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Wednesday, September 12, 1928 PICTURE GROSSES VARIETY 0 New Season on B'way Starts with Glowing Grosses for Ail Films; Roxy, $141300-Paramount, Between a load of coc^ weather and Labor Day the Street, for the new season, romped so successfully last week that this week's after- math displays but one riew picture in tiho bis houses. The Paramount, after doing- $80,- 600, - its hiph mark in quite some •Weeks, ushei-ed out "Water Hole" to permit "Heart to Heart" (FN), and Jackie Coogan (sta^e) toi come in. Result was an over $31,000 week- end. Everythinff else held over, even "Dawn," which did $S,000 on its secr ond \veek at the Cameo. The peasants gamboled on the Capitol green long enough and' in sufllcient numbers-to give Marlon Davies $76,300 and a second week. 5vhile "Fazil" thrilled the. Roxy for tfie flaps for another torheavy week at $141,300. Picture, beinp booked in for a fortnight, will probably go three weeks following that getaway addition. • Strand got back to tallcing fea- tures again and "State Street Sadie's" come on provided somethihg. in the neighborhood of $40,000, hot only welcome but deemed worthy of . an extended stay. "Tempest'', hardly showed any signs of wear in get- ting $34,400 in itis second week at the Rivoli but will depart after four weeks, with "Two Lovers" following Sept.'22. And then "The Wedding March" mystery is to be solved. Janhings frolicked to $ 44,200.at the Rial to,' an exact drop of $100 from his second week. • ' $2 Stuff Practically all the $2 pictures did themselves proud between the holi- day and the overflow from the big grind runs. "White Shadows" istepped off. about its best to date ln getting $21,200, while "Lilao Time," dolng^ three shows on tlie holiday and every week-end, treated Itself to $18(200; "Wings" got- back to former imposing figures with $14,- 750, and "Submarine" savir excellent money at the Embassy with $11,2.50. "Terror" galloped in at $22,550, as "The Air Circus" hopped Off to $12,200 within the Gaiety, the. most dough this house has seen in weeks. De- spite "last time" ads in the dailies, "Red Dance" is going along at the Globe because something happened to hold up "Four Devils;" The Fox vet grabbed off $9,400 during the • good times. Only immediate important, twice daily picture openings listed are Al Jolson'3 VSinging Fool," at the Win ter Garden Sept. 19, arid "Four Devils," whenever it's re^dy, a:t the Gaiety. Estimates for Last Week A s t o r —" Wlvite Shadows" and Bound (M-G-Cosmo) (1,129; $l-$2) .(7th week). Surprised with strength of its weekly grosses even discount ing Hearst plug; holiday picnic and finished week with big $21,200. Cameo—"Dawn" (Selwyn) (549; 50-75) (Hd -week). British made caught on to do $8,000 in second week; drop of but $100 below open- ing stand; staying another seven days. Capitol—"Cardboard Lover" (M- G-Cosmo) (4,620; 35-50-75-$l-$1.50> (2d week). Marion Davies hoking it up plenty arid evidently delighting everybody; $76,300, strong, and holding over. Central—"Lilac Time" and sound (FN) (9»2>>.$l-$2) (6th week).. Do ing- three daily on slightest excuse and with holiday plenty of trade $18,200 on extended week end Indi cates 10 or 12 weeks for Colleen Moore specia;!; then "The Barker (FN). .-- CriterJon^vwlngs" (Par)- (836 $l-$2) (57th week). Now hitting pi-e-release hpuses but no date on exit from this site; contiriuously experimenting; with various sourid contrivances ai.nd some not so good long, run picture glowed at , $14,750 last week. E m b a s 3 y—"Submarine" (Col) (B96; $l-$2) (3d week). ' First full week had holiday 'to help but pic tures don't get $11,250 here unless they've got something. Gaiety—"Air Circus" and Movie tone (Fox). (808; $l-$2) (2d week) Generally deemed nice program ma terlal and $12,200 by far the bes.t this house has done in week.i; listed to move to the Globe whenever ^ "Four Devils" (Fox) is ready. Globe—••Red Dance" and Movie tone (Fox) (1,416; $l-$2) (lllth week). Carried out ads in dallies but suddenly dropped those mid- week; can't stay beyond Oct. 8 when lease expires; last week $9,-100. Paramount—"Water Hole" (Par) (3,666: 40-65-75-$!). Picture not =^--heralded-as-partlcularly^-strong^but house ran rieatly beyond average of past weeks; $80,600; Coogan here Saturday and over $31,000 on week end. Rialto—"The Patriot" and sound (Par) (1,960; 35-50-75-$!) (4th week). .Tannings off but $100 from second week; $44,200 and seems sure of six weeks; when It does BANCROFT $14,700 IN TORONTO; PAN $12,000 annings $ti2,000 at Uptown; Hipp $13,000; Tivoli $6,000; Business Up Toronto, Sept. 11. (Drawing Population, 700,000) Weather: Fair and Warm La.bor Day. was the signal for the €'Oi)oning of real picture biz here. Result was tJte best ■.vcek since dav- ht saviiig. becahao erfftctive in M&y.: Loew's was on to,7 as usual, at. $14,700 for "The Drag Not," and S-hr.a's Hippodrome was close bo- rind with be-ter than $13,000 for Don't Marry" (Fox), a light pic- ture, "backed by a real stage show. Despite the counter 'ittr:<i,Mions;Of the Canadian Natima' Exhibition and race tracks holding fall meets, 75)—vpirst Kiss" (Par) Publix unit, s. r, .0. signs were out at both House has done phenonfienal busi- these houses during the- we^k. . . ness the past fortnight; went to The Patriot" (Par) opened withO jtround $40,000 with "Lilac Time" a rush at. the Uptown and closed at g^d last week gocd for exceptional almost $12,000 for house's best week returns aiso;Uabor day week-end since .rune. In a good spot for a | exceptionally strong; $36,300. Brass Tickets Chicago, Sept. M. I'so of brass checks instead of tickets is being tried by ii. & K. at the Roosevelt. If suc- cessful the idea probably will extend to all B, & K. houses. Customers receive the chcok!? . at the box office, depositing them in a tabulating riiachinc at the door. The checks ap- pear superior to tickets in af- fording an accurate account of adrirission. They may be used innumerable times. BUFFALO JUMPS VFirst Kiss," $36,300; Hipp, $14,006— Houses Increase B. O. Scales L A. Climbs; $35,000 for Bow at Met; Gilbert $26,000, State; lovers," $23,000 'Red Dance," $10,400 with Stage Help—"Terror," $32,000 on 2d Wk—"Lilac Time," $10,000 . Buffalo, Sept. 11. (Drawing Population, 500,000) ' Weather: Cool Grosses skyroc'.:eted last week by reason of the combination of cool weather and excellent Week-end and holiday business. Part of the credit is prob«i1ily due to the fact that Shea's Buffalo has gone to 75 cents top ort week-ends and Shea's Hipi) to 60 cents the same days. Great Lakes is doing six shows a day. at a 65 rents top. Estimates for Last Week Buffalo (Publix) (3,600: 30-40-v5 OPENINGS PULL WIS. TO UNDER $10,000 **Angel" Reopens Strand for $14,000—Garden, $11,000 Day Holiday holdover, but this is against the house policy. Kiddies • revue on stage was well lilted. "The Biff Killing" went better than $12,000 at Pantagcs, \yhere all the previous Beery-Hatton efforts have been spotted.. This one not so hot. With, nothing to work on, Tom Daley x-eached $6,500 for the Ruiris" at the Tivoli. "Carry On Sergeant," eight- reeler just coriipleted by British In- ternational at the Ontario govern- Hipp (Publix) (2,400; 50-60)^ "i^awciust .Paradise" and sound (Par) and vaude. Business braced with installation of sound; over $14,000. . ' Great Lakes (Fox) (3,400; 30-40- 65)—"Four Sons" and Movietone (Fox). Picture is getting unusually favorable coriiment, but does not put of I seem to measure up as heavily as preceding features; excellent busi ness. however, short of $30,000, Lafayette (Ind) (3,400; 35-60)-r. Sciarlet: Lady" (Col) and vaude ment studios in Trenton, was | Takings'moved up; house advertij" shoved into the Runnymede, largest ij^^ special price of 25 cents from 12 FP