Variety (Sep 1928)

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Wednesday, September 12, 1928 VARIETY 19 REET 'em grab 'em. George Marion, Jr., ace of title writers, contributed the headline for this ad. It's just one of his hundred sizzling sayings that help make 'THE FLEET'S IN!" the riot that it is. ^ Clara Bow's best picture, bar none. Worth ten "It's"! Clara's the most popular female star on the screen today. 35,000 fan letters a month, the Hollywood record, proves that — if you need any more proof than your box-office. em and go ^ First run exhibitors all over the country are booking "THE FLEET'S IN!" for extended runs. Anything else would be a crime to their pocketbooks. It's one of those heaven-sent naturals that mop up a town. ^Malcolm St. Clair produced it. James Hall is Clara's sea-going sheik. ^ Just one more reason the trade is saying that if you haven't got PARAMOUNT you're out in the cold this season! q^The Fleet's In!", '''Wings'', The Patriot", ''The Wedding March", Anne Nichols' "Abie's Irish Rose", "Docks of New York", ^'Warming Up" — not four or five big pictures and the rest a blank, but great product week after week makes