Variety (Sep 1928)

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Wednesday, September 26, 1928 PICTURE GROSSES VARIETY 9 Roxy Did $1,227,400 in 10 Weeks; Average of $122,740 Weekly; Last Week, $115.500-Par, $88,100 As .l" whole It was normal, arid jBolid alung the street Ic^st weeK, War^^Ts gave Jolsou a blf? bally- hoo 'for the take-off "The. Sin gins Fool," ■VVetlnesday and .the famed en- tertainer went the press dopartmbnt one better by taking a third bride, which broke heavily' in the dailies, helping the Winter Garden get $16,- 300 on its nrst three days as a pic- ture house at $3 top. The two other outstanding grosses had the Para- mount «nd Roxy as receivers.. Ban- croft proved himself a big draw at the former house with $88,100, and "The River Pirate" held the S. L. .fetadlum to its fast recent pace at • S115,500. Otherwise most of the theatres . were inclined to slip a little. Strand was an exception, where "The "Whip" went ahead of "State Street Sadie's" holdover week with $36,400, and Keatori's "Cameraman" beat "Ca.rdboard Lover's" second week by doing $70,400 at tho Capitol. Cameo was among those to jump in getting $7,500 for the opening of "Q Ships," which lingers, but "The Pa- - triot" eased away $3,000 at the Rial- to and will depart after doing eight weeks. "Tempest" .finished a satis- factory, four, weeks to $24,800 at the Riyoli. These Publlx twins and the . Paralmount now get .85 cents week nights and $1 all over on week ends and holidays. The Paramount scale Is a new top since the tax went off. "Mother -Knows Best" enjoyed a ■ nice first week at the Globe for $9,- 300, but must leave Oct. 7, regard- less, to make way for Stone-Rogers show. Fox's other, legit showing, : "Air Circus," was down $1,100 to do ' $7,300 at the Gaiety, and "Four Devils" is expected here in a fort- night. "Submarine" skidded $1,000 at tho limbassy to $8,300, while "Lilac Time" only showed a sub- tracted difference of $200 from its previous week of $15,500. Over a period of 10 weeks the Roxy has probably hung up an all- time record in doing approximately $1,227,400 for an average of $122,740 over that stretch. Itemized It shows "Street Angel" (four weeks) to haVe done $479,000; "Four Sons" (three ■weeks), $389,000, and "Fazil" (two •weeks), $243,900. A mean average on those holdover pictures is $123,- 544 for nine weeks, "River Pirate" being the la^t filnTin the total tabu- lation, but not holding over. Estimates for. Last Week Aster—"Whit© Shadows" and eound .(M-G-Cosmo) (1,129; $l-$2) (9th week). Theatres had cool •weather in their fayor but this one fell off slightly; not an important drop in face of surprising gait since ©pening; down $1,100 but $18,700. Cameo—"Q Ships" . (New Kra) (549; 50-75) (2d week). Clicked off $7,500, which is deemed sufficient excuse to prolong a stay lici-e. Capitol—"The Cameraman" (M-G) (4,620; 35-50-75-$l-$1.50). Koaton comedy had plenty of lobby activ- ity at $70,400; house goes sound next week with "Our Dancing Daugiiters" (M-G); Fox Movietone newsreel and an M-(} sound short;. "P'xcoss Bag- gage" (M-G) in its silent version current. Central—"Lila.c Time" and sound (FN) (922; $l-$2) (8Lh week). Go- ing along steadily with "The Barker" still marking lime awaiting to be flagged in here; last week $15,300, a slight drop. Criterion^"Wings" (Par) (836; $l-$2) (59th vireek). Keeps on shuf- fling regardless of debuts and clos- ings on street; clocked $12,350, with no date set for; "Interfer- -— ..