Variety (Sep 1928)

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50 VARIETY ^ — L E G I T I M A T E Wednesday, September 26, 192§ in N. Y. mi tmmml Figures, estimated and comment po(nt to some attractions being successful, while the same jgross accredited to others might suggest mediocrity or loss. The variance Is.explained in the difference in house capacities with the varying overhead. Also the size of cast, with consequent difference in necessary gross of profit., Variance in business necessary for musical attraction as against dramatic play is also considered. Classification of attraction, house capacity- and top prices of the admission scale given below.. Key to classification: C (cbmedy); O (drama): r!'(revue); M (musical comedy) ;F, (farce) ;0 (operetta). Admission tax applies on tickets oi^er 1^3. "A Connecticut Yankee," Vandprbilt (AUth week) (M-».82-$5.50.). An-; other three . weeks according to pi'oscnt' - plans; still inakinff money; slightly off last week at $1-1,500; "The Crooks Convention" or another musical to follo\y. •"Adventure," Republic (1st week) (C- 901-$3). Independently presented; written by John Willard; Robel-ta Arnold featured; opened: Tues- day. ^'Blackbirds," . Liberty (21st ^veek) (R-l,202-$3), Holding up such consistently strong bualness that another house may be secured, al- though routed out; over ?22,000; "Mr. Moneypenny" Oct. 15. *By Request," Hudson (1st week) (Crl,094-$3). Presented by George M. Cohan; well regarded out. of town; written by J-. C. arid Elliott Is iisent; opens Thursday, Sept. 27. •'Chee Chee," Mansfield (1st week) (M-l-050-$5.50). Presented by Lew Fields; Fields, Rogers and Hart mu.sical; rated uniisuali opened Tuesday. "Cross My Heart," Knickerbocker (2d week) (M-l,412-$4.40), Drew mixed opinions> first night away under expectations of Boston en- gagement; agency support ac- counts for fairly good trade; $19,000 claimed. "Diamond- Lil," Royale (25th week) (CD-l,117-$3). Indefinite; freak success may last into winter; week bettered $14,000, plenty, profitable. "Elmer the . Great," Lyceum (Isi Week) (C-957-$3). Another George M. Cohan premiere this week; well rated out of town; opened Mon- day, "Eva the Fifth," Little (5th week) (C-530-$3). Business . over-osti- mated; getting approximately $5,- . 000 or bit under; management still hopefi.ll. of sticking it acros>s. *^Fast Life," Ambassador (1st week) (.D-1.200-$3). Presented by A. H. \Voods; Avritten by SamU.el Ship- man and John B. Hymer; try-out indicated success possibilities; oi)t'ns tonight (Sept. 26). "Front Page," Tiriies Equare (7th week) (C-l,057-$3.85). jS'ewcomers have mai'lv to shoot at in this one; non-mUsical leader;away out in front; •$2'4,500 and more. "Gang War," Morosco (Gtn week) (CD-8<)8-$3), Surely ballyhoo on gang stuff; doing fair tirade, but not exceptional; ma;y last through fall; average around $9,000. ' "Gentlemen of the Press," Henry Miller (5th week) (C-916-$3). ..ricked up-, last week; around $0,000; since under stop limit may move to another house; "The Final Fling," also "Heavy Tralfic' (cuiTtM-it at Fnipire) mentioned to follow Oct. 15. ■ "Goin' Home," Masque (6th week) (CD-700-$3). Moved from Hudson Monday; light to date between $5,000 and $6,000;'reported guar- nntpolng. "Good Boy," Hammcrstoin's (4tli week) (M-l,400-$6.60). Not actual capacity but getting important money and rated musical success; eslimated ai-oxmd $35,000. "Good News," Chanin's 46th St (56th week) (M-l,413-$5.50). Hold ihp to profitable pace as antic- ipated and expected to stay an other two months; last week over $21,000. "Grand Street Follies," Booth (18th week) (lt-704-$3). . Final week ■ may- .get • another. :house going on tour; did well enough as summer show and annual fixture ■ at; recently $9,000; "Pos .