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Wednesday, September 12, 1928 VARIETY 39 (Here is "wliat one paper aaid: I will not have the others printed because you wottldn't understand them any more than I do) YOUIC P«bU«licd DaUy la Paris ty m TRIBUNE COMPANY OF FRANCE PARIS, SATURDAt AHGUBT 4., 1928 Whispering Baritone'' Makes Big Hit With Germaia Music Followers J a c k Smith Records Have Had Big Suiccess BERLIN,. Auff. 3.T-Th6 miislcal and theatrical eltto of Berlin have turned cut In. full, force to welcome Jack Sinlth, tiie' "whispering t)arltone" yhose i-jendltlons of American sous hlta on the 'phonograph have been swaying Ger-. jfciinlc .hearts and tlclding Germanic ears for many years now. ^Ith Is a veritable Instltutlohj-^lnr musli^l .Germany. His records are. probAtoiy the most popular of any slng- •er's and sell like Whlteman'a do In America; In fact the craze,has reach- ed such, proportions - that no G^rmop •Jipusehold Is. complete without one of Smith's Interpretatlotiis arid" 'at parties -^well, you must plaj? at least onO to- rbe. any sort of a- host. it "was inievltable that, such popularity ^ould create a demapd on the part of the GJerman (public to see the singer In person.. Accordingly, nobody was sur- prised when Kurt Bobitschek, the gen- ial manager .of the Cabarett der iComiker here, signed. Smith, to appear "at his place 'at a siEilary .which Mr. •Roliitsch'ek declared "would niake the Vnost popular German musical star burn rigflit up." , Smith is also.signed to ajC*pcar in the 'new Priederich Hollaehdcr revue, Es JCo'nlmt Jeder Dran. He arrived .»ere' this week) and, as stated, atjove, was £lven a ■rousfng .reception. As'an introductory liote, so to apeak, to his Berlin-stay, iSmlth gave d ap^ial program of songs at tho Dcutcher KtlnsUep Theater for an Invited au- dience of people from tho Berlin press, and stage. The house was jwicked with, proininent critics, writers,, and musical liomedy stars since the pierformance only started loiig after all Berlin shows .had closed. After a sljort Introductory number, by Hollaender and his "Musical Welp- traube." Smith made his appearance. He Oom/blned his remarkable sens© of showmanship with a pleasant voice and w.on the immediate approval of tho crowd. Among the songs which were eapeclaliy' favored weVe Cecilia, Mv Blue Beaten, and two Irving Berlin songs,-The Stmg'hAia Ended and Blue Skie$. the applause at the end of his recital was deafening with tho young American, called out again and again to sing.' . Smith opens his regular fippearan^ to-nlghi Vjihen he starts with Ea Kommt Jeder Aran, He- will .Rouble up at the Calaxeit der Komtker v^hertf, he win share biUing honors with th<» foremost comedian of Austria, the Viennese, Hans Moser. September, London October, Amsterdam December, Paris November, Vienna and January, Monte Carlo St BUT I HOPE IN FEBRUARY TO BE BACK HOME AGAIN!! T. D. KEMP, Jr. Personal Manager 1607 Broadway, New York VICTOR RECORDS