Variety (Sep 1928)

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80 VARIETY VAUDEVILLE Wednesday, September 19, 1928 Agents Get Impression Par. and M-G-M Chilling Up On Talking Shorts Despite 'aBents scllinfir talent to M-G-M and .r.irampunt, their opinion la that the major com- panies are chilling- on, talking shorts' production. They' think that thoy. are holding the people for elx month?, as per contract, Just In case. There is known antipathy within the ranks of both companies by executives ' against talking shoi'ts, figuring they are not worth bother^ Ing with, yitaphone's releases are being watclied avidly as a definite test since the big companies have ■ their hands full as It Is with sound and dialog synchronization to full- length features, the feeling Is that all are biding their time. The more shorts, being released and shown at the Mark Strand, New York, regarded now as the talker barometer, the more some execu- tives believe that the shorts aren't worth bothering with. Harry Rose's Talker Hariy R6se has signed with M-G-M for two one-reel talkers to be made at Cosmopolitan Studios, iNew York. . Shorts Bookings Slow ROBERT REILLY and His KILKENNY QUEENS SUPPORTED BY MOLLY KENNEDY and LITTLE LARRY ■ ?N "IRISH ROMANCE" Opening, for the Varlotr Tlioatrea Coiitrolllngr Compivny Booked by Reeves & I^mport Blrmlnglinm, England, Sept. i4 Talent bookings for talking shorts ai-e. still few and far between. Un preparedness at the moment figures as the rea- son Just now through lack of equipment. 'The rush of full len^h fei- tures with sound synchroniza- tion takes up all the facilities available until fully manned studios are erected. 2 Dancers Glaim ^ Booking Canceled Two boys, Fox and Gardner, do- ing a wop act, expected to open at Fox's Star, New York, Monday after rehearsing. When reporting for the regular show time thieji" claim to have been told by Manager Fotdham they couldn't be used. The act had no contract, stating the manager had booked them verbally direct. The boys ahowed up at the Star and gave the band their cue.s. So dovi^ntown they went to the Fox bojoking office to air their greivance. Huston Ray's Talker Los Angeles, Sept. 18. Huston Ray Is to be starred In a dialog picture to be produced by Dr. W, E. Shallenberger. The title of the picture ia "Music Healer." In It will be Incorporated situations enabling Ray to play his compositions on the piano. It Is planned to road show the picture with Ray making personal appearances and giving a recital following the projection. Production Is to begin Oct. IB under the direction of Phil Rosen. MitcheH and Durant in Service Injunction Suit A hearing has been set for today (Wednesday). In the New York Su- preme Court on the application for an injunction asked by the William Morris agency against Mitchell and Durant, vaude act, the Keith office and the New York Palace theatre. Morris, In supporting affidavits to its application, made by Abe Last- fogel and William Morris, Jr., al- leges that Mitchell and Durant en- tered into an exclusive managerial agreement with the Morris agency In December,, last. Under that agreement Morria guaranteed the act 20 weeks' work each season for its term of two yeara, at $600 weekly. Jerome Wilzln Is the Morris at- torney. He makes the claim that the act (comedy acrobats) is unique and extraordinary, and la about to breach Its Morris eontract. It is further asserted that from' 20 to 25 weeks have been secured by Morris for the turn in Publlz theatres, and following that an engragement as a Shubert production la assured. Frederick Ooldsmith represents the act-defendant and will enter the customary defenses. Mitchell and Durant recently ap- peared for one week at the Keith's Palaiie, New York, bookied by Mor- ris & Fell, Keith agents, at $750 for the engagement It is under- stood Keith's proffered the act a route at the same iBgure, with , the WlUiam Morris agency then apply- ing for injunctive relief. Before appearing at the Palace, the only New York date played by the turn was at the Capitol (pic- tures) on Broadway, for one week. It la a Pacific coast turn. Acts Subject to Severe Clauses In M-G-M Talking Short Contracts The M-G-M contracts Issued to artists for talking shorts In the East aro arousing comment, due to a couple of clausei3 that are quite strong as regards protection for M-G-M (Loew's).. One of the clauses gives the pro- ducer the privilege of rejecting the talker 15 days after It Is completed. If the specialty Is rejected the actor cannot collect, as the contract, acr cording to ianother clause, does not Ted Claire's Sock And $20,000 Damages Baltimore, Sept. 18. Ted Claire, ms c. at the Century theatre here, Is named the defend- ant in a $20,000 damage suit filed in City Court here last week. The suit Is for assault and slander, and is the outgrowth of Claire's one-round, no-decision bout v^ith Henry Randolph Trower, staged, in