neighborhood here, and was Uq 1:30 daily; 60 cents night top and well recelv.ed. Picture wias ungro- grammed, but Capt. Bruce, Bairns- father, director, told the audience what it was all about.. . As a com- edy the picture is technically okay, but cast shows lack of experience. With, daylight saving finished in 10 days, two stock Companies and two legit shows will open. This week. "King . of Kings" comes to Massey Hall at $1.50 top for a run. Same picture did two weeks to fair biz at the Princess last winter. . Estimates for Last Week Loew's (2,300; 30-60)* "The Drag- Net'' (Par). Opened Labor Day to almost record of $5,200; built week's biz to near $15,000; Bancroft seldom seen here; stage show good Shea's Hippodrome (FP) (2.600; i30-60), "Don't Marry" (Fox). Pic- ture not so good, but stage show and shorts excellent; biz likewise $13,000. Pantages (FP) (3,307; 30-60). The Big Killing" (Par). Town Sundays and. h lidays; around $15. 000. $30,000 FOR "ANGEL" AT PAUCE, MONTREAL Capitol and Uew $900 Apart With bix and "Faces" Montreal, Sept. 11; (Drawing Population^ 600,0QQ) Weather: Fair and Cool Palace broke all records with $30,- 000, the first time In the history of tbat theatre that receipts have been so big. "Street Angel" and sound did it. Other theatres picked up. Capl,- getting weary of Beery-Hatton, but tol was good at $17,500 with I< or-. $12,000 not bad: gotten Faces." "Warming Up ' made Uptown CFP) (3.000; 30-60), "The the gross jump up a thousand to Patriot" (Par). First time house $16,.500 at Loew's. has touched $12,000 since June; Estimates for Last Week picture created talk and collected palace (FP) (2,700; 46-60), "Street real cash; some thought picture al^^^ ,, Movietone (FN). Janet bit too real. _ Gaynor and Charles Farrell got them; topped the lot at $30,000. Capitol (FP) (2,700; 40-60), "For- Tivoli (FP) (1,400; 30-60), of the Ruins" (FN), Good at bet- ter than $6,000. -"Neighborhoods good. ^Wings'* $12,000 in Legit Youngstown, O., Sept. 11. "Wings" did $12,000 at the Park last week, the town's only legit h^buse, "arlcl TiiS hTJldin^ over; " The same picture made its bow to Akron yesterday, at the Colonial | (Par); gotten Faces" (Par). Up to $17,000 Loew's (FP) (3,200; 45 - 75), "Warrtning Up" (Par). Dix and good unit pulled in $16,500. Imperial (Keith) (1,900; 35-$l).; Not out of ordinary bill, but got $12,500. Strand (UA) (800; 30-40), "Home; JJSYfSPa" "(Un): "Beyond the Sierras" (Regal); "The Hunting Tower" Name the Woman" (Par). Milwaukee, Sept. 11. (Drawing Population, 650,000) VVeatner: Fair and Gpol This town, from a shownian'.s UKle, was turncid on its eui* and did a cohiploLo flip-nop la.st weolc. Tht? stror)B went to the bottom and tho weak loniped to the topi The StrauiJ (l<'ox), weak sister of the stifeet for nuiny a moon, opened with "Street Angel" and packed them. Being the second wired theatre in the loop, the house gave the Garden some stiff opposition. Both linishcd far out of the red. In addition to tiio Strand, two more houses throw open their doors. Universal's Alhambia ciime back to life after six weelts of darkness and the old junior Orpheum stand, the Majestic,; was opened us a straight lilni house by L. k. Bliii. Both houses are ready for wii ing, thc Al- hanvbra to have its installation about Sept. 28 arid the. Majestic about'Jan. I.' .' . ■ : ■ > Feeling the openings was the Wis- consin. This house slid suddenly and swiftly into the red. Next door to the Strand, it could no,t make the ripple. Due to a four day holi day, Saturday, Sunday, Monday ^Labor Day) and Tuesday (primary elections) most of the houses reaped in the shekels, but did a mighty nose dive on Wednesday, opening of school. . Vaudfilm combos had great busi ness, the junior wheel house creep- ing up on the Palace. Estimates for Last Week Alhambra (U) "Ladies of the Mob" (Par) (1,800; 25-35-50). Open- ed with a bang but business slipped on Sunday