Variety (Sep 1928)

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V A R I E T Y Wednesday, September 26, 1928 PRESENTATIONS—BILLS NEXT WEEK (October 1) THIS WEEK (September 24) S110W3 carrying numerals such iia (30) or (1) indicate opening ncxlt ■ week on Sunday or Monday, as date may be. For tiiis Avcek (23) or (24) with split weeks also indicated by dates.. An asterisk (*) before name signifies act is new to city;'doing a hew turn, reappearing iifter.absence Or appearing foi' first time. Pictures Include in classification, picture policy, with vaudevilie or prc.s^.'ntatioh as adjunct. GERMANY Month of Sieptember; BKHIJN . . Scitlu . Victoria Tr Palast Olrla Miss Pialf^e 3 Bpl-Alrs L H RnCayette Matly & Comp Monl & MarrOne & La i Helen Carlita Jean Galla - Raquol Mcller Nonl Bd PARIS Week 3ept. 24 '. AmbflfMideara - . Ted Ijewla Eleanot- Broolts Arllne ' Langan Chamb'rlin & Hlnes ^arr & Ptirr Doblno Vormol -Ballet Georgel • Pitt & Pott Masslnl 2 Peplno • Jean Sorbidr ' Oermaine Llx Kmpire Sun-FortRrliln Tr Maria de A'alenda Jyaors Magglo 3 . . Max Trebor Plerrotya Toscana Ti* Nyron. & Pearl ■ PVancen Mile CorcladQ Jardln D'AcclimatatloB Yerbanoo ■. ' Marlus Mile Roslta ; Mme Cholot Plllls . A: Toto Aurolio . Schnrtisky Girls Marcolll Tr D'Jelmako Medrano Circas Schumann Horgea. Maclate Mario ft'Alohso Christian 2 Erik Hubert Darlo Tr . Calroll-Porto Carletto . ' Olympia Rosltp. Barrios . Takebanashl : Toshi & Komorl pe Solablne Mahala Mado MInty Pred ChryBtlan. Balzar Zalewska. Ballot Topsy-Topsy Ritchie & Palm Charley Lloyd Aunt 3 LONDON Week Sept. 24 FiNSmiRY PARK . Kmplre Tlpperary Tlrri Rev HACKNIJY Empire Dam Thins After lyONDON Alhaihbra Chinese Syn Frank Van Hoven Charton Mar'nettes Lillian Burglsa Douglas Tr Moran Sis & M'ny Jack "Wynne Coliseum Green Wood & V Dolln. & Namch'ova Harry Tate 8 New Yorkera Rolf Hansen Dunclng Dolla D.awn At Mavis ■ Vlctorln I'ltlaM Hetty Kins Trlxle Frignnza Claudia Colemdn Schmettnn Sis Victoria Girls Ida Tr Dlo Pla Theda Sis NEW CROSS Empire fiilly Blue SHEPH'RDS BUSH Empire. Barbed "Wire . STRATFORD Empire Blackbirds Rev WOOD GREEN Empire trleh Aristocracy PROVINCrAL ENGLAIID ABERDEEN M, Si. MacDona Players ARDWCK GREEN Empire The Monster' BIRMINGHAM Empire Grand Giggle Rev Grand Alle Delysla Story & Lee Syd Seymour 3 Rascals Lee Kelly Vardell 3 Burr & Hope BLACKPOOI. Grand Vogues & Vanities Opern House Mr Cinders Palace Flotsam & Jotsam May ■ Henderson Oladdy Sewell ' Palace Girls Jose Collins Co BRADFORD AUmmbra Johnson Clark ■ Nixon Grey Pauline! & Diana Norls Girls * Max Conrad's Plgeona Clarke & May ■ Stcn Leo 3 Fields ft Roanlnl nRISTOL Ilinpodrome - Bert Coote P T Selbit Maslova . Jack McKay O'hielll .Sis . Percy Val CARDIFF . . Empire ■ Tlrglnla ■■ CHATHAM Empire- Dream Birds Rev cmiswicK Empire Huxter Bros Arnaut Bros .' Arthur Mack Wynn & Ivy. Skeels Martin Jack Le