Variety (Sep 1928)

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50 VARIETY LEGIT I M ATE -Wednesday, September 19, 1928 Burlesque' Indicates "Preseni Arms" Gels Bad Breaks . CliiiWo. Sopt.- IS. I nuich hmT.ih. Tiltod scalo week ••\tv \l;H-vlaiKr'racod far al>t> eiuls m:ike up . apkMUy for the oft • th.'^ius!;^'l wS.lW-Ul. loLpin- near- grosses ^-ffj^^^^'^'^' ^^^^^^ The w.oi.Mc'« Irado furnished the "first ro)T('ct line on early .si'a.son taslc'S . Kovut'H aiid .nudity got a. wallop;' '■ ••Goi)d •Xews". . begins to . 6how the strain of the jsteady gnnd ■ "JL'reso'nt Amis" is going fo have . a hard' timo of- it at the .'Woocls. ■ ''MaTihattfui INVary" arrived; .Sunday (Grand ) is. going to cut ■ in for big figui-es. White's show will have clear sailing until Ihe.arrival of "Hio Rita". (Illinois). "IMaryland" at the Great. Xorthern is set until • Clirist- mas. >, ,r This week-end finds George M. Cohan slopiiing out of Chicago with ail thi-ee of his productions, leaving two . of tlie throe Krlanger houses dark for at least one week. Two Shu.l^ert liouses are spanning oyer weeks with losing gross-pullers, awaiting, new attractions. "Elmer" as B'way Hit Cohan's shows weren't local fail- ures. Two of. .'em go immediately f6 N.^w York, '-Elmer the Great" and "By Kequest." Both are co.unted on >to' Ieap into, real coin. ■ . "By lleciucst" strengthens the etis- picioii. thiVt C5e6rge M. limited his •■ Chicaefo bookii-ifTs fo.r just. What has happened. Never startling in sales. ■ althoiiglv .satisfactory, at ..?2.50 top in gross, "Kequest" is ready for a^New York hearijig. A campaign would . have made tbis piece a long, run engagement in Chicago. ■ • .. > It's a different story witl) '•Whis- pering Friend.s," forsaking the Illi- nois, leaving tlie house dark until the arrival of "Rio Rita" two weeks hence. "Friends" di,dn't click.^ yet it didn't lose money . The Krlanger houses will quickly' return te. their own, The Theatre Guild is sot for the Blackstone, in- dications pointing to a tremendously BUccessful engagement pn the strength of the sub.scription lists. "Rio Rita" will care for itself at the Illinois. By some manipulation the Amen sensationally at $33,000 "Night In Spain" (Majestic, _3d week). Two .weeks more, trade in- dicating nudity played out the .string on the previous stay. Hardly $20,000. ■ / ■ "The SHent House" (Oarrick, 3d week). I'robably in profit money by a close shave.. Circling around. $l2-,000. . "Command To Love" (Stude- l)aker/ "id week). Is settling down to wlua will be proper gait after llie opening w^•ek and holldiiy at- mosphere. Will have to depend on the better class of theatregoers. Excellent at $20,000. . ■ '•The Queen's Husband". (Cort,^lst week). Sport ilerinv:mn's lyi)ieal first niijht audience, loyal to the eore, tUi-hed out capacity figures. Type play .should run along at well ahove house figures frovn four to six weeks and then hold moderate for the next.foui'. . "By. Request" (Krlanger, 5th and "Ble" to $22,000 Led Philly Last Week Philadelphia, Sept. 18. All early indications this fall point to the fact that'Philly has become a Shubert city aa far aa the legit is concerned, . With keitli'B and the New Forrest added, the Shuberts have six houses, not counting the Walnut, Shubert- bookod Independent. Against that are three syndicate theatres, and one, Erlanger, is not yet open/ It won't be, apparently for another Last week George M. Cohan's "Bil- lle" at the Gairick led the town's business by a good nriargin. •The other musicals all ti-ailed mis- erably, with not iniich to choose. In the newly acquired Keith's, with its. 2,300 seats, largest legit capacity in town, "Sunny Days" played to houses that looked, smaller than they were, but which were bad enough. Gross arovind $11,500. Its engagenient ends Oct. 1, when the Shuberts' new operetta, "The Queen's Taste," cpmes in. Keith's should be a good housie for a popular-priced show like this. If the crowd takes to the show. "Sunny Days" advertising 40Q seats at $2, 400 at $1:50, 300, at $1. 