•session" nejctweelc. "Heavy Traffic," Fmplrie (4th week) (C.D-1,0y9-$3.8,'i).. Getting fairly good biisine.s.s but not exceptional; $11,500 last week; may move; lioiise- due t.6 got "Olymuia'' soon "Jarnegan," i..ongacre (1st week) . (CD-I,010-$3). Presented by Ch:irles Gordon and Paul Streger; stage vor.slon of Jim TiiUy's book; Itichard Bennett ' starred; opened Alonday. VJealousy," Announced to open thin week, Init premiere ])0.'-<tl)oned, change antic ijiated. "Luckee Girl," ■ Cia.sino (2nd week) (M-1.477-$4.40). SLartcd nu)d eraU'ly well at scale; first week's e.^tiinatf around $16,000. "Machinal," Plymouth .(4th week) (l)-l,0]2-?3). Received a world of favorable press comment;. Mu.sIt . jumjjed promisingly lust ^ -week,.around $14.00.0. ,'^NFgFr Hostessl;"-^Marti7r^-lf?eek=-(-3d wwlO (CD-l,18i»-$3). I'icked up top ln((< last week, evening at- tondimco especially good; - cstl mated at $1(),000 or morel "Raih or Shine," (Jeoi^ge M. Cohan (34th week) (M-l,371-$5.50). lOx- pi'ctcd to hold its own against new musicals; plenty in sight; np- proxinuitely $35,000 .since cooler wo.'tthor aiTivcd. "Rblations," ■\V;iIIiick's (fUh week) ng'^Arms," (¥s First FaH Rop, Out; (C-770-$3). Moved Monday from Masque; Saturday night best since opening; business weak, but man- agement hopeful. "Ringside," i->roadhui-st (5th week) (C-1.118-$3). Opening of "Tlic Big Figift" next door did' not af- fect trade herei, although both plays ai-e similar in prize fight plot; "Ringside" $10,000 to $11,000, but under top limit; "Hold Fvery- thing". reported coming in Oct. 10. 'Rosalie," New Amsterdam (38th vyeek) (M-l,702-$6.60). Another, month or so; bett'e^ lately, around $32,000; "VVlibopee," sueccs.sor/In rehear.sal. "Scandals," 'Apollo (13tK week) R-l,16S-$6.60>. Statements con- tinue to show capacity, but agency demand not as strong; claiming over $49,000. "Show Boat," Ziegfeld (4bth week) (M-l,75P-$6.60), Jumped back in lead of musicals; in past tWo weeks gross went to atound $50,'^ 000; agencies report top sales. "Skidding," Bayes (19th week) (C-860-$3). Costa very little to operate; riianagejrterit claims to profit over actual costs at $5,^00;, stock may get it out:, of red: "Strange Interlude," John Golden (35th week) (D-900-|4.40); Dated until late winter And may go through new season; capacity at $16,000. "The Bachelor Father," Belasco (31st week) (D-l,000-$3.85). Last three weeks; longer stay con- ceded, but new "Mima" spotted; around $15,000 lately. "The Big Fight," Majestic (2nd week) (CD-1.776-$3). Jaclc Demp- sey-Estell Taylor show, drew mixed notices; announced for four weeks only; about $23,000 in seven performances, but could have gotten mote. "The Big, Pohd," Bijou (6th week) (C-605-$3). In doubt; may be sent to Chicago shortly; good ticket for agencies, hut balcony trade light; somewhat better last week at $7,500. "The Great Power," Ritz . (3rd week) (C-945-$3). May move to another house hcxt week; very little to date; maybe $5,000; "Women" , mentioned for next week. "The High Road," Fulton (3rd week). (C-913-$3.85): Excellent demand in agencies and to date indicates /solid hit; second week approxi- mated $18,000. "The Ladder," Cort (101st week) (CD-l,094-$3). Contract guaran- teeing house expires In another two weeks; additional two weeks will piobalily be played, but for no rea.son; flop of all time. "The New Moon," Imperial (2nd week) (M-l,400-$5.50). Hailed as new