Variety (Sep 1928)

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34 VARIETY V A U D E VI L L E Wednesday, September . 26, 1928 Break-ins for S-F The purchase of Uio Poll Circuit by Fox and its subsoijuent. sliift from Keith to Fox booklnt^s has proved a •windfall to tho Sianloy- Fablixn houses in New Jersey by giving iiGw acts on the break-in periods. ' ' IPqi- the' first time S-F, theatre-'-., are receiving all kinds of acts and names. These acts are being l,>ooked by Harold Kemp in the Keith olTice under Dave Beehler's supervision. CHARLIE MONASH OUT Charles Monash, with the .'Keith tlicatr supply purchasing depart- "ment for 23 years, was released last week. ' , Monasli is reported to have aisked for ah assistant or a raise. Entire wardrobe of Newport and Parker was stolen from the act's car parked in Times Square week. FOR DROPS 36 in. wide at 75c a yd. and up A full line of gold and Bllver bro cades, metal cloths; gold and allver trimmlheSi rhlnestones, spangles, tights, opera hose, etc., etc., tor stage costumes, Samples .upon request. - J. J. Wylie & Bros., Inc. (Snccessora to Slegman A Well) 18-20 East 27th Street NEW YORK Roach Kids Fly to 31 Houses in 3 Days • In the five ^vof•l:s of si)eciiil vaude booking; with tlie IjOcw oflu'e.s the H;a Iti)arh.-()ur CJaug" kids starts ing Oct. 1 wiM" appear in .31 Loew theatres in Nmy York in three days. For two days they ^vill average 11 houses a day. • Little titiic is allrHted for their individual house kowtow, just long enough to be whisked in. for an introduction from the . stage or pit and out. The Gang >va.s booked for a five Aveeks' tour; opening for a w^ek In Chicago, playing Detroit a week and then back into Chicago and then Into the Capitol, Now York. From here the kids go to St. Louis for a week, then to Kansas City and thence back to the west coast for more film comedies on the Roach . lot. Roach Collects . The Roach offices get the weekly stipend the Loew theatres pay for the appearances of the Gang as each of the outfit is under a per- sonal contract to Roach. "VVhen the Gang came into New York it was noised uptown in , the black belt that the Hotel Ro&sevelt here refused accommodations, to little Farina (colored): because of his color. With Farina are his mother and another colored person. Whether it be true the Gang was domiciled in the . Park; Central ho- tel during their stay here. Little was thought of the matter as it was reported another hotel in Cleveland had denied reserva- tions for Faj-ina. The Negro papers made quite a hullahalob about it and stream- headed tlie fact that a New Y'ork hotel had Jim Crowed the "Our Gang" outfit. ■ . ' IIARBY MART Anger and Fair "DIZZY 1928" TOtlRINO INTER8TATK CIRCUIT Jess Martin in Firnfi Jess Martin has resigned from the William Morris agency to go into business for himself. He is now of Creatore, Lenetska & Martin, partnered with Pete Cre atore (formerly with Arthur Spiz- zi) and Mitchell Lenetska, brother of Harry. INCORPORATIONS I..ostor Xoe, Iiio., Manliattim, Ihcalrlo.i.l lirodiu:tIons of all kinds, C shares no par value; Lo.ster Ijoe; Clias. Levlei)n, Ilcn. AV. Barnett. Filed by Abriilmm A. Wanner. J02 Kawt Ulli alrcpt, Ne.w Yoiic. Sol Urody I'rwltictlon.'*, Iiio., Manhat- tan, thi^alrical buHlno.Ms, $.'),000; Monloc.xl Knnowiiz, Annatto Hi-lcnkow, A, .Tohn KOcr. lulled by Konowitz & Uder, 1410 Broadway, New York. Open* I'lcturcs C'orponilion, Af.'inhat- lan, motion picture; producers, J20,0l)0.; J. (Ji»o. Kaplan, I.,eo HyrneH, Kobt. Nad- woi'ny; riled by Loonard Greeiislone, 32 Court street, New Tork. Ouywou, Inc., New York, manage'thea- tre.'*, opi'ra,.' JS'G.OOO; Wni. .N. Heohheiiner, Michael. Walters, Hclle. Jafto. riled by Harry S. Hechhelmor, 140 West 42d street. New York.: Ititnd Productions,^ Inr.i Manhattan, 'operate theatres of all kind.9, 100 ahareu no par valms; Gcrson H. W'erner, Fred- erick G. Wassmuth, There.ia .F. Brown. Filed by Wm. ■ Klein, 1440 Broadway, New York. AI. G. R. Productions, Jne., New York, creneral film bualneHS, . 920,000; MdxwcII «. Cutler, Wm. AVinnitk, Betty J. Oroinan. Maxwell G. Cutler, 11 W«T5t 42d street. New York. ^ BrocDx Park Ainiisemeiit Corpomition, Bronx, produclnff -motion pictures, plays, .$20,000; Leon Sanmcls, Morris S. Kurp; Florlnda Simeono. Filed by Suchman.& Samuels, 1660 Broadway. New York. Actors' Prodiictlonii, Inc., New York, conduct theatrical enterprise.''. 