-ence'-'- (Par) reported aa next oh this corner. Embassy — "Submarine" (Col) (596; $l-$2) (Sth week). . Off $1,00.0 in fourth week but no blushes at $8,300; figure is good bu.sincss here. Gaiety—''Air Circus" and Movie- tone (Fox) (808; $l-$2) (4th week). Has never shown particular slrenglh but hns totaled fair , grosses; l.'i;st week dropped to $7,300; "Four S6n.s" due here in-two weeks. Globe—"Mother K/iows l!OKt" and Movietone (Fox) (1,416; $l-$2). (2d week). Not overly strong on first week. $9,300; opened at a Saturday matinee (Sept. 15); Fox vacates house ()ct. 7. • Paramount—"Docks of New York" (I'ar) f;{,0G6; 40-6n-7:j-8r.-$ 1). Big at $.SS,100, with Publix oHieial.s si"'k- ing an explanation; reason seom.'! to be Bancroft, who had but average stagt' lu'lp; top. week sinee ni'W .-^c.'ile. of prices went in; 85 fcnl.s ^^^.•l'k nights and $1 all over weekends and holidays; .«;inio scale holds for lliv- oU an(i Jtialto. Rialto—"The Patriot" and sound ==^"=^(TPin^1-^^n"960T^"35^5O^75^}fn-5lr)=-(;t5tfr week). .Tannings figured upon tu run out eight weeks after which "Battle of the Sexe.s" (UA). arrives; picture holding up nicely, sliding but $3,000 in fifth week ff.r $31,600. Rivoli—"Tempest" and sonnil (UA) (2,200; 35-50-7.0-$!). Flnislied neat four weeks to $24.S00; "Two .Dvers" (UA) now current and $28;000 FOR'WINGS'AT NEWMAN, K. C.-H. 0. Kansas City. Sept. 25, (Drawing Pop. 600,000) • Weather, Perfect . . War prcdominatod the first run screens last week—"Wings" at New- man, "Tempest"' at'Midland, "For- eign Legion," Uptown; "Four Son.s," Globe, ^nd"Uinited States Smith," Pantages. Outstanding was the c.%pacity business of "Wings," with a nights, and picture held over.. "Tempest," with ,Tohri Barrymbrc starred, : the disappoinm<-'nt. Ad- verse criticisms from customers and biisinoss badly off. •Business over town, was hit Tues- day bv the radio program broadcast by WDAF. Kansas City Stair, from the radio dinner in New York, a,nd followed with Al Smith's Omaha , .Estimates for Last Week Mainstreet (Orph) "Craig's Wife" (3,200; 25-50). Vaude also. Busi-. ness held steadily after capacity Sunday opening.. $17.000. .. Loew's Midland, "Tempest" (4.000; 25-35-50). Gi'eat picture, with strong cast and beautiful musical synchro- nization but failed to draw. Press reviews strong, but patrons: passed It up. Three .Vita shorts, M-G-M and Fox Movieton news completed bill. $16,000. ■ Newman (Publix) "Wings" (1,980; 35-.50-7.'5). Although picture . last season at Shubert at road show prices, same as first run to big ma- jority. Looked like old times when house was deluxe of. town to see lines parked in lobby and. front of box-office. $28,000. . Pantages, "United States Smith" (2,200; 25-5b). Another natural for regulars and coupled with strong vaude made a fine evening's enter- tainment.' $10,600. "The Forelgri Legion." . Uptown's picture, and stiage show. BVay's, Tacoma, High With High Overheard Tacoma, Sept. 25. (Drawing Population, 125,000) Weather: Warmer ■ Big event last week was reopen- ing of the Broadway, ace W. C. house here; . with Fanchoh and Marco No. 1 stage shows, and Gene Morgan: here for the week| Sam Wineland is. m.c. Biz great at the Broadway, as "Excess ' Baggage" was all to the merry. Pan, other downtown stage, hit some- what, but held okay. Rialto,^ Colo- nial and Blue Mouse also a little weak. Estimates for Last Week Broadway (WC) (1,500; 25-50). '.'Excess Baggage" (M-(J-M). Gene Morgan Follies, F.' and M. idea, with Gene there in person, helped joy- ou.'