musical, hit; $27,000 in first five .performances; • can better $40,000, indicated weekly pace. "The Phantom Lover," 49tb Street (D-708-$3). Taken off Sept. 15, playing two weeks to little trade; "Straight Thru the Door" next- week. "Tbe Royal Family," Selwyn (40th week) . (C-l,067-J3.85). Duo to toui" in. another three weeks; about $li.Poa lately; house may be dark couple 6£ weeks, then "This Year of Grace." "The Silent House," Sam H. Har- ris (34th week) (D-l,051-$3). Going out in week or so, with Century mentioned before .road tour; getting $9,000; "Sunny Days" tries Century liext week. "The. Song Writer," 49th Street: (7th week) (C-9G9-$3).. . Appears to have little chance; pace esti- mated under $5,000 and house soon due for another attraction. "The Three Musketeers," Lyrio . (29Lh ..week) (M.-l,305-$6.60). Picked up throughout September; pare bettering $35,000; stood up surprisingly during .^rummer and approxjmate cai)acity may be re- gained." "The Trial of Mgry Dugan," Cen- tury (54th week) (D-2,800-$3). li'inal week; moved here from 42nd street month ago prior to road; liist so.-i.-^on's jneller siTi.MSU. ."This Thing Called Love," Maxine . Elliott (2nd week) (C'-i)15-$3.«5). Got otllto f.-iirly good start; first week's t.'ikings (i.uoted nt $0,000 to $10,000, princi]>Mlly from agencies; Ivticony off. "The War Song," National (1st week) (('])-!,l(i4-$;{). Pi-esented by Albert JiOwis and Sam H. Ilar- :;^ria.:^jCk^orja- i-v-. .less.o L_sj jvi:ri' j.l; _j l.'ilji.uMtcd'. in Wi'iring -wiTli. tfu? .Si)c\vack.«; ■ liiiihiy rated otit of tuwii: Kp'-ni'd V, "Vanities," l';:u-l (.'.-u-nill" (.Sth we"U) • (U-!ti)S-$7.Tii). Cap:n-ity rule plus slandces: liighcst sc;ili> in town fur first five rows; $10. odd, recdui bii.-^ine.-^s for hou.^o. "White Lilacs," Shubert r:h-d week) n-1 ,:j9.'-?n.50). .\.i;cii.-y trade liflimm. tii'Mii;h -li i i.n'! l:.:iril!v San Franci.sco, Sept. 25, "Good News" made its local, dehui week for a smashing hit. Looks j good for eight to 10 weeks. Advance i sale ' is heayy and tops "Desert . Sorig" on this phase. Another local,' premiere was "Royal Family," now ; at the Geary after preliminary ' showings in Santa Barbara. Com- edy didn't click so solidly at the start, the grand opera sea.son evi- dently having something to do with it. Business built as the week ad- vanced, and. now the outlook is good. - Henry Duffy's "Tommy" -yvound ui> 12 successful weeks at the. Al- cazar and departed for a four to six weeks road touri Marjorie liambeau. in a revival of "Antonia," followed. At Duffy's President, "Daddies" in its second week held strong, with prospects of the run continuing for eigh t to ten more weeks. Sid Gold- tree got some good breaks for "JOasy for Zee Zee" at his.. Green Street, when numerous letters appeared in the. letter box column of several local dailies protesting aigailist w)iat they term an immoral play. iBusi- ness picked; up correspondingly. Estimates for Last Week. Curran—"Good News," second week. One of the biggest bets this house has had In seasons; priced at $2.50 top; the collegiate musical had no trouble reaching $24,000 first six days. . Geary—"The Royal Family," sec- ond week. When word about this one gets noised aroiind indications are business will take, a Jump; first week around $11,000 and satisfac- tory. .. President—"Daddies," third week. Robert McWade has developed strong .local following; business hear capacity, second week topping $5,800.. Alcarar—"Tommy. Comedy held up to the end; final week somewhat off, but closed to $3,500. • Green Street—"Easy for Zee. Zee," third week. Off color French farce drawing