Variety (Sep 1928)

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r NEW ACTS Wednesday, September 19, 1928 LUCILLE LAVERNE and Co. "Sun Up" (Sketch) 3b Mms.; Full (Special) Palace (St. Vaud) Lucille liiiVcn-no, l^glt chfiractoi; actress, is usin^ a tub version o£ her previous, loglt "fc^un UP," au- tbored by Lulu Vollmer for her present excursion into viiuaeviUe. While the act. like the play gives Miss La Verne full swing in tlemon- stratinK ber rcniarlcable talent as a Chtiracter aelincator' it. seems too. heavy aiid arty for vaudeville un- less tliaft^livision is poins in.for, the IVeavy. tlra ma, which has been ar- chaic on the circuits.for some time save for a few. exceptions. Miss La,- Verne may bo of the latter class and since the. act Is sponsored by the brphcuni Production depart- ment it may last. ■-. ■ Miss LaVerne is without doubt a sterling actress. Her Widow Caglo, diamond in the rough of North Carolina mountains, remains the same effective portraiture it was In the play as done both here and abroad , with signal success by this most accomplished actress, The tab version; is divided into three episodes hut adheres to the sinf,'le scone, that of the widow's in West North. Carolina. Lawless ness, brbd through lack of educa tion ha:s embittered, the widow against the law's interference, in any matter. She especially defies the law since it killed her husband and was also responsible for tak- . . ing her son's life as well through draft in the. world war and his subsequent -.death on the battlefield. Another mountain youth desert- ing the draft c is harborecL In her , cabin. Despite .threats of the sheriff ' to arrest, the Old woman for trea- Bori, she mans her cabin, ready to shoot, since her life means nothing now uritii the Divine Light of the morning sun up changes everything and brings, charity to the former ' embittered .hciirt. ■ The three, episodes run from seven t^to 10 minutes each with brief in.-_ ■ termissions to denote passing of time, with, all three having effec- tive climax and great cUrtains for the star. In fact the meat of the character has been sufficiently and JACK OSTEBMAN Songs and Talk 14 Mins.; One Loew'9 State (V-P) It's about four years since Jack Ostcrman last . appeared in vaude. Since then he has been in Shubert musicals and nite clubs, also as m. c. for the Winter Garden's Sun- day nights. Ostcrman has fallen Into his own style, though owning a fast think- ing mind and just as. fast a tongue. For the State, du€ to the size of the house and the audience, Jack held down :his flip remarks to their ex- act understanding. He mad© them laugh at his quick gags in talk and they liked his songs, "Melody from the. Sky," "Sweetheart'^ and "For- getting" tou." . ■: " ' ' „ Ostermari is returning to the Shu- bert show stages, so this week or turn, after a hold over engagement at the Capitol (pictures) on Broad- way, means nothing. But. it easily brings out that Osterman can put over a single any time he's avail- able for any kind of vaudeville Sime. "DANCING HUSBANDS" Musical Comedy Revue 72 Mins; (Special, set) . Belmont, Chicago (V-P) An idea for a picture house stage unit after it's, cut down consider ably, tightened up and pruned ju diciously. Right now this layout, in tab form, is okay for secondary vaiide houses playing to neighbor- hood trade. "Dancing Husbands as produced by Nat Phillips is taken from "The Four Husbands," former- ly put out as a tabloid by Wm. B. Frledlander, Adaptation is .good. So is the cast of principals with one exception. Nellie Sullivan, sou- brette, is out of her eilement in this style of entertainment. A good, fast little song and dancer in her 'place POWERS and WALLACE New York" (Comedy Drama) 8 Mins.; Full Stage (Special) Palace. The ITattons, Frederick and anny, authored this sketch, which holds a great vaudeville idea gone lightly awry through sloppy char- acterization, The act la on the .flash-back order and requires a divided set. The cen- ter set is a taxlcab interior, in ^yhlch most of the dramatic and comedy dialog is enacted. The scfjnes are. introduced by means of a side sot in which a policeman is third-degreeing a taxi driver anent a ihurder committed in his hlghthawk cab. As the driver explains what occurred the scene blacks but and lights up on'the taxi interior. . . , « , The first episode in the chauffeur s description concerns a married couple quarreling about the hus band's attentions to another woman at a party the pair have just left Hubby is plastered; but not very convincingly, as played by Mr. Wal lace. The. dialog here is just so and so and the bit serves as a solely. Back to the chauffeur and cop to introduce the next couple picked up. "They are a fictional Southern Colonel and a gold digger, played by Powers and Wallace, She puts