Variety (Sep 1928)

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r 14 VARIETY FILM REVIEWS Wednesday, September 26, 1928 Talking Shorts FOX MOVIETONE NEWS 13 Mins.; 6 Clips Week Sept. 22, Strand, New York First sounded ropi-oduction of a Jai Alai game ■ and a snappy little talk, by Sir Thomas Lipton, high- ilghta.' Only one Inconsequential clip, the rest quite up-to-date and good. The oiie weakness is of the Westminster Choir of Dayton, O., following the same kind of group .chanting heard ■ before, and no better. ' ■ ■ ■. Lflptbn's speech Is Avell (lone. Sir Thomas talks about America's Cup, yacht trophy that has evaded the Britisher's ch?illenger for years. The Jai Alai players are in ac- tion, at san\Sebastian. Included is a shot of bookies shouting, their odds at,the ciistomers and taking bets, something new over here. Remaining.items: another one of Hoover's speeches; children taking a camel ride at the zoo .and the runnlne of the Futurity at Belmont. Latter is probably the most excit- ■Ing newsreel shot of a horse race ever made, merely through the presence-of sound, Hoof beats, the tremendous drone of the attend- ance and accompanying racket help depart from the average racing scene, . . Jtige. Vincent ROSE and Jackie TAYLOR VlTAPHONe No. 2292 Orchestral and Voca| ' 9 Mins. Strand, New York When . contracting for .such a doubtful record of the band type, makers might take into considera- tion the high cost of making any- thing that needs union musicians. Just as exhibitors will ponder over the entertaining quality or lack, of It when booking this sort of short This Rose-Taylor combination rec- ord was made in CaUfornia with California people used. It will click only in California. Band playing three numbers, with master of ceremonies talking and handling one specialty.' Rose at piano and Taylor fiddUng. M. c. Is B. B. B. (Bobby Bornan), ftt present on the .floof and a long run at Coffee Dan's in K A. He looks and talks nice in his way, but that way Is too cabaretish for backwoods bonsumption. Also could stand a hair cut, not so much in the back as around the sides. In introducing instrumental spe- cialties, 6; fi. B. writes his own lyrics. Best number. In the Item. • B. B. B. on strength of tliat rates billing . equal to that of the two band.smen- Bifje^ KARYL NORMAN Creole Fashion PJate" VITAPHONE NO. 2663 Silks and Satins" (vocal) 10 Mins. Strand, New York, . . "The Creole. Faslilon rlale's" sec- ond record is practically the sariie as his first, but 'or changod . numr bers and attire. Opens as a dame, singing while seated, on a sofa. Parlor set. Piano accompanist is Bob Hamill. Fade made Broadway, and waa in h'n Sstar-marked dressing room, maklnj^ up with cork after returning from the ho'" ■' '1 where the lad had dloil He had sung "Sonny iioy" to hin; there and had to sing it again on I the stage before the screen audi- j encc, at tlie stage manager's direc- tion. : Back to the Winter Garden, on the screen," and after the unreeling In person oh the for a shon speech, Al Jolson was again home, both ways. The first night audience applauded as heartily as did the audiences In the screen cjbaret or theatre, and the $11 first.night tick- ets were at a premluip before tlie doors opened. ■ What "The Jazz Singer" did for the picture business and Warners can't be forgotten when this "Sing- i- . Fool" Is seen. And "The Sing- ing Fool" has the "Jazz Singer" out a;nd Norman appears In. tuxedo ^ ^ Second fadeout follows verse and popularity