Pair aLA,SGOW Alliiimbrn Vagabond King Empire. Houston Sis Fred Barnea Bob Gendey Quo Vadls J3to» Bolls ■'Frank Melbourne Allen & Gordon HANLET Grand Whispering- Wires HCLI. Palace Aloma LEEDS Empire 4 Adiohas Selma 4 & IC Sis Osborn -& Pcrrler Chrlatlena & Duroy Elhlll Johnson Sis Janet Joye Marie Ijawton Beth Chains Royal The Desert Song LEICESTER Palace White BIrdH Rev LIVERPOOI< Empire Funny Faces MANCHESTER Hippodrome Mary Ilarrold Co Ann Suter Hedges & Fields June Dancers Sammy Shields. Leo Sax 3 : onipttoa 4 Bennos Palo*"* The Show Bout NEWCASTLE .. Empire Lucky Girl Uev NE^VPORT Empire Lay ton & Johnst'ne Tom Fagan ■ Norman CiirroU liloyd & Ij'Bstr'nge Clay Kcyps ■ . Dalton Sis . . Vedras ■ ' .Mon;i Gray NOTTIN(JIIAM ■ . Empire Lady Hn Uood Koynl Tho AVhitf Cainolla . PORTSMOl'TH Roj-al 5 OS SALFOKD PuliUio Suniiy Skies Rnv SHEFFIELD Empire - Oh Kny SOVTHREA King's The Girl Friend SWANSlOA Empire All at Sea Itcv Hay Bolgor Virginia Kay. "Beggars of Lifo" . Roxy (22) Gladys nice Slarion Kceler Ross & Louise' "Plnstcrpd In P" . CHICAGO. ILL. ATiilon (22) Del Lanipc Bd Llseheron & Alice Rector & Cooper Rosemary Cupitol (23) Roy Dietrich Bd Clifton & DeRex Beohee & R'bly.ette Llmberlegs Edw'ds Chicago (22) "Ocean Blues" U H L Spltalny Mose & Fry6 Al Norman . Aurlole Craven- Herbert Eddie Perry. Bd FoBtor Girls . "Night Watch" .. Grunnda (22) Julian Eltlnge Newport P'son &.N B'll.>r(iII.\!Vr, ALA. AInbiimu (1) .' "Roman Nights" U La.isltor Bros : Bon-Hur Slablcs . Kls,a Cerconwcir; Phyllis Rao ' Ballet Caprlch IJOSTON. MASS. MetroiMlitnn (22) Rodemlch Bd Davo AppoUon "Beggars of Life" Stnto (23) A' Fried land Rev ■"The Cameraman" BUFFALO, N, Y. Buffalo (22) Wonderful. Girl U Herb & Gang . Helcne' Heller . George Riley' A. & R Samuela Paragon 4. Wlllard Hall Marie Paull Dave Gould Rev "Beggars of I.lfe" :.. I^fayette (22) Berkoff Dancers Cadeit Sextet C.arlton & Ballow "HapplnesB Ahead" IF XS^ INTERSTED IN A NEW YORK PRODUCTION Get In Touch -with ALF T.WILTON ir^eo Broadway - . Bryant 202'}-8 Also Booking: Artists for .' PRESENTATION THEATRES LbEW, FOX and :ALL INDEPENDENiT VAUDEVILLE CIRCUITS HOTELS NIGHT CLUBS RADIO RECORDS MOVIETONE VITA PHONE PHOTOPHONE PicBrrTlieatfer NEW YORK CITY Capitol m) Walt Roesnor Ehnlle Borao Allan Prior Helen Wehrle Frank Stevor Chamberlln & U Cheater Hale Olrla "Bxcosn Baggage" Paramount 120) House Boat Unit Dave Apollon Miss Dun/1 Nell Jewell Felicia Sorel Olrla "Tho Floet'B In" (22) Oh Teacher Unit Paul Ash Lucttin La Rue Laur.a Lee A & IJ Carr Helon Kennedy Sara Aiin McCabe WInchlll & Briscoe Jolly 3 .. "River Pirate" Harding (22) "Icy-Hot Jazz" U Al Morey Bd Bob LaSalle .. Roy Shelton Bonnie . Ormonde Sis "Four Walls". Marbro (22) Benny McrofE Bd Jlmmle Savo Co Felovla ■ Chapman & Snyder Jack, Landauer - Marcclla Hardy '■ Norsliore (22) "Jazz-Paradise" U Al - Kvale Bd Llora Hoffman