the mobs; second week topped $2,500; very good. . "Burlesque" Shaky After Start; Most Veterans Hold Fast Pace $5,800 for Minn. Stock Minneapolis, Sept. 25. "Married, and How," which had a short Broadway life, proved a good stock bill. It pleased Shubert patrons very much and gave the Bainbridge Players (dramatic stock) a very nice week. Gross about $5,800. A tabloid musical comedy version of "Scrambled Wives" -went over well at the Palace, grossing close to $5,5O0> for the McCall Bridge Players; "The Merry Whirl" (Mutual wheel burlesque) did around $4,000 at the Gayety. Metropolitan dark after a -week of "Dawn" (fiction), 'but has the Cohan comedy. "Whispering Friends," from the Illinois Theatre, Chicago, this week, . *Deck' and Stock High in Prov. at $18,000 & $11,500 Providence, Sept, 25. Another good week at the Albee with the stock'presentation of "The Racket." The last three produc- tions, "Abie's Irish Rose," "Yellow" and "Racket" all did over $11,000. Stock bows out this Saturday. "Hit the Deck" had a fair week with Queenie Smith. These $2 tops are not so bad. Modern stock cpin- pany in "Roses of Picardy" played to only fair houses, patrons not tak- ,ing any too well to the title. House has Peggy Wood this week as the season's first guest star. Estimates for Last Week Albee (K-O) (2,500; 20-$l). Big weeTt . for stocK7"Which~"close3 this Saturday, "The Racket" around $11,500. Opera House (Ind) (1,300; 50-$2). Queenie Smith in."Hit the Deck"; okay; stifl shirts and low-euts glimpsed for first time this season; about $18,000. Carlton (Fay) (1,600; 15-75). Tab and movies still holding oh, but tal) is slipping; around $6,00Q. Fay (Fay) (2,300; 15-50). Sam Robbins' "Baltimoreans," vaudo and pictures; good for $10,500^ Chorus Equity Suspends 2 for Joining "Lido Girl Wallace Furie and Blanche <.'o]- lins have been suspended indefinite- ly by the Chorus Eaulty for appear- ing In I'Lido Girl," non-Erjuil.v .show at the Tottcn, New York. Suspension of both members i.-s for an indefinite period pendin;; their appearance before the Equity Tdv'rnX'lir—ir=Y175==dtSfcTi3iB^i3=-^ntx*i=t'd= within 15 days the council, at iH next meeting, will set period dT susjienslon. ro.ted among Icadora; estimated .'it $20,000 last week; may move ti> Jolson's with "I'lvs-n-D ;i i -j y" i:.lined liere for OoL S, . Chicago; Se|)t. 25,- Four departures.before the seJvson is a month old stirred up plenty of um-est last wefek, Yet the. switching' ;\\ as nothing more tiian planned, ex- cept in the instance of "Present Arm.s," the se;isOn's Hrst recognized flop at the Wbod.s. Doiibtftil if any of the moderate money attractions are below their operating expenses, yet these have little or no.hopc for improvempnt at the stands because of the recognition given three mus- icals and two dramatics. Up with the strong inusicals and int.o the lead fox* the non^musickls. this Week will come the Theatre Guild. Big. carriage turnout at the IMac.lfStone, and society ooliuiins car- ried."names'" for first time since the opera. . "Burlosciuo" Is shaky at the Har- ris. J<'or a reputed punch gross get- ter the Monday-Tues<l;iy grosses scared everybody. . ' Brokers ran around in circles, and .suspicion is that the show held off too long be- fore eomiiig here. Trouble is also encountered in the daily ads, with the word"iiurles(iue" du])Uoated by the eyeV popping up burlesque houses which are outdoing.the regular legit houses on space. Opening night Ciill for the new Harris attraction indicated a $20,000. pace, but the tumble' came quick and the first week was around $15,000. : Conditions at tlic