Variety (Sep 1928)

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44 VARIETY WOMEN—BURLESQUE Wednesday, September 19, 1928 Three Fox-Poli N. E. Houses Take 1 Wheel Shows . MuliKil \vhocl biirlo.sauc troiipp.s started playiiifj this Nvook at tlio I'tili Lyi-ic, l'.i-idi;er)Oi-t, anil r;oli's lly-. pei'ion,. No w Haven;.., Next wcok. iniothor Poll house Plaza, WorcPHter, slarts its .Mutual career,, Ali of the Poll hoiisps will play the Mutual troupes' for a week, eacli. The Poli ■tlic' are .of those purchaseil" by \\'illiam Fox in the recent Poli- deal.. It is a result" of the adJuMtment of. polioioa .a.uionc:t?t the I'oli New Knglaud theatres by the Fox manajjeuient. . John.Zanft, tT'pnerai theatre inan- aecr for Fox, is in chargro also of the New KiiHfland territory. . .. Yanks Pa^s Free Dance Kurlinijton, Vt., Sept. 17. The liott Ott Musical Comedy Company has opened its season at the Stroni; theatre here. The show has added a jazz band this year. The musicians augment the house orchestra , during the show, then double on the stage for danoinff. > Dancinij is for the audience after the show, with no extra charge. The scheme is more or less of a flop, as the couples seem shy of appearing on the stage. The. cast includes Pob Ott, Anne Ott, Carol Engol, Fred Wright, Mil- dred Vaughn and eight girls in line.. Play Up "Hindu" Erin Jackson, featured last season with Rube Bernstein.'s Mutual, has been replaced by another biirlesk shaker named Hindu Wassau, with the show named the "Hindu Belles." Hindu. was an added attraction with the Kitty Madison show la.*3t sea.«?on. Miss Jackson is one of the runway leaders at. the Columl;ia; N, y. . - Possible Apollo Sale ■ Walter Reade may buy.the Hurtig & Seamoh Apollo (former Music Hull) on 125th street (JSarlem). Hurtig & Seamon will sell If they get their price. . . Minsky Brothers are also inter- ested in the operation of the Apollo. Burlesque Routes Mid-nite at Cdlumbia Nothing- ovei'lboked to get money Into the Columbia, Ni Y. The house started a Friday night mid- night shb\y Sept. 14. . Weeks of Jept. 17 and 24 n.n o lMrt.« --r,. O. i -J l, vSlntu, Si>rlnKneld, TU'si Show in' Tosvn- Onyc-ty, UufTsiIo; nci'iaily. . IUk Rmir'w- nn\ety. lUHImnrc; .24. ,^U-i\ti(l, ^\'a^•lliriKlOI.l, . , r.oliomiiuiH .-T.. 6.: 21. O.iyi'ty.TiuCfiilo. liowory l'!url('s>m< i'>'-'<^fyety.,- H.i.slon; 2.-*, PlH7.a, WorOirslor. r.urli'S(|UP Rpvlew -limi-n'ss, Clilcapo; 21^ Cadillac,- I>otroil. ("McUpji 'lYUHt—I,yt"cuin, . Canl.m; 24, Oram!, Akron. ' Dainty Dj1!.s— r.yoouni, (■ulunibuH; 21, T.yric, T.iaylon, . . • Dlnip'cil Hai-lin.s'^'; - Orpliiiiun, raicrson; 2-l, Hu(lSir)n, V,;ilon .City. Flniippr Folllo.s- Coluniliia, X. T, C.; -i.' Gaytttv, JliDoklyu. Fronch jrf ilVlH-.Kiupieas, Cliiciiinatl; 21, Gaycty, I..oul8vlUc. Fiivoiriio.v—irosvnrrt, T.o.-tnn: 21, Colum- bia, N. y. c. ■ Cirpor CJirls-Oaye(y, Montrei.iI; 2»,-How- iinl, IJoslorr,- GlrlH from iraiijiylatiil-T.yrlc, BrldRpport; 24, ir i- S Apollo, N. Y, C. . . Girls from I'.ie ■FollleS-17. I,yr!c. Allon- to\yn; IS-W, Orpheum, Readini;: 20-22,. Pal- ace, Trenton; 24. >:mpire, Ni^wark.. Gl'is In Blue^aycly, .Kansas City;, 24, ^'Glrls of tlie U.. S, A.