Variety (Sep 1928)

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62 VARIETY Wednesday, September 5, 1.928 VARIEmiOSANGELESOFFICE ARTHUR UNGAR in Charge Loew'i State Bldg., Suite X221-22 707 So, Broadway, Trinity 3711-3712 LOS ANGELES Profassionalt hav* ffrM ub« of Variaty'a Loa Angelaa Offiea for information. Mail may bi addrasted car* Variaty, Leaw'a Stato BldSn Sulta 1221-22, Loa Angelea. |t will ba held subjact to call or forward«d» or advar- tised tn Variaty'a Latter Liat. Orpheum : With Jeanne Kagols topping, It WJis an pecan -wave bill^—up and dpwn^a not bad opener, 'way down for the second and third spots, 'way up. for the next and the crest for Miss lOiifiols' numiber, and back up iagain fgr the next two turns and a slight drop at tlie vfinish. . There wasn't any doubt that It was .l(?anne Eagels wlio dragged them in to fill the house to capacity Neither was there any question that she satis.fied them. . TJiey saw her in her two best performances—the dynamic denunciation scene be- tween Sadie Thompson and the Rev. Alfred Davidson, from "Rain," and the telephone scene from "Her Card :board Lover." Charles Wilson in a nut act and "glim" TimblirL's blaclcfrtce number, Iveld over from the previous week, were the other high spots. Harry La Vail,- Sister and Dean opened with trapeze stuff, but dif- ferent enough and good enough to go over. Pranklyn D'Arniore, strong nian, assisted ■ by .Jack Lane and Kthel Truesdalc. followed. . D'Armore was all right when, he was strong.-man- ning, at which lie is plenty capable, but the balance of the act was weak. "Ship .Ahoy," with Richard De Mar-and . Lillian Lester, leading a Call for"" BSOLUTELYCUAffANTEED.' ^and bo assured of receiving the best materials properly blended ISOLD EVERYWHERE Manufactured hy Stein Cosmetic Co., N. Y. company of three males and the same number of femmes, didn't ex- cite the natives much, either. It was mostly song and dance stuff with some feeble efforts at comedy, the setting a battleship and all the boys and girls In uniform, the plot being that the girls wore trying to palm themselves off as he-men. De Mar and Lester did some fair hoof- ing,-but the talent in the act stopped there. Charles Wilson offered one of the nuttiest nut acts seen hereabouts. Wilson pattered at length about everything and nothing, while two male assistn nts .scurried back and forth' for no particular reason. 'If there had been any reason for any of It, it would have spoiled every- thing. As it was, the house howled. Very big'. ' • Miss Eagcls foll»-wed. Two other members of her cast, Robert Rai'rat and Florence Ravenel, introduced themselves straight on a bedroom set, getting, over that they were to assist. Miss Eagcls in the playing of two scenes from her successes for a benefit. The star entered, tolling Barrat and Miss Ravcnel what they were to do and wiseing the crowd on the plots of the dramas. Then into the action. After the "Card- board Lover" scene the set . was darkened with the exception of a spot playinff On the door of her I'oom in "Rain." The phonograph started Itz jazz melody, the . mis- sionary came on and the "Rain" scene was played in the spot in front of the door. Barrat's voice is good, but he doesn't look the David- son part. However, Miss Eagels was the wild, untrammeled Sadie Thompson of yore. An- applause tumult marked the end.: Florrle Le Vere, singer and danc- er, and Lou Handman, bong writer, assisted by' Handman's sister, Edythe, presented "Celebrities," Miss Le Vepe doing "Impressions" of Marion Davies and Kitty Doner. Handman did a new song and a medley of his old hits. Did well. "Slim" Timblin, with Billy Ray- mond and Val Russell, again pre- sented their "Southern Capers," the high peak of which is Tlmblin's blackface sermon monolog. "Very, big. . jin the closing■ spot, Carl Shaw and Jean Carroll, with N6va Cliris- man, Margie Meyer, Joe King and James King, offered "Dance Man- ners," a hoofmg act with plenty of fast action .nnd color and only a few dull moments. Florence Vldor and her new hus band, Jascha Helfetz, have arrived in Los Angeles. They were mar- ried In New York, Aug. 20. Edward Everett Hereon will ex tend his six months' stage venture at the Vine Street theatre In; Holly- wood, to a full year. Steadily grow- ing business resulted In an addi- tional six months .lease by Horton's brother-manager, Win Horton, which extends it to next March. Horton's next production, "Arms and the Man" will follow "Clarence" (current). The girls who'grace our stage have been