the work on him, but the Colonel has been in the big town before. She finally cops his poke, but he catches her. and makes her return. He slips her $20 and leaves. The only real laugh in the routine pccurs a,f ter he leaves, when the. damp switches from the baby, talk to character to remark, "The lousy Old bum." The third episode concerns a gangster enamored of a new. moll He leaves the cab. and while insidb visiting his new love his girl enters the taxi and waits, for him. When he returns tiiey quarrel and he tells NAN BLACK8T0NE . iHUGH'^ C^arK and Gang (19) Song, (Piano) ' ^'-^H.un Full (Battleship) LWs State (V-P) Broadway (V-P) Nan IBlackstono may be from the Thig unit is new in the cast. Its. west but she has some eastern ideas U njiutical revue Idea, opening ht>rn- for her vododo numbers with a pj^ey ^nd closing ditto as to setting small nortable piano, "When sing- costuming. Set is a battleship ing this sort of song she appears k^.j^j^ ^^.^^ howitzers, the latter «m to be giving an imitation of Fuzzy I ^j^^^.^^-j j^j. a finale .salute. Knight. Perhaps as the only girl (jijj^rk, vaude vet, ' seen around giving that impression, it may l^elp L^^^j^ as a single and with a band her along oh the Loew time.. ^ I ^^n, is m. c in gob unie. Slipped in No. 3 on the State bill, [r^^^ Luckp's Arcadians' band of 10 Miss Blackstone.dld but fairly, ^i'hc . i^f^ckground is similarly coa- auditorium is pretty large for l^^'- L^jj^^.^ She tried to get the delivery to the succession, tho' specialists are rear of the orchestra and succeeded, U.„-.,„ht oi,t. . Jazzlips Richardson, but It was a kick back on aier result ^loj s^ ^ ^ ^ is relied on as the effort appeared to with eccentric all melody from her tones. A smaller fpr the^ow^ his bows house might give, a^ better hne. , S^.^he upper. deck- with the The succcstion that she might be l aione on mo uyj/^-i > Sor^oes Shi makllooklng. into the Billy J^ Piano's top or banging that down; hocked; and hoofed a couple of padderlSs funny as Fuzzy does. Stme. .1 times to eood returns. Ann Bron- HARRIET NAWROt and Boys (2) 3kiating 8 Mins.; Full American (V-P) son dittoed, and Marie liiscomb did s. and d. specijilties intermittently. Josephine Davis, comedienne Of promise, was the individual high- light. For himself, Clark gagged to mild Nice looking girl who maltes good I i-eturns and warbled better, as to ?ippeai-ance in tights, straight skat- L.eaction, although that "Souvenirs" Ing partner and second man, latter Ujj^j.o^y -with the Tunney-Dempsey comic. As curtain rises straight lopg count is a kind applause which pair are in a .whirl with, girl flying Lj^jy ^^^^ Broadway peasants might around on an ankle hold on man's U^jn fancy, and at. that onV tepidly, neck. Little straight skating: on the Throughout, Jazzlips Richardson rollers- for straight pair and Sirl Lyj^^^p^.^ in and out with an Interr . does not shine in this. • Her forte j ^.^gative. "now ?" borrowed from the would"aid materially in the general 1 her he's through. His brutality is Scheme - overdrawn and his underworld lingo Seems that the Keith production is far from right department is out for as many good tabs as they can obtain this season and apparently are trying to reach the families in the neighborhoods with them. This one doesn't look One far-fetched is the showy whirls. After brief exhibition straight pair arc off and eccentric comedian goes into '^-otosque'stuff on the rollers, such . as . starting in. swift circular swoop and narrowing the swmg un- til he is turning on his own elbow which rests on stage as feet conr tmue to move around. This worker is a great acrobatic skiater and a intelligently retained to make it ^ Lxpens'ive and should prove worthy vehicle for Miss LaVerne. 1^^^^ ^^^^.^j. after it's tuned'up. It's still an open question whether ^^^^ ^^^^^g care of all the num- or not they'll want it in vaudeville, ^^.^ attractive looking. Sliss LaVerne scored-a decided ^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^ production and merited triumph Monday nignt ^ ^^^^ iine-up of eight taking seven calls The^ ^"PP^'^^^^^^^ four boys. work in the back- eluded ^^'T.^'^® Youn- ground and set off to advantage the lor, Stephen ^^^aper, Carl Toun„. Matter include Carl Bernard craven and James Lee. all prmclpgs ^ ^^^^ ^^^^ur Con- adequate In their respective as- signments. way, comic;- Elaine Pring, prima donna and lead; Nellie Sullivan soubret; Don Shaw, Bert McDonald and Mickey Baden, juvenile three- some; Fred Ellis, and Maurice Downey, secondary parts. Plot is familiar. Girl can't make bit probably a hold over from the good comifc, too. His stunts arc movies and a typical Hollywood, remarkable for acrobatic skill. _ touch was the gorilla Informing her Girl is back with a change loi he had sold her to another man. more flyaways, some ^"^1^^^®"^^" sue flnally knifes him with his own. tional. such^ ^.