Variety (Sep 1928)

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42 VARIETY Wednesday, September 12, 1928. PRESENTATIONS—BILLS NEXT WEEK (September 17) THIS WEEK (September 10) , Shows carrying'numerals such as (IG) or (17) indicate opciiiiip: nf>xt week on Sunday or Monday, as date may bo. l''or this week (9) yr (10) with si^lit weeks also indicated by dates. An asterisk (*) before name signifies act is new to city, doing a new turn, reappeariner after absence or appearing for lirst time- Pictures include in classificatloa picture policy, with vaudeville or presentation as adjunct. GERMANY Month of September JIKillJN SoalA Victoria Tr Palaat Girls : Miss Paijie . 3 Bel-Aira L H Kafayette Mady- '& Coinp Moni & Horace' Marrpno & La C Helen Carlita Jean Gnlla Raquel Mcllcr Nonl Bd PARIS Week of September 10 AinbasiMi<I«ura T(sd Lewis Bd Eleanor Brooks Arline Langan 12 Rasch Girla Chamb'rlln & Hin^s .£mpire Bertran Bd Chris Charlton Piletto Masked Tenor Andre Berlay DlvUna & Charlea Damla Tommy Long Renee VillarB Karosky Folles Bergere Andre Randall - Dodge 2 Georgia Gravea Alice Mcva Tvbnne Gulllet John Tiller Glrla Kamorova-Sklbine - G'retchlkiiie Rudeau-Castel Tamara & Roberta - ■ Mona Givry Colette Jove Raymond Mallne Dorsowna Claudia lonescu Liucette BroQuin Jarrtin D'AccUmatation (Bols- do Uoulogne) Marius Mary & Sanplnl Gauthier Horses- Bryanthcs 3 '. ■ Atlantis Tony & Toto Wipp & Lily Lugai^o Tr " D'Jelmako Olynipla Roslta Barrios Castro Quatuor Jean Marsac . . Jane Stick Tchekovsky 4 Bla'nca-Fosca Bal .. Henry' Hilton Jane de Vesly Pelmels Walton Marionettes Maud Gill 3 Na-Indra Marthe Duguet Mlrane. Esbly LONDON Week of September 10 IIMSBUBT FABK Kmplre Korrls Girls St Max Fred Barnes. Johnson Clark Houaton Sis Herachel Henlera- 'A Adlonas Btoll & Steward HACKNET . Empire .' Oraen Wood & V I,ONDON Alhambra Oladdy Sewell Paul Galley Mthlll Johnson Sla Percy Val CoUneain Doliii & Nemch'oTa .The Jovers Normal Carroll t Bradleys Victoria Palace iMiyton & Johnst'ne A C Astor Hyde & Burrell Fred Curran Victoria Glrla .' Culpitt Hale Sis Dekker & Pan Peggy Walton MEW CROSS Empire Toung Bloods of V SUEPH'RDS BUSH Empire King & Benson Whit Cunllffe Geltner Tr Welsh Mlnera 4 Jack Wynne Hargreaves & Dodd 8TRATFOBD Empire Boya Win Be Boya WOOD GREJBN Empire The Monster PROVINCIAL England ABERDEEN H. Vf.. Thark ABDWICK GREEM Empire Nell McKay Burr &. Hope Rolf Hansen De Busso Van Dock BIRMINGHAM Empire BlUy Blue Gcund • tJlrlck Xiily Mprrls Van- Hoyen O S Melvin OH Elliott rayre 4 T W Gray Vera Rudd BI.ACKPOOI. Grand Siich ' Men Are D Opera Houae Seventh Guest Palace Debroy Somera Bd Slsa Harry Claft Xieslie Strange Palace Girls BRADFORD Alhambra Vogues & Vanltlea BRISTOI. Hippodrome Chinese jSyn- Harry Gunn - Fordham Broa Glllettes Dawn & Ma via CARDIFF Empire Desert Song CHATltASI' . Empire Talbot O'Farrell ■ David' Poole Horace. Kenney' Edgar Bcynon St Vincent Sla Edith Athey Ciro & Rey S liOU Radford CHISWICK Empire - White Birds Rer GLASGOW Alliambra - •Harry Lauder D Darlington Lillian Burgles Bramptons Jack Le Dair ' Smpire Un Vent De Folle HULL Palace Potlphar's Wife LEEDS Empire - Klmberly & Page HofCmans Athpl Tier Johnny Jonca Maggie DlcklnaoB Bert Errol .Spyras . Royal Lady Mary LEICESTER Palace P T Selblt Beth Chains Arthur Mack Anna & Loula t. George .Hurd Bogannys O'Neill Sla LIVERPOOL Empire Oh Kay MANCHBSTEB Hippodrome Arnaut Bros Harry Tate Gertie Gltana Skeets Martin - Conrad's Pldgeona Palace Show Superlative NEWCASTLE ' Empire White Camellia NEWPORT Empire Ayr & Chllds Maiy Henderson Bob Gandey Frank Melbourn Short & Daniel Stanley & Lewla Bon Said . NOTTINGHAU Empire Tlpperary Tim Royal Baynton Cc PORTSMOUTH Royal Abie's Irish Rose SHEFFIELD Empire Topay & Eva SOUTUSBA Klng'a . By Candle Light SWANSEA Empire Grand Giggle Picture Theatres Jane llorton Clara CJdulil .taho Bowers GinBor Rogers Alice Roy Art Frank Gamby-}Ialo Girls J Coogan & Dad "Heart to Heart" Rosy (») . Henri Xherrlen Patricia- Bowman 32 Roxyettes Beatrice Belkin Harold Van Duzee Hasoutra Hubert 3 Hubert Lot'it fit T Helen Gray Elsa Greenwell Bobbe LorfWqn . . M Vodnoy Sarah Edwards •'Fazil" CHICAGO, ILL. Avnion (H) Del Lampe Bd Venetian Choir "King gf Kings" Cnpltol (8) Roy Dietrich Bd Gus MUlcay -Bernard DeP.ace ■ tfarloduina BOSTON, M.\SS. Metropolitan (7) "Blo.ssoma'' Unit P Whitcman Ptch Q D Washington liielen Kennedy "The Matlnfr Call" BOSTON, MASS. : . State <17) A Frlediand - Rev "2. Lovers" (10) Gulran & Marg Rv l^uzz Knight "4 Walls" BUFFALO, N. T. Ituffalo (8) "Pow Wow" Xrnit Ed & Morton Beck Harry Losee ■ Helen Packard Art JDlckinson Felicia Sorcl Girls "The Patriot" Lafayette (8) Great Blackstone "Yellow Lily" CLEVEL.iND, O. State (15) ' "Babes On B'y" U ALF T. WILTON INC. Announces A Dramatic and Musical Comedy Department' Under the Supervision of BILLEE TAYLOR Formerly of • the Keith-Albee Offices < Cabaret Department in Charge of - BILLY CURTIS ALF T: WILTQN INC. 1560 Broadway Bryant 2027-8 NEW—VORK-GITY. Capitol (8) "Rhapsody In Red W & B" Unit Walt Roesner Capltolians Chester Hale Glrla "Excess Baggage". (1) "Oddities" Unit Walt Roesner Capltoliana Jacit^_(aatfix)[nfta. Roseray & Capeia Frank Stevcr Ruby Keeler Maxlne Lewla Chester Hale Glrla Cardboard Lover" Paramount (8) "High Hat" Unit Paul Ash Tom Ross Victor Henry Market & Faun Wlnehlli & Brlacoe ChicoKO (8) Step Thla Way" U H L Spltalny Bd Bob Bob & Bobble Mltzle Mayfalr 4 Dictators Foster Glrla "Fleet's In" Granada (8) Eddie Cantor 6 Crackerjacka Cynthia & Claire Harding (0) Frisco Chlnat'n* U Jack Kelly Bd Mr Wu Frank Mellno Co - "Garden of Eden" Marbro (8) Benny MeroR Bd John -Steel Jimmy Clemona Stutz Sc. Bingham Clemens & Marcey Norshore (8) Our Gang Kids "The First Kias" Oriental (O) 'Kvale Close Upa' U Al Kvale Bd Win Aubrey Connor Tw(na Mills & Shea Gray & White Gould Dancera . Refcal (8) Fess Wmiams Bd Marsh Rogers Em'rson & Baldwin Chilton & Thomaa Revella Hughea RIalto (10) Forbes Boya Morgan &. Lake Senate (9) "Ail Aboard" Unit Mark Fisher Bd Clifton & DeRez Jimmy Lyons Billy Myers Gordon & King Vera. Van Koslolf Dancers . "Garden of Eden" Stratford ..