flocking to Forsythe stores for theatrical flats, in patent leather and a variety of fascinating colors In kid- skin, satin or suede for rehearsal, stage or comfortable street wear: . ."at a price as low as $5.. .ho wonder these shoes have risen to heights of popu- larity in the footwear rfealml Alumi- num taps included on request. MX at cive price I The Follies reopened Sept. 2 with 2C colored entertainers featured In the opening burlesque production. The Shakespeare Memorial Play- ers, from Stratford-on-Avon,: ap- pear In Los Angeles in December on a tour sponsored by Morris Gest. Jack . North, banjo songster, and NewhofC and Phelps (vaude) have just completed making Vitaphone shorts. Leon Navara has arrived here with his bride, the daughter of M. H. Hoffman, picture producer, and will sojourn here until Oct. 1. Chester Conklin, screen comic, will build a new Norman-Frehch home in West Holly^HrOodi For years Conklin has been virtually the only film celebrity who did not live in the screen district in and pear Hol- lywood, having resided .in southwest Los Angeles. A new peace play by Fanny Blxby Spencer will be produced in Holly- wood shortly under Josephine Dil- lon's .staging. Something new in little theatre promotion will be used by the Hol- lywood Community Players, who will hold a Little Theatre Exhibi- tion at the Hollywood public li- brary throughout October. Sketches and models of bizarre stage 'sets, unusual costume designs and other model and pictorial work represen- tative of the theatre will be in- cluded-. • ■ Dorothy Burgess of the original production Is coming to Los Angeles to play Nubi In the Belasco-Butler production of "The Squall," opening at the Belasco September 23. William R. Fraser, general man- ager for Harold Lloyd, is on an ex- lended trip through Canada and eastern;^ci.ties. He will stop In New Yoi-k several weeks. Chaplin studio has erected a wall 40 by 80 feet at the east side of its outdoor stage; It has been faced with concrete and will serve a,s a permanent Improvement, either as an artificial background or as the side of a future stage structure.. "Mejico," three-act comedy drama of Mexican revolution by Georgia Fawcett, daughter of George Faw-. cett (screen), will be the next pro- duction at the Cordov* Street Play Shop (little theatre) Sept. 10. Belle Mitchell and William Raymond are in the cast. "Wings" (Par) follows "Street Angel," at the Criterion, Sept. 6. Georgie Fabregat, musician, has filed claim with Los Angeles labor commission for |250 against Culver Stanton, manager La Doma Ball- room at Huntington Park (suburb), for services with the ballroom or- chestra, Oliver Leonard, musician, filed claim with labor commission for $i0 against Sam West, man- ager, Rltz thea.tre orchestra. He claims sum Is due for one day's services with band. VANCOUVER . Cafiitol—■ '"The Reporter''-Capl-, toliahs-vaiide. Orpheum—"The Cop"-vaude. . Pantages—"Don't Marry"-vaude. Vancouver-^—"In X*ove with Love" (Duffy Players). Strand—"Forgotten Faces"-"Col- lege Capers Innovation." D o m i n i o n—"Dawn;" "Dawn" in its second week at the Dominion, got play from three Brit- ish warships here on visit. BALTIMORE By BRAWBROOK A new local dramatic group, the Ambassador Players, enter the little theatre field this fall, opening with Carl Webster Price's "The Guest Retainer," now In rehearsal. Mar- garet Glbbes, of the defunct Knopf- Farnsworth Co., will be the featured member. The cast also Includfes H. Donald Fiee, Francis Hollihfleld, Marshall Codd, Cecil Weber, Nell Johnstone, Nel Brldgan; Carl- Atlee, Clinton Leper, Margaret MUller and Rodney McKay. The, production will be. staged at the Play Arts Guild theatre. Franz Bornschein, local composer, recently had his choral cycle, "Tus- can Cypress," performed In Colum- bus, O. This was the first produc- tion of the work istill In manuscript. A new drama,tlc stock opens at the Auditorium Sept. 17. Steve Cbchrian (Washington). Is the lessee and the New National Players from the W^ashlngton theatre will be brought here. BUFFALO By SIDNEY BURTON Eriahoer—"The> Little Spitfilrc." Buffalo—"The First Kiss." Hipp—-"The Sawdust Paradise." Great Lakes-^"Four Sons." Lafayette—''The Scarjet Lady." Century-^"The Chorus Kid." Court Street^—"Beverly of Graii- stark" (stock). . > Rumored a stock co. Is- to be formed to offer two plays a week at one of the larger East Side neigh- boiiiood theatres. A similar venture last year lasted about three weeks. Calvin Winter and Capltolians have started a series of Sunday eve- ning concerts at the Capitol. A col- lection is taken at the door and the program broadcast by CNRV, Cana- dian R.ailways radio station. "The Trial of Mary Dugan" (A. H. Woods) opened at the Empress Sept. 3 for three days. The hou.'