—Grand, Tttirtford; 21, Tfvperlon, Now ITavon. Helio, I'arec—Jiyj-lCi Daylbn; 24, EmpreaSi Cincinnati. ■ _ _ llUh Flyfers—If & S Apollo, N, T. C; 24, lOmplrc, Hrooklyn. . lllnilu RcKbs-Acadpmy, KRlshuvBh; 2-1, Lyceum, Colnmbus. Jnz7,iimfi Ui'vue—Gayety, Drooltlyn;. 2-1, Gavety, H.cranton. ■ ' Kuddling ICiaica—.Slate, SpririgflelU; 24, Oratul, irarlford. ' _ Ij-xnw Thru-Colonial, Utica; 24, G.ayety, Montreal. Mrrry \Vhlil-Gayety, MInneapolla; 24, Gayety, Milwaukee. MIsclilcf Makor«—TTvInff .Tl., N. T. C.; 24. Kmi>irei I'rovldence. MoonllRh: "Maids—Gayety, Milwaukee;. 24, IJmpresi, Chlcafjo. : Jfoulin Rouge. Girls—Trooadero, Philadel- phia: 24, Gavpty, Haltimoro. ' Naughty Nifties—(;aiTlck,.. St. Ixmls; 24, Gayety, City. Nile Life in Paris—Columbia, Cleveland; 21. Lyeoum. Canton. ' Parisian Flappers-Star, Brooklyn; 24, Or- plU'Uni, Patcrson. Puas I'uss—17-18, Geneva; lfl-20, Oawpgo; 21-22, .Schenectady; 24,. Majo.sUc, Albany. Iladium Queens-Cadillac, : Detroit; 24, F.mtiiip,' Toledo. Tiecord Ilreaker.s—Tludaon, Union City; 24, Trvlni: .PI,, N. Y. C?. Red Hots—Empire; Toledo; 24, Columbia, Cleveland; Social Maids—Hyperion, N(;\v liavea; 24, Lyric, Uvldireport. - Speed Girla—, Albany; 24, Colonial, Utlca, fiporty Widows—Mutual, Indianapolis; 24, Oarrlck, St, I>ouis.. ■ Step Along—Kniplre, Newark; 24, Star, Ri'ooklvn. • • Step Lively Girls—L. O.; 24, Gaycty, Min- neapolis. Stop On It—Oayety, . IyOul.«vli;e; 24. Mu-, Iiidianapolia. Stolen Sweets—Gayety, AVilkce-IJarre; 24, Lyric,. AUenlown; 2,")-2(;, Orpheum, Reading; ;:7-2i), Palace, Trtnton. . Sugar Dable."—Strand, Washington; 24, Academy, Pittsburgh. Round tho 'J'owii—lOmplre, Brooklyn; 24, Trocadero, I'hiladelphla. Wtne, ^Vom.■ln aiid anng—Gayety, Scran- ton;. 2t, Goyt'ly,. VS'llkes-Uarre. FLAPPER FOLLIES (MUTUAL) Featured siiulircl Mao Uix l-"c;Uiircd coniii',. J.aek >lijnia;;ue | I'l.mic Johnny Uagl.unl I ?;i)iiiiri-t... i lUilh HamlUi'ii I '|- ;uii .-.M.-idi'llno ili-lOvoj :^tr.ii,nlit. 'l\iin Faliflmigh Jiivi.'.., Jess MaOU T.ol.s- of rovoalinont, comedy .sec-, ciiulary alUl'hip ^^•ork almost oxtinV-t. Aiul a prima donna who sings "For Old Time Sake" - in trunks and l)ri.-ast plivto-s, ^V'•ith that permanent runway Kroui) at tlie Columbia working the \v;iy it docs and as often, it's get- ting, tough to look at a road show at the ace house and try to im- a'^ine how it willilne up when get- ting away from the Broadway trim- uiingii. TJie permanent display of femi- ninity .id«a is the newest trend in burlesque, inaugurated last s6;isori at : the 47th Street theatre and picked up and used successifully by several out-of-tovvn stands; That means the theatres are spending more money than ever, oh top of the perennial guarantee. Joe Catalano'3 "Follies," star- ring Mae Dix, is an average pre- sentmeut. Miss Di.x is back iand looking very good. It can't be rei- mcmbcred wlien she ever looked ac- tually bad. Plenty of program listings not shown a.t the Columbia, suggest- ing It will b'e a difCereht story av^ay