Variety (Sep 1928)

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Wednesday, September 19, 1928 PICTURE GROSSES VARIETY 9 Jackie Coogan Disappoints as Draw At Paramount, $7S,40(I-Ordinary '*Lilac Time" Stepping Along to $2 at Central— "Wings" in 58th Week, $13,012 Jaekle Coogan's personal appear- ance plus a First National picture, "Heart to Heart," failed to achieve anything spectacular last week at the Paramount. The grpsa of ?75,- 400 is ovUlnary for that house and. a distinct disappointment In. view of the out-of-town business reported done by the former junior screen star. House-did $80;6.00 the week previously with a western picture. "TuJiil"' dipped $10,000 on its sec end and final week at tho-lloxy, the gross b,cinij $102,600, as compared to . |l41,306 the llrst week. . "Tempest" also took a slide at the Rivoll to $24,900 against $31,400 for the preceding' seven day spiin, Barrymore film blows this week with the RlvoH receiving "Two troycrs" as successor. "Cardboard Lover," holding for a second week at the Capitol, got $G1, 300, substantial. "The Patriot," at the Itlalto, eased up with the rest of the extended runs but still vig- orous at $34,600. Reserved Se^t Stuff Among" the $2 pictures on Broad- way, "Submarine," at -thp Embassy, Is showing box office potency: At the 5,0G-scater its gross of $9,300 is classy. ■ "Lilac Time" is upsetting tradition by doiniiT smart biz at the Central, Where many a $2 flicker went floppo. "The Terror" Is zooming aloni; brisky above. $20,000 ' since opening five, weeks ago at Warner's. - Estimates for Last Week A8tor-^"White Shadows" and Bound (M-G-Cosmo) (1,129; $l-$2) (8th week). Pace remains about Bame, $19,500. Good. Cameo—"Dawn" (Selwyn) (B49; 60-75) (3d and final week). English film finished third week at $5,700 Engagement grossed about $22,000, iitipressive for capacity. Capitbl—"Cardboard Lovei" (M-G) (4,620; 35-50-75-$l-$1.50) (2d week). Holdover tilled $61,300 on top of first week's $76,300., Central—"Lilac Time" and sound (FN) (922; $l-$2) (7th week). War picture still In dough, $15,500. Criterion—"Wings" (Par) (836; |l-$2) (58th week). Still able to sell $13,000 worth of ducats. Just $12 oyer that figures last week, E m b. a s s y — "Submarine" (Col) (B96; $1-2) (4th' week). Cllckin here. Last week $9,300. Continu ance Indefinite. . Gaiety—"Air Circus" and Movie tone (Fox) (808; $l-$2) (3d week). This one in-betweener. Pretty good but not hot, and six weeks figured maxlmurri. Last week $8,700. Globe—"Mother Knows Best" and Movietone (Fox) (1,416; $l-$2). "Red Dancer" closed mid-week. House dark several days prior to Saturday mat opening of picture based on Edna Ferber's story. Paramount—"Heart to Heart" (FN) (3,666; 40-65-75-$l). Jackie Coogan failed to show box-office strength in New York with schools open. Picture liked for laughs, al .though bookisd In with expectation, that Coogan would carry- any feat ure. House did about regular busi- ness and no more; $76,400. Rialto—"The Patriot" and sound (Par) (1,960; 35-50-75-$l) (5th week). Takings still good at $34,600. Can remain several weeks more if Paramount elects. Ri.voM—"Tempest" and sound (UA) (2,200; 35-50-75-$l) (4th week), Down to $24,900, but satis ^ factory" after long $2 run;- Exits this week. '. Roxy—"Fazll" (Fox) and stage , show (6,205; &0-75-$l-$1.50): Ara- bian lovo yarn didn't maintain'early pace. Second and final week, $102, 600, miu-kedly off from first week's $141,300. Strand—"State Street Sadie" and Vita (WB) (2,900; 85-50-65-75) Holdover week gro.ssod $34,600. Warners—"The Terror" and Vita (WB) (1,300; $l-$2) (6th week). Everything peaches to date. Down little, but. ample at $20,800. Winter Garden — "Singing Fool" and Vita (WB) (1.493; $l-?2). Opens tonight (Wednesday) with special $11 price and Al JoLson in person. House completely redrcs.scd In anticipation of