?o has been dark all summer. Rumored Vancouver will get its first "talker" late this falL Thomas Chatterton la the h(M\ lead here with the Duft comiumy. eo-stnrring- with Helenc Millard, Charles L. Wagner has secured an additional five weeks beyond the regular engagement at the Erlanger, extending his lease to October 22. "When "Kindling" Is presented Oct. 8 Mrs. John L. Clawson, of this city, will be in the cast. Mrs. Claw- son was connected with the Theatre Guild in New York. ROCHESTER By E. H. GOODING Lyceum—"Simba." Rochester—"Home, James"-Vaude. Eastman—"Oh, Kay!". Fay's—"Tenderloin." Regent—"Tho Head Mdn." PiccadiMy— "A Woman Against the World." Gayety—"The Golden Crook" (Stock. burlesque). rope Beatrice Ryan la again fejv- tured organist at the E}aBtm'an the-' atre. Tommy Weir, tenor, minstrel man In vaudeville until ill health drove him off the stage, has joined Ruth Manning, soprano, to become the Hoover Honeymooners team, being broadcast weekly over Statlor WEAP. • Maurice. Swartz, 44, Albion busi- ness man, who . as a young man toured the countrjr as a stage musi- cian with various' shows, died Aug. 28 In Toronto. Batavia Fair loss, counting tht $6,000 state aid expected; was onlj- $2,732.60 this, year, despite raiii is«i heavy that it damaged concession- aires' property one day, Treasurer John Pratt reports. This year's fah-, cost $57,600, or $14,192 less than last year's, wliile receipts wei-e $4S,867.5Q, or $23,960,7Q less than In 1927. Ru- mored again Secretary Fred B. Par- ker, Donald Woodward and Fred Kllnck would buy the grounds, anfl equipment and run the fair inde- pendently hereafter. Rochester's marathon dance start* at the Natatorium, Sea Breeze Park, Sept. 9, and Edward Scott, In charge of the Graystone Companyls World's Champion Marathon Endurance Dance, expects at least lOO couples. Rose Lerner, Rochester actress In stock here two .seasons, has a rol*. in Crosby (Giaige's New York 3how» "A Little Accident." . Joe Frisco is bulldinff . an $11,001) home for his mother in Rock Island. Guerrini & Cok Th«. Lcndino arid Largest ' ACCORDEON FACTORY In tho United Statai n»e only Pacloir tliut niiikr>3 any Mt of Uccds — made Iv hntid. 277-279 Columbui ' Avenua' San ' Fnuicisco, CaL Free Catalosuei Saturday opening, inaugurated here by the Eastman theatre a year ago, has been adopted by tho Picca- dilly and Fay's. This week marks definite opening of the fall season, with the Lyceum offering "Simba," stock burlesque supplanting Mutuial attractions at the Gayety, and Fay's introducing talkies. Sam Tandler Jast week bought the Victoria, closed for several months aftier competition from the Rochesr' ter. crowded out the combination policy. Reported stock burlesque may be played there. MOST ORIGINAL COFFEE SHOP in tlie Golden West Carl—MULLER'S—till "TWO OLD TIMERS" Direct from Train or TheRtr« Yon Are Welcome 724 So. Hill St., Los Angeles M INERS M AKE UP Est. Henry C. Miner, Inc. Back from a year's study in Eu- DOROTHEA ANTEL 226 W. 72d St., New York City The Sunshine Shoppe OPERA LENGTH HOSIERY and the dainty things milady loves TRUNK IS YOUR HOME Hiivo biilU It real llttin homo for yon in llie NKW STAK. It hiui tlioKo little nIcetloR and luxiirloiiH fUincntN \vlilcli innko II. & M. pnrtlca-. Inrly favored by the profesBlon. OPEN TOP CLOSED TOP A choioe of four color Mlootlonn In DuPoiit leather finish. One Uey opcrittcs nil locks, both Infilrtc niKl oiifnido.; HARTMANN, OSHKOSH, MENDEL, INNOVATION ALL MODELS AND ALL SIZES ON HAND AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 1,000 USED TRUNKS of all descriptions at a SACRIFICE Chorus, Wardrobe, Scenery, Prop Trunks—New and Used Wp Do ItciMilrlns Write for Catalog SAMUEL NATHANS Bnc. 568 Seventh Avenue (Bet. 40th-41st) New York City SOI,K AOKXTS FOn It. & M. TRirNKS IN THK KA.ST . rilONBS I.ONGACKB 0107—I'UNNSYIA'ANIA OOCt FANCHON and MARCO COSTUME CO. specialize in creating the most attractive costumes for chorus and ensemble groups in stage presentations and tabloid entertainment. They are used exclusively by the foremost producers in America. They, are made to order and can either be purchased op loaned to responsible producers for single performances, a week, month or year. FANCHON and MARCO COSTUME CO. 643 So. Olive street LOS ANGELES, CALIF.