Variety (Sep 1928)

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Wednesday, September S, 1928 VARIETY HOTELS FOR SHOW PEOPLE HOTEL HUDSON ALL NEWLY DECORATED $ 8 an0 Up Single $12 and Up Double Hot and Cold Water and' Telepbone Id Bacb Room 102 WEST 44th STREET NEW YORK CITY Plione: URIANT 1iZ6-29 HOTEL FULTON . (In tlie Heart ol New York) $ 9 and Up Single $14 and Up Double Shoxver Baths, Hot and Cold Water and Telepnone Electric Fan Ui ettch roum 264-268 WEST 46th STREET NEW YORK CITY Phone: Lackawanna C090-1 Opposite N. V. A. Reduction in Rates Large Room Private Bath $16.50 Week TWO PERSONS 8ini;le Room, Hot and Cold 0 (\(\ Water ,. We<;k Hotel America 1B5 Went 47th fit., New York City Phone Bryant 009» Aristo Hotel 101 W. 44th St., New York City Single Rooms, $8.00 Up. Donhle Roomff (with bath) $12.00 Dp Hot anil Cold Running Water In Every -Room. A Mome-Jiike Hotel In the Heart of the Theatrical DiHtrict - ■ LETTERS When ScBdlna for Mall TABIBTS. MldrcM UiUI OUA. rOBTCARDS, ADYKRTIBINO m CXBOVIiAR XKTTKB8 WlIX MOV Bfl ADVBBTI8BD UBXTKBS ADTBBTISBb B OMB IBSIIK ONI.V Abel Pftlrlcla Allen Carrie Anthony Miss B Browne M E De Costa Mme Fish Ethel Fitzgerald Ed Fuller*. Earl Lew Uke Sydney H.irold Wallace Mabel AVeHlon Mrs C Weston T J Wills Si Winters Mrs B CHICAGO OFFICE Andrews Cocll Bear Betty Belle & Coates Brunnles Merrett Buckley Jack Burke Minnie . Conlpy Harry J Coster & Rich Ershen Jack Evans & Luner Ferguson Mae Foley. Thomas Foster & Ritchie Frohman Bert Fuller & Jewell ClIiTord W C Gilbert Bert Haiflmond Al Herman Lewis Hertz Lillian Hogan & Stanley Howard May Hunter Gcorgie Inman Warren Iversen FrMzie kehoe iiTIss LaMare Jackie I..ange Howard Jjiuren & LaJDa;re Lester 7^ou.'^c■n & C L«cke Emily Loretta Dee Mack .Clr.Tnville Martin I'^'redOie May Janet Mayo & Mack McDermott Loretta Meyers Betty ■. , MJller Bob Morgan Chas A • Muric-l & Fisher Vera Newman W H Owen Dick Palmer Henry Perry Harry I'etrclla T G J'owfll Albert Sr • i'viiitii d & P'gy Reed & Lucey Rogers Jack Rogers Wil.son Rogers & King Rome Dunn Rufh.strom John Kyan Buddy Scott laobel ■ Sliunatone Chief ~Slggie_- Sin<!ck Roy Steinbeck Bruno Stevens Go . Sylve.ster & . Vance White Pierre Wright Geo M "Wynn Ray Zukor Dave Motels I^ORRA.INE] and GR A-I^X —CHicago LORRAINE SINGLE ROOM. RATU, 92.Q0 UP DOUBLE ROOM, DATU. «17.50 AND «21,00 WEEKLY DOUBLE WITHOVT KATU. (14.00 WEEKLY LEONARD UICKS. President GRANT SINGLE KOO.M WlTIIOi:'! RATH. $I>25 A>'D (1.50 I'l^H DAY' SINtiLJC KOOM, UATII. !jl:!.00 Pl<n{ DAY Doimiju: itoo.M wiTiiori hath. $14.oo per wkkk DOrULK ROOM Urril RATU $17.60 AND $31.00 WKKKLT NEW HOTEL 100 Rooms 100 Showers and Tubs Double Rooms $3—$4-^5 Single Rooms $2.50 and $3.00 HOTEL KILKEARY, Pittsburgh PITTSBURGH'S HOTEL FOii THE PROFESSION Conveniently located Within Five Minutes of All DOWNTOWN THEATRES Announcing the Opening of New Restaurant and Coffee Shop THE FAYETTE In Connection with the Hotel-r-SometHing Differient,. Good Food, Reasonable Prices AbsolMtely Fireproof Artistic Steel Furniture J. F. KILKEARY Pr6pi"ietor NINTH ST. and PENN AVE. LOU HOLTZ'S 241 WEST 43D STREET, NEW YORK CITY PHONE LACKAWANNA 7740 Low Summer One and Three Rooms, Bath, Kitchen Completely Furnished Rates Now Effective In the Heart of Times Square WRITE, PlIONK OR WIRE >'OR RESERVATION A REAL HOME FOR THE PROFESSION MARYLAND HOTEL 104 W. 49th St., New York City—Ownership Management f\(\ '■ Immaculately Clean iA'CA •UU Cnurtonun Treatment I>nrgo Rooms Ktiiuiing ' Water Newly . Decorated •2 immaculately Clean $g Courteous Treatment a day Newly Furnished a day and up Special Weekly Rate* and up Double Room for 2, Bath and Shower Phone: LONG ACRE 080S GEO. P. SCHNEIDER. Prop. FURNISHED TUl? UT?l?TniJ A FURNISHED 1 rlJli JDrjH 111A APARTMENTS COMPLETE FOR HOUSEKEEPING. 