„2d.half (13-16) Dave' & Tressle^ Babe Carter Ibling & Thomas Beck & Regan Ted Leary TlvoU (8) "SUnny Skies" Unit Ben Krueger Bd . Morris Colleano Bobby Gilbert Myrtle Hayes ... Willie Robbln Pedro Rubin Girls "Sunrise", Uptown (8) "Xylophonia" Unit Lou Koslorr Bd Chester Fredericks Prosper & Maret Musical Johnsons Foster Girls "Stroot Angel" ATLANTA. GA, Howard (17) 'Steps & Step'rs* U Ilomay Bailey Charles. Huey Manh'ttan Steppers BALTIMORE, MD. Century (17) "Parisian" Unit "The Camoramon" (10) Ted Claire Rome Sc. Dunn -Earlr La Vere^^^-- Duirln & Draper " Alice Wellman 12 O Ilaile Girls "Out of the Ruins" BIKM'GH'M, ALA. Alabama (17) "Take a Chance" U Bernic Bros Moore Sis Katlicrine Irwin Clias Jollny "Light of N T" (8) "Harem-Scarem" U Harry Savoy Helen .Swan Tumbling Clowns Frank Corn well Bd Stubby Gordon Myron Roman Claude Hoagland "Oh Kay" COLUMBUS. O. Ohio (IS) "Harem Scarem" U "The Patriot" DALLAS, TEX.- Palace (16) "Hey Hey' Unit Jack Powell Gibson Sis Prank DeVoe Foster Glrla DENVER, COL. Denver (13). "Rah Rah Rah" U Johnny Verklns Luella Lee Al Gale Maryland Colleg'tea Cheer Leaders Keith Dancers DES MOINES. lA. Cnpltol (16) "Rio Romance" U Joe Penner Amata Grasae Leonore Girls DETROIT. MICH. Capitol (9) "Nlte at Coney" U Del Delbrldge Orvllle Rennie Maurine & Sonny Fonton & Fields Fink & Ayrea "Craig's Wife" . Grand Rlvlcra (9) Keystone Ser Jack Housh Co Marye & Bobbye Nixon & Sans 'Diamond H'dcuffa* Hollywood (10) Sunnybrook Orch Hollywood Glrla Fred Strltt Yvctto Rugel Royal Gt^scolnea "Perfect crime" • Michigan (0) "Babes On B'y" U Eduard Werner Gamby-Hale Glrla Collette Sla Du Calllon Helen Honan Freddie Bernard . Sally Starr Electra Havel Mlchlgandera 'Sawdust Paradise' Phyllis Rae Ballot Caprice LOS ANGKLF.S Boulevard (7) Red Corcora.n Maury Ijcas Irina Dot & Hazel Boulevard Beauties Smoke llollcw .CurUiay Circle (Indof.) Cam Kllnor Orch "Mlac Time" Chlneae (Indof.) Tropics Prolog I'l-inco Lei Lanl Tr 3 Hrox Sis "White Shadows" Sol lloopli Co Critorlun (5) C BaUallenlkorc Or "Wings" . Egyptian (7) BcnAy Rubin Sweet W'm & Bill A't Jane St Un Eph "The Tempest" LocW's State (7) . Oriental Idea Al Lyon. Jue Fong • Mosbys B Blow.ers Mllof & Koveihoff Lucllc Iverson. Mary Miles .. Oriental Beauties "Her Ckrdb'd Love "Cardboard Lover" . Metropolitan (7) "Cameo' Unit Herbert Rawllnson Ray Paige Novelty Band Idea Tommy Wonder Coacia to Verdi Lett Sis & Louise Fosters 16 Glrla "4 