200 at Shows in N. Y. and Connnent Figures estimated and comment point to some attractions being successful, while the same gross accredited to others might suggest mediocrity or Ibss. The variance is explained in the difference in house capacities with the varying overhead. Also the size of cast, with consequent difference in necessary gross of profit. Variance in business necessary, for musical attraction as against dramatic play Is also considered. _^ . . Classififcation of attraction, house capacity and top pricess of the admission scale given below. Key to classification: C (comedy); D (drama) ; « (revue); M (niusical cofnedy); F (farce) ;.0 (operetta). Admission tax applies on tickets over ?3. "A Connecticut Yankee," Vander-1 this holdover smash; over $45,000 Hiu r47th week) '(M-882-$5.50). weekly. wnrm weather h^ Bayes XlSth week) (C- onoTer an^^ Jewish New 860-$3). , Not mystery play but last .week cooler and^^^^^ it sticks; last : SS; 'SueJ'I^^U^ w^ e.timat.d well under $5.- "Biackbirds," Liberty ■ (26th week) "strange Interlude," John Golden R-l,202-$3). Though routed out (34th week) (D-900-$4.40), Plays ' soon, business so strong run may nightly performances only and be continued here or at another g^ug out regularly; nearly $16,- house; last -week again over $20,- qqq weekly; cinch well into new 000 for. eolored revue. season. "Cross Mv Heart," Knickerbocker "The Bachelor Father," Belasco (1st week) (M-1.412-$4.40). Pre. | (30th week). (D-i;00.0-$3.85). Al r,r,.ii w'XifT Tieeision'to' null but V5 cents, and 200 at 50 cents. Mnd the S "-^o'm. hJar?ng "Chee-Chee." the . new. sophisti- :.r .ni.eV ho )ossil)i^ties of^ this one cated, musical comedy s 1^ nu' into^he^^^^^^^^^ by Fields-Rodgers-Hart, fared^ no n r t hr.i C^hon" riroductio^^^^ its secbnd week at the For- fvn W^hat Sit KaS°" l^^lS ''^^^ showing a htw"^ nvl? the^other tSi^Cohan promising pick-up the. week. Sfe^s ias du^ to the reputation of Between $9.000-and $10,000, with the ^^'^^f^lit^ ^ Av-eraee OOO rank-and-file of.musical comedy de- vfnwiv-™ o k top' vbtees not caring-for this daring and '^his^orTng^' •Fri^nd^^^^^^^ l-Jd' il)^' ords'^'^Sked "'"'^^^ Aarons SSt him wfth the nmSan and Fireedley musical try-out at the tiSfe at UiIs th<iure piecrge ting Shubert. is being whipped into much wrnrVff foot fortl e 00^^ Shape. It looks more prom- never satisfying although w-eekly ? ace did last yea,r.^^jacK wnum^ ^ss will easily tap $12,000 for $2.50 1 J^^beeh -^deg^to^**-^-Ji^ ^d scale. fi,» firpat" fBlackstone other principals have been changed. "Elmer the _ Great (.tsiacKscone, . . Tr„a^„f>,i„a." ha, atia more has one more here that New Y^oTk" wiil^hiTkr an | we^k hCTe_a_n_d_goe^ 13th and final week). . Prediction |''Hold Everything" ali-wiriter success of this coniedy: The four non-musicals did not set ca,v-Op..a eoo. into ,h« Erlans.r. a i f s'.^.f ,'„Vas K'^sTSS w^^^^^^^ jiiicy spot for the brga,nizatlon. rposs at $2.50, po.ssibilities with en "Present Arms'" ran into a back; j.^^ged publicity are immense, stage mess at the Woods on the "Burlesque" (Harris, 1st week), opening night. The opening per- ,JJ^^re•g the runner-up for "Mary lormahee was jumbled back stage, nugan" if the latter is to have any but the critics were lenient. The ^Qmpctition before Christmas, performance was a disappointment, L.o„nted on as a $20,000 gross go- and new. show.s need the openmg gutter. Just, missed $3,000 gross night word-of-mouth advertising op(j„jijg,.jiig.iit. which .wasn't forthcoming. Not any . "Trial of Mary Dugan" (Adelphi, tod strong a chance is given "Arjrns" 4th week). Clean rack at all per- to last any length of. time, par.tic- fQ^ni;i.m.ii.s. easily the. outstanding •ularly \\«<th the way the musical play dramatic.: hit for many seasons, calendar will be lined up in another ry^.^ sold out two and, three fortnight. Greenwich Village "*'ol- L|j^yc; ahead of performance. BaJ- lles" has flopped into sad. figures at p^j^y tickets going at premium, the Grand. Solid $25,000 gross smash. "Burlesque's" Big Start "Broadway" (Central. 1st week). Two new ammat'ic offerings added Got under-vway Satur^^^^^ 11.i v^Mvlv voi.cnn situation, one orate .system of publiclty_ and per- ISr^l^y'bS^g'S^era^fixi^el s^^^^ plugging. Enterprising show- Si the'rvS?