sti'ujds were more or topsy-turvy during the entire week. For a while, it looked as if VManhattan Mary": had been pegged.wrong, too, •■MaVy" had nin immense call opening ni^iit ($5,000), a sharp drop Monday caused a scare, but after the special party sellout Wednesday night "Mary"' got down to earth and i.s .now placed as a cinch winner for at least eight weeks. Any interference Willi the lirokers scaling the lower floor at $7.70, $6.65 and $5.90 will come from "iiio Rita," already, in demand. For a holdover into the new sea^ son "Good News" continues to make records, despite the acknowledged slij). Strength of engagement is best cl-.i eked by the brokers grabbing $5.90 for orchestra se.ats without a nmrmiir. This Is $1.50 over the box office price. Incoming «liows always hurt Sunday, and this was the cause contributed for the nUp at the Sel- wyn when "Mary" and the other two openings were li.«ted. • It's going to be the same story for "My Maryland"' (Great. Northern) for piany weeks to come. It'.^ al- most time for the Great Northern to be called a "Chicago institution." It's another gold mine season for the Shuberts, their greatest'Avinner here. "Present Arms" had bad breaks opening night l)ack.stago, but it't In the cards for a musical of tills type to hit in the face of exist- ing competition, Shuberts are con- centrating On setting right the Woods but the chances are tliey'll find it a with the cream of shows at the Grand, "Command to Love"' is solid at the Studeliaker, al- though variations happen with the upsets of .the town. Critics are, sec- ond thought boosting "Command." "Queens Husband" is tabbed for moderate but profitable trade at the Cort. Average between ^10,000 and $13,000 will hold "Husband" for a good run. "Mary Dugan" is trying to keep away from the fate that gnisped the sen!5atio7>al getaway of "Broadway" last year. When a knockout like "Dugan" strikes town, and the brolcers run into two or throe bad nigh ts;- wlth their....stoclc,.jjanic rei.gns, hurting -matters.' This situ- ation arose last week but "Dugan" holds, and will be around when Chri.stmas presents are exchanged. All tliroe of George M, Cohan.'s shows picked up on the final week, slight but noticeable; we.'Uiier prevailed, but a slow'-up in Sunday sales, e>ccept for openings; has. ■ the, . nianagers .«u(>.ssing. It'.s a new ripple in the conditif)ns that make up the errac- tic le.scit trade licre, MallneeS; first noted to be .on the increase two year.s a.Ejo, .are healtliier ever,, wciilc gi-oss attractif>ns getting their biggest tr;ule on the midweek mats in the ma.iorit.v of ctise.s,- Estimates for Last Week "Arms and the Girl" (r.hickstone, week). Tiieatre CJuild well han- dled and in on strength of more lliiin 5.000 .sul)scriptiMns; two weeks licnce biir will be changexl; no gain for sjiacc because of the w.'iy tiok- <'ts .'ire h;uullf(l l.iy the (Juild's own stii iT. ^:=^Trj" a L=.o.t.=M AT y^lJDija an^L^^LA ^ .,'tVi v.'cf>k). Dej'pite huri-;\h tor t;cl<"ts two weeks, m;in;ige- Mi'-iit hiis. di.Mfover>'(l no li;tiip can 111' ni.'iile in oamiuiign bi-ca.u'sf of. '.liis rritzy show town: brokers ;irc lo.