Variety (Sep 1928)

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8 VARIETY PICTURE GROSSES Wednesday, September 19, 1928 "Terror," 3d Wk., Warners, "Sons," at Metropolitan to "Cardboard," •■ Los An^'Clos, Sept. 18. (Prawinja Populationj 1,450,000) Weather: Warm National air race .mGt?t all last ■week did riot do the pictm-e box ollicos any. (jood.' TCsDecially in the daytime, as they had slrohgr attrac- tions, including Colonel Lindbergh, to show the populace how flying was done with the least risk. The tield, located 15 miles from the he.irt oi^ Los Angeles, held on an avoragi? of 35,000 every afternoon, and 75,000 one (Jay; Evening flying stunts drew ' a,n average of 10,000 nightly.. About the best break as result of air races was one the r>-iterion got with "Wings," first time locally at pop prices. Wieek hit beyond $2l!.000, best the laggard house, has had in four years; VHer Cardboard Lover," at Loew's State with the usual abundance of Hearst paper extra space, did not equal records established here by other of the Davies pictures that were not sp good. On Aduil^sion Day the night scale was in effect all day in all of the picture houses. Metropolitan was bit disappointing with first regular showing of "Four Sons" with sound. Trade started oft poorly but picked up Sunday and Adniission Day, with house about $500 behind Loew's State on the week. Warners on third week; of "Ter- ror" held up very big, with turn- away every night and mJit only hurt slightly by the air races. For sixth week of "White Siiad- ows" at Grauman's Chinese traffic was still well over $20,000, consid- ered' excellent United Artists skidded about $8,000 below the previous week on the sec- ond stanza of "Two Lovers," which, as a result, has but one week more to goi with "Battle of the Sexes" underlined for Sept. 19, Fourth week of "The Godless Girl" at the Blltmore close on heels of the previous week, while "Lilac Time" was about $1,000 below the week before in its ninth week at the Carthay. Circle. "The Tempest," at the Egyptian, ■was close to $9,000, with the Boule vard not doing so well with "Smoke Bellow;" an independent release. Estimates for Last Week Biltmore . (Erlanger) — "Godless Girl" (Pathe) (1,550; 50-$1.50). Without flound at $1.50 top $12,000 great for 4th week. Boulevard (W, C.)—"Smoke Bel- lew" (Co-operative) (2,164; .25-50): Not so good: Low rental and house breiaks okay at $5,500. Carthay Circle (W. C.-Miller)— "Lilac Time" with sound (F. N.) (1,500; 50-$1.50). Ninth week, Though mats off, nights very good. Over $9,000. Criterion (W. C.)—"Wings" with sound (Par) (1,600; . 25-75). First week. Turned tht-m away in droves first day and finished initial stanza with $21,200. Egyptian (W. C.-U. A.)—"The Tempest" <U. A.) (1,800; 25-75); Aided by Benny Rubin and F. and M. stage unit lucky in drawing $8,- 900. Grauman's Chinese (U. A.)— "White Shadows" (M-G) (1.958;.50- $1.50). Sixtli week. Very good at $2-i,000. Loew's State (W. C;-Loew)—"The Cirdboara Lover" (M-G-M) (2,242; 25-$l). Marion Davies created no . etuption through Hearst paper help, with stage >show put on by F and M exceptioiially strong. $26,600. Metropolitan (W. C.-PUlT)-^-"Four Sons" with sound (Par). (3,505; 25 75), Did not get off to great start but picked up as went along, finish ing to around $26,000. United Artists (U. A.)—VTwo Lovers," spund (U. A.) (2,100; 25- $1). Not panic expected in 2d week; around. $16,000. Warner Bros. (W. B.)