from New York. Two numbers by Miss Dix, billed for the last part, were out. Perhaps that noticeable .laydbwn of featured women goes only for the Columbia, after all. Outside pf immaculate costuming, the .feature of the show happened to be a conriedy number, which in itself is \inusual. It's the druhken bit by Bum Montague, principal comede, and Miss Dix. xjltra smut- ty, made smuttier in the handling, but funny and cleverly played in a way. It had Mae getting steWed. and warnri enough to strip to neg- ligee .with Bum meanwhile feeding her booze. Some of th© action is better seen than described. Otherwise, everything typical and not new.. They worked the runway group six times, each taking an average of three encores, arid the eight, dancing ponies twice. Along with that, some outside vocal stuff by two mammy-singing women was overdone. One appeared twice, the other once, both doing two numbers to a trip. One sang about wanting to go back to the south twice and then crossed the smart money by calling California her dear old home. Too much, and not good ehoiigh to rate that much. While S-H-A-R-L-I, "the sensa- tional dancer," programmed to close, did not. Bige. Free to Agents Stock Hurts in B'klyn stock burlesque is giving the Mutual shows stiff opposition in Brooklyn, N. Y. Stock "at the Casino, Brooklyn, former Columbia wheel stand, has visibly affected the Intake at the Star, playing Mutual shows and which had the burlesque situation tied up over, there last season. Booking agonls are being adiniltod bn tho cuff for the lirst time .at tho CoUuntfta, New York. For What reason nobody knows. A sign outside the burlesque theatre invites agents, to drop in as non-paying guests. Burlesque Changes Jeanne Steele has can<'eled her contract as runway soubret at the Cadillac, Detroit, to appear as fea- tured soubret with "Bare Facts," Mutual' show, "joining next :wock; Joe Yule has also been signed as comic for the same show. Babe Healy has handed In her notice as . runway soubret at the Columbia, New^ York, to take a siTillar assignment with Joe Rose's stock burlesque . at the Casino, iBrooklyn, next week. . She had been alternate soubret with Erin, ja.ck3on oh Columbia's runway. Stock burlesique replacements through Ike Weber are Peggy Glea- son, Embassy, Baltimore; Bond and Miller, with Gayety, .Waahington. lOVE Hff MHWAITEaiE Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 18. Charging that her life was threatened by an "admirer," Betty Keller, chorus girl at the Empress (stock burlesque),, caused the ar- rest of Mike Merado, 40, a hotel chef. • '', • ■ The girl said that Merado had told her if she didn't; do what he wished he would . kill her as she danced. Merado, arraigned for hearing, said that while he may have Said the . things to the girl, he was not in earnest, but that he merely wanted to frighten her be- cause "he" loved her so much." He wais held for trial. Beauty Contest Gross Ft. Edward, N. Y., Sept. 18. Beaiity contests at upstate fairs are. well, paying propositions for the . winner. At the Washington County exposition, for