Karaylcff- Prosper & Maret Kltz Bros "Oh Kay" Oriental (22) "Creations Jazz" U Bennle Krueger Bd Bornlcl Bros Lydla -Harris Eddie Hill •Suzctte & Jose Hnz-^ar Glrla "Win That Girl" Paradise (22) "Melody Mode" U Mark Fisher Bd Donna Dainarell .Emlle & Roamalne Gllson & Scott Ben Blue "Excess Baggage" RIalto (24) Willie Lang Moore & Shy Rogal (22) Fobs Williams Bd Lucky Boys . ' Marsh Rogers ■ Gcno Collins Regal Red Hots Stratford 2d half (27-29) M Hlllblom Bd - Peg'Jonos Forbes Bros Agnes Jones J & R La Pearl ■Ted 'Leary TlvoK (22) "Step This Way" U Vorne Buck Bd Dob Bob Bobble MItzle Mayfalr ' ■1 Dictators - -Foster' Glrla "The FIfeefs In" Tower (22) "AH Aboard" U , Frank Masters Bd Rilz Bros Gordon & King ■Vera Van Jlmrny Lyons "Oh Kay" ITptown (22) "Main to B'way'' IT Lou Kofllorf -Bd Uuderico Nfarcelll Barnclto & Clark Joe l.Jt>saer Gerald .t Iloag Purilay At Norway Arthur Campbell Sorrell .Boys "State Sir't Sadie" .^ATIANTA^-OAi,^ Howard (1) "Pagoda I^nd" V Adlcr Well (tc H Irene Taylor Gus Mulcahy- 12 Chcstcrettns BALTIMORE, MD Century (24) Ted Claire Art Frank Ginger Rogers Tom Ross ■Victor Henry Alice Roy Ganiby TTolo Glrla "E)Cr;fHS Ttiig.T.lge" CLEVELAND, O State (28) ■ vpbw Wow" U Harry Losee E & M Beck Horton Spurr Helen Packard Paul Keast Felicia Sorel Girls "The Fleet's In" DALLAS, TEX. Palace (29) "Knlck Knj^cKs" U Lee 2 • Karavjeft Winifred & Mills ' Foster Girls DENVBIB, COL. Denver (27) "Kat Kabaret" U Nee Wong Bert Nagle & Omar -Patterson 2 . Kerenos & Mareo Ray Walman Al Rasch Girls DES MOINES. lA. Capitol (20) "Rah Rah Rah" U Joljnny Perkins Luclld Lee Al Gale Maryland CoU's'tes Cheer Leaders Keith Dancers DETROIT, MICH. Capitol (22) "Clilnese Nights" U Del Delbridge Honorable 'Wu "Oh Kay" Grand Riviera (2i3) "Highspeed" U B & E Gorman Merle Clark Lucas & Herbert "Happiness Ahead" Hollywood (23) Rae Samuela Fortunello & C Soyinour Simmons Bob Clarke "Gkng War" »Uchigan (23) •'Bltteraw't Blu's' U Wilson & Washb'rn Grace Dufaye Wella & Wintitrop Gould Girls "Night. Watcji" Criterion (Kndef.) r. Bakallenlkorr Bd "Wliig.s" Egyptlai* (2l> Bonny Rubin J & W Hftle J00 Viirdl Tniia Dot &. Hazel "Kxi!oss Baggage" Loi>w'h State (31) Al -Lyon ir.'ipjjy Idea Tod Doner Ttoliby Thompson Alone & -lOvana Bill Aklrlght . V'jiraity -1 Oalii . '"While City Sle'pa" Metropolitan. (21) J|''Jappoi-f'itos Boy Henry Bussl ■. Billy Gerbcr' Reinos Midgets - Geno Sheldon Jlutb Denlao Foster' Girls "Docks of N T" United ArtlBtrt (10) Fritz von Debrula- Cora Byrd 2 girl dancera "Battle of Sexes" Warner Bros. (24) Loo Forbsteln Orcli I-fcirry Ccbal)oa Eva Olivetti Fr.'ink Bqkoy James Burroughs Doris Walker Tommy Atkins fi Pearl 2 "State Str't Sadie" NEWARK, N. a. Brnnford (22) Charlie Melson • Eddie Moran Paul Cadcaux 3 Adams Sis Beth Bnrrl Girls J & K Spangler "Half A Bride" N. ORLEANS. I^A. Sacngor (29) "Araby" Unit Midnight 3 Glersdorf Sis Rita Owin Rasch Girls . OMAHA, NEB. Riviera (28) "Cameo" 'tjnit Ray Paige Novelty Band Idea . Tommy Wonder Coscla & Verdi Lett Sis & Louise Foster's 16. Glrla PHIL.