—'Tho Ter- ror," all dialog and Vita. (W. B.) (2.756; 25-75). Third M'Ock. This with Cebailos stage show drew very hl.g, house showing handsomely at $26,000, ■ , State, LA. "WHIP" FAILS TO HIT; "LILAC TIME" SMASH Vaude Houses in IVIinneapoiis on Skids of Late—Low Grosses Coast Engineer at Lake Placid Los Angeles, Sept. 18. Peter Mole will attend the con- vention of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers at Lake I'lat-id, N. Y., Sept. 24-29, as representa- tive oif the Academy of Motion Pic- ture Arts arid Science.s. .Minneapolis, Sept. 28, (Drawing Pop., 475,000) Weather Favprable After the big bulge in business tha:t occuiTed Fair week, considera- ble reaction the past seven days. Lack of strong attractions helped decline. Minnesota, in particular, suffered. The single exception was tlie State's sensational trade with ."Li- lac Time," in the face of the down- ward trend. Third big winner this house has had -within two riionths. Others were "Lights of New York" (dialog) and "Street Angel/' (sound). Like the two, "Lilac Time" (sound) held over for second week. What's more, the $18,000 gross of •'Lilac Time" was rolled up despite one of the three newspaper critics panned the picture severely. "The Patriot," the week before, praised to the skies by all the reviewers, flopped badly at the box-ofl^ce. "Wings," with sound, reopened the Strand last Thursday, one day later than scheduled. First day's patronage large. Picture is In for a run. The 65-ccnt scale corinpares with $1.50 top charged. when the' picture was seen as a road attrac- tion at the Metropolitan last sea- son.. Hennepin-Orpheum and Pantages had nothing even remotely resem- bling a draw upon screen or stage. Former house has been hurt by poor bills the past two v/eeks. The Min- nesota also began to feel the effects last week of a fortnight of weak .screen attractions. In Its first week as a loop sec ond run Vitaphone and Movietone house, (jrand, with "The Jazz Sing er," failed, to. hit a fast clip. The picture, playing Its third loop en gagement, opened strong on Satur day and Sunday, but sagged there- after. ^ . Estimates for Last Week Minnesota (F. <& R.-Publix) (4, 100; 75) "The Whip" (F. N.) and "Flapperettes," Publix unit. Picture not up to house standard and did not catch on .strongly. Cast and sound sequences in connection with train episode only redeeming fea- ture. Publix stage unit also not so well liked- as recent predecessors Overture by Oscar Baum's pit or- chestra, novelty orchestral numbei's by Al Mitchell's .stage band and Ed die Dundstedter's organ concert best units on program. Around $22,000, drop of nearly $12,000 fi-om preced ing week, but very good under all of clrcum.'^tarices. State (F. <*t -R.-Publix) (2,500; 65), "Lilac Time" (F. N.) and orches- tral presentation; Public ate up pic ture despite adverse ne-wspa.per re views. Colleen ^loorc always sure fire hove, but: this developed into her biggest local smash since "JHaming Youth," Around : $18,000 Splendid. Held over. Hennepin Grphcum (Keith's) (2.890; 50), "The Perfect Cririie' (F. B. O.) and vaude. Weak vaude- ville and ordinary picture. Second bad sliow in succession and busi ness showed it. Hous? continues very much alivo as a result of ag gressiyenes?s of Frank N. Phelps, district manager, now stationed on ground. About $10,000. Good, corisi derlng quality of entertainment. Pantages (l^antagcs) (1,600; 25 50), "Home J.ame.s" (U.) and vaude, I'loasing' show, but no n.imes to stir up.:. About $5,000. Sati.sfactory In face of lack of outstanding at- traction. Lyric (F. R.-Publix) (1.300; 35) "Fool.s for Luck" (Par.), finst half; "Hot News," second half. Pictures good at price, but did not demonstrate much drawing po^w^er Around $1,500. Fair. B'way AfnhS^ph^riB" Los Angeles, Sept. 18. Carl Laemmle, Jr., and Paul Fejos, who will direct "Broadway," will go to New York" to secure atmos- phere shots with Movietone for tlie picture, using: some of the Wliitc Light places, Charles Furthman and .Edward T. liOWe, writing adaptation and continuity, will accompany. TOUT-A-L'HEURE "How long did it take the JADtJ ROOM to become the vogiie?" "Tout-a-l'heure, . my dear. In- stantly." . ; A Meyer Davis Orchestra con- tributes to the success of the WAL- DORF-ASTORIA'S uniquely beau- tiful dancing and dining rendezvous, tliat has