long run. First film ever to play Winter Garden, traditionally hdme of big'musical revues, Mflwaiikee Goes for Talk; "Angel," $18,000,2d Wk. SMART SHLE SHOW IN MONTREAL TO $16,500 "Street Angel," H. 0. at Pal- ace, 2d Wk., to $20,000 B. & K. Obliged to Move Profit Films Due to Bookings; Too Many Wows Milwaukee, Sept. 18. (Drawing pop., 650,000)^ Weather: Unsettled; Rain This Is a talkie town now and the public has grown tp be a shrewd gang of picture shoppers. With the Stiand and Gardeh the lone wired houses, seats were at. a premium, although the Garden, with second week of "Temp6st," did not come close to the Strand, showing Street Angel" for a second week. The public came, stood Iri the lob- bies to look at displays and then moved on. They were shopping and with ah aversion for costume pic tures the rule liere, the Strand and Wisconsin were benefitted. "The Foreign Legion," at. the Allvambria, did a nea:t business and the. house suffered little from, the talking" invasion. This house goes wired. Sept. 28, preceded: by oncf week by the Wisconsin, Which opens Saturday with "Warming Up." This will leave only the Majestic and Merrill as straight silent houses. The ciombo liouses are feeling the talkers and .spreading on advertis- ing. Fcx-Midwesco group also dig- ging ;.dcep for increased newspapei copy. Estimates for Last VVeek Alhambra (U) "Foreign Legion" (U) (1,800; . 25-35-50). Fair week No . turnaway but .held own against field of talkers. Majestic (Brln) "Drums oC Love" (tr. A.) (1,500; . 25-50). Failed to click as U. A. picture usually does In this town. Too nxucli costume stuff may have been reason. Garden (Brin) "Tempest" (U. A.) (1,200; 25-50-75). Barrymore film in second week failed to go as big as expected, but carried house out of red at about $8,000. Merrill (Fox) "Forbidden Hours" (M-G-M) (1,200; 25-50). Weak sis- ter pf street. House suffering heavily from big pictures in opposi- tion. Can't seem to bring itself around. Being painted and re- modeled now to catch the pati'ons' eyes. Less than $4,000. Palace (Keitli) "Happiness Ahead" (F. N.) (2,400; 25-50-75). Picture got even break in billing with vaude., going well and ran Into money easily with $17,500. Riverside (Keith( "Hit of Show" (F. B. O.) (3,000; 20-35-40-50). Busi- ness here not up to normal, al- though ..week fair. Vaude and film get even break, sometimes with film favored; $10,300. .Strand (Fox) "Street Angel" (Fox) (1.200; 25-50-60). The talk of the town. Frorri dead Issue In two .weeks' to money maker' for house. Second week of film got just .short of $18,000. Wisconsin (Fox) "Rivei- Pirate" (Fox) (2,80d; 25-35-50-60-75).House is still hurt by Strand, next door, and business despite fair stage show dropped off from usual level to Just over ?14,000. Montreal, Sept. 18. (Drawing Population, 600,000) Weather: Cold and Wet With one of the smartest stylo shows ever. staged in a Canadian picture house, Harry Dahn of the Capitol pulled just under $16,500. Afternoon biz particularly . strong with the picture "Half a Bride" not mearilrig much in spite of press no- tices, to the contrary. Manager Dahn coupled up with the Murphy- Simpson Company to supply the smart toggery and got a number of snappy looking damsels to wear it. Then he took hold of the music and staging and made- a real thing of it. Besides his own extensive adver- tising Murphy's store gave plenty.. Although It was the second week at the Palace for "Street Angel," It battered any other film house by nearly $4,000. Exceptional for this theatre even though George Rotsky dropped $10,000 to $20,000, but the public are still het up over the new talkers. Vaude was better thl.s week at Loew's than, for some time past Of the two legit houses Shubert's Princess did well and His Majesty's poorly. At the former theatre, "Good News" pulled to $25,000 Gordon McLeod, formerly