Sons" United Artlats (Indef.) -Rangers Flora Valerie • Fritz Von Diabruln "2 Lovers" : Uptourn (7) Carlena Diamond Zilla Simpson "Warming Up" Warkipr Brothers ; (Indef.) Leo Forbstein Orch L Ceballos Pres James Burroupha Tommy Atkins 6 DoHs Walker Alice Weaver Sally & Ted Pearl 2 "Tho> Terror" NEWARK. N. J. Brahford <8) Buddy Page Bert Lewis Olive Fay Handera & Mlllla Miller & Miller Roy Chaney S English Rocketa "Out of the Rulna" NEW HAVEN. CT. Olynipla (7) "Oh Teacher" Unit Ghet Martin Oan^- Virginia Ray Ray Bolger Carr Family Dorothy Murray Mr King Paige Sla Luclan La Rue "The Patriot" Palace lat half (17-19) Helay & Croaa Weat & Stanton Co Nellie Arnaut Broa SaranofC Co . Southern Nlghta "Foola for Luck" 2d half (20-23) O Rice & Mounties P & J Mlchon Helen Jonea Girls Galo & Barcel Har'gton & Green 'Chicken a la Klng- NEW ORLEANS Snenger (16) "Pagoda Land" U Adler Well & H Irene Taylor Qua Mulcahy Kate Smith D J Sullivan Jamea Hanley Helen Ault Honeymoon Boys "None But Brave" Fny'B (9) Kazana Co Afme Rajah Bert Marks Taylor Howard Co Brown & Carron Sis "Win that Girl" Fox's (9) J Bonnlwcll X-toxy 4 "4 Sons" Stanley (9) Irv Aaronson Com. Red Stanley Phil Saxe "State St Sadie" PITTSBURGH. FA. Penn.(lO) "Wonderful Girl" U Teddy Joyce Goo Riley Helen Heller A & R Samuels Paraxon 4 Wlllard Hall Marie Paull Gould Girls "The Cameraman" Stanley (0) Harry Fox Co Veloz & Yolanda "State St Sadie" PROVID'NCE, R. I, Fay's (10) AL the Supper Club Stippe & Pierce Cardiff Sc Wailes Clifford & Gray Melody Mansion . "Pleetwirig" SAN ANTONIO Texas (16) "Araby" • Unit Midnight i Gleradorf Sis Rita Owln Rasch Girls SAN FRANCISCO California (7) OIno Severl Bd "The Patriot" Granada (8) Frank Jenks Bd Glen Goft Cy' Landr.y ' Jack North Chas Chesney Kathryn Lewla Saul Selff "The Mating Call" . St. Francis (8) M Brambilla Bd "King of KInga" Warfleld (8) Rube Wolf Bd Armand Kaliax Zita Harriaon Vina & Arthur r Meiva Cornell Joyzelle Adrlanna '■: VIgno Rita Peck "Night Watch" ST. LOUIS, MO. Ambassador (8) "Man St to B'y" U Ed Lowry Barnet & Clark Calm & Gale Co Joe Beeser Almlra- Seaalons Bulah Wltmer "First Klaa" Mlssoart (8) Frank Fau Iiconld Leonardl "The Ship" WASH'GTON, D.C. B F Keith's (8) Florentine Choir Irene Juno "King of Kings" Fox (16) Jos La Rose Pres Meyer Davis Sym "River Pirate" (8) . Joe LaRose Pres Lawrence Downey Meyer Davis. Sym Leon Bruslloft "Street Angel" Palace (16) "High Hat" Unit Wesley Eddy OFFICIAL DENTIST TO THE N. V. A. DR. JULIAN SIEGEL 1560 Broidwoy. Bet 46th>47th 8ts.. M«« Yorfc This We«k: The Can9lnM: Loult Frahaff 12- Chesterettea OMAHA, NEB. RIvltfra (14) "Khick Knacka" U Lee Twlna Karavleft Winifred & lilllla Foster Glrla PHILADELPHIA Carman (9) Eddie Dowllng "Four Walls" (8) Wealoy Eddy "Parisian Nlghta"U William Sla Norvello Bros Gretchen Eastman Rox Mara Henry Mack Foater Glrla "Cardboard Lover" NEW YORK CITY American lat half (17-1») Apollo - 3 - . Marcua. &* Poe Crisp Sis Rev , Milton Pollock Co Lytell .