for its further drawing choru.s, Norman showing for a third field. While the fact that Al Jol- tlme ^Vearing evening gown and | ?on accepted^hls^ fl^ T^''"" n''.!? seated on piano. Sings both ways and gets over each time. The real secret of Norman's suc- cess as an impersonator is accen- tuated on :the sci-een—gestures. He switches from male to female hanclj waving with case find makes ypu like and believe both. A. mechanical point for Norrnah's ture payment, $75,000, in stock of the Warner company may be an- other cause of amiizement, when it comes time to analyze this whole talking picture business. ., . BEGGARS OF LIFE (SOUND) Paramount • production, and releftso. Dl- tlon between a stage play and a picture. James CrUze, in taking the pro vorblal liberties, has about reducoci the character of Jimmy Dunn, thv small time hoofer In pursuit of tlio daughter of the sister act, to ar. inanity. Likewise, most of the punch by-play between Jimmy ana the mother ha.s been pas.sed up. Concentration Is on Haines and Miss Dunn's marital troubles when she enters pictures. Result is the film hasn't always got the speed or the laugh.-i It should have. Cruze's idea of com- edy has gone one way in the smacking or kicking of about every one's posterior. Haines continuous- ly and playfully filcks Miss Dunn from behind as she makes her stage entrances. Jimmy's debut at the with the Ford Sisters is marked by Kathleen Clifford, as the niotlvcr, repeatedly kicking him during dance routines and bows. That's reducing it down plenty for the sticks, but even they'll lose their taste for so often repeated and familiar a bit. Besides which the public isn't crazy about having a hero take liberties with a heroine *ough enough time with Siimmy on .ho table, during which tHie doctor ind Sammy discover their, rt'spect- ivo sweethearts are one and the .same when Sammy steals a picture of the gal out of the doc's pocket, the doc enters his reception room to lind the rest of his afflicted pa- ,tlonts have walked.out with the fur- niture. Cohen gets one giggle by. return- ing the French general's kiss. A new version of a standby. Lack of love interest other than a tiny contribution by the general's daughter (Lola Salvl) and Hugh Allen, juvenile. Miss Salvl and Ma- rion Byron have very little to do. Malcolm Bdylan's titles are snappy at times; but far below the set pro- vided for "Lcgionalres in Paris," similar type of film and a better one; Exploitation of the title may get something for "Plastered in Paris," KIT CARSON Fre<l Thomson production. P;^ramouut re. lease. Story by F. N. Clifton. Directed by Liloyd Inffrahain. At LoeWs New York One playful slap on no man' one. d^^^ (April ID). Hunning iim^. 84 Is apt to convince various sectors. immu e . if vou Avant to be teohnicul , . , i. there's not a Derformance In the an ordinary western, in spite fSoJure which ranks with the cast of possible drawing ability through. tC pfayed tie ihdwTn New York: | the title and the star. Fred Thorn-. next record, should he make one, k-g^tg^ ^y w. A. Wieiiman n-om Jim TuUy'B dairies doesn't always convince as spn would be the ex.aUslon of closeups story. Features Wallace Beery, RlchArd ^^^^ Runs overly long, especially for ■ . , " . <Tx„_ .».v^4.o Arlen and Ix)ulse Brooks. Adapted and In the opening number. Near shots ^^^1^,^^^" Benjamin oiazer. At the clarify his masculine features under Paramount,- New .York, week of Sept. 21' the makeup and this wUl. tend draw titters, as it did here. Though Nancy..;....,........ Louise Brooks well known, Norman Isn't kno^yll to him^^^^ everyone as a female Impersonator, gkinny.*. Saying the close ones for the fin- Skeiiy... ale might provide an opening fo'" Hopper.', some interesting camera work, be^ sides aid the effect. V^oe^ cause of his wife's success, and his this type of film, but offers more own lack of financial Independence, than a sufllcient number of oppor- He is best in -the early footage tunlties for pruning, as a juggler making a play for Miss The opening subtitle reveals it Is Dunn In the girl act on the same not the whole story of Kit Carson, . 1)111 It's a thtow back to his char- but an Incident in the hectic life of .....H, A. Morgati acterization of male ego and still the famous Indian Scout. In truth,; ......Andy Clark , , . jt-g just a screen story by F. N. Cllf- •liS Karn" MisfDunn's principal asset Is ap- | ton, fitted out, for the Carson char- Arkansas Snake. I .Rubin. Robert perry, nearance, plus ability to . get the acter or, rather, the Carson name, Johnnie Morris 5 J -jjj^,.l^Qg into the story. At Clifton has Carson on the staff of Baidy.....................George Kot,^^^^^^ where She and her hus. the government as peacemaker be- Bnnd Wt-^^.^::::::::;V.\V.V.!RXTt ban-l go to the mat for a row. Miss tween warring f ^"^^ ^he Farmer.....................Frank BrownlecL j^unn's loss is Haines' gain. whites. Kit.Is assigned to step In Ricardo Cortez is a much cur-I on the Blackfeet question, currently THE SINGING FOOL (DIALOG) . wttrner xjiothers-Vitaphone Production I Title and some plugging should just I scripc speuiiyiiiB^^^^^^ western boo'ze'^ joints. That mi.sses bepa^use chin ^as^^^^ .^^.^ ^, 2 ^- 1, 1 «„4..,..« faiiori npr<!rin here With a switch in on the wariiath. He Is I , Not ^h exc_eptionally go<^^^^ the a Spanish dancing gal He Is In love with in one of by Llpyd Bacon. ^^^rS^fm^^^ y^^^Xpfii^^^ S^l^'^ SSJcJ^s^S'SJ^I "°the villain, a member of Carson's S^Sl-'"2,"'.„ ^J^ il-i^f '^.^^^^l^.^^^!'''^^ frr.i^S^Lt^'^tlly^isv^^^^^ either Indian squawk-squaring outfit, tries .i"- ment Is questionable. Basically the important, Neely Edwards Al Jolson life of a bunch of hoboes woven completely missing or_beP ;;.:;Bctty -BSn round a girl wanted for murdering down to muff the value completely missing or being held to rnake the gal on the eve of de *^ - - in the parture and is tossed out of the Winter Garden, New York, Sept. run. $2 top. RQnhlng time, -103 mlriutea; GmceV.V.'.\V.........i......Betty Bronsoni r^^ a girl waniea lor muraering i '^V"" . ^i:), g'-"jT„^^^^^^^^ by Kit. He threatens revenge. Molly.. ....Josephine Dunn the man Who tried to ruin her isn't Jimmy Dunn roie. wames ^f■^^^;;)r\^\\^\l* Car&an takes him alone anv- joUPerry,...^.........^....^eed^Howcs j^^ kind of thing that sends people the rope over the audience after his ^^b^^^^ takes him along, any $?,ni''-TV:«•••"•^rth5r Kiman home talking. Nor draw women. wife leaves him and his comeback way. ^^^r;::::::-:::::^^^ There is mUe action opening, is I at the. Palace,_ wliere^she^ cm Cafe Manager. ...Robert Bmmett O Connor yery slow, giving .over 20 Near meeting the Blackfeet, Car- upening isi "'*"'?' ".V^i^^^^^ Into the chief s daughter, y«xy Bfvw'B minutes to the ^^^^^ ^^bdut to be attacked by a To say that heire are sav that "The Singing Fool" will * i In- torn sleeve and a scratched arm. f,t^...l" . T^T^c."^ .J^^^^ about the third reel, with in it for_ _?aggage, yet tne in y-snue makes it a nine fc —make ^old There Jolson, EARL BURTNETT and Orch. VITAPHONE NO. 2294. 