^^^"f ^^J^les held shive and tells the driver to stop at bend, with hands i^"*^^!^^bit by a police station, which concludes the by straight partner. Another^bit o^ comedian and for finish girl has The act is badly in need of. re- got down to. trunks and^ brassiere writing. The Principals are cap- for a flnal Aya^^ able and get every drop of^juice out Brisk ^ignus^ . of the material at hand. The chauf- for this type snow. feur, >vithdut explanation for it> „rtwuAiRS features a rich Southern dialect S'X BONnMino while talking what is supposed to be "'.s'«y 7" . New Yorkese, The cop is. equally | ^^.^^JJ-(V-P) idea in a. foi-mer Hairy Carroll reviie. It may be that individually the specialists would score to better ad- vantage, but in unified presentation the lack of cohesion and absence of that magic spontaneity which makes, tabloids of this kind sum uP negatively in total. Just' a so-so flash unit for the family trade. Alel. PIONEER TAP DANCERS (4) Dances . ^0 Mins.; Two ^^The^Pioneri are former hoofers | her mind up whlcb boy to marry wiTh slfows of many days gone by, finally falling for a stranger — C P^^nt vau^turn ^brh^lng is^ord^^^^ out these four veteran steppeis ui a modern presentment of merit ing. Conway's low need some adjusting in spots to ■'",S^aS, L}>.^ 1^-?.'= tn„'' —y on unbelievable, due to the dialog. Act was well received due to the | histrionic ability of Powers and Wallace and the excellent acting in the final episode. Con. SHULER and HARRIS and Co. (1) Comedy Skit 14 Mins.; One ' American (V-.P) • burlesque A perfect opener for the Keith Sixth avenue hangar. Six men in foreign looking costumes 0/ bright red are divided into three flyers and three mat workers. . , „ Very first trick is the throwing of a flyer into a double somesauU, indicating something, striking when they work up to a climax from there. They make good the prom- ise. Feats are away from the old formulas. Mats, are laid in three Shuler is "Dutch" comedian, Harris is singing straight I tande^m and the pellal jugglers work and Co. is young woman. Typical flyers from position to burlesque group, well enough, but j.j ^ in 'all manner of twists the stuff they do is the material an among them being full lookmg, ■bi°n^^^,7 ^" ^'^ experienced Wheel comic could sup- "' ^g.^rs fj-om one sitting foot bal The four also work together ef- voice that caii handle lines. Don .^.andng on without preparation ^'^'^^""l^ another. foctlvelv° with an announcement at Shaw, one of the ouvem^^^^^^ an hour ex tem. ance to an ther^^^^^^^^^ the close that a dance they did 40 years ago was to show the audience there's nothing .new under the sun. To blacUbottom music tVie quartet did a neat accompaniment with taps. , The program did not reveal .the Identity of the tappers. When a stage announcement was made by one the names were lost in the ap- plause that was still being given for the old-timers' hoOflng. Harry Tyne and Jake Qulnn displayed some of their former skill, but the click of . the act .was Eddie Horan and his cane dance. And Horan stepped gingerly'as of yore. And it seems only yesterday Horan was dancing With the William H. West Minstrel Jubilee. Horan can still dance. ^ , A splendid act and timely through tap dancing that has become so popular in these hectid days oC stage I, hoofing hoofer and well groomed boy. Dance tpj^ese birds have an act that was the girls a fine looking bunch and 1 an understudy. Year after year ditto for the boys.. they do it and then fade. Once in Can play around in vaudeville for ^ ^yhile one has enterprise to frame a long time; even a better bet .for „atiye comedy talent into an honest the picture houses. Loop. | bit of entertainment. Presently he's iiv/uj-v... .•— w - 1 iiieso utLus lAuv^ IVV.V ......v — I >_,;i,i;,,„ rtf nvramlds, a mat work- numbers show sood routining^ with |.p^^^,.^ property when Sim Williams | ^^flJ^'J^^f^P^J;;^ other men into complicated balances in formations built upon a single understander. The finish is a novelty. Two mat workers are, In tandem position, forward one throws one man into SAN JAN CO. (4) Dance Revue 16. Mins.; Full Academy (V-P) . Dance flash of considerable beauty In settings, fast, clean cut specialty substance and an added merit in relieving touches Of cornedy, making , total entirely satisfactory. Opened bill here and worthy of spotting better on intermecliate time,. Toe dancer solos for opt iier.. Gap filling singer in crlnolin'^ . costume with, showy soprano foli >%\'s. Back drop flies revealing drop in deeper groove indicating Seine and Paris housetops beyond. Girl dancer , in Kiki get-up is confronted by Apache who rifles her handbag, with comedy business of keeping jewelry and dis- carding lingerie. They