Variety (Sep 1928)

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Wednesday, September 12, 1928 V A U D E V I L L E VARIETY 41 Stock Engagements stock burlesque placements tlirough Ike Weber offices are: For Issy Hirst's Gayety, Washington, Artie Leeming, Mae Janese, Ann Meyers, Ruth Madison, Jean Mc- Coy and Eddie Aitken; for Gayety, Rochester, Bert Bernard, Minerva Marsh, Estelle Harer, Ethel Alber- tiiii; for Majestic, Jersey City, Kddie Hall, • Pete Curley, Charles Hendricks, Mary Walton, Daley Twins, Les Spensler, Al PJiarr, Lee Smith, Mickey O'Connor,. Ethel Spears, Callre Lerdy, Betty Mc- Allister, Peggy Wilson; for Park, Brooklyn, Sid Rogers, Charles Cole, Florence Kane. HADRAK THE MYSTICGLOWN WHITE MAGIC Mr. Showman: Sir, reread David Sturgls Augr. 29. Reworded negative to poetlve, he speaks. • Today your darkness to dawn. Showfolk's, ho other, are shepherds of the heart Soul (Isa. 28:21). Arma leeue, smile versu9 seUrTlghteousnesB. Our job, hidden (Isa. 42:16). . Voice, vote, Smith (Ezk. 1:20). Artists, use care, no knocks. We have g-oods. Prult, birth to Impersonal Love, heart over head, only lAie path. Impersonal love revelation vehicle, our sublime glancing glrlTClown act, now ending seven years' "rehearsal" (Isa. 42:4), your clowns tears to humanities amlle, my numbW S9t), my sister 1000 (Zech. 4:14). Reality. You need us. Suitable anywhere, prefer- ably atlded feature better movie -shows. First water find act to re- liable booker. Dalo Hardle, Variety, New Tork; All rights reserved. HARRT MARY Anger and Fair "DIZZY 1928" TOURLNfi INTERSTATE CIRCUIT JIMMT AIYRTLE . Conlin and Glass with HANK MILO Tivoli Theatre SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA London as It Looks (Continued on page 3) he had made lyte night people yell with si.nga. Ho has had as much .'space in the papers as hKs bulk occupies-when he sits on it. Only a Fat Amateur Well, the other night I saw him. for the first time. He joined Chariot's new revue, which is called "Chariot 1928," a dry vintage of the best. Now, oh the stage, Rex Evans stood exposed a.s a footling amateur. He did a piano act like a limp curate. He stood around like a big baby boy. He had no personalitv—onlv size. This was . the "great artist" the free supper paragraphists had all boomed. "Chariot 1928," indeed, contains all .sorts of turns that have been seen in cabaret. They were crude, childish, duir to a degree. Peggy Grabs the Space . Certain artists, oif course, iare more clever at publicity. Peggy Q'Neil, I think, is the hardest working space grabber of my acquaintance. 1 like Peggy, but I remember that the way she once flew all the way from Manchestier to appear at a lunch to advertise some do-wlthout-buttons contraption, with which she knew her name wduld be identified, astounded even me. Once, when I challenged her as to the trutli^of her engagement to a Serbian sculptor about vvhom she was handing but the dope, she frankly admitted that she had to get publicity .somehow. Peggy, of course, has justified her position by hard work, but there are artists I know whose names are ahvaya in the papers and who do nothing .whaitever. Noel Coward Loses Caste Publicity fluctuates. No'el Coward, for instance, is seldom mentioned now. A year or two ago he was in the papers every day. Now, although he.had an operation a week ago, I have scarcely seen it mentioned. In fact, I heard one night he was going to be. operated on, Next day I metely said "Oh!" which is probably what he did. Now, if it happened to Fay Marbe they would have a column in the "Star." If it had happened to' Herb Wiliiams—well, I tremble to think. Publiclt?y is a puzzling thing. Mine has been falling off lately. I nriust w:rite some more of that "I" stuff. » on the Continent. Rita announced that her play, "The Acquittal," will be prodiicod in London next sca.son. Latest w;iy to squeeze a few francs out of tlu> tourists is being praotiecd by nni.cfs wlio know how to piny stringed instrument.'