6 Minutes. Winter Garden, New York. The single talking short preceding the dialog "Singing Fool" for the Winter Garden's premiere.. No marked merit to this Burtnett Or chestra to warrant the spot. Usual male jazz orchestra, wltih its only Individual number, "The Song Is Ended" a dead Issue among popular Bongs of the present. That is the trouble With this rec ord as with other pop orchestra shorts; their .musj^c Is popular and therefore "short nveil." Thar"Sbng Ir Ended" kills this offer for any Im portance. Otherwise . a collection of boys with the customary Instruments and the most Important item after that the. selection Pf small groups of them for close tips. No reason either for the close ups. "The Vita No. might Indicate this abort was made sometime ago. • kiltie. QUARTET FROM "RIGOLETTO (Marion Talley, Beniamlno Gigl Jeanne Gordon, Guiseppi De Luca VITAPHONE NO. 415 6 Mir^s. Strand, New York ThLq is one'of the carlim' Vita phone experimcJil"^. rooallod as hav Ing been on the oiuMiing sound bill at McVickert?, Chicago, =tw-o„juiai;£jigij.JiyiUJl^^vp.?i^ atic, if that type desired. Only fairly entertaining, it Is most interesting for compari.-^on.s Although the. record did .sound bet ter than, when first caught, appar ently through an improvement. In projection. Miss Talloy, however remains .<!rrooohy-voiced. Gigll and his voice hvnrr. th number. win the Blackfeet boss's d^-what Jolson's ''J^- Singer", did j ^^^^^-u-- -^^^ ii^^oW the rope are I ^ Th.^r-cue makes. It: a pipe for lace Beery. After this a few laughs well staged. - - - ' Production and photography par- allel the usual standard, although 6ne. "Sonny Boy," plugged as the I reactidn angle""' ""■ [ there's a noticeable change in light- " u lace iieery. Alter tnis a lew laugns wen sia-scu. , . . . confidence While accentine the and Beenr Is responsible for what- -Production and p^^^^^^^ ?rTbe¥ hc^splta™ t^^^^ .T5il*llf^'^ f,!Ll.i^^^^r.^.h^^^^^^^^^^ a futile play.for one of Car- son s admirers, this time sta.bbmg four seemingly new, with ever theme number, sung by Jolson at three different points. Othiers are Miss Brooks looks attractive, even | ^^f^.^^i^ eTang^'of^? f^^^^ fl'lJ^.^^'^^'^e^.^^f^^^^ tL^.^lJ^l" --------.-„'j -_<„;:^,. ,-,, .,p,„ij„_ I In men's clothes, and scores in the I -^1 ^ .?|'„VJ"^".^Jf„",t,t^^^ Carson again goes to her Keep Smihng at Trouble, golden or three scenes where she is and that's possibly the Pi^tuie s j ^ ^ ^ o . & " "Rainbow Round My Shoul- I Y!^?^Ji^,}'^I^f.33^!rr-r,'!:^t.^^^^A^ I h*.fit nnlnt from M-G's angle. Sim- I rescue, lie beats tne bad li. \. 1 ,..;.„i/i group of hoboes bossed by "Rod" Besides these and these would be ^g^^V ^j^^ .^^ ^^ .danger from enougli without anything but Jol- i ^ son, there are tears. You've got ta cry at this one. The cards are stacked against you on the weep. So after all, what does the thin two sources, the bo's and the detec- tives on her trail. She is saved, finally, by "Red," who dies. PLASTERED IN PARIS I (SOUND) "William FoK .sound production nn'l ro- Beery has a couple of S&eaking jeage. Fcaturlnii Sfimmy Cohen. Story by ct,^rv •hifi'in'? Tfq lust a thread forH^nes in the picture, hitting several Harry Brand and Andy lUce. T Uea b> story mean.' us J"**- a^"'^^ " l Wavs for returns Ha la also sun- Malcolm Stuart. Boylan. Ben stoloft, dl- Jolson to walk along by. and to l^ay^, ^^or reuirns. aiso^uir ^i^ic ^ ^ ^ ^ black up In the final reel ior" the ] PO_sed^ to ^'sine_a, nove2ty_ numb^^^^ oi minutes New York, . 