& Fant ' Harriet Nawrott Co (Two to fill) •id half (20-23) Norman Telman Ryan & Mbbre r- Cahlll & WeTis Cllrr Dixon Co . 3 Bennett Broa 2d half (20-2S) Perez & LaFlor Bud & Ellnore Coil Coopicr & Clifton Parf feTIo ' ~ Lairry'a .Grove Delancey St. lat half (17-19) PhlUips. & Sheldon Tal Ling Sing . McCarthy & Stew'd Smith A: Ailman Romaa Tr ■ (One to nil) 2d half (20-23) Bader <8c LaVelle Gracella & Theo Co 2d half (20-23) Von Horn & Inez Biinnctt Sc Blchurda Cardo & Noll I>ewls & Dody Ferg's'n Dol-Vai Ry -Greeley Sq. Ist half (17-19) Sombia Bros " Mammy Jimmy Ward & Wilson Fisinger & Taylor. Rlchy Craig Jr Ed ShcrirC Co 2d Half (20-23) Winnie & Dolly Cogert. & Motto Bert Marks Co Gordon's Dogs (Two to nil) . National 1st half' (17-19) Achilles & Newman Seymour &'Cunard Ca:rdo & Noll Kemper & Bayard -College Capers 2d half (20-23) 4 Kadcx Stan,ley Owen & H McCarthy Sc Stew'd Wyse Ja Co Crisp Sis Rev Orphcum. 1st half (17ri9> Hubert Dyer Co Stanley Owen & H Stateroom 19 Co Jack Goldie' McLallen & Sarah J DcSylvIa's Co. 2d half (20-23) The Emilons O'Connor Sis - Gary & Baldl Al Hermon (Ono to nil) . State (17) B Anderson & Ponb Castleton & Mack. Jack. Ostentian Braille Sc Palo Rev (Two to All) Victoria . 1st half (17-19) Nelson's Catland Cogert Sc Motto Holland & Oden BAT RIDGE Ix»ew'» Ist half (17-19) Van Horn & Inez. Geo Lyons I>!wi3 & Dody (Two to nil) 2d half (20-23) ZInimy (Others to nil) BOSTON, MASS. Orplieum (17) Zlcglera June & Jo Allen & Norman Billy Farrell Co Harry- Hincs • Perezcaro Sis Rev CANTON. O. IXMSW'S (17) 3 Castles Frolllc 4 N & G Verga Jas C Morton Co Cycle Rev CLEVELAND, O. Granada . 1st half (17-19) . Vandeli Bros Jolly 4 . Joyce Lando Co. Dwyer Sc Edwards Paramount 6 . 2d half (20-23) Wilfred DuBols Meehan Neyvmah Seymour P & B Ralph Whitehead Radio Fancies Park 1st halt (17-19) Wilfred DuBois Meehan & Newman Seymour P & B ' Ralph Whitehead Radio Fancies : - 2d half (20-23) Vandeli Bros Jolly 4 Joyce Lando Co Dwyer & Edwards Paramount 6. COLUMBUS. O. State (17) Raffin's 'Mohka Oscar -Grogan Saxton Sc Farrell Donovan Sc Lee Fejer .& Lang Orch LYONS & LYONS >^ JntiihuW Cluili -jf. SAM LYONS ;> One. of the smartest and niOflt active yaudevllle bookers in the buBlhess is our Mr. Sam lorons. If you want action and quick leryleefpr consecutive boekings, 8«e Mr. Lyons at once. When better "open time" la booked, Sam Lyons will book it. LYONS & LYONS fAMAMOOMT BlDCmWYSMI Mlchon Bros Tom Christian (Drch 2d half (20-23) Sembla Bros Nancy Decker Dalton & Craig Calts Bros DeSyvlla's Vanities BROOKLYN Bedford lat ha;if (17-19) Nathane & Sully Cooper & Clifton Gary & P*iidl. Cahlll & Welia (One to'mi) 2d half (20-23) H & M Scranton . Natalie Alt Co Rlchy Craig Jr Lillian St Leota Co (One to flll). 