\DELPHIA Carman^ (23) Watson & Cohen 10 Carnival. Buds Carlo -Norma Kate Smith Cosmo 3 "River Woman" Fay's (23) Harry Howard Bornice LllUe Co B & K Howard Stctn Esther 3 "River Woman" Fox (23) Benny Davla ... Margie Greene Roy Loomis Gertrude Green Bemils & Brown < Senorlta Cftrlta Jackie Heller Dudley Wilkinson James- Noel Ray Kulz Jimmy McCarthy "Mother Machree" Stanley (22) Leonldoft's glrla VoloB A Tolande Edward Lankow "Forgotten Faces" PITTSBURGH. PA. Pt^un (23) Parisian Nights - Teddy Joyce Novfillo Broa Williams Sis. Ifonry Mack Eastman . )& Mara- Poster GJrls "The Patriot'* PR'V'DENCll:. R. I. Fay's (24) Jackie Coogan Eddio^ Carr Co Ervcl & Del Glynn Valjean Co "Bon Voyage" ST. LOUIS AmImsBudor (32) Pd Lowry Fonton & Flelda . Vlrgln'la Johnson Joseph !Grinln "The Fleet's In" S. ANTONIO, XEX. Texas (29) "Hey Hey" Unit Jack Powell Gibson Sis Frank DeVoe' Foster Glrla SAN FRANCISCO California (21) Glno Severl Bd . "Wings" Granada (22) Frank Jcnks Bd Glenn OofT Bert Nagle & O Hearst Broa Patterson 2 ' '. Kerenoff & Maree Roy Walman ' "Camera ManV St. Francis (22) M BrambUlft Bd "The Tempest" Warflcid (22) Rube Wolf Bd Jan Rublnl .Hughes & Snrioot Bobby Agnew Bradley . & Wayne Aber 2 . . Agneze "Dancing D'ght'rs" WASII'TON. D. C. Vox (29) Jo's La Rose U: Lawrence Downey "Fazll" (22) Job LaRose U Boxy 4 J's'phlne Bonnlwcll Meyer Davis Sym Leon BrusHofE ' "Four Sons" .. Palace (20) . "Oh Teacher" Unit Wesley Eddy Ray Bolgor Helen ■ Kennedy ' Andrew' & L Carr. Luclen La RUe Virginia Rapy "Excess Baggage" (22) "Blossoms" Unit Wesley Eddy Arthur Ball Lewis & Moore O D Waahlngtbn Foster Glrla "Water Hole" NEW 'rORK CITY American lat half (1-3) L Betancourt Rev John Walsh Fern-& Davis Gibson & Price (Others to All) 2d half (4-7) Trout & Heff Carjeton & .Bellew Smith & Barker Klrby & DuVal Carr Broa & Betty (Three to nil) Boulevard 1st half (1-3) Cooper & Clifton June & 3o Kemper & Bayard Perezcaro Sis Rev (One to nil) 2d half (4-7) Wills & Holmes Dolan & Gale Hawthorne & Cook Roonoy Sis Rev (One to fill) Commodore 1st half (1-3) Geraldine Miller 2 Pastor & Cappo Brooks & Nace Jeroine & Ryan Bert Marks Co Prano' & T^Rue Co 2d half (4-7) Jimmy Rooney 1 .-.lay Mack John Barton Co- Cortello'a Clr (Two to nil) Deloncey St. - 1st half (1-3) Hama & Tama. (Two to nil) : Greeley Square- lat half (1-3) P & A Blum XilUlan Boardtnan Packard & Dodge Reo & Rich Lytell & Fant Magic Steps 2d half (4-7) 3 Arnlma Raymond & Faye Nellie Arnaut (Three to All) Lincoln -Square lat half (1-3) The Plckfords Dolan & Gale - John Barton Co Harry Hines ' (One to nil) 2d half i4-7) Jerome & Ryan Al H Wilaon Magic Stepa (Two to nil) ' National lat half (1-3) 3 Arnlms Nancy Decker Smith Sc. Barker Lewis & Dody (One to nil) 2d half (4-7)' Perez & Marguerite June .