leadlnj; man with Sir John Martin-Harvey got many good write-ups but even this did not help much. The critics, in this town seem to think It their duty to laud any English prdduo tion. - Estimates for .Last Week Palace (FP) (2,700; 45-60) VStreet Angel" (Fox), wired. Second week but novelty of talkers still pulled $L'0,000. '■■ Capitol (FP) (2,700; 40-60) "Half a Bride" (Par). Rather weak but lelpod out by semi-annual fashion; $16,500. Loew's (FP) (3,200; 45-75) "Win That Girl" (Fox). Flimsy story but good unit 3how got $15,000. Imperial (Keith) (1,900; 35-$l). Good all around bill. All vaude; $12,000. Strand (UA) (800; 30-40) "Loves of Actress" (Par) "Pay as You En- ter" (Warner): "Vamping Venus" (FN) "Freckles" (FBO). Latter drew $4,000. Empress (800; 30-40) "Judgment of the Hills," "Bare Knees," "Patent LcaUier Kid," "-The Great Mail Rob- bei-y." PATHE'S STILL ON EOAD SHOW With the temporary shewing of that department has boon practi- cally disintegrated by Pathe. Sam Blair, booker, Is railroading to New Orleans In a few 3ay3 to fill In ns manager of the Tulane, New Orlean.s. Tom Campbell, regular Tulane boss. Is reported serlou.sly 111 at his home In New England, Meyer, U. Wis. Mgr., Buys M-G-M's 2d Runs Milwaukee, Sept 18. Appointment of Fred S. Meyer as. managing directori of. the^ MiJ^ waukee Theatre Circuit as well as the Alhaihbra, all Universal owned, was made, public by the New York U ofllce this week. Meyer for two years has been managing director of the Alham- bra and .inherited the job running the entire circuit following a tem- porary appointment when Nat Blumberg left the orgiittlzation In spring. Blumberg Is now identified with the Ludwig owned houses in the state and has full control of the Vande Vaart at Sh'-'boygan, Wis. According to a statement issued by Meyer, he will continue as su- pervising manager of the Alham bra, downtown, but will pick a new house manager. The balance of the house staff will remain Intact One of Meyer's first official acts was to buy all of the Metro second run product for his neighborhoods Tll1.s"-=waH^-form erly- ^^eold'=to—Fox (Sax) hou-scs. Sheldon as Super Los Angeles, Sept. 18. Lloyd Shfidon, on loave of ab sence from Paramount, will return Jan, 1 as a supervi.Hor of produc tion. Earle, Wash., $22,! Record With Talker Boston Better Boston, Sept. 18. Boston film houses picked up in their grosses last week. Metropolitan (Publix), -with Paul Whiteman on stage and "Marcheta" (Par) on screen, did $52,900. Loew's State had John Gilbert In "Four Walls" and got $19,900. Washington, Sept. 1,8. (Drawing Pop.; 4&0,000) Weather: Hot Town has had its all talker. Lights of New York," last week and with it.came the Earle's great- est gross. Buslnes.s was dropping toward the bnd of the -vook. though,, with the matinee.s almost entirely shot. Novelty couUln't do it alone. Talker's business did not top thiv town. That wa.s loft to "The Card- board Lover," at the. Palace, Keith's with "Kings." second week, and the Fox with "Street An- gel," likewise fared well. In view of the opposition. "Kliigs" surprised by about $1,500 more thain expected, while "Angel" did well considering the capacity of the Fox and the great number of customers the first week. Fox has anniversary ; week cur- rently with McLaglcn in "River Pirate" and started big. Keith's opening with two-a-day and "The Perroct Crime" (film), with picture billed above th^ vaude., had a nice matinee Sunday and capacity that night. "Forgotten Faces" did fair week at Metropolitan. '.'T'empest" got an excellent week at the Columbia, con- sidering the time of year, and Is playing the scheduled second Week. Estimates for Last Week Columbia (Loew)—"Tempest" (U, A.) (1,232; 35-50). Without sound and without cooling plant, did $12,- 000. . Earle (Stanloy-Crandall)—"Lights of New York" (Warner) and Vita phono (2,244; 35-50). Ri'oke house record and gave the place first real business of its life, though skidding at finish; possibly $22,000. Friday night Inaugurated midnight show with "Lilac Time" and got $1,100 at 50c. straight. This to be regular weekly feature showing coming at traction. Fox (Fox)—"Street Angel" (Fox) and Movietone (3,433; 35-50-75) Considering ovcrthing, $17,500 on second week not so bad- Keith's (Kelth-Albee) — "King of Kings" (Pathe) and Florentine Choir (1,938; 50-75). On .second of scheduled two weeks, $7,500. Two a-day vaude and picture opened .Sunday. M*t (Stanley-CrandalD—"Forgot ten Faces" (Par). Did fairly well but as silent picture couldn't have gotten much above what house has been doing with such-of late; $8,500 Palace (Loew)—"Cardboard Lover (M-G-Cosmo) (2,363; 35-50). An, other clean-up. Two weeks Hearst advance campaign. lerror" Oddly Affects N. 0. Negroes Takes States Record at Chii'aj.;o, S-l'!. IK, Weather: Fair A 'probloriv .unique in shosy l) ncisa is confronting IJalabau it Kalz. Too nuuiy wow pli>turos! They wore foroed to jvrk "Lilac Ciine" aftor live weeks of solid prdtit at the. Roosevelt, to m.-ike' waj' for The Patriot" Closing .week was iJO.OOO, whicli is $8,000 .'clear on the even days. Doing .only six shows daily, Wings" coppod all records for at- tendance per. perform.aneo atMo- Viekor'S and grossed a. tremendous : 143,000 on the opening, week. • ,Last week was $40,000, and trade ..shows no sign ■ of early lot-up. Tlils .i-s such-hot money li. <t K. made seri- ous attempts to run the picture si- muiiancously in the Roosevelt, but eouldn't do it as that liouse was making coin . wlioopee. wjj.ii "Lilac Time" and had "The Patriot" to folr low." After "Wings" comes "The Singing Fool" at McVickor's. This u quite a situation but should draw no tear.s.' lOlsewhere business was comfort- ably healthy. "The Fleet's In" looked very good at the Chicago with $46,000, and was alho used to open B. & K.'s new on the west side. Al Kvale, m. c. at the Oriental, liad his farewell week be- fore returning to the Norsliore, brought In a strong $41,000. Par's "Water Hole" helped. Third week of "Midnight Taxi" in the 760-seat Orpheum got ih liigh fit . $10,600. Second week was $13,800, a few hundred berries niore than opening week. Lined up as power- ful h. o. stuff locally. British-made "JJawn" set a $5,800 record at the sure-seat Playhouse on Its first week, expcrioncod an unexpected drop to $3,400 for the second week; and was jerked Sunday. "The River- Pirate" added $1,000 to the regular State-Lake grosf?. \ Estimates for Last Week - Chicago (Pulilix)—""The Fleet's In" (Par) sound, and '!Stcp This. Way," (Publix unit (4,200:; 50-75). Chua Bow always good for extra shekels ir, Ghl; pretty at $16,000. McVipker's (Publix)—"Wings" and sound (2,200; 60-75), Scn.satlon. of the Loop at $46,000 and $40,000 sec- ond week; only six shows daily. Oriental (Publix)—"Water Hole" (Par) and "Close Up.s," Publix unit (3,200; 35-75). Film held nicely. Fare-well week of -Al Kvale, m: c. $41,000. . Orpheum (Warner) — "Midnight Taxi" (W. B.) .sound (760; 50). Smallest first-run In town, but do- ing excellent proportionate buslncs.s with talkers; $10,600 for third week, of "Taxi," one week to go. Playhouse (Mlndlin)—"^Dawn" (Wlllcox) (600; 50-75). .Qiilteadrpp in second week to $3,400, and out Simday. First week house record at $5,800. Roosevelt (PubUx)--"Lllac Time" (F. N,), sound (1.700; 50-75). Fifth and last week shows $8,000 profit at $20,000, but "Patriot" booking necies- sltated closing; best money-maker house has ev«r had. ' State-LaUe (Keith)—."River Pi- rate" (Fox) (2,200; 50r75). Film added to regular gross, causing $10,- 000 for week; with vaude. United Artists (U. A.)—"The Tempest" (U. A.) (1,702; 35-75). Third week, $19,500; opened high to. $34,000, and In tor one more week. New Orleans, Sept.