-urto"MaiT IX displayed at this | edy To obtain this position will be enough for •l^urleaque" at the Har- ris, but the balcony sale for the early, weeks isn't what it should be. This condition is picked to be remedied after the effects of yesterday's (Mon- day's) notices show themselves FRISCO GROSSES : San Francisco, Sept. 18. Legit intakes not so forte last l ^nonth "BurYesque" will run neck-and-neck I week, with the exception of Henry neWi with "Dugan" at the stands. . .Duffy's President, where "Daddies du . A clientele that has been missing got under way for what looks nke u^-eeks. at the Cort for many moons is a lengthy stay. Another opening for "Hold Everything" (Shubert. 3d listed to return with thepre.^senta-| last week was Sid Gold tree s tureen 1^.^^^). Aarons and Freedley musi- week. biit did not have the break of the first night (Labor r>ay) crowd Claimed almost $15,000 on the. week, giving It a little over $30,000 in Its fortnight's stay here. This week has three openings "The Command Performance" at the Broad, "Possession" at th Lyric and "Ups-a-Daisy," musical, at the Chestnut. All are in for two Weeks only. Next Monday brings another flock of. newcomers, including "Shan- nons of Broadway'V at the Adelphi; Marx Brothers in "Animal Crack- ers" at the Shubert; "Hello Yoiir self" at the Forrest; "Mr. Money penny" at the Garrick, and "Ex cess Baggage" at the Walnut. Oct. 1, "Queen's "Taste" (Keith's), new Mclntvre and Heath musical com - (Chestnut). "Girl Trouble' (Broad) and "Interference" (Lyr--,) are listed, with the Erlanger ^ ,. a I'.ossibility. Estimates fMf^lifti:'/'eek "The Con^Wa Perfori..r...ce" (Broad, -l^ldli^k). House openin.g "^r than last year, with w presented by new pro- Herman Shumlln. Two sentcd by Sammy Lee; first pro- duction on his own; Dan Kusell wrote book; score by Joseph Mc- Carthy and Harry Tierhey; opened Monday. "Diamond Lil," Royale (24th week) (CD-l,117-$3). Still in money and expected to stick well into winter; last week approximated $14,000i "Eva the Fifth," Little. (4th week) (C-530-$3). Looks like it will :stick; last week almost as good ■ -".vith gross around $7,000, satis- factory in this house; with setr tied weather, better business due. 'Front Page," Times Square (6th ■week) (C-l,057-$3,85). Season's first smash and leader of non- musicals; .capacity-plus all per- formances; gross over $24,000. "Gang War," Morosco (5th wock) (CD-898-$3. Current topic, drama ballyhooed ior moderate price trade; getting fair money ai\d may go through fall; $9,000 esti- mated. "Gentlemen of the Press," Henry Miller (4th week) (C-946-$3). Last week about $7,000;, hardly strong enough to hold on; .got something with picture rights, however. Goin' Home," Hudson (5th week) most as big as previous week, around $15,000; could remain • through winter although new show listed for late autumn. "The Big Fight," Majestic (1st week) (CD-1.776-$3). Presented by Sam II. Harris and Albert Lewis; Jack Dempsey and Estelle Taylor featured; opened Tuesday. "The Big Pond," Bijou (5th week) (C-606-$3). Commands good low- er floor trade, principally from . agencies; balcony Weak but mak- ing some money at $7,000. "The Great Power," liitz (2rid week (C-945-$3). Reviewers divi- ded; business poor first week; cast reported going co-operative or else. "The High Road," Fulton .(2nd week (C-913-$3.85). Regarded new hit; first week estimated, over $19,000; not far . frorh capa- city except at matinees; smart. English comedy, "the Ladder," Cort (100th week) (CD - 1,094 - $3). Jusft . hanging around until November, when it will or should be buried. "The New Moon," Imperial (Ist ,week) (M-l,400-$5.50). Presented by Laurence Sehwab and Frank Mandelf -written by latter and Oscar Hammetstein; §core by Sig Romberg; opens tonight (Sept. 19). (C-l,094-$3). "By Request" listed "The Phantom Lover," 49th Street . kept everybody out of red. "Hus-1 wound up'five weeks with "The 122,000 last^w.eek. t>and" got off to a capacity opening Spider" at the Geary, making room \ "Sunny Days" (Keith s. 2d week). here next week; If current show improves, artother house may be secured; . liked, but appears to have just missed. "Good Boy," Hammerstein's (3d week) (M-1.400-$G.60). Looks like musical hit; first full week about $36,000, not far from capacity. "Good News," Chanin's 46th Street (55th week) (M-l,413-$5.50). Fin- ished week strongly with approxi- mately $21,000.; good for another two months or more. "Grand Street Follies," Booth (17th week) (R-704-$3). One week more; trade $9,000 and better; next, "Pcssesslon," due Oct. 1. "Guns," Wallack's (D-770-$3). Was taken off Saturday. after six weeks to small business; house changed management and attrac- tion could not make guarantee; under $3,000; "He Understood Women," Belmont (C-515-$3). Stopped suddenly Sat- urday; five weeks to little busi- ness; less than $2,000. "Heavy Traffic," Empire (3d week) (CD-l,099-$3.85). First full week about $12,000; not as good as ex- pected ; agency demand okay, with pace Indicating lower floor draw. "Luckee GiH," Casino (Ist week) (M-I,477-$5.50), Opened Satur- day; well thought of in Phila., but opinion reversed among first- nighters! "Machinal," Plymouth (3d week) (D-l,012-$3). About $11,000 first full week; fairly good for start; V homes in the-outskirts "Gold Coast" I "Good New.s!' (coast production). Attendance looked, lost .in 2,300 .ca neighborh9,ods, "The Command to Duffy's production of: . "Tommy" hiaclty. Around $11,500 Love" will steady itself at the continued to click .in Its eleventh "Ups-a-Daisy" (Chestnut, 1st Studobaker, w-eek at the Alcazar, with one mpr.e L^eek).' New musical comedy pror "The Silent House's" trade ,.is week to g^) befpre Marjorie Ram- Lmced by Lew Gensler with'flock of Btill a bit shaky but the grosses so beau conies in with "Antonia." names. In for two weeks only. "Big far achieved are above the losing Estimates for Last Week Fipht" runner-up In last weelt's mark, and the chances are that tho Geary— "The Spider." Mystery husiness'. but disappoitttinfe at :that SJtubert forces will be instructed -piay dropped to around $10,000 on Uyith about $15,000 or little better, lo plug this one from every , angle anal week, but this.considered sat- «The Skull" (Walnut. 3d w.eck). becau.s'e dramatic shows, are .scarce, iafactory considering the three-day with popular prices .Estimates for Last Week holiday (Admis.slon Pay) drawing >' . -g OOn but probably at ''Manhattan Mary" (Grand, 1st „iany thou.sands but of tuwn. loUt broke even week). In for real coin, having Curran-''What a Man'Vfolded up M^'^ . _ 3d week) much to say for the leadership in ho .-ibout $8,000, not ^-.atisfactory. 'Chee-Chee (F^^^ weLic} sales at stand.s. "Greenwich Vil- Advance sale for "Good '^'<^^^'9 ^'^«,<^ ^^'^i^^fl^^"*'^ s^^^^^^^ lage Follies" checked spotty trade topped that for "The Desert Song," tract much business. $9,000. throughout engagement. Faih>d hy - • --• $4,000 to maintain expected $2'^,000 gross average. ^ „ 01 "Present Arms" (Woods, 2d week). Stage setting muddle open- ing night detracted. Future prol)- lematioal for any length run at real figures. Lineup of musical plays in town also will retard here. Grossed ^*-"'^^=^"NIWs"^TS51 Wnr week). Along with the run of the town slowed up but figured from $20,000 upward ($23,000. probiible gait for scvcf.'il weeks) will inM it Ih until Tliank.^giving, .Considers "Manhattan IMary" . opposi- tion at the stands. "My Maryland" (Great North.-rn, 8d week). OH" to a Hying .st:ut, with every indiiMtJon of rolling UP surprisingly big grosses witlioul which set records. 1 "Possession" (Lyric, 1st week). President—"Daddies." I'^D-st week Utargaret Lawrence starred in new immense .^i $6,r.OO. . Outlook is for Selwyn drama, In for two from eight to iZ W'ceks of good j weeks only, business. Alcazar— 'Tommy." TMs one starting to slip and moves out at end of week. lOieventh •week drew around $4.300.. ^^Green Street^'Easy for_ Z'>e. ?oc'' _ re()pene(T "1i<)tfs(^ tlark "Tor sev'^craI | months. Limousine traile start- ed and advance Is iiicking up Opening week b<Utered $:;.:ioO. "War Song" around $S,500 last w'eek. "Woman" (Adelphi, 1st week), This try-out with John Halliday disappointing. Gross not above $6,500. "Shannons of Broadway" n ext. jw eek. ■ ■ NewViddish Art Member Avrahm Morewski. from flie Ar- t;-^nline. ha.