& Jo Bobby & King Nell McKloIey Co "Perezcaro vSIs Rev Orphenm lat half (1-3) Romaa Troupe Ryan & Moore Dalton & Craig Welsh & Hllla Packard & Dodge (One to nil) 2d half (4-7) . Wllla A Holmes Joe Wong Co Stateroom 19 Klrby & DuVal Rooney Sis Rev 40tli St. 1st half a-3) H & M Soranton Natalie Alt Co Carl Emmy's Pets Hawthorne <t Cook (One to nil) 2d half (4-7) 4 Scrlanya . Nan Blackstono Dalton & Craig Bison City 4 H Ellsworth's Rev (iates Avei. Ist half (1-3) 4 .Serelnnys. . Nan Blackstone Bison City 4 .- Biallle & Palo RcV (One to nil) 2d half (4-7) Gibson A.' Price Kerr & Weston Rev Welsh & Hills 4 Dlatnonds (One to nil) Metropolitan (1) Hubert-Dyer Co . Bud & Elinor Coll Jack Oetorman Carnival of Venice (Two to nil) : Oriental ; lat half (1-3) Osaka Boys Sherry .& Adams . Fred Weber Co lAvr Wljson Lew Wilson Gatig 2d half (4-7) Campbell -& Brady . Brooka & Nace J'onies. & Rea Rhythmic Designs (One to nil) '- Palace , ist half (1-3) The ' Fltzgeralds Eddie irfimbert Co Alice Deyo Co (Two to nil) Pork 1st half (1-S) 3 Ciistles Frolic .4 N & G Vprga Jas C Morton Co Cyclone- Rev 2d half (4-7) Canary Opera • Lee Mason & S Cunningham & B Morgan • Lake Clr Coniiiiue CORONA, Jj. I. Piitza Ist hnlf (1-3) Perez & Marguerite Cavleton & BoUcw- Baby Peggy (Two to till) . 2d'-half (4-7) Ted Marks Matthews & Ayres Vllluni & Villiinl Riot of Rhythm .. (One to nu) . ■• BV'NSVILLE, IND. . Loew'8 (1) Palermo's.- Canlnos'- Marcus Borta Abbott & Blsltind . O'Dunnc & Day Welch Clcen^rn rLUSIIIN(i, L. I. I'Tospect ' 1st half (1-3) Bob Anderson O'Connor Sis Cardiff. &- AValcia Jones & Rea Riot of Rhythm \ 2d half (4-7) Santiago 3 Nancy. Decker Morgan H Sheldon Lew Kelly Co Saranoff Co HOUSTON, TEX. Houston (1)- Bardelongs The Vagrants Grey &. Byron Lewla ■ &- Amca Whirl ■ of Splendor . JAMAICA, li. I. Hillside lat half (1-3) Alpine Sports LYONS & LYONS ^ iniuHute Chats 8AM LYONS One of tht) smartost and ninst active Timle'TiUo bookers In . the business Is our Mr. Snm'I.yojis. If you want aotlon nnd quick service for oonseoiitlve bookings, see Mr. Lyons at once. • When better "open time" le: booked; Sara Lyons will book It. LYONS & LYONS fARAMOUMT SUaNCWVOMK 2d half (4-7) O'Connor Sla (Others to nil) Premier ISt half (1-3) ■ Cortello's Clr Stanley Owen & H Matthews & Ayrea Vlllanl & Vlllanl (One to nil) 2d half. (4-7) Gordon & Day Joe Wong Co Fred Weber Co Lytell & Fant (One to nil) ATLANTA, OA. Grand (1) W E Ritchie Co ■Cardo & Noll Greta Ardlne Co Carl McCuIlough Jack Donnelly Co Bay Ridge Loews' 1st half (1-3) Gordon & Day Moran Warner & M- Villa & Vance Rev (Two to nil) 2d half (4-7) Helen Carlson Stanley Owen & H Bert Marks Co L Betancourt Rev (One to All) BOSTON, MASS. Orplieum (1) Hack & Mack Ryah & Ross Holland & Oden Hamilton Sis & F The Keccoonora (One to nil) CANTON. O. Loew's (1) F & R Royce J & R LaPearl Raymond Wilbert Lillian Morton Dolan & Bonger Co CLEVELAND, O. Granada 1st half (1-3) Canary Opera Leo Mason & S Cunningham & B Morgan & Lake Circus ComIquo 2d half (4-7) 3 Castles .Frolic 4 N .