Variety (Sep 1928)

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Wednesday, September 19, 1928 VARIETY 01 Reserved for Professional Patrons Two Entire Floors in the Forty-six Story Tower of the N HOTE The Coolest Location in Town Atop the tallest Hotel in the World /^LOSE to the top of the gigantic Morrison Tower, and cooled by the^pur^^^^^^ 1 ; air ever breathed, the 40th and 41st floors are set apart entirely theatr cal V> guests. Out of earshot of street noises, you, can sleep "j^^^^^^;;^^,^^^,^^^^^^^ late hour of the morning. You can also entertain your friends m perfect seclu- sion, secure against interruption. 1,944 Outside Rooms—Each With Bath Rates $2.50 Up Every room is outside, with bath, running ice ^^'^^^^^^^^^ 1 i or,^ «;^.rvidor The last named is particularly appreciated by protessionai 'r^ts It comptVely P^^^^^^^^^^ contact betWpatrons and hotel employees when laundry, shoes, etc., ate sent out or returned. Nearest Hotel to Downtown Theatres The Morrison stands closer than any other hotel *° *««||'.^'°"|g'^^J^^^^^^^ "1rto\Vln"a^;foSS^^^^^^^ *at *Ly pai ««7the"nd fent, and the saving is passed on to the guests. The Terrace Garden and Boston Oyster House ^ At these two famous ^"""^^^^^^.'-^S' ,^tZ radot"dan«'mCc and after-theatre parties. ALL PATRONS ENJOY GARAGE PRIVILEGES The New Morrison, when completed, will '^/J* mnd tallest hotel in the world, containing 3,400 room* CLEVELAND Hanna-"Rose-Marie" ^return) Ohio—"Arms and the Man (ine ^'TituS^'All God's ChiUun Got ^Wings" (Stock). Patsv" Gordon Square —"Tlio Patsy ^^Stniian-"White Shadows In South Seas'.'-Vita shorts Cameo — "Women They TaiK About"-Vita shorts. . , Keith's Palace-"The Cop-'-vauae. Allen—"The Patrlof'-\ ita BhoT\^. State—"Lights of New York -Pub- iiX unit. > -nr^-rr, Keith's 105th—"Man-Made Wom- en"-Vaude. . , ^ , t..,,-!.." Columbia—"A Night In Parlt. (Mutual). A sec6nd-run, all-talkie V^ciuv^ policy goes into Loews .Cuue (neighborhood) this week. ^ The circle, one of the lirst thealu !:. to have Vltaphonc, will be used to take-care of sound nims from three downtown Loew houses. The Lin- coln, on a rival circuit, is the only other neighborhood theatre in town equipped for Vitaphono. The Empire. 12-ycar-old bur- lesque emporium, is to be torn down to make way for^ garage. A renovated barn is used to^shel- ter a new artistic little theatre opened by Mrs. Martin lleydcmann. •William Schwartz aifd his Yiddish players bt'san a. Stock season tins week at Duchess. Yiddish theatre, dark for past season. "His Jewish Girl." opening musical, comedy. Company Includes WiHiani Rabmo- vitz, Uosclla Cohn. Fanny berson, Esther Sher, Adela Swartz. Gussie Karp and Pearl White. Theatre un- der new, management of Rabinowitz and Larido. Keith's Palace is holding news- paper contest to find the 18 nerfect Cleveland girls to model in its annual fall style show, week Oct. 7. Loew's State Is to be remodeled with some $35,000 spent on improve^ ments, including a bigger stage. Though the Allen is equipped for both Vitaphone and for Movietone, it has increased its pit orchestra, under Maurice Spitalny. trom 18 to 25 musicians. ^^^^^ BRONX, N. Y. C. I.ocNV opened it.s new Fairmount wook. and will open another house here, 167th Street theatre this week, Fairmount has vaude <nnd pictures, wliile 167th street wi play straight picture policy. Bot.i houses are wired. VARIETY BUREAU WASHINGTON, p. C. 416 The Arflonne 1629 Columbia Road, N. W. Talephone Columbia 4630 DOROTHEA ANTEL 226 W 72d St.. New. Y.orU City The Sunshine Shoppe OPERA LENGTH HOSIERY and the dainty things milady loves ' "Ritz^ will reckon manngod by Irving IJ.'ivhkni. lie has an Interest in the After summer lay-off. work has been resumed on 4,000-scat Publix house on the Grand Concourse^near Fordham road, - Numerous cUn cul- ties with the building laws have- boon responsible f<n-,lho do- lays on the (.•onstruclicn of tlie the- atre, Bronx Opera Hou.«e reopened this week, and will play try-outs as well •i.s subway circuit, allraetions, John F. Lriiup a,i;ain inanaunig. FOR MODERN SENSATIONAL STAGE .. I DANCING ' StretchlTiR and Limbering Exercise? N ow-at.^.^ 132-136 W. 43d St New York SCENERY and DRAPERIES SCUELL SCENIC STUDIO, ColaonhnB. O By HARDIE MEAKIN Gayety—Stock bur, . National (Erlanger - ^^a-pley) — ■Wings" (film) in for scheduled '^^Strand-'-Sugar Babies" (Mutual bur.)i- ■ , . Pictures Columbia — "Tempest." (second week). „. Earle—"Lilac Time." ^ Fox—"River Pirate" and stage presentation. .-r>„_f/s^( Keith's—K-A vaude and- Perfect Crime" (film). r>„iT,«" Metropolitan—"Out of the Ruins. Palace—"Four Walls" and stage presentation. Keith's opened Sunday with six acts and a picture. As at the close of last sea.son tho picture la again billed above the K-A acts. Joe Bombrest, In for a while as m o. of the Earle in the closing da:j f^ of the presentation policy. Is attract- ing pl' nty for the dancing palaces i-n-nnd-around the town.. Mmh renovation Is going on in the interior of ■ Unlversal's clo.sed Kialto, but nothing . \^F}}^^'''^r'^l as to opening.. Both ^^f^" ^.^^ I aUKhs" and "Uncle Tom's Cabm h.avo been sold to the Stanley-Cran- dall- opposition houses here. • Colliv Ilarriman Is getting con- •.Idi-rahle space In the dailic-s with h s iihting at the Palace., Forrnor y ,.,<-iatr-d with.. Max ^^^•^"•^^'•^t n flcrmany,-Ilarriman now managlnt, dir«^otor aa well as staging . OAKLAND, CAL. "Sherlock Holme,-*" and "Bought and paid For." Next .^''^V'^''^" 1'n and Marion Storly will be seen lii "The Dove" and following Gracp Valentino opens a season with Field opposite in "The Marciulstj. The theater Is now . being redecorated and refurnished. This .activity is the opening step In tho contest for stock supremacy between George Ebey at tho l<ulton, functioning for more than a dozen years', and Henry Duffy, who oUens his new Dufwin theater with him- self and Dale Winter in the first bill on Oct. 4. The opening play has not yet been announced. Another opening will be that ol tho (.):ik):ind, new West Co.ast house due for its premiere on Oct, lo. TOLEDO Margaret Anglin, with li'vlnK Pifhol chiof in/support, will he hoard in an op. n air P<'''-f«/''^ii"^?v?v •Vntigono" at tlie Greek bunday evening. The little tlio.alor players at the T-nivor.