a J^orth Howard street garages some weeks ago. Trowser had the distinction of beinig about the only person In Bal- timore who didn't know Claire on sight, when he ordered him to identify himself or vacate the gar- age. Now Trowser has wounded dignity which he thinks cian't be as- suaged for less than $20,000. ' He also has taken legal steps to collect $1,000 from Mrs. Cl'aire whom he alleges ''sicked" a police dog on him while he was in the middle of the round with the former welterweight champion. Eddie Leonard's Talker Eddie Leonard has been engaged to do a talker by Universal. The minstrel Is. reported receiv- ing a sizeable sum, booked through the Morris office. BENNY lEONARD'S TWO-ACT Benny Leonard, retired llgrht- welght champ, is. returning to vaudeville in a two-act with his brother, Charlie. Leonard will straight for Charlie's Dutch comedy. , Hudgins in "Black Birda" Johnny Hudgins, lately returned from Paris, has gone into the col ored "Black Biirds" at the Liberty, New York. The show has as Its dancing star Bill Robinson. Names at Palace Peggy Joyce is due to ^pen at the Palace, New York, week Oct. «• Sophie Tucker will precede her by a week, opening Oct 1. Another Palace starter Is Pav- lowa, her first reappearance over here in several years. Win Fylle is another foreign act due shortly for a Keith return, A condition made by Soph, who Is doing business direct for the Keith engagement is that her book- ing goes through the William Mor- ris office or else. That or eise may give Morris the commish or keep Soph out of the Palace. But that's her position and the Madame can't be moved out of it. All of the agents are applauding on the side lines. Publicity Pay Off Chicago, Sept. 18. Radio exploitation is held out as the plum for artists booked by the Carrell Theatrical Agency here, at WCFL. The station plugs the agency and the . artists In exchange for their services. Station Is owned by the Chicago Fedeiratlon of Labor. MISS PATRICOLA UEADLINIXG ENTIRE MEW'S CIBCUIX EXCLUSIVE MANAGEMENT JOHNNY COLLINS, |60 West 46th St. Tex's Side Change Los Angeles, Sept. 18. Texas Gulnan, out here making a picture, has been knocking off some Bide money by functioning as host- ess on special occasions at the Cot- ton Club, Culvier City. Frank Sebastian is paying Tex $1,000 a show. She has i^layed three and may do several more at similar coin before returning east. GIEL SWIMMER'S ACT Toronto, Sept 18. Olive Gatterdam, 17, Seattle school girl, second to Ethel Hartle In the Wrigley Marathon here, has signed a Keith contract, to do a tank act. She,vwill be routed along the Paclflc. coast. Olive is a looker and almost six feet talL She can sing and play piano. become effective until 15 days after the completion of the recording. The contract also enjoins the art- ist from making a talker for any other conii'any for a period of six inonths and gives M-G-M an option for the s.ame i>erIod, with the artist obligated to report at a designated studio upon ten days' notice. In one case an artist was signed for his specialty . and thought he was, making one talker. The. specialty was split Ihto two eight- minute periods, or two, one-reel shorts. The Word "test" Is given the widest latitude and Includes the actual recording of the specialty and not a preliminary recording, as is popularly supposed. Golden Masked .Singer Upon Word Music H A 0 R AK IN White Magic The Friend—Many hold 'tis a book is one's best friend, while others feel—well, of one at our side; Again, of a helping hand. In need, in tears, of a sympa- thetic voice. Yet one wonders if, after all, the one true friend Is not she or he who is always far away, the one we never meet, the one of the mystic Under- stand, impersonal Love supreme. We wonder why \/e wonder—we wonder as we wander 'neath the autumn stars alone. Like It? But one In three can, you know. (Dan. 12:2; Prov. 14:6.) TINSEL METAL CLOTH FOR DROPS 36 in. wide at 75c a yd. and np A full line of gold and allver bro- cades, metal clothe, gold and allver trimmings, rblnestones, spans 1 • tights, opera hose, etc., etc., for atace costumes. Samples- upon request. J. J. Wylie & Bros., Inc. (SnccesRora to Sleginan & Well) 18-20 East 27th Street NEW YORK VAN WESSVS SHOP Van Nessl, who opens a tour of the Kelth-Orpheum houses Oct 1., will open a costume shop in the *lTmes~ iSquareT aistrlct before start- ing on her vaude route. GEORGE EDMUND La SALLE and MACK "STATIC NUTS" This Week—Palace, Chicago, 111. Sailing Oct. 18—Union Thealres, Australia East. Rep.: JAMES PLUNKETT West. Rep.: BILLY JACKSON NOW PALACE NEW YORK NOW FIRST APPEARANCE ALONE KEITH'S PALACE, NEW YORK (WEEK SEPT. 17th) BUCK and BUBBLES N O W PALACE NEW YORK NOW JOH^aNY HYMAN "PLAYING PRANKS WITH WEBSTER" OPENING SEPT. 30—PROCTOR'S FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK Weitern Representative—WILL JACOBS AGENCY Eastern Representative—JACK CURTIS AGENCY