01 mlnutei Sammy . •. .Sammy Cohen one to the the gun hand, now, though long before, oublemaker to hit the trail. The n^xt morning Carson leaves for home, meanwhile having turned down the squaw, who believes she belongs to .the man who saved her life. Homeward bound and at the end of the first day's travel, Carson finds the Indian girl secreted In a basket tied to the horse. That basket must Hvef f<r,vo tr. fin Vii<5 tiim flnA scain "A-Ctually, this is little more than a, the .show had to go on, with that | ^"lon ran smootniy nere, tradition giving "Laugh, . Clown, Laugh," another Instrumental plug on the synchronised Vita music ar ranged by Louis Silvers, Jolson made 'em cry when going Jifori. I MrinV.\\\\\\\\\\\V.\\\\\V.\'.-'Marlon Byron I Girl wakes Up early and takes'a French Generai." Michael Vlflaroff stroll. Runs into the arms of the Abou Ben Abed.... v*-'^'V*'"i'«nnli'ri vi"ain in iambush. Falls off a cliff •Doctor August Toiiairc | ^^^^^^ ^.^ second try. Carson and the chief, who has his tribe out EXCESS BAGGAGE Metro-Gpidwyn-Mayer production and re-1 There's everything In this but the jQ^j^jj^^ „j . the tragedy. , , , starring William Halnea and lea- kitchen Stove. As a comedy it Is t^jj. g.^^^g__g ^ deliver tho murderer '^et'ii.' b'oy ?n"tL ^pa^k^^i.llow- r."^WeS'"r^^re.'^J^^G?;\^i?s'*^unny only through the presence of Jfead'or alive?mSurdla^d.^He'doTs met his boy In the Pajk, ioiio\v i ^^^^ ^^^^ j,^^^^^ Cohen. All other Joviality j^ter on, and neatly, tossing the ing a long separation, and again ai j>irected by Jamee Cruze. Ralph Spence depends on numerous situations, yiuain over another cliff right Into the death scene. titling, and ira Morcan cameraman. At ^nd each, has been used, seen and center of a "death oirrlc" Al meets two women In the j)lc- ^fi'"«'t\^Ne^/^™-Sept. 22. Run, embalmed hefore. Picture will sell farmed by the revengeful Blackfeet.. tui^"and talks to both of them. Both j^^^ where nonsensical hokum is hrhe hand-to-hand light between talk- back.—Josephine Dunn <iian t -eiso McCoy;......•.^.-.^-. .-TJoBephinc Dunn digestible.^ -— — - ,~ car'SSh'aHd' th^^Vlllaln" Ju talk so well, and she looked pretty Voi.^Dprrico^^^ 'Nieiv'^FdSs Starts off like "The Big^Parade. deciding toss is a thriller. steely-hearted, ^even for^a blo^^^^^^ in Paris'' for i„ ^^^^ story and action "GarsOn" Betty Bronson talked a^little better, Kj^'^j"* Ford...'............Greta Grandstodt a time, goes into a comedy vers on k^^jn appeal to the mob It was mad© but Joe Jackson's dialog is no. Cnrnmou... ........Cyril ChadwicJt of "Beau Geste" and winds up line ^^j. Needs to be shortened There Is too much dellbera.r any two-reeler made by any screen Direction okay and photography tlon in the talking roles, excepting jack McGowan nrobablv had comedian 1 . by that three and one-half-year-old „ i^^n^ +i.^-a . c^-^r,ir many a- headache while this one. „ *y,T-n,in--h TWs. little David Lee jjiaying^the I Was going through the usual studio.| ^^^^^ J^ro^p excellent. Thomson's phiz looks rather sat upon with those comic sideburns^ but he is still the best looking west- Bige. Cohen is a kleptomaniac all the Goes Into fits and Jolsons''kid^ ira'^orrect wonder; lie I ??"J^""S't*'bllme h?