^ness of reopening. Off to big start. $6,000, but with high over- head. Pantages (1,500; 25-50), "Foreign Legion" (U). Slumi>ed a trifle, but still good. $6,000, Blue Mouse (Hamrlck) (050; 50- 75), "State Street Sadie." Wired. Second week and fair for program picture, $4,700. Rialto (WC) (1,250; 2i5-50). "Red Dnnco" (Fox). . With sound, and clicked, but not so hot, $3,0.00. Colonial iWf^) fK^O: i;;V)v *^hc Patsy" (M-G-M). . Fair. ?1,600. '4 SONS,' $25,000, BIG AT PALACE, MONTREAL ,. Montreal,. Sept. 25. (Drawing Pop., 500,000) ' Weather: Fair, cool One uf the biggest , busiin'ss spurts in C;xnada saw "Four Sons' (Fox) nail $25,000 at the Palace after a snappy campaign by George Rotskv last week. This has. only been topped by the same theatre when it broke all records on its opening week with $30,000. Good publicity and . the novelty of the tallvprs did this. , . Capitol and Loew's dropped a ■ couple-of thou, former w'ith "Four Walls." "Beau Broadway", not ,un^ usual at the latter and the vaude w-as not up to its usual;. MoiUreal seems to be unabtle to support more than two or three shows, and con- sequently when one is .higher the others suffer. . ■ . r. Second casualty from tho picture standpoint was His Majesty'.s, legit house. It had the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company In Gilbert and Sul- livan opera.s. These were m Mon- treal last season and took the city by storm, so that now siirpa.ssed all expectations. The other legit house. Princess, <lid,fairly well with "When Crummies Played," English play. Estimate for Last Week . Palace (FP) (2,700; 45-75), "Four Sons" (Fox). Publicity and talker.'; for $25,000. Capitol. (FP) (2,700; 40-60), "Four Walls" (M-G-M). Even John Gil- bert didn't save it; $14,500. Loew's (FP) (3,200; 35-75), "Beau Broadway" (M-G-M>, Weak .vaude. Dropped to $14,500. Imperial (Keith) (2,700; . 45-$l); Good all-round vaude; $16,000. Strand (UA) (800; 30-40). Grind. Usual $3,500. Empress (800; 30-40). Grind; $3,500. . . MAE MURRAY'S $17,000 At Pan's, Portland, and Led Town Last Week rA-tlaiid, Ore.. Sept. 2.), "Wings" sliMid ihiMU .up at llir lU-oaduay lii-"^<- wi-'>k, . Manager 'i'liomas ran an extra morning show I'Dinmencing at !':3u a. m. J. J. I'arkt'r's n> .\v ..I'n.itoil Artists llieatre opened willi "Two I^ovors." It is sumplvious in Spanish stylo, hilt .si>ut.'< only Excellent all.-a round week on gross end. Estimates for Last Week . . Portland (Pubiix-WO) (3,500; 3")- ilO)i "Stoamhoat 1U!)." . t'omody ro- mance; Kogisti.roi big. l<\ and M.'.-' stage, show, "Mai-s Idea." $14,600. Broadway ..(2,U00;-35-iiOV; "Wiirgs." WiriHl. Fox Movietone news. StoU liand in conceit, Biggest busiue.Si-. for weeks. $16,000. Pantages (Pan) (2,000; 3.n-50). Mae Murray In vaudeville on stage, i Went big. screen feature, "Night Bird." $17,000. Columbia (U) ( l.iOO; 35-50). "Bi;; Killing." comedy feature. Wen', well, $7,500. Oriental: (Tebbotts) (2,700: 25-35), "Grain of Dust." Fair. $8,200. Auditorium (50-$]),. .lohiv Britz Opera Co. in "Mikado." Busines.-^ greatly improved 3d week. $6,500. 'WINGS' & 'LILAC TIME' COMPETE IN MINN. Keith s, Syracuse, Led With 'TERROR' MOST GO OUT TO PROHT IN S. F. opening .weekend not indicative of prolonged run; expected to stay two weeks, three top, and then "Wedding March" (I'ar). Roxy—"River Pirate" . (Fox) (6.- 205; 60-75-?l-.