& O Vcrga Tuesday^ 723 7th Aye. New York JACK L. UPSHUTZ TAILOR, 908 Walnut St., Phik FT. WORTH, TEX. Worth (29) ' "Rio Romance" U Joe Tenner Amata Leonoro' Glrla HOUSTON, TEX. Metropolitan (20) "Hula Blues" Unit P « J Hubert Drcan Boa<'h Moore & Powell Anna Chang S Samoahs Sorel Girls L. ANCLES, CAL. 3'iSwilPV^rrt -(21) Rod Corcoran Jiiumlo Hodges Macgrecvy Sc. ■ J Boulevard Beauties "Just Married" Curtliuy Circle (24) Movlf>lonc Cnrll ICllnor Orch "Mother Knows" Chinese (Indef.) Sid Grauirian'-s U Sol IIoopU Tr Lei Lanl Tr 3 Brox Sis '^Vh•^R Shtidowg" Raymond & Faye Jack DcSylvla Co (Three to nil) 2d half (4-7) 3 I'jondona Ryan & Moore George Lyona LeVarr- Broa & P (Two to nil) Fiilrmount Ist half (lr3) Santiago 3 Lomax & Johnson Ia>w Kelly Co 4 Dlamonda (One to nil), 2d half (4-7) Bob^^Anderson^ Natallo Alt Co Baby Peggy Romas 'It . (One to nil) Grand lat half (1-3) Campbell St Brady Kit Kat 3 Kerr & Weston Co Al Hc-rman Nellie Arnaut Bora 2d half ,(4-7) I'lckforda Boh Nelson Co Morino ft Mona 0« Gracella & Th'doro 2d half (4-7) Lawton Moran Warner ft M Lowia -& Dody Braille & Palo Ore (One to All) Slate (1) -Van Horn Si. Ines 3 Lido Boya' Leon & Dawn . Emil Boroo Juvenile Steppers (One to nil) Victoria lat half (1-3) Plotz Bros & Sis -Ted—Marka— - —— ^ Morgan & Sheldon Smith & AHman Rhythtnlc Designs 2d half (4-7) Cooper & Clifton Sherry A Adama Stateroom IJ Kemper ft Bayard (One to nil) BROOKLYN Bedford lat half (1-1) Plots Bros ft Sis John Walsh, K»rn ft Davis Jaa C 'Morton Co Cyclone Rev Geo Lyoiia Flaming ■'Vouth IVIarlno & Mona.Rev (One to fill) 2d.h.'ilf (4-7) H & M Scranton Al Herrhan Ferguson' Del V Co (Two to nil) MEMPHIS, TENN. Loew's (1) Evelyn Phillips Romalne & Castle Keller Sla ft Lynch Ross Wyse.Jr Co Private. Slack MONTREAL. CAN. I>oew's (1) Wilfred DuBoIa Meehan ft Newman Seynioiir P & . B Ralph Whitehead Radio Fancied' NEWARK, N. J. State (1) The LeRaya Gary & Baldl Patrlcola Joyner -^ Foster Frldkln & Rhoda NEW ORLEANS . State (1) Selma Braatz Henry Regal Co Wilson Bros Johnny. Marvin LoWe-Sargent Rev NORI^OLK, VA. State (1) NIobe Rcstlvo Clark & Bergman Ed Sheriff Co Lorraine & MInto TORONTO, CAN. .. Loe-iv's (1) Rainns Monks Osoar Grogan Saxtoh & Farrell Donovan ft Lee Fe.ler * I>ang Orch W'DHAVEN, 1* I. Wlllard 1st half (1-3) Ijawton LeVarr Bros ft: P Bob -Nelson Co Saranolt Co - - (One to nil) 2d half (4-7) P ft A lUum Kit Kat 3 Carl Emmy'a Pets Harry Hines Jack DeSylvIa Co YONKERS, N. y. Yonkers 1st liolf (1-3) Helen Carlson- ■ Prank Terry H Ellsworth's ftev (Two to fill) 2d hELlf (4-7)- Osaka. Boys I.