^^^ I trc^hches" and sS^^^^^ the screen, plays sick, dead, happy, asleep, af- " y°JJ,5^'l^^r^.f„^'^; i^f a« after a rock falls on his head. Pre- ec ionule and sad., and talks, in his y°"„^^'^^« ^^^J^^^Pt^^ vious to that ho Is gassed when his wre voice that gets over without a finally unreeling Excess Baggage; famous nose interferes with don- r/^rv^iJi, Via «,inprh roachihir ex- Is ffood program, short of being able „• " " n^^sk blemush. His .upeib coaching I tO%urn up W offices, but capable Sammy's buddy | Tlffany-rtahl production and release. Fea- of holding theatres to their aver- ^ ^j,. front and is still with him at turinp tour of the five cast members. i>i- ago level, exceeding here and dip- T,prri„n ronvention In Paris, rectcd by Ai nnboch, from atory and con- nlntr there . Z A « i?.^^ 4v.« niilv 1 by Wcllyn Totman. Edited by ping mere. .| ^ g^e^e at the bar is the only I p ' , / ^ camera. ALBANY NIGHT BOAT .pressed ilso"" although It does ap- pear Impossible to coach a child of that age . so thoroughly. " Q-he storv opens in a side street slab called Blackle Joe's, where Haines' name won't hurt and he's drinking bit in the picture, and at xithfs by ai kartlri (press ehcet).' although Tiilson is a singing waiter and Miss not doing lils fresh kid, except no .time do any of the .characters openinp .siuic credits ca^ptiona to the Hat- bunn. the soubrot? Jolson goes^for .spasmodically. ^ The routine is so appenr intoxicated. Hence a quos- t"^n3.^ A^t ^--,\„tb';e"Vir''Ku"nnh^^'' S the blonde, but. she toll.q him she's now to him that may be the expla- tion as to why the title' around ijo mlnutea. off any wi'uior, ovi-n after he had I nation why this Is Josophine Dunii's I, At the cafe the boy.s get Into an writton a .s<Miir for hor that ,she picture. argument .-md one rips off the wouldn't rend, {^o lie eang it to her M-G-M could have made this a other's nocktle, Tho victim retail on tlie flt)or It was "It All Depends smart inside picture groat for atcH. The lu.'adwaiter .irrivcs to en You." • Mai ous, the UroadwayJ. liroadway and racketeers, but a | ptfip ihc^, only to have his .scarf =p r ful 11 ctii v--wa.gJLn JLhfknliiini That's it C-'orKic... Ki<n Steve. Miitlmr Cr.iry. The Blonde.., Olive Borden Hnlpli lOmt'raon , ,.I)\ikf> M:»rtirv ., .Ncllio lirydon .Helen Marlowe • I mystery and perhaps coinloss in removed. Follows an epidemic ot. Al went to ..lU-oadwayrh^^^rfe ntifV^f iilv went with him l)ut MoUv lias- been muclt tonod down from the caPe. With everybody grabbing moic or t^oney iMand than tho Ai- '^ont wr^^^^^^^ show, spence making but one at everybody'.s tie, they even bany night boat In it. I icturo does rng Al umf tS^^ Zvt^it^^r,^ the or two attempts to step out in the siu-ak ar.,und plllar.s to do it, imtil not Wt itself above the one-da> babe to Paris titles and a few Of these used intact finally the i.oiml.ition Is tie-le-s-s. ratmg. , , Al humped around escaped from the original script. So while That's funiiy for quite a while, but Al of the night boat racket are l pe; n c ^bui^ a^id weak tnan.spo.sitIon for the overly long. , ■ h- "iWf ^^ots, mo.stly of the l.pconunf, a num. iinu .J . u.,..;^ Next best laugh is in the klcpto- spotHglit picking up ncckers on the mania specialist's office in Pari.s, to deck. Kach night boat scene is uti- whoni Sammy Is dr.Tgged by I'on- Hzed, however, f«ir Ral])h lOnier.son nick for trontinent. After having a 1 to go overboard into the Jludson UD again at the slab. There vva.s mob who dote on the show, busi- sU'l the same cig;iret girl whb ness acumen must stamp- tho un- "ilwivs w.inted Al. so she slipped dcrmining as the only recourse be- ll ini.some encouragement. He again | cause of. the difference in circiila-