Instance, the lucky young woman received $250 in gold, a wrist watch, a $1,000 wardrobe and a silver loving cup. She is. Hilda, V. Kennedy and her occupation registered nurse, being a graduate of St, Mary's hospital in Brooklyn, . Olive May's Republican Committee of Women Olive May, chairman of the com-" mittec on theatrical contact for the Woman's Council of the Ropub- llcan County Committee of New York, is heading a committee of profog.sional women who will work for the election of Hoover and Curtis. Miss May's committee to date in., eludes Ann Forrest, Florence Rlt- tenhouse, Katherlne Grey, Beatrice Nichols, Grace Fisher, Mlnnette Barrett, Maude Durand, Desmonde- Kelley, Marie Curtis, Rita Bell, Marguerite Smith, Jessie Busley. Ida, Miielle, Ethel Rosevore and. Doris Rankin, all now- engaged . in or rehearsing for vaude or legit attractions, Miss May stated that the work of . her committee will consist large- ly in urging those th^y come in, contact with, on or off, to register for the presidential election in No- vember and explaining to them how they can vote by mall if on tour. She figures that if show'folks will register they will most likely vote and explained that she is volunteer- ing^ her services to the Republicans with a view to enlisting a Hoover supporter in every Broadway show* Peggy Allenby of "He Under- stood Women" isf temporary chair- man of a committee which will function in a manner similar to that of Miss May's group of stage womon In support \of Smith and Robinson. Her committee consists of Marilyn' Miller, Pauline Fred- ericks, Winnie Llghtner, Claiborne Foster, Jennie Moskowltz, Haldee Wright and Hilda Spong. The two last named actresses, said to. be British citizens, have ,peldged. their support to the Democrats In the campaign, despite lacking the right to vote. . 14th Street Runway A permanent house ensemble for runway numbers wias Installed last week. at the Irving Place, New York, which has supplanted the Olympic, demolished, as the down- town stand of the Mutual wheel. Wava White has been engaged as runway spub fianked by a house chorus of 12 girls- handling the grinding in conjunction with tho regular wheel shows. Billy Hexter in Brooklyn Billy Hexter has replaced Eddie Sullivan as manager of the Empire (Mutual) in Brooklyn, SYfiACUSE POSSIBILITY 'Syracuse, N, Y., Sept. 18. Syracuse will return shortly to the Mutual Wheel if negotiations now in progress between Nathan D, Rob- bins, Utlca theatre operator, and former head of Robblns Enterprises, and the .Cahill Interests of this city, controlling the Temple, bear fruit. CLEANERS MISCH TheAtiical Cleaner and Dyer Work Done Overnight Qoodn Called.for and Delivered X2.6 \V. 47tb St. lAcknwuniid 3802. COSTUMES EAVES COSTUME CO. 