«w Wilson Lew Wilson Gang (Two to nil) NEW YORK CITY Broadway (1) Eno Family Alexander ft Peggy Harry J Conley Co Boyle ft Delia (One to nil) - (24) Wade Tjootli '— Marie ft Ann Clark Barr 2 Burns ft Kane Ethel 'Vyiiters C^iieafer 1st half (1-3) . Phillips ft Sheldon Carl ft N Fletcher Dale ft Wendt Hal Kelnian Zeigler Sis ft Bros 2d half (1-7) P't't I^eathcr Boys . Bi-lly Arlington Crt (Three to nil) 2d half (27-30) Peppino ft Cartho Jimmy Pinto Co The Co-E(ls Nelson ft Knight Bllz Brlco Boya _____ Coliseum Jsr"h a 1 f "'Tl'^3 )"^ Kit Kat 4 Ray Shannon Winnie Lighlaer (Two (o nil) 2d half (4-7) Peter Higglns Kenneth Harlan Trahan ft Wallace (Two to nil) 2d half (27-30) 4 UesBoms Tom Waring Alexander ft Peggy G'enn Hunter Co Reed ft LeVore Pedro Rubin Co 81at ^t. (1) Wade Booth- Enchantment (Three to nil) . (24) Chan Carrer Art Henry Co Hooper ft Orttchett Wlnnlo' IJghtnor I*arlslfn Art' Fordliam lat half (1-3) Peter lllgglns Kenneth Hiirlun Trahan .& .Wallace •ycsterthoughta (One to nil) ■2d. halt (4-7) ■Ijpon Lponard • ■\Vlnnio Llghtner 'Zelgler Sla ft Bros (One to nil) 2d half (27-30) Dainty E Narino Carl ft N Flo.loher Sh'mr'cka ft Tulips Fronk Cbnvlllo Omer. Hebort Rpv FAR ROCK A WAY Strand 2d half. C4-7) Slverr -Boys (3ibb 2 Waller Walters Co Thoa J Ryan Co (Two to nilv 2d half (27-30) Ausslo'ft Czeok Danny Small (^o Modern Cinilorolla Doi-lckaon & Browh Emily Darren OFFICIAL DENTIST TO THE N, V. A. DR. JUUAN SIEGEL 1560 Broadway. Bet,- 46tli-47th SU,. New Yort This Week: Biahqhe Newcotnb;. Prof.. George 'Scott.: (Three to nil) 2d half (27-30) George McLennon Herbert Faye Co Rlch'ft Cherlo Larry Rich FrlohdH (One to nil) Eranklih 1st half (l-3) Bl'riibbrg'a Al'sk'ns Keo Takl ft Yokl Thoa J Ryan Co.. Kono-Grcen ft M Mitchell ft Durant 2d half (4-7) 6 Jansleys, Frank Convllle • - I-Iarrlngton- Sis - Jose Bohr Co . (One to nil) 2d half (27-30) ' Jay C Pllppert Unit - Hiimliton > - 1st half ,(1-3) 4 Selons East ft. Dumke (Three to nil) 2d half (4-7) Sandy Shaw Elton Rich Glrla . (Three to nil) 2d half (27-30) . Crystal 3 Stanley Owen ft H Fargo ft 'Richards Jack Wilaon Co National' Danct^a HIpiHxIromo (1).' Mel Klee.Unlt (21) B Jansleys ' Kit Kat 4 .Tosephine Harmon Doc- Baker Co Lang &■ Haley: Earl Lindsay's Rev Jefferson lat halt (1-3) Lewis ft Wlnthrop Billy Arlington'Cb Derlcltsori ft^ Brown Toney & Norman Down Homo Rev' - 2d half (4-7) . Bl'mborg'a Al'ak'ns Keo Takl & Yokl Maurice Samuela Calm ft Gale Alma Ncilson Boys 2d half (27-30) - Oautlor'a Pony Boy. Sherr Boys . . Ladiiis ft G'ntlem'n Jack Newriian .-Jr Anthony ft H'wl'nd Gibb .2 Pnlnco (1) Felovls ■ • Pu7.z Knight Night at the.Club Jerome & Gray Frankle Heath (Others to nil) (24) (Jhevaller Bros Jack Po'aro . Marg'ret Anglln Co Sally Rand Co Man ft His Gang Buck & Bubbles (Three to nU) Regent 1st half (1-3) Henry Barsha 2 Ladles. & G'ntlem'n Anthony ft H'wl'nd Carl Freed Orch ' BROOKLYN^ Alboc (1) Camilla's Birds Chevalier Bros Hopper ft Gatchett Ethel Water.i Sally Rand Boys. (24) 6 Daunton Shaws Chais Pureell Mayo .ft Lynn Enchantment (One to nil) Bnsitwlclc lat half (1-3) Wilton ft Murphy ■B Jansleya Medley ft Dupree . Parla Creations . (One to nil) 2d half (4-7) Florettya Velma Kane Shore Leavo All- Wrong (One to nil) 2d half (.27-30) Breen Kaye Co : . Arthur Geary Cb Ray Shannon Co Jonca- ft Johos. 