46th St. lat half (17-19) Winnie & Dolly Kramer & Fields Princeton & Yale Kramer &. Boyle Duke College Orch 2d half (iiO-23) Romas Tr Tall Ling Sing Wedding Ring ; (Two to nil) Gates Ave. 1st half (17-19) H & .M Scranton Moran Warner 8c M Morgan & Sheldon Al Herman Ferg's'n Del-Val Rv 2d half (20-23) Stubblenelda Jack'Goldie LeVarra & Pingree Jones & Rea Gracella & Theo Co Motropolltnn (17) Gautler's Toy Shop Jerome. &. Ryan Clark & Bergman Glenn & Jenkins' Jack Donnelly Rev (One to nil) Oriental 1st half (17-19) Stubblenelda Ted Marks Cliff Dixon Co Bennett & Richards (One tp nil) 2d half (20-23) Cooper.; &. Clifton (Others to nil) ' Palace 1st balf (17-19) CortcUo's Circua O'Connor Sla Larry's Or'ge Grove (Two to nil) 2d half (20-23) J & J Gibson ' 4. Pages John Barton-.Co .'' Harry Brceh Tuesdays 723 7th Ave. New York JACK L. UPSHUTZ TAILOR, 908 Walnut St., Plnla. EVANSV'LE, IND. Victory 2d half (13-16) Well'gion & Sylvia Goclet. & Hall Marvin & Davla Coulter & Farrell Romany Rev liTT. WORTH. TEX. Worth (16) "Ilula Bluca" Unit P-*:-J- H u bert Drean Beach Moore & Powell Anna Chang 6 Samoans Sorrel Girls HOUSTON, TEX. Mclropoittnn (16) "Roman Nights" U Laaalior Bros Bon llur Stablos ICls'a Grp(»nwcll Stateroom 19 Co Morris & Shaw Hubert Dyer Co Bonlevard 1st half (17-19) 4 Kadex Natalie Alt Co LoVarrs & Pingree Donia & PlUard (One to nil) __ 2d_ half (20J«) Gor'dbn fiTDay"^"^"' Gee Lyons Phil Seed Co Lytell & Fant • (One to nil) Commodore 1st half (17-19) J & J Gibson Jenny Reed & Gold Southland (Three to nil) Mammy Jimmy Roger Wliiiama Eddie Mayo Gang (Two to fill) Fairmont lat half (17-19) Alpine Sports Myrtle Boland Phil Seed Co Emll Boreo (One to nil) . _.^2d. half (20-2^ ^ 4 Kemmy'a " F Sinclair Co Zelaya Melody Manalon (One to nil) Grand lat half (17-19) 5 Arnlma Potter Sc Gamble Wedding Ring Iloaa Wj%e Jr Co (One to nil) Premier 1st half .(17-19) Gordon's Dogs Al H Wilson Bert Marks D'Andrea A W Bd (One to nil) 2d half (20-23) Lawton Bernlce & Panaoy Milton Pollock^Go= Ed Sheriff Co Frldkln & Rh'da Rv ATLANTA, GA. Grand (17) B PhlUips Co Romalne Sc Castle Mary & Ann Clark Wm & Jofe Mandell Private Slack CORONA. L. I. ' Plaxa. lat half (17-19) The Emilona Ryan & Moore Cardiff & Walea Roger WHllama . Eddie Mayo Gang 2d half (20-23) 3 Arnlma Ray Barrett Co E Caruao Jr Co (Two to All) . EVANSV'LE, IND. I/oew'a (17) Franklyn & Roy'ce J & R LaPearl Raymond Wilbert Lillian Morton Dblan & Bonger Bv FLUSHING, L. I. Prospect ■ 1st half (17-19) Alex.Melford 3 Bernlce & Pansey John Barton Co Jack Pepper Boys H Ellsworth's Rev 2d half (20-23) 4 Serlany'a Seymour & Cunard Leon & Dawn Joyner & Foater T Christian Orch HOUSTON, TEX. Houston (17) 3 Nltos Duel DeKerekJarto Brown Sc Blrm'h'm Olcott & Lee Leonora's Co JAMAICA. L. I. Hillside 1st half (17-19) 4 Serlany's Jones & Rea E Caruso Jr Co (Two to nil) 2d half (20-23) Osaka' Boys Moran Warner & M McLallen & Sarah (Two to nil) MEM Pins. TRNN. I>oew'» (17) Selma Braatz Heni'y Regal Co Wilson Bros Johnnie Marvin Lowe-Sargent Rev MONTREAL, CAN. .. ^ _Loew!8 (17) Kate & Wiley 4 Eton Boya Van & Vernon Bond & Trent Welsh & Hills Maker Bedford Rv NEWARK, N. J. State (17) wills & Holmes Craig Campbell C'.