become a by-word where-, ever the elite of the ■world gathers/ Tatriot," Sound, Not So Good in S. F.; Talking "Terror" Big at 'Tom," Sounded, 'DANCING daughters; BALtO. RECORD, $27,000 "Lights of New York" Didn't Hold Up—"Sawdust Para- dise" Fell Down Mine Owner After Divorce Do.s .Mi)inos, Ia„ Sept. 18. Harry M. I'polo, wealtliy coal mine owner hero, lia.s filed suit for .diy_Qr-(Aa^ftojii^i:]caaoX;^lL:!fiiiJbPiM)l^ the former actress, whom he mar- ried In Juno, 1923. .Mrs, Pool© la alleged in the petition to be "harsh and unkind and lias an uhcontrol- ablo temper at frequent intervals." Mrs. Poole was with the dra- matic stock company at the Prin- cesa hete at the time of her mar- riage. It was quite" an event In .•^ooiiil fircJo.*!. "Terror" at Midland and "Gang" Local $26,500 Kansas City, Sept. 18. (Drawing Pop., 6CI0,060) Weather: Fair Redecorated and rehabilitated, the I^fewrnan reopened Friday . evening as a Publix de luxe- house with Wings," and the Fox Movieto^ie News, with a Vita short, together ■with a Paramount news reel. For the first time since the Newinan was Opened as the town's .first de luxe, there was nO orchestra in the pit. Unless the policy is changed there will be none used, as all pic- tures will be sounded. Scale 35 to 75 cents how; after ."Wings," 60 cents.. Royal, other Publix theatre, taken back. froni Loew's, ayid which has been dark since January will also open in a few weeks as a first run house. It will be operated at a lower scale than the. Newman. The Publix local organization con- sists of Louis Lazar, district niana- ger; C. C. Perry, managing direc- tor; C. C. Collins, manager of the Newman; Gladys Green, secretary, and Hans Flath, organist, for the Newman. Loew's Midland had its first 100 percent talker, "The Terror," The lines were long and frequent, Satur- day and iSunday openings, were turnawayS and the balance of the week good. Funny thing, l^hat While practically all the fans continue to razz the talkers and kick about the noise and gratings of the machines, they stick for the complete show. At the Mainstrcet with Colleen Moore and a fast stage sho^w it was a push over. The boys were busy most of the time keeping, the cus tomers in line. Pantages, with "Ro mance-of a Rogue," and good vaude had better than a^verage business, while the Globe, with it.q second week of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," did not fare so ■well. Work of wiring both the Main street and the Pdhtages is being pushed and the Mainstreet will of- fer its first sound picture Sept. 30, "Lilac Time." Stage band and vaude policy will be continued. Pan will also retail Its vaude In connection -with its sound pictures Estimates For Last Week Midland—'The Terror—(4,000-25, 35, 60). First all-talker for the house. Local Our Gang film also draw. M.-G.-M. News, Fox Movie tone News and three acts account Of length; organ out. $26,500. Big, Mainstreet—"Oh Kay"—(3,200-25- 50). Colleen Moore sure fire, and with dandy vaude, biggest bargain in town. Stage sliow of "Oli Kay" had never reached here, which gave the picture nice break. $19,000. : Pantages—!'A Rogue's Romance" —(2,i200-25-50). Stiigc show one ;bf best for months. Peculiar thing about the bill was two dancers, Bobby Collins In opening actj and Verena Carvet in the F.agan act, using stairs a la Cill Robin.son. $9,- 700. Uptown featured "The Night Bird" and acts on stage. Capitol had double bill, "Easy Street" and "The Primrose Path." Urbach's Son, Beach Draw Los Angeles, Sept. 18. ^o^In^ re ach .can acity at^he^ end of the summer season in the Ocean Park plunge for Friday night and at the Gables Club at Santa Monica on Sunday after- noon, they are featuring a child who is an expert diver and Bwlm- mer. The youngster la Everett Urbach, son of Larry Urbach ot Variety's LoB Angele« offlc*. . Baltimore, Sept. 18. The Stanley , got the big business last week, running to a record week with "Our Dancing Daughters" on the screen. ''Foui; Sons" continued to good business at tlie New, and "Lilac Time" was very satisfactory uptown at the Parkway. The Cen- tury skidded somewhat, but was still satisfactory with "Out of the Ruins," "Lights of New York" failed to develop b.o. strengtli to justify a run. After a big opening week, it slumped badly and folded up' abruptly at both the Rivoli and the Metropolitan. Stiff competition and hot weather added in the defeat. 