«itv of California begin their souson with "Moot the \yire:" the first plav of the Berkeley Pl.ay- hou.«o was Shaw's "Fancy's 1-irst Play." r.ort K..rhr.l, miuia.tring Avalon, now picture house, Henry Cuhen ha.-< roploood Louis ns as mnnagor of tlu- I <.lmont_ (jilns resigned to take a post out of town. . When Loew nuido ro.'.dy to 0]><-n iVn.nx last wook, it dis.'<n-oi-od that ' h?ui ho pir.turo fnr shew. The rirc.n.t. was V'; ' ,^1; muoh as the l{olm<mt wo-..l<l have taken in for a sapaoity "If By WOOD SOANES wr do meet again, we'll ami".' iiHic^d. ^. If HOI. 'tis truf» this parting v\.if well made," . ■ „ 'jM,i.-< (WMiplot from ".Jiilms Caosai w;.« iis-d bv nobort Warvsi' k as ih" l^nsis ..f a"farowell curtain spcHi th; Fulion during v^ Ji- ..pU,K.ul.=uthe_iIam&^foL.Jii=i .''L, «,„...,.s.^ ..n the fact that ho ha.« P<' - miit.d too many y''<i^=^-^'.;''r"v,v ol;i,,v.. since he took the citv b> sto( k storm and that he and 11.-.- rnaii:,-".Mnr.nt had phkod unfoitu- nat<lv in the matter of play.M. W.-uwlck opened with "'11.;- Ad- niiiMl.lo Criichton" and foll'.w.- h "The Packet," "Intorforenco, INDIANAPOLIS ■ By EDWIN V : Keith's—Dark, English's—Dark, Circle—'Lilac Time," Indiana—"Out of the Kulns ^"Eua'-'Sporty Widows" (Mu- ^^Loew's. p:alace--"T.wp Ix)vor.s.",, Coloniat--"Oi.->i.t.;s of the Ring, /^ollo—"The Uivcr Pirate. Tht' logit s(-;is(m at lOnglish's opens the inidillo of October. Kdw.inl R'-s-iior, at the Clrle 12 vf'ir-; Ijas b''<-n transforrcd to the IrKli:iJia f.'^k./unis-I'ublix) as con- du'a<-r of the pit oivhostra, Tv.relliv F;.rl'y. loo;il girl, has j'.it.'il K. fJiff'-nJ stock In St. Loui.--'. F.uil) IV'vlo, 1-Mlm Board socre- <-u^'''-dofl Ijv Marlon Mo- r..n.'.iiL'l). l-ont.<r tnmsforrod to M"::(:(al, By RALPH HEINEN Coliseum—"Kings of, lUng.". Empire—Mutual burlesque. Keith's—Vaudc-tilms,- Loew's Valentine—"Tempest." New State (wired)—"Foreign I.^- *^^Palace—" Cheyney" (stock). Pantheon—"Heart to Heart.'*. ' Princess—"The Patriot." Rivoli^Vaude-lilm.s. - . Vita-Temple (wired)—"Lion and Mouse," 2d weVk. Green Mill Gardens, nlte club, opening Sept. 3 8. ' State tho.atre. now known as New State and flrst-nm house, wired.. Ernest CJlondinning, Mary New- ton, Nancy P>akcr. Marvel Garii.scy and Walter Vaughn opened with Wright stock this week. WSPD ofUcials In a cold sw<ai. Disgusted with new wave and power allotted by federal connnis;. slon. Fight predicted by blaso babes always in the know. Alas! the Boody House has pasKed away. Oldtimers mourning over whoopee fests. Toledo customs offlcl.als know their Ihiuor. Greyhound, pleasure Ijoat. recently made -excursion to .vV ind-. son. Dicks met »teamer at Madison avenue dock, and many a (luart sunk to the bottom bf the Mauirice. As one reported drowning In effort to recover the sunken sniri is. ' • ■ CalUor"" '•],'■'■■ Till.' " st,irloi1 t>>o rllr. lo ii'i;i;. ;i r.' w sound film poli- Ii,-,-,-" ('h.-.i;;- J);i%ls' new sliow, the Ir!.ii;.i..-. ^is tiic f' prcsont-. Ing a Biago f-li'.'W. ^^^^^ ABSOVUTEIY guaranteed; ^ind be a.ssurcd of receiving th« host materials properly bUi.iK.4 II SOLD EVERYWHERE I j M.inufacturcd by '! J y Stein Cosmetic Co., N. Y. ||