$i.50). Didn't liold over on $115,500; held up liouse's tromondous pace which lia.s- rolled up $1,227,400 in tlie past 10 weeks; undoubtedly an'all time record oyer period; Strand—"The Whip" and sound fFX) (2,900; 35-50-05-7,'-.). rjoing to $30,400 surjirised,.being $1,800 ahead of "vStatf Slr(!(;t Sadie's" holdover; -Lion and tlu- Mouse" (W'P,) cur- rent, with a flianoe of slayi.tig seo- ond WfC'k; this pictui'C pn-viously at Warners for $2, Warners—'"riie T'-rror" and Vita OVI5) (l,.'iiiO; $l-$2) (7th wcckr. Ih- cre.'iscd a liLth' and possibly on fu- rore surruuiiditig .ToI.som opi')iing on ibf Ijlock below; $21,:;fU) ..,=.^W j nte»^-G a p-d cn---*^-iiin«i.ii(s.^.li^l^ :ind Vila (WB) (1,4ti:i: $l-?3> C^d week). i\w;iy to $1(! oiiening Wed- nesday night plus big advance and follow-up catnpaign; Jol.'-on per.son- aliy added to tho Imjjotus by his third marriage, which tlie dallies ])]aved up lieuvily; tlieatre'.-t first throe days in pictures, $16,300; doing three on weekends. San Francisco, Sept. 25. (Drawing Pop^ 750,000) • Weather; Pleasant California, showing "Wings" for first time here at . pop prices, tooli the lead on opening week, going few hundred ahead of the Warfield. which has been cracking 'em wide operi these many rhoons. Ought to be good for four weeks at least. Warfield. with Lon Chaney on screen, had toiigh opposition from the Granada, where George . Ban- croft, popular hereaLbouts, was the flicker feature. Both houses had substantial stage shows. Early part of the week • saw them neck and neck. Warfield forged ahead and topped Its rival by better than $4,000. Embassy had another corking good week with "The Terror," all talkers. Will run two more weeks and then be taken off regardless of profit to make room for other talk era which must be played. Pantages didn't do so well on see ond and final week of "Uncle Tom's f^abin," .synchronized, and first talker for that house. Revenue, however, satisfactory. John Barry moreVs "Tempest" wag disappoint ment on opening week at St., Fran cis, gross barely reaching 12 grand. Ifriperial took another upward spurt and showed a nice profit. Estimates for Last Week California (Publix-W. O—- "Wing.s" (Par) (2,200; 65-90). Big- gest business this house has had since "The Big Parade." Outlook for healthy four weeks. First week at $30,000 immense. Warfield (Loew-W. C.)—"While City Slcop.s" (M-G-M) (2,672; 50-65- 90). Chaney's two pictures re- .acted against, this one, though lnt;j,kc; satisfactory.- .Strong .F.anchon Marco stage show and Rube Wf>)f liel.ped materially to $29,500. Granada (Publix-W. C.)—"Docks of New York" . (Par) (2,785; 50-65- 00). Bancroft a prime favorite. With inimitable Frank Jonks liead- ing band and strong Publix revue, clicked for over $24,000. Good. Embassy (Wagnon)—"The Ter- ror" and Vita (War. Bros.) (1,367; 50'05-90). Plenty. of long lines again: Second week $17,200. Two more weeks is limit, despite house can still show profit at around $7,<)00. Pantages (Pan)—"Uncle Tom's Cabin" ( H) (25-50-75).. irou.<<(!. now back- tf) regular yaudefdm i)oliey. Ser;on(l week of "Tnclo Tolu" dro|)pe,| to around $17,500. Columbia (Erlangor-Gottlob) ■— ■'Sirnbii." (.(obn.son) (1,700; 50-$1.5(1). Pvo;id .sliViw holding own. Nigiils li':g and niatiii'-es- fair. Second- we, u $12,000. St. Francis (W. Q.)