'Jazz Singer"' and others lasted weeks at . tlie Met under equally ad- verse conditions. "Sawdust Paradise" failed to click at the Valencia. iBoth combo houses, Garden and Hippodrome, were some- what off, due to weather and com- petition, although their respective pictures, "Chicken a la King" and Scarlet Lady," were well received. The Auditorium, following several weeks as a film first-runner with Universal product, has reverted to the legit, as per schedule, ^nd how has dramatic stock at $1 top. . Estimates for Last Week Stanley (Stanley, Crandall, Loew) "Our Dancing Daughtei-s," wired, (3,600; .25-60). Biggest week since opening one at this house, and du- plicating the big gross at the Cen- tury previous week. One more proof of the deciding factor of the pic- ture in the draw. House has no. stage sho^w to match Century pro- gram. Remarkable up-grade in business, beginning with daytime draw - Monday and continuing straight through week. About $27,- 000. Century (Loew) "Out of the Ruins" (3,200; 25-60). Skidded after big week with "Cardboard Lover." "Out of Ruins" business would have been . considered, very big at this house not so long ago. At least five grand under previoujj week. . Pic- ture voted below standard of recent Barthelmess films while "Teeing Off," stage show, not up to elab- orate standard of recent shows. About $22,000, satisfaclrory. Rivoli (Wilson Amusement Co.) "Lights of New' York," wired, (2,- 100; 25-60). After record week .slumped. Apparently word-of-mouth advertising unfavorable for when the first, caused by the nov- elty of the to\v-n's first all-talker had subsided, no momentum to offset competition ami hot weather. New Garden (S c h a n b e r gor s) "Chicken a la King" and Keith vaude (3.200; 25-50). Picture liked but vaude somewhat off. Marathon dancers failing to click big and this house must still depend on its vaudo for about 70 per cent of the draw $10,500. .. Valencia (Loew-U. A.) "," wired, (1,500; 25-50) Disappointment. Picture okay and comments good. " Title "nof'SO'forte for this house. Theatre has been getting a. lot of run-of-the-studio product under new low-top policy biit the lineup for the winter shows better product and more, promising outlook. Competition main reason for, current slump. About $3,000, Me t r b p 0 I it a n (Jiciuity Corp.) "Lights nf New York," wired, (1,400 ; 25-,")0). Running, day and dale Nvith down-town Rivoli. '.'Lights of N Y." failed to show anything to justify third, week. Nothing to do but shove "The Terror" Into th( gap; second all-talker current. Parkway .(Loew-U. A.) "liilao Time," wired. (1,000; 15-35). Good picture for thivS house and delivered in spite of adverse woothor and stiff competition. About $r),;)6o, very .sat- i.sfactory. Hippodrome (Po.irce «Sr Sohock) "The Sc.irlet .L.'idy" and Keith vaudo (3.200; 25-50). Fair bu-sine^is Picture liked but weather and coni- petttion hurt. ' Siin Frahci.sco, Sept. 18,. (Drawing Population, 800,000) Weather: Unsettled Eight downtown hou.se3 grossed better than $136,000 -week, all satisfactory with one or two ex- ceptions. . Business was healthy, with the weather favorable the first half,' but extreniely hot during the last throe* days, A three^day holi- day, brought about by Admission Day Monday, ■yv'ith a general sus- pension of business, helped the pic- ture houses: Heavy opposition developed oni the half with the opening