^ but don't. A Scjuulinaviiin is about the raw- est .of thf lot. Ho jroes to the vari- ous caffs and suddeiUy breaks in on.thepoaco of mind of the cus- tomers, plays about half a ditty and then, passes his hat. The chumps, tiKuring lu? will contiiuio, drop something, but the boluink turns and does a hoel. About the greatest, excitement during the ■world-ronownod Kellogg peace pact signing was the camera work by the .still and movie lads: They blew off enough powder to have shot up the building. .• P.lay^rs .going back to the States need be wary of alleged bootleggers and gyppcrs just after they walk down the gangplank. One system that is working quite well, accord- ing to several victims who have re- turned here, is that a telephone call to their home or office just after the ship on which they have arrived is made, saying that Andrea, chief steward of the vessel, has been or- dered to deliver a consignment of liquor at the request of the homo- comer. The non-suspecting have received the.goods and paid for it, only to find that it's varnish or something. Pastor OK's S. A. in Ads San 'F'"'ranolsoo, if^cpt. 11. Dr. Newton E. Moats, pastor of the Grace M, E. Church, iii^held Frank Whit beck, head of West Coast's, local publicity office, on be- half (Sf sex appeal in theatrical ad- vertising. Matter came up in a hot debate on the subject before the San I'Yancisco Ad Club. Whlibeek wa3 ojiposod by W. W. Criblilns, tulver- tising man. . TINSEL METAL CLOTH FOR DROPS 36 in. wide at 75c a yd. and np A full itne. of gold and sltvei Dro- cades. metal clotha, gold and silver trimmlnRS. rhioestones, spang tea, tiKhta, opera hoae, etc, etc., fnr stace costumes, Samples .upon request. J J. Wylie & Bros., Inc. (Succ<>8Kortf to Sioirninn A Wril) 18-20 East 27th Street NEW YORK Chatter in Paris (Continued from page 2) Chiappe, who has brought about more innovations in his department than any other single, fellow whb has ever had the job, is responsible for the squelching of the night horn- pipers. He issued an order that any eulprit driver who dared punch the bulb of his horn between the hours of 1 a. m, and 5 a. m. should be collared and fined. Speculation i.s rife as to what Peggy Joyce is going to do with her excess baggage, namely Lord North- esk. Those in the know 8wea.r that TAYLOR'S 1928-1929^B the titled Englishman is broke and l*eggy Is paying all the freight. Of one thing, all the \vise ones are agreed and that is that the oft- niarried one will surely gain col- umns of publicity if nothing else from having the big bob sleigh ex- pert around. He is expected to play a part in the diary of Peggy which is to be published in another month or so. ' NEW MODEL TRUNKS IN TWO COLOR COMBINATIONS FOR MEN AND WOMEN WITH OPEN TOP {No Additional Charge) The RolU-Royce of Trunks. Built for the proresslonal showfolk as only a concern dealing with their problems for the last 76 years could design it. Beantiftth, Durable, S pacious, Distinctive, Lightweight AN ACTOR'S TRUNK The NEW MODEL TAYLOR Is equipped with only one lock which serves as the lock for the outside of the trunk—also for the drawers when the trunk Is open. "The dust door Is also equipped with a lock so that when the trunk Is open It Is possible to lock the-.entlre wardrobe section as well as the entire set of drawera