and continued to slip; not much over $7,000, if that. Giarden (Brin) "Tempest" (UA) (1,200; .25-50-75). Fair for this house but far from what it should have been; hardly reached $li;000. Majestic (Brin) "Cardboard Lover" (M-G) (1,400; 25-50-75). Just straight pictures opened this house for films; fair enough In face of opposition; $8,500. Merrill (Fox)"Way of the Strong" (Col) (1,200; 25-50). A flop; de- pended on overflow from others; hardly $3,000. . Palace (Keith) "Tenth Ave." (Pathe) (2,400; 25-50-75). Big busi- ness despite hard pa:rining from some corners; vaude the draw. Riverside (Keith) "None But the Brave" (Fox) (3,000.; 25-40-50). Standout business fell dowri in mid- week; still better than $13,000. dtrand (Fox) "Street Angel" and Movietone (Fox) (1,200; 25-50-60). First week of wiring and knocked 'em dizzy; midnight show weint over big; hit high spots, $14,000. Wisconsin (Fox) "Half A Bride" (Par) (2,800; 25-35-50-60). Stage show and all failed to Ijring them in; bill good; below $10,000. and is booked there for two weeks.. Brought $3,500. :. . . Empress (UA) (800; 30-40). "After the Storm" (Col); "Moment of Temptation." Did $3,500. Utica's Stanley Opens Utlca, N. T., Sept. li. With a special inaug^ural program the new $1)500,000 Stanley , theatre bowed in last night, a single per Movietone I formance being given. IToday the (6,205; 50-75-$l-$1.50 • (2d house went on regular schedule; 'Tremendous figures over | with continuous screenlngfJ. blow, "Woman Disputed" (UA) Norma Talniiadge feature, will fol low. • ■. . Rivoli—" Tempest" and sound (iJA) (2,200; 35-50-75-$l) (3d week) Dropped, but strong af. $34,400 in second week; "Two Lovers" (UA) here Sept. 22 and then"The Wed ding March" (Par). Roxy—" Fazil " and (Fox) week) .since "Street Angel" pushed off July I Regular. 35-50, evening prices 14; within $3,000 of house record, [^xatinee scale, 20-30. Capacity, 3, iioliday aiding; $141,300 makes it .seem this one bourtd to slay three i The first feature presented at the weeks. „„. <3^.„„f c;n,ii.>" nr,<i Stanley l3"Ramona." It is supple- week). Resumed talking features Spitalny I3 guest conductor this and hopped to around $40,000, strong week. Nicholas Guallllo is the house inerea;3e-=ov6r--^-precedinp-=and^aileriuLGondUGtOE,-^-George=Wald,^.hDJiaeLojc^ picture; staying second week. ganist, has a specialty. The pro- > Warners—"The Terror" and Vita >jram also includes a booster reel, (WB) (1,360; $l-$2) (5th week). | ..L'tica—Greetings, Has shown consistent strength; of- fice concentrating on Jolson's Win ter Garden opening Sept; 19; "Ter ror" may feel "Singing F'ool's" op- position but haa had nothing to worry about ao far; $22,550. Bernard Depkin, Jr., manager of 1 the Stanley, haa M- F. Westfall as his a.sslstant. Paul Loomla wU b« relief or Iganfst."* Los Angele.s, SumU. H-. (Drawing. Population, 1.450,000) Weatrior: Extrerriely Hot \V'ilh a sorcliing auu and cool niglUs. li rat run houses, .wilhuut ex- ception, got .a break during Labor Day week. Nyarner's Holiysvood did ah oxcoptionat sciiond week, with 'The 'lerrur," only running $2,(J00' bc-liind the. f34,000 Intalie of the first wi'ok. Top figures were garnered by the Metroi)olilan Willi •'The Fleet's In.' Loew's Slulc, tliough pelting a healLhy week, fell about ?o,00.0 below ihe last.Jolui Gilbert i>ieture witii ' "Four Walls." SUit;e .slio.w Fancln>n . and -Marco put on was one of the inost dazzling the house has had. Ignited Arlists got off to a great ' start witli "Two Lovers" to sound, and "VVhiLe Shadows" held up by doing $500 more than tl\e previous : week. Of the otiior $1.50 pictures . "Godless Girl" jiunpod about $1,000, and Lilac Time" held its own. lOgyptian had a corking week with "The Red Dance/" Benny Ru- . bin and Bessie Love on stages. Boulevard was a bit off with "Loves of an Actress." . Crltetion, ' for the final live days of the extend^ td run of. "Street. Angel," got'an average of around $850 a day^ Estimates for Last Week' Biltmore (Erlanger) —"Godless Girl" (Pathe) (1,550; o0-$1.50).'With Labor Day helping, an easy $12,500 for fourth week. . Boulevard (VVi C.)