of the Sells-Floto Circus for a four- day stand, and there was a Native Sons convention in Oakland. Outstanding houses were the Warfield, which continued its pace as leader, keeping over the 30 grand mark; Embassy for another record- breaking week, this time with "The Terror"; Pantages, temporarily classed as a picture house by aban- doning vaude policy for. screening of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" tis .Its first, sound feature (with stag-e prescnta-. tion), and Columbia, where the ani- mal feature, "Slmba,*' opened for three weeks to healthy revenue. Emil Jannlngs in. "The Patriot" at the California was a dlsappointr mcnt and yanked after two weeks, replaced Sept 14 by -'Wings," Qen- eral consensus that. Jannlngs had outdone himself and that feature itself was flawless but that syn- chronization and Injection of talker had hurt an otherwise outstanding subject. Granada dropped back about $12,- 000 over previous week, but here picture and weak stage show Were to blame. Thomas Melghan's draW' so far as this town Is concerned seems over, despite "The Racket" some weeks ago somewhat made up for previous discrepancies. Pi'esent" "Mating Call" didn't get to first base. "King of Kings" wound up three dismal weeks at the St. Francis, giving way currently to "Tempest." Estimates for Last Week Warfield (Loew-W. C.) "Night. Watch" (FN) (2,672; 50-65-90). Though not rating unusually high, Warfield continued Its record - break- ing pace. Rube Wolf and Fanchon & Marco stage show "Temptations" . helped revenue. Over $30,000. Granada (Publix-W. C.) "The Ma;ting Call" (Par) (2,785; 60-65- $1). Public ■won't, be fooled at this house. Gl\''e 'em the goods and they turn out. Ordinary features and stage shows don't mean a thing. Frank Jenks, m. c. and heading band, only thing outstanding. Just reached $20,000. Bad. Embassy (Wagnon) "The Terror" and Vita (War. Bros.) (1,367; 50-. 65-90), Straight talkers here and records go by boards, Fir^t week close to record set by "The Jazz Singer," which it might haveo top- ped . if footage, shorter. Close to $22,000, . Excellent. California (Publlx-W. C.)' "The Patriot" (Par) (2,200; 65-90). Sec- ond week showed drop of about $8,- 000 to . $14,500. Disappointment ail around. C 0 I u m b i .a (Gottlob-^ICrlanger) "Simba". (.lohnson) (1,700; D0-$1.50). Road show got away to excellent start. Matinees light but nights big. Opener grossed $14,000, con- sidered exceptional. Two more weel^rf. Pantages (Pan) "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (U) ; (25-50-75). Finst screening with sound, marking ad- vent-of sound for this housej,.proved magnet. Heavy business with gross, on Initial ■week at over $23,000. Best house has done in.months. Another week at St. Francis (W. C.) "King of Kings" (Pathe) (1,375; 35-05-90). Pop priced engagement of Biblical feature. Third ■\yeok and out to $7,- GOO, disapi)oiiiting. imperial (Levy) "Divine Sinner" (all star) and Levy vaude (1,400; 15-25-40).: Business continues to biiild here and last week set record. Topped $4,000 for neat profit. Now out of lemon class. U's Oriental, Cleveland Cleveland, Sept. IS. Oriental will reopen shortly as a Universal house, with third-run films and aniatcur acts occasionally For the last three years the Ori- ental has been losing money for Sam Manholm, who recently sold it to U. It began With burle.sque. Talker Problems Solved Lo.S Angeles, Sept. 18. Wliile I.-niversal had possession of the Fox Movietone outfit with -which it made "The Melody of Love," In nine days for $30,000, Roy Hunter, head of the laboratory dc- irdTrmtritTiTWe""sludI67""iS^^^^^ to have solved two of the most vexing problems which have faced the talking film makers. These are the sound fadeout and the sound lap dissolve. Hunter Is said to have virtually iperfoctod methods for liandling Ijoth of those snags and used them in "The Melody of Love."