-18. "The Terror" a wow. last week, Warner's all talker smashed the rec- ord at Loew's State to smithereens with over $20,000* A peculiar feature of the tremen- dou.s draw of "The Terror" was its powerful appeal to., the c^lQred._pa- trons. From early • till late they stood In a line that seemed endless, and in the upper balcony, rescr-vcd exclusively for them, they moaned, roared and shouted in turn as the film, panicked them during ita un- winding. "State Street Sadie" was a teri- sti-ikiB also and has strong poten- tialities. ' The Saenger 'rose above $21;000 with "Sadie," Its underworld trend and high-lights pleasing im- mensely. The only prop "Sadie" had was Bert Swor In a talking. short the Publix entertainment for the pe- riod being boresome.iy blah. . Orpheum .showed nice speed with "A Thief In the Dark." House is being helped by Its proximity to the closed Strand, getting quito a bit of the latter's former play. Orpheum went above ten grand. "The Jazz Singer" got over $4,500 at the Tudor and Is now in its sixth week. Estimates for Last Week Loew's State (3,218; 50)—"The Terror" (WiR). All talker sma-^hod box^nSmce^^'rccord^-foF^^^^^^^^ $20,300. Saenjger 13,568; 65)—"State Street Sadie." This sound-mad town duck soup for the Warner gangland; got $21,200. Orpheum (2,400; CO)—"A Thief In Darlc." $10,400, Tudor (800; 75)—"Jazz Singer." $1,650 on iii'Lh week, Iletalnod, , SEATTLE DOING WELL Broadway Reopens After Makes Concessions Union Tacoma, Sept. 18. (Drawing Population, 125,000) Weather; Cool, Some Rain ^^Most "imiJofttliit'lTCWr in Taconra^ Is reopening this week of Broad- way, closed for the summer, due to too high overhead and over-seat- ed condition In tliis town. Union has made concessions, or- chestra reduced from 15 to 11 pieces, with stage hands also cut, and the rent lowered by. the landlord. This will doubtless peimit the house to got a break and reg Fanchon & Marco shows will go in for full week. (Opening show i.s Gene Morgan's Follies, and (Jene is here for a week, coming over from .Seattle. For open ing of thi.<j house "Excess Baggage" is the film feature, catching ori. Estimates for Last. Week Pantages (1,500; 25-50)—"Foreign Legion." Liked. Vaude good and HO Is biz. $5,700. Rialto (WC) (1,250; 25-50) "Sunrise" (Fox). Responded to iieavy billing. $5,000. Blue Mouse (Hamrlck) (650; 50 7r))—"State Street Sadie" and Vita (WB) ( week). Did well. $4.S00 Colonial (WC) (850; 25)—"Hot cwa^^-( I'ar)^--=l''airr$ no OOf^'T-^-"^-^ Lewin in New York Lo3 Angeles, Sept. 18, , Al Lewin, new story ^-ditor of M G-M, Is due In New York on his ftrsl .story hunt sinco assuming tho Job vacated by Paul P -rn. 2 Providence Clean-Ups Providence, Sept. 18. (Drawing Pop, 300,000) Weather, Cool Two metropolitan . picture wows, "Street Angel" and "Lilac Time," filled , tho. .Majestic and Strand, standing 'em up at some per- fprmancea, last week. Big ad spreads in three papers. For the first time in nionths the Victory was jamnjcd Sunday, slio.w- Ing "The/Cop." Estimates for Last Week Majestic (Fay) . (2,200; 15-75) "Street Angel" (Fox)., cleaned u\> at $12,500. Also Vita and Movietone. Strand (Ind.) (2,00D; 15-50). (iolleen Moore fine bet h(>re. "Lilac time" (FN) did around $11,600. Victory (K-A-0-) (1,500; 15-50). "The Cop" good. Wm. Boyd like- able. Lettered $G,500. Rialto (f'-ay) n.lOO; 13-3.0). Beer.v and Jiatton pillars of week. Around $2,100,. Year-Old Babe iii Film 'An;irft>»e I.o.ssierf, red-headed in- fant of about 12 months, seen tod- dling on the beach, was drafted by M-(;-M to apik-ar in "Niz.e Baby." ^:..<.:hmpa.ny was- on loe .th^L ije.'ich, wl'ien Hob"rt Henley, direc- tor, .^potted the child, decided that .■,lie was just the performer he lu-.-tlod, consulted With the mother on the .spot and next day made her appearance before the camera. The. child has never been in pie-