—"Loves of an Actrcs.s" and sound (Par) (2,164; 15-50). Pola not so, "hot here; only incentive for trade seemed to be the F. & M. stage show;. $5,300. Carthay Circle (Miller- W. C.)^ "Lilac • Time" and sound (F N) (1,500; 50-$1.50). Getting repeats for eighth week; better than $10,000. Criterion (W-C>—"Street Angel" and Movietone (Fox) (1,600; 25r75). Final five days around $4,400; ■'Wings" (Par) with sound opened to turnaway business. Egyptian (W.C.-U.A.)—"The Red Dance" and Movietone (Fox) (1,800; 25-75). Corking good.week; Benny Rubin and Bessie Love on stage; $10,400. . Grauman's Chinese (U.A.)—"White Shadows" and sound (M-G) (1,858; 50-$1.50). Screen offering, prolog fine combination; $20,000.. . Loew's State (W.C.-Locw)—"Four Walls" (M-G) (2,242; 2B-$1),. John Gilbert surefire here, though $5,000 less than "Cossacks";. around $26,^ 000. Metropolitan (W.C.-Pub) — "The Fleet's in" (Par) (3.505; 25-75). Clara Bow clo.se to $35,000. United Artists (U.A.) — "Two Lovers" and sound (U. A.) (2,100; 25-$l). Colman-Banky, with heavy cxploitationi better than $23,000 on initial week; two more to go. . Warner Brother3^"The Terror" and Vita (W.B.). From public vIeW-. point most popular, of the talker.^; around $32,000 second week; stage show incidental to feature. Tacoma Quiet Tacoma, Sept, 11. (Drawing Pop., 125,000) : Weather: Cool and Cloudy No new .sensations opened. Pan- tages depended rfialnly upon .vaude for its draw. . Rumored that the Broadway will open .soon w.lth a No. 2 stage show. Estinrtates for Last Week Pantages (1,500;. 25-50)—"None But the Brave" (Fox),-Did $7,600. Rialto . (W-C) (1,250* 25-50)— "Warming Up" and * sound (Par) Fair at $3,900. Blue Mouse (Hamrlck) (650; 50' 75)—"Glorious Betsy" and Vita (W.B.) Stm good, although In third wpplc; $3,7.'j0. ' Colonial v(W-C) (850; 25)—"Wc American.s" (U). Ordinary at $2,200 "Cardboard/' $22,200 Boston, Sept. 11. . (Drawing Population, 850,000) With the holiday business at the piGtiiro^hou.se.s-laHt-week^was=goo.d A rainy Labor Day helped. Busi- ness held up pretty well during the entire week. Estimates for Last Week Metropolitan (4,000; 60-65)—"Saw- dust Paradise" (Par). Nice at $42,- 400. Stat* (4,000; 50-66)—"Cardboard T>over" (M-0>. No kicks at $22,200. Topeka's Best, $3,200 Topeka, Sept. 11. (Drawing Population, 80,000) Weather: Cool and Fair Despite circus opposition and union troubles, the theatres stood up last week, with only fair to mid- dling bills. Saturday business was hit by the Hagenbeck.-Wallace circus as the grandstahd tittractlon for the Kan- .sas Free Fair. None of the thea- tres are making extra efforts to bupk the opposition by th6 circuis all this. week, except po.sslbly. the Orpheum, where Clara Bow's "The Fleet's In" will be given pre-release showing. .Fans are taking the tangle with orchestras calmly and .ire giving the theatres the benefit of the doubt. Estimates for Last Week Jayhawk (Jayhawk) (1,500;. 40), "Beggars of Life," first half, with .straight picture program, got fair play; "Tiie First Ki.ss," last half, with "Skookum," Indian entertainer, got good busines.s; $3,200. Orpheum (National) n,200.; 40)., "The Kaeket" (I'.ir). Called :t .scr- ond "J^nignet" and got. fair .busi- ness; $1,500. ■ ■ Novelty .(Crawford) (1,100; 40). Vaudeville, with"The.Hawk's Nesl" CFN), first half, proved only fair at- iraftion; last half, "Court Martial," pulled well; about $:i00 better than Cozy (Lawrence) (400; 25), "TWef in the Dark" didn't help bu.sine.ss, but "Wii Americans" (U), last half, did; $1,000. Best (Lawrence) (C30; 20),"Jiggs." Downard. with Roseland Maids: did not seem to click .so w'll oii return; first week of another month a bit better than house nut; $8004