100 shares no par Value, Berson H. Wierner, • F.. Brown, Jennie Cohen. Filed by Wm. Klein, 1440 Broadway, New Yorlc. llnr-Sol Tliefttrlral Productions, Inc., New York, staere play.i, operate ment places, tl>.000; AVm. N. Hechheimer, Belle Jaffe, Michael Walters. Filed by Harry S. Hechhelmor, 140 Broadway! New York. 8oand Studios, Inc., ALtnliiittan, mo- tion, pictures with and without sound, 100 shares no par value; Robt. Knh^, Colvin W, Brown, J: I. Sphnitsier. Filed by BenJ. P. De Witt, 111 Broadway, New York. Reeltone , Corporation, Manhatt.Tn, . mo- tion pictures with or without sound. 20 shares no par value; Herman Machson; IJUlan Siskin. Ella Mortimer, li'lled by Hays, Proell & Shlilman, 39 ■ Broadway, New York. .. .i OenertU Sound Film I.Al>orntorleH, Inc;, Manhattan, films, for motion pictures with or witliout sound,. 100 shares no par value; Bertram Raft, Jos. J.. Grumet, Herman Melrowitz. Filed by IS..Poltlgor. New York. Tlie Playeoera'' Plan, Inc., Manhattan, deal ' In theatre tickets, manage plays, $50,000; Jaa. B. HIU,- Frederick Moeller, Jas. A. Tlmony. ' Filed, by Jafte & JafCo, 1170 Broadway, New York. Road Show Pictures, Inc., Manhattan, motion pictures and pi.iys of all kinds, $20,000; Louis E. Oarsson, Marion Roth, Irving Garssoh. Filed by. Samuel U. Golding, 489 Seventh avenue. New. Yoric. Dunbert R^reatlon, Inc., Bronx, geti- eral recriaatlon and amusement buslncs.i, $5,000; Helen Melnick, Camilla M. Tonls. Filed by Morris A. Lichtxnan, 113 West .42d,. stveet, New York. KEITH'S N. Y. HOUSES (Continued from page 29) in the Keith houses will be uniform after the first week. Incoming acts from out of to\yn may be switched about in a few instances for, a couple of weeks or so to permit them to ftiake the earlier openings. Proctor's has also announced a Suivda,y opening. Proctor's a:t first intended a Saturday opening for its 5tii Avcinue, New York, but has changed it to Sunday to correspond with the others. There is no infortiiation at pres- ent as to any intention by Loew or yox as to a possible change of their openings. Tom Gorman is recognized as a thorough showman. His experience encompasses everything in the show line, from the circus lot up. Previ- ous to promotion to his present post, Gorriian was manager of Keith's Hippodrome, New Tork. Fox is considering a Sunday and Wednesday opening of its vaud-lllm bills, ; Loew's agenicy \says . no thought has feeen given any opening change. Former Orpheum Circuit houses in the west, now Keith's, have had their opening day on Sunday for several years. 30 Houses Changing The 30 N. Y. houses changing Pantages' Buffalo'BiMs Pantages is now booking the former . Loew house in Buffalo. It opened Sept. 23. Oriental Unit's Route Chicago, Sept. 25. New routing of the Oriental stag© units, now in effect, brings the shows to B. & K.'s new Paradise as the second stand. They continue to the Harding, Norshorc; and Tower. From here the shows go to Detroit, followed by an open week, then St. Louis. Indlixnapolis, formerly between these two cities, has been taken out of the route. MARRIAGES ITrank R. Roderick, Fox casting director, announced to marry Alona Tennant, screen, actress.. Miss Ten- nant is divorced wife of Robert E. McCabe, business manager Pan- tages circuit. George Davidson, Fox, and Thel- ma Roberts, m. c. actress, Sept. 19, In Los Angeles. Florence Wells remarried Gilbert Wells in Sioux City, la., Sept. 22, Groom is, at present a, Publlx m. c. He and Miss Wells were previously divorced when, playing as a vaudo team. Willis Bush, Los Angeics organ- ist, to Pearl Da,mon, at Tia Juana, Mexico, Sept. 17. No Vaude at Midnight Loew's State, New York, will give midnight performances nightly be- ginning Oct. 1. Show will includ(^ the screen feature and shorts, with- out vaudeville.. . BERT NAGLE OF ''Kat Kaberef (Produced by R. H. Burnside for Publix) DOING THE COMEDY FELIX KAT Going Stronger Than Ever! OCTOBER 4 DENVER THEATRE DENVER THE INTERNATIONAL COMEDY DUO" Acclaimed by the press and public in both America and Europe as America's greatest exponent of Syncopated Tap Dancing AND A COMICAL WHAT-NOT WHO NEVE^ Wish to thank all of our friends in America and Europe for the well wishes we received from them during our European tour—also MR. HAYMAN for offering us a return date at the Victoria Palace, London, after our opening—MR, HORACE REEVES of REEVES & LAM- PORT for offering us more time, including a world tour—and last, but not least, those who made us ofifers for Paris and Berlin revues. " Starting fourth eonseeutive season foi^ Booked solid 1928-29. AMERICA JACK LEWIS—FRED DE BONDY THIS WEEK, STATE LAKE, CHICAGO EUROPE REEVES & LAMPORT