Lopes Or CHICAGO Alabam Dale Dyer Lew Klriff Balph Bart Brnlo Adler Bddle South. Bd ' Collere Inn Cloyd Grlswold Orlentnl-Davis Lioomls 2 Suzanne France Amllo & Juvlta- Dpila Steppers Abe Lyman Bd > Sol Wagner Bd Oolden Pumpkin Myrtle Lanstns Irene Gcorsra Mary King Texas Redheads Joe Martinez Bd Kelly's SUbles King Jones Charley Alexander Johnny Dodds' Bd Lantern Cafe Freddy I>e Syrette Georere Taylor Betty Tascott Gladyce Kllday Harriet Smith Al Wftsrner Bd Samovar Olive O'Nell Carroll & Gorman Jofffer SlS" - " Fred Walts Bd Terrace. Qnrdeu C'rmlne Dl Glov'nnl Spike Hamilton Bd Turkish Villnxe Al GauU Jack HnmtUon >jlleen Tanner Marf^le Ryan Freddie Janlo Bd Vanity Fair Larry Vincent Adele "Walker Jane McAllister ratsy Snyder Leo Wolf Bd ROAD OellB Bddis^^eiirrord^^^^ Allan Snyder LaMarr & Joalne Coon Sanders Bd Garden of Allah Harry Moons Josephine Taylor Rose Wynn Hank Llshln Bd Lincoln Tavern A! Handler Eddie ColUna Ercells 81b Frank Leonard Charlie Straight Bd Villa Venir* Vlctroff Angellta Dooley 2 IClrby De Oaso Ai^^Bsinsmf-R«y James Wade Bd PHILADELPHIA Club Uda Broadway Follies CInb HadrU Cblo Barrymora Velos Tolande Jean Wallln Jocely LyI* Maroella Hardle Pauline Zenoa Buddy Truly Joe Cahdullo Orch PlocadUly Al Wohlman Murray Sis Jean Oaynor Isabella Dwan Mattie Wynn* Al White Aveada Chsrkoula Abe Ballnger's Rsv Waltoa Boot Charlls Crafts LeRoy Smith Orch Negro Jazz Opera "Voodoo," a negro jazz opera. Is ] to be given at Palm Garden, New York, sept, 10. It will be staged under the per- sonal direction of Prof. L#awrence Freeman who for years has been striving to get a downtown theatre | for the event- PfllLFABEiiO 1 and His ORCHESTRA LOEWS 7th AVENUE THEATRE New York City AAAONSOH ON L. L Irving Aaronson's Commanders, closing: a Ave weeks' stay at the | Odo Venice, Saratoga, Saturday, were signed for. a week at the Pavil- ion Royal, K I. They opened Mon- day. Band goes Into . rehearsal next | week , with the Irene Bordonl show. "Paris.- MAL HALLETT | AND HIS ORCHESTRA New England Dance Tour . Peroan ent A ddress; OilABLE;! SiiBIBHAN, Hanac^^ '. SALEM. MASS. THE ORIGINAL DINTY MOORE FialMi' at Green Mill Chlfeago, Sept. 4* Buddy Fisher, former m. c. and band leader^ goes Into the Green Mill when It opens next month. There will also be a smatll floor | show. now at ARTHUR MacLEAN'S HUNTER ISLAND INN Pelham Shore Road, N, Y. Abo Meyer Freelancino Abe Meyer, individually, has left I RCA Photpphone, Ino., to freelance] with all riound makln^r Aim com- panies, Meyer, Ino, now wbrks with | Photophone. ^Woodi ng^iii ..Vienna. GEORGE OLSEN AND HIS MUSIC rEATUBUD IM "GOOD NEWS" OHANIM'S 40^ STREKT THEATBB vnw iroBK CITS OCaee: SO West 43d Street Now York City Sam Woodlng'a band (colored), now in Berlin, will play two weeks in Vienna followiac their present engagement. PARISIAN RED HEADS New Negro Ballroom Anotber Negro ballroom, la the Alhambra theatrs buildlnar on Sev- enth ave., is set to op^ Oct t. Americans Greatest Girl Band Week 8epL 2: Palace, MilwaukMi Permanent Address M W99i Nortb St., UdUaavollsk bid. FROM DETROIT JEAN GOLDKETTE Orchestras VICTOB BBCOBDS Office: B12 Book Tower DETROIT SAMUEL HEGGEN lieadlns a Great UUIe Band ProQtor's 86th Street NEW YORK CITY VINCENT LOPEZ [ and His ORCHESTRA Exclusive Brunswick Artist WOODMANSTEN INN Pelham Parkway, N. Y. CHARLIE MELSON The Maestro of Ceremony and His Bands Stanley, Jersey City Branford, Nevyark PAUL WHITEMANl And HIS GREATER ORCHESTRA On Dance Tour ' 156P BROADWAY, N. Y. C DlreeUon wni.T.iAM MORRIS ■ IF YOU DONT ADVERTISE IN VARIETY DONT ADVERTISE