325 West 43rd Street Private Bath CLEAN AND AIRY. NEW YORK CITY 3^4 Rooms. Catering to the comfort mad conTenlenoe of the profession, STEAM HEAT AND ELECTRIC LIGHT- .... $16.00 CP 0^ Hotel CUMBERLAND Broadway and 54th Street New York City "LoHgtbe New York Home of HeadHtters' Rooms with Twin Beds and Bath 2 l.OO Per Week for Two Parlor, Bedroom and Bath 25.00-30.00-3S.00-40.00 Weekly Inquire for MANAGER "The Singing Fool," The somewhat belated announcement of film book- ings for the Schine house reveals that it will split the Warner prod- uct with the etrand here, the Eckel drawing "The Terror," "My Man," "On," "The Redeeming Sin," •The Little Wildcat,' "Kid Gloves," "No Defense," and "Stolen Kisses." SYRACUSE, N. Y. By CHESTER B. BAHN Loew> State—"Excos.s Baggage" —"Imagine My I3nibnrrassmcnt" (.sound)—Movietone acts, "Our Gang" (local). Strand—"Lights of New Tork, (2d week)—Vitaphonc—Movietone. Empire^"IIeart to Heart" and "Up in tlio Clouds," stage band. Eckel—"The Midnight Taxi"- Vitaphone. Rivoli—"Metropolis." Syracuse—Vaudefilm. B. F. Keith's—Vaudefilm. Regent — "Burning Daylight"— "fenny "Sf"the=1Scahd^^lrf7"-^^=^=^----^-= HaVvard—"Three .Singers"—"His foreign Wife." Swan—"The Big City—"Com rndes." Palace—"The Smart Set." Savoy—Tom Phillips' Burleskers —P'ilms. , The ?:rkel will have its formal ©rtning Sept. 22, with Al Jolson's The Empire (Kaufman-Buckland) goes sound Saturday when "Street Angel" opens. While the house Is wired for both Vitaphone and Mov- ietone only the latter will be used. Heretofore, Movietone acts have been pl.-xyed exclusively at Loew's State, with the Strand and Eckel playing the Vitaphone shorts. With no explanation made, Keith's shelved Tom Meighan's "The Mating Call," booked to open Sunday and substituted "The Per- fect Crime." Loew's, playing the Syracuse "Our Gang" comedy this week, follows with iL second locally made pic- ture Saturday, "Six Appeal," first production effort of the Cinema Critics Club, fan organization. Wal- ter P. Mcintosh, vice-principal of Syracuse North High School, di- rected. ^= H OT E L JACKSON =— Just East of Broadway ~ — Oomplettlj wmodeled—«T«fTthln» It* bMt—SlmmoDt funlture — — (Bceutyrest mattretses), bot and — eold waUr. telephone*, sboweia. — • $12 tor Binrle Booaa . — _ fl(I-$l,T fop Doable Room — — »16-»18-f20 for Donble Room ■■ — — (with Private Bath) . — ' ivmmu CoflcMtiMk '■ ~ '. ' TW" U the Ideal hotel for the ^ ~^ ■ proresElon—In ■ the heart of the ' ~ ' thentncaJ aectloD '~ ■ Phones Bryant 0S73-4-fi Syracuse Symphony, resumes his duties here late this month, despite reports he would remain abroad to conduct the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Struck by a state police car at the New York State Fair Grounds here, H. R. Demmill, of the 48th Highlanders Band, Toronto, was injured. Accused of having enticed Chris- tine Mizerack, Little Falls, from her hontie,. Hjarold Hugo, carnival man, who was arrested Ih; Rome, solved his problem by marrying the girl in Herkimer County jail. The Crescent, Ithaca, wired, opens with "The Jazz Singer." The house in the future will follow a split-week policy. The State, IJtica, managed this season by John F. FitzGerald, former New York and Boston ex- hibitor, will play double features. The house has installed the GB Tone equipment. hTe British convict ship "Siir- cess," showing at Great.Ixikes ports this summer, closed its itinerary Labor Dav at Alexandria Bay on the St. Lawrence and ship moved t6""Oswegf^--=^ "^=~^^—=-..^.^^.