- "rc-uiv^^" (JL A,)_ n,375l M»l6^-9'«;._ .loivn ■ I '.Virry 111 h re <T(; rk'iil' rlTr^; Cirsi)~rrrfi (-Ti^l i r this town ;is cvldeneed by ni'tc- $12,000 on initial week. One inore and out. Imperial fBevy>--"A Women':. Way" (Coi.) and vaudo f 1,400; . l.'i- . Syracuse, N. Y:, Sept. 25. . "Lilac Time." which went over $11,000 at the Strand here last week, held up remark.ably for the opening of its second week; the gross for the week-end running only a few hundreds below the figure for the first Saturday-Sunday. "Uncle Tom's Cabin," opening at the Empire, outdrew the first week- end of its predecessor, "Street An- gel," iVliich did $K,00O on its second week.- Indications are that "Tom ' will also be held over. It Is credit- ed with drawing largely outside the usual fan field. .. ■ "The Patriot" opened, to one of the biggest Saturday Loew's State lias had, and got rave notices. "Warming Up," its immediate pre- decessor, saw business jump to $12,000, about $2,000 better than the gross.of "Two Lovers." "The Toilers" (silent) at the Eckel did. very well over the week end. The last week did close to $10,000 with the .second week of "The Terror." Keith's only house in town With people (vaud) on .stage had a sec- ond land office Sunday, business for the day closely approaching last week's house record of $4,000. Liast week totaled $16,000.. . Phflly'is Average Week; Stanley Got $30,000 25-10). lOxccllent f-liow for nioiw ar.'l liu.'-iness on up.' weei; nt II.IJOO. more than eatisfaclory. Philadelphia, Sept, 25 Nothing outstanding last week. The Stanley had '?Pur Dancing Daughters." Aaronson's Comniand held over on stage. Combina tion rated at around $30,000; good, but not unusual. Cashed in more on the surround ing bin than on the film feature. The Rooneys offered a number. Picture -was ' Plastered in Parl.s." About $2R,000, O. K. alt around, "Lilac Time" did not show tho strength m.'iny expocted up at the Aldine and Its engagement will be limited to three weeks Instead of four of^five^^os ho ped.Last. week about'$13i000 or a nflTe'Iess. "The Singing Fool" comes in next Mon day, and is dotted for a run of at least two months. Estimates for Last Week Stanley (4,000; 35-50-75)—"Dane • Ing Daugliters" (M-G-M). ..Joan Crawford nim aliout average .draw. Irving Aaronson's Commanders on stage helped a lot. $30,000. Stanton (1,700; 35-50-75)—"While City Sleeps" (M-fl-M.; Lst week). Lon Chaney tin iiler. moderately good at $12,500. i'roljably in for two w(;eks. Aldine- 1,500; 50-75 — "Lilac Time." (1st .N'iit.. 2d week). Colleen ! Moore not hit expe( t<-d. though by iiio nieariH flop. About $13,000.- I Karlton n,l(iO; 50-T5)—'Temp- jfHt" (L'. A., 3d week). Final week for JJarryiDorf!. pielure O. K. al $0,000 in .«ni;ill linuse. Arcadia (.SOO; .jO;-- "Blue Danube" i l';)tliej. Or'linai-y at $3,000. Fox-Locust (I.VDO; $1) —"Fazil" fFox. 3d week). N'ever stro-agjlHiv. Lri..m week }\.)>'iul $10,000. QuKs tlii;, Saturday with "Air Clrcu.s" follow- i ri g. Fox (3.0(iO; fill) --"I'].'i--tei-ed ]v I'ari.s" (Fox). Slapslii'K coiiierl.v l.ardly for this hous.-. Si;ig(! bllli with Boonoy.s heading, liflpcd. $2«,000. Minneapoll.^; Si'Pt, 2-'i. (Drawincj Population, 475,000) Weather: Favorable Little fault can be fiunul wiiTi the manner in wliicli busnu-ss is hi.^!.bug up. The clip during tlio past-few -, weeks merits a good rating. All the leading houses .are finding the going prorual)le. . Ol.-u-a How. i\ever-failing draw hero, brought the.Minnesota out of a ,<;li;;lit slump, caused by .the weak- ne.^^s of ilie preceding week's screen attraction atnl stiige sho\v. '-Tlie liMe<'t's In" usual magnet.. The Pub- - lix . unit stiige show. . "Seeing Things." also found much favor, A gro.