-tded and et)de.i\-iirini^ to kc-p ;u>.;iy from tin' pit Ihcy fell in In niih "i;r>i.'iil\\a,\": ?2r..n(tn, or I'los". t'l ii. 1 "My Maryland" Xoi'lli- I'i-n^ 4lh week), I'iling up b'ig.coin o.n a run that will take it beyojid n-ildyer»r, diii)licii,ting recent pre- vious booking.s' Mi this house: will keep above $30,000 for mnriy weeks on wave of present populiirity. "Manhattan Mary" (Grand, '.'d week). .CaiKvciiy coin oitenini; night . ($5,000). sold, out, 1o . puriv Wednesday nigVit ($4121)0) and .started to display spirited .advance sale midweek; three price.s; foi" I)rokei-s for lower fioor. $;{4,000 in- itial week. "Night in Spain'! (Majestic, -lili and final woeii). Medificro.gross en- gagement off at the stixnd.i^; got house under way , with "Red Robe'' to follow; totaled' about $S4;o6o for four weeks. "Silent House" (Gnrrick, Ath week). will keep it in for £ 3od rvm; . around $11,000. with spurt.s, - "Good News" (Selwyn :32d week), Brc»kei-s still consider it their safest . buy- , balcony off nights and general slip.from ea-rlier weeks, lint, still .with the le.'ider.s; maybe year's run; averages $23,000. "Burlesque" (Harris, 2d week), Hasn't. hit as expected; brokers ronfu.sed since tliey .picked it next to "Diigah"'; perliaps trifle late in arriving, similar plot itlea beating it in: balcony, on top of slow broker .sales, failed to respond: still has ch.ance to better fust week's $15,000. . ^Command "to Love" (Studebiiker, 4th. week). Oi)position at U\9 stand-S didn't materialize with broker-s renewing their efforts here;, looks like $75,000 total for' first four weeks; tabbed a solid hit. "Queen's Husband" (Cort, 2d Week). Critics got back of this one; picked it ahead of the other two openings and sent it off right; consldei'ed among moderate for $11,000 average . "Broadway" (Central, .2d week). Stock presentation okay with $6,000 or little better; critics stepped otit and gave it a helpinpt hand, un- .usual for .«itock presentations. "TAKE AIR" AT $18,000 NEAR WILBUR CAPACITY Boston, Sept. 2,-.. With the Harvard boys back in town, schools opening, business throughout the city was i*eported good, ".liist a Minute," at the Tru- mbnt, held its. lead with a gross oT $19,000 for the -w-eek, while "Take the AiJ"" 'T-t the Wilbur was ti> a sell-out at $18,000. The weatiier was 'right. "Exccs.s Baggage" closed at the Plyftioutli after a weak run. ■ Madge Kennedy in "Pari.'* P,ound" opened Monday at The Colonial, closed for a week after departure of "Cross Mv Heart," reopiened Monday with Thurston, magician, for twQ wc< ;:s only, t "Golden Dawn." at. the Shuberl-in third week, went over big. jumping the first week's gross by almost five grand, "The Queen's Taste" is booked in the house for Oct. 1. Frank Craven's "The 19th Hole," at the Hollis, ran a that is aver.ige for the housie and good for a return engagement. "Dracula" is announced for the Hollis for Oct. 1. "The Gre.Tt Necker" closed at the ..Majestic after a good run. Played -to.S.oqd, houjses at Wilbur, ojjeiiing the season and heTd up wiHl at"^Ma^ jostle, "Hold lOvorything" opened at house for two weeks Monday. Estimates for Last Week "Golden Dawn" (Shubert, 3d week). Melodious operetta a. la H.'immer- stein making a real hit. $.20,000. improvement of $5,000. " . . "take the Air" (Wilbur. 3d week); Will Mahoney is packing them in to small house and is bidding for long run. ..$18,000.. . "Hold Everything" (Majestic.. 1st week). "The (Jreat Xecker" finished .'iftpr playing well for seven wecK> in two houses. $10,000. "Paris Bound" (I'lymouth. 1st week). "K.vcr.s.s Baggage" did not stny long enough to reap the beiie- nUs of gt)ii.d wordTt)f-m(>uth. lUisi- nes.'s spolLy. $0,000, . "The 19th Hole" niollls. 2d week). Frank (.'raven holding his own in house tliat seldom exceeds his of $10,000, "Just a Minute" (Tremont. 3d we-nkj.,^;viji,^u;ii=iimii£uly,.jii=th^^^^^ per of the revne tho hj'l of ihi> town. $19,000, Warburton Stock. Laura Ai-n()ld. bending her owi. i romp:itiy, has cspened an imlefinlte 'slock .stay at the W'arlnirlon ih''- Y.)n;.'.-:-s. X. Y,