-Emmy's Pets' ■ Johnnie Berkes' Co Marino & Mona Rv NEW ORLEANS - State (17) Palermo's Canines Marcus Berta Abbott .& Bisland O'Dunne & Day Welch Glcemen NORFOLK. VA. State (17) Worden Bros Myrtle Boland Goss & Barrows Dooley & Sales White Way Galties TORONTO, CAN. Loew's (17) Hack-Mack Co Ryan & Boss Hamilton Sis & P Frank Terry The Raccooners WOODHAVEN, L.I. ^^^^ .^lll^yjj Ist half (17-19) Gordon & Day Nancy "Decker Co Daiton & Craig Calls Bro.<3 (Ono to nil) 2d half (20-23) Achilles & Newman Potter & Gamble Morgan & Sheldon Kemper & Bayard College Capors YONKERS, N. T. Yonkers 1st half (17-19) LeJlays Lomax & Johnson Flaming Youth Hawthorne & Cook- Lllllan St Loon Co 2d half (20-23) Nelson's Catland Ted Marks Cardiff & Walea Smith & Ailman Miller Sis Rev EXCLUSIVELY DESIGNED GARMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN BEN ROCKE 1632 B'way, at ^Olh St., N. Y. City Keith's 1 NEW YORK CITY ' Broadway. (17) Eno Family ' Hiighle Clark's Rev (10) Carr Broa & Betty J Curtis & Bush Sis Bowman & Kemp Milton Douglas. Bd Watson & Cohen Milton Berle 4 O'Connors Chester lat half (17-19) Max &. His Gang Reese & Gp.lnea Sh'mi-'cka & Tullpa George McLennon' 4 Flashes 2d half (20-23) Black & Gold Gates St Claire Geo Fredericks Co Demarest & Delioind. G Yeoman & L Blllle Maye Danse Bits 2d half (13-16) Dorothy LUnd Co Will J Ward $ol Gould Co Danny Small Co Gl'dys Delm'r Boys Coliseum 1st half (17-19) Wade Booth Eddie Borden Co ' Zelda Santley Boyle & Delia Br'wstV P'mr'y R'v : 2d half (20-23) George McLchnon Modern Cinderella Art Henry Co Mitchell & Durant Doherty & Green (One to nil) 2d half (13-16) 3 Hauser Boys ' ' Faber & Mclntyre Marie Valentl Gaston & Andre (One to nil) 8lRt St. (17) J C Fllppen Rev 2d half (13-16) Kit Kat 4 . Zelda Santley Hyams & Mclntyre Dufty & Gleaaon Fowler & Tamara Franklin lat half (17-19) Aussie & Czech Mildred Feeley Billy Arlington Co Medley & Dupree Joe LAurle B Hughes & M'rgle Down Home Rev 2d half (20-23) Omer Hebert Rev Wade Booth Gordon Walker Co Doherty & Green Ethel Waters Lea Galenos 2d half (13-16) Polar Pastimes Morb & Pedro -Chaa Marshall Co Betty & J Brown Jack Wilson Co- Along Broadway Fordiiam 1st half (17-19) Derlckson & Brown Parks & Ford Art Henry Co Buck & Bubbles Gaston & Andre Eddie DowHng Lucille La Verne Co Parisian Art (Three to nil) ' ' (10) Kafka Stanley & M Benteii & Gould Powers & Wallace Mitchell &. Durante Winnie LIghtner Big Bill Tilflen Stanton & Dolores Ben -Bernle Orch Regent lat half (17-19) Black & Gold Nat Burns Helen & Wm Emba Lentinl Co Demarest & Deland Ruiz & Bonita Co 2d holf (20-23) . Caniion & Lee Keo TakI & Yoki Sh'mr'cks & Tulips Roger Willlama Gladya. Joyce Co : . 