'Costumes of Every Description For Every. Occasion 1 III-1 gs : West 4Gtli Strrot—KiiToa lUdK, DRAPERIES NOVELTY SCENIC STUDIOS Dmperles. Scenery, Stnee Setting* 840 West 41st St. I>tir.k. 9233 TRIMMINGS Consolidated Trimming Co., Inc. Manufacturers and DeslBners Upholstery & Drapery Trimmings 27-33 West 23(1 St. FABRICS MENDELSOHN'STEXTILE-eORP SCKNERY AND CO.STUME FABRICS Silks—Tinsel Cloth—Plushes 156 W. 45th St. Dry. 7372-6234 DAZIAN'S, Inc. TIIEATRICAIi GOODS Bryant i0C2-3937-B177 142-144 Went Forty-fourth Stteot FLORISTS ■I'lip /kpttroiirlnte Gift A. WARDENDORFF, IJMC. Hotel Aat or ._ t,a<;k. «5flg FOOTWEAR .SliORT VAMP SHOES Crr.Tclc .Mark) FJr<(t l^yoneh Boot Shop In America KHtobllHlied 1H87 Booklet William BERNSTEIN 6 West S7th Street Rl)il!ig Sl.vlcii Now on DlgplM Too niKl Hallot SllpiUTs of Kvcry Dwrrlptlon 830 7th Avenuo, at 54th Street Phont Circle 9B7B FURS BLUMENFIELD'S Fur ContH cleuncd. (;luze<l and rcllnod, 920 SiorriBe nnd KcrnoilclinR CQ(crli)R to the . Profes.'<lon 204 Stnte-Lnke BldR,, Chlenso I'lionc Dcurhorii 12.'>3 GOWNS RENTED GOWNS and WRAPS of EVERY DESCRIPTION Rented For All Occasions Widest Sclwllon, Exolu.«lve Ue.ilKni nnd VEnV MODlOHATE It.ATlCS — You Will ririd It fntcreatlng nnd lirononilral to Call at MME. NAFTAL 69 We«>t -l.nUi .'ilrept Itrvc.nt omo-lICS JEWELRY 1S4S-4 BRTAMT £. HEMMENDINGEB, INC. JEWELERS 3S Weet 40th StrMt MADE TO YOUR ORDER , Pearl nnd Platinum He Ah Bnicelcita. Distinctive Exclusive Guaranteed from manufacturer direct MAXIME SAl:.ES COMPANY 104 Fifth Ave. Clieliiea 9724 LIGHTS Display Stag« Lighting Coi ••A LIGHT FOR EVERY PURPOSE" 334-340 W. 44th St. DUWICO "EVKRVTIIlNO ELEOTRICAI. FOR THE THEATRE" 315-317 W. 47th Street Penh. 2450-1500. MANUSCRIPTS SAMuiLT5ScH~ Incorporated 1898 Oldest Plaj-PuUU.ihpre In the World :—-^T.^Tlv-'ErVward8.=^AranngInff-=Dlreotor-=^ 25 WoHt 45th St.. NEW YORK. N. Y. MUSIC AND MATERIAL TAYNERrDAl25ir&C0^ Munic Enf;ruvlng nnd Printing In All Its llranchea 20.'>l-20flO IV. r.akc St.. ChlMtpo, III. PROPERTIES Theatrical Properties Studio Preptrty Box*! Travelv« MiohanUal Prap* banclni; ATata Produetlona Fumhhad Complet*—Wa AIM Rant £02 West 44th 'Street. : Penn. TSII RESTAURANTS 40th St.—Droadwa7-T44tb St. Diainc. Danclne—No Cover Chnrr* SCENERY FOR RENT Scenery, Stnge Settings, Decoration PREMIER SCENERY STUDIOS _S40.WcHt_41at St. iMck. 9233 SCENIC CONSTRUCTION FRANK DWYER, Inc. ItmLDERS OF SCENERY 54 2 West 65tl i St. Columbus 2050 SCHOOLS n =MMIir?y-A n ifl • Milton Soiiooi of the Theatre an3"^Btfnce^"^~ A Professional ■ School for Profe.isionalf Diction, Acting. Dancing of AU'Typea . Itoutlnea Arranged Acts Staged. " l'!8-130 EnHt 58th St. Plazn 4524^4025 JACK MANNING STUDIOS SPECIALIST IN TEACHING TAP DANCINfJ 110 We.Mt 47tli Street Brynint 4150 SUPPLIES J. J. WYLE & BROS., INC. A full line of Gold and Silver Brocades Metal CiothB, Gold and Silver Trim- mings, Rhlneatones, Spangle*. Ttght% Opera Hoae. eto.. - for stage coatumek 18-20 Eaat 27th St.. New York Clty The LITTLEJOKNS Rhinestones Anything in Rhinestone* Also Perfect Machine for Setting 254 West 46th St. Chickering 7725 STAGE HARDWARE J. R. CLANCY, Inc. STAGE HARDWARE SYRACUSE, N. Y. THEATRE EQUIPMENT SIp»LEX and POWER'S PROJECTORS INTERNATIONAL PROJECTOR CORF. 510 WcHt 31th St, NEW YORK; HEYWOOD-WAKEFIELD THEATRE SEATING New York, Cliicugo, BoHton and Otiier Principal CItirH IF YOU DON'T ADVERTISE IN VARIETY DONT ADVERTISE