-^ . joined Maurice Scliw;irt/.'s group at th" Yiddish Art Then I re. (3rd week) (D-708-$3). Looking for another berth, business not good enougli for even this house; rated under $3,000. "The Royal' Family," Selwyn (39th week) (C-l,b67-$3.85). Going on tour Oct, 15; getting from $10,- 000 to $11,000; "This Year of Grace" expected in November, "The Silent House," Sam H. Harris (33rd week) (D-l,051-$3). "The '\\''ar Song" slated hero next Mon- day but booking switched to Na- tional; mystery pjay may stay another month or so; $9,000, esti- mated; "The Song Writer," 49th Street (6th week) (C-969-$3)i Guaran- teeing house; last -week; estimat- ed under $5,000. "The Three Musketeers," Lyric . (28th week) (M-l,395-$6.60). Picked up so materially on cOpl nijghts indications are for con- tinuance well into -winter; around $33,000. "The Trial of Mary Du&an," Cen- tury (53rd week) (D-2,890-$3). Due for road;, around $14,fl00 pre- vious week but slipped downward "This Thing Called Love," Maxine Klliot (1st week) (C-9l2-$3). Pre- sented . by Patterson McNutt; written by Edwin Burke; known as "So This Is Marriage," etc.; opened Monday. "Trapped," National (2nd week) (D-1.164-$3). Final week; panned and got no .business; possibly $3,- War Song" next wefek. . , 000; - may pick, up during comlpg "Vanities," Earl Carroll (7th week) month. . : . ___ L^4R=968-$7.70). Highest ticket scal9_ 'Night Hostess," Martin Beck (2d on Broadway, top rate going ior week; (CD - 1,189 - $3). Opened five rows; capacity business with Wednesday, drawing divided opin- normal pace claimed around $40,- ion; second night moderate, but OOO.^ _ third doubled takings; has good "Volpone," Guild ;(20th week) (C- .Chance. 941-$3.85). Final week; Theatre 'Porgy," Republic (2d engagement): Guild will open new season with (17th week) (CD-901-$3). Final "Faust,", due Oct. 8. ' week; colored ^ drama a novelty [ "White Lilacs," Shubert (2nd. week) .which drew exceptionally when I (0-l,395-$5.50). Operetta "Abraham's Bosom" to Tour "Abraham's Bosom," which opened Monday at the Proylncetown theatre, takes to the road in four weeks, being booked all the way to California. The groyp of spir- itual singers will be taken on the j tour. on.road first; goes on tour again; "Adventure" follows next week. "Rain or Shine," George M. Cohan (r,3rd week)- (M-l,371-$5.r)0). Picked up further, going to $35,r 000 or more; good indication run will extend well into new season.. "Relations," MasqUo (5th week) (C-700-$3). Show management still hopeful though business still very poor; not $2,000; must guar- antee or quit. VRingside,"' (4th week) )C;-.l,llS-$3.. Not in smash clas.-*,. l)Ut doing fairly week; second week bettel-ed $11,000, enough to carry show along; "Ringside" __mav.Lhurt:_ . ^ _ "Rosaiie," New Amste:rtTariV'^7tli" week) (M-1,702-$G.00). Business better lately, going to $30,000 and over; due for road in another rated fair -with mild busines.s first week; "Ups-a-Dalsy". slated for .44th Street may be brought here in- stead. month. "Scandals," Apollo a2th week) (R-1.168-$6.60). Getting best busi- ness.; better than $-10,000. "Show Boat," Zlegfeld (3flth week) (^r-l,7r)0-$6.60). None of new mu- si"als should iirfei-l great price of Ca))iiaii, $4,900 L A. Grosses Los Angeles, Sept. 18. "(!ood News" again topped the town with $20,000 in its 16th and final week at the Mayan. "Pair of Docs" moves Into that this weeic under a. new title, "Happy Days," with May Boley addecl. "Docs" saw $5,200 last week (fourth) at the Music Box. Second place among musicals \V(Wt6'^''DehWf^SoTlg''"T5Tr-$T27^ 14th at the Majestic. Edward Everett Ilorton in "Arms and the Man,", first week. Vine Street, $7,000; "Mid-Channel," sec- ond week,.I?elaaco, $11,000; "Wooden Kimono," third week, I'resident, $;>.- !)00: "Lombardi. Ltd.," seventh weeK TTollvwood ria.\-aiouse, $5,200. am Baby Cyelohe," seventh week, i'-'