The better grades are made with solid metal bottoms on all drawers. There are no nails on the bottoms. The usual TAYLOR guarantee goes with all trunks. Our prices are the .same as always. The doors of our stores In New York and Chicago are wide open. Drop In and loo)- over the TAYLOR 1928-1929 NEW MODEL TRUNKS. If you are unable to visit our salesrooms, send for our ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET, which will Introduce you to the finest Professional Trunk ever made. 115 West 45th Street, NEW YORK, N. Y. 28 E. Randolph Street, CHICAGO, ILL. 1=" Hi 13 n 5 The musical. comedy "Le Cochori qui Sommeille" by Rip and Robt. Dieudonne, music by Claude Ter- rasse, will be revived at the Concert Mayol early in 'September, with Pierrette Madd, Ketty Pierson, Geo. Libeau, and Henry Travoux. Patricia Storn has quitted the revue at the Moulin Rouge to play an engagement in Munich, Germany. Marcel Brianaud, connected with the French branch of Paramount for the past six years, has joined the staff of Franco-Film as sales agent. Success with which the English Players have met in rendering "Mrs. Warren's Profession,'' Bernard Shaw's play, fairly astounded the seasoned critics here. If nothing else, it proves the pos- sibilities, of an English-speaking cast here. . . . ~- Collegians came in for quite a ragging by the European press for the alleged conferring of the degree of doctor of philosophy by the Uni- versity of Budapest on Grock, the clown. Several of them pointed out that universities are at last telling the truth about the large majority of their intellectual grads. Marcus Loew BOOKINGAOENCY General &Kectitiue Offices LOEW BUILDING A. N N E X 160 WEST 46"^ST* BKVANT* 9850--NEW YORK CITY J. H. LUBIN GENERAL MANAOEB MARVIN H. SCHENCK BOOKI^O MANAGER CHICAGO OFFICE 600 WOODS THEATRE B'ID'Q JOHNNY JONES MISS PATRICOLA HEADLINING XX)liWS CIRCUIT THIS WEEK (SEPT 10) LOEW'S GATES, BROOKLYN LOEW'S GRAND, NEW YORK EXCLUSIVE MANAGEMENT JOHNNY COLLINS, 160 West 46th St. German film producers are start- ing to use French stars. Latest contract to be offered is for Jeanne Sa^an, who will be feiitured in "Loulou." According to those who know, the German companies will include a prominent player from all of the important countries of this side of the Atlantic in their forth- coming productions. They're figur- ing on the peTfJOnal draw ' of each country when it comes to distribu- tion. Announcement that Adelaide Kip Rhinclander Chaqueneaii is about to annex another husband came as quite a shock to many who knew her when she lived here. Jack Chaqueneau is a conrirmed Parisian now and remains perfectly mum about the conteinplated nup- tials of his former spouse. Rita Weiman and her hu.sband, Maurice Marks, both hurried home Friday after quite a sojourn A VAUDEVIT..LE AGltTfCT WHICH PRODUCES MORE THAN IT PROMISES CONSISTENT, EfTlCTENT SERVICE SINCE 1013 The Fally Markus Vaudeville Agency Aster Theatre Bldg., N. W. Cor. 45th St. and Broadway Lackavyanna 7876 New York City ACME BOOKING OFFICES, INC. Booking All Theatres Controlled by STANLEY COMPANY OF AMERICA A roDte of 15 week* witliln 200 miles of New York ArtlNiN Invited t« book direct 1560 Broadway New York City M. .SHEA PrcB THE M. SHEA BOOKING EXCHANGE, Inc. J, O. MAir Sec'y Have cii;lit lo'(en^eek« to offer with short Jumps to rerogntzed Htiindwrd and OkbIi act* WHITE! WIRE!. PHONE!. MannicerR, InveHtieate Our RervUie 318 EltIB BI..DO., CI'EVELAND. OHIO CHERRY 0561 or I,ONG Dl.STANCE 80 K-A PALACE, NEW YORK, THIS WEEK (Sept. 10). Lately Featured with "HIT THE DECK" FRANK IVHTCHELL and IHJRANT - "STICK OUT YOUR HAND" Direction MORRIS & FEIL