go into ac- robatic Apache dance with capital adagio and novel comedy throws and falls by girl. More of singer and then same Apache girl in comedy version of "Bowery spiel" solo. Another man does Russian steps; toe dancer is back for acrobatic toe routine with striking bits and they go into a weak finish with all hands present and doing a medley of steps, each on his or her own. Finish is weak- est part of turn. Act would be Im- I)roved by pruning, taking little from each bit to get running time down to 12 minutes. Ruth. Iplaylng. ithe .Pajace ..position foot: to .foot with 1 hear of him in a production. I»ick ^^^^^ ,^an, and then throws your, own illustrations, J the other four men into balances This is a particularly pertinent . ^^^^.^ 3,3 he balances case in point. Shuler is a genuinely o" ^'^^^ feet Finish of the bit is funny "Dutch" comic typo of the 1*^^^^^ four together into a somesault to the floor. Mark. MORRIS and RAPPE Dance and Song 6 Mins.; One American (V-P) 1 The boys would be better off be fore stagrradrTrrlTTe befter-fllnr houses. That's big time In several ways, while in vaudeville they re due to play what Is small time In ©V6ry "^VJDiy* They hoof smartly and slner bad ly, another reason for going presen tatlon. Before a band they'd dance without finding time to sing or try to* - Passafel^ bejiB Ho. I. BUMk JACK USHER and Co, (2) Views of Married Life" Comedy Skit 15 Mins. Proctor's, 85th St. (V-P) I Sam Bernard style, handling one Jack U.<3her, veteran vaudeville Lj^ose juicy, tortured dialects in a comic in this type of act, has a really funny manner. Even with the likeable hokum .skit for the inter- trash he had thrown together for mediate bills. Opening with an an- Uhis date, they laughed at the Amer- nouncement that he and his com- hoan and with a carefully prepared pany will show first, "Married, life characterization he would make »■ ^ . as a woman imagines it" he is seen dopendable comedy number. The v ^ ' a.sset to vaudeville in as the generous husband who comes Lstuff he had here is junk that L.tgad of the sour gag it has hecom home loaded With presents for the got him nowhere. 1»/,fu Rush fi-au Straight is just a singing straight "As the man ^imagines it" is a and the girl Is merely a, cold, mo switch, the w'ife insisting that her | chanioal feeder hubby, who has just sat up all night and lost $300 playing poker, take Clean cut gymnastic exhibit with more actual skill packed into .sev- en minutes than 'usually found in twice that time. It would be well to assemble more material of this kind in an effort to make the open- for flafih act.s. LUM and WHITE Comedy 14 Mins..; On^. ([Sjjecia])_: ._, ._ American (V-P) Good. Despite .some material and extr(<mistic methods in mugging that never set well when coming from a woman. Act lively' in tempo for most part and sizeable quotas ofL genuine giggles. One of the glrLs- tall and . pu.shes other (comedienne) about. It-3 a type of semi-slapstick many femme twosomes have at- tempted, few with success. The present duo is one of the best re- cent efforts in this division of vau- deville, which usually is masculine rather than feminine. Land. Ituah. $G00 she has just received from her TAI ^ING LING father and play again tonight. She Song and also introduces him to a blonde 13 Mms.; One^(Special) visitor from the ''Follies" and in- American (V-Kj si3ts==that=.he.Ma3ailfi=bioMe.____^ "As it really is" ahows the pair hoke dialect stuff in song to ulie- Wrangling and battling with the lele accompaniment, but switches wife flnally getting the decision. at the halfway mark for some l^glt •A couple of songs are interpolated fiddling. Closes with a dance while and the blonde girl inserts a mild playing the violin, dance. Usher's delivery and sure Carries a ^P^cl^l oUo wUh « "BLUE SLICKERS" R Q V U 0 ' 17 Mins.; One and Full (Special) American (V-P) Snappy and unusual. While not wholly free from tinges of inediocrity, this flash Stands out for its speed. Two banjo players, -7iTJlini3t--and-vo-do^o.--do.,jn.Vtaic.ian on strange and feverish instruments form the background for a mixed team, principally dancers, but also handling lyvips, and well. Special- ties conventional, but done with zip Mounted modestly, but okay. Opens and closes in "one," mak ing it doubly serviceable In^laying out billB. Land (4) BERT MARKS AND CO Comedy 14 Mins.;' One American (V-P) . Though not filed as a New Act, Marks' turn has been around Intact for a couple of years or so. Prln- cipal.i.s .a ..Heb€. cjtmilc. m.tnu.s_make- up. Supports are a straight ihan and two feminine foils. Material and characterizations re- veal a burlesque past or a natural tendency toward the sfcyle. Familiar wallet bait gag a feature. All very well handled by Marks. Okay for all of the lesser blg- tlm© Btanda.