^ Utica's new Stanley theatre, cost- ing $1,500,000, opens Monday with a civic dedicatory program. The house, wired, will have a, straight picture policy, supplementing Its features with Vitaphone and Movie- tone acts. Vladimir Sh*^-ttch, eoinJuctor, Eunice KiHan, Syracuse nurse, and Edward Keene, Watertown chauffeur, teamed in Watertown's recent dance marathon found ro- mance as they waltzed. The couple were married last week. Keene linr ished second but with a new part- ner, Miss Killan having collap.sed after 72 hours. Headdresses worn by principals of the Metropolitan opei-a this sea- son will be the wjrk of a Syracuse girl designer, Jean Corregan. TUb young Syracusan got her start wifh ihc Frank Wilcox stock In her homo town some seasons ago. JERSEY CITY National (Wired)—Street Angel," Movletone-Vitaphone shorts. Stanley~"The Niffht Watch' "Jazz^jaBtlco""(8tage>.---——--^--^ State—"Forgotten Faces"-Vaude, Central — "Forgotten . Faces"- Vaude. Cameo—-The Hit of the Show ' Vaude. Majestic—Burlcsk stock. An unusual experiment on "SliM't AngeL" After pop, price week ul 600 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS LANDSEER APTS. BENDOR COURT 245 West 6lst Street CGlumbus 8050 IRVINGTON HALL 35.'), West ■'^1 PI 'Street: Columbus ^3i)0 343 West ,55th Street Columbus C06C HENRI COURT 312 West 48th Street 3830 Longacre HILDONA COURT 341-347 West 45th Street. 3560 Longacre 1-2-3-4-room apartments. Each apartment with private b^tlh, phone, kitchen, kitchenette. $18.00 UP WEEKLY—$70.00 UP MONTHLY The largest maintainor of housekeeping furnished apartmejits directly under the supervision of the owner. Located In the center of the theatrical district. All fireproof buildings. „ Address all communications to CHARLES TENENBAVM Principal OjlTlce: Landseer Apts., 245 West 5iat Street, New York Apartments can be igeen evenings, omce in each building, will Lenwe by the Week. Month or TearFamished or Cnfamlshcd. HOTEL SCHUYLER ARMS Offers You sflvlll?'?^ ""^ ^^^"^^ linens,: gas, electricity, $95 to $115 per month. Also attractive liying room, bedroom, kitchen and dining alcove, only $125 per month. These apartments comfortable for three or four persons 305 W. 98th St., New York PHONE 6100 RIVERSIDE Stanley, went in .Satui'day at Na- tional reserved sc;it, road show scale. Reopens latter house. Stock burle.sque Is back at the Majestic, former road show pictiux' Show, opened Saturday night with special rU'nway and 24 girls; Eddie Hall writes weekly book, and Dan Dody stages shows. Helen Le- roy, Ethel Spears a,nd Hall arc load.*'. Howard Burkhai dt. manag- ing. ■ THE DUPLEX HOUSEKEEPING FURNISHED APARTMENTS 330 West 43rd Street, Nevw York Longacre 7132 Three and four roort.-i with bai*, complete kitclien. Modern In every particular. Will accommodate four or moj-e adults. $12.00 or WEEKLY RUANOAPARTNENTS 800 Eighth Are. (49th St.) CHICK ERINO a.'i.'iO 2-3 Roomit, Bath and Kitchenette. Accommodate 3-6 PerBons. Complete Hotel Service. Attractively Furnlolied, Dnder New Maniiicem4!n( KKDUCED RENTALS H. W."King" Fi'shor, man- ngA'r, i.i do))ig an m. r. on week-end v.aiirle .-^lious. at Piif-tlme, I'nion City. Jack Keiiie has dro.ssed up hi.s or- chestra at .State, Jersey City, liko Royal Hns.sara, incrciised jjit crew to 14 and has singing musicians working. This started Labor iJay night. Jon .Shaddock ronducts. Chris ^ror 1 ey had"^""WnfHo/f-fh^^ literati over for the pverhlere of the Broadway I'layers nt opf^ning of Rlalto stork senson in Hobokon with "The liarker." .Sanford jVn'Auli>y and Allyn c;i)lyn tops ea.-^t. nii(l.»-iin. Union h(pu.«e, reoiK-ned f-'iiy 1"'! 1' '•c|iM' sfHHon, .Sunday Hotel Wihthrop TACOMA, WASH. Klifht Acrofl8 the - Street ,from Puntofccs and Rroadway Th«-ntres Fireproof and RonI IledN Rates Reanonablc RAY W. CLARK. Manager. wllh "S()( i;i.l Maid,."--." I'cnijiin.s ni.'iniiger. The f'apilol, Keith and Lincoln, Stimley-Kabian, Which '•ut eai'h'a_.J^hr_oa4s_^ on day and date playing all within TTTairnril'T-o^-rat-h - other, start it again after a layoff. "The Mysterious Lnrty ' is tlie first to rraek tlie Ice.. TODidtt. S. Foreirii.n is iiK-nfiKin^