4 Selona - Greenpolnt- Ist half (1-3) Leah Jack Wilson Co Brltton & Lewis' (Two to nil) 2d half (4-7) Brady Riddle ft M Gua Faye Co Anthony ft H'wl'nd (Two to fill) 2d half (27-30) The palmlroa :-Carey Long ft M'rr Herbert Carthell Stroud & Wheeler . Estes Bernlce Co ■ - Kenmoro . 1st half (1-3) Ken. Murray . Webb's Ent (Three to. nil) 2d half (4-7) Derlckson ft Brown, Ray Shannon Art Henry Co I.ang ft Haley (One to nil) 2d half (27-30) Jean Bedlnl Co Pat O'Malley Barry ft Whitledge Day ft Alleen Co (One to nil) Madison lat half (1-3) Sargent ft : Lewis . Maurice Sainiuels - '4 .Camerona ■'' T'm Llnt'tia 'Follies (One to nil)- 2d half (4-7) Jack Newman Jr I>adie3 & G'ntlem'n Mabel Wlthee Co Tohey ft Norman (One to nil) 5d half (27-30) 4 Flashes Velam Kane Billy Arlington Co Keo Taltl ft Yokl Keno-Gree'n ft M Josle Flynn's Mlna EXCLUSIVELY DESIGNED GARMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN BEN ROCKE 1632 B'way, at 50th St., N. V. City Omer llebert Rev (One to nil) 2d half (4-7) Phillips ft Sheldon Buss ft Mack Down Home Rev (Two to. nil)' 2d half (27-30) Seror Bros ft Sis Melva T.aliiia Betty ft J Brown Calm & Gale jdse Bohr .Co Riverside. (1) 4 Ucssems Tom Waring Day ft Allcon Rev (Three to nU) (24) 4'Waltona Boyle ft Delia Casey & Warren Mae Usher Natncha Nattova (One to nil) , Royal 1st half (1-3) The. Florcttys Ash Adams ('o Mikado Ramblers (Two. to nil) . 2d half (4-7) Nelsons Marty May. Paris Creations (Two to nil) 2"d half (27-30) B ft M Stanley -J^at_Bii.rns , At the MetropoTtl'n" Ken Murray Co Webb's Ent CONEY ISLAND Tiiyou 1st half (1-3) Jack Newm.m Jr Walter Walters' Co Calni ft Gale Gl'dys Delm'r Boya (One to nil) 2d half (4-7) Lucy Bruch Kcno ft Green ft M Hal Nr»lman Ori>hcum lat hall (1-3) Our Gang John. Hynjan ^ Young Wong Tr' (Three to HID 2d half (4-7) Henry Borsh'er Co Marie Nordstrotn Jack Wilson Co (Two to nil) . 2d half (2r.-30) Floreltys Sophie Kasmlcrr Clarence',Oliver. C<> Robins ft Jewett Gladys D'lmar Boy» Prospect 1st half (1-3) Roger Wllliarria Marie Nordstrom Freda & Palace Jose Bohr Co (One to nil) 2d half (4-7) Sargent ft Le-yvla 4 C.-imerona Leah Co -. (Two to nil) 2d half (27-30) Black ft Gold. Janet Reado Franlc'McGlynn Co Thos J Ryan Bl'mborg's Al'sh'ns AKRON, O. . Palace 1st half (1-3) -(Same=-^bllI=:iPlayjl Youngs'town 2d half) Dan Fitch's Mlna . 2d half (27-30) Stlckney's Circus Wheeler & ."^and* Wilson ft Dobson Fred Strltt 14 Brlcktous ALLENTOWN, PA. Colonial let half (l-3> Leo's Singers Allnb Reno