2d half (13-16) Aussie & Czeck Murray & Irwin • Maurice Samuels Primrose Seamon 4 Flashes Riverside (li) Sol Gould Co Mario Valentl ' Eari Ijindsay's Rev (Others to nil) Rbyal 1st half. (17-19) Maurice. Samuela Burke ft Durkin (Three to nil) 2d half (20^23) Parsons & Hawka Jean Granese Hal Sherman (Two to fill) 2d half (13-16) Chevalier Broa Nat Chick Halnea Bob Mlllikcn Margie Hallick Co (One to nil) CONEY ISLAND Ulyou lat half (17-19) Ruby Latham 2 Keo Takl & Tokl. Jack Usher Co Stanley Chapman - Danse Bits 2d half (20-23) Swift Sla & Scott Violet McKee Co Princess Wahietka Robblns & Jewett Qi'dya Delm'r Boys 2d half (13-16) Cannon & Lee Nat Burns . Chla'holm & Breen Gordon & Walker Henry & Stafford FAR ROCKAWAT . Strand 2d half. (20-28) Max & His Gang Jack Newman Jr Betty & J Brown Biny Arlington Co Joe Laurie Jr Ruiz & Bonita Co 2d half (13-16) Seror Bros & Sla McManus & Hickoy Keo Taki & Yokl HOWARD S LO AT BONDS FOR INVESTMENT A. b! Leach & Co.. Inc.. 57 William St.. N. Y. Gladya Joyce Co (One to nil) 2d half (20-23) Helen & Wm Emba Seror Bros & Sla Zelda Santley Rasch Dancera (One to nil) 2d half (13-16). Eno Family r Frank ConvlHe Lucille Le Verne Co Medley-&•. Dupree Pedro Rubin Co Hamilton 1st half (17-19) 4 Waltons Co^yan & Gray Frank Gaby (Two to nil) 2d half (20-23) Janet Reads (Others to Hll). 46. half (13-16) Chas Carrer Olive Olsen Co Bobby O'Nell Co Klrby & Duval Berkoff Dancers Hippodrome (17) Les Chllenoa Kit Kat 4 ' ' Olive Olaeh (Three to nil) (10) . , 6 Bonhairs Doherty & Breen Tlnova & Balkoft Frank Gabby Co Eubie Blake Co •TefforRon 1st half (17-19) Omer Hebert Rev Roger Willlama Gordon Walker Co Los Galcnoa Ethel Watera =Ench an tmen t—-^^^^ 2d half (20-23) 4 Flashes. El Brown Eddie Borden Co Frank Gabby Co Along Broadway 2d half (13-16) Hughle Clark's U't Palnre (17) Koun Sia Dale & Wendt Lou Holtz Kerr & Weston Rv BROOKLYN Albee (17) 6 Jansleys Toto Winnie LIghtner (Three to nil) (10) Alexander Sir Peggy Helen Menken Co Frankle- Heath - A Frlcndland Rev (Two to nil) Bnsliwlck 1st half (17-19) King. Solomon Jr. Will J Ward : Hal Sherman ^ (Two to nil) 2d half (20-23) 4 . Beau- Brummcls . Maurice Samuels: Nelson & Knight (Two to All) 2d half (13-16) Irma Mllo Co 3 Chuma Henry B Toomer Burke & Durkin Bragdon & M'rrls'y Greenpolnt 1st half (17-19) Chas Keating Jean Granese (Three to nil) 2d half (20-23) Will J Ward (Others to nil) ICenmore Ist half (17-19) Falla Reading & B Modern Cinderella Scott Saundera Johhny Johnson Or (One to nil) .i.^^^^MadlsoO;^, 1st half (17-19) " Cannon & I'Ce Gates & Clalrc Prlnce.ia Walilolka Ed & Lou Miller Johnny llonuan Along Broadway 2d half (20-2:)) Ruby Latham 2 Danny Small 2 •■