-^s of $;10,000. seenied thqre like, uurniat; ■. Two "epics oC the air," with sound accompaniment, "Wings" and "Lilac . Time." were in competition. Despite . it hail run a Cortiu.i,Mit to big takings . . at the Metropolitan last season. "Wliigs" had the beli'-r of the bat- tle. This Paramount produ.ctlo!i. did.. not .start, so swi.'tly, but it Is mak- ing a noise 'now and going into it.s third week at the Strand. After, a splendid first week: "Ltlae Time," at the State, in Its second and final week, fell rather disap- pointingly and yet drew profitable l^atronagb. Its second week was lindcr tliose of "Lights of New York" and "Street Angel." other recent .State talkers. Considering the utter lack of an outstanding film, the Hcnnepln-Or- pheuni did well enough. Timberg "Varieties" furnished entires stage .r show here and well. l»antag(Vs played up "The Mlchl-, . gan Kid" as ah outstanding picture,, it pleased the customers' and gave u good account of itself at the. box oifice. Estimates for Last Week Minnesota (P. <<> Ii -Publlx). (4.- 100; 75)—"The Fleet'.s In" (Par) and "Seeing Things," Publix stage show unit. Clara Bow has huge • •'•lie following. Picture well liKed. . iage show and all-around program also scored. Saturday and Sunday espe- cially heavy. Around $29,000. $5,000 jump from previous week. State (F. & R,-Publix) (2,500; 60) "Lilac Time'? (F. N.) (2d week). This corking picture did not hold up as well as expected. About $11,000, far from bad and gave house dose, to $30,000 for fortnight. Gave way Friday to "Four Sons,'- shoved in ahead of "Tempest," originally next attraction. . Strand (P. & R.-Publix) (1,500; 65)_"WIng3" (Par). Speeding along to capacity and no signs of let down. First 10 days brought in over $16,000. Audiences highly enthu- siastic and word-of-mouth stimulant. Now in third week. Hennepin-Orpheurri (Keith) (2,- 890; . 50)—"Man Made Women" (Pathe) and Timberg's "Varieties." This Leatrlce Joy picture not so much. Tlmberg revue pleased'ex- ceed inglv and helped biz. Screen outlook best in theatre's history., starting this -week With advent of M-G-M plcture.s. • "Excess Bag- gage," istartor, played up above vaude In big exploitation. Last -week around $11,500. Good under circum- stances. ' • Pantages (Pantages) (1,600; 25- 50)_."The Michigan Kid" (U) and vaude. Picture heavily exploited and won fiivor. Boosted normal taklrig.s rtllghtly. Vaude pleasing but of no box-office value. $6,400. Lyric (F. & R.-Publlx) (1,300; ^r,)_.<q.j,f, First Kiss," 1st half; "Heart of a Follies Girl." 2d half. Failed to attr.act much attention. $1,700. Lively Prov. Opposish Brining Good Returns Providence. Sept. 25. (Drawing Pop., 300,000) Weather: Cool —Hot- opposish- -with the Majcstlo and Strand billing big with special tie-ups In the News. Both houses are getting a real break. . The exploitation money in ad spreads went into "Wings" (Par) a:t Maie.stlc. and "P.atriot" (Par) at the Strand for this week. Victory, with less pretentiouii, but good bills, is doing nice bl/.. ''The Enemy" (M-G-M) last week )va.s good for about $7.*2o6. Estimates for Last Week Majestic (Fay) (2,200; 15-75) — "Lion and"■ (WI-;). Consist- ently well all week. $11,500. Strand Nnd) f2,000; 15-50), Two . features. "Just Married" (Par) and "Scarlet Lady" (Col) pleashig. O. K. at till,000. Victory (is'-O) (1,500; . 15-50)— "The lOtiemy" fM-^J-Al>. $7,'<iuO. Rialto (l-'ay) (l.-lfO; y,->). Tlireo eliange )) draw $1,500. C O S T XJ IVI J>nODT)Cl'TONS BXHI/OITATIONS COSTU/vvES —